Ekmek Mayası Bitkilerdeki Tıbbi Bileşiklerin Keşfini Hızlandırıyor
Ekmek Mayası Bitkilerdeki Tıbbi Bileşiklerin Keşfini Hızlandırıyor
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#Araştırmalar, #Aspirin, #BitkiEnzimleri, #BitkiTranskriptomik, #Bitkiler, #CornellÜniversitesi, #EkmekMayası, #EkonomikÜretim, #Fermantasyon, #FırıncıMayası, #Genler, #Ilaçlar, #Kemoterapi, #KratomEnzimleri, #MayaBazlıTarama, #Mitraginin, #Morfin, #ProteinProteinEtkileşimleri, #SaccharomycesCerevisiae, #TıbbiBileşikler https://is.gd/EPfBqU https://www.tibbivearomatikbitkiler.com/haberler/ekmek-mayasi-bitkilerdeki-tibbi-bilesiklerin-kesfini-hizlandiriyor/
Ekmek mayası bitkilerdeki Tıbbi Bileşiklerin keşfini hızlandırdığına dair araştırmaları sürüyor. Araştırmacılar, tıbbi bileşikleri nasıl ve hangi bitkilerin sentezleyebileceğini belirlemeyi çok daha verimli hale getiren yeni bir tarama yöntemi geliştirdiler. Tarama yöntemi, bitki enzimleri arasındaki protein-protein etkileşimlerinin yakalanmasına yardımcı olan fırıncı mayasına dayanmaktadır. Yeni yöntem, 20 adaydan altı kratom enziminin tanımlanmasına yol açtı.
Aspirin, morfin ve bazı kemoterapiler, bitkiler tarafından üretilen doğal bileşiklerden elde edilen ilaçlara örnektir. Ancak bitkilerin bu tür bileşikleri oluşturmasını sağlayan genlerin belirlenmesi sıkıcı ve pahalıdır.
Şimdi, Cornell Üniversitesi araştırmacıları fırıncı mayasını kullanarak uygun maliyetli ve oldukça verimli bir yaklaşım yarattılar. Hatta yeni yöntemi bir kratom ağacındaki anahtar enzimleri tanımlamak için bile kullandılar.
Maya nedir: Maya, mantar krallığının bir üyesi olan tek hücreli, yaşayan bir mikroorganizmadır. Bira mayası veya ekmek mayası olarak da bilinen Saccharomyces cerevisiae , binlerce yıldır fırıncılıkta, şarap yapımında ve bira yapımında önemli bir bileşen olmuştur. Fermantasyon işlemi sırasında şekerleri ve nişastaları alkol ve karbondioksite dönüştürdüğü için adını Latince Yunanca “şeker mantarı” anlamına gelen kelimeden almaktadır.
Angewandte Chemie’deki araştırmaya göre , yeni maya bazlı tarama yöntemi, bitki enzimleri arasındaki protein-protein etkileşimlerini yakalıyor ve bir bitkinin tıbbi bileşikleri nasıl biyosentezlediğinden nihai olarak hangi genlerin sorumlu olduğunu daha iyi belirlemek için diğer tarama yöntemleriyle birlikte çalışıyor.
Kimya ve biyomoleküler mühendislik yardımcı doçenti Sijin Li, “Geleneksel yöntemler, bitkide aynı anda bulunan protein gruplarını buluyor, ancak bizim yöntemimiz, bu gruplardan hangilerinin fiziksel olarak kümelenip birbirleriyle iyi oynadığına bakarak bunu tamamlıyor” dedi. ve çalışmanın baş yazarı. “İlaç için çıkarmak isteyebileceğimiz kimyasal türlerinden sorumlu olanlar bunlar.”
Gen adayları bitki transkriptomiği kullanılarak tahmin edildikten sonra, fırıncı mayası (bira yapmak ve ekmek pişirmek için kullanılanla aynı tür), hangilerinin birbiriyle etkileşime giren proteinler ürettiğini görmek için içindeki genlerle birlikte tasarlanır. Sonuç olarak biyokimyasal olarak taranması gereken genlerin sayısı önemli ölçüde azalır.
