sensei-venus · 1 year
Getting steamy w merman!hawk??
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(Unedited) (Mer!Hawk, merman/tentacle dick??, Mermaid/Merman Anatomy, Blowjob, Public Sex, Beach Sex.)
“How do we- how do we do this?” Reader blinked as she looked down at Hawk’s lower navel.
The boy was laid out on the soft sand of the beach. His long tail was stretched out on the ground in front of her. His breathtaking purple and blue scales glistened with sea water in the moonlight.
If Hawk wasn't so cocky she would have told him how sappy he looked right now. The whole scene in front of her looked like a chapter from a fantasy book. The way he was looking at her right now only made it even more real. His pretty blue eyes were lust-filled as they peered over at her. Sending filtration filled looks her way the whole night so far.
He wiggled his eyebrow at her before saying “Well you could start by coming over here. Get a better view of what I'm working with.” Reader blushed a little but nodded anyway. She slowly crawled over to the tailed boy before stopping just in front of him. Her eyes taking in all of his beautiful features up close. It felt so new to be this close to him even after the multiple times she sat near him.
For a merman he was built, the slight outline of abs over his tight belly. Nice collar bones and tight pecks. Even his cheekbones were handsome.
“I really enjoy the staring but I think we would both enjoy touching way more.”
“Oh uh yeah your right sorry…” Reader felt completely out of her element at the moment.
“Hey it’s ok, this is new to both of us. I have never been with a human before and I'm pretty sure you have never been with a merman before.”
“You're just saying that because you know that you were the very first merperson I ever meet.” she rolled her eyes at the smirking merman. He seemed to find her embarrassment amusing. If she was being honest she really didn't find it all that funny.
Slowly he reached out and took one of her clenched fists, he was gentle as he got her to relax a little. Hand falling limp he moved it to his abdomen area. Gently he took one of her fingers and let it ghost over a small spot in the middle part of his tail. Her lips fell open in awe as she felt the new area. It wasn't exactly like the rest f his tail.
There was an odd area that didn't feel like his normal scales. It was small and hidden between a tiny patch of his beautiful blue and purple scales. Soft and slightly warm compared to his cold outer tail.
He chewed on his bottom lip to stop from moaning out as he let her stroke the area. It was definitely sensitive by the way he was acting. Her fingers danced over and around the area and it seemed to drive him crazy.
“What's that?”
“It's my slit, it's where my dick is at. I'm guessing humans don't have that?”
He lets go of her hand and let's get do her own thing. She hums as she feels around the hidden slit, she tries her best to be as gentle as possible. Her eyes linger over the spot. She says “No we kinda have all that stuff hanging out I guess?“ he closes his eyes and groans.
His pelvis bucked as her fingers dipped into the now puffy slit. Her eyes wished as her finger tips dipped into the warm wet heat. It was hot and warm against her skin, it made a quiver go up her spine. She could even feel his heart beat.
The sponge-like walls hugged her fingers like a vice. Welcoming her in and encouraging her to explore him more. Wanting her to feel all of him from the inside.
Her fingers went in deeper as Hawk allowed her inside his slit. His eyes rolled and his tail slapped out against the wet sand below. Slowly losing his cool.
Reader almost yanked her fingers out when she felt something get wiggle against her digits. Hawk was quick to grab at her wrist and keep her fingers inside him.
“Was that-”
“Yeah that's my dick, you got me excited. Playing with my slit is the only way to get it out.”
“But it moved!”
“Yeah so?”
It was only a second later when the wiggling against fingers grew more intense. Suddenly Hawk’s “dick” was moving and clutching at her fingers. It moved to hook around the fingers, squeezing and searching for more warmth. Seeking out her touches.
It wasn't long before it was pushing her out of his slit and freely moving around in the cool night air. Reader gasped as his dick finally came free.
Thick long and light pink covered in a thick layer of clear fluids. It dripped down the wiggling length and puddle around his open slit. It moved in the air searching for more attention. Obviously wanting Reader to go back to touch it. Hawk smirked at her expression, clearly happy with her taken-aback look.
“Touch it, I dont bite~”
Reader rolled her eyes at him before taking the chance. She reached out and let the appendage explore her hand. It flicked over her fingers and palms and slowly tried to go up her wrist. Squirming in her had trying to get her to fondle it. Chewing on her lip she tried to softly grip the new toy. The texture was hard but gave a little with a quick pump of her palm.
She watched as it wiggled against her palm seeking her warmth. She blushes a little as she starts to stroke him. She wonders if the warm slick dripping into her palm is pre or natural lubricant. It's sticky but also a bit watery as it starts to slick up her hand. The more she pumps him the more spills from both his tapered tip and hidden slit. Jerking him softly she finds him wetting her palm even more.
Her eyes lock onto his twisted-up face. His brows furrowed and his head threatened to slam back into the sand. Clawing at the sand next to him with his sharp claws. He grunts and groans as he gets closer to his orgasm. His tail twitched and his belly tightened.
“Fuck your really good at this!”
He bites back as he firsts his claws into the sand harder than before. Eyes rolled back into his skull trying to keep himself together. His poor lips are borderline bloody with the way his teeth dig into them. Reader can tell he's trying to keep himself together.
She can't help that her own heartbeat picks up as she watches him slowly melt under her touch. He's falling apart all because of her.
She picks up her pace as she watches his dick start to spasm. The tip weeping that same clear fluid that covered her hand and wrist. It pumped out like a leaking faucet down her hand. It glistened under the moonlight as it started to drip down her arm. It just wouldn't stop.
Watching it flowed down her hand made her mind race and her thighs clench. Wetting her lips she did the only thing her brain was telling her to do at that very moment.
Suck it.
