#media content services
khaled-red-blog · 1 year
The $385,000 Netflix Private Jet Flight Attendant: 'Where Can I Apply?'
wanted one Netflix Inc. nflx -3.23% flight attendant to work on the company’s private jet. Requested Salary: Up to $385,000. in a reduction time At many major tech companies, Netflix sent the internet buzzing this week with what some described as an unusual job offer. The streaming company wants a trained flight attendant to be in charge of the trips on its super-midsize jet, according to the…
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gamer2002 · 5 months
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I don't pirate stuff, but this sort of practice undermines ethical arguments against it.
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homosociallyyours · 4 months
Just saw a post pontificating on how g-ylors just want straight culture to be gay instead of appreciating REAL gay culture and like. Obviously i don't speak for all queer g-ylors BUT OMG there just so many incorrect assumptions there like. Do you think we're not also listening to artists who openly identify as queer?? That we're not buying the of queer performers and reading books for and by queer people and and and 🙃
Also. Idk how other people live, but for me personally? I've got fucking gay-ggles on babe!! Rainbow lenses!! If I see a couple making out on the street corner I think "YES THAT'S QUEER LOVE" unless/until they turn around and are wearing shirts that say "we are 100% cis and heterosexual and heteroromantic and also hate gays." (These shirts are extremely rare and I try to look away from street corner PDA quickly). If I can make something queer, I'll do it! I am imagining queer realities and getting my sticky dirty dyke fingers alllllll over evvvvverything!!!!!!
I'm not gonna write a NYT think piece about it, and I'm sure as hell not gonna walk up to TSwiz and ask her about a long list of ex lovers. But what I am gonna do? Is listen to her songs (and the songs of literally anyone else I want to) and make them GAY GAY GAY
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ciaralavelle · 1 year
New gigs on Fiverr!
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micechicken · 3 months
When people complain that "nothing happens" in "filler" episodes but then complain the characters have no chemistry in shows without "filler" episodes.
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cogecaratulascover · 29 days
The Untapped Benefits of DVD and Blu-ray Media in the Streaming Era
Introduction: In an era where streaming dominates the way we consume media, it's easy to overlook the enduring benefits of physical media like DVDs and Blu-rays. While streaming services offer convenience and on-demand access to a vast library of content, there are several advantages to owning DVD and Blu-ray collections that are worth considering. In this article, we will explore the unique benefits that these fiscal media formats still offer in the age of streaming.
Seamless Access: One major advantage of owning DVDs and Blu-rays is that they provide seamless access to content without the need for a stable internet connection. While streaming platforms depend on a reliable internet connection, physical media ensures that you can watch movies and TV shows anytime, anywhere, even in remote or low-connectivity areas.
Superior Quality: Although streaming services have made significant strides in improving their video and audio quality, there is still a noticeable difference when compared to Blu-ray. Blu-ray discs offer uncompressed audio and pristine high-definition video quality, providing a true cinematic experience that streaming platforms struggle to replicate. For movie enthusiasts who appreciate superior visual and audio quality, physical media is the way to go.
Preservation and Collectability: DVDs and Blu-rays allow movie fans to build an impressive collection of their favorite films and TV shows. Physical media provides a sense of ownership and allows for displaying and showcasing one's collection. Furthermore, DVDs and Blu-rays often come with exclusive bonus content such as behind-the-scenes footage, director's commentaries, and deleted scenes, enhancing the overall viewer experience.
Reliability and Longevity: Streaming platforms occasionally remove titles from their catalogs due to licensing agreements, leaving viewers disappointed when their favorite shows or movies suddenly become inaccessible. With DVDs and Blu-rays, there are no concerns regarding titles disappearing suddenly. Owners can watch their favorite movies and TV shows at their leisure, without any interruptions, and can share them with friends and family without limitations.
Enhanced Extras and Special Editions: Physical media often brings with it a range of extra features and special editions that streaming platforms may not offer. Collectors and film enthusiasts appreciate the extra content, which can include documentaries, interviews, and visual enhancements. Special editions with limited-edition packaging or added memorabilia can also enhance the overall viewing experience and make physical media more appealing to fans.
