#meyer habib
jloisse · 6 months
Meyer Habib et sa clique face à des personnes non manipulées par le système
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sissa-arrows · 15 days
A traditionally right wing and Zionist newspaper in France (Marianne) published an article against Meyer Habib (a Zionist French representative who is close to Netanyahu) accusing him of weaponizing antisemitism as well as being a religious fanatic.
The fact that a news paper who is usually racist as fuck towards Muslims and more largely toward SWANA people in general is doing this is not an accident… they are seeing things sifting and they are trying to pretend they were on the right side of history.
(It might also be because they are trying to sell the newspaper so they figured they should look a tiny bit less racist)
The article here (behind a paywall I have screenshots from someone else if needed)
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basilepesso · 1 year
Pas facile de soutenir Dreuz pour leur excellence globale comme je le fais depuis douze ans lorsqu'on lit ces sempiternelles accusations d'antisémitisme, absolument éreintantes, ici pour un "Mazel Tov !" moqueur d'une des plus grosses collaborationnistes occidentales - et dont je ne parle jamais pour raisons personnelles. Grumberg, par ailleurs excellent, juge ces mots comme l'expression d'un "dégoût atavique" antisémite alors que Clémentine est tout sauf antisémite, et l'a montré tout au long de sa carrière politique, ainsi que de sa vie personnelle, dont j'ai connu une partie puisque c'était l'ex de mon frère. Dreuz sans ces débilités, ce serait encore meilleur, mais il est absolument impossible à la plupart des Juifs de ne pas se vautrer dans ces calomnies auto-centrées.
Basile Pesso, 7 mars 2 023 (Fb) Article de Dreuz : “Le « Mazel Tov ! » de Clémentine Autain, réjouie de l’annulation du mandat de Meyer Habib, a un sale goût antisémite“
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blog59-world · 2 years
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
France's interior minister has banned all pro-Palestinian demonstrations in the country.
In a statement, Gérald Darmanin ordered foreign nationals who break the rules to be "systematically" deported.
The move comes as European governments fear a rise in antisemitism triggered by the Israel-Hamas war.
On Thursday, German police broke up a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin.
France has a Jewish community of almost 500,000, the biggest in Europe. France's Muslim community is also among Europe's largest - an estimated five million.
Mr Darmanin told regional prefects that Jewish schools and synagogues should be protected by a visible police presence.
He earlier told French radio that 100 antisemitic acts had been recorded since Saturday. Most involved graffiti showing "swastikas, 'death to Jews,' calls to intifadas against Israel". However, some incidents included people being arrested attempting to carry knives into schools and synagogues, he added.
French police are already guarding the homes of leading MPs. National Assembly President Yaël Braun-Pivet and MP Meyer Habib have been offered further protection.
In a separate move, Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz declared "zero tolerance" for antisemitism.
He told parliament a pro-Palestinian group that had celebrated the murders of Israeli civilians on Saturday would be banned.
Berlin police have also banned planned pro-Palestinian demonstrations, citing the risk of antisemitic statements and glorification of violence. Authorities said around 60 demonstrators complied with an order to leave Berlin's Potsdamer Platz on Thursday.
French President Emmanuel Macron was due to give a TV address on Wednesday in a bid to prevent the war from escalating tensions.
Twelve French citizens are known to have died in the Hamas attack and Mr Macron told party leaders that of the 17 others missing, four were children.
It has also emerged that Assembly President Braun-Pivet has received death threats.
A member of President Emmanuel Macron's Renaissance party, she had parliament lit this week in the colours of the Israeli flag in response to the Hamas attack on Israel and called a minute's silence before an Assembly session on Tuesday.
Ms Braun-Pivet also announced that Maryam Abu Daqqa, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), would be banned from attending a documentary screening in parliament next month. The militant organisation is recognised as a terrorist organisation by the EU.