Leaning down she gently licked around the wiggling cock. She licked around the weeping tip and tasted the strange fluid. It almost tasted like nothing, the slight tang of salty water mixed with the only thing that could be named “Hawk” meet her taste buds. It wasn't horrible, if anything the more she tasted it the better it got.
She could almost say it was a bit additive. It wasn't long until the tip started to unwrap itself to seek out her warm mouth. Finding the hot cavern more interesting than her hand.
It prodded at her lips for entry before sliding in with one go. Reader gagged a bit at first with the way it stretched her lips open. She moans as it goes deeper into her mouth and taps at the back of her throat. A few seconds later and it taps her throat and slides in. Gagging she grips at his slim waist in hopes of finding some kind of grounding. But this only makes him moan out and buck harder.
She tries her best to suck around him but his dick does most of the work.
Moving around her mouth and exploring her pretty tongue and throat. Taking the time to poke and prod.
It only takes a few more minutes before his cock vibrates in her mouth and seeks out the very back of her throat one last time. It pushes as far as it can into her tight throat before sputtering. It gives her no other choice but to gulp down his hot load. It sends rope after rope of water-like cum down her throat. Directly into her belly and filling her up all the way.
She tries her best to stay on and swallow as much as she can. It's hot as it spills down her throat. She can feel how it fills her belly, already physically feeling the way her belly starts to bloat from the copious amount of fluid. Her belly feeling tight and full as he finely starts to stop. A few more sports and he wiggles back to life in her mouth.
With a small pop it retreats from her mouth. It gives no time as it slowly retreats back to its now puffy slit. It already looks raw.
She does her best to collect herself, licking her lips of the remaining strange cum. She coughs as she is finally able to breathe again. Her long filled with salty beach air once again. Looking up she finds Hawk boneless on the sand. Fallen completely limp onto the sand.
He's panting and breathing heavily, his chest and cheeks painted a bright pink in the light. His slit is still twitching from the intense orgasm he just had.
For a split second she swears he is about to cover his poor abused slit from the slight breeze.
He looks over to her in a haze, his eyes full of lazy lust. She can't tell but she wonders if his eyes have caught sight if her extended belly, his gaze falling down. She wonders if he is checking out her bloated belly.
She runs a hand over it to feel the slight distention of her new belly. She questions how long it will stay like that. Her belly is full of his warm cum.
“D-definitely didn't see that coming. Sorry about uh how watery it was. It's uhh thicker during the matting season I guess.” he stammers a bit, still trying to collect himself. Their eyes briefly meet.
“So that just means I have to wait till then right? See how thick your load can get for me right?” she smirks at him. His cheeks grow brighter as he slowly nods.
“Yeah, I guess so~”
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Mer!Hawk/Chubby!Reader “Just A Little Kiss~”
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(Unedited) (Mer!Hawk,Fluff,Kissing, Making-Out Underwater)
“I don't really know about all of this, what if we get caught down here?” Reader said as she chewed at he inner cheek. Her nerves starting to finally get to her. The entrance of the cave was long and dark, the only thing abominating the place was the waterway. The bio-luminous lights of the algae give off a blue glow. It shinned around the right cave.
Reader’s stomach flipped as she walked farther into the cave. Hawk follows close behind in the water. His body and long tail glide through the top layer of water. His bright blue eyes glanced over at her, scanning her up and down. She was timid and he knew that from the moment he met her.
But it's what drew him in.
Someone so shy and sweet was willing to take chances with him. Hawk knew he wasn't the pick of the litter. He never had been and never would be. At first, he was too shy as a guppy, but now he was too rude and brash. To him, there was no winning.
Then there was Reader who worked her way into his heart from the moment they first meet. He still remembers the first time he saw her on the beach. In a cute little bikini on the shore, sticking to the shoreline. Dipping her feet in the cool water that washed up. She smiled as it tickled her toes.
She has the prettier smile he has ever seen.
His mind was pulled away from his thoughts by her voice. He looked over to the clearly nervous girl. She fiddled with her fingers as she walked. A nervous habit of hers. He smirked as he swam a little faster.
“Don't worry no one comes out this way at night, not even the party kids that like to wreak the beach every now and then during the summertime. It's just us tonight.” He looked back at her as he neared the end of the cave. The blue lights from below lit up her face so beautifully.
Her eyes widen as she enters the very back of the cave. Lips parted in pure awe as she looked around the dark end. At the very back of the cave sat a large pool of water, hundreds of feet deep. The blue pulsing algae seemed to help keep that hidden as it lit up not only the empty room but throw off the deepness of the pool of water. From above you couldn't tell how deep it really was.
From the top of only looked a few feet maybe even shallow to some.
A tunnel of bright blue. The bright blue lights bounced off the dark cave walls and served as the only light the walls ever saw. It was truly breathtaking.
“Hawk this is beautiful!”
Hawk smiled a little before swimming into the pool of water in ahead. He dived down for a split second before resurfacing. Laughing out loud at her shocked reaction, he flicked his hair away from his face as he looked up at her. He bobbed around in the water as he watched her take everything in. Her eyes flickering between the walls and the illuminated pool. He cocked his head when she finally focused back on him.
“So you like it?”
“Hawk I love it! Do you come here a lot?”
“Kinda, sometimes I hang out in here during the daytime when I come to the surface. There is a waterway system below this pool that I use to swim a tight up into the pool so I don’t have to use the entrance. Don’t want to get caught by any humans while I’m up here you know.”
She giggled, knowing that he said that because she was the only human that caught him while going to the surface.
The cave was silent for a few minutes at the two took in their surroundings. The sound of water dripping tapped against the floors and walls. The occasion splash from Hawk. His tail steadily kept him afloat from below. Swishing back and forth to help him stay upright.
