#mod cess
bnha-big-bang · 1 year
Will there be a new account for 2023 or will the new sign ups be posted here?
hi! we're using the same tumblr blog, but we will be making a new discord server for the 2023 bang :)
- mod cess
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lanagirlyy155 · 6 months
Reddit censorship back at it again, we clearly can't have a single subreddit that isn't censored to the brim just as any other reddit cess-pit. Even mods cant remain mutual without raging at the sight of an opposing opinion.
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barbiegirldream · 2 years
dude genuine question how the fuck do i deal w the dream hate on twitter like idk if its just me but whenever i think about that thread having more than 15k likes i literally lose mind
Because every tweet Dream makes will always get more likes and every video of his gets millions of views and twitter is a cess pool echo chamber that encourages false information and negativity. And you just know those 15k people didn’t even read the thread they were already hoping Dream was a bad person so they’re willing to accept made a shift crouching ‘sex’ mod as proof of criminal activity
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the-silent-hashira · 5 months
yknow what no, im not keeping it in the tags.
Broadwaystuck is a cess pool of people who think its perfectly fine and ok to post smear campaigns and actively persecute people in their group for things theyve done months ago, and refuse to let go of grudges and forgive people. they refuse to see any sort of improvement, they refuse to actually recognize peoples boundaries, they are actively racist and classist and ableist and i dont care whether or not they say they arent. all the things ive been shown on them have absolutely demonstrated the hypocracy and absolute selfishness of their mods and cast members.
you dont have to believe me, but im fucking pissed. you dont just do this shit. you dont try to tell people how to go about their healing, their therapy, their psychiatric care because 'im a doctor' and then get to get pissed off when they call you ableist for giving unsolicited medical advice that tells them they need to STOP THEIR MEDICATION because its a bandaid, ESPECIALLY when youre not friends with the person!
you dont get to constantly say 'you need to communicate better' and refuse to teach them when they arent well taught in English and do not have a formal education. you dont get to tell them that theyre doing it on purpose, they they arent taking accountability, that they dont apologize and then when they do those things suddenly its overexplaining, or underexplaining.
you dont get to say things like 'you havent changed' when YOU refuse to see any change. you dont get to show the entire world YOUR PERSONAL DRAMA and get them fucking ostricized from their entire friend group.
and you dont get to decide whether you were being ableist, racist, or classist. be mad motherfucker, you ARE that, and you all disgust me. this is why the Homestuck fandom is shitty, because every single person ive met has acted like this when theyre part of any sort of group. this is why the OTHER Broadwaystucks fell apart.
you are all disgusting. i cannot believe i was almost considering joining.
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evapoteur · 11 months
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Voopoo, une marque bien connue dans le monde de la vape, ne cesse d'étendre sa série Drag avec des dispositifs innovants et performants. Le dernier ajout à cette famille est le Voopoo Drag X Pro, un pod mod puissant et polyvalent qui offre une expéri... En savoir plus : https://www.evapoteur.com/produit/pod-drag-x-pro-voopoo/
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loja-kidstok · 1 year
Como Vestir sua Filha com Estilo
Encontrar o look certo para a sua filha pode ser um desafio, mas com algumas dicas e truques, você pode criar o guarda-roupa perfeito para ela. O look para blogueira infantil é uma ótima maneira de como vestir sua filha com estilo sem se preocupar em gastar muito dinheiro.
Escolher a roupa certa para a sua filha não é uma tarefa fácil. É importante escolher peças que sejam confortáveis, e que ao mesmo tempo sejam modernas e atuais.
O guarda-roupa de bebê deve ter peças que possam ser usadas para diversas ocasiões. Opte por peças leves e resistentes, como jeans e camisetas. Escolha também peças que sejam adequadas para a idade da sua filha.
Se sua filha for uma blogueira infantil, aposte em peças que possam ser usadas em qualquer ocasião e que combinem com o estilo da sua filha. Para criar looks que sejam modernos e elegantes, escolha peças que sejam versáteis e combináveis. Aposte em saias e vestidos, camisetas e blusas, calças e jaquetas.
Invista também em acessórios para dar o toque final ao look da sua filha. Bolinhas, tiaras, pulseiras e brincos ajudam a criar um look único para sua filha.
