kurootetsvrous · 6 years
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kara-dolan · 6 years
All of it sis 💁🏻‍♀️
5′2 me and my short self

2:Shoe size
Um… Hold on gotta check (I don’t know cause I don’t get shoes often) Okay so I wear 3 sizes I wear 7 ½ in heels, 8 and 8 ½. My feet are apparently weird.

3:Do you smoke?
No, I have before tho when i was like 6 with my brother grosses shit ever. But I also use to smoke marijuana but like I havent done that since last year around May.

4:Do you drink?
Occasionally. But I don’t get drunk. Never have gotten drunk either. 

5:Do you take drugs?
No only thing that came close was weed and that was for my depression and anxiety. It just wasn’t prescribe. 

6:Age you get mistaken for
20 or older. Like I got to see a kids movie tho because of how short I am. So yay!

7:Have tattoos?
NO Sadly

8:Want any tattoos?
FUCK YES I HAVE LIKE 17 Tats drawn up and I know where I want them to go.

9:Got any piercings?

10:Want any piercings?
Yes my nose. 

11:Best friend?
Evelin mi hermanita, but also VIVIANA aka @notanotherdolantwinsblog

12:Relationship status
Single until Grayson notices me or some shit

13:Biggest turn ons
FUCK THIS HAD TO BE ON HERE. Um… Jaw clenching, Grey sweatpants, “Babe”, “Baby”, Cute nicknames, Biting, hair pulling, choking, scratching, certain laughs, spanking, deep conversations, weird but like when someone picks me up and I don’t expect it, lip biting, eye rolling, cheesy jokes, puns, dirty jokes, someone being so focused on something like full on has their attention.

14:Biggest turn offs
Feet, anal (like shit comes out of there no thanks), Smells that would make me like revolt to Jupiter, douche bags like the I am better than everyone type of cocky douche. 

15:Favorite movie
Romeo + Juliet, Titanic, Nemo, Monsters Inc., Scream, It Follows, Little Mermaid (all of them), Austin Powers (all of them). Sucker Punch, Kick Ass, 5th Wave,Let Me In.

16:I’ll love you if
Oof okay ahhh um get to know me for me and we have a form of bond like that honestly I feel so bad if people give me things they pay for like I feel like I am just taking and I feel like shit so yeah become my friend and I grow to love you for you and you hopefully do the same.

17:Someone you miss
My Haybug. ( my cousins daughter who I call my niece who I helped basically raise) um Grayson and Ethan, my cousin Austin and my other cousin Pierce.

18:Most traumatic experience
Yeah this is great, um I have a couple one really fucked me up and the other one almost made me kill myself so I won’t be posting about it because it is not something I want in the world.

19:A fact about your personality
Uhhhhh….  it is still forming because I am trying to find who I am.

20:What I hate most about myself
My weight and teeth.

21:What I love most about myself
My eye color and laugh.

22:What I want to be when I get older
Financially stable lol but also a musician and actor

23:My relationship with my sibling(s)
Well I live with my little sister and we annoy the hell out of each other but we love each other too and then my brother is away in a different state with the national guard and trying to join the army, so complicated?

24:My relationship with my parent(s)
Well fuck. I… this is so complex no one is ready for it.

25:My idea of a perfect date
Surfing ( hopefully not dying from it) followed by a hike to a high place to over look everything followed by pizza and ice cream and a movie where we cuddle (after a shower of course)

26:My biggest pet peeves

27:A description of the girl/boy I like
He is just so beautiful, the way his laugh lines crease when he smiles with or with out teeth is just incredible and the way his brown eyes that change color due to lighting and emotion shine through even when he isn’t at his best because he has the most amazing heart and puts everyone else before himself even though he knows he needs to take time and get to what makes him happy. His hair that goes through hell but it still maintains a soft poofy look and as of right now it is a light brown almost ash brown with bits of dirty blonde. His jawline is the kind you wouldn’t even see on a greek god because it is so unique to his face hell his bone structure is his own and yet in some ways completely different from his brothers. He has an athletic build that I barely pay attention to because his droopy eyes capture my attention with the intensity that he stare with. Not to mention he has the most creative beautiful mind I have ever seen with theories and words he has and things he acts out. His sense of humor is amazing he is such a goof ball and it’s a mix of stupid corny jokes and dirty jokes that he can’t fully say out loud because he is caught in the public eye all the time. He can’t be himself and it is the most painful thing to know because he has the biggest kindest heart ever and is human with insecurities beyond what I know. Plus his scars that add characteristic details to his face that tell a story of a young boy having fun without a care in the world is the most beautiful construct of his humanity. Whoa. 
He completely owns my ass…

28:A description of the person I dislike the most
Cheeto with a blonde toupee 

29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend
To protect them. Or myself.

