#mod: pick your wand broom
victorluvsalice · 2 years
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We have hit Spring Sunday in the Chill Save as of this update, and once again there’s a lot to cover, so let’s get started! And, as you might be able to tell from the pictures, Part One of this update is mostly “Victor’s Bad Day In The Magic Realm.” XD After setting some new occult preferences with Spinning Plumbob’s latest mod (with the extra help of Zerbu’s Unlimited Likes And Dislikes -- Victor, Alice, and Smiler all like vampires, werewolves, spellcasters, and humans, with Victor and Smiler also liking ghosts), having Smiler finish up their term paper, and Alice fix the kitchen sink, chat with the spooks, and take care of the chickens, I figured the household was in a good place for Victor to use his Glimmerstone to pop over to the Realm for a bit, look for tomes, get himself a wand and a broom, and perhaps get some good spell practice in!
He achieved ONE of these aims. His scan of the bookcases for tomes led to him finding a familiar orb instead -- the orb of the Veild! This is that Voidcritter familiar that’s actually fairly rare -- while I intend for Victor to get a dragon familiar instead, I can’t deny that this thing is at least worth good money if I wanna sell it ($777). So I guess not a bad find, even if it wasn’t what I really wanted. Before I could get him to do anything else, though, I noticed he had to go to the bathroom. . .and that the only available toilet had been pranked. *sigh* “Ah well,” I figured, sending him over, “he needs it, and I can always have him try Repairio on it. It has to fail less in the Magic Realm, right?”
NOPE. Not only did Victor fail to successfully Repairio the toilet TWICE IN A ROW, he actually picked up a curse from how often it’s been failing on him -- the Curse of Uncontrollable Charge, meaning all charge gains for him are now doubled. >.< Good thing I picked up “Discharge” as his very first perk, huh? *facepalm* After he put out the second fire, I decided to cut my losses and just get him down to the marketplace to buy a wand and a broom. Ended up picking up a very nice bone wand (it felt appropriate) and a classic broom with pink bristles (only other choice besides a mop, which I didn’t want), and then sending him straight home again. Oh, Victor. . .one day you will stop setting everything on fire trying to repair it!
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keoni-chan · 4 years
Hello, I've hoarded pretty much all your default hairs, and I saw you sometimes make default replacement objects too (like the baby bottle you shared once). I wondered, if you wanted to try your hands at making the steampunk witch broom from ts4 into a default replacement? And mitarasisims magical set's wand? I'm really sorry if I sound greedy, I'm bad at wording things^^''
Hi :D
I’ve dipped my toe into object defaults, but it’s really not my forte. So I’m afraid I have to turn down your request. I use @gryning‘s wands in tandem with @midgethetree‘s pick your wand mod. (both linked here) So I don’t really need a default. 
I also use these brooms by @decat2, and I think that includes the steampunk one for Evil witches? Maybe you’ll like that one too?  @midgethetree also has a pick your broom mod (with more options by @jellymeduza here), which also isn’t what you requested, but might be cool regardless? 
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tealeaves-rp · 6 years
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Welcome to Tea Leaves RP, EMMY, please grab a pot and pour a cup for yourself and LILY RUTH EVANS!
We are can’t wait to see how Lily develops with how she has achieved most of her goals...and yet, she wants more in some ways! Please send us a link to your tumblr within 24 hours.
NAME: Lily Ruth Evans
WAND:  A simple stick of oak wood, cut ten inches long, polished and worn from years of use. It has no core and no inherent magical properties, save perhaps as a conduit for better brews from being used as a mixing stick for so long. Lily carries it mostly for the aesthetic and because it tickles her patrons to see that she is a real wix, look, she even has a wand!
SOCIAL POSITION: The Evans were decidedly lower class in the broader scheme of the world, but within the bubble of Cokeworth, their tea business edged them into respectable middle class. They rose higher as their teas took off even more thanks to open knowledge of Lily’s wix nature. By the time Lily left for London, the Evans were firmly established in the quite comfortable upper middle class. Lily herself is harder to place. While being an openly avowed wix taints her socially in the eyes of some, it elevates her in others. Fiscally she’s well off enough, and her acquaintances certainly reach lofty heights. Yet while tea isn’t really trade, and a brewing maven always has a degree of respectability, truly escaping that low background is difficult and she’s more of a social oddity than anything truly placeable.