Conclusion: While streaming services have revolutionized the way we consume media, the benefits of owning DVD and Blu-ray collections should not be overlooked. Seamless accessibility, superior quality, physical ownership, and enhanced extras are just a few of the advantages that physical media has to offer. For avid movie lovers, investing in DVDs and Blu-rays ensures that a rich and diverse collection is always at their fingertips, irrespective of streaming trends or licensing agreements. So, next time you consider binge-watching your favorite show or diving into a movie marathon, remember the enduring benefits that DVDs and Blu-rays can provide in the streaming era.
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stilesssolo · 9 months
Gonna pull my hair out at all the misinformation I’m seeing about supporting the strike on this website this morning 🙃
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kayayeteae · 6 months
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artistryads · 8 days
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Boosting Social Media engagement is crucial for business to connect their audience and drive meaningful interactions. Whether you’re a content creator, a brand looking to expand its online presence, or a marketer aiming to drive conversions, understanding how effectively engage with your audience on social platform is essential for success. If you’re looking to increase likes, shares, comments, or conversions the insights shared in this will empower you to navigate the ever- evolving landscape of social media with Artistry Ads.
Now let’s go ahead and find out how we can do this step-by-step
Understanding your audience is the foundation of successful social media engagement. Take the time to research and analyze your follower’s demographics, interests, and behaviour. By creating content that speaks directly to your followers, you will increase the likes, shares and comments.
Research Demographics: Identify your followers age, gender, location, and language preference.
Analyze Interests: Determine what topics, or trends your audience is interested.
Study Behaviour: Observe when your audience is most active in social media, which platform they prefer and how they engage with content.
Tailor Content: Create posts that resonate with your audience by addressing their interests, preferences and pain points.
Increase Engagement: By understanding your audience, you can create content that encourages like, comments and shares and make a strong connection with your followers.
Compelling content is the key to capture and hold your audience’s attention on social media. Experiment with different types of content, such as images, videos, infographics to keep your feed diverse and engaging. Remember to stay authentic and true to your voice while creating content that adds that value your follower’s lives. Here are some key points
Captivating Visuals: Use high quality images, videos, or graphics to grab attention and convey your message effectively to your audience.
Clear Messaging: Craft concise and engaging captions or headlines that clearly communicate the purpose behind the content.
Tell Stories: Share relatable anecdotes, experiences and narratives that resonates with your audience on a personal level.
Provide Value: Offer useful information, insights or entertainments that adds value to your audience’s lives or to solve their problems.
Call To Action: Prompt your audience to take a specific action such as liking, commenting, sharing or visiting your website to drive engagement and interaction.
Consistency:  Maintain a consistent posting schedule and style to establish brand identity and keep your audience engaged.
Social media is a two-way street, so don’t forget to get engage with your audience regularly. You should respond to comments, answer questions and acknowledge feedback to show your followers that you value their input. You can also initiate conversations by asking questions, hosting polls or by soliciting opinions on relevant topics. Here are some steps that helps to make engage with your audience.
Respond Promptly: Reply to comments, messages, and mentions in a timely manner to show your audience that you value their interaction and feedback.
Ask Questions: Encourage participation by posing though provoking questions, conducting polls or seeking opinions on relevant topics to spark conversations and foster engagement.
Acknowledge Feedback: Show appreciation for comments, suggestions and critiques from your audience by acknowledging their input.
Initiate Input: Take the initiate to engage with your audience proactively by sharing user generated content, hosting live Q & A sessions or by organising contests and giveaways.
For increasing the discoverability of your content on social media platforms Hashtags are powerful tool. You need you have wide research on relevant hashtags that are popular within your niche and incorporate them into your posts strategically. Experiment with different hashtags and monitor their performance to identify which ones resonate best with your audience. Here are some key steps:
Be Relevant: Always choose the hashtags that are relevant to your content and also align with the interests and preferences of your targeted audience.
Research Popular Hashtags: Always look for popular or trending hashtags with in your niche or industry that are frequently used by the targeted audience.
Mix It Up: Use a combination of broad hashtags to reach a wider audience while targeting users who are most likely to be interested in your content.
Keep It Concise: Limit the number of hashtags you use in a single post to avoid overwhelming your audience or appearing spammy. Keep your captions clean and easy to read.  
Social media is not just about broadcasting your message, it's about building relationships and fostering connections with your audience. By consistently delivering value, being authentic, and actively engaging with your followers, you can create a loyal fan base that supports and advocates for your brand. By implementing effective strategies such as understanding your audience, creating compelling content, engaging with your audience, and using hashtags wisely, with a clear understanding of your audience's demographics, interests, and behaviours, combined with engaging content and strategic use of hashtags, you can build a strong and loyal following on social media platforms.
