#mcyt gt community
i-am-beckyu · 4 months
One Small Gift
HELLO! I TOLD YOU I'D POST ONE MORE FIC THIS YEAR! And I am very proud of myself for making it a Christmas centered fic! I can't believe it's actually been a year since I last posted a Christmas fic. Like where did the time go and how did this thing spawn?
I'm gonna ramble a bit more at the bottom of this fic about me and the community but lets not hold you up any longer so I give you: The Christmas Fic- One Small Gift :3
cw: fear, death mention (but no actual death), lying, panic and anxiety, fluff- Like, ALOT of Fluff, hidden identity and of course happy endings. You know, the usual angst/fluffy Beckyu fic :3 word count: 8351
Disclaimer! This story is based on the characters of the Dream SMP and not the real life content creators. Anything that occurs in this story is purely fiction and should be treated as such. Thank you.
Why did the walls always have to be so damn cold? 
Tommy’s mind couldn’t help but linger on the thought, as the Borrower shivered making his way through the maze that was the inside the house walls.
Human Beans invented heaters AGES ago for the insides of their houses to keep warm, so how was it that the inside of the walls were still always so flippen freezing? 
Would it kill them to think of the little guy freezing their butt off just once?
Well no, maybe not. But it certainly would Tommy. 
As much as the young blonde would love to cuss at the home owner for not giving him a proper source of heat, the Borrowers code quite literally FORBID them from ever telling a Human of their existence. Not to forget the fact that it would mean doom for a borrower if they ever did. All the horror stories of Borrowers being squished or experimented on from the elders to go off being proof enough.
Death by Human Beans?
HA! Absolutely NOT!
That’s exactly the reason why he is trying to get supplies for the Winter to warm himself up, before it gets even colder! 
Tommy grumbled to himself as he ducked and weaved past forgotten cobwebs about how it was such a pain to be in this position in the first place. He’d had a perfectly fine home in a tree nook in the forest that had always remained nice and cosy warm during the colder months. 
Even if that meant he’d been living on his own, Tommy had been happy living as an Outie borrower for as long as he could remember. Well at least he had, before some tall, pretentious brunette freak decided his home would be the perfect tree to cut down and drag all the way back to his stupid freezing cold house. 
But it gets better, because even though the main part of his home was actually still intact under the now stump, the Bean still took the top half of the tree- 
With Tommy still inside it! 
They flippen took HIS house and wrapped it in a net; effectively trapping the poor borrower and then strapped it to the top of their car and drove hours and hours to a Human Town with him hanging on for dear life.
And that’s not even the worst part because not only did the flippen Bean steal part of his house, but then they had the audacity to cover the tree's dying corpse in fancy decorations and shining lights. 
Like seriously WTF?!
A Bean kidnaps him from the only place he’s ever really known and covers his once thriving residence all merrily in ornaments, while he’s forced to flee his only real known place of safety with nothing but the clothes on his back, and the few supplies he did have stored in the upper levels of his now dying home. He hadn’t wanted to leave, but it was the only choice he really had. 
Stay in the tree and get caught, or try and survive in the Beans' walls until Winter passes.
He chose the latter of course- (It’s not like staying would have helped him anyways) 
Getting down from the top of the tree had been, well- less than a fun time for the Borrower. The big purple bruises across his back were a throbbing reminder from his impact on the floor at times, but he managed. 
Instead, Tommy had started to navigate his temporary ‘soon to be home’ in the walls getting an idea of the layout and where the best places were to borrow from. He just had to make it through the Winter and then he could go home. Trying to get back to his nook now would be impossible with all the snow cover on the ground, but he’d get back to the forest even if it killed him.
Which might be the case soon if he doesn’t get some new clothes and heat source quick.
That was the main issue with being kidnapped after all. You only have what’s on your back and well, Tommy hadn’t exactly been expecting to get yoinked away in his scrappy T-Shirt and shorts. He had proudly made them himself with the few scraps of fabric he’d managed to find from some Beans that had been passing through years ago on a camping trip, but the fabric was light, and not made to be worn in such cold conditions. 
He’d only meant to go up and check what the heck the loud thumping outside his tree was like any normal person. He was expecting a deer or maybe a bear using it as a scratching post, not a Bean cutting their house down and taking him along with it. You don’t exactly have time to think about putting on proper clothing when your everything is at stake.
So that was step one: Find some material and make some clothes- a jacket the top priority.
Tommy is very thankful that he had his borrowing bag on him, that he still has his self made needle and some old thread so he at least didn’t have to start from nothing. Finding the material hadn’t been too difficult to locate either. When he first scouted the place, he discovered pretty quickly that the Bean had a habit of leaving stuff all over the place, so borrowing supplies hadn’t been difficult to do without being noticed. It’s how he found the most perfect fluffy woollen red sock to make a coat and blanket from. He would already have it now though if the Bean hadn’t come back before he could swipe it.
The Borrower had tried to come back for it later, but the Bean had decided it was time to clean their room up because he had some guests coming for this thing called ‘Chris-mass’- whatever that was- and the sock was gone.
So instead he grabbed what he could and made his way back to the walls with just enough fabric to make a new pair of pants and some crackers for dinner.
But it still didn’t fix the whole freezing situation.
What Tommy really needed was a candle. 
To a Human Bean it may seem to be an insignificant source of light, but to a Borrower it could literally be the difference between a warm nights sleep and becoming a Borrower popsicle! But that was easier said then done because all the usual spots Beans would normally keep candles, were replaced with flippen electric ones!!!! 
What’s wrong with fire on candles!? Why would you want a fake candle that just flickers and produces less light than a real one?
That or something for a bed. At least that way he’d have a comfortable place to sleep and trap his own body heat.
He really wishes he could have taken those socks…
As if this Bean wasn’t bad enough, not only did they lack the materials Tommy so desperately needed, but they wouldn’t shut up talking into the black box (a fone he thinks it’s called from memory) to other Beans with how excited they were about them coming to stay for the Hole-lid-days and spend time huddled together by the fire or something dumb. 
“Come on Dad! Let me host. If you let me host, I’ve got the coolest surprise planned for you and Techno I swear!! Plus don’t you want to come and see me?” 
Lucky prick. Got a Dad and a brother…
Now don’t get him wrong, Tommy is a big man, if not the biggest man to ever exist and he doesn’t need anyone. But he also couldn’t help but long for someone to share the cold season with like the Beans did. It had been so long since he’d seen another Borrower like himself and though he’d never admit it, living alone did get a little bit lonely sometimes. It would be nice if just once he could share a night cuddled up close to a loved one, and just bask in each other’s company. 
But Tommy didn’t have time to be sentimental about things he’d likely never have.
He needed to find a way to stay warm and get warm now.
But the universe decidedly hated Tommy because, tonight was apparently December 24th-
Chrisymiss Eve.
Tommy had been here about a week or so and in his short stay still wasn’t 100% sure what this whole Khrislermas was, but it appeared to be a BIG deal to the Beans. 
Apparently, all the Beans get together whether it’s family or friends to spend time together and exchange gifts. It’s about being thankful for what you have or whatever and something about showing how much you love someone by giving and receiving presents. 
Tommy thought it was actually quite a nice thing the Beans did and wished that Borrowers had something similar themselves in their culture. However, there was one thing he still didn’t quite understand about this whole holiday thing.
Who the heck is Santa Claus?
He’d been taking some more crackers the Bean had left out from the kitchen while this ‘tv show’ played on the Bean's big Black box that was talking about this Santa guy. Apparently, he was some elusive, big fat man, dressed all in red with a big white bushy beard, who climbed down the Beans chimneys, and left gifts for all the little boys and girls of the world. He had this list too that knew if you’d been naughty or nice and would leave the good children gifts and the bad children coal in their stockings. 
Children could write letters to Santa or he’d visit and children could sit on his knee and ask him for a gift they would like and he would deliver the toys to children all over the world on Christmas eve when everyone was sleeping, only to have disappeared by daybreak.
Tommy hadn’t thought much of this Santa at first- not when it was just another Bean to avoid. That was until he learned two very important details.
1- Santa delivered presents to ALL children of the world. 
And 2- Santa wasn’t meant to be seen by Humans either.
So not only did this Santa guy literally just give out free gifts, but Tommy literally had a way to get exactly what he needed for the winter!
All he needed to do was talk to Santa and he’d be saved! 
Now you might be thinking: But Tommy, you said it yourself. Santa isn’t meant to be seen by anyone so what makes you the exception? 
Borrowers aren’t meant to be seen by Beans and neither is Santa.
Which means just like Borrowers, Santa must not want to be caught (which if he thinks too hard about it makes sense since he literally breaks into houses but anyways) and unlike with Beans, there is no rule that says Borrowers can’t see Santa!
All he has to do is wait for Santa to visit Crystamas eve, and then he can ask for his gift! Santa probably even knows what he wants, being made of magic and all! He just never knew Santa existed so he’s never asked for his gift before! 
If he were a more greedy Borrower, he could ask for so much more to make up for all the years he never got a gift, but that would probably put him on Santa’s naughty list. And while coal would be good, Tommy doesn’t exactly want to burn the house down with him inside it. So this was his best shot to get exactly what he needed. 
The hard bit though, was waiting for Santa to arrive. That meant not only having to be out in the living room where the fireplace was, but also meant he had to wait for the Bean to fall asleep. Which really meant that it would be AGES before Santa would come because the Bean of the house was terrible at sleeping at night. 
The man literally had no sleep schedule and would stay up till terrible times in the morning before drifting off. Normally that wasn’t much of an issue for the Borrower having observed this early on, but right now it was very much a hindrance because it could be hours before they went to bed. 
It also seemed that they wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon, because the amount of energy and excitement the Bean had displayed the whole day about his family coming home was overwhelming. He’d come home at one stage with this big bag of stuff talking on the black box about how his super cool surprise was coming along and how it would be awesome since they let him host Chrimpmas- whatever that meant. 
Tommy had hoped with the excitement of the holiday they’d have been ready to pass out by now, but he couldn’t be more wrong with the amount of commotion he could hear from down the hall- and that’s through the walls. 
At least he could observe everything going on from his place on the bookshelf. It was right next to a small crack in the wall he could just squeeze through, but it gave him a good view of the living room but also enough cover from prying eyes unless he made his presence known. However, being out of the walls had one difference the blonde hadn’t accounted for.
The fire had been lit and was keeping the whole room nice and toasty warm compared to the harsh bite the walls somehow managed to keep. The whole atmosphere made him almost want to curl up and fall asleep. It had been so long since he’d been able to just enjoy the warmth in the air and not be shivering to keep alive.
Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt if he had a nap before Santa arrived.
Just a quick one….
Tommy was awoken to a rather loud THUNK as the Borrower shot up from where he had fallen asleep atop the shelf. 
It took the blonde a moment to realise where he was and not panic about being out in the open before his eyes settled upon a figure. 
Sprawled out across the floor in a heap of red and white was the jolly big man himself.
Santa Claus.
The one and only.
“Santa!” Tommy yelled excitedly as he hurriedly manoeuvred to stand. “Santa you came!”
Santa’s head snapped up from the floor alarmed, as they pushed themselves to stand and take a defensive stance.
“Who said that?!” they shouted, looking around wildly panicked. “Show yourself!”
Tommy giggled to himself. Santa was so silly. 
“Up here Santa! I’ve been waiting for you.” The blonde waved as the man's head turned and their eyes fell onto his small form. 
Tommy grinned at the magical man taking him all in. 
Just like the figure on the big black box, Santa wore a big red coat with white fluff lining the ends of his sleeves. A big black belt was strapped around their waist, fastened with a fancy golden buckle and sturdy black boots on their feet to keep out the snow. Their head was adorned with an oversized big red hat, with a giant white fluffy pom pom on the end, and they had a long white beard that travelled down their chest. And last but not least was a pair of gold rimmed glasses perched on the tip of their rosy red nose which accentuated their big brown eyes that were staring at him in wonder. 
He could have sworn that Santa's eyes were blue.
“I can’t believe you came! I wasn’t sure if you would since I never sent a letter but you must have known anyway cause here you are!” The little borrower stated excitedly as Santa removed his glasses, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief. 
“I’m so glad you’re here! I really need my Crimpmess present.” 
“I’m sorry you’re what?” the man’s eyes furrowed in confusion as they processed what the younger had said.
“My present!.” Tommy rolled his eyes. “You know, the whole reason why you’re here.”
Santa didn’t exactly seem like he knew what was going on. Right now all he was doing was staring and Tommy was getting a bit annoyed. 
Was that not why Santa was here? To deliver his present like the show had said?
Tommy huffed annoyed he had to explain all this. Wasn’t this like his job? He should know!
“I’m sorry,” Santa began slowly as if trying to process. “I didn’t actually know you were here.”
“Why else would you have come then?” Tommy crossed his arms unimpressed. “I’m the only kid here, but don’t tell anyone else I said that. I’m a big man! The biggest ever!”
This finally seemed to warrant a different reaction from the older, as they looked the boy up and down unimpressed by this so-called ‘fact’.
“A big man huh? You look more like a child. What are you- 12?”
Tommy feigned a gasp, grasping his chest offendedly. “I’ll have you know I’m 14 and the biggest man alive! I’m only a child for the purpose of getting my gift tonight and tonight only!”
Santa couldn’t stifle a laugh as he watched as the small child stomped his foot in a mini tantrum at being called 12. It was endearing in a way but he still wasn’t sure how to proceed with a tiny child standing on their bookshelf.
“Well whatever you say I guess, but I still I didn’t know you were here.”
The blonde shrugged before moving closer to the shelfs edge. “Ah well it doesn’t matter. You’re here now so I’d like my gift please! You have it right?” 
“If I didn’t know you were here, then how would I have your present with me?” Santa asked.
Well he did make a good point. It’s not like he sent Santa a letter and he hadn't met him to tell him like other human bean children had until now. 
“Oh right. Guess I better come sit on your knee and tell you what I’d like than.” Tommy stated matter of factly, as the small Borrower moved to the edge of the shelf and stabbed his hook into the wood, quickly jumping off to descend on his rope to the ground.
“Wait, DON’T DO THAT!” 
The blonde yelped in surprise, moving instinctually to protect his ears at the sheer volume the man shouted, in turn losing his grip on his rope, quickly plummeting down to the ground below. Santa lunged forward with an outstretched hand as the boy slipped down the rope at a rapid speed, catching him before any real harm could be done. He semi slammed into the wall, clutching his hand to his chest as they did so before quickly unfurling their hand.
“Oh my prime! Kid- kid are you alright?” Santa said frantically checking over the boy he now held in his palm. 
Tommy shook his head, dizzy from the sudden force that had rammed into him only moments ago. He tried to steady himself grabbing, onto the nearest thing his hand could find as he begun to regain his bearings.
Oh he was going to ache tomorrow…
“As soon as the world stops spinning, yeah.”
Santa sighed in relief as Tommy allowed himself to regain focus. It was then that he really took note of where he was. 
Normally, if a Borrower was sitting in the hand of someone almost 100x his size, he would be kicking and screeching to get away. But this was Santa Claus’s hand and Tommy felt only wonder. 
It was like nothing he’d ever experienced before. The thing he had grabbed onto was apparently Santa’s thumb and it was almost as big as his head! Even if it was a bit weird sitting on the leathery texture of their skin, the warmth radiating beneath him was heavenly, and the way the man’s fingers curled slightly over him protectively felt nothing but comforting. 
Santa hadn’t moved since he caught Tommy mid air, and was staring at Tommy as if they would disappear. They seemed stuck on what to do next, but also amazed he was sitting there at all.
“You alright there big man?” Tommy raised a brow confused at why the man would act this way. Santa was literally made of magic and had flying reindeer for goodness sake! A borrower existing surely was no cause for such amazement? There were surely way more interesting magical things to see than a lowly Borrower like him. 
(But then again, he was a pretty poggers Borrower if he did so say that himself, so staring could be justified for that reason)
This finally snapped the old man out of their wondrous stupor, as they squinted their eyes open and shut with a quick shake of their head. 
“Uh yep. All good um. Let's- go sit down. Yeah- yeah, let's do that.” Santa said, confirming more to themself than Tommy.
Santa brought the boy protectively to their chest to brace them before they moved away from the book shelf, smoothly walking over to the couch where the old man sat down ever so slowly to not jostle their small passenger. The second they were bending down to sit though, Tommy was launching himself off Santa’s palm for his knee as the bearded man frantically tried to stop them in their escapade.
“Kid, would you stop doing that? You’re going to hurt yourself!”
“Pfft please. This is nothing compared to how I got down from that tree over there.” The boy grinned as they pointed to the far corner of the living room.
