#merrow story
blazlngblade · 8 months
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Happy 1st Anniversary to SEED STORY!
1 year ago today, my favourite content of 2022-2023 began, and I've enjoyed every moment of it! Learning about the Orsterra gods and their Divine Beast allies, the Eight Sage Caits (may we meet the Apothecary Cait soon), seeing Mattias making an effort to do things prior to Ophilia's story, all of it has been great!
I look forward to meeting Lutīyā and just as a whole, Chapter 13 (and I feel like that could be Seed Story's end? Maybe 13, and a Final Chapter, then we get something new. Sage Story?? Just speculation, but 13 sounds like a great number to end soon).
Anyway, I drew the (seven) Eight Sage Caits, Mew, and Ditraina!
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Screaming crying and throwing up, this was a piece I made for my d&d party when we finished our Theros campaign. At this point this is over a year old, I miss this squad of characters so much!!!
Merrow (triton) - JaelMoray on tw/ig
Ashur (satyr) - PrincelyPotion
Alonsos (fae) - Fern’s Corner
Mau (leonin) and Phoebe (warforged) - OwlSockets
Elowyn (satyr) - me!
Estrella (satyr #3) - altarglass on tw/pestofetish on ig
More ramblings about everyone in the tags
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strangenesswithcharm · 2 months
"Some whispered a merrow could grant wishes, while others said it stole souls to harbor in the vast sea depths.  It made little difference for Dylan, who had nothing left to lose as he tossed a small glass bottle with a wax-sealed cork off the small, weathered dock off Rowlin Beach.  He did the same the two previous nights.  The first bottle held ashes,  the second a loch of hair, and this final one carried blood.  These were the instructions he’d been given to summon the creature.  He waited in the light of the low-hanging moon of a starless sky as he stared out at the gloomy abyss and prayed a creature of last hope would answer his call." Michele O'Neill Do you want to read more?
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Y'know what ... reposting my Mer!Heathcliff here for MerMay.
Going to put some of the lore things under a cut, since I love talking about my Mermaid AU so darn much.
- First of all, my Mer Heathcliff is based on the Irish Merrow! I did a ton of research, and I thought they fit best with his character and arc, what with male Merrow being scorned. This decision was also made because Merrow can assume human form, and that's key for the story I'm writing! - Following him being a Merrow, the glowing object in his hands is a human soul. According to folklore, Merrow collect human souls, and there's a story (although I believe it's been proven to not be a legend or folktale, but rather a made up story) about a male Merrow keeping human souls locked in lobster cages to keep him company. I took that concept and applied it to Heathcliff. - Though you can't see it, here, there's a line of scales that run along the length of his spine, and that's where his dorsal fins grow from. - All of his scars are from either defending his territory from other Mer or from sailors who throw harpoons at him when he gets too close to their ships--ever since he met Catherine when she was sailing on a vessel in the Great Lake, he has swam close to every ship he encounters, hoping she's finally returned to him like she promised she would many years ago. - His eyes work similarly to those of a cat. His pupils dilate and contract in response to light, and also glow faintly in the dark.
There's plenty more, of course, but those are some fun little things ~!
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ghiertor-the-gigapeen · 3 months
Depending on your aus,which ego design would say has the more monstrous form? The world needs to know.
Ha! What about I give you a whole tier list >:D
If you wanna see more you can go to
#cryptid n horror corner  (I'll put the hashtag below this post)
CW// body horror
First tier, human with a twist:
heehoos/garuda celine/eye angel
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2nd tier: still human with a twist, but BIG: Dark soul boss dark(they're about as tall as 3-stories building)
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3rd tier, silly guys from the supervillain au:
Carnage actor/Dr.Ethan Connors(aka the lizard) he's one of the goozler's variants
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4th tier, hardly humane but his thing is to lure people so his appearance can't be too monstrous:
The carnivorous plant actor
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5th tier, the aquatic mf gongoozler
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6th tier, body horror I:
The iron lung gongoozler(or the mutated gongoozler)
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7th tier, body horror II, the most monstrous of them all:
I called it the arachniplier, the spider from iswm, some people called it the door creature. Tbh 6th and 7th can be on the same tier but due to my bias(I have arachnophobia)he has to be up here
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So that's it, hope you get your answer XD
The merrow gooz I made for my friend's dnd oc
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laurasimonsdaughter · 24 days
The only modern take on Leprechauns that I've seen was Mad Sweeny from American Gods (TV series) and I won't spoil it for you if you haven't seen it, but he has a episode "A prayer for Mad Sweeny" exploring his backstory and he really was portrayed more like a Fae, than what people think of Leprechauns today. What are your thoughts on it?
