#mekor dukat
the-last-dillpickle · 3 months
Early series DS9 fic where Dukat invites Sisko to his son Mekor's birthday party
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ao3feed-ds9 · 1 month
Interlude: Waltz
https://ift.tt/Ug8coxS by hingabee, PunishedPyotr “You could at least send Major Kira then, instead of yourself,” Elim said — evidently he was much more confident in her ability to protect Ziyal, and Ziyal didn’t exactly blame him. Thankfully Sisko seemed unoffended. “If you really think you could open negotiations with Damar - even ignoring the fact that that may well be stepping outside the bounds of the funerary truce entirely—” “I know that we won’t be opening negotiations,” Sisko said, “but we don’t need to. What we need is to open a dialogue - separate from the Dominion. It doesn’t need to be official, and probably won’t be.” “We won’t make it to the table,” Bashir agreed, “but we might get our foot in the door.” “With Damar.” Elim stared at them both incredulously. “Just why exactly do you even expect to be able to get a foot in his door, then?” Ziyal took a deep breath. “Because,” she said, “he’s probably mentioned in my father’s will, too.” Words: 8196, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Series: Part 69 of Does Your Mother Know Fandoms: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Tora Ziyal, Benjamin Sisko, Julian Bashir, Elim Garak, Dukat's Wife | Athra Dukat, Damar (Star Trek), Mekor Dukat, Original Characters Relationships: Julian Bashir & Benjamin Sisko, Tora Ziyal & Original Male Character(s), Benjamin Sisko & Original Character(s), Damar & Tora Ziyal, Julian Bashir/Elim Garak Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Age Changes, Age Swap, Cardassian Culture (Star Trek), Family Dynamics, Wakes & Funerals, well it's more of a will reading, Manipulation, Attempted Murder, Sisko's baby fever, Diplomacy, discussion of sterilization, Past Character Death
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oldschoolfic-ds9 · 1 year
by EClark, 1999
A sequence of events on Deep Space Nine seen through the eyes of Gul Dukat's son Mekor.
Words: 10665, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none listed
Characters: OC (Dukat’s son, Mekor Dukat)
Relationships: none listed
Reader suggested tags (what are these?): Scaly Tales issue 4
links (link broken? report it and try the archive.org alternative):
archive.org - option 1
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oblio-k · 5 years
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If you have a giant wasp for a boyfriend and you Don't ride him like a horse/riding hound are you even living
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spyrograph · 6 years
Assuming that the youngest child was born in 2372, that’s an average of one child every 1.7 years. 
Timeline is based on canon events with dates taken from memory-alpha.
2346-2369    Dukat is Prefect of Bajor 2353             Tora Ziyal born 2360             Mekor Dukat born 2366             Dukat sends Naprem and Ziyal to Lissepia 2369             Occupation of Bajor ends 2371             Dukat fails to take Mekor to the amusement center 2372             Dukat returns to Cardassia with Ziyal                      Dukat disowned by his mother, wife leaves with the children 2373-2374    Dukat is Leader of the Cardassian Union 2374             Tora Ziyal dies 2375             Dukat has affair with Mika. Cerin is born                      Dukat is trapped in the Fire Caves
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communist-shark · 3 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Star Trek, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Original Cardassian Character(s), Mekor Dukat, Dukat (Star Trek), Jake Sisko, Tora Ziyal, Benjamin Sisko Additional Tags: Future Fic, 10 years since end of ds9, hey remember how Dukat had a wife and 7 kids lets see whats up with that, More characters to be added as they appear - Freeform, interviews all across the alpha quadrant, also lets see whats up with Cardassian kids who grew up during the war, and hey remember that cult baby dukat had?, she's plot relevant!, its been 10 years Sisko is back and being a cool dad Series: Part 1 of Dukat kids series Summary:
10 years after the end of the Dominion War, two sons of Gul Dukat travel to get answers to old questions. What initially is a meeting with Jake Sisko becomes a journey throughout the quadrant to look into a past the brothers were never allowed to learn about, all while Mekor thinks of how his family got here.
Ben interview chapter is up!
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cardiespacetrash · 7 years
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Senator Mekor Dukat, eldest son of Gul Skrain Dukat. 
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nashforhire · 7 years
"We are alone now. You could kiss me." - Senator Mekor Dukat
Liz’s brow furrowed and she squinted at Mekor. the corners of her mouth turning down. She could do plenty of things. She could toss herself out an airlock or ram a fork in to her own thigh, either of which sounded like something she’d prefer doing to what he’d just suggested. 
