#me while writing this: have him call molly beautiful to throw her off the scent of the deeper shit
animosus-blog1 · 5 years
is it too late for 'animal within'? :O
your animal within ( according to newt )   ❈  ― @circusglass
     “ you make me think of an occamy. ”  the comment is offhand, sounding nearly as casual as it does like the reasoning behind it should be OBVIOUS. the look on molly’s face when newt glances over a few seconds later, however, informs him that he may need to explain himself.
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  “ well--- you are both bright and colourful, very... beautiful. it’s what most will notice about you before anything else, especially as the eye tends to be DRAWN OVER by your flashiness.
  “ and much like the occamy, there is far more to you than mere appearances. ...even if that’s where you seem to prefer to KEEP the focus. you aren’t as quick to defense as an occamy is, but you are incredibly aggressive when it’s required of you --- something that people don’t tend to anticipate, i think, simply by LOOKING at you. and, like how an occamy can shrink and grow to a size fitting of the available space, i’ve noticed that you’re able to do something rather similar with your personality. ”  a pause, and he frowns, wondering if he’s managed to word his thoughts in a way that makes sense.  “ ---i just mean... depending on circumstance, you’re able to dial back some of your more, erm... ostentatious traits? or even INFLATE them, should a situation call for it. ”
falling quiet then, the wizard continues preparing various meals for his creatures, toying with the idea of leaving his thoughts there. it’s certainly ENOUGH of the explanation to end it and be understandable, though it does lack the final detail. a detail that might be... sensitive. he isn’t sure.
     “ occamies hatch from eggs of pure silver. most people only see the value in them for that, in... where they’ve come from. in their PAST. they fail to see that the occamy’s true value is within the creature itself, and NOT in the things it has unknowingly shed. ”
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bl597 · 4 years
Hello! I just found your blog and I loved your writing 💜 Idk if I can request something? Like the reader forgot her clothes or ruin them, wanted to lend some from Ginny but she is smaller so ends up using Fred's, he is shooked, flustered, and happy. All fluffy and stuff. Thanks 💜💜💜
hello, sweetie! thank you sooooooo much 💞💞 of course you can, feel free to request as many imagines as you want to! I hope you enjoy it, sorry it took me so long to post it! 💖
warnings: fluff yay, kind of gender neutral!reader (?), it got a little small (sorry), english is not my first language, so I'm sorry for any mistakes! requests are open!!
my masterlist ♡
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Ginny, your best friend, had invited you to stay at the Burrow during your summer break, and you, of course, accepted it. You loved the family of redheads as if it was your own, and loved to stay at the Burrow. It had been almost two weeks since you arrived and you and the 'kids' were having lots of fun together.
You, Ginny, Ron, the twins, Harry, Bill and Charlie were playing quidditch, and Molly (as she told you to call her), Hermione and Arthur (as he also told you to call him) were cheering for you all. It was funny to play with them, since you were competitive little shits and didn't want to lose, so you all made a bet: the team that loses has to degnome the garden, and no one wanted to do it.
Your team lost and you had to degnome the garden right after the game because the twins wouldn't let you guys live if you didn't do it as soon as possible. After about an hour or so, Molly told you all to take a shower so you could eat something. You and Ginny went first and the boys went after.
You were with Ginny in her room, looking for something comfortable to wear. Frowning, you turned to her “Hey, Ginny, could you borrow me a shirt? Mine are dirty.”
“Sure” she said, looking for a shirt in her wardrobe. She then handed you a white shirt and you thanked her, putting it on but pouting when you realised it was too small and too tight for you “Do you want me to look for some other?” she asked.
“Yes, please” you nodded, smiling at her and folding the shirt, putting it where it was again.
She then left the room and you sat down on the bed, waiting for her to return. After a few minutes she came back with a bigger shirt, handing it to you with a small smirk. You thanked her, finding her a little suspicious but just ignoring it.
The shirt was big and really comfortable, it smelt like the Burrow and a weirdly familiar cologne, but you couldn't identify where you had smelt it before. When you turned to her, she was smiling widely at you, practically beaming with pride. You opened your mouth to ask why she was like this, but Mrs Weasley's voice interrupted you, calling you two to tell you dinner is ready. Ginny then dragged you downstairs with her, the smile as big as always.
The first person you saw was Ron, who looked at the shirt you were wearing and then at Ginny, mouthing something like 'is that his shirt?', to which Ginny nodded excitedly. Ron then left, smirking at your confused face. You turned to Ginny, ready to ask her what the hell was that when you were interrupted once again, this time by George.
“Look what we have here.” he said smirking while placing an arm around your shoulder. “So you liked Freddie's shirt, uh, (Y/n)?”
“What?” you asked, already feeling your face getting hot.
“Hey, Fred! I've found your shit!” he yelled to his twin, who just entered the room. When he locked eyes with you, his face became as hot and red as his hair, just like your face was and he lowered his head to avoid your curious eyes, with what looked like a shy smile on his lips.
“Ginny!” you exclaimed, blushing furiously.