Meyer Habib has also been given protection. He represents a constituency for overseas French citizens which includes Israel and the Palestinian Territories and is a vocal supporter of Israel. After the Hamas attack he said "we are witnessing the return of pogroms".
French politics has been riven by the Hamas attack and its aftermath.
While most parties have condemned Saturday's "terrorist attack" and expressed support for Israel's right to respond, the initial response from Jean-Luc Mélenchon's far-left La France Insoumise (France Unbowed) party was more equivocal.
A statement by the party referred to the Hamas attack as "an armed offensive of Palestinian forces", prompting fierce criticism from other parties, including left-wing allies such as the Socialist and Communist parties.
In Germany, Chancellor Scholz told MPs in the Bundestag that Israel's security was German state policy. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is due to travel to Israel on Friday in a gesture of solidarity.
Mr Scholz also announced that pro-Palestinian group Samidoun, which was pictured handing out sweets in the Neukölln area of Berlin to celebrate the Hamas attack, would be banned. "We do not tolerate antisemitism," he added.
According to German authorities, in several towns across the country including Mainz, Braunschweig and Heilbronn, Israeli flags raised in solidarity with the country were torn down and destroyed, sometimes in just a few hours.
"The act disrespects and mocks the victims" of Hamas's attack, Braunschweig's mayor, Thorsten Kornblum, said.
Mr Scholz added that "without Iranian support, Hamas would not have been able to carry out these unprecedented attacks".
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aurevoirmonty · 2 months
France occupée - Meyer Habib donne ses ordres en direct au ministre de la «Justice» à l’Assemblée nationale
Pas de séparation des pouvoirs pour le député franco-israélien, quand il s’agit de défendre la mère patrie Israël.
Dupond-Moretti a quand même grogné un peu, même si c’est comme ça que ça se passe hors caméras.
«Ce qu'on appelle les territoires contestés c'est 5.000 kilomètres carrés. La bande de Gaza, c'est à peine… invisible (sic) sur une carte», a fulminé Habib, ex-membre (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meyer_Habib) du mouvement de jeunesse sioniste radical du Betar.
Membre du Comité exécutif du Fonds national juif, il est également élu au comité directeur du Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France (CRIF).
Et il cornaque Macron.
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hightyross · 7 days
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eco89eu · 11 days
Far right in France
Reconquête! as seen by Le Monde subscribers Eco89 - April 28, 2024
An analysis of reactions to Le Monde article: "European elections: Reconquête!, Sarah Knafo emerges from the shadows to lead an offensive against the RN" dated 04/28/2024. Spoiler alert: Le Monde's moderation policy is not respected...
In short, the French far-right is divided, and the atmosphere is not good among the Zemmourian neo-fascists. The Le Monde article highlights Sarah Knafo's role within Reconquête! for the European elections on June 9, 2024, where she seeks to counter the RN. The absence of elected officials could threaten the very existence of the party. Knafo thus attacks Jordan Bardella, aiming to retain potential Zemmour voters who are leaning heavily towards the RN in polls. Internal divisions on the strategy to adopt persist, notably between Marion Maréchal Le Pen and Eric Zemmour.
Summary of reactions: On April 28, just over 24 hours after the article was published, 48 out of 62 comments displayed a clear hostility towards Reconquête! or the RN. This may be welcomed, but it is hardly surprising on the page of a newspaper generally situated between Macronism and Glucksmannism. Only 5 comments seem to tepidly defend the Zemmourian party, without it being entirely clear or acknowledged.
Of course, online comments are worth what they're worth, which is not much, with nearly half being "trolls" or tasteless jokes (28 out of 62). Nevertheless, they give a certain idea of the atmosphere of the electoral campaign a few weeks before the vote.