I haven't seen American Gods, but that use of the word leprechaun without actually including many of the characteristics that folklore attributes to leprechauns is exactly how they showed up in the kids' series "De Greizelklas" that I grew up loving. In that case they specifically let the "leprechaun" in question play a magic flute, live in a mound and accidentally trap people there by offering them snacks (hilarious). So they really made them act more like Aos Sí, and could have called them that instead.
I think this use of the name comes primarily from the fact that "leprechaun" is so well known. (I spent ages in Dublin looking for a shirt that said "the fairies made me do it" but they only ever had ones that said leprechaun.) The image and name are so widespread compared to other types of fae that it's a way to use a "foreign" word and still have people go "hey I know that!" But then the characteristics of the more general, less defined "fair folk" are much better for storytelling, so they end up mixing and matching at will.
That's not something I'm a big fan of. It's a bit of a pet peeve, but if you're going to choose a more specific name from folklore and then ignore the implications of that completely, why bother? (I must admit I'm guitly of it myself though, by calling Eele from the webcoming @thefishermansfavour a "merrow" without following the specific folklore, because "mermaid" was too gendered a term and "merfolk" sounded too modern.)
That being said it's a fine line between "ignoring folklore" and "fleshing out folklore to tell a modern story". Even more so because even in oral tradition details will differ from storyteller to storyteller and some may give explanations on the why and how of certain creatures that do not show up anywhere else. This explanation on leprechauns always being men, for example, I have never seen anywhere but in McAnnaly's Irish Wonders:
The Leprechawn is an old bachelor elf who successfully resists all efforts of scheming fairy mammas to marry him to young and beautiful fairies, persisting in single blessedness even in exile from his kind, being driven off as a punishment for his heterodoxy on matrimonial subjects. This is one explanation of the fact that Leprechawns are always seen alone, though other authorities make the Leprechawn solitary by preference, he having learned the hollowness of fairy friendship and the deceitfulness of fairy femininity, and left the society of his kind in disgust at its lack of sincerity. It must be admitted that the latter explanation seems the more reasonable, since whenever the Leprechawn has been captured and forced to engage in conversation with his captor he displayed conversational powers that showed an ability to please, and as woman kind, even among fairy circles, are, according to an Irish proverb, "aisily caught be an oily tongue," the presumption is against the expulsion of the Leprechawn and in favor of his voluntary retirement.
In the end I think that if you tell a story with love for the folkloric source material, it will always shine through. It's impossible to please everyone, but care an enthusiasm always show <3
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aerkame · 6 months
There's literally a genderbent version of Finfolk called Merrow from Irish folklore.
I honestly wish I knew this sooner that's kinda cool with how similar finfolk and merrow are, they just come from different places and have the gender roles switched. Maybe I should make Julie and the others in the finfolk au be merrows? It would make more sense for sure.
On that note, merrow kinda looks like a cat trying to talk.
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anhed-nia · 6 months
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I saw this movie weeks ago and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it, even though I've also had trouble figuring out what to say about it. It's hard to even pin down the genre; it's sort of a horror movie, or maybe it's more of a psychodrama with magic realist elements. The opening and climax are absolutely stunning, real feats of spectacle and shocking in their content, while the middle is this strange, elliptical blend of dramaturgy and dream sequence. A business trip forces Edward Woodward to miss his precocious teenage daughter Samantha Weysom's violin recital, which insult fills their household with an unbearable tension. Only the cynical matriarch Jane Merrow perceives the neurotic underpinnings of this situation, as Woodward is too sure of himself and too far under the spell of his eccentric child to grasp the unseemly thing that is happening between them. The fact that it is writer-director Lindsay Vickers' only feature is incredible. To say more about it would spoil how surprising it is, and in any case I'm still chewing on it. Maybe I'll try to say something less ponderous next Blogtober, but for now I can tell you that there's a BFI blu ray of it, so you don't have to hunt down a rare and expensive VHS tape anymore. Thanks to @still-single for turning me onto this one!
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Here's a little more info for the curious:
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scioneeris · 1 month
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Another fun Merrow oneshot. Baby!Alcandor and his big sister enjoy a snack. Cute sibling fluff to brighten your week.