30:What I hate the most about work/school
That I don’t do either

31:What your last text message says
I didn’t know I could describe someone like this

32:What words upset me the most
You aren’t wanted here.

33:What words make me feel the best about myself
When someone thanks me for helping them. I don’t help people for that reason but I like to know that I helped in some way. It makes me feel good that they feel good.

34:What I find attractive in women

35:What I find attractive in men
Honesty, pure real deep honesty. Like how they feel or asking them questions to where they give deep meaningful answers or even if its like “ I just wanna fuck” like Okay you hot but I aint down for that thank you for being honest but oof damn even hotter now but like I am good. (unless they are strangers then thats creepy)

36:Where I would like to live
Greece, Rome, Italy, California, New Jersey like the nature aspects of all these places oh my damn it’s so beautiful.

37:One of my insecurities
My smile

38:My childhood career choice
Musician, I have always wanted to be a musician in 4th grade I even started a band with no instruments and wrote songs but my dickwad of an ex said songs had to be at least 2 pages long and it kind of made me mad and I stopped writing them for a few months. FUCK YOU ETHAN ( not dolan my ex fucking douche side note I dated him in 2nd grade he dumped me for my friend who he dumped for our other friend who only went out with him to dump him)

39:My favorite ice cream flavor
Vanilla only cause you can add other flavors to it and make a delicious concoction.

40:Who wish I could be
A better version of me which I am working on currently.

41:Where I want to be right now
In a relationship with Grayson so I can cuddle in bed with him and watch scary movies so we both get scared and like grip onto each other for the rest of the night.

42:The last thing I ate
Dark Chocolate covered pistachios  I know it sounds weird but surprisingly good.

43:Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
Grayson Dolan

44:A random fact about anything
I am related to Abraham Lincoln and Tom Hanks on my Grandfathers side ( my moms, dad.)
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spiffydolan · 6 years
Welcome to chili’s, I ain’t get no sleep, And they were roommates
Favorite restaurant?There’s a local place called Trapps that I loooooove. They have the best crawfish nachos omg. But I guess favorite chain restaurant would be Chick-fil-a??? I know that’s fast food… but who doesn’t like cfa right?? I don’t really eat out a whole lot honestly hahah
What keeps you up at night?uh wow everything??? Like I think about the future a lot and how much of it is really unpredictable… and then I get to thinking about how much my life will be changing in the next few months bc of college. That gives me a lot of anxiety, so I’ll usually try to push past that and think of things like what I want my future apartment/house to look like, what kind of honeymoon do I want, or where do I want to take my kids for their first vacation… but I also think about my current grades a lot at night. i’ll spend hours thinking about a particular question on a test and wondering if I got it right or wrong, and then I’ll mentally punish myself when I’m convinced I got it wrong…. like seriously there are so many things. Or I spend hours at night thinking of a conversation I had that day, and I’ll analyze my body language and the other person’s as well, and I’ll mentally scold myself for not presenting well or not saying the right things… and I’ll try to think of how I can fix it (bc I’m bound to be super angry at myself for whatever stupidly socially awkward thing I did) or how to avoid that next time… I could go on lmao
If you could live with anyone, who would it be?I, first, wanted to say my sisters… but we’ve spent so much time not living together that I feel like it would be difficult to go back to that. It would be difficult to put up with their annoying habits again and vice versa hahaI mean there are several people here that I totally wouldn’t mind living with. It would be a hoot hahah but I don’t really think there’s anyone irl tho :/ I’m the kinda person who just really wants to live alone… so I’m just waiting for that day 😂
why do I answer more than I’m asked?? hahaha sorry for all of this 
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wakandan-goddess · 6 years
30, 36 & 40! Love your blog! 💕
30:School is difficult, I don’t mind learning but some of the classes and assignments are stupid and I hate it. I work at Jo-Anns and I have to deal with the entitled old white woman trying to get their craft on. 
36:I was born and still live in Jersey now but I always talked about moving to Atlanta, Georgia because I figured it would be good for whatever I figured out for a career, it’s not going to get super fuckin cold and it has night life.
I don't go out but still.
40: This may sound super freaking sad and depressing but I have like 5 different ideal versions of me in my head that are at different ages who do the things that I will never have the bravery to do.I cant think of a person I would want to be tho 
OMG thankyou for the ask and liking my blog its so nice to interact with people. 
P.S. I love your blog too 
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california-grethan · 6 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD ♡✧( ु•⌄• ) once you get this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask box of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's nice to know that someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out ❤️
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spongebobrose · 6 years
16 & 18 😘
This has been in my inbox for a while because I never got around to answering it. But I’ll base it off of my most recent one 😂
16: Yes, I once came home and nobody brought me back any pizza and when snapchat got an update. Actually, when my uncle died that was hard but I really can’t think of anything off the top of my head.💐
17: I like my sense of humour although I’m a deep think and spend mostly of my time doing that.🌖
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palmtreedolan · 5 years
hi so i know that i’m super irrelevant but i just want  to say that today my tumblr turned one :’) i remember the first post i reblogged was from none other than @rockstardolan​ (ilysm luna.) i only made a tumblr to post my edits and didnt think i’d make so many incredible friends on here and im so grateful for every single one of you. thank u for your constant love and support. shoutout to my og bbys @hexagonaldolans​ my irl best friend 💜, @kissdolans​ the sweetest bean with incredible music taste hehe, @bb-dolan and @profanitydolan for making me so happy from the other side of the world, @majesticdolans the first person i talked to on here ilysm, @sj-dolan for being so nice, @mintdolans for making me feel so welcome, @arcticdolans who i love to death, @demurekind and @dolanwritings for leaving the nicest things about my edits and being so supportive, i’m so grateful for u and so many other beautiful people. i love u all so much 💞💞💞💞💞
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bouttogolinkurbitch · 6 years
Angles: Grayson Dolan
the idea of gray taking nudes got me feelin’ some type of wayyyyy
Just a little blurb
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my edit so like/reblog if saved
“Are you sure, babe? It’s not going anywhere?” Grayson puffed down the phone. I bit my lip as I stared at myself in the mirror. “Gray if I’m trusting you, you need to trust me.” I said softly. I laid my phone on the counter and I put him on speaker. “What all do you want to see?” His voice sounded strained and I almost whimpered. My nails danced up my own skin, slick with the sheen of sweat from nerves.