The man's head followed to where the boy was pointing, the Christmas tree displayed proudly in a large pot tied with a red bow, small lights flickering on and off in changing patterns.
“Tree? You mean the Christmas tree?”
“Yep!” Tommy stood proudly popping the p. “I had to get down somehow and my hook would have gotten stuck in amongst the branches if I had tried to abseil down. So I did what any logical Borrower would do and jumped.”
“You jumped?!” Santa’s eyes widened, as he looked back and forth between the boy and the top of the brightly decorated tree. He grimaced, imagining the boy throwing themselves from the upper branches like they had done only moments before onto his knee. 
What was with this kid and being so reckless?!
“You jumped from the top of the Christmas tree!? Why were you even there in the first place?”
Tommy rolled his eyes, crossing their arms in front of their chest. 
“It’s all that stupid Beans fault.”He huffed annoyed. “He just came waltzing into MY forest, decided to be very rude and put their grubby hands all over MY house wrapping it up in some ugly net, only to cut it down with me still in it!”
Tommy didn’t notice the way Santa’s brows furrowed and their expression changed to one of horror as he continued to ramble on.
“They literally kidnapped me, Santa! They’re so lucky that the main part of my house is under the tree’s trunk and not the higher branches because I swear I would have murdered that Bean in their sleep by now if they had!”
Tommy was very pleased to have finally gotten to vent some of his frustrations to someone other than his internal self, but now he was finished he had a good chance to register the other’s reaction.
Santa looked horrified.
His eyes seemed glossed over as if he was holding back tears, and one hand slapped over their mouth, the other gripping their wrist tightly in an attempt to ground themselves. 
Uh shit. He hadn’t meant for that to happen…
“Uh but don’t worry Santa!” Tommy was quick to add. “ I wouldn’t actually do that. That would be a bad thing to do and put me on the Naughty list! I promise I won’t actually murder anyone!” 
Phew, that was a close one. He couldn’t jeopardise his only hope with a silly joke!
Santas’ face had yet to change and Tommy subconsciously started to fidget feeling nervous to how the older was reacting. Maybe he had blown it and now he was on the naughty list. Another glance at the old man's face seemed to confirm those fears.
He’d blown it.
His one shot at survival and he practically threw it all away with a vent. No wonder he ended up all alone.
“Please don’t put me on the Naughty list Santa. I need my gift.” Tommy spoke timidly. “I didn’t mean it.”
“I- no. No you’re not on the Naughty list.” Santa dragged his hands over his eyes a few times strained. “I'm just trying to process. It’s more of the whole kidnapping thing. ” 
If Tommy had been paying better attention, he may have noticed the few stray brown curls poking out from under the man's hat, but he was more thrown by their following question as the magical man continued on.
“If you were in the tree, why didn’t you say anything?”
Tommy drew a deep breath, before sighing as the boy shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Because Santa, Beans aren’t supposed to know that Borrowers like me even exist.”
“Human Beans Santa. You know, big people like you, but not magical and stuff.” The Borrower explained. “There’s no way I could tell the dumb Bean he was cutting my house down! Do you know what Beans do to Borrowers like me?” 
“Um no?” Santa fiddled with his hands as he looked away, eyes downcast to avoid the youngers gaze as they continued.
“They get rid of us. To them we’re just pests or things to be used.”
Tommy hugged himself tightly, anxiety pooling in his chest for the first time that night. He wished it wasn’t true, but Beans just held far too much power for their own good. Their greed often outweighing their need to do good without reward. 
“I’d rather risk jumping out of a tree than ever fall into the clutches of a Bean.” 
“But how do you know that?” Santa suddenly said, muscles tensing as they clenched their hand into fists. 
Tommy flinched at the sight of hands so close. Closed so tightly that he couldn’t help let slip the thought of himself in the mercy of their grasp, begging to be freed like all the stories had said of the Borrowers trapped in agonising pain. The man noticed his discomfort, and immediately loosened their fists, moving their hands away and under their thighs so as to not startle the boy any further than they already had.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Santa said with a sense of guilt.  “But I just- How do you know that though? Who says that they would have hurt you if you had just made your presence known? You wouldn’t have had to jump or gotten hurt.”
Santa turned away sheepishly, whispering sadly. “They could have helped you.” 
Tommy swallowed hard, his shoulders sagging as he observed the sad look Santa had as they stared at the Christmas tree. It was obvious they were blaming themself for what had happened. He was far too kind for that.
“Santa, it’s not your fault.” the boy sighed, “Every borrower is taught this from birth. It’s a known fact that Beans are all cruel, power hungry beings. They always want more and just take, take, take.”  
“But what if this ‘Bean’ didn’t know.” Santa shot back, causing the Borrower to falter. “What if you had said something? They would have stopped and left you and your house alone? How do you know they wouldn’t have helped you?”
“Because Santa,” Tommy turned and faced the man head on. “That’s just how Beans are. To them, we're just another thing to take and control.” 
Tommy wanted to believe Santa, he really did, but it was hard to just ignore years of being brought up to beware Human Beans and their cruelty. He’d seen it even from when Beans had once come into the forest with their fire sticks, and took down a friendly deer. It was unnecessarily cruel and was all the convincing Tommy needed to deem all Humans bad.
Santa nodded sadly in some kind of understanding, but Tommy couldn’t understand why Santa looked so hurt. It wasn’t his fault the Bean took him and his home, but he seemed so convinced that hiding and not asking for help had been the wrong thing to do. 
He thought they were the same, that if Beans caught him on Christmas Eve, then something bad would happen to him like it would for Borrowers. That’s why they had to stay a secret. Why no one could know they were here. 
But Santa wasn’t a Borrower who lived in hiding unknown. The Beans knew about the jolly, present giving man that only appeared in December. 
He could live among the Beans and it would be fine if he asked for help. Everyone liked Santa. He didn’t take things just to survive. He gave toys and gifts so he would have no worries about the repercussions of taking a paperclip just to get around. He wouldn’t have to worry about Beans hurting him if something went wrong. He would just use his magic and be fine.
It was Santa’s choice to stay hidden as an extra precaution to protect that same magic. 
“But you’re different from the Beans Santa.” The boy perked up instantly remembering why he was doing this in the first place. “You only come out of hiding at Christmas and everyone knows who you are! You only hide to keep your magic safe from Beans so they can’t have that too!” 
The man gave a small smile as the boy continued to ramble, pacing back and forth on his thigh as he did so.
“But I don’t understand why you give children presents when they already have so much!” Tommy stopped, his lips pursed together as his voice dropped to a whisper.
“Unlike me.” He confessed quietly, lifting his head to meet Santa’s sympathetic gaze. 
Santa was staring at the young boy again, leaned forward in concern listening as the blonde  continued to share his story.
“It's why I need my gift Santa.” Tommy wringed his hands together with a nervous glance to see Santa’s reaction who nodded in approval, gesturing for him to continue. 
Tommy steadied himself.
Now or never.
“I was brought here with basically nothing. Forced to move into the Beans walls or risk being seen. I’ve barely been able to get anything for basic survival and the walls are freezing!” 
Tommy shivered remembering the way the air had nipped at his nose as he struggled to keep warm. Clutching himself tightly in a poor attempt to retain any kind of body heat. The one time he went up stairs without his coat and of course he gets kidnapped.
He needed this. 
More than anything.
Wilbur had just wanted to have the perfect Christmas.
It was his first time hosting and had decided he HAD to go all out.
More decorations than his little house needed both inside and out, homemade hot chocolate from scratch and had promised his Father and brother a very special Christmas surprise if they let him host.
Their first ever living Christmas tree and a surprise visit from the Big man himself- Santa Claus.
He’d done a bunch or research into the best spots to go where he could get a tree and quickly had been recommended from several sites about the fir trees in Logstedshire, and quickly made the trip out to find a tree.
What the websites failed to mention, was that said fir trees might be inhabited and the home of tiny people that are terrified of Human Beings. 
So if you asked: No, Wilbur was not having a good night realising he had kidnapped a child that was deathly afraid of him and only okay right now because he thought he was the real Santa Claus. 
In a way, it was a good thing the kid hadn’t realised yet, because if Wilbur had never dressed up in this silly costume, he probably would have never known about the child freezing to death in his walls.
The child was so cold despite their lively spirit when he’d caught them after they launched themself off the top of the shelf. The fact it wasn’t the first time they’d thrown themself from such a height made Wilbur sick knowing had they not been lucky, could very well not have made the long fall. But the fact the kid had been struggling, terrified and afraid in his walls when he could have helped had the guilt eating him away as the boy rambled on.
They were so sure of themselves with the cruelty of humanity too that they had him so on edge. If the blonde knew he was really the guy that had cut his tree down, he very much doubted they would be this enthusiastic. He was talking about how much he needed his gift- the gift he still had no clue what it was, but just hearing the little blondes tale, and seeing how thin his clothes were had Wilbur making a very long list of things he needed to get to help the kid out. 
A kid which he still doesn’t know the name of.
The boy's eyes had brightened, as he bounded up and down on the balls of his feet eagerly, talking about what this gift would mean for him. He was actually quite endearing despite their seemingly dire situation.
“If I tell you my gift, then you can give it to me now and I’ll actually have a chance to survive the Winter!” He explained excitedly, grining.
Wilbur pushed down his anxiousness for the boys well-being. They had already suffered enough from his mistakes. He didn’t want them to suffer any longer than they had by them accidentally discovering the truth.
“What’s your name kid?” Wilbur mentally slapped himself  that he hadn’t asked sooner.
The tiny boy chuckled to himself as they crossed their arms. “Oh come on Santa, you know my name don’t you? You have a list with every child's name on it.”
Ah- right. Santa did have that Naughty and Nice list didn’t he? Curse Santa for having to live up to magical standards.
“Uh- I came here in such a rush, I um- ah must have left my list back at the North Pole.”
“So?” The boy argued, raising a brow. “You’re magic. Don’t you just know?”
Did he say endearing earlier? How about difficult for making him use his brain at 9pm at night. (Shut up. Don’t judge him for it)
“Well you know there’s like 2 Billion kids in this world and I see them all in one night. You don’t expect me to remember every name without my list do you?”
The kid hadn’t seemed to account for this, and thought it over before shrugging in agreement. 
Oh thank goodness for kids being young and naive. 
“I guess that’s fair. But you’ve got a s*** memory in that case Big Man. Getting old.” 
Actually, make that an annoying gremlin.
“I think if someone wants their present, they should be more careful about insulting their elders.” Wilbur teased with a chuckle. The boy rolled his eyes with a groan. 
Okay, an endearing gremlin then.
“Fiiiiiiiiine.” they drawled letting their arms drop to their sides before extending their hand up in greeting. “The name’s Tommy.”
Wilbur carefully lifted his arm up and slowly extended his pinky finger out for the boy to take in an oversized handshake. 
“Nice to meet you Tommy.” His finger dwarfed the boy entirely, his pinky finger only slightly shorter than the boy's total height, but nevertheless, Tommy took the tip and shook it lightly.
“Now, why don’t you sit down and tell me what it is you’d like for Christmas?”
Wilbur couldn’t help but smile at the little boy excitedly sharing in exact detail what he wanted. What the Borrower wanted wasn’t even that difficult to get, and he knew exactly where to find it. Tommy continued to ramble on for a bit longer about what he had been doing since coming here and Wilbur made mental notes of the few places where Tommy talked about entrances in out of the walls for future reference.
He was going to have to look out for Tommy from now on and if he wanted a shred of hope in getting him to trust him as Wilbur, he was going to need a plan.
“So could I have my gift now? I would really love it now and you still have a lot of other houses to visit tonight right?” Tommy asked innocently.
Wilbur really didn’t want to stop talking to Tommy. Tommy trusted the magical Santa Claus; not regular Human Being Wilbur Soot. He knew that if he let Tommy go now, it was unlikely he would see the kid again, but if he didn’t leave as Santa now, they would most likely get suspicious, realising he was a fake and panic. 
Wilbur sighed as he brushed a stray hair of fake beard from under his cheek.
“I- yeah I guess so. Best get you to bed then too.” 
“Awwww but I’m not sleepy yet!” The blonde pouted. “This is normally when I’m awake so it would be a crime to make me sleep now.”
“Well good little girls and boys go to bed when they’re told if they want to stay on the nice list.”
“You’re not the boss of me!” Tommy stuck his tongue out in defiance and Wilbur had to bite his to stop himself from bursting out loud laughing. 
This kid was going to be the death of him he swears.
Wilbur extended his hand to the Borrower, keeping it steady as he waited for Tommy to climb on. He’s still a little huffy at first realising there was no room for argument, but climbs on anyway, sitting down in the middle of Wilbur’s palm bracing themself before he moves.
The brunette curls his fingers over the boy slightly, bringing his hand to his chest protectively. He tries not to linger too long at how it felt to hold an entire person in one hand for the second time tonight before moving to stand. 
Steadily, Wilbur makes his way over to the book shelf and cautiously raises his hand up for Tommy to climb off of. He sets his hand down on the wooden surface and Tommy takes no time in hoping off to stand, waiting expectantly for his promised present.  
“Okay I need you to close your eyes just for a second.” Wilbur asks the boy who quickly covers his eyes with his hands, only to peak out from behind his fingers seconds later.
“I mean it Tommy. Keep them closed.”
“Ugggghhhhh Fineee!” the boy said huffing, but relented nevertheless. 
Wilbur quickly whirled around and crouched down beneath the Christmas tree, snagging a gift from the floor and hastily tearing the gift tag labelled- Technoblade; from the gift before setting it next to the small borrower child. 
“Okay, you can open your eyes now.” 
Tommy removed his hands and squealed in delight, quickly reaching down to hug the gift. 
“Oh thank you Santa! You really are the most poggers man ever!!!” Tommy spoke rapidly, smiling so much his cheeks hurt. “Well after me of course, but only by a little bit!” 
Wilbur chuckled as he gazed affectionately at the blonde hunched over the brightly wrapped gift. “You’re welcome Tommy. I’m glad you like it.”
The boy quickly stood, and started hauling the gift to the crack in the wall, as they tried to shove the gift through. Unfortunately while the crack had been enough for Tommy to squeeze through, it wasn’t quite wide enough to let the present go in without getting a tad scrunched up and paper torn. 
“Um, Tommy? Is there perhaps a bigger entrance I could take this too?” Wilbur suggested, cringing slightly as the boy gave another hard shove on the gift, intent on getting it through no matter what.
“It’ll fit. Just gotta keep pushing it in.” 
After a few more attempts, the boy did in fact give up and relented their efforts allowing Wilbur to pull the now crumpled present back out from the crack, instructing him to take it to the kitchen and place it behind the toaster, assuring him he would get it before the Bean woke up explaining how the electrical socket actually came off as a secret entrance.
He offered to take Tommy over to it too, but the stubborn boy refused, insisting that he had done enough and needed to hurry up and deliver presents to the other children before the night was over.
Taking one more long look at the boy, Wilbur watched as Tommy disappeared through the crack into the walls, the sound of tiny footsteps pitter pattering away before Wilbur himself quietly crept back to his room before he removed the Santa costume and flopped down onto his bed. 
He’d just met a tiny child.
A tiny child trying to survive in his walls.
That was deathly afraid of him.
Quickly Wilbur shot up from his bed snatching his phone from the night stand; a plan forming in his mind. The screen read 9:31 pm before he hastily unlocked it and dove into his contacts, quickly stopping on a profile of a girl with light pink hair, dialling their number shortly after.
The phone rang twice before a woman answered on the other end.
“Niki? Hey! How’s the holidays going?” Wilbur asked as he grabbed his coat and gloves from the wardrobe.
“So I need a favour…”
Tommy awoke warm for the first time that week.
He opened his eyes blearily, almost willing himself to fall back into dream land before his eyes snapped fully open. Tommy rubbed his eyes a few times, eyes going wide trying to comprehend that this was real and not just a dream as the thoughts of the previous night played through his head.
He was in his Christmas present: A brand new pair of bright red, fluffy woollen socks- the most perfect bed ever and exactly what Tommy had asked for. He had basically run to get his gift as fast as possible, before hauling it back through the walls to a space close by the bookshelf; the space seemingly much more homely after last night's introductions. 
He hugged the woollen fabric tightly, smiling as he remembered the soft smile Santa had as he watched him go and how kind and gentle he had been with him the entire time.
The Borrower was so pleased and grateful that he had been able to meet the Santa Claus, and would cherish the magical night forever.