But when you turned around to face her, she was smirking. She then cupped her ear, as if she heard something “Oh, sorry, mom just called me and George to help her. Have fun, you two” she said, pulling George by his arm so he could follow her, they both giggling.
You and Fred stayed quiet, too embarrassed to say something or look at each other. You glanced at him, noticing he was shirtless, but then you quickly looked away, not wanting to make him more uncomfortable, focusing on the roof instead. “So,” you shyly spoke “why are you shirtless?"
“Because you're with my shirt” he said, chuckling.
“Oh.” you looked at his face, an apologetic half smile on your face. “I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was yours. I can ta-”
“No, it's okay” he cut you off “It's okay, you can stay with it. I'll just find another one.”
“Okay, then.” you smiled at him “Now, if you excuse me, I'll kill your sister right now.”
“I'll put some clothes on before mom catches me and then I can help you” he winked, climbing the stairs to go to his room, leaving you a blushing mess.
After that day, you and Fred were kind of awkward with each other, and whenever you two were alone, there was this uncomfortable silence. Like, he made a few jokes but it just felt weird. Ginny and George didn't stop teasing the shit out of you two ever since then, always nudging you when he entered the room or vice versa.
It was kind of boring, actually. You really liked spending time with the twins, especially Fred, but now you couldn't say anything without making the situation awkward. The fact that you always remembered that moment also didn't really help, since all you could think about was Fred's face when he saw you in his shirt. His face was as red as his hair and he was looking down, but there was still that small smile on his face that made you wonder a lot. Was he trying to hide his laugh? Or was he actually smiling?
The thought that he probably was smiling made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. You didn't really want to admit it to yourself, but you may or may not have feelings for the redhead). It was obvious to anyone who looked at you whenever Fred was around; you were a blushing and stuttering mess, and could barely function like a normal human being. Ginny – and honestly the whole castle – knew about your 'secret' feelings for her old brother, she noticed the not-so subtle stares you sent Fred's way everytime you were in the same room and she was sick of watching her brother doing the exact same thing with you, so that was why she and George came up with the 'shirt plan'.
You were now sitting with Ginny and Hermione on the Burrow's garden, just admiring the beautiful sunset in front of you. Hermione then nudged Ginny with her elbow, raising her brow at the redhead with a look that you didn't really understand, which made you furrow. Ginny then nodded, the same diabolic smile on both their faces.
“Mione, I just remembered something! We have to do that... thing! Yeah, that thing! Remember?” she exclaimed, already getting up. “Let's go!”
“Oh, yeah! Yeah, the thing!” Hermione said, quite awkwardly, getting ready to leave with Ginny.
“Can I go too?” you asked, looking at them whilst pouting.
“No, sorry” Ginny said “It's..”
“A thing for only two people! Sorry, (Y/n/n)” Hermione quickly cut her off, giving you an apologetic smile before dragging Ginny with her, whispering something you couldn't hear.
You sighed, enjoying the view anyway. You stayed like that for a few minutes, the sunlight kissing your skin, its warmth making you feel a little less cold. Despite being summer now, the night breeze was really cold, and you cursed yourself for not bringing a jacket or a jumper like Hermione told you to.
After a minute or two you heard footsteps quietly approaching you, then the person sat down next to you without saying anything, just enjoying the beautiful view. You saw the messy red hair sitting beside you, his blue sweater with a large yellow 'F' on it made you realise who it was.
“Aren't you cold?” his deep voice brought you back to reality and you blinked at him, shaking your head slowly. “Are you sure?”
“I'm fine, Fred” you answered shyly, still not looking directly at him.
He didn't say anything and you two fell in an almost comfortable silence for the first time ever since the 'shirt plan'. You then felt something on your shoulders, something soft and that made you warm up. Looking down, you saw a jacket that you recognized as his and it smelt exactly like that shirt, Fred's scent was intoxicating and you swore you could never get enough of it.
“Nice view, don't you think?” he asks whilst turning to face you and smiling.
“Yeah.” you nodded “The sun is amazing, especially at this time of the day.”
“The sun is beautiful too, but I prefer another view” he said quietly, his husky voice sending shivers down your spine.
“And what is that?” you asked shyly, seeing his face lit up and a smirk replace his smile.
You opened your mouth to say something, but you never found the right words. What were you supposed to do at this moment? You didn't even need to see yourself in a mirror to know that your face is just as hot and red as fire now, and you were pretty sure he definitely noticed it, the playful smirk on his face confirming your suspicions.
“Oh” was all you managed to say. You mentally face palmed yourself, embarrassed by your lack of coherent answers. “Thank you?”
He laughed quite loudly, throwing his head back. You confusedly looked at him, silently asking what was so funny and he just shook his head, still giggling. “You're weird.” he replied between giggles, giving you a big smile.
“That's really rude of you, did you know that?” you asked, furrowing your brows.
“I meant it in a good way, love”
You crossed your arms, huffing, and turned to watch the sunset that was now almost gone. The sky was a beautiful mix of orange and pink shades and it looked like a real life painting. You were too focused on the beautiful sky in front of you that you didn't even notice Fred's silly smile, looking at you in awe.
