#meeting women online
cowboyjen68 · 11 months
I agreed to go on a date with another woman who I met online, but I think I want to call it off. I feel she's not putting in effort to get to know me, nor is she sharing about herself. I'm confused as to why she asked me out at all
The thing about on line is not everyone is great at it. Some people just don't have the personality to communicate well using texts or DMS. I know women, even younger ones, who find it exhausting to text as a form of conversation.
At our core people are social animals and still very much need to see facial expression and hear a voice to make any meaningful connection.
She asked you out to go OUT and meet you in person. My advice is GO. Keep in mind. YOU don't owe here a second date if it doesn't feel right or you don't like the in person interaction. You may find she is engaging and interesting in person. You might make a romantic connection or a friendship one but it is worth some of your time to go and give her a chance.
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orneryjenrn · 2 months
Best Hookup Sites Mbeya, Tanzania - The Best Dating Apps and Websites for Sugar Dating
I am a beautiful 39-year-old woman in Mbeya. I travel from Monday to Friday to work in the morning. I’d like to meet a handsome young man for dating, in the afternoon or the evening or on weekends. I want a man who is very strong in bed. I am a very beautiful woman and believe we can be happy together. I have a hotel for meetings. The first essential contact is through the admin of this site. Try…
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deus-ex-mona · 4 days
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i’m gonna be s o o o o annoying about chuucon come 12 june
#im begging for there to be an online bonus for this bc aauauuauauauauauauauauauaaaaa#the month delay has been b r u t a l i need my high quality yunaisms asap aaaaa#and now. time to think about whether to tl or not to tl it… ahhhh…#on one hand. it has y u n a . i think everyone needs to meet and love yuna. most normal aizo stan ever (lies)#come to think of it why are aizo stans all so aggressive lol there was that one who picked a fight with kobayashi#there was kanami who ‘accidentally’ bumped into aizo during his downtime#and there’s whatever’s going on with chizuutan and yuna lol#aizo stans be normal challenge!!!!!!!#hm. maybe i should just throw some out of context yuna panel tls instead to make everyone (including myself) miserable#bc there’s no wayyyayayayaayayayyyyy im gonna do this alone esp if do i get [insert job im not qualified for]#i dont think hospital workers will have enough time to tl more than one project at a time lol. um.#anyways i’ll try to get this other lxl magazine tl done this weekend and finally!!!!! return to idol sengen after that!!!!!!!!#i wanna barrel through vols 4-5 as fast as i possibly can for ✨asuna-chan✨#hmammamsmmamsmamamma i think asuna and yuna should be mutuals on priv#pov ur online besties with a girl who also cancels her gf on priv just like you do with ur own gf#flashtag womens wrongs flashtag this too is yuri#idk sorry im too tired to be coherent rn thinking is for the w e a k#chizuutan chizpost#…for a chizuutan post this was remarkably not about her huh…#lord i forgot to turn of rbs a g a i n what if i crode
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lacefuneral · 10 months
anthem for my fellow fat/disabled/autistic people who get caught in the crosshairs of bodyshaming/virginshaming etc. that is supposedly done in the name of Dunking On The Right
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pickapea · 2 months
having a job and renting an apartment in the city center has thoroughly deradicalised me politically and dequeerified me personally and now i am merely an employee and a person going about my day and clocking in to work and sometimes i heat up a meal in the microwave and it isn't even a gay little meal. it's just a meal
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caterpillarinacave · 7 months
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Discreet Rich Women on the Prowl – for Someone Like You
There’s a new trend out there and if you haven’t heard about it, then you might be missing out. More and more discreet rich women are choosing to have affairs with guys like you. You might be younger than she is, you might be a blue-collar guy, you might be married and have small children or you might be right at the same level as she is. The point is that these ladies are crazy hot and looking…
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snekdood · 6 months
saw a post yesterday that was like "if you dont have trans women as friends u gotta think about why that is" and i really had to restrain myself from saying "it goes both ways my friend!". if you dont have any trans men as friends, ya gotta think about why that is also!