A few minutes passed in silence before Hawk coughed into his hand. With a gruff voice he said “So you coming in or what?” Reader looked at him before slowly nodding. She was slow to start taking off her top. Letting her curves free, her soft belly on full display for him. Her full tits practically trying to spill from her bikini top. He had to bite his lip to hold back his approval. He wanted to just run his hands all over her, to feel her soft skin.
He could tell she was getting a bit flustered as she looked away from him.
She shimmied out of her shorts and exposed the tiny bottoms she had on. Her thick thighs jiggled as she stepped out of them. She was quick to toss all her belongings to the side. They sat in a hazardous pile near the back of the cave wall.
For a moment she hesitated, dipping her toe into the lukewarm water. Hawk noticed and swam over to her. Sticking a hand out of the water he silently encouraged her to step in. She slowly took his hand as he helped her slower herself into the water with the lip of the pool. Her body dropped hard into the water. She kept herself up with the lip.
She suddred as she was engulfed by the water. Kicking around to get use to the new body of water which felt a little different then the normal ocean water outside. She wondered if it was due to the cave system messing with the water a little.
“Nice right?”
Hawk swam around her with a small smirk on his lips. His tail tickling her feet as he moved around het. Trying his best to get her to move around with him. He knew she was a good swimmer.
Reader slowly pulled away from the lip of the pool and stated to follow the merman around. Growing use to the water and the body itself. She smiled as she swam around with the boy. Hawk was so much fun. He always seemed to try and get her to go out of her comfort zone and try new things. The stuff she was once shy over became normal and fun with his help.
“Hawk this is so much fun! Thank you so much for inviting me to come. I love this.”
“Do you want to see the best part of the cave?”
Reader slowly nodded, trusting the mer.
Before she could say or do anything he was pulling her down into the water.
She could only take a short breath before she was completely submerged into the deep water. She gasped as her head dipped down into the water. For a split second, she was petrified.
The salty water stung her eyes as she opened them just for a moment. Her vision meeting Hawk’s in the clear water.
It truly was breathtaking.
The blue lights in the clear water flashed over him like a blanket. His handsome features are on full display. His blue eyes almost matched the light the algae gave off. It spread over his skin highlighting his whole being. His tail shinned in the light as it flickers and creses her bare legs. Her toes curled at the action of his fins brushing against her.
Moments later, warm lips pressed against her. Kissing her deep as a sudden rush of air passed through her. It filled her lungs like a lifeline. She sucked in the air with a small gasp. Surprised and taken aback but not disappointed. His lips where warm and soft as they made contact with hers. The motion is slow and sweet as their lips moved together. It was like they were synching.
The kiss grew long and deep as he passed more air through the kiss.
Readers hands gripped at his shoulders before she wrapped her arms around his neck. Hawk’s hands gripped at her fatty hips. Palms smooth against her ass cheeks. He played with the fabric of her bikini bottoms. She whimpered at the good touch. He swallowed up her sounds as they started to make out.
They only stopped when Hawk ran out of stored air to pass to her. He was quick to swim them both backup to the surface.
Their heads broke through the surface of the water with a loud splash. Reader gasped and sucked in a deep breath of cool air. She panted and gasped for a moment as she collected herself. Hawk taking in just a few gulps though his gills, just enough to store more air. He smirked as he watched her get even more flustered than before.
With a shocked gasp she said, “What was that!?” Her eyes wide as she looked back at him.
“Umm just a little kiss.”
“That was not little!”
Hawk chuckled at her reaction. He wrapped his tail around her waist and brought her closer to him. Bring her body into his. His tail grasping at her fluffy waist and squeezing. She gasped for a minute as their eyes meet. Their faces are inches apart. Hawk smirked even bigger than before.
“Fine then this time we can surface kiss, but I still like kissing you under the water. It's cute when you get all scared for a split second.” he bit his lip before diving back into her lips. She rolled her eyes before relaxing.
Falling into the new rhythm that was all Hawk.
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blue-rosa-art · 14 days
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You got that pesky lil fishy pinned! 🔥🦅🧜‍♂️
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inquisimer · 1 year
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I commissioned @chimeowrical to draw my oc Siobhan Hawke and her beloved old war criminal and I’m 🥺🥺🥺 look at them!! absolute cuties, I adore them to pieces
chimeowrical was an absolute breeze to work with, great communication and they worked so fast with my feedback. if you’re considering a commission, you should definitely check them out!!
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lacroixblood · 1 year
I'm gonna get on my sonic shit again with a concept I love to see, and that is:
Every rival of Sonic just absolutely loving Amy.
Shadow listening to her rants as they talk over coffee, only to offer the most outrageous advice.
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Jet sharing tips and tricks with Amy about gear.
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Surge just outright flirting with Amy to annoy Sonic while looking him in the eyes.
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Like, just get any rival of Sonic acting super aggressive and not listening to him, only to immediately calm down and get cheery when Amy walks in.
"OH, if that's all then sure."
"But you just said you wouldn't help??!?!"
"Yes but now Amy is asking. That's different"
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EVERYONE GO CHECK THIS AWESOME FIC @touyatraumaroki WROTE FOR ME TO INDULGE MY PIRATE FANTASIES ABSKSHA (as someone who unironically listens to sea shanties on repeat I STAN)
bro the hawks harpy brainrot is REAL
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natsu2501malo · 1 year
Merlin. Mordred. Morgana. Morgause.
Why are they so many m names in Arthurian legends? They're all sorcerers too. Someone out there thought 'What should I name the magic users? Wait. Magic. M... Holy shit, I got it.'
- CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
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frostaoftheday · 2 years
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Today’s Frosta of the Day has been brought to you by: A hiding Evil Frosta.