EDUCATION: Lily got a basic education from the parish school, and did what she could to further her education on her own. She is an avid reader and her handwriting is neat and even beautiful, both in a clear copperplate and a script (she makes all the labels for the teas in the shoppe). Her maths are strong in the basics, what she needs to manage a business and to properly brew. Anything beyond that is largely self taught. Her magical education was a mixture of trial and error, and learning with Severus from his mother, thoroughly rooted in magical brewing. Any other magic has been self taught from a few illicit books.
DAILY GRIND: Lily co-owns Tea and Talons; the shoppe is her life. From living above the shoppe, having her workshop in the basement, and handling most of the customer interactions, it consumes most of her time. However, as she’s gotten more settled in London and the shoppe has taken off, she’s been venturing out into greater London more often. She has to put those pretty things she’s been buying to good use, and a silk dress is not appropriate for brewing tea.
THE TEA: Lily makes so many nuanced, complex brews all the time, one would be forgiven to expect that her regular mix would be some masterpiece of her brewing skills. Instead the brew she’s most likely to be caught downing is a simple black tea barely sweetened by sugar and so rich in caffeine it’s amazing she hasn’t had a heart attack from it, with just a few infusions added for calm to offset the caffeine jitters (caffeine is its own sort of magic, you know). Her personal brew, however, is more nuanced, taking an earthy, smokey base and adding notes of peppermint. Rather than sugar, she sweetens it with honey and, when in private and truly enjoying a cuppa by herself, she’ll have some flower petals floating in the tea. Most often, the petals are from petunias. She puts surprisingly little magic into the blend, tempering it more with nostalgia and thoughts of family and love. A ‘hug in a cup’, she sometimes thinks of it. She’s not likely to casually share it with anyone.
GOALS: Most of Lily’s big goals have been achieved; open a tea shoppe in London with her best friend and have it be successful. Now her focus is on smaller things: building herself a proper life beyond the bounds of the shoppe walls, enjoying the life her new found respectability and money can afford her, having nice things. She’s worked hard, she deserves to have some fun. And then there’s the other goal; she wants to know more magic. Not just for her teas, but for herself, digging deeper into those mostly-forgotten traditions. Even if that means working with some occasionally shady figures to get her hands on those ancient texts.
It was Halloween, and that meant there were expectations. In general, yes, but especially of an ‘out’ wix. Considering her wix status was at least 50% of the draw to their fledgling shoppe (still, despite the growing acclaim for the brews themselves), that mean Lily had to go all out. As long as she could leverage it to help the shoppe, she’d gladly do it. Even if that meant dressing in an all black dress (a masterpiece from Diggle that still managed to be flirty and light despite the sombre colour), wearing a pointed hat, and leaving the shoppe broomstick by the front door like she was ready to go for a fly at any moment. This on top of the autumn decorations around the shoppe, decked out in browns and oranges and reds over faded greens. Then of course there was her wand, wielded with a grander flourish than normal.
Severus said she was being ridiculous. Lily countered that he had no sense of salesmanship.
Her day started early, well, earlier than normal, going over the packets of brews that had been special ordered for various parties that day. Bubbling and broiling, things that would tickle the throat and the mind while frothing over in a delightfully wicked way. ( One patron had even confided in Lily that she’d found a genuine cauldron that the seller swore had been used for real magic in old times to serve the tea from. Lily made extra sure to get all the stray edges of magic tucked neatly away in that brew. The last thing she needed was some lingering residue from an ancient potion mucking with her tea and getting her in trouble.) Then there was going to the emporium down the alley to pick up the little black kitten she’d rented for the day to add that extra bit of colour to the counter.