“Did I hear you correctly?” She asked. “Perhaps we aught to call in Sojak and see what he has to say about that.”
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professortora · 7 years
bad ending verse update
so to recap "bad ending" is basically "canon ending" verse -- naprem is revived after the canon ending of ds9 and basically has to reckon with the HELL dukat left her to deal with. her daughter is dead, dukat is dead, her aunts are dead and so is the rest of her family. her collaborator status is no longer contestable and her people refuse to grant her citizenship, so shes stuck in limbo, wishing she were fucking dead
i don't usually do much with this universe because it's so unbelievably fucking sad. after spending some time on ds9, she eventually goes to cardassia prime because she literally has no idea what else to do and she's heard there are members of dukats family who are still alive and she wants to meet them and i guess...apologize? she doesn't really know what she's doing. it's not a good idea but it's the only idea she has.
so she goes to cardassia to meet with mekor dukat, dukats oldest son and, if you somehow weren't aware, a profound and colossal shit. he is, as one might expect, not happy to see her. he assumes she's there looking to be paid off, and the dukat family isn't exactly swimming in money at the moment. he's also, oh yeah! a psychosexual sadist with a violent streak, so she gets the fuck out of there, but then she doesn't really have anywhere else to go.
which is how she ends up with garak of all people.
now, i have yet to figure out exactly how this happens. its possible -- probable -- that garak is aware she's on cardassia and has had agents on her since she landed. its possible julian helps them connect, or kira, out of pity for naprem's circumstances. maybe they just run into each other by chance and garak takes pity on her instead. one way or another, garak ends up agreeing to host dukat's suicidal undead bajoran mistress because, listen... that is exactly the kind of life elim garak is cursed to lead, don't tell me that's not EXACTLY his luck. first ziyal, now her mother -- he is just fuckin cursed to constantly have to be the person cleaning up after dukat's messes.
so up until this morning that was all i had: naprem, undead and ready to die a second time, no family, no future, damaged beyond trust or repair, living in elim garak's house with all the other ghosts.
and then i realized... naprem is a mother without a child. she's always had a soft spot for cardassian children, a gift with them... cardassia prime is SWARMING with orphans, and it has no services to offer them, no structure to support them. they've always disregarded orphans as a societal burden, leeches of resources that are better off given to someone with a house and a family. and even with all her heartbreak and her anger for these people, even though the cardassians have literally taken EVERYTHING from her... she would never be able to turn away from that.
it probably starts out with one young child -- one in desperate, immediate need. but then it's more and more and quickly she's realizing -- this. she could do this. she might be the only person in the universe who could do this, who understands how, who wants to. she knows, intimately, what it's like to have nothing and no one, no family, no home. shes houseless, too. and she can't not help them, she can't turn away from them, they need a champion, they need a mother, and she could be it.
and garak is SO far out of his element lmao you KNOW how uncomfortable he gets around children and he's so thoroughly cardassian like, yeah, it's a tough break, and the slavers and criminals who take advantage of orphans, who are so vulnerable to exploitation -- he hates it, of course he does. but this isn't how things are DONE, they're incredibly strapped for resources as it is, and WHY ARE THERE FORTY CHILDREN LIVING IN HIS HOUSE, HIS HOUSE IS NOT BIG, TORA THE BREADTH OF YOUR COMPASSION IS A REAL AND PRESENT DANGER TO US ALL
and on another level he can't understand how she can be so forgiving -- everything dukat took from her, hell, everything damar took from her (damar, who is a damn hero to the people of cardassia -- "corat" and "damar" are extremely popular names now and every time tora hears either garak sees her fists clench, if she had damar here in front of her, would she be so forgiving, he wonders -- and to that end, surely she holds him responsible too, for what happened -- she must, after all he holds himself responsible, in a way, he holds all of them responsible -- if he had agreed to leave the station, if he had simply tricked her into believing he would, if he had simply found a way, surely he could've found a way -- ziyal didn't have to die. it was a pointless death. surely tora naprem must hold him somewhat responsible. but then, shouldn't she hold them all responsible? even if ziyals death had been useful, had been necessary, would it ever be possible to convince her mother of that? wouldn't it still seem, to her, that the only light in the universe had been extinguished for the sake of another? bajorans hold different views on the importance of the individual -- but surely any mother would be resentful.)
