#more ocs to play with hehe
hxneyfaerie · 4 months
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just a lil dump of sims i’ve made to populate the Hollow, a lil coven of wayward occults that have left the Realm 🔮
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bunnysnared · 21 days
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taking my oc making process very seriously clearly
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smalltimidbean · 4 months
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Satoshi but as a Fake Peppino clone, so no longer Satoshi but still mostly them jlkdfgkj
They do need a different name tho, bc my food-themed naming scheme can not be ruined!!! (silly! I already messed up on that early on, but still jkfdjkfsd) - I would refer to them by number, but I am leaning towards them being one of Mr D'Angiolini's... 'Special Request' clones for 'Personal Use', so they wouold not have a number, but I have not decided yet!
For now; They are here, and ready to get sillay
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lemongogo · 4 months
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my tavs :3c
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reksink · 6 months
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In Dedication to Two Lovely Slugpups 💚
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kcsmell · 18 days
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Another doodle of my dnd character, Amourr. I love drawing her sooooo muchhhhhhh
Debating if I want to work on this more or not 🫠
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cookiesnpaste · 2 months
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I have things to post other then this one OC but the brainrot wont let me, have his canon outfit (until I redesign it like a maniac)
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rabbit-rays · 15 days
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you were wrong, anyways.
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the sillies
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cherryrockpops · 9 months
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Music Lessons
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bethrnoora · 10 months
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as done as it'll get!! hiisi's ref sheet!! that is technically a lil outdated already on account of i have him usually wearing the nightingale armor lol
some additional fun facts about him under the cut:
he keeps stumbling into requests made of him by Daedric princes and accruing their favor. he's not particularly reverent about the whole thing (the closest he comes to that is taking his allegiance to Nocturnal marginally more seriously than some of the others) but it's nice to be appreciated
also likes to fish. women want me fish fear me type of man
talented lutenist! he likes kicking up a performance as a ruse for some thievery or mayhem. also plucks away at it during his downtime at the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary despite Nazir complaining
great appreciator of illusion magic, but not very good at it (which pisses him off)
light swords and daggers are his favored weapons, but he's also a crack shot with a bow
does not give A Single Shit about the civil war or the dragons returning, he just wants to steal other people's money (and kill things. and go fishing)
he has a soft spot for orphans and will always stop to give a kid some food or money or talk to them on account of he knows what it's like to be on your own as a child
Cicero absolutely ties additional ribbons and cloth to his tail, both to mess with him and just because he finds it a charming habit
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bishicat · 9 months
bishi i gotta know whats vivs canon cyberpunk ending? like if you had to pick one thats actually ingame what would you pick
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ok so if I had to choose, I would def choose the Sun ending through the (Don't Fear) The Reaper ending cause I can convince myself that the Crystal Palace holds the cure/Johnny's back-up body and it's the most open-ended imo (i need to believe in something 🤡).
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[May 11, 2004]
There is a hidden info file located at Elliot Ludwig's desk, press read it to look.
Andrew ''Young" Williams
33 years old.
Married to Maria Elise(30), and had a son Derek "Young" Williams(8)
Hair color: soothe black
Hair length: on the shoulder length
Hair loose: messy
Extra: had a beauty mark on the upper middle left in the cheek, and had a clear slight hidden scar on his left eye.
[ FACT: He lost an left eye during a car accident on March 10 and now he is wearing an black sunflower themed eyepatch, though he usually wears eye contacts, mostly colors are purple, red and turquoise. ]
Occupation: An Employee of Playtime CO, but also a caretaker of Playcare when he was told to keep an eye on the kids when the doctors are busy of something.
[ All the 5 facts have been scribbled with blood and ink. ]
And despite his personality being a cold and workaholic, Andrew is a compassionate, kind, creative and a hardworking man! And unfortunately, we had to give him a day off due to his struggles of staying awake from his insomnia.. before the-
Andrew is now opened for questions!
[ blog created by @crimsoninthecreek )
( Blog contains the warnings of mental health, angst, emotional angst, childhood trauma mention, paranoia, anxiety, su1c1d3, spoilers of Chapter 3 and more. )
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little-demy · 1 year
Skykid; Arietis
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Been back playing sky after a long hiatus? thanks to some friends. So I guess sharing my main sky oc won't hurt
Meet Arietis, or Ritis for short! The clumsy skykid who just can't fly straight (they'll get better, later). They just like to do however they like but mainly stick around their teacher/guide because they love to be spoiled
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chain-draws-stuff · 6 months
Hello hello! Before you start reading this chapter I want to thank you to @caldraws for giving me the idea for this part! This story may be a little long so I had to cut it into 2 parts so it's not too long bc I don't want you guys to read something that's that long.
This story will be taking place in Questions and Answers to Watching lies. It's sort of a prolog but at the same time it's kind of not at the same time. So to make it simple for you guys It's like a back perspective of what or what was happening to the other half part of the 2 chapters so...enjoy! :D
And sorry if I was away for like a day long so uhh...here's the next chapter I guess? Also if you're wondering on what the end looks like when I wrote in one of my chapters "a blue mushroom area" I am actually using the updated end mod in minecraft! So uhhh yeah!
now...with that's said let's get to the story!
