#mekarus ftes
etherealabyss11037 · 3 months
DRA Character Sexuality Headcanons
I’ll just be making a brief list of what sexual orientation I believe each character from the first Danganronpa Another game has. Remember, I’m not condemning anyone who disagrees with my interpretation or has a different headcanon of a character. I believe everyone is entitled to their own headcanon, even if it blatantly contradicts canon, and you don’t attack others who don’t share the same headcanon as you.
Kiyoka Maki: heterosexual.
Kiyoka spends her last FTE worrying about who’ll be a suitable boyfriend if they don’t escape, so that’s basically my justification for this interpretation.
Mitsuhiro Higa: heterosexual.
Yeah, I don’t think much explanation is needed: he sexually harasses Akane in chapter 1 and brags about how many girls he gets in his FTEs. I understand why some may interpret him as an in-denial homosexual, if only to take the piss out of him, but I don’t see it that way. Mitch is a pretty transparent character, so I doubt something as deep as that is applicable to him.
Kizuna Tomori: heterosexual.
Some see her as a repressed lesbian, which I understand why, but I see her as more of a “straight girl with severe issues in her relationship to men”. Plus, I take into account the FTEs, so Kizuna’s implied attraction to Yuki by her last FTE is indicative of her sexuality to me.
Ayame Hatano: Bisexual.
I forever headcanon Ayame is in love with Akane, but her last FTE has her blushing at Yuki, so I interpret her as a girl-leaning Bisexual.
Kakeru Yamaguchi: Bisexual.
I wholeheartedly ship Kakeru x Kanata (Kakenata? Kanakeru? Yamanori?), so that’s part of it, but Kakeru also gives major guy-liker vibes, so there you go. I also semi-ship Kakeru and Kinji, so that’s further fuel to the fire.
Kanata Inori: heterosexual.
As I just said, Kakeru x Kanata is OTP for me, and that’s all the justification I need.
Kinji Uehara: Pansexual.
This might sound unexpected, but I see Kinji as such an open-minded and big-hearted person that he wouldn’t consider the gender of his partner, even if his religion prevents him from entering any romantic relationships.
Haruhiko Kobashikawa: heterosexual.
Similar story with Mitch, except Haru isn’t nowhere near as creepy. Sure, some think he’s got some homoeroticism with Yuki in his FTEs, but his obsession with the female gender leaves me skeptical of that.
Satsuki Iranami: Pansexual.
Similar to Kinji, I believe Satsuki’s such a pure-hearted person that she wouldn’t even think about her partner’s gender. Still, Satsuhiko for the win!
Yamato Kisaragi: Pansexual.
Literally the exact same explanation with Kinji and Satsuki, only I think he’s got a preference for men.
Mikako Kurokawa: Biromantic Demisexual.
Being the mysterious and quiet girl she is in-game, I doubt Mikako would consider dating someone unless she’s built a secure, trusting relationship with them. However, I’m unsure whether this would apply to pre-game Mikako.
Teruya Otori: homoflexible.
Now, I just can’t unsee Teruya liking other guys, but I also headcanon that Teruya developed feelings for Rei between the time they escaped and pre-SDRA2, so I compensated roughly down the middle.
Akane Taira: Heteroflexible.
I view Akane as predominantly being attracted to men, but may make some exceptions for a girl or two (perhaps Ayame would fit the bill 👀)
Yuki Maeda: Heteroflexible.
Similar to Akane, he seems to be a woman-liker, but I’ve no problem with the idea of him getting together with the right man (*cough*KINJO*cough*). In regards to Utsuro, I think he’s either AroAce or Demisexual.
Rei Mekaru: Panromantic Demisexual.
See, I believe Rei would have an extremely difficult time with getting vulnerable enough with someone to consider dating them, but once a trusting relationship is established, I don’t think she’d care about her partner’s gender.
Tsurugi Kinjo: Biromantic Demisexual.
Similar to Rei, except Tsurugi may have a preference for men, given that he spent much of his backstory and post-SDRA2 presence being defined by his relationships to other men.
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a-student-out-of-time · 3 months
Erm, if you don't mind me saying this... I feel that Rei Mekaru is less of a POS than Byakuya Togami. How do you feel about the two and which do you think is worse?
