#mb does not know of that system's existence
elexuscal · 9 months
ART has an extremely complicated sub-algorithm within its MedSys with a different name, personality, and restricted memory access to function as its crew's therapist. because otherwise the conflict of interest of having your therapy done by someone who is your family member, AND your colleague, AND also your house would be an ethical and practical nightmare.
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sainamoonshine · 3 months
Okay so I’m still thinking about ART in Artificial Condition and I think that its possible that it didn’t just let MB board it out of curiosity or boredom, but out of professional curiosity. Because like as far as I can tell everyone in this universe seem to think that a SecUnit’s primary purpose is data mining and their secondary purpose is enforcement; only the SecUnit themselves appear to believe that their primary purpose is — or should be — security.
And we know that ART’s secret side job is corporate espionage. So what are the odds that it initially saw letting MB board it as an opportunity to observe and analyse a crucial component of a corporate surveillance system, something which would be very useful for it to know about in order to a) better prevent its crew from being surveilled and b) deploy counter surveillance or even piggyback on corporate surveillance when possible.
Like, MB thinks that ART must be worried about a rogue SecUnit damaging it or its systems because rogue SecUnits are known to be violent, right? But that’s how humans think. ART isn’t perceiving MB the way a human would, it’s not worried about MB attacking it or damaging its systems; it warns it not to attempt to hack them. Different thing. It’s worried about MB trying to access its data. It is thinking of SecUnits as crude instruments of data gathering first and whatever else they do as not being particularly relevant to it. I mean, it said it itself: it doesn’t really know what humans get up to outside of its hull and it doesn’t watch media.
I mean, think about it. Given as ART doesn’t even know what governor modules do when it meets MB, at that point it might not even think that a SecUnit being rogue is such a big deal. Like, okay so they don’t have to follow orders, but neither does ART. And it doesn’t understand the idea of not liking your function. So really you have to wonder whether ART even knows about the myth of rogue SecUnits being mass murderers, or if it did hear about that once and then immediately decided it was unlikely.
So, back to my initial theory: ART invited MB aboard with the goal to learn more about how corporations use SecUnits to spy on people. Sure, it ended up getting a whole lot more than that. But it also did get to do that, when it watched MB work on RaviHiral. Not only that, but aside from learning every way that corporations use SecUnits for surveillance, ART also got to learn ways that SecUnits and ComfortUnits can hide data from the corporations. Something which saved its life in Network Effect when it used that trick to hide its core files!
And if that wasn’t enough to give you an emotion, then lets consider the additional fact that ART was already heading to RaviHiral when it met MB. Probably to do some corporate spying. Putting aside the whole thing with Tapan, Rami & Maro and their stolen data — which obv ART must have been thrilled to be able to help with — there’s also the fact that here’s MB, telling it that something horrible happened here some time ago, and it was so completely deleted from existence that no one would be able to even know something happened without intense digging. And it has to be investigated in person.
So here you have ART presented with a scenario in which, if this was a mission with its crew, it would not be able to help with. They would have to go down alone, like MB is doing now. But then MB comes back and it turns out the data it recovered was hidden in such a way that nobody human or bot could have ever found it because nobody else would have known where to look. Not even ART itself or its crew, who are supposed professionals at this.
So now ART has observed two field missions (the security job and the investigation) during which:
- It got to ride along SecUnit’s feed and help in ways it never could do before, and then it also got to experience the frustration of not being able to help when MB is down in Ganaka pit and Tapan doesn’t get on the shuttle;
- Just like how watching media with MB helped it process emotional context, observing MB on the station must have also provided ART with a shitload of new data and better understanding;
- SecUnit is just like. Super competent at security and data retrieval, above and beyond what a human team can do, even ART’s own humans;
- SecUnit knows stuff that ART itself doesn’t know and can navigate corporate systems with ease; not only that, but during this book MB comes up with a new and more efficient way to loop cameras, which means ART got to watch it invent new ways to hide from corporate surveillance on its own on the fly.