(and she is that, he's seen it -- but not enough for her to ignore the needs of a houseless child.)
soon it's clear that garaks tiny house can't possibly hold every orphan on cardassia (it can't even hold most of them that live on his side of town, which, if you'll recall professor tora, i did TELL YOU) and like... a lot of these kids have special needs either physically, mentally, or circumstantially like some were already orphans before the war, some are barely a year or two old, most have severe ptsd, most are starving or severely dehydrated, many have severe developmental disorders because they've been living on the streets so long. they need organized support planet-wide
so naprem gets crackin
first, she contacts the federation. she knows she can get their support to do this. and she can apply for federation citizenship now that she's basically homeless herself. the federation have been fairly stingy about supporting cardassia after the war, but this is the kind of mission of mercy they eat the fuck up
then, she starts getting involved in cardassian politics. and at first she pisses a lot of people off -- this really isn't done, there's a huge anti-orphan stigma on cardassia. but we all know what a gifted politician naprem is, and she knows the system really well. she knows how to argue, compellingly, that this is a good idea -- that these children are some of the only ones cardassia has left, and are, in many ways, a much bigger social burden if they aren't cared for than if they are. she starts seeking out teachers, social workers, people who lost everything in the war and are looking for a sense of purpose. and most of them aren't too interested at first, but she seeks out people who are like her -- parents who lost children, parents who aren't technically parents anymore, who spend every day wishing their children had lived instead of them. slowly but surely she builds the first network of social services for the houseless. she becomes known as the mother of orphans. if you don't have a house, or a family... tora naprem will give you one.
and it doesn't heal her heartbreak. it doesn't fix her. honestly she's broken beyond repair at this point. but it gives her a purpose. and every day, she goes home to a gaggle of cardassian children who love her, and need her, who cry to be held and vye for her attention. who bunch in around her when she's reading them a story, squirming close to her because she's so warm. working up the courage to call her "mother," which always makes her tear up no matter which of them does it or when. theres so many of them but they really are all...hers. she loves all of them, she would fight and die for all of them, and as long as they're there, she has a reason to keep waking up in the morning.
idk i just really love that idea lmao
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Timeline of Star Trek Guild Wars
The following sets ‘present day’ as the year 2409.
10,000 years ago
The Charr Escape
The Kzinti are Born
The elder dragons rise as the combined forces of the Unseen Ones, Mursaat, Dwarves and Jotun rally to hold them back.  A very young and industrious race called the charr attempts to survive.  Having advanced technology, they decide half of the population shall escape the planet in search of allies, while the other half prepares to dig in.  Great city ships launch and as the elder dragons literally bomb the remaining charr back into the stone age.
5,000 years ago
The Six Gods
The Borg
The charr, now calling themselves Kzinti, have found a new planet to call home.  The deceptive and power hungry Clan of Flame quashes a rebellion by Clans of Iron, Ash and Blood.  Ships leave the Kzin home world in search of a new home, which they eventually find.  They call themselves Caitian.
A small group of Clan of Iron ships makes contact with a strange group of beings.  These six beings are informed of long standing orders to find allies to help the charr on Tyria (this information is purged from Kzinti records).  Over the course of the next thousand years, these six lead by one called Dwayna, discovers Earth.
The Clan of Iron ships are lost to history, as they encounter a hostile, cybernetic species.  All but one of the Clan of Iron ships are destroyed, the last one forcing this cube shaped ship to crash land on a Class L planet in an unexplored star system. The Iron ship also crashes, and no communications are discovered as all distress beacons are suppressed by the beings remaining from the crashed cube.
2100 years ago
The Sundering
The Time of Awakening
After a brutal war on Vulcan, many of the inhabitants leave the planet to make their own way.  These people become known as Romulans.  The Vulcans follow the teachings of Surak, begin to embrace logic and suppress all emotion.
800 years ago
The perfect soldier
The Caitians advance with genetic science, and create augments in an attempt to create a soldier class to fight the Kzinti.  This soldier class rebels, and renames themselves Ferasan.  The Caitian and Ferasan go to war for 400 years, with the only cease fires that happen during that time coming when both groups encounter Kzinti ships.
400 years ago
An uneasy peace
The governments of Cait and Ferasa sign a peace treaty, the Clans of Blood and Ash are rebuilt among the Ferasan.  Caitians also lay claim to heritage of Clan of Blood.
350 years ago
First Contact
Zephram Cochrane successfully launches Earth's first warp drive vessel.  This draws the attention of Vulcans and they make contact with humans.
