#mldccrossover Sabine Cheng
goggles-mcgee · 7 months
Ashes of Rage: Act 1 - A Win...And A Lose
Chapter 3 of the story for @miner249er
AO3 Last Chapter
Summary: Nadja was prepared for a story, but not this one.
A Win...And A Lose:
Nadja barely had time to buckle her seat belt before the station van took off, if they had been in a cartoon, Nadja was sure they would have left a cloud of smoke in the shape of the van. Usually she would be annoyed at the driver, Adam, for his horrid driving and lack of consideration for her and her cameraman, Laurent, but at the moment it was a passing thought. They had the potential to get a big story before everyone else. One of their informants had notified the station of a big explosion, the location being the Agreste Mansion. The informant also told them that the local heroes were also there so there was a good chance this was the work of an akuma or sentimonster. Something in Nadja’s gut though felt like that was wrong, or not wrong but not the complete truth. Nadja was never a superstitious person but if her gut was telling her something, she was going to listen. It never steered her wrong, the only times things went wrong were when she ignored her gut, like that disastrous interview with Ladybug and Chat Noir. 
Her gut had told her it was not a good idea to listen to her producers and director but in her fear to please them she ignored her gut. She had always been a people pleaser growing up so it should have been no surprise that she folded to their demands but Nadja still felt like the worst person in the world when she saw how Ladybug reacted to all her questions. Then, of course, Nadja broke under all the pressure and got akumatized, she had never been more ashamed. Especially when she got home and Manon told her Prime Time had been scary, she swore to never let it happen again. Manon was still dealing with her time as an akuma, more so since Hawkmoth used her once more. Nadja had to take her daughter out of the city just to get some therapy, though she didn’t have time to get her own therapist, Nadja would take that time to just have a good cry and curse the man who gave her daughter horrid nightmares. 
Akumas were the number one cause of damage nowadays and boy could they cause some damage, but this…this was worse. This was something more and somehow Nadja just knew this was going to change Paris as a whole. She just hoped it would be for the better, they needed better, they deserved better after the long tirade of Hawkmoth. She fully believed in the heroes that protected Paris but it was hard to live in the shadow that was Hawkmoth and she could tell it had been wearing on the heroes after each battle with an akuma or sentimonster. Ladybug had stopped doing interviews after her battles and just gave a promise to the people of Paris that she would do everything in her power to protect them. Perhaps it had been the tone of her voice, or the look in her eyes or the way she held herself but after that day many news stations stopped badgering for interviews. Some of course still bothered the heroine but for the most part it was like they all saw how serious Ladybug had grown. Oh, she had always been serious but there was just something different that time. 
Nadja had put her foot down after that, she refused to stalk the hero and it had almost been at the cost of her job but something miraculous had happened, her producers and director listened to her. She, of course, still covered the akum and sentimonster battles but instead of trying to question the heroes she instead interviewed the victims and those who were affected by the chaos. It turned out to be a great idea of hers and their station got more popular since others seemed to only try and interview the heroes about what happened. Sometimes they’d interview the victim but never as gently nor as in depth as Nadja did. It painted Bemused News in a new positive light and they got more traffic on their site. Nadja had even been given a raise for all her work. It was wonderful, it was great, but most of all, it was all because of Ladybug and Marinette. 
Thinking of her goddaughter always brought a soft smile to Nadja’s face. Marinette had always been a kind kid and as she grew, so did her kindness. It was a wonderful thing to witness, Marinette was very special and Nadja thanked God that she was able to have the girl in her life, especially when Manon came along. Nadja still made mistakes as a single mom but Marinette helped her so much, she offered to watch Manon whenever she could and even when Nadja brought her at the last minute. It wasn’t fair to Marinette but the teen always took it in stride and Nadja made sure to pay her extra.  Manon adored her god-sister and always ranted for hours after she spent the day with Marinette about everything they did and just how cool Marinette was. Manon loved the teen so much, it was clear to see, that’s why Nadja hadn’t found another sitter. Well, actually, that was a lie. She had tried to find another sitter to take some of the responsibility off of Marinette but none of them meshed well with Manon. Or Manon didn’t like them.
One quit before their shift was up and cited that her daughter was too difficult, okay that was not their original wording but if Nadja thought of what they had originally said she would feel compelled to find them and fight them. One was nice enough to quit after the first day with Manon, they just said they had thought they could handle being a babysitter since their mom thought they’d be good at it, but after watching Manon they didn’t think it was the job for them. One had been a lady who was a ‘professional’ nanny and it had seemed to go well until Manon had come home with a bruise on her backside. Apparently the nanny had been forced to punish Manon with a ‘good’ spanking after her daughter had acted out. Needless to say, Nadja stopped employing the woman and may or may not have found out the other customers the woman had and told them what she had done. It was one thing to put the child in timeout or take away treats, but she thought it was absolutely not necessary for a nanny to put their hands on the children in their care. 