“So, someone told me you have feelings for me. Is that true, (Y/l/n)?” he asked in a playful tone, slowly inching closer to you.
“Who told you that?!” you exclaimed, looking at him with wide eyes “It was Ginny or George, wasn't it? Oh, I'll kill them!”
“Maybe” he quietly spoke before smirking again “Well, I might return these feelings.”
“You heard me the first time” he playfully rolled his eyes “Can you confirm if the rumors are true?”
“Which rumors?” you stuttered, blushing.
“That we have a date next week”
“You're not as smart as I thought you were” he joked “I was asking if you wanted to go on a date next week? With me?”
You only nodded, not trusting your own voice to say anything at the moment. He smiled widely at you before turning back to the sky in front of you two, you both watching it silently, just enjoying each other's company.
You smirked when you heard whispers a few feet behind you, whose voices you recognized as Ginny, Hermione and George's excitedly cheering that their little 'plan' worked.
taglist ♡
@witchorical @fific7 @iamak20 @msmimimerton @grierpilots @idontknowwhatthisisfam @imseeinggred
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holidaysat221b · 4 years
2018′s Halloween at 221b - A Sherlolly Celebration Master List
To help get you in the Fall/Halloween spirit, here are all the submissions we received during the 2018 Halloween Fest.  Please give them another look, leave a comment or a kudo (or both!), and show a little love to the creators who took the time to participate in 2018.
We’ve listed where the works are archived, mult-chapter or not, complete or not, and rating.  In progress fics are marked in bold as a reminder for a mod to periodically check for updates.  Tumblr accounts have been tagged where possible, some could only be linked to, and some are completely unknown to the mods.  As always, the complete Master List for all years can be found here.
Alice in Wonderland/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo And through the looking glass we see she’s painfully returned. But now off with her head I fear is everyone’s concern.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
All Souls - Written by @geekmama The rain had nearly stopped by the time they reached the village of Grendon and the house where Molly had grown up, and where her mother still lived. He’d been there once before, a few months ago, not long after the Sherrinford/Musgrave debacle, and the house hadn’t changed. Still quite undistinguished from the other residences in this thoroughly middle class neighborhood. For the second time, Sherlock found himself wondering that the unique creature beside him, his beloved, could have sprung from this thoroughly mundane environment. Of course, it had taken him an unconscionably long time to realize exactly how unique Molly was. It seemed irrefutable proof that, while he was very quick in most areas of perception, he could be slow to the point of idiocy in others – and some of them rather essential. It was always possible, Sherlock reflected, as he pulled the car into the drive, that there was more to Molly’s childhood home, too, than first contact had suggested.   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
By the Light of the Moon  - Written by @mizjoely Annabellioncourt on tumblr said: There’s a lovely old English myth that if someone who truely loved and trusted the werewolf called it by name that it would turn back to human. Others include throwing their human clothes at it and it’d turn back but that’s a bit less romantic. This is my response to that prompt.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Corpse Bride/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Yet I feel my heart is aching Thought it doesn’t beat it’s breaking And the pain here that I feel Try and tell me it’s not real I know that I am dead Yet it seems that I still have some tears to shed   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Crimson Peak  - Created by @myqueenismollyhooper  (On Tumblr, Complete)
Dead Man Walking  - Written by @willsherjohnkhanAn alternate reality. Halloween-ish companion piece to The Familiar Stranger…   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Devoted  - Written by @the-sapphiresky She loved Halloween. It was the one time of the year she could go all out, no holds barred on her morbidity, and no one would bat an eye. She traded her jumpers and comfy trousers for tight leggings, fake blood, bat wings, whatever struck her fancy that year. But this year, the temptation to be morbid wasn’t as alluring as usual.   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Edward Scissorhands/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo (On Tumblr, Complete)
Happy Sherlolly Halloween  - Created by @darnedchildA Sherlolly kiss pumpkin  (On Tumblr, Complete)
I Had A Dream, Molly  - Written by @thehiddenlawyer Sherlock and Molly, in a rough patch in their relationship, are investigating a mysterious death at infamous 50 Berkeley Square in London, when a thunderstorm rocks the house, and Molly walks away with new abilities.   (On Ao3, Complete in 13 Parts, Rated M)
It’s no secret that Molly Hooper loves Halloween  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo It’s no secret that Molly Hooper loves Halloween, but it is something Sherlock finds endearing about her. They spend the afternoon walking through cemeteries, and the evening at her flat, watching cliché slasher films, and handing out candy to children who happen upon her doorstep. That’s when the activity begins. First it’s footsteps here and there, but then it escalates to objects being thrown, and the lights flickering. Turns out the thrift shop mirror Molly purchased for Halloween decór is a portal for spirits. And by the looks of the I.O.U. being painted on the glass, it seems Moriarty is back for revenge.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Jack the Ripper/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Jack the Ripper is on the loose, but Sherlock and Molly are on the case. They set out to find the identity of the ripper, unaware that they’re closer to the answer than they think…Sherlock’s cousin, H.H. Holmes. With hesitance, they attempt to acquire help from criminal mastermind, James Moriarty, who is imprisoned. He knows the identity of the ripper, but will only speak in riddles.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Life in Death  - Written by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Molly Hooper finds an antique pocket watch in a thrift shop, resulting in her being haunted by the ghost of a Victorian Era Sherlock Holmes, who happens to have once been a tenant of her flat. Follow this annoyed-at-first-sight story full of witty banter, eventual romance, and an attempted murder most foul.   (On Ao3, Complete in 8 parts, Rated T)