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I will admit, I have... many questions about the Pureblood Culture 'verse, so please bear with me here. Most of these will undoubtedly be about non-binary wixen, because I'm curious.
In a few of these, I mention birth sex. By this I mean essentially the gender/sex assigned to specific genitals in babies.
What is the non-binary equivalent to heir/heiress? Is it heir for both males and non-binary wix?
How is the non-binary nature of a wix discovered? Is it determined at birth or discovered later in life like in the Muggle/our world?
If the latter, what happens to magic stored in a wix's hair/signet ring up until that point? Does it dissipate, is it sacrificed to Mother Magic, does it transfer to the cuff bracelet? Is it similar for trans people (magic goes from signet ring to hair/hair to signet ring)?
Is there a Courting Gift exclusively for wix/wix Courtships?
Can wixen tend to their sister's hair if invited, similarly to brothers? If a non-binary child is born before a son, do they get the right to tend to their mother's hair instead?
Is there a trend to how wixen tend to wear their hair, similar to the trend among Pureblood Lords?
Can cousins become Magical Twins? What degree of separation is needed for Twinned bonds when so many families are interrelated?
"Polyjuicing as another pureblood without full and knowing consent is considered Magical Identity Theft and is a serious crime." Is it similar for Metamorphmagi taking the entire appearance of another pureblood? Are exceptions made for Auror infiltration missions i.e. infiltrating the Death Eaters/equivalents in worlds where they exist? What is he punishment for Magical Identity Theft?
Is there a wixen equivalent to Morgana's Secret Arts/Merlin's Secret Arts? If not, can wixen practice the Secret Arts of their birth sex?
Can wizards wear ball gowns at formal events? Can wixen?
S there a wixen equivalent to "Morgana!"/"Merlin!"? Or do wixen use whichever is used by their birth sex?
Is Hogwarts located in Avalon or Magical Britain?
Have you decided on an Attribute for the Prince family? (Just curious, no pressure!)
How many known Chosens have there been? Have Chosens existed without the general populace knowing? Were the Founders Chosens?
Is there a wixen equivalent to Covens and Conclaves? If not, can wixen join the respective group of their birth sex?
Are there differences between types of merpeople (Merrow vs Rusalki vs Mermaids/Mermen, etc.)? Are Syrens different to merpeople?
Can oaths be sworn to Mother Magic/Chaos? How would they work? Would they be more binding than other types of oaths?
In stories where TMR becomes High Lord Slytherin, or Harry becomes High Lord Peverell they 'resurrect' the House in a sense, doesn't he? Would he have to build up the family magic again?
What happens when the sole heirs to Ogliarchy Houses Bond? Is it the Lord Potter, Heir-Consort Nott/Lord-Consort Potter, Heir Nott title layout? Or is it something else?
Thank you for whatever answers you decide to give! They are very appreciated!
I adore your username. 💖
1. What is the non-binary equivalent to heir/heiress? Is it heir for both males and non-binary wix?
A person who presents as non-binary uses the title “High Wixen” in place of the gendered “High Lord/High Lady”, “Wixen” in place of the gendered “Lord/Lady”, and “Wix” in place of the gendered “Master/Mister/Miss/etc.”
2. How is the non-binary nature of a wix discovered? Is it determined at birth or discovered later in life like in the Muggle/our world? If so, what happens to the magic stored in the wix's hair/signet ring up till that point?
In general, I imagine it as being known from birth. However, it's also possible someone will realize it later in life. If that's the case, any stored magic would transfer to the cuff bracelet.
3. Is there a Courting Gift exclusively for wix/wix Courtships?
Not that I've invented yet.
4. Can wixen tend to their sister's hair if invited, similarly to brothers? If a non-binary child is born before a son, do they get the right to tend to their mother's hair instead?
Yes, they can.
5. Is there a trend to how wixen tend to wear their hair, similar to the trend among Pureblood Lords?
However they would like. They needn’t follow the trends of either wizards or witches.
6. Can cousins become Magical Twins? What degree of separation is needed for Twinned bonds when so many families are interrelated?
Anyone can become Magical Twins if they either a) are Twinned by Mother Magic or b) perform the Death-Blood Twin Adoption Ritual.
7. "Polyjuicing as another pureblood without full and knowing consent is considered Magical Identity Theft and is a serious crime." Is it similar for Metamorphmagi taking the entire appearance of another pureblood? Are exceptions made for Auror infiltration missions i.e. infiltrating the Death Eaters/equivalents in worlds where they exist? What is he punishment for Magical Identity Theft?