He stayed snuggled in his new bed for a little while longer before his stomach grumbled in protest that he should go and have something to eat. Albeit a little grumbly, his hunger eventually won out and Tommy made his way through the walls back to the kitchen so he could gather some food before the Bean woke up.
Stealthily, he removed the electrical socket, expecting to make it a quick supply run; stepping out into the open before freezing in surprise.
Laid out in a neat pile behind the toaster was a small stack of brightly wrapped gifts all wrapped in different coloured and patterned paper, and right in the middle, an envelope with his name written in gold cursive. Tommy smiled brightly, as he eagerly ran forward to the awaiting stack of gifts, quickly grabbing a gift reading the label. 
To: Tommy From: Santa
Tommy denies that he cried that day. 
That he took each gift home and opened each one oh so delicately, afraid if he didn’t they might just disappear, happy tears trailing down his cheek as he opened a gift revealing a beautiful, blue knitted sweater- and in just his size. 
His tears didn’t cease as he opened the other gifts revealing several new pairs of warm winter clothes, new rope and hooks for climbing, some tea candles with a tiny piece of flint and steel to light them, and the tiniest iced cookies he had ever seen. He could actually hold this in one hand like humans did and he had a whole bag of them!!! His prayers had been answered and he couldn’t be more thankful.
Soon, the only thing that remained was the envelope.
He dried his face as best he could, doing his best to not smear any tears or snot onto the pristine surface as he opened the envelope, revealing a card with a picture of glitter candy canes decorating the front. 
Settled back into his new bed, Tommy opened the card and read the message inside.
Dear Tommy, It was lovely meeting you and getting to know your story. I figured you might  like some extra gifts as well to help you be more comfortable in Wilbur’s walls. I think you should try talking to him.  You might be surprised. Sincerely, Santa Claus
P.S- He’s not as scary as you think.
Tommy’s smile became puzzled as he reread the last few lines.
Who the heck was Wilbur?
Was that the name of the Bean that lived here?
Oh come on, that's not fair! How come Santa knew Wilbur’s name but not his!
He grumbled a little bit at the thought, but his mind kept drawing back to the last line of the card.
‘He’s not as scary as you think.’
“Hmpf, you keep saying that.” Tommy grumbled. 
What was with Santa’s insistence on this?
As much as he wanted to be annoyed at Santa for putting forward such a ridiculous idea, Tommy decided to drag himself out of bed and to the book shelf crack. The Bean had gotten up not long after Tommy had made it back to his new home, but he’d been a tad too distracted to really care about how slow and heavy they had been trudging about this morning unlike their usually poised self.
Currently, said Bean was sitting on the couch, the exact same spot he and Santa had been last night, absentmindedly staring at his hand.
How could Santa think this guy was any good? They had kidnapped him unknowingly, almost let him die from hypothermia unknowingly, destroyed the top of his home unknowingly and Santa still thinks they won’t hurt him?
Okay so maybe it wasn’t their fault all those things happened just because they didn’t know he was there, but that doesn’t mean they’re not still very capable of hurting him for having to do all those things. But then again, Santa knew who was naughty or nice. And he wouldn’t ask him to do something that would endanger his safety if this ‘Wilbur’ guy wasn’t a good person right?
Tommy observed the Bean a little longer, as they ran their thumb over their palm. Their normally neat curly hair was all over the place and he could have sworn there were black bags under their eyes from lack of sleep. They suddenly turned their head and were staring straight at his crack by the book shelf. The Borrower was certain they couldn’t see him from the couch, but ducked back just slightly in case.
The Bean simply sighed as a small smile graced their features. Tommy was right about the black bags. Bean did not look like they had slept at all. 
He thought back to what Santa had said. 
I think you should try talking to him.
They certainly didn’t seem dangerous. Maybe they really weren’t bad like the Jolly man said?
But was it really worth taking the risk and talking to this guy?
Before he could dwell on it for much longer, the door bell sounded and Wilbur snapped his head to the sound before standing and stretching; their limbs popping and cracking slightly from their limited use. Before he left the living room, the man stopped and stared at his crack once more. Tommy didn’t dare breathe as they simply smiled and shook their head, before exiting and headed towards the front door.
Tommy allowed himself to exhale as the sound of footsteps got further away.
“Weirdo.” Tommy muttered to himself as he pushed himself back from the crack and began to head back to his bed for a well deserved rest.
He’d think about what Santa said, and just maybe he’d talk to this- Wilbur. If not, he hoped he'd meet Santa again so he could thank them in person.
Once he was back in his bed, Tommy quickly slipped in snuggling down, allowing himself to drift off to the chatter of beings much larger than himself from beyond the walls.
“Wil! So good to see you! It’s been ages!”
“Hi Dad, thanks for letting me host. I’m so glad you and Techno could make it!
“So are we, but you look like shit mate. Up late again? Wouldn't be related to that surprise you were telling us about?”
“You could say that…” 
Tommy never did meet Santa Claus again.
The card proudly on display in his new home, a secret hope he would one day and a constant reminder of what Santa had asked him to try.
And maybe one day, Tommy would finally take up the old man's advice and go and speak to Wilbur, and discover perhaps they may have been right.
Maybe then he’d finally have a friend to keep him warm during the holiday seasons and to rely on like he had wished. 
One that seemed to always know just what he needed despite never telling them, and was very insistent about never wearing Santa costumes.
No matter how many times a little boy begged….
 ˗ ˏ ˋ ★ˎˊ ˗   ༺𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂༻༺𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼༻  ˗ ˏ ˋ ★ˎˊ ˗  
That was a lot of words....
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING TO THE END! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it and it means a lot you read all the way through <3
Tag List: @local-squishmallow @brick-a-doodle-do @justarandomsloth @veryfunkycheesecake @munchkin1156 @kayla-crazy-stuffs @da3dm @eiscreme135 @orchid-harmony @the-tiny-lurker @colossal-red @nobodywritingao3 @nata2343 @bad-author777 @crazyfoxgirl10
And cue rant: Honestly you guys have no idea just how much you all mean to me an in this community and the impact you've had on me in the last year alone. I could not be more thankful for being apart of this and getting to know you guys. Getting so back into writing has been really good for me and rekindled something I love so I can't thank you enough.
And even though I know I've been a little quieter online, I'm still here lurking about and working on projects. A lot has happened in the last few months alone and I'm quite happy that I'm limiting myself to be a bit more healthier with my online habits.
Anyways thanks so much if you read this far!
Thanks to my Beta readers @a-xyz-s squishy and munchkin for reading this for me, and I wish you all a very safe and wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
-Beckyu ❤️
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guppybubbles · 3 months
Sweet Dreams are Made of This. [1/3]
(A/N: Kind of a sequel to my other fic, ROLL ME A 6 ! :> You don't need to read that though to understand this!)
Borrower Tommy accidentally shifts into a universe where his homebrew DND world is real. He still sucks at being a giant.
WORD COUNT: 1,341 words
"Tommy opened his eyes and what he saw was unlike anything he's seen before…"
Tommy listened in anticipation. What could it be? A new friend, a new foe? He looked at his dad, a smug little smile barely hidden by his serious storytelling.
"And we'll find that out in the next session."
Halfway through his sentence, he and his brothers already knew it was the end of their game for the day. All groaning and complaining about Phil leaving it in such a dumb cliffhanger, Phil only laughed. 
It couldn't have been hours already, had it? They barely started! He still had to redeem himself and his character into great glory! "No, come on, let's do one more hour— please, please?" He begged, holding onto one of Phil's fingers like he had all the power to hold him down and force him into another round. 
With his other hand, Phil picked up the die and tossed it into the container— folding up the map before putting it back in the box. Tommy knew it was over, they'd start another session again sooner or later. 
But he wanted to do another hour, or maybe two more, now. "Pleasee, I rolled so low every turn, I need to redeem myself!" 
"I wish we could continue, mate." Phil smiled, "But I got work tomorrow and it's already…" He stared at the clock, making a surprised sound at the 11:48 PM on the wall. Phil cursed under his breath, gently, slowly pulling his hand away from Tommy’s hold. "Alright, get to bed you three." 
The blond borrower knew there was no convincing Dad anymore. He crossed his arms with a humph, upset with his bad luck during the game. "Cheer up, Toms! I'm sure luck will make you do justice next time." Wilbur consoled, pushing his chair into the table and picking up the box with their fantasy map and die. 
“You are horrible at throwing the die for me,” Tommy grumbled, narrowing his eyes at his older brother who had offered to throw the dice for him earlier. Wilbur’s luck when it came to the game was pretty good, yet whenever he tossed the die for Tommy, the luck seemed to plummet- doing worse than when the borrower himself threw the die. 
In the corner of his eyes, he could see Wilbur’s lips press into a thin line. He was stopping himself from being amused at Tommy’s anger. “It really wasn’t on purpose.” 
“Yeah, I know,” Tommy replied. Not upset at Wilbur, nor was he upset at the game. He swears he would be able to throw the dice better if he was just… more human-sized. 
“You’ll do better next game, I’ll make sure of it,” Wilbur promises.
Tommy looks at him incredulously, slightly laughing. “What, are we gonna cheat or something?”
In response, Wilbur shrugged, a playful smile tugging at his lips. “Dunno, maybe.”
Holding the game board, he placed his other hand on the desk. A trust exercise that slowly grew into a habit none of them thought was strange anymore, Tommy hopped on the hand and held onto the fingers for support. He used to have to walk from place to place, no matter how far it was because the big man was too stubborn to accept and ask for help. In response, they all worked together to install little stairs everywhere so Tommy would at least be able to reach things without having to heave himself up with a rope and a hook. He almost cried in front of them because of how much he appreciated the gesture. 
That night, Tommy lay in his bed, uncharacteristically quiet as he stared at the ceiling. His room looked so much like a human's room- constructed by his family after nearly a year of accidentally revealing himself to them. It wasn’t exactly like him to be upset for the dice throws during the game, it really wasn’t Wilbur’s fault. On a good day, he throws exceptionally well for Tommy’s character too. 
But Tommy isn’t upset about the dice, is he?
It was never the dice, never Wilbur, never his family, but him. 
If he was truly meant to be their family, then couldn’t the universe make him human? Did he seriously have to be something that was never allowed to mingle with larger beings? It was a written code since the beginning of time that borrowers were never allowed to be with humans. Never share anything, what you are, what your name was. Most importantly, never be seen. 
Were they never supposed to be a family then? Did he have to break the borrower’s code just to be a part of something he’s not supposed to? He’s not a borrower anymore, he knows that. He barely even follows the code anymore, but he’s not human either. Too exposed to be a borrower, too small to be a human.
Then what was he?
Tommy released a loud, exasperated sigh. His calloused hands rubbed over his face. He knows he shouldn’t think about such things, but lately, he’s been more aware than ever. He notices how Techno looms over him when they do woodwork together, Wilbur’s singing voice goes from soothing to too loud, and Phil barely gives him any chores (Maybe he shouldn’t complain about that one, actually).
They don’t mean it, of course, they didn’t. They probably don’t even notice it as well. Something so small and insignificant to them could be so overwhelming for him. He just wants to be bigger, to fit in… 
He should go to sleep. He'll forget about it tomorrow and everything will continue on like it usually does (until the nagging feeling returns and he feels like he's rotting in bed).
Goodnight, me. Tommy closed his eyes, unable to rid of the heavy weight in his chest. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
If Tommy could recall this correctly— and while he may not have the best memory, he can certainly tell when something is just plain wrong… He fell asleep on his bed, right?
His eyes blurred as he gained consciousness and though he wasn't aware of where he was— he could sense danger even from a mile away. His shoulders ached, raised high above him. Something was holding his arms upwards. Cold, tight metal gripping his wrists, uncomfortably pressing into his skin. He tried tugging it downwards, but it barely moved. 
Instead of lying on a soft, warm bed, it felt like he'd been kneeling for Prime knows how long. His legs felt numb, ringing uncomfortably no matter how much he tried to move. It didn't matter because he was stuck in place. 
It was hot. Sweat was dripping from his forehead to his nose and down to either his clothes or the floor (he made a mental note that he wasn’t wearing his pajamas). 
He sucked in a deep breath, humid air filling his lungs in a way that didn't calm him down, but just made him panic more. 
Tommy's vision began clearing up and despite the little ache in his neck, he decided to look around. The room was dimly lit, weak artificial lighting barely reflecting the big, metal room he resided in. 
There were mini stairs and platforms built around him. The platforms in front of him connected through the middle and had a door on each side of the wall. Above the platform in the wall in front of him was glass, he couldn't make out anything inside, it was darker than the room he was in.
The metal room he sat in was quite spacey. The ceiling was quite high but he couldn't stand up even if he attempted to— his ankles were chained as well, shorter in length compared to the ones around his wrist. Tommy struggled against the chains, everything looked so.. small yet so oddly detailed. 
Where was he? Who were these stairs for? Were there more beings smaller than a borrower? Prime, how would they even look next to a human?
Does his family know where he is right now..?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
yayaya thank you sm for reading! & holy shit guppy writing fics comeback??? no way!!!
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munchkin1156 · 7 months
hey hey hey you see this?
Tumblr media
I’m almost at 100 followers :00000
also 5555 posts coool-
At 100 followers, I’m going to post something special. I don’t know what exactly, but once I hit that number, somethings going to happen…
Now, since I’m slightly impatient, let’s see if I can get there within a week… :) yes this makes it harder for me as well since I have to post something then if it gets reached but oh well-
I’ll keep you updated! Good luck! :D you’ll need it…
Taglist: @i-am-beckyu, @da3dm, @brick-a-doodle-do, want to try?
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nobodywritingao3 · 2 months
life is weird
im finishing up the drider!wilbur one shot but i wanted to take input on how to finish it
so poll time!
additional input - put in tags of reblogs
does wilbur eat people in front of tommy or not?
does tommy seek out wilbur or is their next meeting forced?
does wilbur safe vore tommy?
13 notes · View notes
Virtual Lies
Hello people reading this! Some of the older members may remember an idea @apersonstories , @funtimemoth , and me came up with in the old community server (that is forever lost the time). I have finally gotten the free time to write the first chapter of this AU! I'm hoping for there to be at least six parts and that you all well enjoy it! TW will be warnings for all of the things that will be going over in the story! I hope you all enjoy! :D
Also if you have any questions don't be shy to send them to me!
TW for all parts- intentional / unintentional dehumanization, accidental fear play, feelings of being trapped and despair, and if there are any more I will add them!
"Are you sure you want to play this Phil? This game seems kind of weird…" Kristen commented as she read over Philza's shoulder as he installed a simple sim game for his phone, he had happened upon the game well looking for something to entertain himself and the game seemed pretty interesting. 
"Kristen it's just a little life sim, these terms and conditions are probably just making sure you don't do anything creepy with the game" Philza finished installing the game and started making the custom home he would have in the game "I well say tho it's kind of annoying I can only make boxes for the rooms and not connect any of them, it would be nice to make a more complicated hallway then just a straight line."
Kristen just laughed as she sat down on the couch next to Philza and watched him work on the rooms over his shoulder, she every now and again would help setting up some of the rooms. Philza and Kristen did find it a bit strange there were certain rooms they absolutely had to have before they could add bonus rooms.
The game told them they needed three bedrooms, two bathrooms (one with a bath and one without) and a kitchen with a table and chairs in it. Philza found it a bit annoying cuz he didn't even know what kind of virtual family he was going to make and put in this house but he did it anyway.
"There finally fucking done- now to make an actual dining room and living room for this house." Philza got a bit more comfortable on the couch leaning up against his wife as he added the final details to the house and made sure there were a few windows so natural light would come in, the blonde hit done and instantly got a notification saying that his house would take an hour to make.
"What the fuck- this game has literally only been out for a month at best, how is it this fucking slow?" Philza grumbled until he noticed a new notification and clicked on it "Oh wait do I not make my own tiny family for this?"
"I guess not, maybe they had to trade out the customization for the family so you can customize your house more?" Kristen noted as she slowly took her husband's phone and started scrolling through the small family's they could get, she smiled when she found a very nice particular looking pair.
"You should get these three, the Neapolitan ones!" Philza took his phone back from Kristen and smiled at the three young looking NPCs she had picked out, he clicked the check mark next to them and the app informed him that within an hour his home would be done and these three would be moved in. Philza decided to just set his phone down and talk with his wife for a bit till it was time to actually decorate the house he had made for the three, he was really looking forward to the decorating expect of this game!
Philza has been decorating the house he had set up in the game for at least 2 hours now and thankfully had only spent $10 on extra furniture for the house, plus well setting up the furniture he had learned a very fun and kind of cute thing about the three brothers.