It was a lot, it still was a lot if Marinette wasn’t available but she would never fault the teen for…well, being a teen. The girl always had so much going on, what with being Class President, an upcoming designer, a helper at her parent’s shop and much and much more. The girl was like a professional multi-tasker if she focused, but she tended to have trouble with keeping time and being on time. It was part of her charm though. Though they were still working on the girl not falling for Manon’s puppy eyes, they were good but Nadja had built up a resistance to it. Marinette….not so much, it was funny but the teen swore she would get better and Nadja had nothing but faith in her. Thinking of the teen reminded her she wanted to commission her to make a birthday gift for Manon. The little one had been in a Barbie hyperfixation lately, but especially Island Princess and she had been wanting the fancy dress. She had begged her mom for one and Nadja said she might get it for her birthday, she tried to look for one but none were what she knew her daughter wanted so she had the idea to ask Marinette. Anything the teen made was fantastic and good quality. 
Her thoughts were interrupted when the van screeched to a halt and Nadja felt the seatbelt dig into her body uncomfortably. She heard Laurent’s breath forced out of them and Nadja had been ready to yell at Adam until the doors to the van opened by none other than Adam, how he got out and to the door so fast Nadja would never know, the sight that greeted them was like nothing she had ever seen. A thin layer of dust was swirling and coating the air, rubble was everywhere and there was this… suppressive air that clung to everything it seemed. It was quiet. No one said a word nor breathed too loudly, this was more destruction than they were used to, than they ever hoped to see. The Agreste Mansion was no more, it looked like an abandoned sand castle on a beach that was left behind when the builder went home and the waves and other things destroyed the sand structure. It was surreal. Laurent was already filming but no words were said as they all took in the damage, Nadja sincerely hoped that no one had been in the mansion when the explosion happened but the dread she felt in her heart was not very convincing. 
Everyone in Paris and maybe the whole world knew how much of a hermit Gabriel Agreste was, the times he actually left his home were rare and Adrien, everyone knew how packed his schedule was but they also knew he actually wasn’t away from his home a lot even with how busy he was. Nathalie, Nadja had only met her briefly, but where M Agreste was, there she was. Plus it was night, which didn’t exactly paint a hopeful picture, but Nadja still hoped, she still prayed that no one had been home. The silence started to feel oppressive and Nadja knew she had to start reporting so she took in a deep breath and turned towards Laurent who nodded at her signal. She opened her mouth to give her usual opening but closed it just as fast. It felt wrong to use the word ‘bemused’ in this context and this wasn’t a plan segment. 
“This is Nadja Chamack. I am standing before the Agreste Mansion that, as you can see, has suffered great damage.” Nadja began a little stiltedly. She felt wrong-footed but knew she had to push on. “A source called the station to inform us of the…’explosion.’  No words can explain just how… haunting the scene is, how terrifying. There is no known sign pointing to the origin of said explosion but according to the eye witness, it wasn’t an akuma. They claim that the explosion came from the house itself.” 
It felt wrong to speak so clinically but that was the job and if she even, for one moment, thought about the possibility that they would find a body or more as they filmed she would break down and possibly throw up. The dark, morbid thoughts made her stomach twist. “What happened to the famous Agreste Mansion if it was not the work of an akuma? Was it an accident? Perhaps a gas leak that wasn’t noticed until it was too late. Or was this a direct attack of the remaining Agreste’s?”
Nadja really hoped not. She knew Marinette and the boy, Adrien, were friends and she just knew if it was a direct attack or not, the girl would be very upset. She was fiercely protective of her friends and family. “Could it have been an upset competitor? Or maybe even an obsessed fan? We have yet to know but hopefully we’ll get more answers as we look around-”
The reporter was cut off when they heard a young voice squeal. They all looked up and saw as Noc-Turtle carried a child away from the scene. That’s when Nadja finally noticed that the scene had been a bit too quiet. People were nosy, especially Parisians who hoped to catch glimpses of the town’s heroes. But the scene they came upon had no observers which should have clearly been a sign that the heroes had gotten there first and did what they did best, protect. There were always some heroes who helped evacuate the masses when an akuma or sentimonster were on a rampage. That was one of the reasons that the media took a step back from hounding the heroes with personal questions and such. It was easy to see how seriously they took each attack and it made you feel shameful if you jeopardized the safety of yourself and others just to get a scoop or a half-answer. “It would appear that we are not the first to arrive at the scene but that is to be expected of Team Miraculous.” 
“If the heroes got here so fast, it begs the question, where are the police?” All the media lately had been questioning the police, not so much the BSPP as they still did their jobs and did it well, but it seemed like the police were doing the bare minimum. Usually they pulled up to a scene later than most even if the problem wasn’t an akuma. Officer Raincomprix was the only one who seemed genuinely mad about not being to a scene faster, the man looked more and more stressed the longer it went on, but never resigned. It smelt of corruption, whether it be rookies or higher-ups and not for the first time, nor the last, did Nadja believe they were being bribed by Hawkmoth. As per the usual, the BSPP arrived to help manage the small fires that surrounded the destroyed mansion and the debris.  She assumed they had already been called by eye-witnesses and therefore knew as much as she did. She just hoped they questioned her and her crew after they were done filming. 