I don't think a Metamorphmagus could perfectly assume an entire appearance. But assuming someone's face and a similar body shape with the intent to impersonate that person would be a crime, yes.
The Polyjuice Potion is restricted in canon. So, yes, given its strict regulation, it's possible an Auror could be authorized to use it to stop a crime/go undercover.
It would depend on what the Polyjuiced person does while Polyjuiced. But, at minimum, time remanded to Azkaban in a low security wing. At maximum, the death penalty.
8. Is there a wixen equivalent to Morgana's Secret Arts/Merlin's Secret Arts? If not, can wixen practice the Secret Arts of their birth sex?
I've literally never thought about that before. Maybe?
9. Can wizards wear ball gowns at formal events? Can wixen?
Yes. And witches can wear trousers. As long as bust-to-knee is covered, then modesty rules are satisfied.
10. Is there a wixen equivalent to "Morgana!"/"Merlin!"? Or do wixen use whichever is used by their birth sex?
They can use both/either, or “Mordred the Betrayer”, etc., but they're most likely to use an epithet involving "Death!"
11. Is Hogwarts located in Avalon or Magical Britain?
That's a very good question. And my brain says, “Both.” It … sort of crosses the veil.
12. Have you decided on an Attribute for the Prince family? (Just curious, no pressure!)
Nope! I almost never write the Princes so I haven't ever felt a need to do so. But they are Attributed.
13. How many known Chosens have there been? Have Chosens existed without the general populace knowing? Were the Founders Chosens?
I've never considered the first question. Yes, most definitely. No, they weren't. That was just Chaos's second son deciding a school needed to happen and dragging the other Oligarchy into it.
14. Is there a wixen equivalent to Covens and Conclaves? If not, can wixen join the respective group of their birth sex?
Yes. Though, I'm unsure what I would call it. Maybe … a Connex? 🤔
15. Are there differences between types of merpeople (Merrow vs Rusalki vs Mermaids/Mermen, etc.)? Are Syrens different to merpeople?
Oh, absolutely. Syrens are different from Merpeople who are different from Selkies, etc.
16. Can oaths be sworn to Mother Magic/Chaos? How would they work? Would they be more binding than other types of oaths?
Yes, absolutely. They're called Covenants. It'd be a magic, blood, and soul-bound agreement. If you break one, you'll be stripped of your magic. And, frankly, you'll probably die, too.
17. In stories where TMR becomes High Lord Slytherin, or Harry becomes High Lord Peverell they 'resurrect' the House in a sense, doesn't he? Would he have to build up the family magic again?
Nope! Oligarchy family magic goes dormant instead of … dying, for lack of a better word, because the deity that started the bloodline still lives, so even when an Oligarchy House is defunct in Avalon, the bloodline isn't technically dead.
18. What happens when the sole heirs to Oligarchy Houses Bond? Is it the Lord Potter, Heir-Consort Nott/Lord-Consort Potter, Heir Nott title layout? Or is it something else?
So, for example, if Tom and Harry bonded in a world where they're both Oligarchy Lords, it'd be:
Tom Marvolo Slytherin, High Lord Slytherin, High Lord-Consort Peverell and Hadrian James Peverell, High Lord Peverell, High Lord-Consort Slytherin.
Children would not have hyphenated names or titles. They would inherit from whichever Oligarchy bloodline gifts are dominant in them.
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asa-writes-stuff · 7 months
Meeting Me
Hello, hello! Welcome to my page.
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You may call me Asa. I am a fanfic writer and newbie novel writer. While i am AFAB, i have very little attachment to the female term. Pronoun wise i am fine with anything but he/him and it. I am demiromantic bi/asexual and i don't plan to change that. (I encourage everyone to use what they are comfortable with when referring to me.) I have been writing for some time now but i never shared those with others at all but with all the lovely people doing it on here i figured why not, right? I am 25 years old I hope my content will be inspiring or just gets people to talk more.
So now onto my likes and dislikes.
Various TV shows, movies, animations, etc.
Video Games
And So Much More!
Hate crimes of any kind
People who bully others
People who judge others from surface alone
And now i quick glance at my current WIPs!
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Courting Death
A story about a young girl named, Victricia, who helps the goddess of death, Ruhone, regain her power and bring life back into the deadlands.