250 years ago
The Earth-Romulan war
The events of Nightfall
Rise of the White Mantle
Two Romulan vessels escape the Star Empire in an attempt to find freedom for their people on board.  Each ship was forced to crash land on a planet at the edge of the Betreka Nebula by pursuing Romulan warships.  Those warships were held back by the NX-01 Enterprise and NX-45 Ocelot.  On the planet's surface, the Romulans receive aid from a group of Elonians in the Crystal Desert.  Through luck, and sign language, the two groups find a way to communicate.  The Romulans from both ships travel with these people and meet with Glint, the great crystal dragon.  The Romulans decide to join the ranks of the Zephyrites forming their own group within called the Cult of Glint.
The Romulans integrate into Tyrian society, fight against the White Mantle and even settle throughout Kryta.
Flavius Apollo and Helena Apollo, two original members of the crashed vessels, meet Isgaren. The three become fast friends and adventure together for many years, even helping Isgaren move the tower to its present location in Wizard Fief.
144 years ago
These Are The Voyages
The USS Enterprise is given to Captain James T. Kirk.  During the five year mission, the Enterprise encounters a vessel with six beings.  Bones is surprised that one of them was human, but her DNA is being rewritten.
46 years ago
Quaggan and Krait are forced to the shores of Tyria.
The USS Enterprise D, a Galaxy Class Vessel, is launched under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
The sylvari appear along the Tarnished Coast.
42 years ago
Resistance is Futile
A Time To Stand
Picard is assimilated by the Borg and they attack a Federation task force at Wolf 359.  Ferasan vessels come in to back up the Federation as they chase down one Borg cube, but it disappears through a transwarp conduit.  Scans of the area show high levels of chroniton emissions and it is believed the cube went back in time 5,000 years.
On Tyria, Antonia Apollo urges her grandfather to allow her to start a force to help defend Tyria, citing the rise of Zhaitan and the threat from dragon minions all over the continent.  The Shields of Glint are formed.
25 years ago
The Hobbos Star goes supernova, destroying the nearby Romulus Star System.
10 years ago
Destiny's Edge
The Fall of Glint
A new guild named Destiny's Edge develops a plan to take down Kralkatorrik.  Glint is approached and she informs Phillipa Apollo, who has stayed with the Crystal Dragon along with four members of the Cult of Glint, to seek out her son, Gleam.
In the battle against Kralkatorric, Glint and the asura Snaff are both killed when Captain Thackery leaves the battle to help his Queen.
A ceasefire is called between humans and charr.
4 years ago
Zhaitan's Fall
With the formation of the Pact, forces drive into Orr to face Zhaitan.  They are joined by a regiment of Shields of Glint.  Under the guidance of Marshall Traehern and the Pact Commander, the elder dragon is defeated.
3 Years ago
Battle For Lion's Arch
Rise and Fall of Mordremoth
Scarlet Briar attacks Lion's Arch, she manages to awaken the elder dragon Mordremoth.  The Pact musters forces to face the jungle dragon, only to be nearly destroyed.  A small group lead by the Pact Commander drives deep into the jungle and manages to defeat Mordremoth.
1 year ago
Emergency Landing
Children of the Charr
The True Way
The Earth Cargo Vessel, the S.S. Kestrel, under command of Ret Starrunner (a ferasan) is forced to make an emergency landing at Olivia's Refuge.  They pick up wounded from the Verdent Brink on route, and discover that their vessel was sabotaged.
Upon their return to Earth, Captain Starrunner and her crew are detained for questioning.  Four of her crew are taken into custody.  Two asura are discovered to have stowed away aboard the Kestrel.  Section 31 is discovered to have kidnapped several citizens of Tyria two weeks before the Kestrel had to make an emergency landing.
The USS Ocelot detects what could be Borg technology on an L Class planet near the Betazed Star System.  The star system is uninhabited, and primary scans indicate that the Borg wreckage dates over 5,000 years old.  Captain M'iaa Borgcrusher (a caitian) orders and away team to investigate.
Commander V'Laren Apollo of the RRW Vindicator is ordered to make contact with the Romulans of Tyria and inform their leadership that a new republic has formed, free of the Tal Shiar.
The True Way, the last vestiges of the Cardassian-Dominion alliance, studies Tyria from a distance.  Gul Mekor, the son of Gul Dukat, becomes interested in the White Mantle.  They manage to make contact, and promise the White Mantle that they will help them over throw the Queen and take back Kryta.  Mekor, naturally, has ordered his troops to take down the White Mantle after all other governments are put down.  The plan is to use Tyria as a new foothold for the Dominion to begin a conquest of the Alpha Quadrant.