Another look around made Nadja aware of not just Noc-Turtle but also Bee-Witch and Fox-Tail clearing out civilians, they did so so swiftly it was like second nature for them. The thought hurt, that these heroes were so used to trying to keep everyone safe no matter the situation. It didn’t matter if the akuma was M Pidgeon levels of harm or worse…like Syren. Not many spoke of that akuma and that’s because not many had worked through the trauma it brought. No news reported on it because most news reporters were stuck somewhere high up, the water took out their power lines, thus their internet and the fact many people had died that day, news employees as well. No one wanted to talk about dying and being revived by the magical power of the ladybugs that washed over Paris, it became known as the Miraculous Cure. One of Nadja’s coworkers had been one of those many who had fallen victim to the water, the poor man was still afraid to go near any water. When they had a segment near the Seine who refused to go anywhere near it. No one could argue with him, not that they wanted to but still. It was hard to argue in the face of the outright terror the man had. 
Looking at all the destruction though, Nadja just hoped that the Miraculous Cure came swiftly. There was no way that the people in the surrounding buildings or just in the area had not been hurt at the least. No the least would be leaving the area with no wounds or bruises, the most would be death and that was never an easy thing to swallow when in the face of such destruction. Nadja looked over everything once again and noted that Laurant was as well, though with the camera. It was definitely something to see, especially for those who knew how protected the mansion seemed to be. They had all seen pieces of the system when Jackady had taken over the TVi Station when they were filming The Challenge . It was as impressive as it was insane, the shutters on the windows, the amount of cameras, it was another thing many did not speak about publicly, but behind closed doors it was major gossip. The recluse Gabriel Agreste fashioned his house with military levels of security? It was odd. More than even. Of course there were some who argued for the man, he was famous, plus his wife was missing and it felt awful to call him crazy if he simply did it to protect his son and himself. But that was the thing, what if all that security was for something more?
Sabine and Nadja were no better than most when it came to gossip and it was one of the things they often spoke of. Nadja was always the one to bring up the outlandish theories, drug ring, trafficking, maybe even the corpse of Emilie Agreste hidden somewhere but Sabine was the one who argued for the man, well not really him but for Adrien. Sabine thought all the security was for Adrien’s safety even if it was over-the-top and worrisome. Sabine wanted to see the good while Nadja saw the odd, she saw the potential story. Looking at how far down the house went, Nadja would bet her entire salary that Gabriel Agreste had skeletons in his closet. She wasn’t the only one to notice how odd it was that the house went further down, way past a basement level. The BSPP members were all looking down too and were shouting if anyone was down there but Nadja could see the apprehension and confusion at the large hole in the mansion. Thankfully she wasn’t the only one weirded out by it. 
“ Nadja .” Laurant whispered harshly which pulled Nadja’s attention back to the camera. 
She quickly schooled her face into her ‘reporter’ face as Manon called it. “As you can see, myself and the BSPP have been caught off guard by a massive…er, hole in the Agreste Mansion. It suggests that the mansion itself had more levels than the public knew. Could this be why it is in such a state now? Was this an attack on Gabriel Agreste for whatever was going on in the house? Hopefully we’ll have answers soon.”
The sound of things moving within the hole had everyone near it step back in alarm but the BSPP acted fast after that and threw down some rope into the hole and yelled for whoever was in there that they would get them out and if they couldn’t move to tie the rope to themselves and tug. It was silent for a couple of seconds and everyone was straining their ears to hear anything. Then a tug of the rope and a pull later and out came Viperion and Donryu, but they weren’t alone, no, they had carried up three bodies with them. Three extremely broken bodies, it took all of Nadja’s willpower not to puke or cry at the sight. Donryu softly told them all that the three, Gabriel Agreste, Adrien Agreste and Nathalie Sancoeur were alive but very injured. The BSPP grabbed the three from the heroes in order to help and find out exactly just how injured all parties were. Nadja was going to continue talking about the new development but something stopped her. Well, more someone, it was Viperion.
The hero was normally one of the softer spoken members so it wasn’t out of the norm not to hear him speak but something about how quiet he was now rubbed Nadja the wrong way. It made her maternal instincts rear up. She was even going to go up to the boy and ask what was wrong but stopped short when she saw what he was cradling in his arms. She didn’t even realize her breath was coming out shorter and faster nor the fact she had pulled her phone from her pocket and dialed the number she needed. It was like she was on autopilot. She hadn't even noticed that she had started crying, but it was obvious she was when the person finally answered the phone and Nadja tearfully said,” Sabine?”
“Nadja?” Sabine’s voice was clearly drowsy, like she had just woken up, which considering the time she most likely did just wake up. “Nadja, what’s wrong? Are you okay? Is it Manon?”
Nadja’s heart broke further. “Sabine…Sabine I need you to tell me where Marinette is.”
“Marinette? Nadja, what?” It sounded like Sabine was still half-asleep.
“Sabine, please , is Marinette at home?”
“Of course she is! Nadja what is this about?” She was more awake now it seemed.
“Can you…Can you check?”
There was some shuffling and grumbling from the other side of the phone but it was muffled as Nadja could only hear the pounding of her heart. “I swear if this child snuck out again..” 