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Silly idea but imagine tory is Reader's best friend and they meet some merfolk one day, whatever. Time passes, and one day Tory and Reader are hanging out. They're just talking about whatever when the topic of Hawk, one of the merfolk they met, comes up and Reader gets all flustered and shy. Tory teases her for it but then Reader let's it slip that she's actually fucked him and Tory just stops for a moment.
"Wait a minute, you banged a mermaid?!"
This seemed funnier in my head
- gemini sensei
( @gemini-sensei )
Tory thinks the girl is just being shy about it. Because she knows the chubby girl has grown to have a crush on the merman. They had only known him for a few months now. Occasionally coming down to the beach at night to hang out with him and some of his other mermaid and mermen friends.
It was fun and thrilling at first to hang out with Merfolk.
Tory started to notice from the first day they met Hawk that Reader might like him. Her eyes got all glossy and dreamy. She couldn't take her eyes off him. She hung off every word he said like she didn't hear it all before.
It made Tory gag.
“Ummm so how's the whole “falling for a merman like some old made-up stale fairy tale” going for you Reader?” Tory laughs. She wiggles her eyebrows as she looks at the other girl. She's clearly flustered as she looks away from Tory in embarrassment.
She puffs her cheeks looking away, out into the distance. Eyes hoping to see Hawk but deep down knew he wouldn't be out this early in the day. The sun shone brightly over the beach.
“I mean...we have fucked so... I think it's going pretty good.”
Reader smirked as she turned her head back to Tory. Her eyes filled with rebellious enthusiasm.
“Oh shit you're not kidding- what the hell! You fucked him and didn't tell me!!” Tory practically screech. She threw her hands up as Reader tried to hide her slight embarrassment with some shy giggles. She really had planned on telling Tory anytime soon. Tory might be her friend but her current situation with Hawk was kinda personal.
The fact that they were having sex was extremely new and foreign to both parties involved. 
That didn’t make it any less fun though~
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vampyrsutton · 1 year
The Cave
The time has come to post for @bnhamerbang!
Bringing you some DabiHawks filth with the wonderful MissgreenKitty on Twitter as my partner and her amazing Art to go with it!
The boys are ready for mating season and hopefully, you'll enjoy it as much as they do 😏
Link in the picture.
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princemannikin · 2 years
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Ugh, I want what they have. Sea Hawk + Mermista appreciation post, or whatever.
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inquisimer · 2 months
Hey there! H, J, and U from the fanfic writer asks! 💗
Hi friend! Thank you for the ask <3
fanfic writer ask meme
H: How would you describe your writing style?
God, that's hard! I guess probably as pretty casual? I write fanfic for fun and I have no designs on taking it anywhere else. So I just write what I feel like writing at any given moment. Maybe hodgepodge? Do I even have a style? Who knows 😂
J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
I am not sure if it counts as a trope, exactly, but I'm a big fan of haunting the narrative/haunted by the narrative! I love when there are bits and pieces of oh something is lurking there, or callbacks, anything like that. As for if I've written it....sort of, lol. It's something of the crux between the relationship between my Neria Surana Lavellan and Solona Amell, and I have written bits and pieces of them! But the longer fic that is going to actually capture those vibes in more detail is still in the works :3
U: Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet?
Yes! Fenhawke and Josie/Adaar come to mind right away, because I have concepts planned for both of them and I am excited to explore those new ships. I've also been turning Krem/Charade Amell over in my brain for a while now and I definitely want to put those two in a box together and just. shake them LOL
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frostaoftheday · 2 years
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Today’s Frosta of the Day has been brought to you by: Someone’s missing.
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Mer!Hawk/Eli Mood board! 🫣 @gemini-sensei 👀💕
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vampyrsutton · 1 year
SSD Day 4~Under the Sea~Pearls
Dabi saves a pretty merman only for him to be a spy. It could've ended worse.
Ao3 Tags:
Merfolk, Merman Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Merman Takami Keigo | Hawks, Minor Character Death, Hawks Kills Best Jeanist, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Heroes Are Guards, Hero Public Safety Commission Bashing (My Hero Academia), Takami Keigo | Hawks Needs a Hug, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Bad at Feelings
NSFW Continuation
Dabi, ever the traumatized fuck that he was, prided himself on not involving himself in shit that didn’t concern him unless you were part of his pod. 
So why in the hell he was concerning himself with this random mer being hunted by a mershark, not even he understood. 
“Hey, Chomper!” Dabi calls over, coral speer at the ready. “Seriously going to pick on a tiny…?”
Dabi pauses, finally looking to the other mer in confusion and barely contained awes. 
He was beautiful.
Whatever he was.
“What the hell are you?” He can’t help but mutter, not caring that he’s being rude.
The smaller mer blinks at him with exhausted eyes, his sword of volcanic rock still held firmly in hand. “Not really the time, dude, but just a Flying Fish if you have to know right now.”
Ah, that explains why his fins fan out behind him like brilliant red wings.
Dabi nods before his scowl returns to the mershark.
“You’re seriously going to pick on a tiny flying fish mer?” Dabi scoffs. “Pick on someone your own size teeth for brains. This is why dolphins pick on you guys. Can’t win a fight against something your own size or even remotely close to it.” 
He definitely can’t let Toga know he said that. 
Also, he says this like he’s not half the mer’s size himself. They may not be to scale of their respective fish, but the differences were still obvious compared to each other, and Dabi wasn’t exactly a bodybuilder.
He wasn’t a pushover either though.
The mershark snarls and clicks at him aggressively before lunging in a blur of claws and teeth. If it wasn’t so predictable, it might have had a shot at doing actual damage, but as it were, with the muscle-bound idiot broadcasting his every move and Dabi being trained to fight from a young age, the shark didn’t stand a chance.