“I wanna see everything. Any way you want to show me.” I said shallowly. I could hear him go into the bathroom. “Luckily for you, I just hopped out of the shower.” I smiled and I unhooked my bra before I picked up my phone. My hair seemed to tumble down my shoulders in the right ways and I quickly snapped a picture before saving it. Without a second thought, I sent it to Grayson.
I heard his breath audibly hitch over the other end of the phone. “Fuck, okay.” He muttered and my phone buzzed. He sent me a picture of him in a towel. The steam from his previous shower was like a halo around his Greek like body. “Jesus, Gray. I can barely breathe now.” I muttered. Grayson’s soft, teasing laugh made me smirk. This is how he wanted to play?
I let the bra fall from my arm that held it in place. I turned on some soft music before I went to Snapchat and started to record. I turned a little so Grayson could see my olive green lacy undies. Without a second intuition, I hopped up onto the counter. My ass looked perfectly round before I blew a kiss and winked, ending the video. I sent that to Grayson and I awaited to hear his response.
Grayson and I had been very busy lately, not being able to find time for one another. With me flying out of Cali for business, this was a last resort for our sexual endeavors. “I want something good baby.” I cooed down the line. I heard Grayson grunt and then I heard background noise. When my phone buzzed, I eagerly opened the snap to see Grayson with the towel farther down his hips. You could see the area he had shaved just barely above the line of the black cotton towel. His thick hand was around his neck and his eyes were slipping shut. I whined and screenshotted it. “Want your thick hand around my neck, sir.” I muttered and Grayson moaned.
My phone buzzed again, this time with a video. He dropped the towel and his very proud erection hit his stomach. He started to massage his balls with a lazy smile. “Gray!” I whimpered before I requested a FaceTime call. In seconds he answered with flushed cheeks. “I hope you didn’t finish, because as much as I loved those angles, I think we both deserve a good show.” He smirked down at the camera and quirked a brow. “What do you got for me, baby?” I bit my lip and moved to my hotel bed, wiggling out of my panties on the way before I dangled them within camera shot. “Anything you wanna see, daddy.”
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dolan-toews · 6 years
@dolanoscopy @benevolent-dolan @thedolanlipthing @bmannix @x0xiloveyou7 @spongebobrose @california-grethan @dolantwins9112 @dimply-dolan @dolantwins-1999 @errythingdolan @cocobuttercalum @puckdols @mintdolans @lanadeldolans @ramonesdolan @dolanspacemendes @bandanadolan @crispydolan @yikes-ohman @ethxndolan @notanotherdolantwinsblog @dolanoodle @loldolanpinneapple @doltishdolans @arcticdolans @anotherdolantwinfan @castledolan @ethansbbyg @xxohmydolantwinsxx @sunkissdolan @justanotherdolanblog @fiftyshadesofdolans @punkdolan @grethanbae1 @dimply-dolan @fruitydolxnz @obsidiandolans @durangodolan @graysondolancanfuckme @toasty-dolans @idk-dolans @lanadeldolans @dolanfivsosxox @thunderdolans @dolotwenz @hexagonaldolans @do-re-mi-dolans @goldendxlan @dolanoodle
shoutouts are back!! thank you to all of my amazing followers that have stuck around for the past couple of inactive months ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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333kaylynn · 6 years
If The End Was Truly Near / ethan dolan
best friend ethan, y/n and ethan are best friends and ask eachother what they’d do if the world was ending in 24 hours
sorry for any errors:,) i hope u guys enjoy! this ones short but i rlly enjoy it:) 
word count: 1240
tags: @dolantwins-1999 @bouttogolinkurbitch @chaaandlaah @notanotherdolantwinsblog @justanotherdolanblog @kara-dolan @starrydolan @smgdolan @boujeebailey @olivia-m-dolan @demurekind @heathendolan @spiffydolan @grayson-dolans-dangly-earring @lonestarhazel @lostinmydolans @sushidolans @palmtreedolan @dolanspacemendes @mintdolans
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Since y/n and Ethan were 6 years old, they’ve always been best friends. Everything one person did, the other had to do it with them. 
“C’mon, y/n! Just duck your head in and hold onto your legs when you flip!” Ethan had just finished learning to do a backflip and was now trying to get his friend to do it. “Ethan! It isn’t as easy as it looks!” You yelled and threw your arms down in defeat, causing Ethan to walk up close to you and tell you that you could do it. 
Ethan was always the one you’d go to for everything. He was always the one you could truly count on to be there. 
You stood on the front porch you were so familiar with and knocked on the door three times. The door opened and there stood the woman that had taken on as your second mother. “Y/n, sweetie. Come in. Are you okay? Ethan’s upstairs.” Lisa had moved out of the way to let you in and lightly set her hand on your shoulder before hugging you. Your tears began falling quicker and quicker and Lisa let go. You explained how your boyfriend at the time, Chase, had just broken up with you. Lisa consoled you and then you ran upstairs to Ethan’s room to see him sleeping soundly. You sighed and sat at the foot of his bed, putting your head into your hands. The sound of Ethan yawning and the bed moving caused you to look up from your hands. “Y/n? Are you okay?” You turned to look at Ethan who was now sitting on the edge of the bed next to you. “Chase, he uh, he broke up with me.” Your long term boyfriend, whom Ethan never really liked, but put up with, had just broken up with you and Ethan was the first person you decided to tell. "Oh, y/n. C'mere." Ethan wasn't sure what to say, the concept of girls getting heartbroken was new to him. The hug comforted you though, for as long as you needed.