Nadja tried not to sob when she heard Sabine mutter that sentence. She hoped, she hoped that what she saw was an illusion or just a coincidence or something other than the supposed truth. The shuffling on the other end turned to creaking and Nadja could see it in her mind how Sabine opened the trapdoor up to Marinette’s room. She could hear her friend calling out for her daughter and with each call of the name the panic in Sabine’s voice rose. “Nadja! Nadja, she left…Marinette left a note. Why would she leave a note?”
Her friend was in a deep panic but as much as Nadja wanted to reassure her it just confirmed the worst for her, because there, in Viperion’s arms was Marinette’s signature flats, the first shoes she ever made and had ranted about to Nadja before she started her college days. They had even had a celebration picnic after the girl’s successful craftsmanship. She had been so proud of herself and Manon had begged the girl to make her some shoes too and Marinette had laughed fondly and promised Manon she would. And she did, Manon had a matching pair of flats in her closet that she wore with her princess dresses or her ‘fancy’ dresses if they had to go to an event or something important. Those flats and her small little shoulder bag were in Viperion's arms and even from her distance she could spot the dried blood on the items. It covered some of her signature polka-dots and that finally made Nadja release the sob she had tried to hold in. Sabine was yelling on the other line and all Nadja could choke out as she fell to her knees was, “Something happened. Something bad.”
*BSPP - The Paris Fire Brigade ( Brigade des sapeurs-pompiers de Paris): a French Army unit which serves as the primary fire and rescue service for Paris, the city's inner suburbs and certain sites of national strategic importance. * Jackady - Simon Says akuma
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goggles-mcgee · 4 years
Do Marinette’s parents know what her classmates are putting her through in “A Little Birdy Told Me”? Tom Dupain is like a big teddy bear; he has an intimidating size but has a soft heart, though he’s not afraid of putting someone in their place if that someone hurts his precious daughter. Sabine might be the more dangerous of the two, what with her martial arts skills from the “Troublemaker” episode. A part of me wants them to be aware of Marinette being Ladybug, so Marinette has extra support!
Unfortunately they don't know everything. Marinette told them the bare minimum because she didn't want her father to turn back into Weredad and her mother to finally fall victim to Hawkmoth. She did tell them about Lila a bit, that she has turned her class against her and they don't like her anymore, but she doesn't tell them about the pranks they play or the amount of falls she took that she's sure she felt hands on her, or the amount of times her class forgot to tell her about outings only to result in her small group of friends having their own outings instead...she shuddered at the thought.
She does want to tell her parents about being Ladybug, God does she want to, especially after the whole Chat breaking into her room and almost taking her, but she's still scared that Fu will take the Miraculous away from her. Tikki is all on board telling her parents but she knows what Marinette fears and they kind of agreed that they would tell her parents after she became the Guardian.
But everything will come out there in Gotham. And I do mean everything!
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goggles-mcgee · 2 years
I really love the wish me away au... cant wait for the whole series, also may i ask will adrien try to do something to mari (ike older adrien will try to take her since " he love her" or send her things like a stalker?, will their "real" parents try to fight to get her? or at least talk to her?, will their classmates look for her in social media? what about luka chloe and kagami? are they friends?, and for last, when she grow to the age she was wished away will remember everything and move on?
Okie dokie so I did somewhat answer this in a previous ask but this was asked so long ago and has multiple questions so imma do my best to answer all of them!
•Future Adrien does not send her things, nor does he talk about loving her. At this point he more or less hates the "current" Marinette because she's not his past version of Marinette. He truly doesn't see what he did wrong so he never accepted that Marinette didn't consider them friends anymore before the final battle took place. Then finding out his beloved Ladybug was his "friend" he was ecstatic to get his happily ever after from the wish and start a relationship with Marinette.
But then the Wish happened and it completely messed everything up. He doesn't know that Mari remembers her past life. Sometimes he suspects but really he doesn't start believing it until he hears about this Madame Miracle. He comes to the conclusion that it has to be Mari and she has to remember everything and that just makes him hate her more for "denying them their happily ever after."
At this point he does have his own business, a modeling agency, and he tries to get Marietta Wayne to be one of his models so he can get closer to her, but only as a means to steal whatever Miraculi she has on her. His offers keep being refused so he will at some point start to stalk and up his game so to speak.
• Tom and Sabine did try to fight for Mari in the courts but their case was quickly thrown out. Even if most courts now take on cases dealing with magic and there are magical beings and magical metahumans, there is one think Tom and Sabine's case lack. Proof. Even if a case is magical, there will always be some sort of evidence.
John Constantine had even been called to investigate the matter because Tom and Sabine wouldn't let up and so he agreed. He agreed because he knew he was about to shoot down any further attempt the two could take legally to get Marietta from Bruce. It was his first time back in Paris after the Djinn incident but once he set foot in Paris he could automatically feel the residual magic left behind by Karma.
Basically he tells Tom and Sabine, as well as the courts who were handling the cases, along with the Waynes. That yes he felt magical energy, but it was a left over energy and merely proved that magic had been active at some point. And he basically states that if Marietta had been this Marinette girl she would definitely have some Magic on her but point blank states she has none and even goes as far as to say he's willing to bring in Wonder Woman so he can say that on her lasso.