#personally? i dont choose my friends based on which minority category they belong to.#also im not out here going to 'trans group meetings' or whatever tf either. whoevers my friend is ppl who actually come into my life#who i actually get the chance to see and meet. consider: i havent actually met that many trans women irl at all.#i havent even met that many trans ppl irl at all in general- most of the trans ppl i DO happen across are NB#and i dont like making close friends online esp tumblr bc i dont trust none a yall#there are like two trans women i know that i met through someone else and 1 of them i literally just met and the other.......... based on#my interactions with her- i dont think we'd make great close friends.#acquaintances? sure. im mean thats kinda unavoidable at this point anyways.#the biggest issue is i havent met any trans women i think i'd actually click with- but thats a little unfair bc its hard to find friends#to begin with anyways let alone a trans woman specifically- if you think i gotta be out here hunting for trans women to be friends with to#fulfill your woke quota you got a weird fuckin world view on how friendships and the world in general works.#i dont make friends based on their transness or whatever tf thats fuckin weird.#theres a lot of trans women i follow online that i think i'd make great friends with- but the fact there aren't that many trans women#in general and the only ones i think i'd actually click with are ppl ill likely never meet irl? yeah i dont rly think its my#fault bud its kinda just the circumstance of life in general- there's just not a lot of trans people out there.#and no im not going to trans meetings bc that shit is usually toxic as hell anyways bye#new dating type of app but for looking for trans friends to make tumblr user buttfaceass happy about my choices#maybe if i lived in cali w my gay uncle i'd meet more but alas i live in missoura' and i dont blame trans women for wanting to hide#more here. shit i mean i do.#in total? irl? ive only met like 4 trans women. one of which im p sure is actually transfem and doesnt even live in my state#she and another one were part of a toxic abusive ass friend group and i really dont think im missing out on much.#so yeah what- you want me to try to befriend them again? bc im p sure my abuser filled their brains w bullshit about me so.#kinda not waiting on them to come around ever.#like im not exactly sure what that post wants me to do besides idk. act like the op of it?#go to toxic ass irl trans group meetings and befriend random ppl online who have no concept of friendship loyalty? yeah ill pass bud#actually actuall wait scratch that- i did know another trans woman--- she mightve been transfem too- but we met on discord#and primarily interacted there bc it was like a friendgroup discord and i think we were good enough friends we just never got super close#mostly bc im weary of queer friend groups that are predominately white and also i felt like that friendgroup only kept me around#to make fun of me. i dont think she was like that but.... the other ppl in it...... yeaaahhh...#so naturally we kinda stopped talking all together when i left the discord and stopped interacting w that friend group
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girlscience · 8 months
i hate that my brain is like this. i hate that it does this to me. i see so many people for whom their sexuality is a source of pride and community and finding their sexuality opens a whole new world to them and they become open and confident people who are more themselves than ever before. and that's amazing! i am so happy for those people!! but it has never been that for me and i despise myself for that.
#i want so badly to say 'I AM [insert sexuality here]' 'IM OUT AND IM PROUD!'#i want to find local community and go to the gay bars#and meet people and make friends and kiss girls and all these things i see online or in fanfic#(listen i have been reading a huge amount of griddlehark and there is a lot of modern aus that i desperately desire)#but my brain thinks i am lying about all of it and whenever i say no i'm not lying it sets about convincing me i am#i think about women and it instantly goes okay but men though. what if you thought about them instead#and then it's all i can think of even though i don't want to#i think about dating a woman and it says actually. think about dating a man#i say i don't want men and it says that's rude and mean and you never know what could happen#and you don't believe there is some magical difference between men and women they are all just people so you are a hypocrite#if you leave men out and honestly you don't find men repulsive and there have been men you thought were attractive even if you can't figure#out of it was attractive like sex or attractive like marble statues#and you say you like body hair on women but it weirds you out on men but it's the exact same thing so you have to like it on both#and you read so much mlm fic and so little wlw so you think men are hot cause you've thought some of the mlm stuff was hot#so obviously you want to have sex with men#even if all the men who have actually hit on you irl made you uncomfortable#you didn't actually stop it from happening and honestly you really wanted it to happen and you just wanted them to force it on you#cause you are a evil gross freak who fetishizes#nevermind. this is spiraling.#and is just turning into a way for me to hurt myself more with this
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shiningclown69 · 2 years
Stella is so funny in this panel she's just going off
"The AUDACITY of him to whine about not having a gf and then forgetting to respect his gf when he has one" she doesn't even wanna refer to his name 😭
Her sudden change in tone too...like
"Noooo baby you're really handsome and sweet 🥰😘😚 Unlike that NASTY, ANNOYING Riven 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬" like she's about to punch this man for making Musa sad (again)
"You know what Riven is like....he has his 'off' days..." thats alot of off days no offense brandon
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thedeviousdevilxx · 1 year
Ya know how some chronically online folk moan and bitch about being alone because they think they are so unattractive, it’s such a WILDLY ABSURD belief. I get insecurities, I get that, I emphasize, like I truly understand that feeling no matter how illogical it is, BUT there are some people (incels but others too) that truly think being short, chubby, or whatever feature they think is what makes them undesirable is the SOLE cause of their lack of romantic partners, is like PLEASE GO TO A MALL AND PEOPLE WATCH.
