#micheal x jeremy
the-cheese-slut · 9 months
I want Jeremy Here in a suit holding up a backpack that says “Husb” and Micheal Mell in a suit holding up a backpack that says “ands” on my desk by 8:02 sharp!
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carrion-corvus · 10 months
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Take my breath away
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edensundae · 1 year
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nobody here appreciates, but soon we’ll be together where they do~
I’m getting into BMC for the first time! But I’m so sad the fandom is mostly dead! :’( but tumblr always keeps fandoms semi-running so IM STAYING HERE WITH YALL 🗣️
Sorry for my inactivity aswell! I have so much art to post now tho :3
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stop-talking · 2 months
Honestly? I'm not surprised the FNAF movie is delayed.
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They're DEFINETLY struggling to come up with a plot for the next movie. They planned to make three movies if the first went well, but they didn't really leave themselves much room for a sequel.
What do I mean by that? Well...
• The driving conflict of the first movie, that got Mike to work at Freddy's in the first place, was the custody battle with aunt Jane. But they fucking killed her off. (In the movie, it seems like it's possible she still may be alive, but in the book it's pretty much confirmed she's dead.) Abby sees her "lying in a puddle of ketchup" or something when golden freddy comes to get her. And I have a direct quote from Mike.
"You know," he said, "I think my aunt has finally decided to move on." I mean... she kind of did, Mike thought. (Pg 317)
• Oh, and also in the book, it's said Mike gets a nice new job as a contractor after the events at Freddy's, so it's not like they can pull the "Mike can't find a job so he HAS to work at another Freddy's location!" thing again.
• AND, they resolved his storyline with Garrett. He's found the killer, and watched him die. (Even if we know he's not dead). Mike realized Abby is much more important than his dead brother and he no longer torments himself with thoughts of Garrett... so I don't think he'd go poking around in another Freddy's location to "figure out what happened". He knows what happened. And he's finally over it.
• It seems like they TRIED to give themselves something to work with in the end credits. You know, the "C O M E F I N D M E". But honestly? It's not all that helpful. There's no clear way to tell who it's addressed to or who it's from. Everyone seems to agree it's Garrett speaking to Mike as the puppett, but honestly? That doesn't make sense to me.
• I've already explained that I don't think Mike is interested in learning more about his brother's death. He knows who killed him, and watched that man die. Mike is as "at peace" as he's ever going to get. Besides, I don't think Garrett is the puppett!! At all!!
• In the movie, Mike says he feels closer to Garrett at Freddy's. I think that means his soul is LITERALLY there, in THAT Freddy's location. Why else would he say that? Just because there are ghosts there killed by the same man? Also, in the novel, Mike literally sees Garrett's ghost in the pizzeria and it leads him to Springtrap. Finally, the "It's me" messages that keep appearing near Mike. Who else would be writing that shit? It's not just a little Easter egg for the audience. It has to be someone Mike knows. Garrett. (Also I think there's a strong argument to be made that Garrett is co-posessing Golden Freddy with the little blonde boy)
Honestly? No clue. But I think there are a few interesting directions they could take things.
1) From Mike's dad, to Mike.
In the movie they sort of imply Mike's dad offed himself, but in the book they reveal he just walked out on them. So he's still out there somewhere, and they could totally reveal he had some kind of connection to Freddy's and William, and it would explain why William drove all the way to goddamn Nebraska to kidnap some random ass kid.
2) From springtrap, to some unfortunate soul dumb enough to set him free
In the games, he was locked away in a bricked off room for like 30 years before being set free, but I don't think these movies are going to have that big of a time skip. Probably a year at most. So I could see the next movie starting with some idiot freeing springtrap.
3) Okay yeah I cant think of anything else.
And I know I'm not a professional screenplay writer but those bitches are anxiously struggling too!! In every interview where Josh Hutcherson (Mike) has been asked about a sequel, he says they're still trying to figure out the story. No shit!! They didn't give themselves anything to work with.
• So basically, Mike has absolutely no reason to go back to another Freddy's location, and the little secret message at the end is almost too vague to be useful.
So, what DID they leave themselves to work with in the next movie? What plot points remain unresolved?
• For one thing, they didn't even give William a fucking motive for killing kids. Or for luring security guards to their deaths. This version of him seems to have a much better understanding of remnant and possession that his game counterpart, but there's no reason given for that either. In the game, he does it all for his dead son. He wants to "fix" him. But they didn't set up any hints to that in the first movie. Mike talked to Vanessa about HIS dead brother, so I feel like if the whole "dead son" thing was the case, she would have mentioned she lost a sibling too.