After that? Tom and Sabine really don't have a leg to stand on and they have no one to really turn to except Adrien who contacts them as Chat Noir and swears to bring their daughter back.
• Some classmates do follow her on her social medias, some because they just like this growing fashion icon, they don't remember her mind you so they really only follow her because she's a small celebrity. Others did follow her but she blocks them any and every time they make new accounts to try and talk to her about being Marinette.
• Luka and Kagami remain friends but that's kind of up in the air, not because they fight or anything! But because an ask made me think about Marinette and Luka and how their relationship is really freaking sad in this AU and how I might maybe, very slightly, might be considering Fluff and Them deciding to Bless the two of them and basically Luka would also be aged down so the two could find one another in their later lives. But again, idk, I'm just contemplating this.
If that doesn't happen, then yes Luka and Kagami remain close friends, along with Marc, Nathaniel, Aurore, and Mireille.
Chloe is friends with Marc and Nathaniel but she moves from Paris with her family after the whole broadcast and everything that followed. She and Kagami are polite to one another and consider each other acquaintances. It's not because they dislike each other or anything, it's just they never became close before Chloe's move and afterwards they rarely see one another and neither really knows how to reach out to the other.
• Mari already remembered so as she grows it doesn't really affect her. I mean mentally it does because she doesn't like remembering her past life with so much clarity, but it's not holding her back in anyway.
She has very much moved on. It's just the memories do bring some pain and sadness for her that she wishes she forgot but she does not want to ask any magic user to help her with it. The thought of the magic for that going wrong scares her too much to ever even think of asking anyone let alone the kwamis.
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
Wish Me Away Masterlist
Chapters: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ]
Kitten Marinette
Snapper Marinette
Goddess Tikki
Headcanons: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ]
Mini Headcanons Plus Asks Equals This
Alfred Was A Peacock, How Did Gabriel Get Miraculous?
Is Mari A Teen Trapped In A Baby's Body?
Did Adrien Recognize Little Mari In The Meeting?
What Does Paris Know?
Is There A Ship? 
Baby Miraculous Mari Shenanigans 
Does Mari Return To Paris?
Mari And Riddler Rivalry
The Meeting Drabble
Does Mari have a pacifier & is she scared of any Rogues?
Dating Headcanons, Mari reaction to Batcat marriage, Talia's reaction to Mari
Nicknames for Mari by everyone
Does the Batfam get to use the Miraculous?
List of those who remember and those who don't
Future Mari and her Quest for the Kwami
Why does Chloe forget Mari?
Gampa Gordon
Does the Batfam and Marietta meet Lila?
Mari And Riddler Rivalry pt 2
Adrien a Future Villain?
Emilie Approve? Marietta meeting teams & more
Why Does Chloe Not Remember?
Those Who Forget And What Happens To Them
Adrien and Gabriel's Punishments
The Class's Punishments + Sabine & Tom
Does Anyone Feel Guilty?
Fuck Freud? 👀
No-Kill or To-Kill That Is The Question
Luka, Juleka, and Blessings
Magic User Reactions to Babynette
Older Marietta: Madame Miracle
The Interview Drabble
Baby Mari & Selina + More
Is Adrien in the Court of Tragedies?
Are There Paintings/Murals of Marinette in Paris?
Mad Hatter?
Is The Lazarus Tournament a Thing?
Rabbit Mari?
Adrien’s Feelings About Marietta
Choose Your Words Carefully: The AU of the AU
Part of Lila's Punishment
Court of Tragedies Members
GLs v Mari & Kwamis
The Ask of Many Questions: Does Adrien Send Mari Things, Does Her Parents Try to Get Her Back, Is The Former Miraculous Team Friends, Do Her Classmates Follow Her Future Social Media, etc?
Do Tom and Sabine Work With Adrien in the Court?
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goggles-mcgee · 4 years
🧂Goggles The Salt Shaker Masterpost 🧂
Ever After High:
Poison Apple
A Little Birdy Told Me
Wish Me Away
Dead Sea Salt Ideas
The Ask That Started It All: aka The List
Why Is Adrien A Bad Guy? Ask
Tikki Salt Art
Marinette, The Rolling Stone
What Is Jagged Like As A Father? 
Tom and Sabine’s reactions to the Interview
Ivy’s Sapling
Headcanons That Came From Asks [ 1 ]
Ivy's Sapling Marinette
Lila Situation & Mari's Return To Gotham
The Commission 
Headcanons That Came From Asks [ 1 ] [ 2 ]
Headcanons About Spiderbug From AU [ 1 ]
Do Tom and Sabine Fully Turn On Mari?
Overview of Tattle-Tail
Aftermath of the "truth bombs"
Joint Idea Asks:
Wish Me Away: Mari’s relationship with Batfam & Ivy’s Sapling: Daminette and Class, Adrien, and Lila Salt 
Marinette, The Rolling Stone, Wish Me Away, & Ivy’s Sapling: Tom and Sabine Salt?
Wish Me Away: Why did Adrien think the wish would do? & Ivy's Sapling: Shenanigans and Headcanons
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goggles-mcgee · 4 years
In your wish me away au, does Mari ever return to Paris when she’s older? Maybe some of her old classmates/parents recognize her?if so, how would the reunion go?