Dabi easily maneuvers to avoid him, tail even managing to smack the meat heat in the face before Dabi dug his claws into his side as he spins back into stance with an angry click. 
"Do I look like I'm your size?" Dabi tsks, readjusting his spear and stabbing it into the mer's tail when he dumbly tries to lunge again. "Pathetic." 
The mershark cries out in pain, trying to free his tail from the jagged coral. "Why the fuck are you even bothering?!" 
Dabi tilts his head, eyes observing him coldly as he twists the spear to hear him scream again. He glances back to make sure the bored-looking mer can't see his face. A manic grin spreads across his face when he sees he's safe. 
"Call it keeping the peace." He hums with malice in his eyes when he leans in close. "I bet it'll be really fucking peaceful when I gut you after all." 
The mershark's eyes widen when he realizes he might actually die and he makes a break for it as fast as his wounded tail will allow when Dabi yanks the spear free. "Crazy fuck! It's not worth it!" 
"Oi! Where-" Dabi starts only for a blur of red to rush past him and the larger mer cries out when he's all but filleted by the little blonde mer's volcanic sword. Dabi's nostrils flare as the smell of blood fills the water around them with the shark’s desperate cries for mercy. He almost wonders if he’s going to need to be the one to put him out of his misery, but thankfully, the seemingly winged stranger runs his sword through the attacker’s heart to end him, finally ending the screaming.
Dabi lets out a low whistle when the gurgling finally stops. “Brutal, birdie. I was just going to run him through. Not let him almost bleed out in agony before ending him.”
Gold eyes turn on him now, and, for a second, Dabi worries he’s next, but then those eyes roll back before the stranger can even respond and he’s floating to the surface. 
“Hey now.” Dabi hums, grabbing a wrist before he can become seagull food. A once-over reveals that he probably would have died without even a minor distraction based on how beat up he was. 
“Great. Come on. You’re coming with me.” He sighs at the smaller mer’s unconscious form, changing directions back to his pod. “Let’s get you patched up.”
He, of course, gets no response, but that’s fine because it gives him time to think about how to explain bringing an outsider near the pod. 
He wasn’t going to hear the end of this.
He was literally just supposed to be looking for the roaming tribe that’s been raising concerns, and instead, he was attacked by some meathead and rescued by who he’s pretty sure is one of his targets if the rough-looking, deep-sea skin was anything to go by.
And now he’s unconscious.
The last thing Hawks remembers is burning blue eyes piercing through his soul in curiosity before his world went dark.
The next thing he sees? 
Another freaking mershark inches from his face.
He at least doesn’t sense blood lust from this one.
…okay he still does but for some reason, it doesn’t feel malicious?
 Like it would be a friendly chomp. 
“Oh!” The mershark squeals, perking up. “Dabi! He’s awake!” 
Hawks blinks in confusion, but figures that’s who saved him since he doesn’t recognize these...two?- the flounder mer to his right keeps flipping with a different voice on each flip- the point is he doesn’t recognize them so this Dabi must be the mer that tried to come to his rescue. 
“Cool.” A deep voice rumbles from the next cave before Hawks’ breath catches in his throat at the monstrously beautiful mer that comes around the corner. “Hey, pretty bird. How you feeling?”
Hawks lets out some warbling noise in response before flushing down to his chest. “I- um-Thanks!” Is what he ends up squeaking out. 
He hadn’t gotten a proper look at him before, too hopped up on adrenaline and not dying to really take him in, but he was pretty sure this is what people mean by eldritch beauty. What was thought to be the rough-looking skin of a deep-sea fish is probably deep-sea still, but it’s not rough at all from what he can see. No, instead it appears to have the pattern of some tropical fish that is barely visible due to his skin being see-through and while being able to see his skeletal structure is disturbing, Hawks watches as light hits one of these areas and he seems to glow. His skin is further decorated by scars of varying sizes from battles obviously won and the glint of piercings that make some part of Hawks’s brain sing. The deadly appearance is completed with lethal claws and a seemingly bored yawn reveals almost monstrous teeth that Hawks’ brain is for some reason not afraid of. It’s at least offset slightly by pretty turquoise eyes that make even the ocean look dull in comparison and fluffy white hair.
Hawks is doomed.
The mer that must be Dabi quirks an eyebrow before smirking wickedly. “What’s wrong, pretty bird? Never seen an arctic fish?” He misinterprets.
“Uh, yeah, sure. That’s the reason.” Hawks gulps, taking the out. 
Not at all the fact that this had to be the most beautiful mer he’s ever seen. 
“Oooh~” The so far sole mermaid squeals, swimming around Hawks excitedly. “He’s smitten! I can smell it!”
Hawks turns almost as red as his fins as he adverts his eyes from a raised white brow to look at the still rambling flounder next to him. “So, uh, where am I?”
Dabi, miraculously, lets him change the subject as he swims closer to float at Hawks’ free side. “You were pretty beat up so I took you back to my pod to get you patched up.” He explains, gesturing to the other mers Hawks was just now noticing and made him have to hide his panic.
Light blue-haired stonefish.
Extra scaled snowflake eel with pink hair.
Clownfish wearing a mask.
Excitable blonde shark.
Disjointed flounder.
Purple and black jellyfish. 
Orange sea turtle.
And finally, a rough-looking deep-sea, apparently arctic, mer.
These are the mers Hawks was supposed to hunt down and possibly kill, and they had unquestioningly taken Hawks in because he was hurt. 
Of course, it was them. Of freaking course.
“You don’t know me though?” Hawks blinks at Dabi.
“We were just as shocked as you are.” The clownfish chuckles in amusement. “Imagine our surprise when our most prickly member who still refuses to join us for game nights brings us an entire stranger bearing a Guard badge to patch up.” He hums, twirling Hawks’ badge between his fingers. “Especially with his hatred of Guards.”