• Or maybe William would have brought it up at the end when he was getting mad at Vanessa. The "mess YOU created!!" scene. He probably would have said something like, "You know why we have to do this, Vanessa." But he didn't. There's literally no known motive, and it'll be kind of hard to set one up without any breadcrumbs left in the previous movie.
• Mike was TOTALLY falling for Vanessa in the books. Yeah, I know, a lot of people feel FNAF isn't a place for romance, and SCHMELLY isn't a very popular ship... but that doesn't change the face he almost kissed her in the novel. (Also in the book she threw his EMPTY PILL BOTTLE into the river, didn't actually toss bro's meds! So she's a little more likeable!)
"Vanessa and Mike grinned at each other, and Mike felt something zing inside of him. It was a palpable 'wow' feeling that was much more intense than his casual appreciation of her beauty. And the zing felt like it was going both ways. The look Vanessa was giving Mike was one he hadn't ever seen before... not directed at him anyway. Her reciprocation of his feelings was so strong that he felt himself leaning toward her." (pg 186)
(They didn't kiss though, Vanessa blushed and looked away and changed the subject.) Still... now they have to address their little romantic subplot in the next movie as well.
• Vanessa. Just as a character. There's a lot to work with there. Personally, I think it would be interesting to use her coma to tell a story. You know, have her flashback to there's childhood with William and at Freddy's. (Honestly if they don't do that they're dumb and missing a huge opportunity. Why else put her in the goddamn coma?)
• Also, in the novel, they heavily implied she's... a robot? Apparently, her eyes drastically change color and Mike notes she flips from "girl mode" to "cop mode" on a dime. In the movie she just looked bipolar.
"Yeah Abby, let's use the tables for the fort! 😄"
"Mike if you bring her here again I will SHOOT YOU. 🤬"
• But yeah apparently she's a robot. A robot so convincing that even hospital nurses and doctors can't tell. With no explanation for how William could have built that. Or why there's a photo of her and William where she's clearly a child. Did he build a child robot that grew up into an adult woman robot? Or did he build two robots? Or did child Vanessa die and he replaced her with a robot? Who knows!
"Mike watched, mesmerized, as Vanessa's irises deepened noticeably in hue. They went from their usual soft, almost greyish-blue to a deeper indigo. The shift was so pronounced it almost looked computer-generated. It was also enormously disquieting. Mike felt like he was watching a human turn into..." (pg 184)
• So for the next move, Mike has no motive to go visit Freddy's, William has no motive in general, and Vanessa is a robot. The script practically writes itself, am I right??
And then there's the way Scott Cawthon likes to incorporate fan feedback into all of his projects.
(Ex: People complained FNAF 3 wasn't scary, so he made FNAF 4 horrifying)
• I have no doubt he's going to incorporate the fanbase's favorite characters into the next movie. (Ness, Doug, Maxine, Jeremy) Which honestly just complicates the plot further, adding more stipulations to the script.
• Bringing Ness back would be easy? Mike and Abby could have a scene in the diner, I guess, but it's also sort of unnecessary, and I'm not sure MatPat would agree to another cameo. He's retired.
• Bringing Doug back would be more complicated. He's aunt Jane's lawyer... but they fuckin' killed her off. So. Doug is not needed.
• Jeremy could come back? Maybe? He's really a background character... It's not stated whether or not Mike was friends with him outside work, or kept in touch with him after being fired.
• Maxine is a lot more complicated. The actress who plays her, Kathryn Sterling, said herself that she was originally supposed to have a bigger role in the film but it got trimmed down. And THEN there's the way she was stuffed into a purple Freddy suit, which a lot of fans theorize is supposed to be Shadow Freddy. On her TikTok, she basically confirms this, hinting to her character coming back in the next movie and being more important.
So in the next movie...
1) Mike has to somehow have to end up tangled back into Freddy Fazbullshit even though he has NO desire to... (Remember the way he looked at Abby when she asked if they could visit them??)
2) They have to reveal or at least hint towards Vanessa being a robot
3) Mike & Vanessa romance subplot??
4) William needs a fucking motive for killing people
5) The audience needs to be able to tell who "come find me" was said by AND who it was directed towards
6) Bonus points if they can cram in more youtuber cameos & beloved characters from the last movie like Jeremy and Doug
So yeah. It's a lot to consider when writing. And the clock is ticking, because kids, especially little kids like Garrett's actor, grow up FAST. And ghost kids aren't supposed to grow up. Ghost kids are supposed to be dead.