O guarda-roupa de bebê é uma parte importante para manter seu filho estiloso e moderno. Escolha peças que sejam funcionais e versáteis, para que ela possa usar em diversas ocasiões. Com o guarda-roupa certo, o look para blogueira infantil da sua filha nunca será uma preocupação.
Como montar looks para deixar minha filha estilosa?
Mont ar looks para de ix ar su a fil ha est il osa é u ma t are fa divert ida e des afi ad ora ! Se voc ê des e ja que el a se dest aque ent re as out ras c rian ç as , ent ão é important e con he cer as tend ê n ci as da mod a infant il e esc ol her pe ç as que comb inem com a personal id ade del a .
U ma ó t ima op ç ão para mont ar looks modern os e est il os os s ão it ens com o J ard ine ira Je ans Inf ant il e Vest ido de F esta Inf ant il , que s ão conf ort á ve is , bon it os e pr á tic os .
Com est es it ens , su a fil ha p ode vest ir – se para o c asi õ es es pe cia is com o form atur as , an ivers á ri os e cas ament os , o u para o d ia a d ia , com o esc ola e p asse ios .
Al é m dis so , el a p ode mont ar looks vari ados e divert id os , comb in ando pe ç as de est ilo d if erent e , com o sa pat os , t ê nis , bl us as e a cess ó ri os . Ass im , voc ê g arant e que su a fil ha este ja sem pre est il osa e conf ort á vel !
Opte por roupas e calçados infantis de boa qualidade
Opte por roupas e calçados infantis de boa qualidade para garantir que seu filho esteja sempre bem vestido e confortável. Não importa se você está procurando por roupas para ocasiões especiais ou uso diário, é importante escolher peças de qualidade.
As roupas e calçados de boa qualidade oferecem não apenas durabilidade, mas também conforto e beleza às crianças. É importante considerar a qualidade das roupas e calçados antes de comprar, pois eles são fundamentais para o conforto, bem-estar e estilo dos pequenos.
As roupas e calçados infantis devem ser leves e resistentes ao uso diário. As roupas devem ser feitas de materiais resistentes e de alta qualidade, como algodão, linho ou lã. Eles devem ser resistentes ao desgaste e não manchar facilmente. Se você quiser comprar tecidos específicos, certifique-se de que eles sejam resistentes ao desbotamento e às manchas.
Os calçados também são fundamentais para a saúde e bem-estar das crianças. É importante escolher calçados de qualidade para garantir que eles se encaixem perfeitamente nos pés das crianças e forneçam suporte adequado. Os materiais usados para calçados devem ser resistentes, duráveis e confortáveis.
Além do material, a qualidade da costura também é importante. As costuras devem ser bem feitas e resistentes para garantir a durabilidade de roupas e calçados. Além disso, as costuras devem ser reforçadas para evitar danos.
Optando por roupas e calçados infantis de boa qualidade, você pode garantir o conforto e o bem-estar de seu filho. Os materiais devem ser leves e resistentes, enquanto as costuras devem ser bem feitas e reforçadas. Escolhendo peças de qualidade, você pode garantir que seu filho esteja sempre bem vestido e confortável.
Aproveite para visitar e seguir o Instagram Kidstok .
0 notes
awesomecarmods · 6 years
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1939 Plymouth Radial Air - 7 Cylinder Cessna Aircraft Engine Powered Pickup Truck [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAfH9jETc3A ]
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opera-ghosts · 3 years
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Adelina Patti's voice was one of moderate power, but great range and of wonderful flexibility. Her production was faultless, and she was, and is, undoubtedly, one of the greatest mistresses of vocalization of the century. As an actress, she could not com- pare with many other singers, and her greatest successes were gained in such operas as made the least demand upon the histrionic capabilities of the performer. Her repertoire included about thirty operas, mostly of the Italian school, though she also sang in the operas of Meyerbeer and Gounod, and others. She was one of the many " Carmens ; " but while her interpretation vocally was excellent, she was by no means equal dramatically to Mile. Hauk, and much less so to Calv6, the latest and by far the greatest interpreter of that role. One of the most notable events of Madame Patti's career occurred when, in 1868, at the funeral of Rossini, the com- poser, she sang with Madame Alboni the beautiful duet, " Quis est Homo," from Ros- sini's " Stabat Mater." On that occasion such an assembly of noted musicians and singers was gathered together to honor the great composer as probably never before met under the same roof. To hear that beautiful music, rendered by two such artists over the grave of the composer, was to feel in the truest sense the genius of Rossini, and the part that he played in the music of the nineteenth century.
