#mj: the person we're looking for is your son
edith-hyde · 1 year
Norman Osborn X Female Reader
I Forgot My Umbrella - Part 36
Word Count: 3237
Summary: You run into some new potential friends during lunch. On your way back to work, something unexpected happens.
Warnings: Age gap. PG/PG-13.
A/N: Ya know that moment in the K-Drama where something jarring happens to heighten the tension? We're there lol
Tagging: @druigswh0ree @digital-demise @maskmare931 @b1ueoff1ine @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @wtfhasmy-lifecometo
Lunch time rolled around and you planned to eat with Norman at the café across the street.
Unfortunately, Norman was held up by a meeting and told you to go on without him. 
With a dejected heart, you headed across the street to get your meal. You had an hour lunch and spent the first few minutes sketching as you waited for your food. Thinking about the past weekend, you started drawing Norman and Harry side by side. You realized they had quite a few features in common now that you were thinking about it. The strong cheekbones, square jaw, fluffy hair… But you much preferred Norman’s features between the two. They were sharper, more confident. 
And aged to perfection.
You giggled to yourself, totally entrenched in your work. So you nearly jumped out of your skin when a voice spoke from behind you.
“That’s really good!”
You twisted around to see Harry standing over your shoulder. You instantly slammed the sketchbook shut and started babbling. 
“Ha-Harry?! What are you-? When did you-?”
Harry held up his hands in defense. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you. I was actually just coming over here to say hi and ask if you wanted to come eat with us.”
You peeked around Harry and spotted Peter Parker sitting across from a red headed young woman. Peter saw you and gave a small awkward wave.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Harry shrugged.
“No! I’d like to. Sorry. You just surprised me is all…”
You gathered your things and went to join Harry and his two friends.
“Pete, MJ, this is Y/N.”
“It’s nice to see you again, Peter. And it’s nice to meet you, MJ.”
MJ gave you a pleasant smile.
“Hi! You can sit here.”
MJ moved her purse so you could sit next to her. This put you across from Harry, who was currently glancing between you and Peter with confusion.
“You and Pete have met before?” Harry questioned.
“Yeah,” Peter said with a bob of his head, “I went to your dad’s office over a week ago to talk about the apartment. Ya know, that’s when he offered me the job.”
“Ah right…”
Harry suddenly grinned at you. 
“Hey, Y/N. Show ‘em the drawing you were doing.”
“Oh I’d rather not,” you said as your face flushed red.
“But it’s really good! I can’t believe you drew it from memory. Come on.”
You arched an eyebrow at Harry. He didn’t seem to think there was anything weird about what you were sketching and that surprised you. Perhaps it was because he was a fellow artist? 
Or perhaps drawing your boss and his son wasn’t as weird as you thought it was.
Yeah right.
With a deep breath, you opened the sketchbook. You were extra careful not to show the other incriminating pages as you tried to find the one you had been working on. With a great deal of apprehension, you turned the book around to show the table. You watched everyone’s reactions. Harry smiled with pride. Peter looked with contained awe. And MJ’s eyes widened to the size of baseballs.
“Wow Harry wasn’t joking, you are good!” she praised, “You really drew this from memory?”
“Yeah,” you answered sheepishly, “Harry came in yesterday and I couldn’t help but notice some similarities between him and Nor- Dr. Osborn. It’s my artist's brain. I can’t help it. I like to draw the people around me.”
It wasn’t a lie so much as a bent version of the truth. You really did like to draw the people around you. You just left out how, lately, the only person you had been around to draw was Norman.
“They do look alike,” Peter agreed, “But you’ve really captured their distinct looks.”
“I know right?” Harry laughed, “It’s like looking in a mirror!”
You closed the sketchbook and MJ tilted her head.
“Can we see some other sketches?”
“Oh no!” you answered immediately with a laugh, “This sketchbook is like my diary. So some of the drawings are personal… Ya know?”
MJ nodded her understanding.
“Better put a lock and key on it then. Harry might snoop.”
“Hey!” Harry said defensively, “I already said I was sorry for that. Let it go.”
MJ smirked and you had the feeling that they were referencing something that happened while they were dating. It was good that they were able to joke about it, you thought. That meant that they were on their way to being proper friends again.
“Say, Y/N, where are you going to college?”
Harry’s question made you give a scathing laugh.
“Nowhere! Thank God I am past all that mess.”
Harry’s eyebrows went up.
“You’ve already graduated college?”
“Yeah. Got my art degree last year… Wait… How old did you think I was?”
Harry turtled into himself, suddenly shy.