She does end up returning to Paris when she's older, specifically 13 the age she became Ladybug, she does it to see how it's changed, how she's changed and to get closure. She of course doesn't go alone, Dick, Jason, and Cassandra go with her since they know the probability of her running into someone she knows is high and they don't want her to have to go through that alone.
When she first gets there she's fine and she shows her siblings her old favorite spots, some she can't show without transforming but they understand why she doesn't want to show them. The risk of Paris seeing her is too high and the questions that would be asked would be too much for her to handle. So she was content on showing them her "ground-level" spots and it was fun. Dick and her took many pictures together, Cassandra too, Jason took some if she pulled her "big-blue's" on him. It was great and they made sure to avoid the 21st arrondissement since that is where Tom and Sabine's bakery is. They had been careful so of course Marietta's luck ran out then and there and they ran into Nino and Alya, who were surprisingly still together. It was hard not to react but Cass had held her hand and it had helped. She knew she wasn't wearing what she used to but she did wear her hair in pigtails like she did when she was Marinette. It was still hard not to react when, out of the corner of her eyes she could see Alya look in their direction, then back at Nino and do a double take back at her.
She knows Tikki told her some people were punished with memories. Specifically memories of her before she was wished away, but it didn't make seeing them any easier on her given she remembered them too. She had to grow up with these memories despite having this other, better life. Wayzz explained it was kind of like kids who remembered their past life's, except she wouldn't grow out of the memories. Apparently, those who didn't wrong her too much in her past life, if they excepted what they did wrong, the memories would fade. She didn't know if that was merciful or not but she was not going to question the Kwami on it, there was no need to anger the tint gods. All of them had made their opinion known, they thought everyone had gotten too soft a punishment. It was that talk that reminded Marietta that the Kwami were gods yes, they liked humanity, liked Earth, but they would ultimately always be morally grey unless something was directly hurting or abusing the Miraculous. Duusuu was still recovering from what Gabriel and Nathalie had done to him.
Mari sighed when she heard the click of a camera because she knew that now, everyone from her past would know about the "Marinette" look alike.
"Hey. Isn't it illegal to take pictures of a minor without their consent?" Jason said loudly in French. Though he wasn't looking at them, Nino and Alya tensed and Mari had to hid her giggle.
From then on they were followed by Alya and Nino. Jason wanted to "teach them a little something" but Dick thankfully reeled him in but she could tell Dick wasn't pleased by the situation either. He even offered to do something about it to, like make a scene and even use their Wayne name, but she refused. Maybe Tikki was getting to her, but she wanted to see how far they'd go. Mari suspected Cass also wanted to see, she was still holding her hand though so she knew Cass wouldn't let them try anything.
Slowly the group of her classmates grew and really Mari wanted to shout at them. Did they think they were being subtle? She was expecting someone to come up to them when they decided to rest and who did they bump into? Andre Glacier himself! They decided to get some ice cream, and Marietta's heart clenched when she saw the ice cream she got was the same it had been that day she had faced Miracle Queen and everytime after. She could hear the not-so-quiet gasps.
Then she gasped and dropped her ice cream when Tom and Sabine marched up to them and Sabine was calling her Marinette and asking how she hadn't aged. Dick hid her behind him and stood to his full height with Jason right beside him while Cass stood beside her holding her to her. Things sounded muffled, mainly because Cass was hugging her to her chest and covering her head with her arms but Mari didn't mind, but she could hear Dick telling them what they think they were doing just coming up to his sister like that and that they must have mistaken her for someone else but Sabine was adamant she was Marinette.
"I birthed her! I think I would remember how my baby looks!"
Apparently her old class decided that would be the perfect time to join in and show Tom and Sabine the picture of her ice cream before it was ruined and next thing she knew she was being grabbed at, and then she heard her dad's voice which was supposed to be in Gotham, and she felt herself being pulled behind someone and when she looked up she recognized Damian's hair and by his stance she guessed he was pointing his katana at someone.
Guess there went her normal day. She didn't even know how they got ther-...Zeta tubes right. Those were a thing.
"You would do well to remember this you leeches. Don't. Touch. My. Sister." Damian growled.
"Damian. Put the katana away. The point still stands that you were putting your hands on my daughter. And from what I heard some of you took photos of her which is illegal is it not?" His words were polite but his tone was cool as ice and Mari had to shake the image of Frozer and Mr. Freeze that fought to be the only image she saw, away.
It took entirely too long to get away from the group and back home but when they did Marietta didn't know why she ever wanted to go back there. And apparently the family can't do anything without being in the spotlight because they made it onto Paris local news and soon basically world news since it wasn't everyday that Gotham's "Princess" was harassed. They would have to do a press conference and Mari hated press conferences but it was needed.
Little did she know her and her family would be getting a visit from a member of the Graham de Vanily family soon. 👀
Hope you enjoyed this small bit anon!
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goggles-mcgee · 4 years
Okay, So I need to Ask Um, Got any salt on Marinette's Parents? Because as much As I love them in the show, They are almost never around to do anything.
Oh yeah definitely.