By the time she actually opened the shop, she’d been awake for two hours already. Two hours more and she was downing her second cup of PepUp Tea to keep her going as the patrons tried to run her off her feet. At the end of the day, when she finally turned the sign in the door over, seeing the last patron off to whatever party they were headed to, her cheeks ached from all the smiling. Snagging the broom from where it had wound up in the front window (someone had made a show of trying to fly it around the shoppe), she swept up and retreated to the back workshop to join Severus in helping prepare the teas they were low on and try some new blends, enjoying the dry banter between them and the special cuppa he brewed for her.
It was nearly midnight by the time she trudged up to their flat above the shoppe and toppled into bed, saying goodnight to witching day with enthusiasm fueled by knowing they’d done well. Another big holiday like that, and the might actually be solvent.
What is your ideal game? Games where world building not only happens, but is encouraged by the mod team
What is your least favorite element of this game?  Where the conflict of the game is currently feels very lowkey and individualized. Seeing a plot or even a short lived event that introduces a grander scale conflict would be nice.
I chose this character because… I have been playing Lily for many years now, and this game gives me a chance to put her into a new situation and write a different take on her from so many angles: her relationships, her attitude towards magic, her general state of well being, not being dead at 21.
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midgethetree · 3 years
Hello, anon who asked about the wands not showing up, here. Did you mean to say set as wand instead of set as broom? Also, I checked with HCDU and it says the mod conflicts with the "last spell mod you'll ever need". With the set alignment procedure it seems.
Ah yes I meant wand. As for the conflict the download page for pick your wand says:
If you have my witch spells mod, make sure pickyourwand loads last.
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midgethetree · 4 years
How To Make Non-Default Witch Brooms/Wands
This is a tutorial for making non-default witch brooms/wands work with “pick your broom/wand”.
Step One: Making Your Broom/Wand. The simplest way to do this is to make a clone of one of the non-default brooms/wands I or Meduza made. You can then replace the mesh and textures with those of your choice, although if you want different recolors for different alignments you’ll want to make sure the recolorable subsets are named correctly (sculpture and/or metal for brooms, wand and/or detail for wands) and that there are at least three different color options. For best results the mesh should also be in the same position as the mesh it is replacing and, if a broom, have all assigned broom joints. Give it a unique GUID and make a note of it.
Step Two: Add Mesh to “Pick Your Broom/Wand”. Here you want to paste the name of the new broom/wand CRES into “Model Name”, including “##0x1C050000!” before it. Make a note of the line you do this in, eg. ‘0x0008′ for the vacuum.
Step Three: Add Recolors to “Pick Your Broom/Wand”. In “Material Names” add six lines to paste the names of your new broom/wand TXMTs into. The first three lines are for the sculpture/wand subset, the last three are for the metal/detail subset, and within these groups of three the first texture is used for evil witches, second for good witches, and third for neutral witches.
Step Four: Assign Number To Broom/Wand. Remember that line number I told you to make a note of, the one that for the vacuum was 0x0008? Well, subtract 4 from it and enter the resulting number in “Tuning - Broom/Wand” in your new broom/wand.
Step Five: Add GUID to Broom/Wandstand. In any broom/wandstand you have add two lines to “Broom/Wand GUIDs”. In these you should enter the GUID of your new broom/wand, for example for the vacuum broom (GUID 0x008E27AC) the first line is “0x008E” and the second is “0x27AC”. You should also change the first line of the BCON (the one labeled “Number of Brooms/Wands”) to reflect the new number of brooms/wands, so increase it by one.
Step Six: Add Pie Menu Strings to Broom/Wandstand. In the same stand(s) you edited in step 5, in “MakeActionString prim string set” add three (if broom) or 1 (if wand) new lines. For a broom, the three lines are, in order, “Buy Broom.../[broom name]”, “Place Broom.../[broom name]”, and “Set As Broom.../[broom name]”. For wands, the one line is “Change Wand.../[wand name]”.
Step Seven (if broom): Make ‘witches only fly if have broom’ Recognize Your New Broom. This is simply done by adding an additional manage inventory check to “Witch - Do I Have Broom?” and pasting in the GUID of your new broom.