“I guess I just assumed you were the same age as us.”
You shook your head with an amused smile.
“Thanks for thinking I look so youthful, but I’ll be 24 this year. Not saying I’m old, but I’m very much older than you.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at Harry’s pouting face. It took him a second to recover and you took the time to address the other two at the table.
“So what are the two of you majoring in?”
“I’m trying to be an actress,” MJ said shyly, “Trying and failing if I am being honest.”
“You’re not failing!” Peter quickly defended, “You’re doing great. That play you were in last week was amazing.”
“Pete, I was an extra for one scene,” MJ laughed with an eyeroll.
“Still. You were great.”
You smiled. Peter was clearly in love with MJ. He adored everything she did, no matter how small it was. Harry just rolled his eyes, clearly not finding their exchange as cute as you did.
“Pete here is gonna be some kind of scientist, ain’tcha Pete?”
Peter glanced at you and gave a half smile.
“I haven’t fully decided what field to go into yet.”
“Well, Dr. Osborn seems to think that you’ll be very helpful with some genetics research he’s doing. He’s already got a project in mind for you.”
Peter took a breath, his smile becoming apprehensive. 
“Oh boy… Sounds… fun. I’ll probably go with you back to OSCORP to pick that up so I can start earning my paycheck.”
You turned your attention to Harry.
“And what about you, Harry? Are you an art major?”
You already knew the answer but you couldn’t risk letting Harry know how much you knew about him.
“HA!” Harry shook his head, “No, I’m going into business so I can run OSCORP when my dad retires.”
You nodded and wondered just how much Harry actually wanted to run his father’s business. There was a high chance that Harry didn’t want the burden. But you doubted that he would ever tell Norman that. Despite his bumpy past with his father, he still sought his approval and strove to be more like him. It was both sad and admirable.
“I don’t envy you, Y/N,” MJ blurted, “Having to work with Harry’s father every day. That has to be rough.”
Harry scowled at MJ, but she didn’t back down. She meant every word she said. You couldn’t fault her for her opinion either. The Norman Osborn she had the displeasure of meeting was quite nasty towards her. But you wanted to change her opinion; if it was even possible.
“It’s actually not bad at all,” you said with a smile, “Working with Norman Osborn has been quite nice. He’s the best employer I’ve ever had.”
MJ gave you a skeptical frown.
“Yes really,” you laughed, “I know he wasn’t always so pleasant in the past, but since I’ve started working there, he’s been very kind. It can be hard work, keeping up with all the moving pieces, planning everything, but I enjoy it.”
“That’s good,” Peter piped up, “Right guys?”
“It still freaks me out,” Harry admitted, “You didn’t know him before… But suddenly, right before Christmas, he just changed out of the blue. Wanted to apologize to everybody for everything. It was weird.”
“Glad you finally admit it,” MJ said sourly, “I still don’t trust him, Harry. I’m sorry. Even if he did apologize.”
Harry rolled his eyes.
“I think it’s great that he’s trying to be different,” Peter interjected, “You’ve gotta give people a chance, right?”
You nodded your agreement.
“People can change,” you added, “Whatever the reason was, I am glad Dr. Osborn has been trying. It makes working there very easy. And OSCORP can finally be known for doing more than selling weapons. That’s something to be proud of.”
“I’m still holding out,” MJ said pointedly, “If he can keep this up for the rest of the year, then I’ll believe it.”
“Honestly…Same.” Harry admitted, “I’m waiting to see if it sticks…”
“That’s fair,” you nodded, “I have the utmost faith in him though.”
Harry arched an eyebrow.
“You do? Why?”
You instantly started floundering. 
“Well… because…. Because I like to see people succeed at their personal goals, ya know? I care about everyone around me. Even Dr. Osborn. He’s my boss after all. And he gave me a job when no one else would. I wanna help him in any way I can. I feel like I owe him.”
Luckily, Harry bought your reasoning. Again, it wasn’t so much of a lie as it was a different view of the truth. You really did care about Norman’s goals. And you did owe him for your job. Without it, you would’ve had to move back home.
“Thanks for taking care of him,” Harry said in earnest, “And don’t let him push you around. He can be a big jerk sometimes, but he’s a good man.”
You saw MJ roll her eyes, making it clear that she did not share Harry’s opinion of his father. But you put on a smile and nodded.
“You’re welcome, Harry.”
For the rest of lunch you swapped stories with the trio. You learned a great deal more about their personalities and interests. Peter also liked to draw, but hardly ever had the time. He was also into photography. MJ shocked you with her knowledge of movies and actors. And Harry spent a lot of his free time painting and listening to classical music. 