The name of Patti has always been asso- ciated with high prices, and not without cause ; for, although other singers have received larger sums for isolated engagements, none have ever succeeded in maintaining such a uniformly high rate.
When she returned to America in 1881, after an absence of some twenty years, Patti held mistaken notions about the American people, and her early concerts were a bitter disappointment. High prices and hackneyed songs did not suit the public, and in order to make a success of the tour Madame Patti was obliged to throw over her French manager, and employ an American (Henry E. Abbey) who knew the public, and who immediately cut the prices down to one-half. Eventually the season was suc- cessful, both artistically and financially, her voice showing but little sign of wear, and her execution being as brilliant as ever. At Brooklyn the people took the horses out of her carriage, and dragged her home, one facetious writer remarking that he saw no reason for taking away her horses, and sub- stituting asses. The following clever rhyme, at the expense of her manager, taken from " Puck,' r voices the opinion of the public very neatly, in regard to Patti's tour, in 1881-2: Patti cake, Patti cake, Franchi man ! " So I do, messieurs, comme vite as I can." " Roulez et tournez et marquez ' with care,' Et posez au publique a ten dollars a chair."
Farinelli is said to have made $30,000 per annum, a very large sum for the times in which he lived. Catalani's profits ran almost to $100,000 a season. Malibran re- ceived $95,000 for eighty-five performances at La Scala. Jenny Lind, for ninety-five concerts, under Barnum's management, re- ceived $208,675, all good figures. But Rubini is said to have made $11,500 at one concert, and Tamagno is the highest-priced tenor of the present day.
Patti at one time made a contract for a series of performances at $4,400 a night, and later on her fee was $5,000 a night, paid in advance, but when she came to Boston in 1882, and sang in three performances given in a week, her share of the receipts was $20,895. The attendance at the Saturday matinee was 9,142 people, and her share of the receipts for that performance alone was $8,395.
Madame Patti always had the advantage of excellent management. Until her mar- riage with the Marquis de Caux she was under the management of her brother-in-law, Mau- rice Strakosch, and so assiduous was he in his protection of his young star from unnec- essary wear and tear that he became the subject of many jokes. It is said that he occasionally took her place at rehearsals, that when visitors called on her they saw him instead, and some people, with vivid imagination, declared that Strakosch sat for Patti' s photograph, and that he once offered to receive a declaration of love for her.
One is apt to doubt the necessity of all this management, for Patti seems to have been admirably adapted for self-defence, and even for aggression in financial matters. An amusing anecdote is told of her by Max Maretzek, who, one day, when she was a small child, in a moment of generosity prom- ised her a doll, or, as some accounts have it, some bon-bons as a reward for singing in a concert. It was to be her very first appear- ance. Patti did not forget the promise, and when it was nearly time for her to sing she asked for her doll. Maretzek had forgotten it, and promised that she should have it after the concert, or the next day. But no, she must have it first, or she would not go on and sing. The poor man was in despair. It was late and stores were all closed, but by some means he succeeded in getting the bribe, whether dolls or bon-bons, and, rushing back in breathless haste, he handed it to her. Then she became cheerful at once, and giving it to her mother to be taken care of, she went on and performed her part in the concert.
One of the most amusing of these anec- dotes was told by Colonel Mapleson, the well-known impresario, who says that no one ever approached Madame Patti in the art of obtaining from a manager the great- est possible sum that he could contrive by any possibility to pay. In 1882, owing to the competition of Henry Abbey, the Ameri- can impresario, Mapleson was obliged to raise Patti's salary from $1,000 per night to $4,000, and, finally, to $5,000 per night, a sum previously unheard-of in the annals of opera. The price, moreover, was to be paid at two o'clock of the day on which Patti was to sing.
