#medicine (field of study)
stuckinapril · 7 days
My forever struggle is that I’m in love with both neuroscience and medicinal/organic chemistry and I’m just insane enough to be double dipping in both constantly
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bbybrownbat · 3 months
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From Sir Henry’s Wellcome’s Museum collection. Ivory anatomical figure, a pregnant female, with some removable organs, lying on cloth-covered bier inside wooden box, possibly German, possibly 17th century
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especiallyhaytham · 2 months
My fatal flaw is thinking I could bust out a 1,200 word scientific research essay THE DAY IT'S DUE because I've definitely written that much gay fanfiction in the span of like, 3 hours
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poebrey · 5 months
saw that there was a video on tiktok circulating about what people even do with womens studies degrees and I saw a nice little rebuttal video that gave a syllabus list and that’s really nice and informative and all but back to the point there are real jobs that are super important that people can do with humanities degrees and part of fighting the backlash against them is acknowledging they exist
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pokeology · 1 year
((are you in the sciences too mun?))
//Yes!!! I'm majoring in anthropology (focus on biological anthropology) but I'm on track to become a doctor of some sort later on. A looot of the science Teak uses is stuff I've learned in school and this blog absolutely was made as an excuse to apply my interests to pokemon
im about to hit finals week (my last bio anthro class is today.... weeps tenderly) so this blog WILL likely start slowing down soon. but itll get crazy in the summer when i take biochem im going to be answering so many anons just as an excuse to explain weird juices i learn about LMAO
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origami-butterfly · 1 month
It pisses me off so much that Mary Seacole isn't on the GCSE history Medicine Through Time course, and Florence Nightingale is.
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stonedopossums · 6 months
anyways I figured out what degree I want to go for. now I just have to pay off $5000 in college debt lol
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eriong-inactive · 2 years
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autopsytableromance · 10 months
my genuine belief that therapy can be actually for real helpful to some people+my interest in study in the field bc I genuinely believe that I would be able to help people in this line of work in a way I do not think I could in any other vs. the way every single person I know who has been in therapy (including myself) has been like. Traumatized in one way or another by at least one therapist they’ve had even if they’ve had good experiences as well.
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this-is-mimosa · 10 months
i am about to cry while kicking the floor...
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cienie-isengardu · 2 years
Sha'kajir meant sitting down for a meal, and had come to refer to a truce or cease-fire. Skirata found that remarkably apt in this case. Everything could be resolved over a meal, the neutral territory where you said what you had to say and everyone was treated as kin, at least until the meal was over. He was still negotiating his cease-fire with Uthan. Vau managed a smile. "Mij'ika seems like a new man since he's found someone to discuss bacteriology and congenital urethral obstruction with him. If only everyone was so easy to please." "Not at the table, I hope." "It's all big words, Kal. You won't understand the really stomach-churning medical detail." Skirata ignored the jibe without even trying. A year ago, maybe less, it would have started the old fight going again, but they both found their differences weren't worth the effort now.
Imperial Commando: 501st
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zzznap · 2 years
reading up on schizophrenia and the medications and side effects and how it links in with rheumatoid arthritis my brain is FRIED like god how I wish I was neurotypical so I could sit down and draw conclusions and make sense in what I'm trying to convey but when considering medicating I'm seeing all these half-cooked up medicines where they don't even know half the side effects and it so hard to find a good doctor like fuck this shit
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peaceblank · 1 month
Should I pursue a degree as pathology assistant, it pays well, but I'd have to stick around in this job, and I dont want to go back to school again.
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madqueenalanna · 4 months
sorry i'm actually not done making 0 note posts rambling pepe silvia style about history tonight. i just watched a video of two doctors looking at historical medical devices and guessing what they're for, reacting to them, etc and like. it's bad enough that imo the average person has zero idea how the body, medicine, the healthcare system, hospitals etc works NOW but like. pre-google? pre-encyclopedia? pre-presumed literacy?
i mean, we make fun of ancient medicine but. imaging living in the first century ad. you were born with asthma. sometimes, maybe in certain seasons, maybe if you exercise, maybe for no discernible reason, you just. can't breathe. you're in the market buying produce and now you can't breathe. you're wheezing, gasping. your vision goes dark at the corners. you think you're about to die. and eventually it clears, and you're okay. you don't know what that was, what triggered it, what stopped it. wouldn't you look to religion, or miracle cures? wouldn't you give anything to not be oxygen starved?
let's go back a little further, bc times. you are a wealthy, well-connected roman noblewoman. you live a life of extreme privilege, with the best access to anything resembling healthcare. you give birth to twelve children. only three survive until adulthood. of those three, two are boys and one is a girl. you are alive to watch both boys be murdered. so you gave birth twelve times, and die as a mother of one. there are no words
go back even further. since we were classified as humans, half of everyone who has EVER lived– dating back tens of thousands of years– has died of malaria. not just massive outbreaks, not like the black death killing 1/3 of europe in the 14th century, but one half of EVERY HUMAN BEING WHO EVER LIVED died of malaria. malaria has plagued us since we were still australopithecus, or older. today, still, a thousand children die EVERY DAY of malaria. we came out with a vaccine just last year that, in combination with anti-mosquito measures, might reduce the malaria death toll by 90%. the death toll is 750,000 per year, still. how many thousands or millions of years we've walked this earth and every generation has had mothers crying and praying over their babies' fevers. who wouldn't pray? who wouldn't try anything?
i've read medieval midwifery texts. hundreds of years after those were written, a doctor noticed that births attended by midwives, instead of doctors fresh from the morgue, had much better survival rates for both mother and child. he realized that handwashing saved lives. he was so soundly mocked for this theory that he committed himself to an asylum and died there. that was the state of medicine? even washing your hands was an insult?
no x-rays to notice broken bones or clouded lungs. no antibiotics to treat stds, tooth root abscesses, garden variety infected cuts. no birth control to soften the pain of agonizing menstrual cycles, or to prevent more agonizing pregnancies. no prenatal care, no cesareans unless mom is dead. no chemotherapy to treat cancer, letting tumors grow and metastasize and cut off organ function. no anesthesia!! no opioids!! of course many places had some form of herbal pain control but it's not the same. cataract surgery, trepanation, episiotomy, and here's some beer or a stick to bite for the pain
i don't mean all this in the sense of like, people in the past were barbaric who didn't understand medicine. how could they? they had no imaging, they didn't know what germs were. some stuff was clearly batshit but medicine was so rudimentary for so many years that many eras were better off NOT calling a doctor when someone was ill. leeching, etc. i don't blame people for doing anything that might work, for trying anything, for begging the gods for relief. they had no way to know how to do anything else. it's just sad, mostly. we should be so much grateful than we are for the medicine we have
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winglesshopeful · 5 months
vaguely aggrivating, following someone who's advocating for a movement that, while agreeing with aspects of it, leaves you with questions and concerns, so you ask about it, making clear that you agree with many concepts stated, but also that you don't understand other concepts but want to, and instead of explaining their movement or even mentioning resources to look for, they just kinda. dodge my questions while making it out like im just some kind of idiot who "doesnt get it" and in a later post, tries to make me out to be downplaying suffering by asking genuine questions.
this is about antipsychology. terfs keep your grubby fucking mitts off my post.
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dratefahmed1 · 5 months
Beyond the Bulge The Hidden Impact of Inguinal Hernias on Your Quality of Life #qualityoflife #livin
#herniaawareness #fixhernia #hernialife #herniaproblems #inguinalhernia #hiatalhernia #umbilicalhernia #herniarepair #postoplife #healthychoices source
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