The show shows them to be loving supportive parents and I think a lot of us like to latch onto that when writing but when you take a step back, you realize they are almost never around and why? Because of their business. They are neglectful. Now it very well could be they don't mean to be, but the fact of the matter is, they are and as a result of that Marinette is very mature and always feels pressure to do things on her own or to make things perfect. That's a lot to put on a child.
Anyways mini rant over! There are 3 ideas on my Dead Sea Salt List that include Tom and Sabine salt and I shall tell them to you and the ways they are salted!
Idea 3. Marinette, The Rolling Stone:
This one is obvious here as this whole story is about Jagged and Penny adopting Marinette. Tom and Sabine like to think they know their daughter but the truth is they aren't around a lot. They don't even notice that she doesn't hang out with the girls in class anymore and hasn't done so in months for crying out loud! They don't even notice that she hasn't gone out to hang out with her friends either.
But then Marinette's friends come in and start telling them that Marinette is bullying the new girl, they don't even recognize Lila from when she almost got Marinette expelled, and Lila herself creates a sob story and well Tom and Sabine notice then and there just how often Marinette has been at home by herself. They fall for the lies.
And well, this is a blessing in disguise for them, they were getting busier with the bakery and thinking of opening up another location and doing that while juggling a teenager would be so difficult, especially a problem child. They decide to kick Marinette out, but they aren't "malicious" or "cold-hearted" they decide to emancipate her. They purely do it because they think they are protecting their family members by not letting Marinette manipulate them into thinking she's the sweet person they thought she was, and they want to protect their image. They don't want their family members to think ill of them.
Then Jagged Stone pops up wanting to commission Marinette, but Tom and Sabine tell them they grounded Marinette from designing and took away her sewing machine. He's livid and demands the reason why, they tell him and he just looks at them like they lost their heads, even asks if they did, because he knows there's no way Marinette would bully someone. They insist she has and she's changed and she's this horrible little liar and manipulator and that's why they are getting rid of her. It takes a lot for him not to get akumatized then and there but Jagged firmly says he'll adopt Marinette.
They try their best to talk him out of it but he's set. So they let him, they just know hope he knows he can't return her when he finds out they were right.
Life is good for them after they get rid of Marinette, that is until the interview. Nadja gets an exclusive interview with Jagged Stone, Penny Rolling and their new adoptive daughter that they have been raving about on social media. Nadja does nothing to hold back her disgust when she recounts what Marinette and her new parents had told her about Tom and Sabine kicking her out all because of a liar. The interview is an hour special where they debunk each and every single one of Lila's lies. And Tom and Sabine watch and the pits in their stomachs grow the more they watch.
After all that. Paris erupts. Gabriel literally passes out from all the anger and sadness he feels from his Miraculous and has to take sleeping medication and just sleep the day away. Everyone who had ever met Marinette was furious, not only at her school and friends, but at her parents too. Regulars who used to come in stopped. Which is a kind of a big deal in France, you pick a bakery and basically stick to it. Despite their products being good, people are hesitant to go to Tom and Sabine's, because how can they go to a place and expect to be treated well when the owners treated their own daughter so awfully and for what? For lies?
They can't even get a second location anymore, the owner of the place they were going to buy from refused their offer. They wanted someone who treasured baking and family to buy their place and they can see that Tom and Sabine don't treasure those ideals. They still get business, but it's not as good as it had been. Some people come in and buy something small but they always have something to say about Marinette, like how it's a shame she's not there, or how her cupcakes were always decorated the best, or how her smile always made their day. Little jabs that just made Tom and Sabine hurt more.
They tried to get Marinette back but to no luck. They tried to say the adoption wasn't legal because of the lies but that got slammed down pretty fast. They tried to talk with her anyway they could think of till she changed her number and Jagged and Penny threatened to take legal action against them.
Everytime they went out, it felt like they were being judged. Like people didn't even want to look at them.
Gina and Roland basically disowned them
Idea 6. Wish Me Away
Not a lot of salt but Tom and Sabine were getting more and more distant with Marinette the closer the big battle got. She tried to pretend she didn't notice but she did, they seemed to only be around ling enough to give her good mornings, obligatory 'I love you's', even when they had dinner together it felt like when they asked her how her day was they were only doing it because it was what parents did, not because they were genuinely interested. Everyday that got closer to the fight she had wanted to be honest and just tell them that she was being crushed under all the weight of her responsibilities but she knew if she did she would be met with disappointment and fake sympathy.
She knew it wasn't healthy, she knew it wasn't right, but Marinette figured she was better off than most kids so she never complained. Then the battle happened and the wish happened and honestly, her parents didn't notice she didn't come home. They figured she was at a friend's house. The second night it was a Sunday so they just figured she was still at a friend's. The third day it was Monday, a school day and nothing, she never came home for lunch which she always did, they remembered that at least. So they called the school to ask if she had been in that day but the school told them, very politely, that no one by the name Marinette Dupain Cheng ever went to their school.