On the second night of the engagement at Boston, Madame Patti was billed to sing in "Traviata." Expenses had been heavy and the funds were low, so that when Signor Franchi, Patti's agent, called at the theatre promptly at two o'clock, only $4,000 could be scraped together. Signor Franchi was indignant, and declared that the contract was broken, and that Madame Patti would not sing. He refused to take the $4,000, and went off to report the matter to the prima donna. At four o'clock, Signer Franchi returned to the theatre, and con- gratulated Colonel Mapleson on his facility for managing Madame Patti, saying that she would do for the colonel that which she would do for no other impresario. In short, Patti would take the $4,000 and dress for her part, all except her shoes. She would arrive at the theatre at the reg- ular time, and when the remaining paltry $1,000 was forthcoming she would put on her shoes and be ready to go on the stage.
Everything happened as Patti had prom- ised. She arrived at the theatre costumed as Violetta, but minus her shoes. Franchi called at the box-office, but only $800 was on hand. The genial Signer took the money and returned to Patti' s room. He soon ap- peared again to say that Madame Patti was all ready except one shoe, which she could not put on until the remaining $200 was paid. It was already time for the perform- ance to begin, but people were still coming in, and after some slight delay Signor Franchi was able to go in triumph to Madame Patti with the balance of the amount. Patti put on her other shoe and proceeded to the stage. She made her entrance at the proper time, her face radiant with smiles, and no one in the audience had any idea of the stirring events which had just taken place.
In later years, when Madame Patti in- vested some of her fortune in the beautiful castle at Craig-y-Nos, in Wales, the people employed to put the place into repair, know- ing of her reputed wealth and extravagance, sent in enormous bills. But Madame Patti was not to be imposed upon, and the result was that the amounts melted down consider- ably under the gentle influence of the law. The unkindest cut of all was, however, when a Belgian gentleman, who had amused him- self at Craig-y-Nos, who had fished, shot, and been entertained, but who always managed to be present during discussions on business, sent in a bill of ,3,000 for his services as agent.
Under the management of Colonel Maple- son, Patti travelled in most luxurious style. She had a special car which is said to have cost $65,000, and a whole retinue of ser- vants. At Cheyenne, the legislature and assembly adjourned and chartered a special car to meet the operatic train. A military band was at the station, and nearly the whole population turned out to witness the arrival. Tickets to the opera were ten dollars each, and there was an audience of 3,000 people.
California seems to have been considered doubtful territory, for Patti left the question undecided as to whether she would go so far. When she did arrive it was merely as a vis- itor, but her delight with the "heavenly place " was so great that she declared she must sing there. The necessary delay in- curred by sending to Chicago for numerous trunks containing her wardrobe, gave suffi- cient time for the excitement in San Fran- cisco to work up to fever heat. Tickets sold at unheard-of prices, and more or less damage to property was done in the scramble.
Adelina Patti made her first matrimonial venture in 1868, when she was united to the Marquis de Caux, an event which did not interfere with her operatic career, for she filled an engagement of six weeks at Paris, and then went on to St. Petersburg, where the town opened a subscription which amounted to 100,000 rubles, and presented her with a diamond necklace.
In 1885 Madame Patti obtained a divorce from the Marquis de Caux, from whom she had separated in 1877, and the following year married Ernest Nicolini, the tenor singer. Nicolini was a man of fine stage presence, and, for a time, after the retire- ment of Mario, was considered the best tenor on the stage. His voice was of mod- erate power and of pleasing quality, but his tremolo was, to say the least, extensive. For some years Madame Patti declined every engagement in which Nicolini was not included, until the public indignation found vent in many protests. Signer Nicolini seems to have been a devoted and admiring husband, and to have entered heartily into the pleasures of the luxurious life of Craig-y-Nos. He died in January, 1898.
After some years of retirement from the operatic stage, during which she sang only in concerts, Patti made a reappearance at Covent Garden in 1895, and showed that her voice, notwithstanding nearly forty years of use, was wonderfully well preserved. Nev- ertheless it was a disappointment to those who had heard her in her prime. As a reason for its preservation she says that she never sings when she is tired, and never strains for high notes. Sir Morell Macken- zie, the great throat specialist, said that she had the most wonderful throat he ever saw. It was the only one in which the vocal cords were in absolutely perfect condition after many years of use. They were not strained, warped, or roughened in the slight- est degree, but absolutely perfect, and there was no reason why they should not remain so for ten or even twenty years longer. It was by her voice alone that she charmed and delighted her audiences, and she will doubt- less be recorded as the possessor of the most perfect voice of the nineteenth century. She witnessed the rise of many rivals, but none ever equalled her in popularity, though many excelled her in dramatic powers. Lucca, Sembrich, Nilsson, were all greater as ac- tresses, but of all the rivals of her prime only Sembrich and Albani remain, and sev- eral years must elapse before their careers will equal the length of Patti's.