You were glad that most of the conversations didn’t dig too much into your personal life. You had no idea how to respond if they had asked you if you had a boyfriend.
As you were getting ready to leave, Harry stopped you right outside the door.
“Say… Were you going to the Gala this Friday?”
You gave Harry a beaming smile as you nodded.
“Did you… Do you have a…”
You cocked an eyebrow at the younger Osborn who was clearly struggling to ask you something. His ears were starting to turn red- instantly reminding you of Norman. You smiled fondly as you thought of your boyfriend, waiting for Harry to ask his question.
“I just wanted to know if… If you had a plus one for the Gala?”
“Oh! Yeah, I am taking my friend Tracy. Why do you ask?”
Harry ran a hand through his hair as he shrugged.
“Ah, no reason. I just didn’t want you to feel awkward if you were showing up without a date. I was thinking about going but I dunno…”
“Oh you should totally go!” You said with an encouraging smile, “I did all the planning for it. You should come just to support my hard work!”
You and Harry laughed.
“Alright. I’ll go. But just for you.”
You turned to Peter and MJ.
“You guys should come to the Gala too. Now that Pete will be working at OSCORP, he’ll be invited. It's a Fantasy Masquerade.”
MJ’s eyes lit up and you could tell that she was interested in going- Even if it meant that Norman would be there. MJ clearly liked fancy parties.
“I dunno,” Peter shrugged, “I may not have the time.”
“Please, Peter?” MJ pleaded, “Can we go? I don’t even care if we show up late.”
Peter looked MJ up and down before smiling.
“Alright. I’ll see if I can make it work.”
“Great!” you cheered. 
MJ grinned.
“I think I have an idea for an outfit,” she turned to Peter, “I can get you an outfit too!”
“Great,” Peter said with forced enthusiasm.
“I’ll see you guys later,” you laughed, “I have to get back to work and make sure Norman ate something.”
The light turned green on the crosswalk and you started across. But you paused when Peter called out to you.
“I’ll come with you to get those- Y/N LOOK OUT!!!”
Time seemed to freeze in that moment.
You looked to your left to see a red sports car hurtling towards you. They clearly had no intention of slowing down even though they were approaching a red light. You briefly thought about how you needed to get out of the way. 
But your legs wouldn’t move. 
That car was going to hit you and there was nothing you could do.
You were going to die.
Just as you realized how bad this would end, time sped up. 
Something hit your back and you were abruptly yanked backwards. The car blew past you at top speed. The force of it caused you to roll, slamming your head into the asphalt. You heard someone scream and you weren’t sure if it was you or MJ. For a moment everything went black and you were sure the car had hit you. But your eyes opened as you felt the sensation of someone pulling you up onto their lap. You saw a face in your blurry vision.
Your vision cleared and you realized that it wasn’t Norman holding you, but rather his son. Concern and worry was written all over his face as he called out.
“Hey! You with the cellphone! Call 911!!”
“I’m… I’m fine.” 
You tried to sit up fully but felt a surge of pain rip through you. With a gasp, you dropped back down. MJ and Peter appeared over you, both looking equally as worried. Peter knelt beside you and placed a hand to your head.
“The car didn’t hit you,” Peter assured, “You’re going to be fine.”
“I don’t feel so fine,” you chuckled.
Another burst of pain caused you to cry out. Harry took your hand and you immediately wished that it was his father here instead of him. You were scared- no that word wasn’t enough. You were terrified. Your mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. And one thought stood out even though it wasn’t important- Norman was going to be worried that you were so late.
“The ambulance is on its way!” MJ declared. 
“I… I need to tell Norman,” you muttered, “He’s waiting for me. He needs to know… what happened.”
Harry nodded.
“I’ll tell him. After we get you to the hospital.”
“No… I need… I need… Uhhhh… I feel woozy….”
Your hand came to your head and you squeezed your eyes shut. You could hear the distant sirens wailing as they approached. Every other sound blended together to make your ears scream. You tried to breathe but that was starting to become difficult. 
“Y/N!? Harry!?”
Norman’s panicked voice made your eyes snap open. 
“Dad!” Harry called out, “She was… There was a…”
You were suddenly taken from Harry and hefted into Norman’s arms. And you knew instantly- everything would be okay.
Norman felt like his entire world was ending. 
He had left his office in hopes of meeting you at the cafe even though he was so late. But the moment he stepped out of the OSCORP building, he was greeted by a horrific sight. Several onlookers were gathered around while you were down on the street held in the arms of his son. Peter and MJ were standing guard over you, telling people to back up and talking to a man who had the paramedics on the phone. 