Hell Gate AU Series
This is an AU series that is both oc centric and canon character centric. I got this idea because i like the Todoroki family but in particular Touya. So this series is based on what if questions. That questions were: What if Touya was rescued that day he burned? What if he became an information broker? What if he had a vigilante persona and began to change the game of heroics? What if...he were to bring the very foundation down with his and his families antics?
Book of Kala
This is part of a in-progress trio of novels of 3 girls, with 3 very different lives, all in a polyamorous relationship. Book of Kala is specifically about Kala, a young girl who is half merrow, half human. Her experiences and thoughts are the main focus and how she is the mediator of the 3 girls.
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( i had to add an ATEEZ gif as they are my bias and Seonghwa is so cute not to <3)
And that is that. Thanks for taking a peek into me and what i have in store. I hope to post more when i actually get started writing any of these. But farewell lovelies and have a wonderful day, evening, afternoon, or night.
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oblivionsdream · 5 months
What if the King married a Selkie? They split their time between the sea and the land, the land kingdom gets trade with Selkie and Merrow, the Selkie don't get hunted or have their skins stolen. Win-win!
I'm still uncertain about whether I want to include magical elements in the foolknight story but we shall see!
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georgi-girl · 8 months
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Birthday Present for my friend @fanficwolf105. Song of the Sea starring her fankid oc Amanda.
Ironically, Song of the Sea is a better Little Mermaid sequel than the actual Little Mermaid sequel.
I call this piece "Merrows" starring:
Melody from Return to the Sea, in the role of Big Brother Ben.
Amanda, daughter of Ariel and Nani, in the role of Saoirse (pronounced Sheer-Sha) I used fanficwolf's drawing of her for the picture, and since there isn't a drawing of her as a mermaid, I added a mermaid tail.
Ariel from Return to the Sea as Bronagh. Magical sea princess who has to leave her family.
Nani Pelekai from Lilo and Stitch as Connor. Surfing Champ turned lighthouse keeper, trying to keep her ohana safe.
Experiment 489 (Huggo) as Cu the dog. I thought about using Max but decided to go with something more seaworthy.
Kobra Bubbles from Lilo and Stitch in the role of Granny. Mr. Well-Meaning social worker worried about the storms bombarding Hawaii.
Ursala from The Little Mermaid in the role of Macha, with Flotsam and Jetsom as her owls. She’s the reason for all the storms.
King Tritan from The Little Mermaid in the role of Great Seanachai. Lonely Ruler of an abandoned kingdom.
The fish women from Hercules and Xena: Battle for Mount Olympus as the Daone Sidhe. I don't know if they're sirens or sea nymphs. In this story they're sea nymphs.
Grimsby from The Little Mermaid as the Bus Driver.
David from Lilo and Stitch as Ferry Dan.
Nevy Nervine from Ava's Demon as Mac Lir. The tragic daughter of Ursala.
The story is this...
Merrows are a type of mermaid who can turn into humans with the help of magical amulets. Merrow princess Ariel fell in love with and married human Nani. Thanks to either sea magic or alien science, they both conceive babies with each other. Ariel has Melody, and three years later Nani has Amanda. But right after Nani gives birth, Ariel is called away by her father King Tritan, and must leave behind her family and transformation amulet.
Nine years later, mysterious storms and tsunamis batter islands up and down the Pacific. Melody spends her time swimming with beloved Huggo, while Amanda tries to learn more about her heritage. One night, Amanda finds Ariels' transformation amulet, puts it on, and takes her first swim through the sea as a merrow.
But the storms are getting worse, and Kobra Bubbles is in charge of evacuating the islands' children from the coast. To protect her daughters, Nani tearfully makes them leave. But Melody and Amanda sneak away from Bubbles, and while traveling to the coast, they meet a quartet of sea nymphs who sing about King Tritan's battle with sea witch Ursala and how he sent away his people in all directions under the care of his seven daughters. Hearing this, the sisters take a rowboat to sea and search for their grandfather.
At sea, they're attacked by Ursala's eels who take Amanda away. Melody drifts alone with Huggo until Tritan finds them. He explains that a hundred years ago, Ursala had a daughter named Nevy. Nevy went mad with grief after her human lover died so Ursala removed her emotions and turned her into coral. Ursala tried to turn other merrows into coral but was sealed away in an iceberg. Ursala broke out of the iceberg the same day that Amanda was born. To protect his people, King Tritan called back his daughters to lead them to safety. He can't leave his palace, but he can help Melody by giving her an amulet (the locket) so she can be a merrow too.