I do want to say though, that despite the plot holes, I LOVE the FNAF movie. I've watched it 20+ times. It's genuinely one of my comfort movies. I'm excited for the next movie, but I'm also sort of expecting it to be late 2025 before we get to see it.
Scott is notoriously picky. He turned down, like, 8 scripts for the first movie before settling on the Mike storyline. I don't mind waiting, especially considering how difficult this next movie is gonna be to write. Also if you read this whole rant?? Damn?? Kiss me on the mouth rn.
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eddsworldbish420 · 4 months
What is it with skinny British purple men and they're curvaceous short boyfriends with frizzy orange-ishness.....
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camo1000le · 1 year
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Repaint of this with my updated designs!
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lesbiansforglados · 9 months
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Jeremike but if they were insane (designs under the cut)
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squippites · 2 years
Bmc london is just a huge polycule where no one is entirely sure whos dating who
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inky-goddess · 10 months
Urban Exploring
Warnings: Blood, death, depressed thoughts, panic attacks Fic type: Hurt/comfort Ship: Jeremy (the fnaf vr/fnaf 2 one) x Micheal Prompt
"Something's off about this place…" Jeremy said
"…You mean other than the giant pools of dried blood?" Micheal said.
"erm...that too" Jeremy said.
Michael sighed.
He knew exactly why this place felt off.
"You do realize what happened here?" He asked Jeremy.
"You mean other than what caused the pools of dried blood?" Jeremy said with a laugh.
"Now is not the time for this!" Michael exclaimed.
"But you're smiling~" Jeremy said, in a sings song tone.
Michael sighed, and let out a small chuckle.
"You really know how to get me to loosen up" he admitted.
Michael looked away. Jeremy wasn't there that day. And no one ever told him what really happened on Evan's birthday. All Jeremy knew was that Evan died here on his birthday. But now standing in the abandoned Fredbear's Family Diner, Michael had a choice to make.
Do I tell him? Will he hate me? Will he tell me I'm just as bad as-
As those panicked thoughts ran through Michael's mind, a familiar voice called out to him.
"Boyfriend?" Jeremy asked.
"E-Evan?" Micheal was too surprised to be flustered.
"Alright so I'm not hallucinating. That is your little brother who just called me your boyfriend" Jeremy said.
Michael's face went redder than Foxy.
"He what?" Micheal asked.
Evan laughed. And as he came out of the shadows, Micheal was face to face with the animatronic that he had shoved his little brother into.
Every ounce of flusteredness at his brother's comment on him and Jeremy went away as panic set in.
No no no this wasn't meant to happen. Micheal thought.
His rapid breathing and swift backing up was signal enough to Jeremy and Evan that something was wrong.
"Are you alright Mike?" Jeremy asked.
Micheal stared at him, wide eyed.
"I'm just like him...aren't I..." He said, almost devoid of any emotion.
"Mike? Mike what's going on?" Jeremy was now starting to panic as well.
He had comforted Micheal through panic attacks before, but never one this bad.
"Y-you know how you were away the week of my birthday?" Evan asked.
Jeremy nodded.
"And how you are basically 90% of Micheal's impulse control? even back then?" Evan continued.
"Yeah...? Where is this going?" Jeremy asked.
"He- He may have accidentally- ACCIDENTALLY- shoved me into Fredbear's mouth...as a prank" Evan explained.
Jeremy looked over at his panicking boyfriend
"Mike...why didn't you tell me this?" He asked.
"You hate me don't you...you think I'm just like him" Mike said, once again devoid of any emotion.
"Micheal I do not think you are like that man!" Jeremy exclaimed.
Evan looked over at the two.
And they say they aren't boyfriends. Evan thinks.
Jeremy put his hands on Micheal's shoulders.
"Just tell me what is going on, you haven't been this...emotionless...in your speaking since you were scooped!" Jeremy pleaded.
"Since WHAT?" Evan yelled.
"Um It- It's hard to explain" Jeremy said.
"You don't need to explain just comfort him, I-I don't think I can comfort him like this...o-or at all...im not good at comfort" Evan said.
"Right" Jeremy said as he turned around to face his boyfriend.
"Just say you hate me, I know you do" Mike said.
"Mike. You know that's not true. I...I love you...a lot" Jeremy confessed.
"FINALLY" Evan yelled.
"Not the time" Both boys hissed.