//While she's quite similar in terms of personality, Rei has a character arc throughout DRA, she never tampers with a crime scene just to see who's the best at investigating, she's actually moved by the willingness of some to sacrifice their lives for others and all of this is communicated well through the story and her FTEs
//Also, and maybe this is mostly my personal taste talking, but when she says she had to earn her place as the Ultimate Professor after starting from nothing, she meant it. Byakuya, as much as he talks about having to prove himself as the Ultimate Affluent Progeny, was born into that privilege and got to enjoy the benefits that scant few can hope for
//Also, Rei comes across as more done with everyone's antics, which makes sense given her role as a professor, while Byakuya is a straight up classist dickhead
//I get that Byakuya was meant to be a rival and to subvert a lot of the expected traits that character would have, but he's mostly an asshole with a few good moments and hints at altruism later on in the series. In comparison, Rei proves to be a much more altruistic person as her arc goes on
//So yeah, she really isn't just a "female Byakuya" as I've heard some claim. I actually like her as a character : P
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Happy Birthday Kiyoka Maki!
Probably the character I wished last longer out of DRA cast, still, She's a loveable ball of sunshine if a little boy crazy in her FTEs and Her being one of the MVPs of the flashbacks.
I do wish we got more from Her connection to Tomori, Higa, Taira and Hatano during the killing game but I do like what we did get but maybe I am biased because I like Her a lot to the point where She was my best girl for a few chapters even after Her death before Kurokawa won me over. (Taira and Mekaru had that flag a few times as well lol)
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another-dra-anew · 1 year
tomoritomoritomroitomo- -iris
-My identity hc for them
canonically sapphic! i think that. currently she’s just waiting to see what experiences she has and where life takes her, she doesn’t want to try and come to a decision on how she feels about non-platonic relationships with guys. she’s content with calling herself sapphic, maybe she’ll change her label one day, maybe not <3. 
+canonically a trans girl! i think she kinda switched between using trans fem and saying she’s a trans girl. depends on the day depends on the vibe!!! not really a identity note this is about presentation. but i think sheeee’s… not really happy with her hair length rn and is considering chopping it short, but she wants to grow it out, and knows if she chops it now she’ll have to deal with growing it again. she’d be happy with short hair, but then she’d miss having long hair. tbh i can see her growing her hair out to donate? but yeah. she doesn’t like the growing out stage v much
- Thoughts on their home life/family
hmm. what’s something that doesn’t get covered in ftes… i think she really likes her maternal grandparents and would like to see them more, but she knows spontaneous visits aren’t really something that either her household, or theirs, can really pull off. she’d call more but she feels weird doing that without much reason.
- How i feel about their canonical writing/handling
!! i like how i write her! i think… any concerns i have are moreso with like. how my writing of her comes across? but that’s another thing where i just have to step back and remind myself that anyone who judges the way the kids are shown now, when we’re only partway through the story, and no one’s ftes are finished, is silly, and that includes me. it’d be silly of me to judge my writing when i haven’t even been able to show all the parts of the kids characterization!
- The one thing i’d want to make canon about them
tomoris my perfect wish fulfillment girl i suppose? i dunno i guess everything i want to say about her gets said…. uhhh? yk everything i’m thinking of is like. smthn that gets mentioned at some point. hm. 
- My number one favorite ship for them
i like her and maki, iii. honestly just like them a lot as friends? and im a huge fan of friends to lovers so. yeah!!! :]. this doesn’t always come across in canon tho ik. not that they ever come across as like. enemies but maki is vv closed off in the game, so. yea. non despair tho, they get along well!
- …Now everyone else i ship with them
she has a lot of hands! i like her and kurokawa a lot tho <3. i don’t think tomoris a huge fan of spooky stuff but tbh i think kurokawas videos and the like would be very comforting? and i think kurokawa is a lil >////< @ tomori. goes from thinking tomoris pretty -> really liking her personality and how she interacts with people (while thinking tomori is pretty). 
- The thing i will NEVER ship
…? i can’t think of anything anyone would ship which i’d be against? ???
- a dynamic/relationship i wish was explored more (in canon, or in fandom)
id like to chat more about her and iranami! specifically in non despair. i think she’d like to try and tug iranami into helping her with cheer practice so iranami can kinda. recontextualize her flexibility/tumbling skills.
- thoughts on their design (appearance-wise)
i don’t want to talk about it. (<- i need to redesign her. so bad. but i keep redesigning her…)…… go away now please i need to cry.
- A music-related thought- a song that reminds me of them, or what their music taste is, etc
OKAY SHE HAS A PLAYLIST. ITS OUTDATED BUT IT EXISTS- oh. mekaru had one too. uh. anyways.
all the songs are more so ones that i think she’d vibe too? hmmm. yk fuck it. have a screenshot of her playlist pls keep in mind most of these r from like… 2020. songs i think she’d vibe to!