Hawks panics at his missing badge before looking even more confused. “Why would you hate the Guards?” He frowns. “We’re here to keep you safe?”
He’s met with a seemingly bored raised eyebrow that would be convincing if Hawks didn’t notice how tense his jaw was or the twitching of a claw. 
“Sure. I’ll believe it when I see it.” Dabi huffs instead, his mood completely shifted by the simple reminder. “Don't look too much into it, birdie. I would have left you for dead had I known."
The chaos of Hawks' hair sways with the tilt of his head. "Then why save me at all?" 
"You're alive, dammit, what does it matter?!" The stonefish -Shigaraki, Hawks thinks the Council called him- growls at him while scratching at a rough patch of scales. That has to be infuriating, no wonder he's so grouchy. 
Hawks blinks, wondering that himself. "I don't know actually… I'm supposed to be able to take care of myself so the concept is foreign I guess?" He frowns, looking down at his lap in thought. 
This allows him to miss the room's occupants all sharing confused and concerned looks. All except Dabi, that is, who looks like he's fighting a memory that the others know better than to question at this point. Whatever the case, it ends with him glaring harder before re-schooling his face into bored indifference by the time Hawks looks up again.
"I guess I should say thank you then? I don't really know how I should repay you." 
"No thanks needed, little bird." Compress he's pretty sure assures him with a flourish, all ignoring Shigaraki's offended noise at being paid back. "We're not monsters after all, despite how we may be painted." A tilt of his masked head. “What brings you all the way out here though, if I may ask?” 
Hawks tries to hide his panic, but quickly realizes there’s no reason to. A half-truth will work.
“I heard of a wandering tribe causing trouble for some of the other Guards so I wanted to check it out.” Hawks shrugs. “More curiosity than anything though.”
He feels red and turquoise eyes glare at him in suspicion, but his vision is suddenly filled with blonde mershark again. 
“Was it us?” She asks dangerously, some of the shark finally coming through in her glare. She must be mixed with something else because only a few teeth at sharp instead of all of them like the one that tried to kill him...hours? Days? Shit, how long had he been out? His handlers were gonna kill him. “I could have been the meanies with Overhaul, you know?”
“The Shie Hassaikai have already been detained?” Hawks frowns, tilting his head in confusion even as he leans back from knife-like claws. This pulls on something though and he winces, making her at least back up. “But yes it was probably you guys.” He probably shouldn’t be answering this much but based on how little pain he’s actually in, he’s fairly sure they gave him something and his brain isn’t keeping up with his mouth.
Toga, the only girl in the files, blinks at him in shock, obviously not expecting him to answer. “They’re gone?”
“Why do they want us?” Spinner –a rather unique appearance there– asks with narrowed eyes as he moves closer to Shigaraki almost protectively. 
“I didn’t say they did, just that I heard and was curious.” Hawks points out, backtracking in his mind to make sure that is what he said. “Not many people are willing to stand up to the Council and their Guards so I wanted to check you guys out...” He suddenly has an idea. “Maybe join if given the chance.”
Multiple eyebrows raise in the room as the adults look at him disbelievingly. 
“Sure, birdie.” Dabi deadpans. “I believe that as far as I can throw you.”
“I mean, you were holding up pretty well against the mershark earlier,” Hawks smirks, going for charming before pouting when he gets flicked on the forehead. “Worth a shot.”
“Nice try, but no. Try again.”
Hawks frowns, but huffs before trying to change the subject. “How long was I out?” He asks, ignoring the annoyed looks.
“Half a day. Took you long enough! ” The flounder, definitely Twice, supplies helpfully.
Hawks’ eyes widen in horror as he hurries to get up from where they had laid him on some sponges. “Shit! I’m in so much trouble! Thank you again, but I need to- Ow!”
“That’s what I thought.” Dabi tsks, pushing Hawks back down. “Tell them you were healing. They’ll understand, right?”
It’s a loaded question. Both of them know it is, and both can tell the other knows, they’re just waiting to see who will stand down first. 
Luckily for Dabi, the pufferfish they gave the birdie to help with pain has him not willing to put up too much of a physical fight. 
It doesn’t shut him up entirely though. 
“I can’t just abandon my post over some minor injuries.” Hawks tries, even as he allows himself to be pushed down to rest. 
“They have more than enough drones to cover your post for a day or two.” Dabi insists with a roll of his eyes and a flaring of his fins. One side of his heritage came with toxins and the right amount of them could knock even a merperson out. Too much could kill them, but he knew where that line was at this point. “You have deep ass claw marks on your side that I’m sure you don’t want opening up and a sprain in a fin. Rest, bird brain.” 
“I’ll get in trouble...” Hawks tries to protest again, but something in the water has his head feeling fuzzy, and he doesn’t notice the others moving away as a result. “...Fuck, okay, yeah, I can stay one night.”
“Good, birdie.” Dabi smirks, waiting for his breathing to even out before he turns to the rest. “So that sounded sketchy as fuck.”
“He’s one of their top Guards,” Shigaraki mutters, the lot of them having recognized him immediately even without snatching his badge. How Dabi of all people hadn’t noticed, they had stopped trying to ask. “The hell does he mean he'd get in trouble for taking care of himself?”
“So, we’re jumping over him being sent to spy on us?” Spinner points out in annoyance. 
“All of it sounds sketchy.” Dabi nods, tilting his head as he observes the sleeping mer. “Useful though.”
“How? Are you crazy?! ” Twice asks.
“The joining.” Dabi shrugs like it should be obvious. “He was probably sent to be a double, right? Get some good info out of him, and if we can get him to actually join, even better. ...The getting in trouble for staying wasn’t a lie.”