Melody is guided by Ariels' spirit to Ursalas' lair. Ursala is midway through stealing Amanda's emotions when Melody stops her. Melody and Amanda uncork all the bottled emotions, causing Ursala to have a breakdown. She tearfully admits she forbade Nevy from seeing her lover, and that's why Nevy was in so much pain. She promises not to hurt the other merrows if the sisters bring Nevy back to life.
They swim back to Hawaii, reunite with Nani, and sing a beautiful duet that not only raises Nevy from her coral bed, but also calls back the merrows scattered around the world. Including Ariel.
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agnes-anezka · 11 months
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Card series Moonfaires is filled with magical, fairy horses. The story is about Emma and her friends looking for the second Lost Herd.
Moonfairies is the first Bella Sara card series that has been translated to Czech (in total there's eight series in Czech).
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There's 55 regular cards, 55 shiny cards, 2 promo cards and 10 stickers.
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There's my collection of Czech cards:
(Left row: regular cards. Right row: shiny cards.)
🟢 | ⚪️ Alamar
⚪️ | 🟢 Albion
🟢 | ⚪️ Ambrosia
🟢 | ⚪️ Anigan
🟢 | ⚪️ Anthea
🟢 | ⚪️ Beetlejape
🟢 | 🟢 Chortlebones
🟢 | ⚪️ Fiona
🟢 | ⚪️ Flipper
🟢 | ⚪️ Gherkin
🟢 | ⚪️ Janie
🟢 | ⚪️ Jewel
🟢 | ⚪️ Lillova
🟢 | ⚪️ Maypop
🟢 | ⚪️ Merrow
🟢 | ⚪️ Minty
🟢 | ⚪️ Mireldis
🟢 | ⚪️ Moonfairy
🟢 | ⚪️ Moonphantom
🟢 | ⚪️ Moonsprite
🟢 | ⚪️ Mote
🟢 | ⚪️ Murttie
🟢 | ⚪️ Nike
🟢 | ⚪️ Nimblewit
🟢 | ⚪️ Ondine
🟢 | ⚪️ Phoebe
🟢 | ⚪️ Pink Lady
🟢 | ⚪️ Quinly
🟢 | ⚪️ Royce
🟢 | ⚪️ Sirena
🟢 | ⚪️ Sylphie
🟢 | ⚪️ Thunder
🟢 | ⚪️ Tiara
🟢 | ⚪️ Ticklebit
🟢 | ⚪️ Tricksy
🟢 | ⚪️ Trumbeau
🟢 | ⚪️ Twee
🟢 | ⚪️ Twinklehop
🟢 | ⚪️ Willownix
🟢 | ⚪️ Bella & Sara
🟢 | ⚪️ Soot & Colm
🟢 | ⚪️ Twig & Deru
🟢 | ⚪️ Wings & Emma
🟢 | ⚪️ Princess Avalynn
🟢 | ⚪️ Ivenna & Myrfor
🟢 | ⚪️ Fairy Globe
🟢 | ⚪️ Fairy Door
🟢 | 🟢 Fairy Court
🟢 | ⚪️ Awakening
🟢 | ⚪️ Lovers Reunited
🟢 | ⚪️ Moonstone
🟢 | ⚪️ Riding on Moonbeams
🟢 | ⚪️ Feywynd Castle
🟢 | ⚪️ Moonfairy Found
🟢 | 🟢 Fairytale Wedding
I have both promo cards and sadly no stickers.
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ooh yes what’s the gist of your mermaid lore? ~sunlight-ships
Not me looking up "gist" to make sure I answer this question properly-- /lh
I'm really glad you asked, Jordan!! Most of my Mermaid Lore™ exists solely to flesh out Heathcliff's background, but it also differs quite a bit from what's canon in Limbus Company itself.
In Limbus, Mermaids are the byproduct of a human being swallowed by a Whale--Whales can "parasitize" humans in this way. They lose their human form and become more monstrous--like this, for example:
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My Mermaids don't work like that, though--the idea is that there's these Mermaids that are canon to Limbus, and then there's a different set of Mer that mostly lurk beneath the waves (not to be confused with the Waves), collecting human souls to hand off to Davy Jones.