"A-anyways...I love you too Jeremy" Micheal said.
Micheal got up and walked over to the animatronic bear possessed by his younger brother.
"I'm sorry...I-I didn't mean for it to go that far..." Mike said.
"I know, and I forgave you a long time ago. Now explain what Jeremy meant when he said you got 'scooped'" Evan said.
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sour-ballz06 · 2 years
Anybody have any requests? My rules are, no smut with a literal child. I can do Gareth and Jeff Bc they are older then their areas legal age and I’ll probably age them up. But mike or Dustin? Nah💀 I do others then just stranger things,
I write for
Practically everyone in stranger things
Micheal afton (aftussy💀)
William afton
Jeremy fritzgerald (if it’s bluey capsules masc nonbinary or male only)
Dave miller
graham cooper
any other characters tell me.
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the-cheese-slut · 7 months
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friday-the-400th · 1 year
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he/they pronouns
check here for my most latest and popular posts!
i do hcs and oneshots mostly, but i can do stories and such.
i like slasher, horror ,dsaf, dialtown, fnaf
what i’ll write for:
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-dsaf (any characters)
-error 143 (✨micah yujin✨)
-diary of a Wimpy Kid movies (any characters)
-ash williams (i simp for that badass)
-supernatural (any characters)
-slasher/horror characters (any characters)
such as:
-Rusty Nail
-The Sinclair Brothers
-Micheal Myers
-Jason Voorhees
-Billy Loomis + Stu Macher (poly or not)
-Thomas Hewitt
-Brahms Heelshire
-Billy Lenz
-Asa Emory
-Hannibal Lecter
-Harry Warden
Candyman/Daniel Robitaille
-Jack Torrence
-Norman Bates
-Kurt Kunkle
-Carrie White
-Tiffany Valentine
-Jennifer Check -whatever one you want, bro
_-------------------------------------------------_ new! -mike schmidt -scott pilgrim (any characters) -john wick -stranger things -saw (any of them excluding the new movie, because i haven't seen it yet.) -otto octavius! -spider man characters! (any) -marvel!
(male readers only usually and gn (im not good at writing for women)
-hc reader (soft!, shy!, ect
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this is my Twitter btw https://twitter.com/aziraphalesbff
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aftussysimping02 · 2 years
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Dumb bleach blonde (Dave miller x reader)
Phillip walked in with a tired look on his face “whats up phil?” Joan asks Phil “ theres a new employee but hes so loud” he sighs “ HEY IM LOUD AND YOU LOVE ME” Jeremy yells “ please be quiet jeremy” you say to him ” sorry ma’am but you know” you nod. “ Hes starting tomorow” Phillip adds, you tilt your head “ whats his name?” you ask “ Dave, Dave miller” you scoff looking at jeremy “ basic ass name” jeremy laughs his ass off “ i know right who names their kid Dave?!” he coughs out “ clearly mrs miller” Joan sighs.
Next day
A blonde guy with brown roots walks in, looking tired of existing in general “ can i help you sir?” You ask, he cranks his head over “ i work here” he says in a texas accent “ sir im one of the managers here, id know if you worked here.” he scoffs “ well then im dave miller” he sticks a hand out “ oh well im stupid, phillp told me told me about ya” you greet him formally “ y/n, y/n l/n” taking his hand “ lovely name” he complements you, you blush “ thank you..” you thank him “ MR/MRS/MX L/N! JEREMY BLEW UP THE STOVE AGAIN!” fritz yells “ fuckin hell jeremy” you sigh. Running to the kitchen Dave/William watched you leave him “ well then, Y/n l/n” he gawks in his head ( damn mate horny all ready) .
2 hours into Daves shift
“ hey i remembered, i didnt give you a nick name” you gasp, “ what?” Dave cocks his head over (hes also got a hard co-) “ a nick name? i didnt give ya one” Dave sighs “ really?” you nod “ im your boss, i can do what i want🤪” ” fine” you think for a moment “ dumb bleach blonde” you flick your wrist. Dave looks un impressed “ mk whatever”
Part 2?
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yukkue · 2 years
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speedystarshine · 2 years
a demon possessed me and these were on my screen when I woke up/j
For these I decided to go on how they both would individually react and then both of them :) ALSO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG 😭
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Not me putting some of my personal HC'S into these 😭
Aight, let's start with Maikol. This man child is screaming when he realizes he likes you. It's not his fault though, it really did take him by surprise!
Mainly so because it was a gradual thing, not a love at first sight thing like with Jeremy.