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midgethetree · 4 years
Hi, Midge! I was playing with your "pick your wand/broom mod" and noticed one thing. I played tree witches (bad, good and neutral) and I tried every broom to set their alignments but two brooms started to flashing blue when I turned them to a good alignment. Those brooms are Zoomsweeper Pegasus and Megathrust Flying Vacuum. So I decided to notify you about it. But who knows, maybe this problem appears only in my game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hello! I’m baffled as to what happened to the materials text list for those two brooms for them to start having this bug, but I repasted in the correct texture names and now it works again. Go ahead and redownload!
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midgethetree · 4 years
Hi! I'm sorry for bothering you (seriously, I have a feeling I'm writing to you about problems too often). I have an issue with vacuum broom. When I use good witch and select Set Alignment, broom flashes blue. This doesn't seem to be a problem with neutral and bad witches. But maybe that's just my luck. Thanks for all your mods!
Hello! Have you gotten the May 15th update? Someone else reported that bug for the vacuum and expensive brooms so I updated the brooms and the mod itself to fix the issue (and don’t worry, you’re not bothering me!).
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midgethetree · 4 years
Hello, Midge! Could you, please, add 4 Meduza's brooms (jellymeduza. tumblr. com/ post/ 613057883766177792/ ts4-brooms-as-custom-flyable-brooms-more-custom) to your "Pick your broom" mod? I know you have a great tutorial on how to do this, but, even though, I think I'll mess it up. Thanks in advance.
Hi! I don’t want to have to do this for ever time someone makes a set of brooms, but just this once I’ve made an exception and updated the broomstand and pick your broom mod to include @jellymeduza‘s 4t2 brooms.
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midgethetree · 4 years
Anon who asked about Pick Your Wand--thanks for clarifying! (And wow, you respond fast, lol.)
No problem! (Yeah I try to keep on top of my inbox as best I can, I’ve let backlogs build up before when things have been busier and that can get stressful lol)
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midgethetree · 4 years
Hello! So I'm trying to download Gryning's additional wands for the Pick Your Wand/Broom mod. Gryning says on their tumblr to let the files overwrite, but I notice that Pick Your Wand/Broom has been updated this May, after Gryning's wands were released. Does that mean if I want to use Gryning's wands, I can't use the updated version of the mod? Or does the update include compatibility? Or is there a way to update the mod myself? Any help you can give would be appreciated; thanks!
Hi! Pick your broom has been updated, but pick your want hasn’t been updated since March. Gryning’s files should still be up-to-date :)
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midgethetree · 4 years
Hello! I'm back with information about the broom problem. It looks that I've missed the update. 😳 Now it works correctly. Sorry once again. 😅
Hi! No worries, glad to hear it’s resolved :)
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midgethetree · 4 years
Hello! Few days ago I downloaded Flyable Broom. It works ok when I take turns choosing actions (Buy broom > take broom > fly to…). But when I try buy broom and fly to, my sim is resetting with error: "An error occured in object SE01_User00337 - Мэгги # 441. Error Undefined Transition. The stack trace in ../Logs/ObjectError_SE01_t5006.txt". Frame 5, Node: 1, Tree: id 4101 name 'Interaction - Fly To - Community Lot' version -32758 from SIMPE_FOODFRUITBOWL_[DECAT_26.2.2012_ED17]_CRES
Sorry, It's me again. Here's a question: Sim resetting Is a normal behaviour or not? Can I fix it ? Thank you for an answer and thank you for your hard work ^---^
Hi! I have fixed it. Because of SFS’s current issues I can’t reupload it there, but the mediafire mirror link has been updated in the meantime. The link can be found here. This error also affected the pick your broom set (sorry @jellymeduza, you’ll have to make the update to; it’s a simple one though, just edit “Interaction - Fly To - Community Lot” and “Interaction - Fly To - Home” to call “CT - Set Broom” instead of “CT - Set Broom - TEST”). A mirror link for pick your broom has been added so people can get the updated brooms until SFS is fully back.