“How would you know that?” Shigaraki asks, jumping at the perceived chance of getting actual backstory out of the prickly fuck. 
“In due time,” Dabi smirks cryptically before gathering Hawks in his arms. “I’ll take him to one of the spare caves, and we can figure it out in the morning.”
Shigaraki mutters a curse but waves him off. “Fine, whatever gets us closer to our goals.”
These guys, Hawks was realizing with great horror, were really easy to get along with.
Like really easy. 
Upon waking up and being given the okay that he probably wouldn’t die, Hawks had immediately swam to his superiors with the good news that he had found them and made contact. This, thankfully, lessened his punishment down to only one double shift instead of what would have probably been the rest of the week with orders to get closer to them to find out their plans.
He still knew nothing plan-wise, but it had been all too easy to be invited in and gods dammit he was having fun which was probably the most dangerous part of this. 
Between learning magic tricks from Compress to late-night talks with twice that have been ending in tears to a “Girls Night + Hawks” with Toga and Magne who he ended up apologizing to profusely and sneaking in to fix her records, he had never felt so at home and at peace. They were definitely using him for information, but he had never felt less like a tool.
Shigaraki had been a bit spotty, but makes sense being the apparent leader, and even Spinner had started talking to him and the guy seemed like he hated him. 
On the other hand, though, the very mer that had helped save and bring him here was completely ignoring him.
That was the part that hurt for some reason.
“Has anyone seen Dabi?” Hawks eventually asks after not seeing more than a glimpse of the prickly mer for a few weeks.
The mers gathered in the main cave share a look that makes Hawks frown. 
“Did I do something?” Is his next question. “I can go back to the Kingdom? I don’t want to chase him out of his home.”
It’s still silent, no one knowing what to say until it’s finally Shigaraki who speaks up, having joined them for once with a huff. 
“He doesn’t trust you yet.” The stonefish hisses out from where he’s carefully sprawled in his mate’s lap. “Worried you’ll manage to dig too deep and fuck up his big plan.”
Hawks’ frown deepens as he tilts his head. “Well, what’s his plan?”
More silent looks that make the young leader sigh again before red eyes narrow as they lock with gold. “He wants Endeavor dead.”
Hawks freezes, breath catching in his throat. “...Why in gods’ names would he-?”
“Let us know if you find out.” Shigaraki scoffs, rolling over to be closer to Spinner. “That’s the most we’ve gotten out of the prickly bastard beyond his alias.”
Hawks' frown deepens but he nods with a sigh. "Of course it is…Alias?" 
 Spinner is the one to give him the 'Really dude?' look at the prompting of Shigaraki who refuses to turn back around. "Who the hell names their kid Cremation?" 
Hawks' fins flare a bit in indignation, but he supposes they have a point. "Fine. If someone can tell me where he is, I'll talk to him."
Finding Dabi after that had been easy. Talking to him? Not so much as was basically told to fuck off and leave Dabi alone with an admittedly intimidating flourish of fins. 
Then he was given an actual mission.
"He's not ready." Dabi hisses threateningly at Shigaraki from the mouth of their caves as they watch Hawks swim back to the kingdom. 
"How would you know?" Shigaraki growls right back, neither threatened by the other. "You've been hiding from him since you found out he was a Guard despite being the one to suggest using him for information."
"Because he's still a Council rat!" Dabi scoffs. "He's going to swim right back to tell them and they're going to reign hell on us!"
"You haven't been around to see the look in his eyes," Shigaraki smirks now. "He's almost ours. Just needs one last push." 
"What? Over the trench?!" Almost see-through fins flare in annoyance. "It's gonna break him!"
Shigaraki frowns now, red eyes staring into turquoise in pity. "They've made him do so much worse. I'm betting on him telling the council." 
Dabi blinks, standing down in shock. "What do you mean?" 
"Twice knows more about it than we do, but I'm positive the Council will tell him to carry out the mission." Shigaraki hums, now seeming bored with the conversation. "We'll either have one less Guard and a new member or a new member and pieces to put back together. Either way, I'm positive he's staying with us." 
Another blink before Dabi's eyes narrow. "What did you do?"
Shigaraki just shrugs as he heads back inside the caves. "Guess you should have been paying attention. You're the one that brought him here and insisted on keeping him after all yet know the least." Taunting red eyes seem to glow in the dark of the cave. "Pathetic really."
Another low growl escapes Dabi, but he can't deny it as he flicks his tail in annoyance to propel himself down another passage. 
It wasn't that he meant to avoid the other mer. He had only intended to hang back and observe him until he knew he could be trusted, but then the others had welcomed him in with no problem, and well…
It felt awkward. 
Who was he to insert himself into a group he had so resolutely ignored and claimed to be using in order to not get close to just so he could get to spend time with the pretty blonde?
Yeah, not happening. 
His instincts won't shut up about protecting the blonde either though.
Dammit! What the hell?! 
Hawks is a trained Guard and the second highest rank after his own Sire. He doesn’t need a failure’s protection.
That didn’t stop Dabi from worrying, however.
Taking advantage of his ability to turn see-through, Dabi has seen how Hawks interacts with the other Guards aside from the Jorruna parva mermaid. All prim, proper, and polite. He has this laid-back aura, but if anyone got their head out of their ass long enough to pay attention, they’d be able to see how tense he was at all times while playing the Council’s perfect little pet.
It was sickening to watch. Dabi just wanted to rush in there and steal him away from every interaction that made him uncomfortable, but he couldn’t let the mer know that he was starting to care yet. 
And how the blonde practically hung off of Endeavor.
It made Dabi want to go feral. 
He couldn’t though without revealing that not only did he care, but also his identity and neither of those was happening.
And so he had to wait.
He really wishes he had to wait longer.