İyi araştırılmamış ancak farmasötik potansiyele sahip olduğu düşünülen kratom yapraklarıyla yapılan deneylerde, maya bazlı yöntem, mitragininin veya diğer hedeflenen kimyasalları ürettiği genetik taramayla tahmin edilen 20 adaydan altı kratom enziminin tanımlanmasına yol açtı. Daha sonraki biyokimyasal testler, atılan 14 adayın hiçbirinin işlevsel enzim olmadığını, maya bazlı yöntemle tanımlanan altı adaydan dördünün ise işlevsel olduğunu gösterdi.
Li, “Klinik deneyler için kimyasalın bitkiden saflaştırılması veya kimyasal bir yaklaşım kullanılarak sentezlenmesi gerekiyor ki bu çok pahalı” dedi. “Maya yöntemini kullanarak mitraginini ve bizi yeni ilaçlara yönlendirebilecek diğer kimyasalları daha ekonomik bir şekilde üretebiliriz.”
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magictreekratom · 1 year
In recent years, Kratom Extract has attracted the attention of many people for its potential to reduce pain, increase energy, and relieve anxiety. This natural ingredient comes from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa plant which grows in Southeast Asia and has been used traditionally for centuries. What makes Kratom Extract so interesting is its alkaloid content, especially mitraginine and 7-hydroxymitraginine. These alkaloids can interact with the opioid receptors in our bodies, providing pain relief and mood-boosting effects. Apart from that, Kratom Extract can also help increase energy and focus, which can be very useful in carrying out a busy daily routine. However, before you decide whether Kratom Extract is the right choice, it is very important to consult a health professional first. Everyone has unique health conditions, and the effects of Kratom Extract on each individual can be different. Health professionals will help determine the correct dosage and ensure the safety of using Kratom Extract in the context of your health.
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rajabrachmat · 4 years
Kapsul Herbal Detox HRI
Kapsul Herbal Detox HRI
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Kapsul Herbal Detox HRI
Herbal Kecanduan Nar ko ba
Bismillah sayangi keluarga saudara dari nar ko ba dan pergaulan bebas sehingga bisa menjadi anak yang Sholeh dan Sholeha.
Bahaya nar ko ba yang pertama adalah dapat menurunkan kesadaran penggunanya. Hal ini tentunya membuat pengguna nar ko ba kesulitan untuk melakukan aktivitas. Kesulitan untuk mengikuti pelajaran merupakan salah satu…
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What is the correct dose of kratom for pain relief?
The kratom plant is a tree. The leaves of this tree are growing in global use as a medicine and also as a recreational drug. Users like kratom for things like anxiety, depression, and cough, but it sees a lot of use as a pain reliever or to help with opioid withdrawal. The correct dose of kratom can be very helpful, but improper use can also be very unsafe. As such, dosing of kratom for pain relief or any other use should be done correctly.
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How kratom works
Kratom contains a chemical known as mitraginine. This chemical acts like many opioid medications, such as morphine or codeine, in the way that it relieves pain.
Kratom dosage
The correct dosage for kratom depends on numerous factors, such as the user's health, the user's age, and various other conditions. The scientific community is still trying to determine the appropriate dosage recommendations for kratom, but as of this writing, not enough research had been done for the general guidelines. Since kratom is not legal everywhere, it is not being looked at or taken as seriously as other drugs or supplements. Always keep in mind the fact that natural products are not always completely safe, so the dosage is crucial to hit. When product labels have relevant instructions, be sure to follow them. Also consult your doctor, pharmacist or healthcare professional before using kratom.
To further complicate matters, measurements are not consistent across all types of kratom or their suppliers. You must purchase a high-quality, precision digital scale to measure your doses, as portions of kratom of the same physical size can have very different weights. This is especially true for extracts. The following information is not always as accurate, but may serve as a general guide for your dosing needs:
Average leaf powder: 1 gram = 0.035 ounces; 50 grams = 1.75 ounces; 100 grams = 3.5 ounces Bali powder: 1 tablespoon = 6.2 grams; 1 teaspoon = 2.3 grams Crushed leaf: 1 tablespoon = 2.7 grams; 1 teaspoon = 0.9 grams Malay green powder: 1 tablespoon = 6.9 grams; 1 teaspoon = 2.4 grams
Since you cannot know the proper efficient dose of kratom from the start, you must start small and then increase over time to find out what is safe and effective for you. If you are new to kratom, then just 2 or 3 grams is an excellent starting point. Be sure to eat it on an empty stomach. Do this well when you wake up or a few hours after breakfast.