Tommy and Wilbur were little shits and sometimes moved the furniture slightly to a different spot just to mess with Philza. Well Techno straight up picked the furniture up and completely moved it to a different room, Philza didn't really mind and found it kind of funny. The boys were all roughly the age of teenagers so it was probably in their coding to be rebellious.
"Kristen, come look at the house! I finally finished decorating!" Philza called over his shoulder as he looked over at the kitchen, he smiled as his wife walked out and sat back down on the couch next to him. Philza excitedly handed the phone to her, starting to show off each of the rooms.
"So the game gives you a tiny descriptive on the three house members so I tried to decorate their rooms to fit things they like, for example Tommy really likes animals so I gave him a bunch of different toy animals for his room- well Wilbur only likes one animal and that's a sheep so I gave him a bed that kind of looks like a sheep!" Philza explained excitedly as he finally pointed at Techbo's room "Now Techno's room was probably the hardest, his description was pretty blank and the only notable thing was that he likes to read. So I just gave him a few extra bookshelves and made sure they were full of books that he would like!"
Kristen smiled as she looked at the three tiny rooms and zoomed in to inspect them a bit more, she then noticed something a bit strange in Wilbur's room. "Hey Phil, why is there a hole in the corner of Wilbur's room?"
Philza looked at his wife a bit puzzled as he took the phone and also looked at the strange hole in the corner of the room, he and Kristen became even more confused as Wilbur suddenly dropped a pillow over the hole acting like he was trying to hide it.
"I don't know…maybe the game is just glitching out?" Philza suggested as he moved over to the kitchen and went back to adding small details to the counters so it felt a bit more lived in, he set his phone down as it started to load and set up decorations.
"Why is it loading? You just added some small decorations to the kitchen." 
"Hm? Oh I'm not really sure but whenever I place decorations a loading screen pops up, I'm starting to think the game didn't add in the future of you placing the item down like the Sims." Philza explained as he picked his phone back up once it was done loading "Do you think I need to add anything to the living room or kitchen?"
Kristen took the phone again and started inspecting the kitchen and living room, she moved over to the dining room and pointed at one of the corners that was very bland looking. "I think you just need to add a painting here and you should be all done with decorating!"
"I'll do it later, is dinner ready by any chance?" Philza asked, turning his phone off for now and standing up from the couch, he followed his wife to the kitchen and smiled as he spotted the finished pasta.
"I have! We just need to wait for the cheesy garlic bread in the oven to finish up, can you grab my oven mitts?" Kristen asked as the timer on the oven went off and she started turning the heat off, she thought of her husband as he handed her the oven mitts and pulled out their cheesy garlic bread.
The two started dishing up their plates and getting ready for dinner Philza ignoring the notification he got on his phone from his new game.
Tommy inspected all of the plush animal figures that had been left inside of his room and started moving the ones that he found extremely creepy into a corner making them stare at the wall, he didn't like the stuffed animals lacking button eyes. He actually found it pretty creepy they just had weird black buttons replacing their eyes.
"Tommy? What are you doing?" Wilbur asked as he walked into his little brother's room and noticed him moving the toys around. "Um…why are they all just staring at the wall-"
"They are creepy evil creatures that don't deserve to stare at the room!" Tommy explained as he shoved yet another large plushie into the corner. "I hate them."
Wilbur leaned against the door frame as he watched his little brother continue to choose which stuffed animals would be staring at a corner and which ones got left alone in the room; he patiently waited a few minutes until his little brother seemed to be done.
"So now that you've exiled some of these guys to the corner do you want to go eat? Techno was able to find a small bit of food in the weird cold box thing." Wilbur asked, taking his little brother's hand and started to lead him towards their kitchen.
"I guess, when we're done eating we're going to skip and go home right?" Tommy asked with a big smile on his face as he looked up at his brother. They had been stuck with these horrible humans for at least two months now and Tommy just wanted to go back home. 
Tommy didn't really notice the weird face his brother made as they walked into the kitchen and he sat down at the table, the young borrower's nose scrunched up and disgusted as a plate of nothing but vegetables was placed in front of him. 
"Why are there so many carrots and peas? Are there any crackers, nuts, or fruits?" Tommy asked poking the two peas on his plate with his finger, he knew not to complain about food too much but this was all they had been eating for months!
"No. That's all that was in the cold box Tommy, just eat up and then go to bed." Techno said in a Stern voice as he started munching on his own peas and carrots.
Tommy wanted to protest but felt Wilbur lightly kicked his foot and decided not to argue with Techno, he begrudgingly started to eat his peas and carrots hating every minute of it. Why can't the stupid humans in the white coats give them actual food?
The young blonde finished his dinner instead of from his seat getting ready to head back to his room, he walked around the table and gave his brother Techno a hug.
"I'm sorry I complained about the peas and carrots, they weren't that bad." Techno reached up and padded Tommy on the back and then sent the young boy back to his room, Tommy tried to ignore his brothers as they obviously started to have a conversation without him.
The young blonde grabbed one of the small plushies that looked like a moth and climbed into his weirdly shaped bed, for some reason it had Wheels but both him and his brother said it was not in fact an old wagon turned into a bed. Especially with the ugly silver color it was.
Tommy wrapped himself up tightly in the blankets hugging the moth plushie close to his chest, a few moments later Tommy felt a soft kiss against his forehead and finally fell asleep hoping he would wake up home with his brother's and they could finally eat something that wasn't peas and carrots.
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jkknight98 · 9 months
Hope you're doing well, and if so, could you write about giant!ranboo encountering tiny sbi+tubbo with some nom action and possible fear play? Up to you whether it's safe or not
Thank you for asking! I am extremely busy with my last few weeks of class and in the process of moving but when I get the chance I will expand past this preview I pecked up.
Giant ranboo &sbi +tubo
“The woods are dangerous boys, there are monsters and fae that roam the woods looking for easy prey to snatch away to never be seen again, you can't go beyond the stone wall that surrounds the house.” Phil looked down harshly at his four boys, two biological and the rest taken on throughout the years, but he loved all of them equally. Each pair of eyes that shined in shades of crimson, brown, blue, and green looked up to him in childhood innocence and mixed heritage that made him with his hypocrisy. He was a man who had children with a fae and took on halfbreds, but he was determined to keep them safe from the world around them.
“ You must understand that humans are nothing but a food source to us, but one we can only enjoy when they enter our forest unprotected,” Ranboo felt his ears tilt downwards as his guardian sniffed around an old hut,” if they have fae blood in them due to being a halfbreed-” The loud sound of a shriek cut through the words as his guardian pulled a what looked to be a human woman from the wreckage. On closer inspection, he could see that bright red roses were curling around the woman's arms and hair, the thorns trying vainly to slice at the giant fingers holding her,” you can gain a boost to your abilities.” Ranboo had to turn away as he heard the woman one last scream before his guardian swallowed her whole. He wanted to whimper as the acid-green eyes focused on him behind the mask they always wore,” You will need to do this, or else you would be weak.”
Ranboo tilted his ears downwards as his mentor drew closer and crooned sweetly into his face,” We must feast on their fear as we feed on their flesh~”
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potatonugget7 · 1 year
Hello! I originally posted this to AO3 but I decided I’m going to post my GT fics on tumblr too, this is kinda old so the writing is worse than my present-time writing. I had to reformat this whole thing when pasting into tumblur aaaaa why???
TWs: Fear of Death. 4k words.
Tubbo and Ranboo are soulmates- however, this is not normal, seeing as Tubbo is a borrower and Ranboo is a human- that’s not how it’s supposed to work! Universe, what’s this cross-species bullshit?
Soulmates; for some they’re lovers, for some they’re best friends. Either way they are meant to be inseparable pairs. Everyone’s got one; that one person with whom you’re supposed to spend your life with.
They’re tied together with a metaphorical string, fate pulling them closer and closer together until the day they finally meet. Both bear matching marks on their wrists and have the ability to message each other by writing on their arm.
 Ranboo slowly made his way up the stairs, yawning as he walked. He’d just gotten home from volleyball and as a result, he was exhausted. It was then that he felt the familiar tingling sensation across his skin. He paused mid-step and looked down at his arm. Seeing a message from his soulmate; Tubbo. Though- when he read it he became confused and worried.
“Ranbuu this is goodbya”  he stared at his arm, his confusion growing. He wasn’t sure if Tubbo was being serious, but from the look of the writing itself, it seemed as if it had been written with a shaky hand.
“What do you mean? Are you okay??”  he wrote back quickly.
“I think Im ganna die”  he blinked at the message. Why was he telling him this and not like- the police?? Or calling an ambulance??
“What? Why?? What’s going on??” there was a long pause before he got the next message.
“Soo you now wan I ask you erlyer if climin a light was a good idae?”  he let out a groan and continued his trek up the stairs. What reckless thing was Tubbo doing this time..?  
“Oh Prime Tubbo...” Ranboo reached the top of the stairs and approached his bedroom door. He then felt the tingling again and looked down, pausing.
“I am now hang upsidedown from that light” he facepalmed.    
“Just why?” he reached his bedroom door and opened it- then he got another message.
“Well you see I was chring to get a good” it cut off mid-sentence. Ranboo gave his arm a worried look as he walked in and dropped his bag on the floor before flicking on the light switch-
"AHHHHHHHH" Ranboo stumbled backwards, seeing a spider hanging from the light.  Then the spider screamed. A very human-sounding scream. Wait- spiders don’t scream. He took a few steps closer again. Ranboo then realized it wasn’t a spider at all.  It was… a tiny person?? With brown hair and a green shirt. They were hanging from his bedroom light, by a string. Though, something felt familiar about them.
Wait a second...
Tubbo let out a frustrated sigh. This was not how this run was supposed to go. He really should’ve listened to Ranboo’s advice about not using the light. Now he was stuck, hanging from the ceiling light of a human’s bedroom. Originally he figured he could use the light as a good vantage point but quickly realized he was wrong… and then he’d somehow managed to get the string tangled around his legs, leaving him hanging high above the ground. It wasn’t until he heard the front door open downstairs did the true gravity of the situation sink in. The loud yet distant slam sent his mind spiralling into panic.  The sound of the footsteps on the stairs echoed in his ears, haunting him. Judging by the pace of them it was probably Ranboo, home from ‘volt-ball' or whatever it was called.  Oh- but not to be confused with his soulmate Ranboo. They had the same name but this Ranboo was a human. And Tubbo had never heard of cross-species soulmates being a thing.
Right! Ranboo! 
Even if he managed to untangle himself he didn’t think he’d make it before the tall human reached the room. If he didn’t survive, he wanted to at least tell Ranboo what was going on.
"Ranbuu this is goodbya." he wrote shakily on his marked arm, cringing at how badly the shaking messed up his already shit handwriting.  The footsteps on the stairs paused. Perhaps he'd get to live another night? Ranboo’s response came quickly, looking panicked in its own way.
"What do you mean? Are you okay??” The footsteps continued.     
“I think Im ganna die”  he wrote, feeling tears stinging the back of his eyes, starting to pool up and spill out.
“What? Why?? What’s going on??” Ranboo’s message came almost immediately. He smiled sadly as more tears fell, blurring his vision a little. The human footsteps on the stairs hadn’t moved yet though… maybe he had time.    
“Soo you now wan I ask you erlyer if climin a light was a good idae?”  the footsteps continued, of course, they did. What cruel joke was this? He couldn’t help but get his hopes up with every pause but he just wanted it over quickly.
“Oh Prime Tubbo...” he could practically hear Ranboo facepalming, wherever he was. He would’ve liked to laugh, if he wasn’t in such a dangerous situation, he definitely would’ve. He… he would miss this, talking about dumb things like this with his best friend.
“I am now hang upsidedawn from that light” the tears made it increasingly difficult to write, the water was beginning to sting and he could barely focus on the writing now.  He would regret never getting to meet Ranboo. He’d heard that soulmates always met eventually, it was fate or something along those lines. What if he was just in the next house over?
“Just why?” 
Just why indeed? Why did he try something so stupid? It- it wasn’t      fair. He- he should’ve at least been given more time- to finish explaining- to apologise- something!
He wasn’t ready yet.
“Well you see I was chring to get a good” he froze mid writing as the door opened.  The footsteps stopped, right in the doorway.
So this is it- this is where it would all end. At least one person would know what happened to him… that was more than some people got from what he’d heard. But- t-that didn’t mean he accepted it- he- he wasn’t ready-
The human walked right in through the open door, oblivious to the poor borrower hanging from his light. He was even staring down at his own arm. He turned the light on and dropped his bag with a loud thud. Tubbo scrunched his eyes shut as he was momentarily blinded by the bright light. 
There was a moment of silence, Tubbo slowly opened his eyes again. Ranboo...- the other one, not his soulmate, was looking directly at him. However, before he could do anything, the human jumped backwards... and screamed.   
Tubbo screamed too. This went on for a minute or so before they both stopped and stared at each other. His expression was that of horror, while the human’s was a mixture of confusion and curiosity. There was an awkward silence before the human took a couple steps closer.     
Fuck- no no no no no- don’t come closer!
Tubbo tried swinging, but it did nothing except make him feel nauseated.    
Stupid useless rope.
He watched helplessly as the human stopped right in front of him, his bright red and green eyes burning a hole in Tubbo's head. But he thought he saw a spark of recognition.
"Tubbo…?" it came out as barely a whisper, but of course he heard it- hanging only inches from the human's face. Tubbo's Blood ran cold, he felt ready to faint- or maybe that was the blood rushing to his head from dangling upside-down so long. He opened his mouth to say something but immediately closed it. 
"Tubbo is that you??"  …     
Why did the human know his name? What the fuck universe?!   
"MaY-" he cleared his throat. "Maybe. So what if it is me? Who are you and how do you know my name?" he demanded with as much confidence as he could muster in his current situation. He'd say he was acting pretty brave- despite the fact that he was literally trembling.
"Um, because we're soulmates..? It's me; Ranboo." Tubbo glared at him, that made absolutely no sense. 
"Bullshit- how can you be my Ranboo? You're a human." the statement was bitter and sounded almost accusing.
"Um, I don't know? To be fair- I thought you were a human too though. Now I guess it makes more sense how you 'are hang from that light'." 'Ranboo'     chuckled. His glare hardened. Things were starting to add up- but they still didn't make sense! And Tubbo really didn't like that.
"Um. Okay- 'Ranboo' if you're really who you say you are…" he paused to think of something that there's no way a human would know.  "What's the name of the fox I tried to tame?" he'd told Ranboo the story about- 
"Squeaks, but I'm pretty sure you spelt it wrong." Tubbo huffed. That was right- exactly right. His gaze did not soften however. Unless… This human kidnapped Ranboo, stole his identity and forced the information out of him! He fully believed a human would do that. 
"That's true… but how do I know you didn't just kidnap the real Ranboo and make him tell you?" 'Ranboo' looked dumbfounded.
"Well??" the human let out a sigh and buried his face in his hands. Tubbo would deny anyone who said he flinched at the movement. 
"First off- what would even be the point of that?" 'Ranboo' questioned. Tubbo didn’t exactly have a rational answer.
"Umm… because… you're a human?" 
"That's… probably racist and definitely not a good argument. But second, why do I look just like how 'the real Ranboo'-" he made quotation marks. "Is described in our messages?" Tubbo rolled his eyes. 
"Stop making sense." he grumbled as he crossed his arms. 'Ranboo' sighed before rolling up his sleeve and holding his arm up. Tubbo also didn't flinch at that.
"What about this?" he pointed to the now visible mark on his wrist. It was a picture of a bee and a weird eye-pearl thing. The same mark on Tubbo's wrist. Tubbo looked between his arm and Ranboo’s.       
"Hallo" he scribbled on his arm quickly before glancing at Ranboo’s arm. Sure enough, the scribbles had appeared. Man his handwriting looked like shit- how could Ranboo even read it?
Ranboo looked at the message on his arm before writing something on it himself. Immediately Tubbo felt the tingling again.     
"So does this work as proof?" Tubbo shot him an annoyed look.
"Okay fine- so you are the real Ranboo. Cool." he stated, his tone still bitter. 
"Yup." he replied, popping the p. 
"So uh... are you- do you want some help..?" the bi-haired human asked awkwardly. 
"No."  Ranboo raised an eyebrow.
"I can do this myself." Tubbo practically hissed as he tried to grab the rope tied around his leg.
"I was just offering." Ranboo replied with a hint of exasperation. Tubbo narrowed his eyes. 
"Don't get sassy with me."   
"W- well I'm just- I'm just applying the same energy back to you."  Ranboo exclaimed. 
"...I'm going to skin you, and steal your organs." he replied in a tone just a touch too sweet. 