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another-dr-another · 3 years
waa that was so sweet of her! oh maybe you should go check up on mekaru? if taira hasn't anyway
Maeda, narrating - That's probably smart...
Maeda - I hope she's feeling better, and that it was just a case of vitamin deficiency.
Mekaru - Oh! Hey, Maeda.
Maeda - Hey... how you feeling?
Mekaru - Good enough to chat, if that's why you're here!
Maeda - You sure?
Mekaru - I'm just resting my body, my minds good to go!
Maeda - Alright...
>Do you want to give Mekaru a gift?
>You have selected: Cutesy Hair Clips
Mekaru - ...Oh?
Mekaru - D'awww, these are so cute!
Mekaru - Thank you, Maeda! You know me so well~
Mekaru - So, Maeda, what do you need?
Maeda - ...I'm sorry?
Mekaru - Well, a lot of times come to me for class work help, or emotional support... help with other classes, yknow!
Mekaru - Even as just a TA, people like someone they can better relate to, age-wise and all.
Maeda - Kinda just wanted to hang out with you, actually.
Mekaru - Oh? I’m sorry for making an assumption about things then!
Maeda - It’s fine, you didn’t do anything wrong...
Maeda - Uh... do you normally wear your petticoat to your work? It’s not the sort of thing I’d expect from a teacher, y’know?
Mekaru - Ah...
Mekaru - Yeah, it’s not very proper... my friend just recommended I wear it, she thought it looked nice with the rest of my outfit-
Maeda - A-and it does!
Mekaru - No... it's childish, but you're kind for reassuring me!
Maeda - Doesn't Tomori also wear a petticoat though?
Mekaru - That's true... but it's actually kinda related to her talent.
Mekaru - Anyways though! How are you feeling?
Maeda - I'm pretty good... had a nice conversation with Hatano earlier.
Mekaru - Ugh... that's nice, though!
Maeda - "Ugh"? Is everything okay?
Mekaru - Just not the biggest fan of Hatano, yknow?
Mekaru - She's so loud... it almost feels aggressive, she really gets in your face.
Maeda - Does she? I know Hatano approached me the first day to introduce herself,
Maeda - But that's all I really noticed.
Mekaru - Yeah... I don't know, I guess she just has a big personality.
Maeda - Mhm...
Mekaru - Which isn't anything bad! Just means she's not my favorite person.
Mekaru - What do you have planned for today?
Maeda, narrating - I always feel kinda awkward when I talk to Mekaru... she’s quick to apologize with me,
Maeda - But she doesn't seem to be as concerned about how some of our other classmates feel about her.
Maeda - I mean, Hatanos made me kinda uncomfortable before, but I think she has good intentions.
Maeda - Is there some sort of a pattern with how Mekaru feels about others?
Maeda - ...If I had 100 yen for every time a classmate thought I only came to them to vent,
Maeda - I'd have 250 yen.
Maeda - ...Could get some melonpan with that.
[Free Time Event]
{Head to Your Room}
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another-dra-anew · 1 year
mekaru cuz she's neglected tbh 🥺?
im so fucking guilty of neglecting her. i neeed her to make friends so i can start spinning her in my mind with characters im already obsessed with so she can be More in my brain as her own character. mekaru pls pls just start being more authentic and love urself-
cw she has so much internalized homophobia. that’s all tho
-My identity hc for them
canon lesbian!! has a lot of comphet tho. like, a lot. like, only character to upload the “fact” they’re het to their report card. 
- Thoughts on their home life/family
ya know. i think she’s lying to herself about how much she likes kids. i don’t think she’s inclined to them but playing babysitter all the time has made her p child adverse. however admitting this means realizing she can’t gain “i am a normal respectable non-offending person who no one has any reason to have any issue with” points by raising 2.5 kids. so. yeah she just chooses to keep lying to herself
- How i feel about their canonical writing/handling
tbh i think i do a bad job portraying her comphet? buuut. to take a step back and think neutrally about things, i think that’s predominantly a result of, again, the role she plays in the story, and the fact we’re not in her head. we can judge how well i write her comphet when we get to pick her brain a bit more in ftes. id rather have a more subtle, more accurate depiction, then one that’s made inaccurate with how in your face “wow my bestie is so pretty if only girls who liked girls were real…” it is. (<- not that portrayals like that are bad/wrong, it’s abt enjoying yourself while not feeding into negative stereotypes! i just don’t really want to depict her comphet in that more lighthearted manner).