After your first dose, you should wait up to 40 minutes before deciding how you feel. If you think you need more, take another gram or two. Wait another half hour before checking how you feel. Usually you won't need more kratom after that, but if you want you can get a third dose of half a gram to 2 grams.
Your weight should also take your dose into account. For example, if you weigh less than 149 pounds, then starting with a 1.5 gram dose is a good option. Lower doses help you avoid tolerance problems.
How to use Kratom
There is more than one way to take kratom. What is best for you is frankly your decision. The traditional method is to simply put the powder in your mouth and drink a good sip of water. Mix the powder and water in your mouth before swallowing. You may find this to be easier if you spread the powder through multiple bites or swallows.
Kratom Pills are another way to take it. Capsules are an easy way to take it, but you may find that the pills are not as effective. The effects may take longer to come into play, and you will need a higher dose.
Another simple method is to put the powder in food and drinks. Making a tea with it by putting it in water is a common method, although you can also put it in a protein shake or yogurt. On the other hand, kratom is more effective on an empty stomach, so this way of doing things may not be as effective as you would like.
Safety and side effects
When taken orally, kratom is potentially unsafe for most people. That's why starting with low doses is essential, especially since tolerance can build up over time, which means you will need higher doses to get the same effect, which can be dangerous.
When taking kratom by mouth, numerous potential side effects have been observed. These include thyroid problems, hallucinations, constipation, dry mouth, nausea, numbness of the tongue, vomiting, need to urinate, aggression, and delusions. At higher doses, kratom can cause breathing difficulties, seizures, liver damage, inflammation of the brain, and even death.
Kratom can create a dependency if you take it regularly. However, those who are frequent users of kratom and then stop doing it may also experience side effects or withdrawal symptoms. These include suppressed appetite, muscle spasms and pain, watery eyes, trouble sleeping, hot flashes, fever, anger, anxiety, spasms, and diarrhea.
Anyone who is breastfeeding, pregnant, or trying to become pregnant should avoid using kratom. Lack of reliable information makes security highly questionable in these circumstances to date.
People with alcohol dependence who use kratom appear to have a higher suicide rate or suicide attempt compared to non-alcoholic kratom users. Furthermore, kratom can theoretically worsen any mental disorder present along the same lines, with an increased risk of suicide.
Check with the laws, rules and regulations of your local, regional or national government before buying or using kratom. Largely unknown and unregulated in many areas, there are many others that have banned its sale and / or use. Others restrict it, but do not ban it entirely, and many other locations seek to ban it as their awareness of it grows. Be sure to stay on the right side of the law.
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rentahomeinmalaysia · 4 years
The various medicinal uses and effects of kratom
Kratom is a herbal leaf with medicinal properties that grows from a large tree called Mitragyna speciosa. This tree is native to Southeast Asian countries, particularly Myanmar, Malaysia, and Thailand. Locals use kratom in several ways: as a stimulant, sedative, pain reliever, diarrhea medication, antidepressant, or as a substitute for opium. Kratom is ingested by chewing, drinking (grinding the leaves into tea powder or mixing it with coffee) and smoking.
The beneficial uses of Kratom
When kratom is used in low doses, it can substantially reduce fatigue and induce a slight euphoric feeling. Although low-dose kratom is not known to interfere with a person's daily activities, kratom users are advised not to take any action that requires their full attention, such as driving or operating heavy machinery. Kratom contains epicatechin, an antioxidant. It also includes alkaloids that are said to have positive effects on a person's immune system. Kratom has also been found effective in lowering blood Buy Kratom .
The main active ingredient in kratom is mitraginine, and it is known to affect a person's mood and anxiety levels, thus acting as an antidepressant. The same ingredient is also known to relieve pain. There are also reports of people with hay fever recovering after using kratom. Many people also claim that using kratom helped them improve from a number of different diseases, and it appears to have various medicinal uses.
The negative effects of overuse of kratom
Kratom is known to cause darkening of the skin in people who have used it frequently. It is said to have similar qualities to stimulants and depressants, and taking it in large doses can lead to inactivity. People who stopped using kratom were observed to have withdrawal symptoms, but these symptoms were considerably milder than opiate users. Along with the stimulant and depressant effects, mitraginine, the active ingredient in kratom, also has a chemical structure similar to that of a psychedelic. There have been reports of people experiencing visualizations with their eyes closed after purchasing kratom online and using the product.
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