The Mermaids I created are just as afraid of the canon Mermaids from Limbus--they've had to fight them off to defend their territory numerous times--but humans don't see a difference. Mer are Mer, and Mer are dangerous, so they need to be killed.
Anyway, getting into the specifics of "my Mermaids," they're all based on Irish Merrow--a fact I've thrown around several times, by now. These are Mermaids that can assume human form if their special article of clothing--a red cap--is removed from their head. I changed it so that the Mer have to don a necklace to assume human form, since that works better with future plot things!!
They spend their lives serving Davy Jones, who's a sort of overseer of the depths of the Great Lake--the lore is murky even to the Mer, but some say he can control the Waves and the Whales themselves. In order to reside in the Lake, the Merrow have to pay a fee: a certain quota of human souls that Davy Jones sets every few moons. Failure to meet the quota results in death.
Generally, the Mer I created have the power to control the weather, and they often utilize that to sink vessels and reap the souls of sailors in order to pay their fee, keeping them locked in lobster cages until it's time to turn them over to their "benefactor."
It's important to note that this fate usually befalls male Merrow specifically, since the females actively scorn them and instead pursue human partners. If a male child is born from their union, the female Mer will throw him into the sea, and the odds of that child surviving are exceptionally low--though, thankfully, some of these abandoned Mer babies are found and taken in by older Merrow, who raise them.
The last major thing is that, like in most mermaid stories, Mer--or, at least, male Mer--are specifically warned to avoid contact with humans, as it often leads to their death. This, of course, doesn't stop Heathcliff, no matter how often he's warned of the dangers. /lh
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the-weirdos-mind · 22 days
Canon Characters in the Mermaid Siblings AU
Figured I should add this lol
Sarah Hawkins
Works as a waitress at a local restaurant called Seaside Treasures. Around the summer/tourist season the place is packed with people visiting on vacation. She earns enough to be able to afford a small house by the sea as customers leave a lot of tips for her. Whenever there’s an issue, she resolves it in a kindly manner that makes the customer feel like a total jerk for being so rude. She often works long hours and feels awful about it, wanting to be around for her son. She knows that Jim’s half merfolk but doesn’t say anything in fear of what might happen to her son. When she comes across Emma, she has a feeling that she knows her somehow…
John Silver
He’s more human in this AU but he’s still got prosthetic limbs. This time it’s due to a boating accident as he used to work with some fishermen, often catching merfolk for the black market. One day the boat crashed against a rocky shore chasing a mermaid and he suffered a lot. It was a wake up call for him to get out and he did. He still cares the guilt of what he did and is trying to make amends for those wrongs. After getting the new arm and leg, he settled down in Benbow and works as a chef at Seaside Treasures. He becomes a father figure to the siblings
Delbert Doppler
He’s more human in the AU. He’s a history teacher at Jim’s school. He knows of legends of merfolk, the variety that’s said to make home in the seas. He has a period where he teaches these stories and how mankind has been influenced by these tales in modern society. He also knows they’re real but keeps it secret, not wanting anyone to be in danger. He’s a target for Ossian to get information on merfolk, as the man frequents the sea with his wife.
Amelia Smollet/Doppler
A merrow who turned human to explore the world above the waves. All merfolk live by a rule to not get caught, and Amelia went through lengths to hide her true identity. After a while, she meets Delbert and they fall for each other after years of friendship. She knows the consequences of getting into a relationship with a human and decides to go for it. She had to reveal herself in front of him, and after some time taking it in, he accepts her for her. Merrow’s have a special cap, called a Cohuleen Druith, that allows them to return to the sea, and she trusts Delbert to keep it safe. Once in a while, when they’re sure nobody is around the two go to the beach and swim in the sea so she can stretch her scales.
A small octopus that the siblings encountered during one of their adventures. They rescue him from a moray eel, and he sticks by their side whenever they venture into sea. He’s usually pink around them but changes colors whenever he sees the shadow of a boat. He’s befriended many merfolk before but sadly hunters had taken many of them. He’s protective over the siblings, not wanting to lose another friend
A waiter at Sarah’s job. He’s friendly with people but tends to ramble with conversation instead of doing his job. Knows Jim and often hands him snacks whenever he comes by to study. Knows nothing about if merfolks exist but wouldn’t put it past to think they’re real. He believes there’s a Megalodon in the ocean, the Loch Ness monster is real, and other cryptics and myths. He knows a lot about legends and stuff but tends to forget it if he’s rambling on about something else
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