Of course they freak out and assume this must be the work of an Akuma. But days pass by and they really start to get worried and try to get Nadja to help them but even she looks at them like they're crazy and calmly tells them they don't have a daughter. That's when they finally go up to Marinette's room and see it's just a normal attic. Then Marinette's classmates come by and her teacher and they ask where she is and they nearly weep because somebody else remembers her and they tell them what has been going on. They too think it's an Akuma.
Then Adrien comes by with a woman they've never met and he looks like he'll but they refrain from saying anything, they still keep their business going because they figure if it is an Akuma then Ladybug and Chat Noir will defeat it any day now and Marinette will come back. There are days when they forget that Marinette is missing and doesn't that just say something? But they have to tell Adrien that only a few people remember Marinette and they suspect it's an Akuma. They don't notice how pale the boy gets or the cold face his mother makes at the mention of an Akuma but they give them a couple discounted treats and send them on their way.
Then Ladybug makes an appearance on Nadja's network and says it's to give an announcement. She looks different, older, and her suit is also different but everyone is paying attention. She tells of the battle with Hawkmoth, Gabriel Agreste, that was the first big shock, she tells them that she was betrayed by Chat Noir, but she would not give out his name as he was already living out his punishments, she tells them that Hawkmoth made his wish and the world was paying for it, that Gabriel and Chat were paying for it, they lost someone dear to them, for Gabriel it was Nathalie, for Chat it was the previous Ladybug, Marinette Dupain Cheng...their existences had been erased from the universe but those who had wronged them or failed them would be punished with the memories of them.
Tomnand Sabine froze at that because it made sense, and at the same time didn't. How did they fail Marinette? They just couldn't understand it. Gina didn't remember having a granddaughter but she remembered Tom and Sabine calling and asking about a Marinette, and in a rare moment she had been in Paris during the announcement and had heard what Ladybug had said. She cried for the little girl she didn't know but she was angry at her son and his wife because they clearly remembered her so they were being punished, and she could imagine why. Their bakery was always their top priority, it was their baby, everything else came second. They never wanted a baby, they never said it out loud but she knew, so she could only imagine what this Marinette had to go through and she cried for the girl.
Roland remembered being helped by the heroes but he doesn't remember why but when he watched the announcement he thinks it may be because of the granddaughter he can't remember, he didn't want to see his son or wife, it had been that way for awhile, but he felt his heart wrench for the granddaughter he couldn't remember and would never get to know. Roland was even more disappointed in his son when he got a call asking if he remembered this Marinette, because it meant he had failed his own daughter and their protector. He knew he wasn't the best father but he felt outraged on behalf of the granddaughter he lost.
People found out that Tom and Sabine remembered and so they found out they were being punished, which made people a bit wary of them.
[The "new" Ladybug is literally just Tikki using Trixx's illusions, Tikki is hella petty in this fic, also okay that was more salt that I thought]
Idea 9. Ivy's Sapling:
This one definitely doesn't have a lot of salt towards them but there is some. They do care about Marinette and they see her as a niece more than a daughter. So they aren't really as involved in her life as maybe they should be but she understands that they didn't ask for her. When the problems with Lila start up they want to believe in her and they do at the beginning but they start to question of they could be true because of her background. From what her and Gina said, she was from the bad part of Gotham and so was her mother, they never told them she was Poison Ivy's kid, they just know that Marinette's mother goes by Pamela when she talks with Marinette on the phone.
So they don't fully turn on Marinette but they do start to be wary and more questioning, they don't trust her as much as they did before which does hurt her but they don't fully believe Lila and her classmates, or more like they don't want to believe.
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goggles-mcgee · 4 years
For your Wish me Away series, do the Paris people eventually learn about Mari? Like the Agrestes, Mari's class, her parents?
Yes they do!
I explain a bit of it on this post here 🧂
Once Mari is settled with the Batfam, Tikki, Trixx, Plagg, and Kaalki all travel back to Paris per Tikki's request. Tikki has Trixx cast an illusion on her to make her look like a human using the Ladybug Miraculous and she goes on to ask Nadja if she can make an announcement. Of course Nadja agrees because this is Ladybug, or well an older looking one anyways and she promised to explain everything. Tikki as a Ladybug reveals that Gabriel was Hawkmoth and has been taken to the proper authorities, she reveals that Chat Noir betrayed Marinette who she also reveals to be the past Ladybug. But she does not give out his identity as he's already facing punishment. She also explains that there are others that remember Marinette and it is because they had betrayed her and hurt her.
On top of remembering Marinette when very little do, Adrien is plagued by bad luck and never being able to wield a Miraculous again, he is also scarred on his finger where the ring was. Her classmates also remember her, for some if they except the fact they played a roll in making Marinette miserable they will eventually forget about her (how miserable they made Marinette is entirely judged by Tikki.) Those that Tikki feel have wronged Marinette greatly and who have wielded Miraculi also get scars of the Miraculous they wore and a punishment that ties into whatever Miraculous they had as well.
Mari's parents find out when Paris finds out but they do remember Marinette which Ladybug did announce meant that they had betrayed or hurt their daughter so their reputation takes a hit. The post I tagged goes into detail on their salt a bit more!
Paris mourns for the girl they no longer remember and is very wary of those that do.
Lila of course remembers but her punishment is a little different than the others 😌
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