Probably no other singer has succeeded in amassing so great a fortune as Madame Patti. Her earnings enabled her to purchase, in 1878, the beautiful estate in Wales, which she remodelled to suit her own ideas. Here she has lived in regal style and entertained lavishly many of the most noted people of the civilized world.
Her wealth is by no means confined to real estate, for she has a rare collection of jewels, said to be the largest and most bril- liant owned by any of the modern actresses and opera singers. One of her gowns, worn in the third act of " La Traviata," was cov- ered with precious stones to the value of $500,000.
Madame Patti's most popular r61es were Juliet and Aida, and though she created no new parts of importance, she has amply fulfilled the traditional role of prima donna in matters of caprice and exaction, and has even created some new precedents. In 1898 she was still before the public, singing in concerts in London and elsewhere.
via Famous singers of to-day and yesterday by Lahee, Henry Charles, 1856-1953.
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demigenderfriends · 7 years
Hey, could I have a pronoun validation for Cess with she/her and they/them pronouns? Thanks in advance! ;D
sure thing cess!!
this is cess n they’re wonderful. she’s a shining star!! i’m so happy to get to speak to them!! i hope this pronoun validation is useful for her n helps her to feel more comfortable in their gender. lots of love
 - mod daria
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darlinglissa · 4 years
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here’s my fic for this year’s @batfam-big-bang​!! on god it’s been a ride with this, but i am so so so grateful that the bang went so well. i’ve met such amazing and talented people that have made my little world so much brighter.
(credit for the title edit to cai!!)
you’re under fire (i’ll cover you)
When Tim is injured on patrol, he's ordered to bedrest. Instead he finds himself running straight to the doorstep of a man who tried to kill him--the Red Hood.
or: how tim drake finds common ground with jason todd--the ground of a warehouse, that is--and bonds over it.
word count: 5,993
here’s a link to my fic on ao3!
and here’s a link to my fic here on tumblr!
a million and one thanks to my stellar team:
auri - @battoad​ - her art is always so amazing, i’m always left in awe so i can’t wait for y’all to see her piece for my fic
cai - @bisexualoftheblade​ - they have such an eye for aesthetics, as you can see from the title edit, and their moodboard is no different. it fits so well
reese - @reese-haleth​ - reese is so talented, and i can’t wait to see the pieces she’s put together for my fic because i just know it’ll be astounding
cess - @wiitts​ - god, cess, thank you so much for putting up with my wordy ass and fixing up my (not very) long sentences and helping my flow, i don’t think it’d be as nice as it is now without you
ren - @dont-taunt-the-octopus​ - oh my father i swear that even though you don’t go here, your comments were always so helpful and uplifting that they helped me push through every bit of block i had, so thank you so much
september - @schweeeppess​ - sep!!!! you’ve been so constructive and respectful throughout every part of my fic and i couldn’t be more thankful for the critique and positive comments you made, i appreciate you, babe
i really couldn’t have made it this far without all y’all, so thank you for everything you guys did throughout these past few months
special shoutout to my mod team, my second family, jay @wisdom-walks-alone​, shelby @shelbychild​, and lucy @lostinmyfictionaluniverses​. y’all are my dream team, and i’m so happy that i had the chance to run this event with you. all the love!!