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midgethetree · 4 years
Hi, I just installed the flyable and pickable brooms mods and now I'm getting errors every time I click on my witch sim. The error name is "Missing neighbor for data access". The node in the top frame is 3 and the tree is "id 1674 name 'Witch - Do I Have A Broom?' version 0". My sim doesn't have a broom in his inventory yet. Hope you can help - thanks!
Oh, forgot to mention - I added the TS4 brooms converted by Meduza into the broom mod, but I followed your tutorial and I'm pretty sure I did it right. Does messing up in the edits seem likely to cause resets?
Oh! One more thing: accoing to HCDU, flyable broom conflicts with Cyjon's Furious Walkby Fix, which I have, and which is loading first at the moment. I'm going to try loading it last and see if that does anything. Sorry if I'm bugging you!
One last update from me: load order didn't help, I'm still getting the error even with CJ-FuriousWalkbyFix loading after your broom mod.
Hello! When did you download flyable broom? If it was while the update was still being beta tested, there was a time when it was causing that error but I fixed it for later versions that were beta tested and it should be fixed in the official release. If you’re sure you have the most recent version, a screenshot of your copy of “Witch - Do I Have A Broom?” could help me see if the error is coming from your edits.
As for the conflict, apparently according to Cyjon allowing witches to fly in on brooms when they’re a furious walkby can prevent them from performing the furious walkby behavior correctly... I’ll look into the issue myself, since having CJ’s mod load after mine will make all non-furious witch walkbys use brooms regardless of if they have one in their inventory.
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midgethetree · 4 years
Hello Midge, a long-time fan here^^ I love your vacuum-cleaner as a broom idea, but I'm not ready to give up on my preferences on evil/good broomsticks... Would it be possible, in the future, to make the vacuum cleaner as neutral-witch only broom?
Hi! If you want to remove the good/evil parts of the DR all you need to do is delete the SHPEs with ‘good’ or ‘evil’ in their name (you can also delete the TXMTs/TXTRs for the red/blue recolors if you’d like, since they’d no longer be used). That said, I’ve also made a “pick your broom” mod that was beta released on my dreamwidth and will likely be given a full release on tumblr within a week which will allow you to assign certain sims the vacuum cleaner broom while keeping all your default brooms.
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midgethetree · 4 years
jellymeduza replied to your link “midgethetree | BETA: Pick Your Wand/Broom”
Yes! <3
The only downside is that I have to wait for the official release so I can make non-defualt brooms.
Lol I've got some bulleted notes in my drafts folder I could send to people by request, for those who want to get a head start and are willing to deal with the slight possibility I make some major changes to parts of this set and you’ll need to redo parts of your edits! Just make sure you redownload before making edits because I’ve already updated parts of the set.
stoneybrooksims replied to your link “midgethetree | BETA: Pick Your Wand/Broom”
oh wooooow this is awesome Midge!!! thank you!
Hi. The wand my child warlokk was using didn't change after using the change wand interaction? Just giving feedback, or is there something more I should do?
So excited about this btw!
I realized I forgot to enable the pie menu interactions on the wands for children so I fixed that, and then I tested with a child witch and her wand changed correctly - I don’t think this update is related to your issue but I recommend redownloading anyway to be sure. Also try running HCDU to see if you have a conflicting mod (one known conflict with the wand-picking mod is actually my witch spell mod, pick your wand needs to load last). If the problem persists tell me the wand stand you were using and the wand you were trying to get the child to use and I’ll take another look!
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midgethetree · 3 years
Hello there. I love the mods you create. But I have an issue with the Pick Your Wand mod. But its weird... Its that, the first time I downloaded it, it worked completely fine. But the next time I opened Sims 2, it just stopped working right for seemingly no reason. Everything was still there, the wand racks, the options for the other wands, and there weren't any errors. Its just that every time I cast, its the original wand no matter which I pick. Do any of the other witch/fairy mods conflict?
Hi! Did you make sure to use the wand racks to “set as broom”? I don’t know of a conflicting mod off the top of my head but make sure to run the HCDU.
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