- The one thing i’d want to make canon about them
again. this is prolly just gonna be stuff which didn’t happen in canon but could’ve if things were different? w/mekaru i think if she studied psychology more and like. Dedicated herself to it she could easily rise to shsl psychiatrist level. this is canon but i think that she’s specifically interested in medicine when it comes to treatment of the human condition. she likes and grasps it all, but the history of assorted pills is where she Shines
- My number one favorite ship for them
okada my beloved <3. (obligatory: okada aimi is mekarus bestie! she’ssss. sapphic, i don’t have anything more specific/anything otherwise canon for her. she likes mekaru and thinks mekaru likes her back (she’s right), buuut. she hasn’t confessed because she thinks she’ll be rejected (she’s right, again.) she’s trying to gently tug mekaru into having a Revelation but it hasn’t been going v well for her.
- …Now everyone else i ship with them
i used to say that like. tomori was probably her gateway into her moment of Realization. i can still see that being true but i think it was less genuine desire to date and moreso.  mekaru projecting what she feels she needs to be onto tomori then seeing tomori being queer and going. hmmm. anyways tho. i kinda like her w/kurokawa but i think kurokawas just v shippable? poor okada tho i think she’d would be crying and throwing up if she found out mekaru dated a girl from hpa before dating her.
also tho i kinda think she’d be cute w/hatanami. sorry okada :(
- The thing i will NEVER ship
she is in fact still a lesbian, folks! uhh past that tho im rotating her with different girls and i don’t like the idea of her and inori like. at all for some reason
- a dynamic/relationship i wish was explored more (in canon, or in fandom)
i think it’d be neat if she. i don’t know got to have friends. id like to chat abt her interacting with tomori more!!
- thoughts on their design (appearance-wise)
im really happy with her redesign! her personality and demeanor changed from the first one she had here, but her fit didn’t change, and it really just didn’t work. also it’s kinda matchy with linujs actual beta design for rei iirc? so that’s funny
- A music-related thought- a song that reminds me of them, or what their music taste is, etc
lol. little miss perfect from write out loud/etc. uhh past the obvi one i had to list… first love/late spring - mitski comes to mind less in a. struggling with growing up and loving seriously as an adult and moreso. fear that comes with realizing ur in love with ur bestie (u are a teen with severe internalized homophobia). again apologizing for my inability to stick with what the song is actually about at least this one was semi accurate. please know i will go to war when it comes to respecting mitski as an artist and not dismissing her experiences and what she’s saying. 
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another-dr-another · 3 years
yikes ! my previous statement had horrid timing huh. announcement time?
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Tsurugi - Uhm... okay! Last motive we only fell to because someone was specifically targeted,
Tsurugi - And now everyone should know to just come talk with others, so!
Tsurugi - I'm certain we can get through this all together!
Uehara - Speaking... of being together...
Uehara - Should someone go get Mekaru? Is that a thing that needs to happen?
Tomori - She said she felt sick, and Taira sent her to lay down.
Tomori - Best not to give her another thing to worry about while she's already ill.
Iranami - She did seem kinda under the weather when I saw her... but I thought it'd be mean to comment...
Monokuma - Only Mekaru?
Tsurugi - Whaddya mean?
Taira - Only Mekaru has reported feeling sick.
Monokuma - ...
Monokuma - Do Not Worry. I Am Sure You All Will Soon Follow Suit.
Hatano - ...Huh?
Monokuma - With The Death Of The Only Medical Professional Here,
Monokuma - I Figured To Release This Motive While As Many Of You Remained As I Could Get,
Monokuma - As Contagions Spread Best In High-Density Areas.
Hatano - C-contagions?
Yamaguchi - ...Illness, disease, that sorta thing.
Monokuma - The Sooner You All Fall Ill, The Sooner One Of You Will Put Someone Out Of Their Misery,
Monokuma - And Obtain A Cure For Everyone Still Alive.
Taira - Is... is that why Inori was targeted?
Ōtori - I say we sacrifice Mekaru. She's already sick, so...
Tsurugi - Mmm, gonna have to veto that decision Ōtori, it's honestly really messed up.
Ōtori - I'm just kidding! Figured I should say it before Higa pitches the idea thinking it's a good one.
Ōtori - Taira, should we work together to try and find a treatment?
Taira - Mmm... that sounds good, I just don't remember the medicine cabinet having too much stuff.