"Um- please no- I need those, to do a lot of things actually." the human took a step back and raised his hands in surrender.
Good, threats would work then.   
"Then go awayyyy."  Ranboo paused and gave him a confused look. 
"But this is my room? Wait, how did you even get in here in the first place?" he inquired, taking a step forward again.     
"Details, details." Tubbo muttered as he continued trying to grasp at the rope. The human watched on with a doubtful expression.
"So if you didn't know it was me. How did you find my house..?" 
"Well- fate is supposed to bring us together and stuff right? Blame that." the brunet snapped back quickly. 
"Tubbo, I know you're lying." 
"No you don't."  Ranboo sighed. 
"Well we can discuss that after you're not-... dangling from the light." 
"Sure thing bossman." Tubbo stated sarcastically.
Ranboo walked over to his desk and opened the drawer that held his art supplies and writing utensils. 
"What are you doing?" Tubbo called from behind him. The bi-haired teen sighed in response. 
"I'm going to get you down." he stated as he pulled out a pair of safety scissors.
"I told you I can get down myself!" the brunet fumed. 
"Well you're taking too long…" Ranboo replied as he walked back over to where Tubbo was dangling, pair of scissors in hand. He didn’t miss how the brunet seemed to tense up, his gaze flickering nervously between Ranboo’s face and the scissors in his hand. 
“What part of ‘I can get down myself’ do you not get??” Tubbo demanded. The bi-haired teen rolled his eyes in response before carefully cupping his left hand around the little ‘human’.  It felt so weird- to hold an entire person in one hand, unnerving almost. Tubbo felt so light- and… fragile, like he might just snap in half at any given moment. That would not be very good.
His anxiety was starting to seep into his mind, whispering to him all the things that could go wrong. Suddenly Ranboo was nervous to be near his friend.
One wrong move and-   
A sharp prick at the base of his thumb brought him back to reality. He let out a pained wince and brought his thumb to his mouth.
"What was that for?? I'm just trying to help!
"And I told you I don't want your help." Tubbo stated, matter o’ factly as he brandished what looked like… a miniature knife? Who thought it was a good idea to give Tubbo of all people a knife?!   
"You didn't have to stab me!" 
"Oh stop being such a baby. You're fine."  Ranboo made a grumbling noise before promptly plucking the knife from Tubbo's grasp. 
"You can have it back in a minute, jeez." he said as he pocketed the knife. 
"No- give it back n-now!" the brunet demanded and Ranboo rolled his eyes. He carefully cut the string and started trying to untangle it from Tubbo's legs, only for him to slap Ranboo's fingers away- er, tried to. The bi-haired teen frowned.
"Why are you being so stubborn?" he asked, pulling his other hand away. 
"I'm not s-stubborn! I just don't need your help and you i-insist on giving it to me anyway!" Tubbo yelled as he easily untangled the rope. 
"Well I-"     
"And! Your fingers are too big anyway!"  Ranboo's frown deepened. 
"Sorry…" he pulled the knife out of his pocket again and handed it to Tubbo. The brunet quickly snatched it back, giving him a glare. 
"You better be- you wrecked my rope!" he fumed, motioning to the string still hanging from the light. 
"Uhhh… do you want me to get it down for you or-"  Tubbo's glare darkened.
"...Why are you so against my help?" he held the brunet up, closer to his face.
"B-because! I can do it myself." Tubbo reiterated for what had to be the fifth time today. Ranboo sighed in response. 
"I know, it's just-" 
"It's just what?! You think I can't do anything because I'm smaller than you?!" the brunet cut him off. Ranboo opened his mouth to say something, but closed it when he noticed something. Tubbo was shaking, trembling even. Something in the back of his mind told him it wasn’t from temperature. His friend was scared. Now that he had a closer look, he could see it in Tubbo's eyes, the thinly masked fear in his otherwise seemingly hostile expression. His body language was completely closed with his arms crossed over his chest, hiding how they shook slightly. Tubbo wasn't being aggressive because he was mad, it was a defense mechanism.
He needed to feel some sense of control in this otherwise terrifying situation.  Ranboo was so worried about how easily he could hurt him, he couldn't even imagine how Tubbo must be feeling. After all… he was already freakishly tall by human standards, he must look like a monster.
He took a deep shaky breath before he started walking over to the desk, nearly missing the quiet 'eep' Tubbo made when he started moving
"I know you don't need help Tubbo. I wasn't trying to say you do." 
"W-well then-" 
"I was just offering my help because I scared you and I want to try and make it up to you..." Ranboo finished before carefully slipping the brunet onto the desktop. Tubbo went quiet, slowly standing up on the desk. His stance relaxed a little, however, he still held his arm, rubbing it awkwardly with the other. The bi-haired teen crouched down so as to not appear so tall. 
"I'm sorry…"
"And… you mean it?"  Ranboo nodded sincerely. 
"Alright… I-I guess I forgive you then." Tubbo stated slowly, avoiding Ranboo’s gaze. The bi-haired teen smiled in response 
"Yeah yeah- so are you going to leave me alone now?" Tubbo asked shortly, shuffling his feet. He still didn't look up at Ranboo. He needed to go home, process all of- this, and decide what to do next. Oh- and he had a headache. However when he saw Ranboo's face fall, he mentally groaned. 
"But… this is- this is our first meeting…" Tubbo resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Maybe he was being a little insensitive, but he honestly couldn’t care less at the moment. Sure, meeting your soulmate for the first time was supposed to be special- and exciting.  But the pairs who those ideas came from probably weren't two different species who basically hated each other for existing. And hey, maybe if his soulmate was another borrower, Tubbo would be excited-      ecstatic even, but he wasn't. He couldn’t help but feel anxious.
"Yeah… and we had the meeting, now I want to go home." Tubbo snapped, earning a hurt look from his soulmate. He sighed and took a deep breath. 
"Look Ranboo- I'm sorry this isn't going as well as we would've hoped. But I- I can't do this right now okay?" he clenched his fists, digging his uneven nails into his palms.  The human opened his mouth to say something but Tubbo cut him off. 
"It's not you, alright?"  Ranboo nodded, the disappointment evident on his face. Tubbo couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty. After all, it really wasn't his soulmate's fault.  He grew up in a society where certain things were to be expected, and his soulmate being- smaller than his hand was not one of those expectations. There were probably a lot of things they'd never get to do together- that both of them had been excited about.  In all honesty, he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to stay here. The rules said he had to move, but did that rule apply if the human that had caught him was his soulmate? Tubbo didn’t know- because this was something that never fucking happens!   
"-ubbo?" a thump landed next to him and Tubbo jumped, letting out a surprise 'eek' sound. He looked to the side and realised it was Ranboo tapping his finger on the desk. 
"Sorry- you um, you were kind of zoning out so…" the bi-haired human trailed off, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. 
"Okay- um, this has been… an experience to say the least. A-and you're right. This is your room- so I'll just be on my way. See you bossman." the borrower started walking across the desk, aware of his soulmate's gaze following him. Tubbo reached for his rope once he got to the edge- only to find it wasn't all there. He tensed up and felt panic rising in his chest.
Fuuuuuuuuuuck- right it was broken because        someone         cut it in        half.
"Um, are you okay?" Ranboo asked hesitantly. He nodded quickly. 
"Mhm." Tubbo hesitantly leaned over the edge, only to scrambled back as he was hit with a strong sense of vertigo. 
"A-are you sure..?"  The brunet slowly looked up at his soulmate with a fake     cheery smile.
"Ranboo, would I lie to you?" he asked sweetly. 
"Um… yes?" Tubbo gave him a deadpan stare. 
"What?? You're the type to take the last poptart and then not tell anyone!" Ranboo exclaimed in an exasperated tone.     
A what?
"But why would I take your 'poptart'?" he made quotation marks. 
"No- I- uh- nevermind… I was just trying to use it as an example." 
"I don't know what a poptart is." 
"Well it's like- it's a pastry…- wait maybe it's a cake? Uh- okay it's a sweet food that has icing and filling."  Tubbo mulled over the explanation before it clicked. Oh- that's what those were called. Well shit- he was a pop tart taker.
"Oh. Uh- anyway, I'm going to go, but um… I may need- a-a little help." he stated hesitantly, fidgeting with his hands.  Ranboo perked up. 
"Oh- uh, what do you need help with?"
"A couple things…" he kicked the scuffs of his shoe on the desktop.
"Could you uh, get the other half of my rope and help me down..?" the brunet asked slowly.  Ranboo nodded vigorously. 
"Y-yeah! Sure um- here." Tubbo took a nervous step back as the human's hand landed in front of him with a quiet thud. 
"What um, what're you doing..?" he questioned, and the bi-haired teen looked confused too. 
"Helping you down..?" 
"Oh." yeah, he should've expected that.
"Right, um… okay…" he hesitantly climbed on. It felt so weird as he pressed his hands against it, he could feel all the little lines drawn across it. It was leathery, but it was also squishy and warm. Tubbo carefully stood up on the uneven surface with a little difficulty.
"You um, you ready?" Ranboo asked, carefully moving his other hand behind the brunet who nodded. Tubbo let out a small 'woah' as his friend stood. He crouched down, worried he would fall otherwise. The brunet didn't dare look over the edge, knowing it would be a one way trip if he leaned too far. Time seemed to slow down as Ranboo trekked across the room. It was quiet other than the thud of his footsteps against the wooden floor. As they got closer to the dangling rope, Tubbo realised something. Well, not realised, he always knew. But now it was like- he understood. Ranboo was really fucking tall. There was no doubt in Tubbo's mind that the bi-haired human could reach the ceiling light without effort. And he was almost instantly proven right. Ranboo easily reached up and pulled his hook down before handing it to the brunet. 
"Here you go." he gave Tubbo a small smile. 
"Ranboo, how are you so tall?"  Tubbo took the hook and line and started rolling it up. He tied it to his belt with the other half. 
"I uh- I don't know… I just am…" the bi-haired human replied awkwardly. 
"Are you sure you're not taking some sort of drugs?" he asked jokingly and Ranboo sputtered. 
"No??" he denied incredulously.
"How do you- where would I even- wh-??"
 "Calm down Bossman, I was joking." Tubbo giggled. 
"Oh- right." he chuckled awkwardly before slowly crouching down and lowering his hand to the floor.  As soon as he judged it was close enough, Tubbo hopped off, eager to get back on solid ground. Though his judgment was a bit off and he ended up falling over and landed face first on the floor. 
"Are you okay?!" Ranboo asked worriedly and Tubbo felt wind rush past his back. He quickly sat up and scooted back, seeing the bi-haired teen's hand hovering anxiously near him.
"Yeah- yeah I'm fine." he said as he pushed himself off the ground. 
"So this is um, goodbye for now..?" the bi-haired teen asked, sounding a little dejected. 
"Goodbye for now." Tubbo repeated, a small smile on his face. 
"Okay… um- Tubbo can I ask you something before you go..?" 
"Ask away Bossman." the brunet shrugged.
"How did you get up there?" Ranboo pointed to the light.  There was a pause, before Tubbo took off in a sprint, running in the opposite direction of his friend. 
"You'll never know my secrets!" 
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cyncerity · 4 months
since i did this last year and it was fun, send me a random number 1-100 and i’ll tell you what song that was on my spotify wrapped!!
maybe in return i’ll give you a list of everything i hope to write/draw in 2024 👀👀
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mcyt-gt-events · 2 years
MCYT GT Secret Santa 2022
Hello everyone! Guess what time it is? Exchange time!
This year's Secret Santa will function similarly to the previous summer exchange. There will be two prompts from each person, all correlating to an overall theme. Rules will be the same as previous events:
1) Nothing NSFW 2) Please come up with two different prompts/ideas following the theme 3) Topics anyone could be uncomfortable with should be avoided unless you are given the okay 4) On the same note, specify what topics you are okay with/would like to avoid in the last question to help the person who gets you 5) Any type of content is welcome! Art, writing, etc is allowed 6) If there is anything else you are wondering about, please don’t hesitate to DM any of us or ask on the discord server, or on tumblr!
Next up the theme of this event:
Winter Wonderland
All gifts will use this theme as a baseline, in conjunction with the theme or idea given by the person given to you
Applications to join this event will close on November 10th, so there is 2 weeks to join this year's Secret Santa. The deadline for submitting gifts will be on December 24th. The application form is linked here on this post
We can't wait to see what everyone makes this year!
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veyette · 1 year
Stuck in the Christmas Factory
Hello @data-expunged-0 ! I was your christmas santa for this event :) Your two prompts were really nice and I hope I did the second one justice : I can continue it, I got the story planned but didn’t have enough time in the end.
I hope it pleases you.
Stuck in the Christmas Factory : Prompt #2: A tiny getting stuck in an area where it's always christmas (3582 words)
Quackity was a curious borrower. That was known in the small community with whom he shared a human house : no device stayed devoid of exploration if they were left alone more than a day. Quick and clever like he was, Quackity didn’t resist the challenge posed by all that technology. And what fascinating opportunity laid behind those screens and toys ! Sounds, lights, connection to others beings in objects always more colorful and joyous.
It’s not like the current occupants of the house cared about those secrets manipulations after all. They were nice people but quite forgetful, and their two children covered easily any mess or disturbance Quackity caused. Or at least, they used to.
The “Christmas” period was approaching fast and the kids seemed to be on their best behavior lately. From what Quackity gathered, it was an inflexible condition to a stranger’s visit in the house, a certain “Sana Laus” ? He heard a bit about the mysterious man, who every family members seemed to know… except neither Quackity nor any other borrowers had ever seen them. And some of the eldest community’s members were there when the youngly wed couple bought the place !
There was some mystery under all those preparations and Quackity would be damned before he let the solution escape him.
So for days, the borrower spied and consigned relentlessly any precious hints he managed to glean there and there. The visitor seemed stranger with every facts Quackity learned, quickly diverging from what he learned was “polite human rules”.
First, the stranger – whose name was actually Santa Claus, Quackity learned – was  planned in the middle of the 24th’s night. Second, he would come through the chimney of the living room instead of the front door : Quackity wished him good luck with that. He went there once before quickly turning tails when faced with a spider as high as him. Then again, the mysterious man should be human tall and not any other height. Lastly, Mr Claus would not meet any members of the family, requiring they all sleep to put objects in the socks hanging to the chimney.
Weird customs for sure.
But all this definitely agreed with the borrower : by leaving the presents and gifts unattended until the morning, Mr Claus offered him the perfect opportunity to go there and see if something could be borrowed ! A brand new plaything, just for him, that he wouldn’t have to put back. Even if there was nothing of value, the possibility to have a never-used-before object was too good to be true.
The other borrowers were quite sceptic of his brand new idea and one old community’s member even chastised him, huffing that was thievery. Of course, should the one item Quackity picked be missed, the borrower would put it back immediately : but he refused to let this “Christmas’s night” passed without at least trying. The only compromise they accepted was to let him do his thing.
And so, when all the lights were turned off the 24th, no other borrowers stayed with him.
Soon Quackity was alone with the last lights of the Christmas tree.
Quackity stopped counting the time he almost fell asleep after twelve. Turns out staying awake with nothing to do was way more difficult than he thought ! He elected to stay hidden behind the decoration on top of the chimney, but his place turned out to be too comfortable soon. The excitation hadn’t help him sleep well the previous night and he lived the sudden weakness of his body to sleep like a real betrayal.
What time was it anyway ? He counted on the old grandma clock to mark the hours, but it stayed resolutely silent. He hoped it was past midnight already, he couldn’t bare the news only ten minutes had passed. No, the candle forgotten on the table was burned out : more than five hours had passed.
Quackity grumbled, tired and discouraged. Why was Mr Claus so late ? Was he actually aware not everyone was asleep in the house, that borrowers existed ? Or was he simply running late ? Maybe he had some trouble with the dangerous chimney’s spider, thought Quackity with a snort.
Some muffled sound resonated in the living room, interrupting his thoughts and making him go still.
A big black cloud suddenly appeared under his hiding place, sending soot on the previously clean wooden floor. Profanities escaped from the same spot and Quackity watched, astonished, the gigantic spider run from his life and disappear behind the sofa.
“You good ?” silently shouted someone from very far away. “Seemed like a hard fall.”
“Try it yourself coward !” shouted back another voice, way closer, also trying to keep silent. “I would have landed better if you didn’t push me!”
“You took forever to go down, what was I supposed to do ?!”
“Not yeet me to my death at the very least, there was a fu… honking spider in this hell hole !”
“Stop complaining, you’ll wake up the humans”, dismissed the faraway voice. “I’m sending the packages.”