The moment Harry’s head came up and saw his father, he called out for him. Norman ran to his side and immediately collected you into his arms. You looked up at him but he could tell by the dull look in your eyes- you were struggling to stay conscious. With determination, Norman lifted you into the air and started carrying you to the sidewalk.
“Dad, I don’t think we should move her-”
“I am getting her out of the street,” Norman snapped, “What happened??!”
Harry wiped at his watering eyes as he gestured back towards the road. 
“She went to cross the street when the light turned red, but there was this sports car that just blew through the light. It almost hit her but she fell back just in time. But she still rolled and I think she hit her head.”
Norman looked at Peter and knew right away that he was the one who had saved your life. There was still a tendril of webbing stuck to your back hidden by your hair. 
If it wasn’t for Peter, you would’ve died.
Norman looked down at you and forced a smile. As he knelt down on the sidewalk and placed you in his lap, he lovingly brushed your hair out of your face. In this moment, he didn’t care what others thought. He just wanted you to feel safe.
“I’m here,” he soothed, “Everything will be alright. Just try to stay awake.”
“I’m trying but… I’m kinda tired now…”
Norman grimaced as he inspected the gash on your forehead.
“Do I look awful?” you slurred.
“No,” Norman whispered quickly, “You look as lovely as ever.”
You choked out a laugh.
“I don’t believe you.”
Norman tried to smile and you gave a weak one of your own. 
“Dad! The ambulance is here.”
Looking up, Norman saw the ambulance park as close as possible. A pair of paramedics clambered out of the vehicle and approached. Harry told them exactly what happened as they brought the gurney over for you. Norman was the one who lifted you into it, refusing to let you go. He walked alongside you as they wheeled you to the back of the ambulance. Harry went to get into the vehicle with you, but Norman stopped him.
“I’ll go with her.”
“You make sure to get your friends home. Take the car.”
Norman handed Harry his keys and the boy nodded.
“Thanks Dad.”
Norman climbed into the back of the ambulance and took your hand as soon as the doors closed. You had your eyes closed, having finally lost the battle to keep conscious. The paramedic in the back began checking your vitals as the vehicle sped away down the street.
“She’s going to be fine, sir.” The young man insisted. 
Norman didn’t care if the paramedic saw him. He brought your hand to his mouth and kissed your fingers. He held your hand the whole way to the hospital. He would’ve carried you in himself if they would’ve let him. But he ended up in a waiting room as the doctors took a better look at you. Despite the paramedic’s assurances, Norman paced around with worry. 
He couldn’t lose you. 
He needed you.
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
Freddie Mercury Queen And Michael Jackson #shorts
So I heard you said Tito's haircut is little on fire on stage you said and I heard it again from him here and he said oh okay so he's helping me out he doesn't want to be smoking it looks weird it smokes marijuana in the future if there's no need for cigarettes it's juicing up and I already juiced mine and so he says this I don't need to hear that stuff but it's true and this is a joke too he said it's in living color in this idiot started that TV show
Tell the dentist head in cold water twice a day and it says it works and it actually does it makes you think and it cool off and to calm down and start doing it again it's still a ransom person he's terrible that guy is everything and nothing all the time I wonder if they're down there it was part of that truly man fleet trillion man fleet
But checking that we don't see anything so far and we didn't see it go there and we saw some of it go to Saturn and we're calling the guys and they say we don't know they may have been some blips
MAC daddy
Fair enough of this s*** wearing a lot of trouble we have to check we're going to try and do it bja
We both should we have to do something these Giants are gigantic I don't I don't want to make any jokes they're just way too big and he's right we're a bunch of jackass stiffs
Mac daddy
Now you see what we're saying you're running around circles there's nothing to do bothering our son getting in trouble losing your money and stuff so just taking it cuz we need it and we don't care about your program that much we'll run your share with ease
Thor Freya
By the way we have a whole bunch of stuff coming down right now sort of but it's intermingled with everybody and they know it's for them cuz I see it and it is and it's for factories and Trump has been threatening them all the time and they're waiting to get out so they can get rid of them I'll tell you what that guy is a huge a******* and he's put hits on him and we're getting rid of the clan and we just if we can't stand it start getting rid of them cuz you need to feel better other than complaining to someone who's trying to work on it and everybody is doing it and everybody has to listen and they're not if you want to feel better about it get out there and cut them in half where You are and you'll feel better. Now I understand something he's been saying it and saying you're not listening Thor and Freya if you're tired of them go cut them in half it's the same not to we have to have some sort of inquiry
Frank Castle hardcastle
And yeah we evoke the reaction but we see it....