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warpathtricheastuce · 3 years
Warpath Triche – Warpath Astuce Or et Argent Gratuit
Warpath Triche – Warpath Astuce Or et Argent Gratuit
Comme vous le verrez à partir d’aujourd’hui, ce nouveau Warpath Triche Astuce va être un bel outil que vous utiliserez probablement aussi souvent que possible. Dans ce guide, nous vous donnerons toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin concernant le jeu et nous vous dirons également pourquoi il est si important de l’utiliser immédiatement. Vous parviendrez à améliorer votre expérience globale avec ce jeu et vous l’apprécierez beaucoup.Comme vous le verrez, ce nouveau Warpath Triche Astuce va ajouter tout l’or et l’argent que vous souhaitez et vous verrez que vous allez vous amuser. Vous pouvez être sûr que vous vous amuserez avec ce Warpath Triche et que vous pourrez l’utiliser sur n’importe quel iOS de votre choix ainsi que sur votre Android. Cela signifie que cet outil fonctionne parfaitement sur tous les appareils que vous utilisez et que vous ne devez pas avoir peur qu’il cesse de fonctionner, car ce n’est pas le cas ici. Nous nous efforçons toujours de ne vous apporter que les meilleurs outils possibles.Vous apprécierez également le fait que ce nouveau Warpath Triche va être protégé. Cela signifie que ce nouveau Warpath Triche cachera toutes vos données privées et personnelles afin qu’elles ne soient pas découvertes en utilisant la fonction anti-bannissement que nous avons ajoutée. Vous réussirez à avoir un temps de jeu amélioré et vous verrez que vous pourrez vous amuser avec tout de suite.
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bnha-big-bang · 1 year
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I posted 73 times in 2022
25 posts created (34%)
48 posts reblogged (66%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 69 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#bnha big bang 2022 - 43 posts
#art - 19 posts
#mod skye - 16 posts
#fics from last year! - 12 posts
#2021 fics - 12 posts
#asks - 11 posts
#fic - 9 posts
#bnha - 7 posts
#my hero acadamia - 4 posts
#fandom event - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 48 characters
#talk to your lock (because communication is key)
My Top Posts in 2022:
Tumblr Messaging Issue
Due to tumblr having some problems with letting me message and since I'm the pretty tumblr face of this bang, I will have to dm the invite links to people over Discord. Please set your Discord settings to "Everyone can add you" until a mod reaches out with the invite link. We're very sorry for the inconvenience.
-Mod Skye
8 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
Mod Intros: Skye
Name: Skye
Pronouns: they/its
Introduce yourself!
Hi y’all! I’m resident chaos/omnipotent mod! I’m with the Eye and Know All :)
What got you into BNHA?
I started watching it because a bunch of my friends in high school called me Deku when I had short green hair. I really loved the show and have been keeping up with it since!
Who is your favorite character?
Either Shinso or Aizawa rn. Tired beanssss
What’s your favorite romantic ship, if any?
Erasermic but also getting dragged into the explodey boi polycule by Athena
What’s your favorite dynamic?
Hatsume and her babies
What is your favorite arc/episode?
Idk don't make me choose
Which character do you relate to the most?
Aizawa sadly
Anything you’d like to add?
I’m a gremlin of many fandoms. You’ve been warned.
8 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
2022 Interest Checks are Live!
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Hi all! The interest checks for the 2022 BNHA Big Bang are here! They’ll be open until February 3rd, with sign ups opening on February 5th.  Please fill these out so that we’ll have an idea of how many participants we are going to have! As always our ask boxes and messages are always open and you can find our schedule here and our faq here! We can’t wait to meet y’all!
-Mod Cess
24 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
BNHA Big Bang 2022 Sign-Ups Are Live!
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Hey yall!! The sign-ups for the 2022 BNHA Big Bang are here! They'll be open til February 13th so get your signups in! Remember, this is a 16+ event, so please be honest about your age. Also, since this event will be run via discord and will post on tumblr (and ao3 for the writers) we do require that you have an account on each of those platforms.
As always our ask boxes and messages are always open and you can find our schedule here and our faq here! Can't wait to meet yall!
-Mod Skye
32 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Hello everyone!!
We're excited go be hosting this event again this year!! It was great working with you last year!
Our Interest Checks open on January 27th, and our Sign Ups start on February 5th. Also, this year the bang will be a 16+ event.
Our ask boxes and messages are always open and you can find our schedule here and our faq here!
Let's all have fun this year!