Sexism: What is significantly less pleasing is the recurrence of misogynistic comments on this page of lemonde.fr. Indeed, 9 internet users feel entitled to attack Sarah Knafo solely based on her gender and her relationship with Zemmour. Jémino reduces her to her status as a mother, implying that a woman should stay at home to take care of the children rather than running for election. This is fair game, knowing that Zemmour has delivered many speeches praising triumphant patriarchy, the virile man whose educational role should be reduced to administering spankings. Hansi attacks her on her weight, while blok lerec reduces her to her sexual performance. Mob rules drives the nail of misogynistic obscenity even further by equating female politicians to prostitutes. It is true that Knafo and Maréchal are themselves reactionary and intolerant, but does that justify such blatantly sexist remarks? It is worth noting that Le Monde's charter is not respected, and moderation seemed to be off duty this weekend.
Antisemitism: 5 commentators delve into the stagnant waters of insinuated antisemitism. While the article mentions neither Israel nor Sarah Knafo's Jewish faith, fantasies and extrapolations abound, relying on quite dubious amalgams. PLD, for example, accuses the candidate of betraying the country in favor of Israel: Jeandesbois crosses a red line by making the ultimate amalgam "all Jews... have turned extreme right." By insinuating that Jews would have only one political thought and would necessarily all be supportive of Netanyahu's neo-fascist government, the internet user perpetuates a discourse of essentialization and amalgamation typical of all forms of racism. Of course, anyone who has listened to Meyer Habib for more than a few seconds has seen his pro-Israel fanaticism and deep hatred of Palestinians, but before asserting that Knafo is on the same line, one would still need to find evidence... Considering Zemmour's very good score among French citizens in Israel, Habib's constituency, one can imagine a compatibility, but all of this remains quite speculative. We would prefer to see internet users dismantle Zemmour's nauseating and revisionist ideology based on tangible elements. There is no shortage of angles: fantasized rewriting of French history, praise for Pétain, the fantasy of the great replacement, project to exit the rule of law, deportation of Muslims...
and also... Several subscribers are surprised that far-right candidates have foreign names, while preaching xenophobia. A lost reader supports the presidential majority. 1 out of 62 doesn't bode well for a Macron-compatible newspaper. 5 readers equate Reconquête! and LFI based solely on the leader of the party's relationship, who is older, with a much younger woman. A level of tabloid rhetoric that contributes to the demonization of LFI. Mélenchon had indeed debated with Zemmour, thus giving him an extra legitimacy that we could have done without. 5 commentators criticize the media, although they are Le Monde subscribers. Finally, an environmental sympathizer, Punchingball, very alone, regrets the lack of media coverage of Marie Toussaint, EELV candidate in the European elections.
The ECR group: If the Zemmourians manage to win elected officials, they will sit with Meloni's friends in the European Conservatives and Reformists group. The terms "conservative" and "reformist" seem poorly chosen to describe clearly neo-fascist formations. It should be noted that the dominant component of this group is the Polish party PiS, recently defeated in national elections but carrying an extremely reactionary, anti-LGBT, anti-immigration, and anti-European policy. The division of the far right at national and European levels is an opportunity, but it is more than worrying that this political current, which plunged Europe into horror a century ago, has the means to constitute two groups as strong in Strasbourg and Brussels.
Together, the two far-right groups ID and ECR were credited with more than 22% of the votes at the end of March, at the European level, compared to only 8% for the Greens. Yes, the European Union is in trouble..
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memitodu29 · 23 days
Quand Meyer Habib arrive à agacer même ceux qui partagent ses idées 🤣🔥🔥
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jloisse · 6 months
On bien compris que Meyer Habib était l'agent israélien de liaison entre Israël et les Présidents français,
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lepartidelamort · 2 months
Sionisme : les espions israéliens Yadan et Habib font voter une loi de pure terreur à l’Assemblée
L’espionne israélienne Caroline Yadan, appuyée par le terroriste Meyer Habib, avait concocté un projet de loi visant à réprimer toute critique légitime du comportement des génocidaires juifs.
Plus exactement, il s’agissait d’abord pour eux d’éliminer l’une des dernières protections offertes par la loi de 1881 sur la liberté de la presse, laquelle ne prévoit pas de placement en détention immédiat par un tribunal.