Being the more shy - natured of the two, he takes it upon himself to be the observer and planner guy rather then the actually doing guy. He wouldn't hesitate to get his hands dirty, though!
Y/n: "Wow Fritz, I didn't realize you were into photography!" 💀💀 He would. We all know he would.
He likes to be helpful around you, helping you on your shift or just with the kids and the chaos they create. After he realizes, he turns it up to 100%. You actually have to tell him to turn it down a notch lest you lose your job 💀
Onto Jeremy!
He is SUCH a DUMBASS 24/7. Trying to show off to you or impress you is his way of doing things, even before he realizes he likes you.
When he does it turns less into bragging about how awesome he is and all the stuff he's done and more into flirting, which is either great or awful depending on what type of person you are and how you react to it.
Tries to slowly bring you more into the duo but he fr wouldn't be able to manipulate a fly 💀
So in the end, they end up hanging out with you :D
Not even joking, once he tried to lock you in a cupboard to protect you from the literal tsunami of children, was unsuccessful.
Even though the kids love the whole "putting mangle back together" thing, he is genuinely worried about his friend so he'll definitely appreciate it if you help out the animatronic with any internal issues or stuff of the sort.
Has the shittiest pick up lines. For both of you.
Both of them? 😳😳😳
Okay I actually have to write this before I forget but even though the duo is stupid(TM) they would try to learn at least a little bit about the animatronics so that they can change the security recognition feature to alert them about people who've messed w/ you 🥰
They wouldn't 'take someone out' due to it being to risky to the both of their situations, but they would put a hella lotta effort into keeping someone away from you, and effectively, away from the establishment. Out of sight, out of mind! For now...
They are smothering as HELL. Not for a single second of the day (or night, but you don't need to know that 🥰) are you actually alone, these two goofballs constantly next to or not far from you.
You definitely notice something's up. I mean, one of them might have made it a lil trickier to figure out, but this? My god-
Jeremy is going to accidentally kill himself as the things he does to impress you climb higher and higher, and the same with Fritz with how much work he's doing instead of basic human needs, your sure of it.
(Joan is stood in the background facepalming.)
If you were to reject them, they would be the literal embodiment of the ':(' emoticon. They won't take no for an answer though, and you're sure to find some kind of wacky confession left for you each week!
(Walks into the pizzeria with a giant fucking love heart made up of glued together ketchup bottles 😭 they're on a budget okay-)
If you were to say yes, THEY are LITERAL PUPPIES IM NOT EVEN JOKING-
You thought they were smothering before? Wait until they move in.
Oh you thought I was joking? Well-
Good luck is all 😭
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morwap · 1 year
micheal afton x fem!reader
sfw wishing it was halloween so this could be halloween themed but oh well,
nav • m.a m.list • series master list
swearing, a kiss, in the same timeline as my other fic, evan and elizabeth are very much alive, readers in a band, micheal has a nose piercing, micheal afton with a mullet, b/n = brothers name, sneaking into the pizzeria. drinking, stealing, playboy magazine, random names
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───────✧ 𓆩♡𓆪 ✧───────
Michaels's fingers drummed on the steering wheel, the music flowing from the speakers quietly but loud enough that he could enjoy it. the lights from the convenience store lit up his facial features as he waited on his friends. the summer heat was giving him a reminder of how hot it would be in his father's pizzaria, just the thought or mention of it made him groan and this constant reminder was not helping him in the slightest.
Michaels's eyes drifted around his truck, locking his eyes on the cd of your own music you had given him when you both were walking home from the two nice ladies' diner. lips turning up slowly into a soft smile, tempted to put it and listen but knowing his friends would be back any minute and he washed the thought out of his head, he could listen after dropping them off later.
laugher broke out into the summer air causing Michael to look up, watching his friends walk out with smiles. sighed as he could already pinpoint almost everything they had stolen—honestly shocked that no one called them out for it because they were awful at hiding it, you could practically see a bottle of alcohol in the front of Steven’s pants.
“Mikey I got your favorite” Jeremy snickered as he got into the small back seat, Steven got in after with the same smirk that Jeremy had. Michael shook his head but smiled as he started to pull out. Michael had gotten in trouble last time for coming home drunk by his mom, he could barely remember anything from that except the “you’re 18 and live under my roof and you will not be coming home drunk” lecture and he really didn't want to hear it again.
“Oh! I got you this, thought it looked like your girl” steven said, smacking the gum in his mouth as he pulled the dirty magazine from where he tucked it in the waistband of his pants and handed it to Michael.