-Mod Skye
84 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
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Tabou Stories Love Episodes Astuce – Tabou Stories Love Episodes Triche Diamants et Cles Gratuit
Tabou Stories Love Episodes Astuce – Tabou Stories Love Episodes Triche Diamants et Cles Gratuit
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Rebel Racing Triche - Rebel Racing Astuce Or et Argent Gratuit
Rebel Racing Triche – Rebel Racing Astuce Or et Argent Gratuit
Le nouveau Rebel Racing Triche Astuce est sorti et vous pouvez enfin vous amuser avec lui. Vous verrez que grâce à cet outil vous parviendrez à avoir une expérience de jeu améliorée et vous l’aimerez beaucoup. Dans ce guide, nous vous donnerons un aperçu du jeu et nous vous dirons également pourquoi il est si important de profiter de notre Rebel Racing Astuce. Vous verrez que vous aimerez l’utiliser.Vous pouvez vous amuser avec ce nouveau Rebel Racing Triche Astuce et vous pouvez être sûr que vous réussirez à gagner tout l’or et l’argent que vous souhaitez car vous l’utiliserez. Vous verrez que vos statistiques de jeu globales vont s’améliorer et vous n’aurez pas à craindre que votre outil cesse de fonctionner parce que ce ne sera pas le cas. Votre objectif principal sera de vous concentrer sur le jeu et vous verrez que ce Rebel Racing Astuce vous aidera beaucoup à atteindre tous vos objectifs. Une autre chose que vous devez prendre en considération lorsqu’il s’agit de ce Rebel Racing Triche est le fait que vous parviendrez à être protégé dans toutes les situations.La fonction anti-ban vous permettra de cacher toutes vos données privées et personnelles et vous n’aurez plus qu’à vous concentrer sur l’amélioration de votre jeu. Nous sommes sûrs que vous aimerez utiliser ce Rebel Racing Triche et que vous parviendrez à atteindre tous vos objectifs tout en en tirant pleinement parti. Il vous suffit de commencer à l’utiliser et vous parviendrez à améliorer votre temps de jeu. Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser ce nouveau Rebel Racing Triche également parce qu’il fonctionnera parfaitement sur n’importe lequel de vos iOS et aussi sur votre appareil Android.
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affairesasuivre · 4 years
FRUSTRATION - SLAVE MARKETS feat Jason Williamson (Sleaford mods) – (from ‘SO COLD STREAMS’)
Album / Born Bad / 18.10.2019 Post punk
En 5 albums et 17 ans de carrière sans aucun compromis, Frustration s’est fait un joli petit coin de verdure cultivé et entretenu au fil du temps par de très nombreux concerts à la réputation explosive, et un post punk qui n’a eu de cesse de refuser le ronronnement paisible, de repousser les acquis envahissants.
A l’écoute de So Cold Streams, c’est tout cet ADN qui est de retour, ce mélange aujourd’hui si maîtrisé, entre post punk des premiers jours (Insane, Pulse) et initiatives subtiles. En attestent ce chant empli d’une grandiloquence mélancolique sur Lil’White Sister (l’un des plus beaux morceaux de l’album), ou les cordes aux accents orientaux venant appuyer la diction roublarde de Jason Williamson (Sleaford Mods) sur Slave Markets : un coup de pouce loin d’être anodin, le duo anglais étant en grande partie responsable du sentiment de liberté qui émane de ce disque.
C’est dans cet aller retour incessant entre prises de risque et sons inamovibles que se manifeste l’immense vitalité de Frustration, aussi sa volonté de faire de chaque album un terrain de jeu, animé et sans frontière, ou chacun débat, s’engueule et se retrouve autour d’une volonté commune, poussée par la somme de ses parties. Dans cette surenchère de mouvements à l’énergie sans faille, émerge cette fois So Cold Streams, un nouveau chapitre fier et surtout libre, mû par une formidable mentalité, et représenté une nouvelle fois par les couleurs du peintre Baldo, comme aux premiers jours de Full of Sorrow. Une manière de prolonger le lien avec l’imaginaire visuel d’un groupe toujours aussi conscient et révolté par son environnement, aujourd’hui plus qu’hier, à mesure que sa musique poursuit sa mutation, loin du confort et de l’approximatif.
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tinkdw · 5 years
So between the SuperWiki mod shaming Destiel fans for noticing a blatant narrative parallel after being told to look for these just a few episodes ago (oh and whilst promoting noncon underage incest weecest btw) and someone else trying to defend the reaper’s rape of Castiel and her vessel, Twitter is a shit tip of a cess pit on fire and shall be avoided at all costs for a while.
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