A soft thump could be heard from the chimney, accompanied by new profanities. Quackity could definitely learn from this Mr Claus, if it was indeed him.
“Couldn’t have given me a warning ?! It almost crashed !”
“I did ! Why weren’t you ready, slowpoke ?”
“Warning goes before throwing the present dumb-face not after ! Now hush or you will wake up the humans.”
A second thump accompanied by a painful crack sounded.
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME, I TOLD YOU TO WARN ME !” whispered-yelled the close voice.
“Make a god damn decision ! You told me to hush, dimwit ! ”
“Yeah, not to throw away the gift on the ground and watch it crash !”
Seeing no big shadow on the wall and enraptured by this riveting exchange, Quackity chanced a look outside his hiding place. And, okay, now that was fascinating.
Under the chimney stood a very small (by human standards of course, the stranger was actually twice or thrice Quackity’s own size) man, dressed in horrific clothes green, white and red. The borrower had rarely seen so appalling combination of colors and yet, there was in it like an harmony. His head was covered by a ridiculous lime pointy hat surrounded by a white bandana.
His ears were pointed though and Quackity wondered for the first time if he wasn't human. But the owners of the house were expecting this Mr Claus : since when would those tinies exist, and why would they be in good relation with the humans ? He appreciated a moment the irony : here they were, two kind of tinies. One was desperate to stay hidden, took things from humans yet lived secretly with them. The other was announcing his arrival, though refusing to see humans, and gave them things. There really were complementary.
He looked at the mysterious Claus again and watched him installing one last present under the Christmas tree.
« I'm done here ! Send the rope, I'll be pissed if Dream managed once again to complete its run faster. »
« Stop complaining and climb faster. We wouldn't lose so often if you didn't break something each time you got down. »
« Shut up ! And pull me ! »
With those nice words, Mr Claus disappeared. Quackity waited a bit, not sure he didn't dream this whole interaction. He hurried down his hidden spot, jumping from socks to decorations hanging on the tree until he landed on a package. Two of them were so big it would have taken six borrowers to attempt to open the top. Another was trapped in a ribbon like a mummy and so his attention got reported on the last three gifts. The first one was a bit disappointing : it revealed some clothes, way too big for him. He couldn't cut in them either, it would be obvious they were tampered with. The second contained a clear bottle, filled with a brown liquid that smelled weird. Quackity deduced from the big written name on the side that it was alcohol, and tried a taste. The bitter taste left him dubious at first, but he tried again and once more to his great pleasure. He would have to borrow some more at another time.
Which left him with the last gift to date : the one Mr Claus had foolishly let crash down. Quackity opened it with curiosity. Was the damage important ? Would it be the perfect place to scavenge or to borrow ?
A tremor passed through him when he discovered multiple small people, about his height.
The borrower soon realized their appearance are their only common trait, the people actually being some mass of plastic.
He exhaled, relieved. The worst went through his mind for a moment.
Amused by those simulacres, he burrowed under the dolls. Some had their arms or head broken by the sudden fall through the chimney, explaining the crash. Their clothes though were in perfect shape and, luckily, perfectly changeable. Quackity amused himself by putting on a brown hat and vest, adorned of a yellow star. He then put on some white suit with a flower on his heart.
This was the best present ever. Even his community wouldn’t be able to refuse such a gift. Clearly, the dolls were damaged : which human would bat an eye to some missing ornaments ?
Buried under the dolls, he froze when a voice appears, much too close for comfort.
“Which color was the package again ?”
“Are you really asking me that, seriously ? Just take the one who seems ruffled and let’s go. The sun will be up soon.”
Before Quackity could react, Mr Claus closed the top of the box where he hid. Panic filled him : where was the box taken ? Why did the stranger come back at all ?
He didn’t notice Quackity’s presence but then, how could he get out ?
Shaken by the hasty movements of his carrier, the borrower tried to regain his footing without success. The dolls crashed on him with each jolt and he felt himself get sick when the box got suddenly up in abrupt succession.
“Can’t you pull me up faster ? It’s still dark and creepy here” complained Mr Claus.
“Be… arrgh… quiet. Your air is… hmpf… getting too heavy…” answered the foreign voice, getting clearer the higher they got.
“His air, seriously George ? You couldn’t have picked like, literally anything else ? Like his humor ?” asked a third voice with amusement.
Still crammed in the present, Quackity closed his eyes to concentrate on the sounds he perceived. Where were they ? Wasn’t Mr Claus supposed to be one man ? A new jolt put him higher and rolling against a corner, crashing harshly in the pile of clothes he assembled. Wood cracked as the three voices came together.
“Oh you, don’t start it ! You could have helped him at any time but nooo, mister Dream is too good for his old friend.”
“Not my fault if you idiots cracked a package”, crooned the third voice. “Get better. Losers.”
“Next time… arf… you carry his sorry ass. And you’ll see who’s faster.”
“Sorry, since when was I the one responsible for this fiasco ?” explosed Mr Claus (?).
“Since you started ordering things and complain-“
“Shut it girls, you’re both pretty”, interrupted the third voice. “Let’s go before we’re late, I’m hoping to get promoted this year. Yip-yip Rudolph!”
Let’s go ? Where ? screamed Quackity in his mind. Where the hell are those dumbass taking me ?
Before he got to think too hard, the box was jolted in the air while one of them started happily screaming. Quackity tried to focus on his lunch and more specifically, to keep it in his stomach. Wherever they were going, he hoped the travel would be fast.
The travel – no, the journey ! – was not fast. Despite Quackity’s best thoughts and prayers, they didn’t reach their destination before a time that seemed infinite to him. Still, he was an optimistic at heart and different things were gained during that interminable travel.
One : he managed to cut himself a hole to see and breathe through with the gold star of his new vest. The air was incredibly cold but he had enough clothes with him to create sufficient heat. Two : he now discovered Mr Claus, if it was indeed him, flied. Which would explain why he came through the chimney. Sadly, this also meant he did have to wait until they reached their destination to escape his unknowing captors. Three : his captors were certified idiots. Imbécils. If he was caught by them, it was no surprise it was an incident. They were also really loud, which wouln’t hurt when Quackity made his inevitable escape. Four : he was freaking flying. No borrowers ever went in the air ! He would have so much stuff to say to his community when he came back.
If he came back.
As said before, Quackity was an optimistic guy so he didn’t linger on that thought. He did listen however the three morons argue and discuss, lulled by their funny conversation.
He was almost disappointed when they reached the ground, but his sick stomach quickly made him grateful for the stopping motion. The third man, easily identifiable with his confident and leading voice, stopped their carriage and the two bickering ones got down. Through his hole, Quackity saw the one he had nicknamed Mr Claus and another, similar looking man. His green and red uniform was as beautiful on him than on Mr Claus, which is to say not at all, but big round black glasses framed his face. At least they would be easy to distinguish.
“When you meet Karl, remind him Santa’s speech is at seven in the Great Hall”, said the third and still invisible man. “I’ll see you there.”
“That arrogant prick”, sighed Mr Claus. “I can’t believe he beat us once again ! Bad, Antfrost and Sam are going to be unbearable this eve.”
“Yeah. Wouldn’t have happened if you caught the package”, answered Googles while walking towards an unidentified place.
“Wouln’t have missed it if you warned me”, replied Mr Claus, following his friend (?). “It should be your responsibility to get that thing to the broken factory.”
“Are you saying you don’t want to see Karl now ?” exclaimed Googles with an atrocious, fake concerned face. “Oh the poor boy, he will simply cry all the tears he has when I tell him how you would rather go wash the reindeers than visit him... But”, he interrupted himself, “as your bestest friend ever Sapnap, I accept to bring those heart-breaking news. No need to thank me, I’ll do what’s necessary.”
He made a move towards the box and Quackity readied himself to a violent transition but Mr Claus/Sadnap (?) held firm.
“Don’t even think about it, you manipulative, lazy ass !”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
“You’re insufferable and each day I hope you’ll get chosen for the lost children’s daycare”, replied Sadmap.
“You mean that’s not already my job, with being forced to accompanny you ?”
Their quick back and forth came naturally, smiled Quackity. At least their banter was enough to forget about his situation.
“GEORGE ! SAPNAP !” screamed an high pitched voice bubbling with joy. “You came back just in time for - … Wait, is there a problem with your gifts again ? I swear I did everything right this time, I don’t get how…”
“It was that dumbass’s fault actually,” came the answer in chorus from the two not-friends.
Quackity tried to see the newcomer but the hole was directed towards Googles/George’s torso. He resigned himself to more waiting.
“I, of course, expect a full explanation but let’s cut to the chase so I can repair that while you explain. What’s wrong with this gift ?”
George looked towards what Quackity guessed was Sapnap’s face.
“It fell down the chimney and made a crash sound”, succinctly said his current holder. “It’s some dolls apparently ? The list wasn’t clear, but luckily we could use one of the substitute once the round ended.”
“Okay, okay, let’s take a look at it then, I’ll see how bad it is and whether I sent it to trash’s section or to Foolish’s office”.
Being passed around was definitely the worst feeling ever, thought Quackity while once again being sent tumbling down. He wished he didn’t have to correct his thoughts so quickly when the box opened and a round face with sparkling brown eyes and pointed ears peered inside, making him freeze instantly.
Was it his prey’s instincts or simply his survival instinct ? Either way, he couldn’t move an inch, his breath caught in a bout of panic. His kidnappers may not be humans but they were still thrice his size, big enough to inflict serious damage should they want to. Quackity had no idea they even existed before tonight, who’s to say they won’t react violently when faced with the borrower’s existence ?
“Well, there’s a lot of them with parts broken. And their clothes are a mess, good thing you didn’t leave the gift at the house.”
He barely twitched when the stranger’s hand got each dolls out one by one, revealing him more and more. His tongue was paralyzed, opposite to his heart who beat like crazy in his chest. He could hear their conversation through a impenetrable molasse, distorted by the anxiety. Faintly, he guessed Sapnap recounted his version of the night ?
His forced immobility certainly saved him when he was the next picked, the brunet grabbing him like the previous dolls. To his immediate fear however, he wasn’t let down with the rest, but closely examined. Those brown eyes may have been magical from afar, but they were now a mere centimeter from his face and he really would like some personal space
“This one though is beautiful, don’t you think ? Glad it didn’t get damaged, it’d be quite the waste”, sighed Karl wistfully before settling him down on the left, with the intact one. “I’ll send the good ones to Foolish. He will know what to do with them, the rest can go through recycling.”
But Quackity didn’t want to go to Foolish. He was lucky enough to pass through this guy’s quick control, he refused to try his chance again. His boy seemed in agreement seeing how he could now control his movements. Taking advantage of the three men’s distraction with the last dolls and the “weird pile of clothes, I wouldn’t ever done that for a command”, Quackity slowly got up and went back towards the end of the counter. Now that he could see where he was, he was almost in awe.
The building was as tall as three humans’ houses put one on one. The walls, covered by a magnificent wall papers in iridescent green, gold and red, regorged from details more funny and practical than the previous one.
Multiple carousels went from one place to the other, multicolor lights and decorations illuminating the place in a perfect kaleidoscope. A dozen of Christmas trees, heavily ornamented, embellished the place and the roof, made of glass and so faraway it could as well had been space, was covered by a fin layer of snow. It was a wonderful sight.
All also seemed at his kidnappers’ height, which made it way less dangerous to parkour through than in human’s houses. It was perfect.
Good things come to an end however.
This one did when George turned around and spotted him.
“K… Karl ? I think one of your toys is alive”, he stammered, not believing his eyes, even putting his glasses on his forehead to see better.
“What ? That’s imposs… Wooooaaaw”, howled Karl while turning, in total disbelief. “Huh, hello little guy ?”
Quackity turned around slowly, as if he could delay the inevitable. But there, right in front of him, still were the three guys, as frozen as he was a few seconds before.
“Do… do you understand me ?” tried the brunet once again, approaching slowly as to not frighten him.
The borrower didn’t stay to offer him an answer. He turned around and jumped down, going towards one the multiple carousel that were at the back of the desk.
“W… What ? Stop it ! Or him ! I don’t know, do something !!” shrieked Karl while watching it disappear in the factory.
George and Sapnap stayed petrified a bit more, shocked to their core by the sudden movements of the toy. Since when was such a thing possible ? Clearly, it had blinked and moved, this was no illusion. But the fact a toy was alive seemed to much for the poor elves.
Sapnap was the first to follow, screaming at the doll to get back here this instant, jumping after it on the carrousel. George took a bit more time before asking where the carousel went to Karl, that barely managed to answer him. It was the first time ever an elf got such a situation to the repair’s desk.
The two friends hurried down to the trash’s room, where they should hopefully find the “toy” or at the very least Sapnap.
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sheena-yuet · 9 months
Awwww just look at themmmm
I always love the chemical of these two <33333 Like they treasure and protect each others.
I just can’t resist gt fluff scenes qwqqqqq
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I got a crime boii gt au. I have a rough idea (I wrote a main story plot. Yet I don’t have time to draw them outttt! Cuz I don’t think I’m a good writer so I want to draw the scenario to let u guys know what I imagine them in that au. Or maybe at last I just gave up I’ll just post the whole plot lol
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i-am-beckyu · 3 months
And the phone keeps ringing and ringing and ringing....
FIRST FIC OF THE NEW YEAR LETS GO!!!!!! Okay so firstly, this fic has gone full circle. It started as a fake fic title from me to @guppybubbles which she made a prompt for which I liked and the spawned a story so crazy how that works. Link to that post here. But yeah anyways this is that prompt in story form lol. Was a lot of fun to write so enjoy!
cw: Fear, fear of death, minor graphic gore descriptions but nothing fatal, panic, rats, ghosts, Uhhhh I think that's it. Just fluffy stuff lets be real <3 wc: 2923
Disclaimer! This story is based on the characters of the Dream SMP and not the real life content creators. Anything that occurs in this story is purely fiction and should be treated as such. Thank you.
----------------------------------           ▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. +1 ----------------------------------
It started a few months ago.
Wilbur had moved into his new apartment, finally free of the constant pestering and confinement of living under his parents roof. Things had been great at first, well they had until his stuff had started going missing.
At first, he assumed it was rats or mice that had gotten into the apartment and had been causing a raucous, but he’d been assured by his Landlord that they made sure to do thorough checks and the last pest control visit had been not even a month ago before he moved in.
Fast forward to now after what had been a month long period of the man thinking his new home was haunted as things fell off shelves or strange noises made themselves apparent in the middle of the night, Wilbur was talking to said Ghost that had made his initial move a living terror.
Well looking back, maybe not a living terror but more of a mild inconvenience. 
Tommy- or so the ghost called himself, had been calling him from his friend Jack’s phone at least once or twice a day since the phone was misplaced, and got a call from said ghost proudly stating: “I can see youuu.”
At first, Wilbur was convinced it was just some kid that had stolen Jack’s phone (which technically it was), but after he tried to locate the phone and found the signal was in fact coming from his apartment and yet nowhere to be found, Wilbur relented and gave into the boy’s story. They certainly were adamant about not giving it back or ever showing themselves to get it.
But even if they did steal a phone just to play pranks, Wilbur couldn’t find it in himself to be mad at the boy (We pretend Jack’s feelings about a child stealing his phone are irrelevant). They seemed lonely and after a while, his fear of the ghost haunting his house evaporated and he found himself enjoying talking to Tommy. Tommy seemed to think the same as any chance he could, he seemed to be ringing and wanting to chat.
Like right now as his own phone started vibrating with the classic Xylophone trill, the display showing incoming call from ‘Ghost Gremlin’ on the illuminated screen.
He wondered how the phone hadn’t run out of credit yet. Ghost powers he assumed.
“Hey Gremlin. What’s new in the world from beyond today?”
“Oi! I’m not a Gremlin! I’m a Big Man Ghost! Get it right Wilbitch.”
“Oh my apologies. How’s the world from beyond Ghost gremlin?” The man chuckled as he tapped on speaker modes to continue with copying his music work down hands free.
Wilbur heard a soft groan through the speakers and could imagine the boy probably rolling his eyes.
“It’s fine I guess. Same boring dead plane. Dark and dreary but oh so boring. That’s why I’ve rung my favourite Human Bean.” Tommy responded gleefully.
That was something strange about Tommy. He always called Wilbur a Human Bean no matter how many times he tried to correct his pronunciation of Human Being. Wilbur persummed his ghost was probably something like age 10-12 since he didn’t really seem to know about a lot of things with the number of times he’d explain something despite knowing what a TV was. 
“Yeah I guess being dead would get boring if you lived in a place like that.” 
“Yep.” Tommy said, popping the p. “So what are you writing down? I see you’ve got your guitar out.” 