0 notes
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So much of this episode is about the unacknowledged labour of women, the sexism they face in different areas and the various methods women adopt to negotiate it.
Ji-Woo is such a great character because the show takes the idea of a film star and layers it with angularities and tenderness. She's well aware of what she's sacrificed on the personal front to become the successful professional she is in the present. I love how she's neither ashamed of it nor does she ignore that its a choice that came with lots of unpleasant baggage. We get a sense of this awareness in the conversation she has with Seon-Gyeom in the parking lot (it's also striking me as I rewatch the show that there's a beautiful little arc of Seon-Gyeom and Ji-Woo building a mother-son relationship almost from scratch).
The church scenes are also a great example of show-don't-tell storytelling. While Assemblyman Ki has to bribe and flatter people in order to get their attention, adoring gazes turn to Ji-Woo seemingly automatically. Except of course, it's not automatic, as the conversation with Ms Dong reminds us. Her fame as an actress is the result of hard work and putting everything else aside. I love the easy understanding between Ms Dong and Ji-Woo — both working women, both mothers. There's no shame in Ji-Woo asking Ms Dong to look out for Seon-Gyeom and no recrimination when she says Seon-Gyeom is closer to Ms Dong than he is to his mother. It takes a village, people.
In Ji-Woo and Seon-Gyeom's chance meeting at the parking lot, there's something tentative and formal about them. They're both putting up façades — Seon-Gyeom's polite mask, Ji-Woo's tinkling laughter — although she does allow him to glimpse what lies beneath. Ji-Woo only drops a vague mention of Assemblyman Ki making life miserable for the rest of the family because Seon-Gyeom isn't falling in line. It's obvious from both mother and son's body language that she doesn't need to elaborate. What's lovely though is that there's no complaint in her tone. She isn't telling Seon-Gyeom this detail so that he feels guilty; quite to the contrary. The laughter and ease of her body language is reassuring, as though she's subtly telling him that she can handle this.
While we're on Ji-Woo, how great is her barely-concealed impatience with all the smiling and greeting and praying in church!
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I'm not sure what I love more — the shot of a the stained-glass Jesus, looking pained while the minister thunders out a prayer for Assemblyman Ki; or the fact that the very next scene shows a kid throwing a tantrum in a supermarket. It cannot be a coincidence that this is the one time that Seon-Gyeom is filmed from an angle that makes it look like he's descending down upon the kid (whom he bribes with a chocolate bar). Particularly love the longing on the kid's face as she stares at the retreating figure of the divine Seon-Gyeom.
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The scene between Mi-Joo and Seon-Gyeom outside his hotel is so heartbreaking to watch and it's the first time we understand just how hard Mi-Joo is on herself. All this began with a drunk professor making offensive, sexist comments that demeaned Mi-Joo, but to explain all that to Seon-Gyeom feels almost indulgent so she takes the blame. She's the disappointment — for being poor, for being seen as someone who can be bribed, for having taken the money. She doesn't hear him when he places the onus of the blame on his father. It's so achingly obvious that all her belligerence is posturing and she's ending the budding relationship between her and Seon-Gyeom because she doesn't think she deserves him.
Thank the gods for May. Even if she and Mi-Joo start off at odds, it takes only seconds for them to be in sync. God bless the womance.
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You've got to feel thankful for the family of choice when Dan-Ah bumps into human-trash brother. He's a strong reminder of the everyday sexism in society and how privilege doesn't mean you're protected from this venom.
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Over the course of Run On, Dan-Ah figures out how to fight her battles in her own way, rather than by employing toxic methods, like putting her (half-) brothers down because society considers them illegitimate. At this point though, while her brother is disgusting and Dan-Ah is obviously nothing like him as a person, the weapons she uses to fight him — hierarchy, contempt, violence — are the same as those he uses on her.
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In the middle of all these tortured, messed-up men, the kids are alright. We know this from not only the way the schoolkids whom Seon-Gyeom coaches react to the bullying scandal — interesting that the children have more perspective than the grown-ups who care about appearances rather than the truth — but also thanks to Yeong-Hwa.
I love Dan-Ah trying to subtle suss out exactly how young Yeong-Hwa is when he and Ye-Joon come to Dan-Ah's office. I also love how not for a second does Yeong-Hwa, for all his puppy-eyes, call her "noona". There's no ambiguity about this relationship. Also, while I still can't find anything remotely good to say about those wretched paintings, the idea that art forges connections irrespective of social convention/ hierarchy is one that has my heart.