Monokuma - If We Do Not Stock Any Necessities, Please Inform Me So I May Attempt To Provide.
Maki - Is it too much to ask for a cure to the motive disease?
Monokuma - That Was A Joke. :)
Monokuma - Anything Mekaru Needs For Recovery, I Will Attempt To Provide.
Uehara - So... no motive?
Monokuma - No New Motive.
Uehara - Yes! Fuck yes!
Uehara - Ahhh... Imma leave you all to celebrate, I think I'm supposed to go pray now... that feels right.
Tomori - Not the greatest sense of humor...
Monokuma - Yes, You Don't Seem To Have Received My Joke Well. :(
Hatano - Uhmm... Mister Monokuma? Mx. Monokuma?
Hatano - Do you have anything else to announce? Why did ya come here?
Monokuma - The Cameras Pick Up Audio, And Have Been Programmed To Pick Up Mentions Of My Name.
Monokuma - I Thought I Should Visit.
Yamaguchi - Bit of a late reply...
Monokuma - My Apologies. What Were You All Discussing?
Maki - Yamaguchi. You are a dead man if you try and say one more word.
Yamaguchi - I-I realized my mistake!
Maki - Now. Monokuma. Fuck off already.
Monokuma - Please Watch Your Language.
Maki - Lemme check- still not a school rule!
Maki - So. Fuck off, dumbass.
Monokuma - ...I Shall Respect My Students Privacy.
//With that, he is gone.
Higa - ...
Higa - I... honestly can't believe this is real.
Kobashikawa - Is this the real life, is this just fantasy...
Maeda - Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.
Tsurugi - IIIII'm gonna go ahead and cut off the karaoke real quick, and end this meeting!
Ōtori - Oh thank god.
Kobashikawa - Gonna sign "Never gonna give you up" and make you translate.
Tomori - And while you two do that, I'm gonna go check on Mekaru- Taira, will you join?
Taira - Onnn it. Let's just stop by the kitchen first to get some medicine.
Tomori - Sounds great!
Tsurugi - And everyone else, take five until dinner!
Tsurugi - You all did great today looking at the second floor and trying to find a way out, please continue to remain strong!
Maeda, narrating - I wonder if karaoke is as big in other places as it is in Japan...
Maeda - Maybe I should ask?
Maeda - ...Nah, that'd be weird.
{Free Time Event}
{Head to Your Room}
[Visit the Monomono Machine]
//Note: A reminder! Heading to Maedas room will put him to sleep, and you will lose a FTE chance. FTEs are chosen by a mix of first come; first serve, majority vote, and if I notice one character keeps being requested, but someone requests a brand new character before them everytime, I'll indulge them and do the character they keep requesting. If you visit the Monomono machine, you will be able to spend your monocoins, then you will be presented with the opportunity to FTE, or nap again.
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another-dra-anew · 3 years
Chapter 1: Behind the Scenes!
To celebrate the end of Chapter 1, have some behind the scenes info! From various fun facts, screenshots from my working process, to explanations for how I worked out the trial, and snippets of conversations had with people who have spoilers.
Under the cut, to keep from spoiling anyone!
Fun Facts
-I only thought of the detail regarding Kurokawa fighting back (the spilled brown sugar) as I was writing that post! I just figured it would be nice to add in, and helpful to show later that Kurokawa was attacked in the Dining Hall -The exorcism scene would’ve actually happened, and I did briefly plan it, but I figured it may raise too many death flags, and just didn’t end up working it into my post schedule. Also, Maeda’s pendant he receives from Kurokawa in the prologue is based off of one of my own! -You were supposed to receive a gift from Kurokawa when her body is found, in the post stating that we’ve entered Deadly Life, but I forgot to include it when writing said post... Future gifts will be given when a student dies! For now though, they both get lumped in at the end of Nzo4s post -Speaking of Nzo4, I wonder why they were bleeding that much, and why we don’t seem to have had a casualty out of the thirteen members of current cast!
Post Schedule
Aforementioned briefly in section above, Fun Fact two! I use this minimal post schedule to organize how things will go in order of how many FTEs, Maedas general schedule, when my events are, etc etc! It’s helpful to have that as a reminder, especially when I’m writing Maeda’s selections for where he’ll go! Look at what I had for Chapter 1 at the very end!