“Shut the fuck up, she’s not my girl” Michael scoffed, glancing at the magazine, yes it did look like you but it was not you. steven mumbled a jokey “whatever” while Jeremy threw his hands up with a shrug when michael looked back at him. Michael tossed the magazine to the floor on the passenger side, but it took every ounce of self-control he had to not keep glancing at it.
“Mikey- man- we should drink at Freddy's,” Steven said, he looked back at Jeremy and the boy nodded, Michael sighed and let his head roll back onto the headrest.
“You know my dad would kill me if he found out,” Michael said, stopping at a red light.
“Cmon mike, we’re going away for college after this summer, let’s have fun and I know there's no alarm, just mega fuckin’ locks,” Steven said, taking the alcohol out of his pants and passing them back to Jeremy.
“Mira’s at the mall with y/n and kim, let’s invite them” Jeremy suggested, sitting the alcohol in the seat next to him carefully. Michael thought it over in his head, it wasn’t a bad idea but if William found out he would probably rip the piercing right out of his nose, if it didn’t he would have a great time and he knew of a way to get in without a key but this could be the last time to do this till his dad hired the security guard that he was talking about at dinner.
“Okay, okay” Michael gave in, putting his blinker on.
“maybe Kim will have weed” steven mentioned, lifting his brows.
“Probably not, her mom caught her with it right after graduation. I’ve heard her moms checking everything when she gets home and saying she won’t stop till she moves out” Jeremy sighed.
mira was digging through her bag as you sat on the concrete. a bubble gum sucker in your mouth, kim sat next to you and counted the money that was in her wallet.
“wow kim you really cut down on your shopping addiction” you joked and nudged her arm. kim laughed softly.
“saving up to move out” kim said, zipping up her wallet and tossing it into her small bag.
“no college?” you asked, tossing the lollipop stick onto the ground.
“don’t think it’s for me if I'm being honest, I like it here and the only college I would want to go to is out of state,” she confessed. you nodded as if you understood, but you didn’t, you wanted out of this shitty small town in the most shitty state. you wanted to get far far away and sometimes you hoped some magical person would come sweep you off your feet and save you.
“you look at any apartments?” you asked, you looked behind you at mira and she was still looking for something then you looked at kim.
“yeah, a few, there's this really cute one i looked at but it's a bit pricey” she answered with a shrug.
it was getting dark, you all came to the mall after the rush hour, not wanting to wait in lines and since it was summer everyone was there, it was the only thing to do in a town in the middle of nowhere and this was the only thing for everyone to enjoy.
music blared and you could see the signature red truck coming your way. Michael Afton and his friends, you knew Ben wasn’t with them since he was at your grandma's house three hours away helping your other aunt to move in and take care of her.
mira walked over to you and kim after finally finding her keys and wallet, she laughed as they pulled up.
it was weird how you all were connected, you all gravitated towards each other without even knowing people you all were close to had some type of connection with the other, until you all finally made the connections, jeremy was dating mira’s step brother and kim was in a relationship with michaels cousin macy while ben was on and off with steven’s sister.
michael rolled down his window and jeremy popped his head out from between the seats.
mira rolled her eyes playfully. “knew I shouldn't have told you where we were going” she laughed.
“what’s wrong with wanting to see my best friends in the world?” Jeremy acted offended. “we’re here to give you something fun to do in the town of hurricane, i think you should be begging to come with us” he added.
you laughed and looked up at mira.
“why not” you said, getting up of the concrete then helping kim up.
“meet us at freddys” steven yelled as michael started to roll his window up, mira shouted an okay before hitting the unlock button on her keys.
“that freaky animatronic place?” kim asked as you three started walking to miras car.
“maybe it will be spooky” you said, moving your fingers and making ghost sounds before getting into the car. kim laughed and rolled her eyes.
driving there didn’t take too long, the mall was a bit away from it since they wanted to put it somewhere that made it accessible for most of the town. it was fully dark out and street lights were already on.
mira parked where michael's truck was, a little ways from the pizzeria.
“about time you guys showed up” steven said as you three walked to them.
“don’t they have cameras here” you asked, the breeze gave you a chill.
“My dad took the old ones out since they kept messing up and ordered new ones so we’re good with cameras,” Michael said, easing your nerves.
“okay then why’d we have to park in the mud, its caked on my shoes, '' Kim complained.