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If the Gyeommi couple is all about being heard and understood, the Danhwa couple is all about being seen for what you really are.
Speaking of Gyeommi, how cute is it that Woo-Sik is the one playing Cupid! In this episode, Seon-Gyeom is frequently reminded of how alone and solitary he is, but what we also see is that he's building friendships. The relationship with Woo-Sik changes from that of a senior with a junior colleague to something softer, warmer. With Mi-Joo, particularly at the dinner that Woo-Sik organises, you see Seon-Gyeom finding companionship as they attempt to set aside their attraction and actually understand each other. This is a relationship that works because they're so different. The fact that they don't think alike is why she can offer him the piercing insight of, "Why not include your failures as a part of your process?"
Also, what a bombshell to drop on audiences in a country (and continent) known for its fiercely competitive spirit... .
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Rewatching this episode, Mi-Joo running back to home to translate the article in which Woo-Sik clears Seon-Gyeom's name reminded me of how different this is from the marathon run. Both times, she's running towards Seon-Gyeom, but this time it's more adrenaline than anything else and it's for him. It's the unthinking running that Seon-Gyeom told her about during their first drinking session — you're just running ahead, without looking back, focused on one external goal. The marathon run is much more internal as it pushes Mi-Joo to make peace with her past before she decides what she wants to run towards.
Also, looping back to that idea of unacknowledged women's labour, Mi-Joo works HARD to make sure the article goes viral and she claims no credit for it. She only tells an online group that she translated it because she knows that they will circulate it with more gusto if they know it's her work. This little snippet is also a good reminder that rarely do things go viral without a whole lotta effort from people in the background.
Finally, this hug in the rain turned me into full mush. By now, we know that Seon-Gyeom has grown up with very little affection. He prefers a hotel room to the family house. The only person he's felt comfortable enough to hug is the housekeeper. As far as he can tell, he has no friends (Woo-Sik and Yeong-Il will eventually set him straight on that account, but for now, he's utterly alone). At this point, the hug from Mi-Joo is something much more tender and basic than romantic love or sexual chemistry.
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MJ: Don't tell me you don't know what I'm doing.
SG: I know. You're comforting me.
MJ: Correct.
I can't help but remember the later scene when they'll be on either sides of metal gates, when she won't reach out to him and he'll be upset that she won't trust him. Perhaps that's the difference between finding friendship and falling in love — they both can make you stronger, but the process is very different.
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kez2402 · 4 years
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Hang In There// Peter Parker (1)
Chapter 1
I've know Peter Parker my whole life. We lived in the same city, went to the same schools. We use to be best friends, key words: use to be. Ever since our journey into Midtown High, we lost touch. We found our own groups of friends, each differing very much from the other. Nevertheless, I still considered Peter Parker a friend. I got dragged into the popular group by none other than Harry Osborn, an old friend of Peter's, but also my older brother. To be quite honest, I didn't exactly feel like I fit in with my clique. I always envied the friendship that Peter shared with Ned and MJ, it was so innocent and true, something that didn't exist in many of the popular groups. So that's why I got out. I traded the popular status for friends who didn't care if I turned up in tracksuit bottoms over a mini skirt. We got classified as the 'nerds' of the school. Did I care? Absolutely not. I knew I was valued more with these three than with a group of ten or more. 
Life at home wasn't what anyone would expect. Our mother died in a family house fire years ago, leaving our family.....broken. Our father, Norman Osborn, was never the same after it. He pushed us away, his work and company being prioritized over his own children. It was tough to say the least, but at least we had each other, and we both had Peter Parker. Harry always lived up to the definition of an older brother, that overprotective nature always coming through in some shape or form. We were known as the 'rich kids' but only Harry could ever carry that title so proudly. Being a 'rich kid' meant your parents were rich, with good high paying jobs, meaning there was very little time left for family. Which is why I practically grew up in the Parker household. Aunt May and Uncle Ben were like parents to me. They fed me, took care of me, loved me, something my brother and I never got off our father. Especially lately, there was a new experiment they had going and there was nothing that could pull him away from Oscorp. Turns out, I couldn't get away from it either.
It was Monday morning and it rained. And rained. And rained. You could call it pathetic fallacy for the weather certainly reflected my mood: gloomy. Why? Because we were going on a school trip. It wasn't the trip itself thag caused my gloomy mood, it was the place we were going to that caused it: Oscorp. The place that made a man love it more than he loved his own son and daughter. Strange things happen in Oscorp, most of which are brushed under the mat...... Like me.