With the development of the True Way's movements, the Federation and Romulan Republic are forced to move ahead their plans for First Contact.  A task force is sent to Tyria and six ships are ordered to break through Cardassian-Dominion lines to give aid to those on the surface.
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oblio-k · 5 years
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I Really need to go to bed but also I just really want to draw Yek.
The whole (Dukat-)Yek family getting ready for bed in Yek's almost class-Y atmosphere quarters after a long day of research in the lab/work in the infirmary/Being A Baby.
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oblio-k · 6 years
Another USS Nobility fic, this time ft. my OC Dr. Yek, a parasitoid who functions as the CMO’s assistant. Molly is in this one for a brief moment but Yek doesn’t know her name yet. I’m also writing a version of this from Molly’s perspective, the ‘first’ fic in the series
Also on AO3
It’d been so cute to see the Cardassian try to repeat his full name, try to mimic all the clicks and trills and whistles. He couldn’t get the humming vibration right, so he’d purred as he said his name, which only made him lose his focus. After a few mostly failed attempts, he’d given up and asked if he went by a nickname.
“How can you be a good doctor if your patients can’t even say your name?”
He’d laughed, and pressed two of his hands to the Cardassian’s, using his other two to push his chest harder against the mattress. Everything about him had been fascinating, perfect, and he’d finally understood what his peers back home had meant by finding the one, the perfect host.
Yek had taken the last syllable of his name, mangled by his host’s reptilian tongue, and decided to go by that. He’d cherished the way his perfect host said his name, and then felt a stab of loneliness whenever he’d heard it after they’d gone their separate ways. He had to go to Denobulan medical school to pursue his career, and his host couldn’t follow him there, his people’s political relations with the Federation shaky at best.
So the Cardassian had taken their son and gone to study at a university in a different territory entirely.
And Yek had drifted off to Denobula to study other species’ medicines, always avoiding questions about his people’s technology, their culture and traditions, the location of and details about his homeworld. He’d befriended a few doctors and taken trips to other Federation worlds, learning all he could to distract himself from how much he missed his host.
When Starfleet issued a notice that they were running the medical exchange again, Yek quickly applied. A three year mission of exploration was bound to distract him, and perhaps he would find what he was looking for.
A home for his perfect host and their son.
Cardassia wasn’t suitable at all, and his host had begged him to make sure he never had to go back there. His own homeworld was too dangerous for a living host. Had his Cardassian died during the incubation period, he would have never become a doctor, and would have taken their son home.
The ship was beautiful, an upgraded Sovereign-class starship ready for almost anything that might get thrown at her. Emblazoned on her side was her registration number and her name.
Yek’s wings twitched inside of his life support suit, and he took in all the technical information his helmet’s screen displayed. Since he wasn’t going to be acting as engineer, he didn’t tuck it into an important place in his memory. Instead, he packed it in with his other background knowledge, and then looked around at all the people around him.
People were important. He would need to remember crew members, medical histories. Observation was important. Noting friendships and preferences. All his instinctual skills meant for stalking and preying on unsuspecting hosts would be useful for his work as the chief medical officer’s assistant.
He noted a human woman walking past him; an ensign wearing a science officer’s uniform. She was shorter than average for her species, not quite thin, but somewhat muscular, and her hair hid her neck. It’d be difficult to bite her with her hair and uniform collar in the way, and she was a bit small to be a proper-
I have a perfect host already, Yek reminded himself. I do not need to follow my instincts, because it will get me court-martialed before I even set foot in the infirmary, and because I will find my perfect host again someday.
Maybe such a social profession hadn’t been right for him. Perhaps he should have pursued something involving technology after all. Now he was going to spend the next three years surrounded by viable hosts and missing his lover sorely. If only there was an easier way to find a perfect home somewhere! He wished he could whisk away his family to someplace like the Delta quadrant, so his perfect host wouldn’t cry such bitter tears over the reminders of his homeland.
Restraint was a small price to pay for free passage into the unknown. A few years would be nothing by the time it was over, he was certain. It would be worth it to track down his Cardassian and tell him of the wonderful planet they would call home.
For now, his focus would have to be on helping the CMO ensure the infirmary was up to their standards, and then reading through the crew manifests. On a ship going on an exploration mission, the most important crew members to read about would be the senior staff, and then the engineering crews. Then, the young command path and security officer ensigns that would inevitably be assigned to dangerous away missions.
He came to a halt when he spotted someone walking towards the ship with a bag slung over his shoulder, a child held in his arms.