It’s barely a week before he hears sounds of celebration that draw him from his alcove to see Hawks floating in front of Shigaraki and the rest of the League proudly presenting the corpse of Best Jeanist on a bed of seaweed. 
No one else seems to notice how his fins tremble as his back muscles tense with each bout of praise. 
What the fuck had Hawks been thinking?!
“So the birdie did it, huh?” Dabi draws instead as he leaves the shadows, silently taking note of how Hawks jumps at the sound of his voice. “Didn’t think he had it in him.”
He still doesn’t.
“Neither did I.” Shigaraki hums honestly, subtly pricking the corpse with one of his spikes to make sure it stays dead. “Well done, Hawks.”
Hawks grins proudly and it only looks a little wobbly. “No big deal.” He shrugs. “Just doing my job.”
Red eyes study gold for a moment before Shigaraki nods, canting his head towards Dabi. “Follow him. He’ll give you your next mission, then you can come back out to celebrate.”
Dabi tries to hide his confusion, haven not been given anything, but one look at Shigaraki’s face clears everything up.
He’s about to fall apart. Get your shit together and fix him. The look says. 
Stupid observant bastard. 
“Right.” Dabi huffs before offering a smirk to Hawks. “Follow me, pretty bird.”
He’s already turned around and is heading back into the caves so misses the way Hawks’ fins flutter before he follows.
“So…” Hawks hums after they settle in Dabi’s den. “Whatcha got for me.”
“Jack shit.” Dabi sighs, settling back on a sponge-covered slab that acts as a chair. “Shigaraki and I could both tell you were barely holding on. He’s offering you a moment to collect yourself… That was a Guard you were at least civil with right?”
Hawks’ eyes widen as he tries to maintain his strained grin. “Come on, Hot Stuff. I have no clue-”
“Save it. Your back muscles are so tense you’re probably going to hurt yourself and your fins have been trembling since I swam in.” Dabi waves off. “I can leave if you’d prefer, but I think the boss would claw the shit out of me if I let you break down alone.”
Hawks opens his mouth once more to probably protest, but ultimately just delates with a wobbly, self-deprecating smile. “Can’t even protect myself , huh?”
Dabi frowns, furrowing his brows in confusion. “What do you mean?”
He wishes he hadn’t asked as that sad smile turns on him. “I was supposed to be a spy.”
“And that was supposed to be a surprise, I’m guessing?” Dabi hums.
He hates the laugh this gets him. It sounds empty. Hollow.
“Never said I was a good one.” Hawks shrugs. “You were right though. I was on decent terms with Jeanist. He was a good Guard…He got hurt a while ago though so when I told the Council you guys wanted me to bring them a Guard…”
Dabi’s eyes widen a bit in horror and fury. “They decided he was expendable.” He growls, the sound growing when Hawks nods slowly.
“He just let me into his home, Dabi. Without a second thought and I...” Hawks starts shaking and Dabi is in his space in an instant, instincts demanding he tears the Council to shreds for doing this to the smaller mer. “He called me a friend. I didn’t even know his real name.”
A distressed warble is what lands Dabi with an armful of crying mer and he wouldn’t be able to tell you who pulled who closer first as he tries to think of any way to calm him down while he tries to get the growling in his chest under control.
“Keigo.” Is whispered into his chest. “I don’t deserve that name right now.”
Dabi tries not to dig his claws into Hawks as he pulls him closer and snaps at his instincts to shut up so he can think dammit.
How did he use to cheer Fuyumi and Natsuo up?
He’d usually distract them.
How could he do that now?
Something shiny catches his eye from the ledge he turned into a table and his fins flutter in relief. 
“Hey, pretty bird. …Kei?” Dqabi tries softly, voice softer than the flying fish has ever heard. “I’m moving us a bit, okay? I have that you might like.”
Hawks- no- Keigo warbles but nods, letting himself be brought along as Dabi adjusts them so he can place something in his hand. “Let’s see if shiny stuff works still.”
Keigo furrows his brow in confusion before his eyes zero in on the handful of pearls that have been placed in his hand and he trills. “Da-”
“Don’t look too much into it.” Dabi insists, running his claws through wild blonde hair and sighing in relief at how the distraction has Keigo out of his head enough to start relaxing at the gentle touch. “I just needed you to stop spiraling. Can you look at me, pretty bird? Keigo?”
He waits for pretty gold eyes to meet his own and already knows his instincts have won. This little mer will be his if he has to take on the Council barehanded to do it. “You’re an amazing Guard. One of the few good ones actually after you strip away the Council brainwashing because you actually want to help. You wouldn’t be this upset if you weren’t.”
“All Guards are there to help though?” Keigo whispers naively, playing with the pearls in his hand.
“Hmm, sure. I can tell you from first-hand experience that that’s bullshit, but that’s not what you need right now, is it Keigo?” Dabi hums, hoping his smile is as unthreatening as he’s trying for, but letting out a calming scent just in case.
He gets to watch Keigo’s pupils dilate as he trills. “You never let your scent out. It’s nice.”
“And you never let yourself relax.” Dabi shrugs. “Consider it a special occasion.”
Keigo studies him for a moment before he nods, apparently deciding to give in to whatever is going on in that pretty blonde head as his fins flare out and relax around him and he trills before flopping against Dabi’s chest and completely missing the way Dabi’s eyes widen. 
“Can I stay here for a little bit?” Keigo mumbles sleepily.
“For as long as you need.” Dabi decides, going back to petting through blonde hair.
And for forever if I have anything to say about it . 
He had some Spring planning to do.
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princemannikin · 2 years
How-To: Interrogation*
*according to a Mer-Mysteries expert:
Maintain a scowl
Hit the table
Provide a dramatic reveal in rhythm with the lightning
Read ‘Secret of the Abalone’
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