Cette disposition avait permis à Alain Soral d’échapper à la prison, malgré le traquenard dressé par le pion des juifs Dupond-Moretti.
De 1881 à 1972 la loi ne prévoyait pas de prison pour quelque opinion que ce fût. C’est un putsch légal des juifs, via la loi « Pleven » de 1972, dictée par l’URSS à l’ONU en 1965 et relayée par la LICRA en France, qui l’a permis.
Après avoir été sabotée pendant 50 ans par les juifs, la loi de 1881 n’est plus un texte de liberté, mais de censure pure et simple. Mais c’est encore trop peu, aux yeux des juifs.
Yadan, mandatée par la synagogue de Satan, en voulait beaucoup plus.
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Tout comme Meyer Habib. Ce porc voulait instaurer rien de moins que l’interdiction de critique contre Israël, sous peine de prison.
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Les juifs veulent également jeter en prison ceux qui doutent de l’holocauste dans leur salon. Ce qu’ils appellent les opinions « non publiques ».
Si quelqu’un vous surprend en train de douter de l’existence des 6 trillions dans votre cuisine, les juifs pourront vous faire arrêter.
Le RN et le Hamas ont opposé une résistance farouche. Le texte a échoué une première fois.
La juive Yadan a alors craché sa haine des goyim sans retenue à l’Assemblée.
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Habib, de son côté, a agressé Dupond-Moretti, l’accusant d’être encore trop mou face aux légitimes critiques qu’il essuie pour son soutien à la barbarie sioniste.
Pourtant aveuglément au service du peuple élu, Moretti a été sonné par la charge du phacochère de Tel Aviv.
Je n’ai jamais vu ça. C’est le niveau d’impunité dont ils bénéficient en France.
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Ils sont revenus à la charge peu de temps après, comme toujours dans ce parlement à leur botte, et fait voter l’affaire grâce à un ramassis de parlementaires à genoux devant la juiverie.
En plein carnage racial en Palestine, Yadan, triomphante, jubile à l’idée de faire réprimer toute opposition à la suprématie juive au nom de la lutte « contre le racisme ».
C’est sidérant d’impudence tribale. Ils se croient chez eux et toute la canaille parlementaire les applaudit.
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Cette race est effrayée par l’immense colère populaire qui gronde contre elle au niveau mondial. Elle sait que le temps est compté, d’où cette invraisemblable fuite en avant.
C’est un fait : les juifs sont les ennemis de la liberté.
C’est un autre fait : c’est la race la plus stupide de la terre.
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atsigane · 3 months
Manuel Bompard tacle Meyer Habib : "Un imbécile, et même plus que ça"
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jakez19 · 3 months
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denispatritti · 3 months
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infosisraelnews · 8 months
Mediapart se base sur les propos d'un arnaqueur emprisonné pour salir le couple Netanyahu et Meyer Habib
Dimanche, le journal français Mediapart, qui avait fait état en 2016 de l’amitié étroite du Premier ministre Netanyahu avec l’homme d’affaires criminel français Arnaud Mimran, a publié dimanche de nouveaux documents sur le sujet. Selon Mediapart, le prisonnier Mimran a parlé de ses généreux dons à Benjamin Netanyahu il y a sept ans, lors de l’enquête et du procès dans l’affaire d’une «…
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Résolution Israël régime d'apartheid troisième volet, à l'attention du Gouvernement français et de l'Assemblée nationale.
Après le premier volet qui reprenait la réponse de Julien Odoul membre du groupe Rassemblement national, puis le second avec la réponse de Meyer Habib membre du groupe Les Républicains, voici le troisième volet de cette affaire avec l’intégralité du discours de Jean-Pierre Lecoq du Groupe Nupes, et la réponse sous un autre angle que les 2 volets précédents de Eli Laik. 2 • Discours de Jean-Paul…
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