And Ethan would always be your number one supporter throughout everything.
"THAT WAS NOT A FOUL. HEY, DIPSH-" Ethan had been watching your softball game with his entire family as well as your own. It was state nationals and Ethan was not going to miss out on the biggest night of your life, or so you said. "Ethan Grant Dolan! Language!" Lisa scolded him and Grayson sat and laughed at Ethan who's face was now red. "Sorry, ma. But you and I both know y/n should've been able to run." Ethan complained about the ref and threw his arms down in defeat. "I know, hun. But the ref called it and you don't want to embarrass y/n."
And in the end, Ethan was yours and you were Ethans. No matter what.
The two of you were best friends throughout everything. Most people expect you two to be in a relationship, but that clearly wasn't the case. Being best friends with the same person for that long might seem exhausting, but to be honest, the two could never get tired of eachother. The constant bickering, the constant arguing, would never amount to the constant love the two continued to give to eachother.
"Y/n! Change the tv to channel 34!" Ethan had just gotten snacks and jumped over the couch to sit by you. You groaned and pushed the buttons 3 and 4 on the remote.
"Ethan, first of all, no need to yell, second of all, spongebob? Really? And lastly, you just sat on the clicker." You pushed Ethan over and pulled the small black remote out from underneath him. He laughed and then sighed before saying, "Stop with your weird lingo. It's a remote."
You pushed him again and giggled before jumping off of the couch and walking up to the bathroom.
It was Saturday night and you and Ethan had been at your house staying together. Your parents have known Ethan and his family for years and years, so it hadn't bothered them at all when you asked if Ethan could stay.
You walked back downstairs and peaked over Ethan's shoulder to see who he'd been talking to. "This is a no phone zone mister grant." You grabbed his phone out of his hand and ran with it quickly, trying to get away from Ethan before he caught up to you. Eventually you felt his hands grab onto you and spin you around. He laughed in victory and grabbed his phone before running back downstairs with it. You chased after him and sat next to him on the couch. "How about we play a game?"
“Like what? A board game?” Ethan slid off the couch and opened up the cupboard that held the many board games you owned. Ethan pulled out Uno and then Skip-Bo. You pointed at the skipbo and then jumped onto the floor next to him. You pulled the blanket you were cuddled with and wrapped it around your shoulders. Ethan began shuffling the cards and then dealing them. 
Ethan now had one card left and you had two. His being a 5 and your top card being a 3. It was your turn and you lied down a two on top of a one, and then your top card which was a 3, a four, and then a wild so you could prevent Ethan from winning. You flipped over the last card in your pile and looked at the other 3 piles to see if you could lie it down and unfortunately you couldn’t. 
In the end, Ethan had won. You sighed and then laughed before asking him, “Ethan, if the world was going to end in approximately 24 hours, what would you do?” 
Ethan shifted himself and then responded, “That’s odd. Don’t tell me your planning on ending the world.” You laughed, “No, I’m just curious. What would you do?” 
“I’d probably tell my family how much I love them, and my friends, especially you. And then I’d eat, a lot probably.” 
You laughed and nodded at Ethan’s response and then began telling him what you would do. Some of it boring him, but some of it really intriguing him. 
“And then I’d tell my cat how much I love her. Because I really do love her. Right kitty kitty, I loveeee youuuu.” You began making kissy faces at the cat and then looked back at Ethan. You giggled and then continued talking. 
“Y/n. You know what else I’d do. I’d stab you with a spork. But I still love you.” 
You groaned and threw one of the couch pillows at him. He caught it and threw it back and then you said, “Ethan. There’s one last thing I’d do.” 
Your chest puffed out and then went back in as you breathed heavily. “Y/n? Why are you nervous? You’re nervous.” Ethan put his hand on your shoulder and you sighed, taking one last deep breath. 
You put your two small hands on his face, feeling his scruff that he hadn’t shaved for a few days. You leaned in and kissed him softly before quickly looking away. 
You felt Ethan put a hand on your face and pull it back so you would look at him. He gently rubbed your lip with his thumb and then kissed you again before pulling away. “I’m so glad you did that, y/n.” 
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kurootetsvrous · 6 years
[BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD] ♡♥♡ Once you get this award, you're supposed to pass it in the ask box of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's nice to know that someone thinks you're beautiful inside and outside. i know its chainmail, but i think everyone needs the reminder they're beautiful!
aww thank you Kim! love ya girly 😭💕
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kara-dolan · 6 years
God damn girl!! Why’d you go to all those places?! But sounds like you had fun and were productive 😁😁
I was with my mom also she kept telling me to zip up my jacket because i had my tank rolled up because I am actually being more comfortable with my self and confident so yeah that’s great. I am 18 like I am allowed to wear what I want lol
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spiffydolan · 6 years