Little Red Riding Hood/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Once upon a time, a girl named Molly wandered into the woods in her red hood, only to come across the large black wolf everyone hides away from at night. The first thing she noticed was the strange, but beautiful, cerulean eyes. The wolf, she learns, is in fact a man who can shift into the large beast; a man named Sherlock. Upon finding out that the wolf who attacks her village isn’t him, but another shifter by the name of James Moriarty, Molly begins to set up a trap to catch him. This angers him, and Moriarty bites Molly before he is taken by the men of the village. Sherlock takes care of her through her transition into becoming a wolf herself; a beautiful copper coat covering her. The more time she spends with him, the more she falls in love with him… and he with her.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Nightmare Before Christmas/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo My dearest friend, if you don’t mind, I’d like to join you by your side, where we can gaze into the stars, and sit together, now and forever. For it is plain as anyone can see. We’re simply meant to be.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
The Phantom of the Opera/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Close your eyes, start a journey to a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Close your eyes and let music set you free. Only then can you belong to me. Floating, falling, sweet intoxication. Touch me, trust me, savour each sensation. Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in. To the power of the music that I write. The power of the music of the night.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #1  - Created by @mel-loves-all Sherlock woke in a hotel room without any memory of how he got there. A case had led him to erotic underground clubs the night before. Flashes of hauntingly lonely brown eyes, skin soft as satin and ecstasy so pleasurably intense, it bordered on pain, bombarded him as the scent of crushed berries and sex lingered on the bed sheets.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #2  - Created by @mel-loves-all Dreams. Fevered, erotic, all consuming. A woman whose beauty takes his breath away. Sherlock doesn’t ever want to wake up.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #3  - Created by @mel-loves-all Mysterious murders lead Sherlock Holmes to the front door of a leading Historian of Witches and Witchcraft. He doesn’t believe in the supernatural but the beautiful professor’s smile could definitely be described as magical.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #4  - Created by @mel-loves-all On Halloween night, there’s a murderer on the loose and Molly’s been kidnapped. Sherlock saves her and finally gets his head out of his arse and kisses her from relief and love.)   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #5  - Created by @mel-loves-all Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #6 - Created by @mel-loves-all Who would have thought Molly and Sherlock both had a taste for the macabre on the scariest night of the year? lol, date night.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #7  - Created by @mel-loves-all What started out as a fun ugly jumper purchase of Molly’s for Sherlock turned into a Halloween themed party where Mrs. Hudson took the grand prize for her “Frequent Flyer” sweater.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #8  - Created by @mel-loves-allMoriarty. Even in death his presence lingers. All Sherlock can do is be there for Molly as she comes to grips with the remembered horror of the man.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #9  - Created by @mel-loves-all Was she going insane? This was the urgent missive Sherlock Holmes was sent. A woman in danger. A woman who was being systematically poisoned and driven towards madness. He would not allow it. The beautiful widow, whose vulnerability, but incredible inner strength, drew forth Sherlock’s protective instincts like no one else before.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #10  - Created by @mel-loves-all “They talk to me, always…whispering all the things they wished they had time to do…all the things they want me to do…for them" He looked around the morgue, and for one terrifying moment, he could hear them too…”   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sleepy Hollow/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo The Pickety Witch, the Pickety Witch, who’s got a kiss for the Pickety Witch?   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Spellbound  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo A trailer for both stories in my Spellbound Universe.   (On Youtube, Complete)
Spellbound: All Hallow’s Eve  - Written by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Sequel; takes place a year after the epilogue of Spellbound (I suggest reading that first). Sherlock and Molly encounter a man who’s out for revenge at the Watsons’ Victorian themed Halloween party. Meanwhile, there’s a woman roaming around London, impersonating Emelia Ricoletti. Magic, Mayhem, Mystery, and a Murder (or two) Most Foul.   (On Ao3, Complete in 7 Parts, Rated T)
Spellbound: All Hallow’s Eve Edit  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo An edit created to accompany “Spellbound: All Hallow’s Eve”.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Universally Monstrous - Dracula  - Written by @darnedchild It’s Molly’s voice. The woman he had buried just six days prior.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Universally Monstrous - The Hunchback of Notre Dame  - Written by @darnedchild “The Quasimodo Killer?” Sherlock scoffed. “Really, John. That’s the best you could do?”   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Universally Monstrous - The Phantom of the Opera  - Written by @darnedchild It was a well-known secret that New Scotland Yard was haunted.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Vampire Edit  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Post tfp. Sherlock has opened his eyes when it comes to matters of the heart. A passionate snog in the morgue showed Molly exactly how he felt about her. But there’s danger lurking around the corner… Moriarty never died on that rooftop. He’s a vampire with an agenda… to sire Molly Hooper. By doing so, it will make her undyingly loyal to him, and in turn, burn the heart out of Sherlock. Molly is on the run whilst Sherlock tries to track his arch nemesis down. He finds out that Moran has found Molly, and Sherlock will do anything to save her, but time’s running out.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Veils of Memory Infected With Dreams  - Written by ALC_Punk (@lyssisbored) Molly was dragged into joining a search through the woods, or so she remembers… Yet the fog is growing ever deeper, and she can’t quite place what she’s supposed to be doing.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Witchy Woman - Written by @mizjoely Sometimes a witch just wants a night with a hot demon…what’s so wrong about that?   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated E)
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holidaysat221b · 5 years
2018′s Halloween at 221b - A Sherlolly Celebration Master List
To help get you in the Fall/Halloween spirit, here are all the submissions we received during the 2018 Halloween Fest.  Please give them another look, leave a comment or a kudo (or both!), and show a little love to the creators who took the time to participate in 2018.