The person turned slightly to watch as a load of cargo was pushed onto a transporter, and he could see those delightful ridges lining the man’s neck, the beautiful grey scales adorning his skin that Yek had spent nights tracing and memorizing. His hair was slicked back as always, and he’d let it grow out since he’d last seen him, the fine black protofeathers now teasing his shoulders.
It seemed the mission wouldn’t be so miserable after all.
“Mekor Dukat!” he called out loud. His Cardassian turned around at the sound of a familiar robotic voice calling his name. 
“Yek?” Mekor stared at him in disbelief. Their son perked up in his arms, chirping inquisitively. 
A few of the Starfleet officers looked as Yek rushed up to him. Mekor laughed as he was pulled into a tight embrace, and their son trilled, bouncing as he tried to give him a hug as well. “Father!”
Yek nuzzled his son’s helmet, rumbling. The toddler was vibrating with the intensity of his own purr, and Mekor looked a bit overwhelmed, eyes wide with shock even as he smiled. “Yek, what are you doing here?” he asked, voice incredulous.
“I am the assistant of the chief medical officer. What about you? I thought you were in Lissepian space.”
“I- I got a degree in virology there, and we’re civilian passengers. I’ve been granted permission to do research on the vessel, provided I share my findings and research with Starfleet.”
“That means we will both be in the lab a lot! We are finally going to be together, far away from home, just like I promised you! We will be able to look for a planet together.”
Mekor smiled, eyes shining with an emotion Yek had never been able to identify. He hoped it was positive. “If you didn’t have that helmet, I’d kiss you.”
“I can take off my helmet in my personal quarters. They have been modified to suit my needs. It would be preferable for you to move into them.”
“Saint hasn’t been in a proper atmosphere since we left your ship. That’ll be perfect for him.” Saint trilled again, and Mekor leaned his head against the boy’s helmet. “Are you happy to see your father again, my dear?”
“Yes! Father, I have missed you. Yadik missed you very much too.”
Goodness, if he were Cardassian, he might have teared up. His wings and antennae twitched instead, and he rumbled quietly. “I missed you both as well.”
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oblio-k · 6 years
i Only write self-indulgent fics so here’s something from later on in my story about the USS Nobility, a sovereign-class starship that’s on a mission of exploration ~18 years after ds9, which focuses on Ensign Molly O’Brien, a science officer. This one’s about her friendship with the virologist on board, Mekor Dukat Yek.
Also on AO3
Taste and Distaste
They were laying underneath the view port, an almost empty bottle of kanar between them. Mekor hadn’t drank any of it, but Molly had consumed a considerable amount of it, and was definitely feeling the effects. She had been wary when he offered the red encrusted bottle to her, but he could be irritatingly convincing, so she’d popped it open and taken a sip of the viscous substance.
It wasn’t very good. Most things Cardassia had the faint taste of metal, but then the alcohol content had hit her, and she’d agreed to drink it while they talked.
Their ‘hang out’ time was important to the both of them. Molly had many friends on board, but she knew the only other people Mekor was close to were Doctor Yek, Saint, and Ensign Hoji Andu. Though he enjoyed their company, they weren’t exactly friends. Ensign Hoji was still nervous around Cardassians, and saw Mekor as a sort of brother-figure instead of a friend. Mekor viewed him as a youth that he was happy to give advice to.
Doctor Yek, as Mekor’s husband, couldn’t fill the spot of friend like she did. Molly had no doubt the two of them were friends as well as lovers, but Mekor was Yek’s chosen host, first and foremost. And Saint was his son, so Mekor would always see himself as the boy’s parent more than a friend. She wasn’t even sure Cardassians saw being friends with their relatives as important.
So she was the only one on the Nobility that could fulfill that role, and she did it gladly.
“Do you ever think about your home planet, Mekor?”
“On occasion, I remember Cardassia. I don’t like to. Do you often think of Earth?”
“Not as often as I should, I think. I think about Bajor, too. ‘Cause I grew up on the station.”
“My father’s station.”
“Captain Sisko’s station,” she corrected. Mekor huffed a laugh. “And now Aunt Nerys’ station.”
“Admiral Kira.”
“Ah. Any true relation, or is this another of your parents’ friends?”
“She was the Bajoran surrogate that carried my younger brother.”
“I see.”
“Your dad used to harass her all the time.”
Mekor made a disgusted sound. “Would you pass on to her that I sincerely apologize for my father’s behavior? How distasteful of him.”
“We could- we could call her. Tell her yourself. It’ll mean a lot to her, and I meant to introduce her to you and Saint.” She sat up, convinced. “We can go to my quarters and call right now.”