Chapter 7
Part 1/2
??? pov:
After centuries of spending my immortal lives banished in that barren wasteland he sent me to...I can finally...finally be free for once...but my fine time ended shortly when I wondered around the end until I passed by an opend ancient portal. It was covered in orange vines and some of those thalasium crystals 'this one must had been fixed by those other kings before him' I went into the lit portal heading on to the overworld. I wanted to see what the mortals we're doing in there mortal lives and see what there up to...
As I got through the portal I was thinking what the humans were planning to take over the end?, kill every single living thing that breathes, walk and crawl? Enslaving others? Or even better planning to destroy the nether...but unfortunately none of those ideas of mine were true but instead they built a civilization with tall houses and weird village's 'how long have I been banished for? Ive never seen mortals build something like this...' I thought to myself as i existed my mind scape and returned back to reality noticing a few humans near the stronghold seeing strange thigs they use for transportation 'i wonder what there up to..' I say to myself as a approach the huma not seen because apparently I'm still stuck on my ghost form I'm still free but not fully...I still needed my body back which is going to be a huge struggle since I have to drag that boy with me along the way I can't go through 3 dimensions in this form sure I am a God who can travel between universe's and worlds but my abilities somehow don't work in this form He  cursed me to, for almost an eternity...so I went closer what were the humans investigating...'the stronghold? What could they possibly want with this old structure?' I asked myself as I see the endstone slowly growing. As I slowly and carefully reached out to the endstone it started to create cracks the closer my hand(sort of claws, as you saw in one of my post about this) i came closer and closer revealing more cracks as I started to get closer with the endstone.
And as my hand(claws) interact with he endstone, a spike peirced through the cracks impailing one of he humans behind me causing him to pour out blood from his mouth leading himself to die....I was left in shock on how I have the ability to help the infection spread. This was a huge advantage for me to take over the overworld and defeat he nether and His upcoming armies.
As I was doing more of the infestation on the land I decided it was enough as Ieft taking pity on the humans and leaving the rest flee the scene Alive.
As I was following a random man (which is Shaw in Questions and Answers) for some little reason...I was finding more information about what were the human Really Planning because I wasn't convinced on that the mortals weren't planning something unexpected...as I was 'Stalking' this mortal named Shaw heading back home but first had to head to Steve's house 'huh...a human whi is looking for my Mortal Vessel? ' As I was observing him I noticed that Steve was more like a son to him. Once Shaw entered Steve's house only to come to witness his house looking like a ruin everything was broken down, shattered into small pieces. He was left in shock and wory he was then left running out of the house riding his so called 'car' he drove off leaving me in the middle of nowhere in front of someone's house.
I came into the house to check the place more looking at the cabinets, shelves, tables then I saw something...a book...I picked up the book and opened the first page...
Dear diary
Today was kind of weird...I was left in the middle of nowhere it was about to rain so I looked for shelter and found an open cave in the forest...
As I step deeper into the cave my clothes were soggy wet, like very wet I saw a dead person wearing a red cape, blue clothing and some other stuff I kind of don't remember...
I got deeper into the cavern finding a robot? I began chasing it while traveling through weird places and weird things until we stopped to a room filled with portals they call the checkpoint.
I was arguing with the small green round robot fighting about he fact they thought I was Stalking them
(Yes I watched the video U-U)
After a lady? Oh yes a lady popped out of nowhere.
- Steven #####
(Don't ask why i didn't finish it I was very lazy at the time rn bc I was writing this jn the middle of the night)
???: Steve's diary? Well...better keep it for better uses...
I checked the other parts of the house, talked to myself for a while and left to go follow the Shaw guy going somewhere. Looks like he was heading to another mortals home I got closer to see the people. As I can now see everyone on my view I saw a mortal dragging another mortal behind him
Chris: what is it sarge?
The mortal asked
Shaw:...umm...why are you dragging Austin?
Shaw said with confusion and seriousness
Chris:here trying to avoid going to bed. Now what are you doing here at the middle of he night?
He answered and followed by another question needed to be answered
Shaw: I came here to ask you something...
Shaw answered
Chris: what does that have to do with me or Austin?
He followed by answering with confusion
The human(chris) was shock on what Shaw had just explained the mortal was thinking on how or when did it happen as a few seconds passed the human thought before coming back to reality.
Chris:*sigh* all this thinking is giving me a headache...but I can assure you, we can go ahead and investigate Steve's house and the portal tomorrow if you want
The human(Chris) says with confidence as Shaw thanked him that he would help him during the investigation
Shaw: thanks kid...I also might interrogate you 3 tomorrow
Shaw added
Chris:wait who's the third?
He asked
Shaw:oh its his robot
Shaw answered
Shaw:we also need to start the investigation early in the morning tomorrow so we can get this mystery solved in no time
Shaw added, and with that the human(Chris) nodded his head then gently closed the door while Shaw left and headed home
I was left alone behind a bush as I watched everything what they said
????: hehe this is going to be fun~
I left the house and searched around for a place to camp for now.
As the sky goes dark and night had fallen everyone was now asleep...my eyes felt heavy and I closed my eyes as I slowly drifted away from reality
Part 1 out of 2
First chapter/previous/next
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lawlietscaramels · 2 months
I get really chatty at this time for some reason. it's like the very end of the day for me and very few people are active
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