We’ve listed where the works are archived, mult-chapter or not, complete or not, and rating.  In progress fics are marked in bold as a reminder for a mod to periodically check for updates.  Tumblr accounts have been tagged where possible, some could only be linked to, and some are completely unknown to the mods.  As always, the complete Master List for all years can be found here.
Alice in Wonderland/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo And through the looking glass we see she’s painfully returned. But now off with her head I fear is everyone’s concern.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
All Souls  - Written by @geekmama The rain had nearly stopped by the time they reached the village of Grendon and the house where Molly had grown up, and where her mother still lived. He’d been there once before, a few months ago, not long after the Sherrinford/Musgrave debacle, and the house hadn’t changed. Still quite undistinguished from the other residences in this thoroughly middle class neighborhood. For the second time, Sherlock found himself wondering that the unique creature beside him, his beloved, could have sprung from this thoroughly mundane environment. Of course, it had taken him an unconscionably long time to realize exactly how unique Molly was. It seemed irrefutable proof that, while he was very quick in most areas of perception, he could be slow to the point of idiocy in others – and some of them rather essential. It was always possible, Sherlock reflected, as he pulled the car into the drive, that there was more to Molly’s childhood home, too, than first contact had suggested.   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
By the Light of the Moon  - Written by @mizjoely Annabellioncourt on tumblr said: There’s a lovely old English myth that if someone who truely loved and trusted the werewolf called it by name that it would turn back to human. Others include throwing their human clothes at it and it’d turn back but that’s a bit less romantic. This is my response to that prompt.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Corpse Bride/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Yet I feel my heart is aching Thought it doesn’t beat it’s breaking And the pain here that I feel Try and tell me it’s not real I know that I am dead Yet it seems that I still have some tears to shed   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Crimson Peak  - Created by @myqueenismollyhooper  (On Tumblr, Complete)
Dead Man Walking  - Written by @willsherjohnkhanAn alternate reality. Halloween-ish companion piece to The Familiar Stranger…   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Devoted  - Written by @the-sapphiresky She loved Halloween. It was the one time of the year she could go all out, no holds barred on her morbidity, and no one would bat an eye. She traded her jumpers and comfy trousers for tight leggings, fake blood, bat wings, whatever struck her fancy that year. But this year, the temptation to be morbid wasn’t as alluring as usual.   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Edward Scissorhands/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo (On Tumblr, Complete)
Happy Sherlolly Halloween  - Created by @darnedchildA Sherlolly kiss pumpkin  (On Tumblr, Complete)
I Had A Dream, Molly  - Written by @thehiddenlawyer Sherlock and Molly, in a rough patch in their relationship, are investigating a mysterious death at infamous 50 Berkeley Square in London, when a thunderstorm rocks the house, and Molly walks away with new abilities.   (On Ao3, Complete in 13 Parts, Rated M)
It’s no secret that Molly Hooper loves Halloween  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo It’s no secret that Molly Hooper loves Halloween, but it is something Sherlock finds endearing about her. They spend the afternoon walking through cemeteries, and the evening at her flat, watching cliché slasher films, and handing out candy to children who happen upon her doorstep. That’s when the activity begins. First it’s footsteps here and there, but then it escalates to objects being thrown, and the lights flickering. Turns out the thrift shop mirror Molly purchased for Halloween decór is a portal for spirits. And by the looks of the I.O.U. being painted on the glass, it seems Moriarty is back for revenge.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Jack the Ripper/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Jack the Ripper is on the loose, but Sherlock and Molly are on the case. They set out to find the identity of the ripper, unaware that they’re closer to the answer than they think…Sherlock’s cousin, H.H. Holmes. With hesitance, they attempt to acquire help from criminal mastermind, James Moriarty, who is imprisoned. He knows the identity of the ripper, but will only speak in riddles.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Life in Death  - Written by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Molly Hooper finds an antique pocket watch in a thrift shop, resulting in her being haunted by the ghost of a Victorian Era Sherlock Holmes, who happens to have once been a tenant of her flat. Follow this annoyed-at-first-sight story full of witty banter, eventual romance, and an attempted murder most foul.   (On Ao3, Complete in 8 parts, Rated T)
Little Red Riding Hood/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Once upon a time, a girl named Molly wandered into the woods in her red hood, only to come across the large black wolf everyone hides away from at night. The first thing she noticed was the strange, but beautiful, cerulean eyes. The wolf, she learns, is in fact a man who can shift into the large beast; a man named Sherlock. Upon finding out that the wolf who attacks her village isn’t him, but another shifter by the name of James Moriarty, Molly begins to set up a trap to catch him. This angers him, and Moriarty bites Molly before he is taken by the men of the village. Sherlock takes care of her through her transition into becoming a wolf herself; a beautiful copper coat covering her. The more time she spends with him, the more she falls in love with him… and he with her.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Nightmare Before Christmas/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo My dearest friend, if you don’t mind, I’d like to join you by your side, where we can gaze into the stars, and sit together, now and forever. For it is plain as anyone can see. We’re simply meant to be.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
