macnamanderweek · 4 months
Would anyone be interested in this blog/event being revived for 2024?
It seems like Ship Weeks are having something of a renaissance in the Hatchetfield fandom as of late, especially since NPMD came out on Youtube.
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macnamanderweek · 2 years
Announcing MacNamander Week!
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Hey all you Hatchetfans!
Do you love General John MacNamara and Xander Lee of the United States Military, Special Unit P.E.I.P.?
Do you especially like shipping them?
Do you wish there was more content of them in the Hatchetfield fandom?
Introducing a brand-new content-creating event all about our favorite PEIP partners!
When is MacNamander Week?
Since Black Friday was uploaded to Starkid’s Youtube on March 1, 2020, this event will run the week of February 27 to March 5!
Is there a daily prompt list for this event?
February 27: Stars
February 28: Mission
March 1: Anniversary
March 2: Many Dimensions
March 3: Monsters & Men
March 4: Universal Truth
March 5: I Never Left
Please note that these prompts are only ideas/suggestions, NOT strict rules, so you can follow them as closely or as loosely as you want according to whatever they mean to you! Or if you have your own ideas, that’s awesome too!
What kinds of content can I make for MacNamander Week?
Any kind! Stories, art, moodboards, edits, headcanons, theories/meta—the only limit is your imagination!
Feel free to make your pieces as fluffy or angsty, action-packed or funny, or anything-at-all as you want!
Do I have to participate every single day to join MacNamander Week?
NOPE! You can do as many or as few of the days as you’d like—and don’t stress about getting your pieces posted on the exact day they were made for either. First and foremost this is supposed to be fun, after all!
How can I share my MacNamander Week pieces?
You can tag your work with #macnamanderweek to help people who are participating or otherwise interested in this event find it! Posts in that tag will also be shared on this page!
(*Note: Though this event “officially” uses the MacNamara/MacNamander spelling of John’s last name and the ship name, we will also check #mcnamanderweek for entries, so don’t stress if that’s the spelling you’re used to using!)
Are there any other rules/guidelines?
If applicable to your work, please use any relevant trigger warning/content warning tags when sharing. THIS INCLUDES NIGHTMARE TIME 2 SPOILERS!
Other than that, the only real rule is to Have Fun! :D
We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
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