Victim + Culprit
In most Beta drafts, Kurokawa actually lived to the end, or at least Chapter 4! Once I had her and Inori set to die in Chapter 1 though, that stayed the same, even as minor revisions were made. Kurokawa was generally set as traitor, or was up to something strange, even taking canon Kisaragis place at one point, while Inori just rotated as I needed her too- she was Chapter 3 killer for a bit though. Chapter 1 was the very first chapter I finalized for who would die, the others continued to shift around some, but once I had this one down the way it is now, I was finished!
Did anyone notice Maeda’s lie that got uncaught? He claimed everyone had given their alibi, and only a few were verifiable- but we never asked Higa or Mekaru about their alibis. There was originally a scene wherein Tsurugi returned to his room, which would help prove his innocence later, as Tomori accompanied him, and didn’t see any guns. I made numerous mini post schedules throughout the trial trying to outline just what I’d do next, but I ended up deviating from all- at one point, you’d have had the first rebuttal showdown against Yamaguchi,
I figured it’d be fun to put a spin on the typical “Oh noooo, your loved one” motive; the motive was specifically designed to target Inori, as she was while not the one most likely to solve murders, the one most likely to prevent a death, due to her medical skills. Other characters are decent at First-Aid, but Inori stands alone as the sole person equipped to fix, let’s say, a stab to the spine, or to the lung. Here’s the full list of who everyone saw in their videos! Sibling(s): Maeda, Kurokawa, Maki, Uehara, Yamaguchi, Iranami Friend(s): Mekaru, Taira, Parent(s): Otori, Higa, Full family: Tsurugi, Kobashikawa, Tomori, Hatano No one: Inori
Execution Tidbits
The title (Adam of Loving Labor) is inspired by a line from Frankenstein! “I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel.” The original execution concept for Inori involved her operating on herself, being told that if she could save a certain amount of peoples lives, she’d be able to leave, having made up for what she had done, but she’d have to provide her own blood, organs, etc, in order to do it: However, upon removing the needed parts, it’d be revealed that she’d only help create more humanoid Monokumas. After an attempt to run while still extremely weak, she’d die of blood loss, and collapse, before being discarded of in some sort of way, with her corpse left to stay there, no one caring to come get her and mourn, showing how she was truly just disposable (in her view.) My decision to re-include Inori being operated on/having her organs used was really last minute- as I was finishing up her motive video post. For months, it would’ve ended with her dying as patient pushed her, due to wounds she had sustained while operating on him.
From when it was thought Tsurugi was dead: “BRUH” “tfw everyone likes the optimism twink more than u so u try and get them all killed by killing him first” minor gore/head/brain trauma tw, in italics, skip whats italicized if that’d trigger you!: “haruhiko stomped on tsurugis head with his boots, thats what caused the wound” “how * stomp* dare * stomp* you * stomp* beat * stomp* teruya * stomp* you * stomp*  bitch * stomp stomp stomp*" “haru walkin round the halls with tsurugi brain matter on his gucci boots “ all from one person - “shaFUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK /// AHHHHHH /// TSU!!!!!!!!!! /// FUCK YOU. IVE GENUINELY  NEVER BEEN SO CRUSHED BY A CHARACTER DEATH BEFORE When it was discovered he was alive “MY SWEET BOY? HEZ ALIVE” “HE NEEDS HELP BUT IF WE GO WHAT IF HE DIES ALONE WAAA” “i was originally gonna post the "tsu is fucking dead" post and then the investigation post right after it but. decided a few hours of pain is good for the soul”
I’ll take note of some more of these to include next time, but a line from Tsurugi, vs what it was when I was drafting the post, and didn’t write it out in full: Tsurugi - Hey, can everyone stop for a sec? It’s overwhelming to have that kinda reaction and attention on you, especially when already breaking down. Tsurugi - …Good, good, thank you all! Now, Maeda? You hear me okay? Look at me if you can; you don’t have to make eye contact, just look over here. Versus Tsurugi - maeda. stop being a bitch My favorite characters to write during trial: Inori, Higa, Tomori, Maeda My least favorite characters to write during trial: Tsurugi, Hatano It was nice to explore Inoris dialogue, and how she’d try to subvert the trial to point fingers at someone else, and then setting up the other characters reactions and the like was very fun! I Hate Writing Hatano. I’m stupid and always forget her characterization so she feels bland, and like she doesn’t stand out... I redesigned her some, but right as the trial came to close... Then with Tsurugi, I worried too much about him coming across as a all-knowing character there to save the day.
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i actually dont have anymore screenshots whoopsie 3 anywayss be on the lookout for more stuff ™  coming your way soon!
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