The Phantom of the Opera/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Close your eyes, start a journey to a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Close your eyes and let music set you free. Only then can you belong to me. Floating, falling, sweet intoxication. Touch me, trust me, savour each sensation. Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in. To the power of the music that I write. The power of the music of the night.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #1  - Created by @mel-loves-all Sherlock woke in a hotel room without any memory of how he got there. A case had led him to erotic underground clubs the night before. Flashes of hauntingly lonely brown eyes, skin soft as satin and ecstasy so pleasurably intense, it bordered on pain, bombarded him as the scent of crushed berries and sex lingered on the bed sheets.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #2  - Created by @mel-loves-all Dreams. Fevered, erotic, all consuming. A woman whose beauty takes his breath away. Sherlock doesn’t ever want to wake up.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #3  - Created by @mel-loves-all Mysterious murders lead Sherlock Holmes to the front door of a leading Historian of Witches and Witchcraft. He doesn’t believe in the supernatural but the beautiful professor’s smile could definitely be described as magical.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #4  - Created by @mel-loves-all On Halloween night, there’s a murderer on the loose and Molly’s been kidnapped. Sherlock saves her and finally gets his head out of his arse and kisses her from relief and love.)   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #5  - Created by @mel-loves-all Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #6  - Created by @mel-loves-all Who would have thought Molly and Sherlock both had a taste for the macabre on the scariest night of the year? lol, date night.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #7  - Created by @mel-loves-all What started out as a fun ugly jumper purchase of Molly’s for Sherlock turned into a Halloween themed party where Mrs. Hudson took the grand prize for her “Frequent Flyer” sweater.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #8  - Created by @mel-loves-allMoriarty. Even in death his presence lingers. All Sherlock can do is be there for Molly as she comes to grips with the remembered horror of the man.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #9  - Created by @mel-loves-all Was she going insane? This was the urgent missive Sherlock Holmes was sent. A woman in danger. A woman who was being systematically poisoned and driven towards madness. He would not allow it. The beautiful widow, whose vulnerability, but incredible inner strength, drew forth Sherlock’s protective instincts like no one else before.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #10  - Created by @mel-loves-all “They talk to me, always…whispering all the things they wished they had time to do…all the things they want me to do…for them" He looked around the morgue, and for one terrifying moment, he could hear them too…”   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sleepy Hollow/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo The Pickety Witch, the Pickety Witch, who’s got a kiss for the Pickety Witch?   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Spellbound  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo A trailer for both stories in my Spellbound Universe.   (On Youtube, Complete)
Spellbound: All Hallow’s Eve  - Written by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Sequel; takes place a year after the epilogue of Spellbound (I suggest reading that first). Sherlock and Molly encounter a man who’s out for revenge at the Watsons’ Victorian themed Halloween party. Meanwhile, there’s a woman roaming around London, impersonating Emelia Ricoletti. Magic, Mayhem, Mystery, and a Murder (or two) Most Foul.   (On Ao3, Complete in 7 Parts, Rated T)
Spellbound: All Hallow’s Eve Edit  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo An edit created to accompany “Spellbound: All Hallow’s Eve”.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Universally Monstrous - Dracula  - Written by @darnedchild It’s Molly’s voice. The woman he had buried just six days prior.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Universally Monstrous - The Hunchback of Notre Dame  - Written by @darnedchild “The Quasimodo Killer?” Sherlock scoffed. “Really, John. That’s the best you could do?”   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Universally Monstrous - The Phantom of the Opera  - Written by @darnedchild It was a well-known secret that New Scotland Yard was haunted.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Vampire Edit  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Post tfp. Sherlock has opened his eyes when it comes to matters of the heart. A passionate snog in the morgue showed Molly exactly how he felt about her. But there’s danger lurking around the corner… Moriarty never died on that rooftop. He’s a vampire with an agenda… to sire Molly Hooper. By doing so, it will make her undyingly loyal to him, and in turn, burn the heart out of Sherlock. Molly is on the run whilst Sherlock tries to track his arch nemesis down. He finds out that Moran has found Molly, and Sherlock will do anything to save her, but time’s running out.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Veils of Memory Infected With Dreams  - Written by ALC_Punk (@lyssisbored) Molly was dragged into joining a search through the woods, or so she remembers… Yet the fog is growing ever deeper, and she can’t quite place what she’s supposed to be doing.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Witchy Woman  - Written by @mizjoely Sometimes a witch just wants a night with a hot demon…what’s so wrong about that?   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated E)
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holidaysat221b · 6 years
2018′s Halloween at 221b - A Sherlolly Celebration Master List
Below is the 2018 Halloween at 221b Master List, complete with where they’re archived, mult-chapter or not, complete or not, and rating.  In progress fics are marked in bold as a reminder for a mod to periodically check for updates.  As always, the complete Master List for all years can be found here.