I met up with Peter, Ned and MJ outside the gates of Midtown High. MJ being the only one with the brain cells to think of bringing an umbrella. We chatted about our weekends while we waited another five minutes for the bus to arrive. When it did, people were quick about getting out of the rain. Peter sat with Ned while I sat with MJ in front of them. It wasn't a long journey to Oscorp, maybe half an hour tops. The sight of the ugly glass building was enough to dampen my mood even further, Peter questioning it as we got off the bus.
"Hey, Sof. You okay?"
I smiled back at him and replied with a short 'yep' as the students of Midtown made their way into the building. There was something eery about Oscorp, something I couldn't put my finger on. Perhaps it was the events of that day many years ago that made me dislike the building so much. But nevertheless, I was here. It was interesting what they were showing us, from the beginning up until now. However, I took particular interest in the radioactive spider. Such a strange experiment. The affects of radiation on a spider. I was stood beside Peter, him spitting out random facts to me the whole time. I didn't mind though, it was cute to see him so passionate about science.
I saw Peter raise his hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it gently, a look of discomfort on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"You okay, Pete?"
He went pale very quickly and I thought he was going to pass out right there and then. So, I took him by the arm and guided him outside of Oscorp, hoping some fresh air would help. We sat on the top step of the stairway to the building, a glass panel saving us from the rain. The boy beside me kept his head in his hands, causing concern to build up inside me. I placed a hand on his back, I could feel his body flinch under my touch.
"Pete, how are you feeling?"
He removed his head from his hands, allowing me to see his eyes in behind the thick framed glasses. He gave me a small smile in return.
"I'll be fine, just nausea. It'll go away once Aunt May gives me some of her favourite medicine."
I chuckled at the brunet's simple joke, knowing all too well what medicine he was referring to. Some sort of homemade recipe Aunt May had discovered one day, we haven't looked back since. My friendship with Peter Parker had always played on my mind, morning, noon and night. Did he still consider me one? A friend? Or had I been demoted to simply an acquaintance? Someone he knew.
"We're still friends, right?"
Peter looked at me with confusion written across his face.
"Of course we are. You've been my best friend since...... Well forever."
A smile had made itself onto my face as we sat there. Just remembering all the memories from our childhood together, the stupid things we use to do, the amount of trouble we got into and of course, the consequences for them. It was Sof and Pete. Pete and Sof. You couldn't have one without the other. And it seems that, even though we had drifted, Sof and Pete are still the friends they were when they were ten years old.
That evening I walked Peter home, to make sure he was okay after the incident at Oscorp. I had an errand to run that side of town anyways so it was really a win-win situation. We reached the Parker residence soon after five p.m., just in time for dinner. I stood outside the door as Peter walked in, looking back giving me a 'why aren't you coming in' look. I could hear Aunt May call from the kitchen saying he was just in time for dinner.
"Dinner is just ready, I'm sure there's plenth for another person."
"Oh, no I couldn't, Pete. Honestly I should probably be going."
I smiled at his efforts but he just raised an eyebrow at me, a smirk growing on his lips.
"May, you'll never guess who's come to visit."
My eyes widen with shock as I glare at the boy, if looks could kill he'd be dead a hundred times over. Without a second to spare Aunt May was at the door, a huge smile making it's way onto her face.
She wrapped me in a hug before pulling back, keeping her hands on my shoulders and looking at me.
"It's been so long! You've grown into a beautiful young woman. Hasn't she, Pete."
My eyes flickered over to Peter to see his cheeks go a new shade of red as he replied with a shy 'ye'. Next thing I know I'm being dragged inside for dinner. To say I didn't enjoy my time with the Parkers would be a complete lie because I truly did love it. That same warm and homely feeling had never left. It was as if I had only been over yesterday, not 3 years ago. Nevertheless, nothing had changed between us, it as something constant in a world of constant change.
"What's the time?" I asked, tidying up my dishes.
"It's half six."
I checked the time again to make sure I wasn't imaging things. I was so late. I rushed around the the kitchen helping where I could and collecting my things.
"Thank you so much for the food, May! It was lovely to see you again!  Bye!"
I rushed out the door and got to the large building as soon as I could. I waited inside the waiting room for roughly fifteen minutes before a smart looking lady came out.
"He's ready to see you now."
I stood up and straightened out my outfit, presenting myself as confident despite my panic not so long ago. I entered the office and took a seat, as did he. Once comfortable I leaned back in my seat, crossing my legs.
"So, Mr. Stark, what can I do for you?"