Wilbur smiled as he wrote down a few more lines in cursive. “I’m just writing out the final version of that new song I’ve been working on. I can play it for you when I’m done later.” “But Wiiiil! I want to hear it now!!!!” The boy drawled in a whiny tone. 
Wilbur practically could hear the pouting face Tommy was making through the phone line.
“You know I don’t get to hear music often. Can’t you just play that funny song about Jared now? You’ve already finished that one AND it’s one of my favourites.”
“Tommy, I literally played Your New Boyfriend for you when you called yesterday. I think you can wait a little bit.”
Tommy huffed in response, the ghost relenting a little mumbling an annoyed fine before the two settled into a comfortable silence. For a being that was quite literally intangible, Tommy sure had a way of making his voice sound very real.
This was how a majority of their calls would go. Simple small talk about whatever the two were doing in the moment or had to do until Tommy ended up going on a rant about something random and Wilbur was happy to listen. It’s how he ended up learning about Tommy’s strange love for mud and he himself sharing his love for eating sand. He’s never heard anyone sound more offended about eating sand for a snack. 
What? It’s good he swears!
But some of Tommy’s rant topics were strange. Like what need does a ghost have with needing fishing hooks or dental floss? He assumed that the boy must have had some unusual fascination with tiny things before he died because he seemed to be very particular about how things needed to be if he were suddenly shrunk.
Like today how the Ghosts rant topic was about Rats and what right royal pricks they were.
“Like you don’t understand Wilbur, Rats are the absolute worst! They just come marching into your space and then decide to go through all your food stores and eat it- which they’re never satisfied with by the way, before trying to take a bite of you!” Tommy explained.
“Yes they are quite wretched little creatures. I wouldn’t like it if one bit my hand either.” Wilbur agreed as he finished writing another verse.
“If I could, I’d stab them before they ever even got close. I’d take my sword and plunge it into their hearts, all heroic and stuff.” 
“Couldn’t you just use your ghost powers and I don’t know, fling them away?” 
How would a rat even bite a ghost? Ghost’s don’t exactly have tangible bodies, Wilbur thought. 
“Stabbing them sounds like a lot more work when you can’t actually touch them.”
“Well if you want to be a boring ghost you can. But what other ghosts do you know can stab their enemies?” “Well you-”
“NONE! EXACTLY!” Tommy shouted triumphantly. “I’m one of a kind Wilbur and the Poggest Ghost to ever live!” 
“Sure Tommy. Sure.”
The ghost feigned offense with a long gasp. “You dare doubt me, the great and powerful TommyInnit? I could destroy you if I wanted to, you know.”
“Yeah but you won’t.” Wilbur shot back. “You’re just a sad child that has no one better to talk to and would miss me if you destroyed your only friend.”
“I would not because A. I have lots of friends and B. I’m not a child.” The boy snapped.
“How does that even make sense?” Wilbur queried as he finished off the last few lines in cursive.
“It doesn’t have to make sense purely because I’m better than you.”
“Sure little man.”
The boy huffed through the phone line. “I’m not little.” 
“Little Baby Man.” the brunette teased.
“Stop it.” 
“Little Baby Man Child.”
“But you accept that you’re a child.” Wilbur smirked as he moved the papers to pick up his guitar.  Tommy groaned.
Yeah, Wilbur didn’t mind this at all.
__________________________             ▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. +1
Wilbur played his guitar for a few more hours before Tommy eventually said his goodbyes to do ‘ghostly things’  as per usual for the night, leaving Wilbur the rest of the evening to settle down for bed. He’d been asleep probably an hour or so before being woken to the sound of his ringtone.
Groggily, Wilbur reached for his phone on the nightstand, half asleep as it rang. Instead of grabbing it though, he accidentally knocked it to the ground earning a groan from the man as he lazily searched the ground for it. Just as he grabbed the phone, the call rang out leaving one new voice mail message in his notifications.
Blearily ignoring who the message was from, he opened his phone and tapped on the voicemail raising it up to listen. 
‘You have one-new-voicemail BEEP!’
“Wil, WILBUR!”
Hang on. That sort of sounds like Tommy.
Wilbur bolted upright now fully wide awake. Tommy was in trouble. He needed help. Where was he? How could he help a ghost?
Before his mind could divulge into further panic, his phone rang again and Wilbur didn’t hesitate to answer.
“Tommy? Tommy, where are you? Are you okay? I-”
“WILBUR HELP ME PLEASE! IT’S HERE! IT’S GOING TO GET ME AND I’M CORNERED! I’M GONNA DIE I PLE-” The cries of the boy sending the brunette into panic mode.
“WOAH WOAH woah Tommy I need you to calm down for me.” Wilbur tried, listening to the labored breaths of the ghost on the other line. “I need you to tell me where you are so I can come help, can you do that.”
“I- I’m.. Uh. I CAN’T TELL YOU! YOU’LL HATE ME!” The boy yelled between hiccupped breaths as they began to cry, loud thumping and hisses filling the background noise.
“Tommy, all I care about is finding you to help, I’m not going to hate you.”
“But you will! Everyone hates me when they find out!”
Tommy had never sounded so terrified before. Wilbur never truly believed anything could hurt the ghost before, but whatever had them so panicked must be serious and the increase in thrashing noises was not easing his nerves.
“Toms, I could never hate you. I want to help you, but I can’t do that unless you tell me where you are.” 
“I- Promise?” Desperation clear in the boy's voice.
“I promise.”
There was a brief pause from the boy before they shakily instructed him into the Hallway.
“Okay, open the closest and I’m in there.”
A loud screech came through the phone's speakers followed by a cry in pain before Tommy was screaming for help through the speakers.
“Tommy? TOMMY?!”
The line was dead.
Wilbur had never run faster in his life. His mind spiraled with horrid thoughts at what that sound was and why Tommy would be in his closet, but despite the ridiculousness of it, his focus was on helping his friend. 
As he approached the closet, the sound of muffled hissing and shrieking filled his senses and Wilbur was quick to fling open the closet. 
Wilbur stood confused but the noises didn’t cease, only growing louder now the door was open. He followed the sound down to the floor, realising that whatever it was, was beneath the floorboards.
Wilbur was quick to act and ran to grab something from the kitchen to pry the boards up, the sounds growing worse with every passing second. As soon as he had what he needed, Wilbur started heaving each nail out from the floor, prying the board up to reveal what was beneath. With one final pull, the board came loose, and the man yanked the board back revealing an unseemly sight.
A huge rat was scratching and gnawing at what appeared to be a tiny wardrobe. It hadn’t seemed to notice Wilbur yet, hell bent at getting whatever was inside the little cupboard. It was when the rat tried head butting the cupboard did a terrified scream hit his ears.
The brunette grabbed the rat in an instant, gripping the thing tightly as it writhed and screeched in his grasp. Quickly he stood and moved to take it outside where he threw it;  standing there, panting heavily watching as it landed with a thump before whimpering away. 
What just happened?
He barely had any time to dwell on it further before tiny little thumps could be heard coming from back down the hall. 
“Tommy!” Wilbur rushed back inside and crouched down on his knees as he observed what laid before him. “Tommy are you alright?”
Despite it being wrecked, it appeared to be a miniature room. Small fairy lights lined the walls and small trinkets made up what could be a wrecked table and chair, sprawled all over the place from the intrusion of the rat. But what really shocked Wilbur, was seeing Jack’s old phone slightly banged up beneath part of a broken floor board in the corner.
Gingerly, Wilbur reached out and lifted it from the debris, to inspect if it was actually real or his imagination. It indeed was the very same phone Jack lost and somehow was even plugged into a charging port.
What is all this? 
“Tommy are you?” Wilbur asked, confusion lacing his voice. Why was Jack’s phone in a tiny room? Where was his friend?
Suddenly, the wardrobe the rat had been so interested in moved. Wilbur set the phone down as the small piece of furniture jerked again, making it wobble ever so slightly in place. 
With bated breath, Wilbur carefully reached forward, gently picking up the tiny wardrobe between his thumb and pointer finger bringing it into his palm. 
It was banged up badly from how the rat had been trying to tear into it, but intact. What was it about this that had the rat so enthralled?
Trying the best he could, Wilbur grabbed the tiny little door knob and pried the door open. 
Wilbur froze, dumb founded at what was hidden inside.
Staring at him with blue eyes blown wide in terror, was a tiny little blonde boy, pushed far back into the wardrobe as humanly possible, gripping the sides with all their might. Their breathing was labored and they looked worse for wear, tears through their little jacket and angry red scratches littering their arms, some even appearing to be smeared with blood.
“What on earth?” Wilbur’s brow crinkled in confusion. 
He was holding a tiny person in a wardrobe.
A tiny person that had almost been killed by a rat.
The tiny boy’s eyes darted all over the place, seemingly trying to figure out how to escape the mess they were in, as Wilbur tried to process that he was holding an entire person within his palms. How was this even possible?
“I- ” The tiny person begged, Wilbur’s full attention locked onto them as tears continued to stream down their face. “Please don’t hurt me Wilby!”
No. No Tommy was- Tommy is a Ghost that made random phone calls. Tommy that loved his music and mud that was very much a ghost and not a tiny little person.
“Tommy?” Wilbur brought his free hand to cover his mouth. “What. How?”
“Please don’t hate me! I’ll leave! You’ll never see me again, just don’t hurt me!” The little boy pleaded, curling into themselves in an attempt to hide themself.  “I never meant for this to happen. You weren’t supposed to know and now you’ll-” 
“Tommy, Toms calm down. I’m not going to hurt you.”
“Yeah right! That’s when you thought I was a ghost! Now you know the truth and I can’t do anything about it.” the boy sobbed. 
Wilbur hated how small Tommy looked. He was always so bright and full of life when they spoke on the phone, but now it was like holding a fragile flower. So small, so delicate, so precious and in need of protection. He just wanted to reach out and hold them close.
“Tommy, look at me please.” Wilbur pleaded, waiting patiently for the boy to look at him before he continued.
“Tommy, I would never hurt you. Yes you pretended to be a ghost and took Jack’s phone, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you.” Tommy lifted his head and swiped his arm across his nose of snot and tears as Wilbur continued.
“You’re one of my best friends Tommy. I don’t talk to anyone nearly as much as I do with you and I care about you, whether you’re a ghost or not.” Wilbur brought Tommy a bit closer to himself, lifting the tiny boy up to be eye level.
“Besides, I made a promise to not hate you, remember? I intend to keep it.”
Tommy's lip began to wobble, before the boy burst into tears, unable to hold himself back any longer. 
“I’m sorry Wilby!” The boy cried as they crawled out of the wardrobe onto the man's hand. “ I wanted to tell you but I was scared.” 
“Shh it’s alright.” Wilbur assured, setting the wardrobe down before bringing Tommy close to his chest protectively. “I’ve got you and it’s all going to be okay.”
While this whole ordeal was crazy and strange, in this moment it didn’t matter.
They’d have to talk about why the boy was living in the man’s floors and why he pretended to be a ghost in the first place (not to mention how and why Tommy was like 3 inches tall) but that could all wait for later.
Wilbur loved Tommy more than the boy ever understood, and it brought great joy to Wilbur that finally, he was able to meet his pseudo little brother face to face. They’d figure everything out eventually, but for now-
This was enough.
For real this was fun to write and I did it all in one sitting lol. Was good to just smash out a short project that was something new and different. It took me far too long to get around to editing it though lol. Thank you Squishy and Munchkin for Beta reading. You're the best! ❤️❤️❤️
Tag List Link here: @local-squishmallow @brick-a-doodle-do @justarandomsloth @veryfunkycheesecake @munchkin1156 @kayla-crazy-stuffs @da3dm @eiscreme135 @orchid-harmony @the-tiny-lurker @colossal-red @nobodywritingao3 @nata2343 @bad-author777 @crazyfoxgirl10 @guppybubbles
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I MEAN LOOK AT THIS! IT'S THE WARDROBE SCENE! When I tell you I squealed in delight when I saw this I mean it. I walked into work grinning because it's all I could think about lol. Thanks again beautiful! Truly gifted you are <3
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guppybubbles · 1 year
oooo,, i really like your writing!!
if you’re still taking prompts- mayhaps something including.. dragons(i 👉👈 i really like dragons), or mers? as for with who, my personal preferences are peer pressure duo or alliumduo, but if you’re not up for writing either of those, feel free to do whatever!
apologies for not following the fake title format, i am- not good at titles of any kind,, dkdnkdndkdk. hope you have a good rest-of-your-day! — 🎲
Ranboo is an Enderman being hunted down by monster hunters. Unable to protect themselves, they offer tons of gold to The Blood Dragon.
Word Count: 2777 words
CONTENT WARNING!!! : mentions of scars and swords, general fear, fear of death, implies being eaten (but nothing happens)
( A/N: no need to apologize!! the fake titles prompts was just smth beckyu wanted to do! nothing wrong with not following the format <33 anyways, i hope you enjoy! teehee )
He's been standing here for an hour, maybe even two. Ranboo just can't bring themselves to enter. The entrance looked so intimidating, he can't even imagine what lies inside.
The mouth of the cave was huge, big enough to possibly fit every single tree in this forest. Every time he tries to hype himself up to go inside, his fear pulls him back to where he started.
But would he rather die by hunters who've been known to make their bounties deaths slow and merciless, or die by a dragon who would most likely just make their death as quick as possible?
Yeah, dragon. Dragon sounds better.
Ranboo took in one deep breath of air and stepped in once more, trying to ignore the strong urge to run away and return home. Even with their excellent night vision, the cave still looked dark. They could barely make out the claw marks scratched on the walls. It felt like something out of a horror book.
He knew he was nearing more into the dragon's den when he noticed thin stripes of light being hidden behind a thick layer of leaves. Ranboo felt like their heart was going to break out of their chest with how intense it’s been beating. As quietly as possible, they pushed through the foliage and held their breath.
Redstone ores were scattered around the den. Ranboo remembers they shine much brighter than other ores he’s mined, he’s not a rock expert but he assumes the reason why they shine so much is their energy source. It’s one of the main ores being used in many advanced communities, perhaps the shine is an indicator of how much energy just one ore has.
Redstone wasn’t the only thing sparkling in the dark cave, because right in the middle was a large pile of gems that could make a King seem poor in comparison. Ranboo swears they can see crystals they didn’t even know exist, and they mine as a hobby! They feel entitled to at least know a decent amount more than basic knowledge when it comes to ores.
Ranboo froze when he saw whose head lay on top of the gold pile. The Blood Dragon.
Staring right at him.
"It— it's not—" They stuttered, "It really isn't what it looks like." Ranboo fully emerged from the curtain of leaves, holding their hands up to emphasize their intentions.
The dragon growls, a rumble so loud that the Redstone's lights flicker with fear. Its large tail wraps around the mound of riches, assuming that the enderman was here to steal their possessions. Ranboo couldn't blame them, he was holding a suspiciously big brown sack that reminded him slightly of the material thieves used.
"I'm here to give you offerings—! Actually!" He quickly added, throwing the sack in between the both of them and gold spilled through its opening. The rumbling stopped and Ranboo released a breath of relief.
The Blood Dragon looked interested in his gold, to say the least, and Ranboo wasn't even sure if they could understand his words. There have been cases that stated most dragons have a consciousness and can understand simple phrases, and Ranboo was desperate for any sort of protection— so he'll keep trying until he was sure they could understand him.
Slowly, they picked up the sack of gold again and approached the dragon. The dragon's eyes squinted, skeptical of the enderman.
"I'm… I'm being hunted by monster hunters and I need your protection. Not forever! Just, just enough to… I don't know, scare them off to make them leave me alone?" Ranboo stopped right in front of the pile.
A gust of warm air washed over him, the dragon just huffed out a puff of smoke— almost looking tired and annoyed. It seemed less angry than it was when he first entered, so he'll take it as a good sign.
"… Okay. I'll take that as an… unsure response." Ranboo slowly placed his brown bag right next to the bundle of gems.
The dragon stared at him, then carefully inspected the bag with its snout. Seeing a dragon— not just a dragon, the BLOOD Dragon, up close is a surreal experience Ranboo did not know they would ever have. The tales spread across the SMP mentioned how the Blood Dragon would slaughter anything and anyone in its path, yet here it was now, pouring the bag's contents onto his pile, seemingly accepting the offer, but still wary of the enderman.
"It's not a lot of gold, I know— Compared to your treasures." Ranboo spoke, "But, I promise, I'll keep paying you until you accept to protect me from the hunters… Is- Do we have a deal?"