Alice in Wonderland/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo And through the looking glass we see she’s painfully returned. But now off with her head I fear is everyone’s concern.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
All Souls  - Written by @geekmama The rain had nearly stopped by the time they reached the village of Grendon and the house where Molly had grown up, and where her mother still lived. He’d been there once before, a few months ago, not long after the Sherrinford/Musgrave debacle, and the house hadn’t changed. Still quite undistinguished from the other residences in this thoroughly middle class neighborhood. For the second time, Sherlock found himself wondering that the unique creature beside him, his beloved, could have sprung from this thoroughly mundane environment. Of course, it had taken him an unconscionably long time to realize exactly how unique Molly was. It seemed irrefutable proof that, while he was very quick in most areas of perception, he could be slow to the point of idiocy in others – and some of them rather essential. It was always possible, Sherlock reflected, as he pulled the car into the drive, that there was more to Molly’s childhood home, too, than first contact had suggested.   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
By the Light of the Moon  - Written by @mizjoely Annabellioncourt on tumblr said: There’s a lovely old English myth that if someone who truely loved and trusted the werewolf called it by name that it would turn back to human. Others include throwing their human clothes at it and it’d turn back but that’s a bit less romantic. This is my response to that prompt.   (On Ao3, In Progress, Rated G)
Corpse Bride/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Yet I feel my heart is aching Thought it doesn’t beat it’s breaking And the pain here that I feel Try and tell me it’s not real I know that I am dead Yet it seems that I still have some tears to shed   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Crimson Peak  - Created by @myqueenismollyhooper  (On Tumblr, Complete)
Dead Man Walking  - Written by @willsherjohnkhan An alternate reality. Halloween-ish companion piece to The Familiar Stranger…   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Devoted  - Written by @the-sapphiresky She loved Halloween. It was the one time of the year she could go all out, no holds barred on her morbidity, and no one would bat an eye. She traded her jumpers and comfy trousers for tight leggings, fake blood, bat wings, whatever struck her fancy that year. But this year, the temptation to be morbid wasn’t as alluring as usual.   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Edward Scissorhands/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo  (On Tumblr, Complete)
Happy Sherlolly Halloween  - Created by @darnedchild A Sherlolly kiss pumpkin  (On Tumblr, Complete)
I Had A Dream, Molly  - Written by @thehiddenlawyer Sherlock and Molly, in a rough patch in their relationship, are investigating a mysterious death at infamous 50 Berkeley Square in London, when a thunderstorm rocks the house, and Molly walks away with new abilities.   (On Ao3, Complete in 13 Parts, Rated M)
It’s no secret that Molly Hooper loves Halloween  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo It’s no secret that Molly Hooper loves Halloween, but it is something Sherlock finds endearing about her. They spend the afternoon walking through cemeteries, and the evening at her flat, watching cliché slasher films, and handing out candy to children who happen upon her doorstep. That’s when the activity begins. First it’s footsteps here and there, but then it escalates to objects being thrown, and the lights flickering. Turns out the thrift shop mirror Molly purchased for Halloween decór is a portal for spirits. And by the looks of the I.O.U. being painted on the glass, it seems Moriarty is back for revenge.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Jack the Ripper/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Jack the Ripper is on the loose, but Sherlock and Molly are on the case. They set out to find the identity of the ripper, unaware that they’re closer to the answer than they think…Sherlock’s cousin, H.H. Holmes. With hesitance, they attempt to acquire help from criminal mastermind, James Moriarty, who is imprisoned. He knows the identity of the ripper, but will only speak in riddles.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Life in Death  - Written by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Molly Hooper finds an antique pocket watch in a thrift shop, resulting in her being haunted by the ghost of a Victorian Era Sherlock Holmes, who happens to have once been a tenant of her flat. Follow this annoyed-at-first-sight story full of witty banter, eventual romance, and an attempted murder most foul.   (On Ao3, In Progress, Rated T)
Little Red Riding Hood/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Once upon a time, a girl named Molly wandered into the woods in her red hood, only to come across the large black wolf everyone hides away from at night. The first thing she noticed was the strange, but beautiful, cerulean eyes. The wolf, she learns, is in fact a man who can shift into the large beast; a man named Sherlock. Upon finding out that the wolf who attacks her village isn’t him, but another shifter by the name of James Moriarty, Molly begins to set up a trap to catch him. This angers him, and Moriarty bites Molly before he is taken by the men of the village. Sherlock takes care of her through her transition into becoming a wolf herself; a beautiful copper coat covering her. The more time she spends with him, the more she falls in love with him… and he with her.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Nightmare Before Christmas/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo My dearest friend, if you don’t mind, I’d like to join you by your side, where we can gaze into the stars, and sit together, now and forever. For it is plain as anyone can see. We’re simply meant to be.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