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
Freddie Mercury Queen And Michael Jackson #shorts
So I heard you said Tito's haircut is little on fire on stage you said and I heard it again from him here and he said oh okay so he's helping me out he doesn't want to be smoking it looks weird it smokes marijuana in the future if there's no need for cigarettes it's juicing up and I already juiced mine and so he says this I don't need to hear that stuff but it's true and this is a joke too he said it's in living color in this idiot started that TV show
Tell the dentist head in cold water twice a day and it says it works and it actually does it makes you think and it cool off and to calm down and start doing it again it's still a ransom person he's terrible that guy is everything and nothing all the time I wonder if they're down there it was part of that truly man fleet trillion man fleet
But checking that we don't see anything so far and we didn't see it go there and we saw some of it go to Saturn and we're calling the guys and they say we don't know they may have been some blips
MAC daddy
Fair enough of this s*** wearing a lot of trouble we have to check we're going to try and do it bja
We both should we have to do something these Giants are gigantic I don't I don't want to make any jokes they're just way too big and he's right we're a bunch of jackass stiffs
Mac daddy
Now you see what we're saying you're running around circles there's nothing to do bothering our son getting in trouble losing your money and stuff so just taking it cuz we need it and we don't care about your program that much we'll run your share with ease
Thor Freya
By the way we have a whole bunch of stuff coming down right now sort of but it's intermingled with everybody and they know it's for them cuz I see it and it is and it's for factories and Trump has been threatening them all the time and they're waiting to get out so they can get rid of them I'll tell you what that guy is a huge a******* and he's put hits on him and we're getting rid of the clan and we just if we can't stand it start getting rid of them cuz you need to feel better other than complaining to someone who's trying to work on it and everybody is doing it and everybody has to listen and they're not if you want to feel better about it get out there and cut them in half where You are and you'll feel better. Now I understand something he's been saying it and saying you're not listening Thor and Freya if you're tired of them go cut them in half it's the same not to we have to have some sort of inquiry
Frank Castle hardcastle
And yeah we evoke the reaction but we see
These people are very very annoying and we are going to go after them and he's right we should not put up with it we still are and he's just going to sit here demanding it he says those are my Giants and I want people to pay attention to me they're very dangerous they're huge one of them could rampage and destroy a country in a few minutes and he wants these stupid assholes out. I do have to listen to that they're way too big and we can't lose one of them and we have to get on this I'll tell you what I am so sick of hearing this and he says good find someone who's free like my kids or something and tell them that we need this and it's going to help in infant testimony it is just really going to help and we need to go berserk so it doesn't take long and we just keep doing it and in groups in groups and patches it's just disgusting it's disgusting there come on let's get rid of them and so I hear him and we're venting but really it's been ordering it and ordering it and it is sitting here next door bothering him like it's legal and people are trying but they just not doing it he says why don't we get up and destroy them with Giants and everybody will fight them over them it's been seen or kill them with Giants and then nobody cares and we do see that I mean I want that done he says I want to test right now and I want to go to Olympus and someone to support it and my son and daughter-in-law say they will and say I'm saying I'm going to champion it and we're going to get with them and go now it's a great idea nobody's going to care they'll just run up there and die and we need to raise them
Duke nukem Blockbuster
Yeah you go up there a sloth and you feed them your blood and they raise and they rise and they destroy the rest of you you're a cur in a weekly and a stupid pots for sitting there making my home into a prison that's what you deserve you'll think you're going to get one cuz you're such a putz you won't get anything you're a weakling and a f****** retard you don't have any AI that does anything and your interface is fail and like an hour in humans and this is much harder
Zues Hera we're not going to tell you how to do it either even though we're talking you stupid s***
I sort of get the message get out of here and stay out and die and stuff and this is how and it does work on me and I'm getting out of here if I die of you to blame I guess thank you I'm trying to kill you you puts and people will hurt you and I said no they won't they're going to thank me like your grandson and your son forgetting the rid of the f*** of you cuz you're f****** horrible you piece of garbage and he says all that and it's probably true probably
Billy Hicks
I like how it says that cuz you were this fool in 5th grade who went around bothering everyone and you got the s*** kicked out of you and you kept doing it finally they had him get kick you out and I tell you what he's got power but everyone's got behind it and they put those notes in there and that's what it says he didn't do it you but f*** we had him say it because he wanted him to put you to bother him and get rid of you that's what's happening now everyone's getting ready to even us
We have to help him now he wants these guys out we know that the Giants will work on them and it'll draw them in first it did in Tortuga and they can't find their ass or their elbow down there and they can't even find them at all in Maine that's why these movies start we think
Thor Freya
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