The dragon stared at him for a long period, and Ranboo starts to think he was insane for even trying to make a conversation with them. Then, the Blood Dragon slightly bows its head and closes its eyes, accepting the enderman's offer.
Ranboo lets out a sigh of relief.
Ranboo arrives the next day with another big brown bag of gold, mixed with bits of diamonds and iron. While there was still a bit of anxiety when he entered the mouth of the cave again, it didn't take him nearly two hours to even consider going inside, which isn't a big victory, but a victory nonetheless.
The dragon was there when he set foot in the den. He huffed out another puff of smoke through his nostrils but remained lying down next to his riches. He didn't seem aggressive today, though still looked wary of his presence— Ranboo regarded that as another small victory. "Hello, um, dragon."
The Blood Dragon softly grumbled in response. He decided to think of that as the dragon greeting him back. “Maybe you won’t like being called just dragon. Do you have a name? You probably do but you can’t tell me. Should I call you something else?” He rambled, “Should I just call you Blood, Gold, or I don’t know, Michael?”
The dragon stared at him silently, and Ranboo felt like he was being judged for his name choices. “What? I think Michael is a good name!” He defended, “Though, I guess it doesn’t suit you…” The suggestions may suck, but in his defense, he’s never been good with names. As he offered another addition of gems to the dragon, he took that time to examine the treasures he has from afar. Ranboo noticed a sharp sword encrusted with the shiniest diamonds and even bits of Netherite. “Oh! What about Dagger, or Blade?”
They laughed at themselves, Prime, what were they doing? They were trying to make conversation with a dragon and trying to give him a name. He felt stupid and pathetic. “What am I even doing?” They silently asked.
The dragon moved to examine Ranboo’s offering, and the enderman plopped himself on the ground. “I’m talking to a dragon.” This was unbelievable, “I can’t find anyone willing to protect me, so- so I have to turn to a dangerous dragon because, because what? The hunters find me dangerous since I’m half enderman, half—” Ranboo cut themselves off, opting to sigh instead.
He can’t ramble on about something the dragon wouldn’t care about. Mob hybrids aren’t usually treated with the greatest respect. He’s met Charlie, a slime hybrid, they acted with childish wonder yet had random times where they showed an infinite amount of wisdom. They’ve been on trips together and he’s seen how many villagers disregarded his existence. It felt unfair, Charlie has been nothing but kind yet still treated like an unredeemable criminal.
Fortunately, Charlie found a safe place for shelter from the hunters. They were taken in by one of the richest people on the SMP, a gambler who owns multiple casinos and owns a big portion of land dedicated to stealing money from the unsuspecting in a ‘legal’ way, Quackity from Las Nevadas. Ranboo did have his doubts meeting him, but he noticed the strong bond between him and the slime hybrid, and who was he to interfere with that?
Ranboo thought he could find safety in a person just like Charlie had with Quackity. It doesn’t even need to have a strong bond, just someone to shield him from harm. He attempted to pay experienced fighters for that reason, but he’s been accused of stealing something that was rightfully earned by hours and hours of mining.
“Do you accept my offer, Blood Dragon?” The dragon made a low growling sound, not as scary and hostile as before but it did make Ranboo tense up. It reminded him of exactly what he was dealing with, he shouldn’t let his guard down no matter what whenever he gets near this giant dragon. The dragon letting him enter and giving him mercy by not outright killing him shouldn’t be a reason for him to relax.
Ranboo scrambled to his feet and patted off the dust on his pants,
“Okay… Next time then.”
Ranboo didn’t visit the day after that, nor the following days after that either. They decided to spend their time mining in ravines and mineshafts. Who knew giving most of your gems to a dragon would almost empty your supply of ores? They didn’t mind it though, they loved spending their time mining around and always get satisfied with how many resources they got from hours and hours of emptying various caves.
It wasn’t all that dangerous either. Because he was half-enderman, Mobs recognized him as just another mob and left him alone, giving him a safe space. He was hidden away from the judgments of villagers, the spying eyes of hunters, and the awful stares of other beings. In here, Ranboo felt safe.
Safe, but isolated.
It’s what he wanted, but did the price of safety mean taking away his company? Any sort of interaction would be void if it meant living in the caves forever. Mobs aren’t very responsive to his attempts at socialization. It didn’t help that he was an enderman hybrid either, one of the mobs most known for not being able to handle interaction with species that aren’t other endermen and hate eye contact.
He wanted to visit the dragon today, but he hesitated on that decision. Hours of mining led to him upgrading his items at his base using those materials, which left him with nearly the same amount of materials he had before he started mining. Most of what he had was a bunch of emeralds he didn’t have much use for. Trading them with villagers was great, they’d trade some decent stuff but the quality slowly declined over the years. The last time he tried to trade, they tried offering ten pieces of paper for 8 emerald gems, which he didn’t need when he had an entire library of books and journals back at home. It meant most of the emeralds he has and the emeralds he’s mined collect dust in chests.
He debated if he should give emeralds to a dragon who clearly prefers gold, but wouldn’t it be better to have something other than nothing? Ranboo didn’t have the energy to keep mining either. Don’t get him wrong, he loves mining but he loves rest as well.
Ranboo held a large bag of emeralds, and he had that deja vu of wavering fear when he reached the dragon’s den again. What if he didn’t accept his offer? Everyone knows emeralds aren’t of much use other than trading, they can’t be used to make armor or tools. They’re pretty much useless!
Just like the times before, the dragon was there next to their heap of jewels. “Hello, Blade.” Ranboo greeted softly, and he knew he heard him when he did his signature puff of smoke as a hello. “D’you get lonely without me? I know, I’m pretty good company.” He joked and Blade thumped his tail on the ground.
Ranboo chuckled. “Ah- I think I should just be honest here. I don’t… have gold, I just have emeralds and I—”
The Blood Dragon then suddenly popped up from where they were laying and stared at Ranboo. In instinct, the enderman immediately looked away. Oh Prime, Oh Prime, Oh Prime. Coins and metal shuffled around, Blade was moving. Fear struck in Ranboo, especially since they have never seen the dragon stand up or move away from their treasure before.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
He was walking closer and they closed their eyes, trying to touch into their teleporting skill and get out of there. Ranboo could feel the particles surrounding him, and he attempted to imagine the forest outside to teleport to. They weren’t great with teleporting, in fact, it mostly only works when he’s scared and oh, he’s so scared. “Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!” They screeched out ender apologies, only coming off to the dragon as warbles of sounds.
Blade pressed their snout against Ranboo’s chest, effectively trapping them between him and the wall of the cave. “Oh my Pr- please, please, don’t kill me!” Panicked clawed hands made an effort to push the dragon’s face away, to no avail. This is it, the exact scenario he was worried about. He should’ve just waited for more time and come back with the items the dragon had wanted, or maybe he shouldn’t have even come here at all. This deal was nothing but just the dragon milking out Ranboo’s resources until he was bone dry. Tears welled up in his eyes and they burned his eyesight. Wow, thanks for giving him every enderman trait except for great teleportation skills. Thanks a lot, Universe.
Ranboo didn’t know what he should feel in his last moments. Whether it was anger or sadness, he just wanted the dragon to get it all over with as swiftly as he could. He knew he was taller than the average human but the Blood Dragon was huge, so he could make quick work with him.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Blade made a sound, a small roar that sounded a lot like curiosity.. Or was it happiness?
Ranboo opened their eyes and felt their heart thump louder than they had before. The dragon was mere inches away from himself, though their attention was focused on the brown bag on the floor, or maybe what was inside it. They never noticed the dark pink scales scattered across his body before, and the scars of what were presumably sword scars were displayed at his neck. Not just on his neck, but scars displayed on his wings, tail, and even on his chest.
Blade sniffed at the bag and made soft sounds, gently poking the bag with his snout. Ranboo, still in a state of shock, tried to speak. “Oh. Oh- so you were- you like emeralds?” He questioned, and noted that the continuous thumping was just Blade’s tail excitedly hitting the floor.
Slowly, he picked up the bag full of emeralds again and watched as how Blade’s thin irises expanded, reminding him of a cat focusing on a red dot from a laser pointer. “Jeez, you-” Ranboo breathed deeply, unable to find the right words for their feelings. They approached the heap of treasures again, and Blade followed right behind them. Their massive shadow covered the entirety of the enderman and they made a delighted trill sound as the emeralds were added. “There. Happy?” Ranboo squeaked an ender curse as Blade pressed his snout against his body again, and the sound of thunder outside just made his nerves rise again.
Wait… Thunder?
He could barely hear it in this huge cave, but there were sounds of raindrops and the occasional thunder outside. That was strange, he could’ve sworn there weren’t any clouds in the sky when he had first entered- but to be completely fair, he wasn’t paying attention to the sky when he was contemplating about entering the cave earlier. He’s stuck. “Crap…” He mumbled.
Blade turned their head to the ceiling of the cave, aware of the thunderstorm happening outside. Ranboo walked up to the curtain of leaves to see just how bad the storm was, maybe they could set off back to their home. Sure, it may hurt but— “Wait, wait, wait, what are you doing?!” Blade’s tail wrapped around his waist and lifted him just a few inches off the ground and brought him closer.
Blade laid down and gently placed Ranboo by his neck. Was he asking him to stay here? “Thanks, but I got to get home, Blade.” He said, patting the dragon's neck. The dragon replied with a pleading rumble, eyes closed and cuddling their neck closer to him.
Ranboo smiled softly. He couldn’t say no.
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munchkin1156 · 9 months
There’s my brother to blame for that, feel free to ask for context, keeping it until I change it back :D
. . .
Now that that's out of the way...
Who am I?
❤️My name is Munchkin! I'm your casual g/t enthusiast, and I do writing, art and also some irl stuff making! If you see someone going by the name ✨anon✨ on your blog, offering you cookies, then that's me. I enjoy content, and sometimes do my own! Right now, I'm mainly obsessed with Mcyt g/t (which is either dsmp, or when I come back from hiatus, hermitcraft as well) or oc stuff :D Nice to meet you, viewer/reader!! :D ❤️
What is g/t?
G/t stands for giant/tiny, and it's a community for people who enjoy being (you guessed it) giant or tiny! Usually, it's a form of comfort, feeling the need to protect or be protected, but it can also be used as a kink. That is NSFW G/T. This blog is strictly SFW G/T. I will not hesitate to block you if you do that, for it makes me uncomfortable and I am not okay with it. (Sorry if this description is bad, there are better ones-)
Do I do g/t vore?
Nope! To be clear, I am perfectly fine with the concept and anyone who posts it, (occasionally reading it as long as it's safe) though I am aware some of my followers are not, so I will not be posting/talking about vore on this blog.
Do i take requests, and if so, what kind? (REQUESTS ARE ✨OPEN✨)
Yes. I take writing and art requests, including fake fic titles, prompts, au ideas, headcanons, etc. Do not pressure me to finish your request though, it will not help at all and will make me more stressed. If I am uncomfortable with your request, it will be deleted.
Now, my posts so far... (Stories/art and other posts under cut-, most of this is old writing, again once I'm back I will probably add some more stuff that is new and better! Enjoy!)
. . .
(Note: Most of this work rn i find old and not very good. There will be better stuff eventually...)
My main au!
✨Upon Clouds we Dream...✨
Chapter One and Chapter Two is out, but Chapter Three is non-existent. (yet)
Then there's the other au that I have stuff for, but I'm not sure what it is or where i was going with it and i'm pretty sure it's dead but oh well-
Make new friend's but keep the old
Chapter... One? Chapter... Two? Maybe?
Art for it
Becky ask!!! (small infodump)
✨I have fallen (but have faith, for I shall rise once more)✨ (mcyt g/t au)
Brick ask :D
✨Dystopian au✨ (mcyt g/t au)
Becky ask (technically infodump)
He started it!
Horror and HELP
✨Other- (stuff like wips, fake fic titles, art, oc's that i have drawings of, hc's, irl stuff :])✨
Wip game thingy
Munchkin character sheet
It's- a stick figure. In a hamd.
Taming the beast
G/t headcanons (Zombie apocalypse style)
Borrower house no.1 (not very good)
Borrower house no.2 (better)
shitpost (and my first post)
shitpost (not my first post)
shitpost (honestly how many do i have?)
shitpost (another one??)
shitpost (:D)
stuff that freaks me out in g/t #1
stuff that freaks me out in g/t #2
✨My tumblr fam✨
My Tumblr mom, the wonderful @.I-am-beckyu, my Tumblr aunt's, @.brick-a-doodle-do and @.a-xyz-s.
@.orchid-harmony, @.da3dm, @.krazycat49, @.justarandomsloth and 🕶️ anon are my siblings :D
Aaaaaand that's about it! Will update when I should!
❤️ You made it to the end! ❤️ Great job, dear viewer/reader, have some more cookies! 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
-Your neighborhood Munchkin
…spams bread
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nobodywritingao3 · 10 months
hi hello
thinking of making a taglist on tumblr for my fanfiction
(if you dk im the writer of the naga wilbur & tiny tommy village au + the giant!phil tiny trio vore gore fic)
idk if you wanna be @'d just lemme k and i can tag you for any of my future writing. you can opt out whenever im not holding you at gun point
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Blueberry Bush Family
Hi hello welcome to my TED talk about a new au I made inspired by this post. I hope you all like it! *buries myself in dirt and disappears once again*
Also @brick-a-doodle-do take it
° Eret recently got into gardening and baking so she bought a small blueberry bush she can grow in her garden! Techno and Wilbur agree to help Eret plant it when one of them sees a tiny lil head poke out of the bush…
° The three brothers just look down at the tiny boy very confused on why there is a tiny person in the blueberry bush Eret got
° Then Wilbur calls dibs on the tiny boy and very carefully take some out of the blueberry bush to inspect him, Wilbur has decided this tiny gremlin that is biting his fingers and looks a little bit like a mouse is his lil brother and no one can stop him
° Techno and Eret start inspecting the blueberry bush to see if there's anything else strange about it and find a tiny log leading down into the dirt and a pair of blue eyes staring right back at them from the darkness
° Techno, being the brave soul he is, sticks his finger in and pulls out an angry looking birdman who is also small (but still much bigger than the tiny mouse boy)
° Eret decides after the discovery of yet another tiny person in the blueberry bush gets a small piece of string and ties one of the blueberries that's right to it, she lowers it into the small hole and when she feels something tugging on it quickly pulls another small person out…they look like a black and white bunny person and instantly start crying once they realize they have fallen for a trap
° Techno takes the tiny mouse and tiny bunny boy from his siblings and reunites them with the bird person, they start trying to question the bird man as it's very obvious they can talk (do to the tiny mouse boy swearing like a sailor)
° As the bird man slowly starts to talk Wilbur starts to get attacked with blueberries and Eret sees three more tiny people at the base of the blueberry bush
° Eret carefully picks up the tiny fox, duck, and bunny person so they stop attacking her brother with blueberries
° The three brothers then just sit there awkwardly as the big bird guy who seems to be the eldest of these tiny people starts yelling at them in chirps, well there doing this Eret and Techno just carry the tiny people inside (well Wilbur goes to change his clothes cuz they're staind with blueberries)
° Techno and Eret set the six tiny people down on a pillow on their kitchen table and then properly start asking questions
° they find out all of the tiny's names (Tommy, Philza, Ranboo, Fundy, Niki, and Quackity) and is that the reason they were emerging from the blueberry bush Eret got was that their home had been uprooted with the bush and because they were in a crowded area surrounded by humans they didn't get a chance to properly move before Eret bought there home
° Eret ask the Tiny Family if they possibly want to just stay in their backyard as she's going to use the berry bush to grow a nice small garden and she wouldn't mind them staying there, Philza originally was going to decline but all of his kids instantly start agreeing thinking it would be a great idea
° Techno is then left all alone with the tinys Tommy, Ranboo, Fundy, Niki, and Quackity
° Techno being extremely awkward and not actually wanting to socialize takes the tinys to the living room and puts on a marathon of studio Ghibli movies, he succeeds in distracting everyone so they don't have to talk (he does make them snacks)
° Meanwhile outside Eret, Wilbur, and Philza are very carefully bearing the blueberry bush from its pot into the soil of the garden well also making sure they don't accidentally destroy the tiny's home
° Philza also set some basic rules down for the humans telling them that they're not allowed to just take his kids without telling him and they're especially not allowed to take them aside the house
° Philza realizes these rules will be completely ignored by his children when he goes inside and sees them watching something called "movies" and sees how much his kids enjoy them
° Well everyone else is watching the movies Eret ask Philza to help her decide what she should grow in the garden since his family well also be using probably whatever she grows there for food
° Philza really hopes this humans are nice…
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