The Phantom of the Opera/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Close your eyes, start a journey to a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Close your eyes and let music set you free. Only then can you belong to me. Floating, falling, sweet intoxication. Touch me, trust me, savour each sensation. Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in. To the power of the music that I write. The power of the music of the night.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #1  - Created by @mel-loves-all Sherlock woke in a hotel room without any memory of how he got there. A case had led him to erotic underground clubs the night before. Flashes of hauntingly lonely brown eyes, skin soft as satin and ecstasy so pleasurably intense, it bordered on pain, bombarded him as the scent of crushed berries and sex lingered on the bed sheets.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #2  - Created by @mel-loves-all Dreams. Fevered, erotic, all consuming. A woman whose beauty takes his breath away. Sherlock doesn’t ever want to wake up.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #3  - Created by @mel-loves-all Mysterious murders lead Sherlock Holmes to the front door of a leading Historian of Witches and Witchcraft. He doesn’t believe in the supernatural but the beautiful professor’s smile could definitely be described as magical.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #4  - Created by @mel-loves-all On Halloween night, there’s a murderer on the loose and Molly’s been kidnapped. Sherlock saves her and finally gets his head out of his arse and kisses her from relief and love.)   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #5  - Created by @mel-loves-all Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #6  - Created by @mel-loves-all Who would have thought Molly and Sherlock both had a taste for the macabre on the scariest night of the year? lol, date night.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #7  - Created by @mel-loves-all What started out as a fun ugly jumper purchase of Molly’s for Sherlock turned into a Halloween themed party where Mrs. Hudson took the grand prize for her “Frequent Flyer” sweater.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #8  - Created by @mel-loves-all Moriarty. Even in death his presence lingers. All Sherlock can do is be there for Molly as she comes to grips with the remembered horror of the man.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #9  - Created by @mel-loves-all Was she going insane? This was the urgent missive Sherlock Holmes was sent. A woman in danger. A woman who was being systematically poisoned and driven towards madness. He would not allow it. The beautiful widow, whose vulnerability, but incredible inner strength, drew forth Sherlock’s protective instincts like no one else before.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlolly Moodboard #10  - Created by @mel-loves-all “They talk to me, always…whispering all the things they wished they had time to do…all the things they want me to do…for them" He looked around the morgue, and for one terrifying moment, he could hear them too…”   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sleepy Hollow/Sherlolly Mashup  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo The Pickety Witch, the Pickety Witch, who’s got a kiss for the Pickety Witch?   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Spellbound  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo A trailer for both stories in my Spellbound Universe.   (On Youtube, Complete)
Spellbound: All Hallow’s Eve  - Written by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Sequel; takes place a year after the epilogue of Spellbound (I suggest reading that first). Sherlock and Molly encounter a man who’s out for revenge at the Watsons’ Victorian themed Halloween party. Meanwhile, there’s a woman roaming around London, impersonating Emelia Ricoletti. Magic, Mayhem, Mystery, and a Murder (or two) Most Foul.   (On Ao3, Complete in 7 Parts, Rated T)
Spellbound: All Hallow’s Eve Edit  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo An edit created to accompany “Spellbound: All Hallow’s Eve”.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Universally Monstrous - Dracula  - Written by @darnedchild It’s Molly’s voice. The woman he had buried just six days prior.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Universally Monstrous - The Hunchback of Notre Dame  - Written by @darnedchild “The Quasimodo Killer?” Sherlock scoffed. “Really, John. That’s the best you could do?”   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Universally Monstrous - The Phantom of the Opera  - Written by @darnedchild It was a well-known secret that New Scotland Yard was haunted.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Vampire Edit  - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Post tfp. Sherlock has opened his eyes when it comes to matters of the heart. A passionate snog in the morgue showed Molly exactly how he felt about her. But there’s danger lurking around the corner… Moriarty never died on that rooftop. He’s a vampire with an agenda… to sire Molly Hooper. By doing so, it will make her undyingly loyal to him, and in turn, burn the heart out of Sherlock. Molly is on the run whilst Sherlock tries to track his arch nemesis down. He finds out that Moran has found Molly, and Sherlock will do anything to save her, but time’s running out.   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Veils of Memory Infected With Dreams  - Written by ALC_Punk (Tumblr Unknown) Molly was dragged into joining a search through the woods, or so she remembers… Yet the fog is growing ever deeper, and she can’t quite place what she’s supposed to be doing.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Witchy Woman  - Written by @mizjoely Sometimes a witch just wants a night with a hot demon…what’s so wrong about that?   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated E)
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