Mekor stared at her. When he realized she was serious, he raised his brow ridges. He slowly sat up, careful not to jostle his son, who Molly was pretty sure was sleeping on top of him. The boy didn’t seem to notice being moved, but Molly couldn’t be certain. Not with his life support helmet covering his helmet. 
He tilted his head and asked, “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Absolutely! It’ll make her day. Night. I don’t know what time it is on the station.” She stood up, swaying on her feet. Mekor rose and used one arm to steady her. She beamed at him. “Thanks!”
“To your quarters, then?”
“To my quarters!”
Mekor hoped that Molly would change her mind as they walked to crew quarters, but she remained just as eager as the moment she thought of the idea. A few people stared at them as they walked, and some of the officers whom Mekor recognized as Molly’s friends laughed. 
“Need any help, Mekor?”
“I believe we can return her to her quarters on our own.” 
His son made a little trilling sound, happy to be included. Molly made a delighted noise and reached over to give his arm a squeeze. “Saint, you’re awake! Hello, little guy- how are you feeling today?”
“Good,” a robotic voice answered, as the life support suit translated the high pitched chirp he made. Mekor was proud to hear him talk to someone other than him or his husband. 
Molly got over the novelty of hearing her friend’s son speak quickly, and surged forward. “Let’s keep going!”
“I obey.”
She laughed, turning to give him a lopsided smile as they walked down the hall. “Sometimes you really sound like a soldier.” She laughed harder when he cringed. “You’d make a poor soldier, though.”
“I am unsure whether or not that is an insult, Molly.”
She thought for a moment, and then elaborated, “You’re too much of a family man to be a soldier. And you hate leadership.”
“That is true. I have no desire to pursue a military career. My only wish is to raise Saint to be a healthy and happy adult. And-” He could see her begin to ask a question, and knew exactly what it was. “-I still do not understand what pants and relationships have to do with one another, but I do defer to Yek’s judgement more often than not.”
“Yeah. But doesn’t he drug you all the time?”
“I don’t see what that has to do with anything. I listen to him because he is older than I, and has more experience. As for the venom, I choose to allow him to inject me. It is for Saint’s welfare.”
“I guess, but doesn’t that seem kind of creepy?”
“Molly, Yek has never injected me without my permission. He would not force me to agree with him by intoxicating me. Frankly, I’m insulted that you would imply that he is somehow controlling my decisions. If you weren’t drunk, I would be angry.”
“Sorry. Just wondered.”
“Apology accepted. Do not bring it up again.”
“I was worried, for a second-”
“Molly. I do not wish to continue this conversation. Please, change the subject. How exactly do you plan to introduce me to your aunt? I can’t imagine she’ll be happy to see me standing next to you. I bear a close resemblance to my father, after all.”
Molly struggled a bit with her computer console, both due to intoxication and how dim Mekor had kept the lights, but managed to send a call to Nerys. She slumped back in her chair. Mekor dragged over a second one and sat down near her. Saint was sitting on his lap, patting his arm softly and making cooing sounds.
“Good. Warm. Good. Safe. Warm...” Mekor pressed a button on his son’s helmet, and it ceased translating. Then he wrapped his other arm around the boy. Saint patted that one too, still cooing. Molly reached over and patted his arm as well. Mekor gave her a look, and she pulled her hand away.
Her console beeped as Nerys answered, and Molly beamed. She tapped the console, and Nerys’ face showed up on screen. She was in uniform, the lights bright around her. “Molly, how are you?”
“Aunt Nerys!”
“You’re drunk, aren’t you?”
“I am. I drank a lot with my friend. He didn’t drink any, because he has his kid with him.”
“It’s so dark, Molly, I can barely see you.”
“Oh! Lights, 100%!”
Mekor hissed as the lights suddenly went to full brightness, bringing his hands to his face. “Molly! I don’t have my glasses!”
“Oops- Computer, dim lights by 20%. Sorry.”
He rubbed his eyes. “Chaos, that’s painful.”
“Is that a Cardassian?”
“He’s my friend! He’s a virologist, and he gave me kanar. It tasted horrible.”
“Exactly why I... pawned it off on you. Molly, I feel as though I’ve gone blind.” Saint reached up for his face, making a worried chirp. “I’ll be alright, son.”
“Where did the bottle go?” Molly looked around. She hadn’t grabbed it. She remembered she was supposed to be talking to Nerys. “How are you?”
“Good, I guess. Who’s your friend?” Mekor lowered his hands, blinking rapidly. “Dukat?”