THANK YOU KIM!!! I hope you have a lovely day as well 😊💙
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thechurchboyniall · 6 years
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Nolan dolan to precious for this world ❤️
Requested by the lovely Kim @mintdolans
@kara-dolan @loldolanpinneapple @aint-ships-a-wonder
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california-grethan · 6 years
24 😝 Okay sorry for spamming you ☺️❤️
24. Do you have/want any piercings?
I have my ears double pierced, but I definitely want more! I want mids, a tragus, a cartilage, a septum, a belly button piercing, and other ear piercings that I can’t remember the names of😅 
Don’t be sorry! I loved being spammed by you, Kim💕☺️
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Migraine (G.D.)
This idea was requested by the lovely @dolanlifeforever ! thank you so much for your prompt!
@olderdolan @dolanoodle @scandalousdolan @justanotherdolanblog @notanotherdolantwinsblog @coconutethan @ethansbbyg @mintdolans @chaaandlaah @spiffydolan @dolandreaminn @idk-dolans @brinawritesstuff @lanelessdolan @kara-dolan @bouttogolinkurbitch
Reader’s POV
It was mine and Gray’s 3 year anniversary and he made us a reservation for dinner. I was so excited and Gray said he had a special surprise for me so he was going straight from the warehouse to the restaurant and I was supposed to be meeting him there. I had had a headache all day and I was hoping it would be gone by the time I was supposed to be there. I was rushing around to get dressed, throwing clothes all around our bedroom. I finally settled on an outfit and sat down to do my makeup. “Damn this is getting bad.” I thought to myself, regarding this splitting headache. “Okay. Focus. Eyeliner time.” I muttered to myself. I leaned closer to the mirror and attempted to refocus my swirling vision. “This is not working. I need a makeup wipe.” I said. I pushed by chair out from my vanity and stood up, intending to head to the bathroom. Immediately the room started spinning and I stumbled forward. “I just have to make it to the bathroom. Come on!” I thought. I felt my way along to wall to the bathroom. As soon as my foot touched the tile I lost the rest of my strength and I started falling but it felt like years before I hit the ground. On the way down my forehead connected with the porcelain of the toilet and everything went black.
Grayson’s POV
“Where is she? She’s never late.” I wondered. Y/N was never late to anything and it was our anniversary, so she definitely wouldn’t be late for this. I was getting more annoyed the longer I sat there in my car. Twenty minutes passed and she still wasn’t here. I started getting pissed off so i called her and when her voicemail answered I angrily hung up. “No. Fuck that.” I mumbled and dialed her number again. Her voicemail picked up again. “Listen I don’t know what I did to make you stand me up on our anniversary without a text or call but I’m coming home and I hope you’re not there when I walk in the door because I’m too angry to talk to you right now. Bye.” I said to her inbox and then hit ‘end’. I started my car and peeled out of the parking lot. On the drive home the panic set in. “What if something happened to her? What if she’s hurt? I didn’t even think about that! And I left her that nasty message oh my god. Oh my god.” I thought to myself. I pressed on the gas even harder in a rush to get home.
I pulled into the driveway and when I saw her car still parked, I got out and ran to the door, shoving it open. “Y/N?! Y/N baby are you here?!” I yelled, running up the stairs.
The only light on in the house was coming from the bedroom but still she hadn’t responded. I ran into the bedroom and noticed our bathroom door was open too. I wasnt ready for what I found when I walked through that door. Y/N was sprawled out on the floor in her new dress, blood seeping out of a large gash on her forehead. Her eyes were closed and if there was no blood, it would have looked like she was sleeping. My heart was thumping in my chest and I didn’t know what to do. I fell to the ground and pulled Y/N to my chest, tears streaming down my face. “Come on baby. Please wake up. Please please please.” I whispered against her head. I reached up for the damp washcloth on the sink and started patting her face.
After a few moments of wiping her face, her eyelids finally fluttered open. Y/N’s eyes were foggy but still glittered with life. “Oh my god. Thank god. Thank you so much for coming back to me. What happened sweetheart?” I croaked out, my voice thick with tears. “I don’t know baby. I was getting ready to come see you and all of a sudden my headache got really bad. So I came into the bathroom for something and I just went down. I think I hit the toilet? Oh no did I break it?!” She questioned with worry in her voice. I chuckled before telling her everything was fine and her body sagged with relief.
After we spent a good half hour cleaning and dressing the gash on her forehead, I got Y/N up and out of her dress and into some pajamas. We decided going out would be a bad idea so we slipped into bed and pulled up a movie on the TV. Y/N grabbed her phone to check her messages and thats when I remembered. “You left me a voicemail?” She said cocking an eyebrow. I snatched her phone and quickly deleted the voicemail. I didn’t want that awful message to be heard by her after everything else that happened today. “Oh yeah uh, I think I pocket dialed you.” I stammered. She grinned and said “Oh Dolan what am I gonna do with you?” I pulled a small ring box out from my nightstand. After all, I did tell her there was a special surprise for her tonight and now seemed as good a time as any. “Maybe you’ll just have to marry me?”
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