“because my dad drives by here on his way home from my uncles” michael huffed, and walked to a spot where he could pull off the vent cover with ease.
“wait we have to crawl through that?” mira asked in disgust, jeremy rolled his eyes. “there's probably bugs in there” she added.
“is a little bug gonna stop you from a date with mr.vodka and ms.beer?” jeremy asked in a baby voice, taking out the alcohol out from the bag that sat on the ground beside him.
thankfully michael had the rest of the cups he bought for jeremy's birthday party in march in his truck, and they had stolen some pineapple juice earlier.
“well i didn’t know alcohol was involved” Mira said and got closer to the vent.
“of course alcohol was involved, we said something fun to do, not that a miracle would happen” Michael said with a breathy laugh. mira laughed and mumbled something about him being right.
“alright, this leads to parts and service and nothing blocks this duct so we should be able to get in and out easily, plus it’s not very long and it’s pretty big so no one has to worry about claustrophobia” Michael informed everyone.
you all stood in silence and looked around at each other. Michael huffed, “okay i’ll go first” he said before getting on his knees and crawled into the vent.
Michael made it inside and turned on the light before yelling for the next person.
Michael yelled out again to bring the alcohol so the last person didn’t have to worry about it.
“y/n do it with me” Mira begged, her hands clasped together.
“okay” you said, dragging out the ‘ay’ as you grabbed the bag and slid it into the vent then go in after.
you pushed the bag as you crawled, mira knew you were safe to go in with since she knew jeremy or kim would joke and say something about a bug and freak her out.
Michael helped you up then took the alcohol, you helped mira and she brushed off her clothes.
“see no bugs” Michael said with a sly smile.
“yeah see mira, Michael was the only bug you had to worry about” you quipped and shrugged your shoulders.
Michael booed you as he left the room.
soon you all gathered in a private party room so no one would see the lights, you all took your pick on what alcohol you wanted.
“y/n come take a shot with me” steven said loudly.
you were two shots in and took three tiny sips of mira’s vodka and pineapple drink, you guys worked with what you had and you all were lucky Michael was able to get some sodas from the vending machine.
steven poured the shots and opened a coke for a chaser. He handed it to you and started to count. your face scrunched as you swallowed and he took a sip of the coke then handed it to you.
“that was foul” you groaned and shook your head. steven nodded then took another sip from the coke.
you migrated back to mira, she was on her first beer after he vodka drink, you noted that kim took minimal sips of the one beer she had carried around the entire time, you also decided to only sip on a beer and you were barely buzzed.
you didn’t know how you and Michael had gotten away from everyone else but you did.
“not drinking much today mikey?” you asked, leaning on a wall next to where he was standing. you knew Michael liked to drink, you even saw him shitfaced at stevens little get together in october. you remembered how you two bickered even when he was drunk.
“someones gotta drive you know” he said, you nodded and took another sip.
“kims also holding back drinking for the same reason then?” you asked, you looked at him, his blue eyes returned the gaze.
“yeah we talked about it while i got the soda” he confirmed.
you smiled before leaning off the wall and starting to walk down the hall.
Michael followed you, “where you going rockstar?” he asked and tilted his head.
you smiled, “giving myself a tour since the heir of this pizzeria won’t” you said and shrugged, tilting your head like his.
Michael laughed, you didn't know if it was because he knew his dad would rather die than let this whole franchise be ran by someone who is not him personally or that you wanted a tour of the place.
“if you wanted to see animatronics that can sing and play instruments better than you, you should’ve just said that” Michael responded, he crossed his arms and walked to you.
you rolled your eyes, “that’s exactly why i invited you to that diner, since you’re always around great entertainment i thought you would enjoy my mediocre singing” you laughed and took a drink.
“yes i just love terrible singing and when sage knocked over those couples drinks with their guitar,” Michael said and nodded his head. you giggled and nodded.
“that was pretty funny tho” you admitted and smacked his shoulder lightly.
you walked into the pirates cove section, Michael turned on the light since there was no window in there. you moved the curtain even though it said ‘out of order’.
Michael leaned against the wall, you inhaled sharply as the fox animatronic stared back at you, your eyes wide, the stance the animatronic was in was terrifying, it looked like it could run straight out of the curtain or like it was waiting for someone to open the curtain and be right in their face.
“holy shit” you mumbled and took a step back and bumped into Michael.
“that's foxy” he said, his hand coming to your shoulder.
“no, that is freaky as fuck” you responded, looking at it made you get goosebumps.