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monachopism · 8 days
wait. people are complaining because its $6 a month? nah.
EDIT: to clarify, this is merely about the price (which i understand is small to me, but due to exchange rates etc. can be more for others) not the principal of charging for a service that was already free.
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webgainerz · 1 year
The Future of SEO: Predicting the Best Practices in 2023
As we approach 2023, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) remains one of the most important facets of digital marketing. With every passing day, more and more businesses are realizing the importance of SEO in driving traffic to their websites and generating increased revenue. However, with every new algorithm update, search engines continue to challenge and refine the best practices and tactics that digital marketers use to optimise their web pages.
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icemankazansky · 2 years
Things I see on tumblr:
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Things that will happen between Ice and Maverick meeting at TOPGUN and the availability to consumers of the earliest cell phones capable of texting:
the end of the Cold War
the United States elects two Presidents
the Exxon Valdez oil spill
the so-called "War on Drugs" begins
the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany
the Gulf War
the collapse of the Soviet Union
the Tiananmen Square protests and subsequent massacre
Nelson Mandela is freed
the Hubble Telescope is launched
the Americans with Disabilities Act becomes law
the World Wide Web is designed, created, launched, and made available to the public
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yusuke-of-valla · 3 months
No I don't know why I get so frustrated by people arguing for things I disagree with badly in general.
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cryptcatz · 2 years
tbh sometimes i consider being a youtuber who makes primarily disability related content but then i remember how disabled youtubers/etc. get treated and am like actually nevermind <3
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darrylhudson86 · 4 months
Social Media Marketing Is INDISPENSABLE and Here is Why 🔥💣
Dive into the electrifying world of Social Media Marketing! 🤩 Buckle up, because we're about to uncover the secrets to skyrocketing your online business! 🚀💼
1️⃣ **Global Spotlight:** 🌎 Did you know that over 4.2 billion people are active on social media? That's a massive audience just waiting to discover YOUR business! 🚀
2️⃣ **Brand Personality:** 🌈 Social media lets your brand's personality shine through! 🌟 Whether you're quirky, serious, or a bit of both, it's your time to connect with your audience on a personal level. 🤝💬 People love doing business with brands they can relate to!
3️⃣ **Insider Tip:** 🕵️‍♂️ Ever wondered why certain posts go viral? It's not just luck—it's understanding your audience! 👥 Use analytics to know WHEN your audience is most active, and tailor your content accordingly. 📊⏰ Timing is everything!
4️⃣ **Engagement is Key:** 🌐 Boost your online presence by engaging with your audience. 📣 Ask questions, run polls, and watch the magic happen. The more engaged your followers are, the higher your content ranks! 📈💪
5️⃣ **Visual Feast:** 🎨📸 Use eye-catching graphics and videos to tell your brand story. ✨ A stunning visual can speak volumes and leave a lasting impression. Stand out in the scroll with killer visuals! 🎬👁️‍🗨️
6️⃣ **ROI Magic:** 💸 Social Media Marketing is a powerhouse for Return on Investment (ROI)! 📈 When done right, every post can translate into leads and sales. 💰💼 Track your metrics, tweak your strategy, and watch those profits soar! 💹✈️
7️⃣ **Algorithm Hacks:** 🤖 Don't let algorithms intimidate you! 🚀 Understand each platform's algorithm to maximize your reach. 🧠 It's like speaking the secret language of the internet—crack the code, and you'll be the wizard of social media! 🧙‍♂️🔍
8️⃣ **Community Building:** 🏡 Your followers are more than just numbers—they're a community! 🌐 Foster a sense of belonging, and watch your tribe grow. 🚀💬 Whether it's through exclusive content or behind-the-scenes peeks, make them feel like VIPs! 🌟👑
9️⃣ **Adventures in Storytelling:** 📖 Every business has a story! 🚀✨ Use social media as your digital storytelling canvas. 🎨 Whether it's a journey, a challenge, or a triumph, let your audience in on the narrative. People connect with stories, not just products! 🌐📢
🔟 Unleash the full potential of your online business!🌐✨ Dive into my ultimate guide for digital marketing tips for beginners! Let's turn those clicks into success! 💻💰
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