“Mekor Dukat, formerly.” He squinted. “It’s been Mekor Yek since I got enjoined.”
“Mekor wanted to apologize to you!” Molly was proud of her brilliant idea. She couldn’t wait to tell her other friends about it.
“When Molly told me how my father used to harass you, I asked her to pass on my apologies for his extremely disgraceful actions. She... cleverly suggested that I tell you myself.”
“I’m aware of how my father used to act, and I am sorry you had to experience close proximity to him.”
“Mekor doesn’t like his dad,” Molly added, feeling helpful. “He hates Cardassia.”
“I don’t hate Cardassia, Molly. I prefer not to think about it.” He sighed. “How are things on Bajor? Molly speaks fondly of your station.”
“Molly, does your dad know you’re friends with Dukat’s son?”
She didn’t see why that mattered. And even if it did, she was an adult, and could make her own decisions about her friendships. “Uh, no. I tell him about my Cardassian friend Mekor a lot, but Dukat isn’t even his last name anymore.”
“Yek, right?”
“Yes, that is a fraction of my husband’s name that I chose to replace my surname.” Saint waved his arms. “No, darling, it is not part of your name. Parasitoids don’t have surnames, and your father requested that we following his people’s naming tradition.” The boy slumped, arms going limp.
Nerys still looked wary, but Molly was sure that with a little bit of effort, she could get her aunt to like her friend. But... She was getting tired. Folding her arms on her computer console, she put down her head. She heard Saint coo at her as she drifted to sleep, and Mekor saying, “Goodness, she always does this.”
“Goodnight, Molly.”
“And you just let me call Admiral Kira?” Molly almost shrieked, as Mekor told her what had happened while they ate breakfast together. A few people stared, someone laughed. “I don’t remember that at all!”
“After you fell asleep, we had a rather pleasant conversation, once I assured her that I meant you no harm, and that you were the one who chose to intoxicate yourself.” He poked at the Cardassian meal he was eating. “I told her all about you.”
“She seems like a respectable woman. I can see why my father pursued her.” She glared at him, and he gave her a small smile. “A joke. Nevertheless, we did have a nice chat. Saint grew tired, so I bid her farewell and put you to bed before returning home.”
“Was Yek upset that you were late?”
“Oh, he whined like a needy child that had been abandoned.”
“How long did he whine this time?”
“I wouldn’t know. I shut off my translator and went to bed.”
Molly saw someone headed their way. “Speak of the devil.”
Four hands clasped Mekor’s shoulders and arms, and a helmeted head ducked down next to his. “Hello, Mekor! Are you ready to go to work with me? That new virus from the binary system won’t study itself! It’s begun mutating in response to that cell specimen you added to it.”
“So quickly? Has it permeated the cell membranes yet?””
Molly noticed that Saint was hanging onto his father’s back. She waved to him, and he waved back. Mekor got up. “Leaving so soon?”
“My apologies, Molly. We’ll have a proper breakfast tomorrow.”
“Maybe I’ll swing by the infirmary if I don’t have too much to do in the lab.”
“Sorry to steal him away, Ensign O’Brien!” Yek dipped his head in apology. Saint squeaked as he almost fell off, and Mekor grabbed him. “Oops. Sorry, son.”
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oblio-k · 6 years
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Mekor Dukat and Saint from my fic series USS Nobility
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nashforhire · 7 years
Beauty and the Beast
“Like I said, we are alone.” Mekor purred, stepping closer to box the terran against the wall. “My brother will never be the wiser.”
The only thing worse than a far away Mekor was an intrusively close Mekor. The closer he got, the more it made her skin crawl. Something made much more visceral by all the ways in which he reminded her of his father. Like a monstrous reimagining of someone she loved. Liz bumped the wall before she realised just how far he’d backed her up. Trapped between it and him. Worst, she knew perfectly well that he would spin any action she took to his own advantage. 
Well, if he was going to spin it anyway, she might as well make it good. The hunter’s eye in the centre of his forehead was an obvious target, but with his height advantage, too risky. Instead she took one quick, sharp strike at his chest, connecting with the lower eye hidden just beneath his shirt. “I’d rather kiss a vole! Get away from me, Mekor! I am Sojak’s, only Sojak’s!”
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oblio-k · 5 years
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Hh wip of my OC Dr. Yek. He's the CMO's Assisstant on the USS Nobility & part of the medical exchange and he's a species that's chosen to go by the name Parasitoids. He's a terrifying wasp man but he just wants his family to be happy & healthy and to find a new home far away from bad memories
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