Michael moved from behind you and closed the curtain. “Here I'll show you the old ones” he said and grabbed your hand and turned the light off before leading you out of the room.
you could hear jeremy and mira laughing and singing while kim tried to get jeremy off of the table.
he took you to the storage room, the room was filled with labeled boxes, he guided you past the shelves.
“my dad doesn’t want to retire them but uncle henry said that they need to be more ahead of their times for business plus he doesn’t think they’re safe” he said.
you stood there looking at the old bunny suit, the old yellowing suit with a bowtie, the texture looked almost like real fur and you reached your hand out to touch it.
Michael reached his hand out to stop yours.
“i wouldn’t touch it” he said, bringing your hand back but not letting go. you looked at him, he was so close to you and you honestly don't think he’s ever been this close to you during the entire frenemies relationship you have. Michael’s cologne engulfed you and it was weirdly comforting.
you furrowed your brows and he could tell you were silently asking why.
“it has springlocks in it and its probably been ready to pop since its been a while, they made it so someone could wear it or it be an animatronic on its own, they had a problem with it and moisture. i don’t want you to get hurt” michael informed you and only one sentence stood out. his hand still holding yours.
your eyes went from his to his lips then back up, was it bad that you wanted to kiss him? did he look at you like this all the time?
maybe this was what mira and kim was talking about when they would bring up yours and michaels relationship, the soft bickering and stubbornness from both parties was what you two liked to put out, it made things fun and when asked about there being more the “no michael’s a fucking dick” and “she’s a bitch” was the common response, even when you both knew that was not the case.
you sat your drink on the shelf behind you and Michael got closer, you don’t know what made you so confident, you closed the small gap and connected your lips to his.
Michaels hand moved to your waist and pushed you back softly against the shelf, he didn’t push you away which was relieving and instead welcomed it with open arms like he had been waiting, and maybe he was waiting.
your hand moved to his neck and welcomed that the kiss was getting rougher.
you were about to move your fingers into his hair, the hair he took so much pride in and messed with all the time, the same stupid mullet you gave him so much shit for and said how bad it looked when in reality it just made him look good.
a loud sound, like something heavy running made you two jump away from each other but still keep your hands on each other.
“did you hear that?” you asked and tried to look around. your heart was beating fast.
“yeah” Michael breathed out, his heart beating just as fast as yours. He pulled away from you but took ahold of your hand, you quickly grabbed your drink as you were being pulled by him.
you both looked around, you didn’t know what to look for but michael knew. he could see from the corner of his eye he could see that chica had moved and now stood in a dark corner.
“did you guys hear that?” kim asked, which made you both jump again. you both pulled your hands away from each other.
you smiled at her, “told you it would be spooky” you giggled and she rolled her eyes.
“its getting really late, we should get ready to leave.” Michael said, walking towards the private party room.
you and Michael cleaned up the room while kim got mira, jeremy and steven collected and ready to leave.
kim went out first then mira, jeremy and steven and you followed behind to make sure they got through safely. Michael did a mental check of everything before crawling out himself.
you carried the bag that had empty cups, bottles and cans and some full ones.
“im just gonna take them to mira’s house” kim said, mira gave her the keys earlier.
“i’ll take y/n” Michael yawned and ran his hands through his hair which just made it fluffier.
“i think this is the only time you two have gotten along” kim laughed, you rolled your eyes and Michael mumbled “shut up”
once you helped get mira and steven in the car kim was saying her goodbyes.
“call me when you get home” you said as you hopped into Michael's truck and put the bag in the back.
“i will, get home safe” kim said and backed out.
a few minutes into the drive you spotted the cd you gave him. you leaned over and grabbed it.
“my singing is shit but you keep my cd in your truck?” you asked with a sly smirk, you watched Michael smile and shake his head.
“there's a reason it was on the floor” he quipped and leaned back in his seat.
“oh yeah, on the floor next to your playboy” you said and held up the magazine, Michael inhaled sharply and snatched the magazine from you and tossed it into the back.
“i have no idea what you’re talking about,” Michael responded and looked over at you.
you laughed and smacked his shoulder. “you can admit that you love my band, i won't tell anyone” you said.
Michael pulled into his driveway, his fathers car not there which did make him worry.
“there’s nothing to admit” he sighed, turning off the ignition.
“sure” you said, dragging it out as you undid your seatbelt.
you and michael got closer, you leaned against the center console and just when you were about to close the gap, you leaned back, smirked and shook your head.
“punishment for saying my singing is shit” you said and got out of the truck.
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