You will see couples of all shapes, sizes, levels of attractiveness! “Ugly” people marry, fuck, hook up all the time. The problem is your lack of sociability, self-esteem, no confidence, maybe yeah mental health issues, and perhaps shitty bigoted personality, but if being alone really affects you negatively, aka you aren’t a natural loner and are depressed because you are alone, SEEK groups or communities OUTSIDE THE FUCKING internet!
It ain’t easy, but sitting online and complaining because you think women all hate you because you’re short or fat is so ridiculous, HAHAHA trust me there are many happily fat short fellas happily with partners because they aren’t toxic assholes!
This is just one of the many glaring holes in this way of thinking, which is why you will see these guys twist that even “ugly” women can get laid which is also so false and a wild assumption, but that also is a rabbit hole of how some people will have a distorted view on sex, relationships, gender, sexuality, etc that I do not feel like getting into.
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sunkern-plus · 1 year
TFW my body is so abnormally shaped that I probably can't even find a swimsuit or a bra from torrid or lane bryant (aka the fashionable fat fashion places) and I have to resort to lands end and woman within
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wild-at-mind · 2 years
I’ve now read many, many accounts from trans men of being ostracised, treated cruelly and ultimately traumtised by the reaction from their queer communities upon coming out to them. This is clearly something that has happened to a lot of people. I’m not the queer community but we clearly need to fucking do something because this is very dark and sinister.
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devilfruitdyke · 1 year
very specific thing i hate on here is when people say stuff like "you hate religion and want to wipe out cultures because you think every religion is christianity 😒" like it wouldnt also be fucking asinine if they wanted to wipe out all christianity
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hartmannyoukaigirl · 2 years
I geniunely hate the vast majority of people
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
the type of bot followers I've been getting recently are different from the old ones
they old ones were called something like "kayla95573735" or other conventional female name, or they were "vik558dfght" absolute nonsense. of course, you click them, and there's a semi-provocative banner image of a woman, and then either nothing at all in the blog itself or a few scattered reblogs of random stuff.
now i get "keith5684564" "edwardjfkghhg" and even though the names are now typically male ones the images are still of women various women in the typical provocative poses and entirely empty blogs
I guess the bots realized no one believes they're really women so might as well make a sham attempt at credibility and just announce that oh yeah they're run by guys? (which of course they're bots soooo lol)
or maybe the bots were getting too many messages for "kayla" and thought that if they're "keith" instead at least people won't message them so much
kind of funny imagining a bot getting so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of "hey baby dm me" in its inbox that it redesigns its identity hehehehe
#tumblr#totally off topic but#actually tbh this is what i wish men who try to meet women online would sympathize with a bit more#i get it sucks to message women and get nothing back when presumably those women are getting a lot of messages#but speaking from experience yeah you get messages if you present as a woman but the messages are awful#its like why do i not get any chocolate? she gets so much chocolate#but the chocolate she gets is mostly mud and theres so much of it that sifting around for real chocolate is not worth the effort#and the fact of the matter is most of the guys who message you arent interested in you. theyre just blanket messaging all women in a radius#and if any reply then they consider whether they actually like them#so i never took he messaged me as proof that a guy even looked at my profile back when i tried online dating haha#just saying womens experience with online dating isnt less frustrating and demoralizing just because of the different amount of messages#it sucks to get no response and it sucks to get a lot of spam response#but whenever men online talk about online dating they always bring up how women get sooo many messages and its not fair#here dude you can have mine lol. please take them. i dont want them. no woman wants them lol#also its just weird when you make a first time account and suddenly there are 20 people all messaging you calling you baby#lol im not your baby... not yet... thats why we're here... to figure that part out... but dont jump the gun k it doesnt win you any points#hey baby dm me hey baby dm me hey baby dm me hey baby dm me hey baby dm me why dont u respond baby why u such a bitch
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