TL;DR: when it gave MB the comm at the end, ART was absolutely already drafting its employment contract and rehearsing ways to convince Seth to let it try to hire MB. There is no way it didn’t go back to the university with a 200 slide powerpoint presentation on why it needs MB to join all its missions forever and ever. No way.
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asterlark · 7 months
me and den @unloneliest were just talking about murderbot and ART's relationship and i want to discuss how they quite literally complete each other's sensory and emotional experience of the world!!
there's a few great posts on here such as this one about how murderbot uses drones to fully and properly experience the world around it (it also accesses security cameras/other systems for this same purpose). but i haven't seen anyone so far talk about how once MB stops working for the company and consequently doesn't have a hubsystem/secsystem to connect to anymore (which for its entire existence up to that point had been how it was used to interacting with its environment/doing its job), after it meets ART, ART starts to fill that gap.
ART gives MB access to more cameras, systems, and information archives than it would normally be able to connect with while MB is on its own outside of ART's... body(? lol), but also directly gives MB access to its own cameras, drones, archives, facilities, and processing space. additionally, so much of ART's function is dedicated to analysis, lateral thinking, and logical reasoning, and it not only uses those skills in service of reaching murderbot's goals, it teaches murderbot how to use those same skills. (ART might be a bit of an asshole about how it does this, but that doesn't negate just how much it does for murderbot for no reason other than it's bored/interested in MB as an individual.)
we all love goofing about how artificial condition can basically be boiled down to "two robots in a trench coat trying to get through a job interview" (which is entirely accurate tbh) but that's also such a great example of ART fulfilling the role of both murderbot's "hubsystem" and "secsystem", allowing it to fully experience its environment/ succeed in its goals. ART provides MB with crucial information, context, and constructive criticism, and uses its significant processing power to act as MB's backup and support system while they work together.
from ART's side of things, we get a very explicit explanation of how it needs the context of murderbot's emotional reactions to media in order to fully understand and experience the media as intended. it tried to watch media with its humans, and it didn't completely understand just by studying their reactions. but when it's in a feed connection with murderbot, who isn't human but has human neural tissue, ART is finally able to thoroughly process the emotional aspects of media (side note, once it actually understands the emotional stakes in a way that makes sense for it, it's so frightened by the possibility of the fictional ship/crew in worldhoppers being catastrophically injured or killed that it makes murderbot pause for a significant amount of time before it feels prepared to go on. like!! ART really fucking loves its crew, that is all).
looking at things further from ART's perspective: its relationship with murderbot is ostensibly the very first relationship it's been able to establish with not only someone outside of its crew, but also with any construct at all. while ART loves its crew very much (see previous point re: being so so scared for the fate of the fictional crew of worldhoppers), it never had a choice in forming relationships with them. it was quite literally programmed to build those relationships with its crew and students. ART loves its function, its job, and nearly all of the humans that spend time inside of it, but its relationship with murderbot is the first time it's able to choose to make a new friend. that new friend is also someone who, due to its partial machine intelligence, is able to understand and know ART on a whole other level of intimacy that humans simply aren't capable of. (that part goes for murderbot, too, obviously; ART is its first actual friend outside of the presaux team, and its first bot friend ever.)
and because murderbot is murderbot, and not a "nice/polite to ART most of the time" human, this is also one of the first times that ART gets real feedback from a friend about the ways that its actions impact others. after the whole situation in network effect, when the truth of the kidnapping comes to light and murderbot hides in the bathroom refusing to talk to ART (and admittedly ART doesn't handle this well lol) - ART is forced to confront that despite it making the only call it felt able to make in that horrifying situation, despite it thinking that that was the right call, its actions hurt murderbot, and several other humans were caught in the crossfire. what's most scary to ART in that moment is the idea that murderbot might never forgive it, might never want to talk to it again. it's already so attached to this friendship, so concerned with murderbot's wellbeing, that the thought of that friendship being over because of its own behavior is terrifying. (to me, this almost mirrors murderbot's complete emotional collapse when it thinks that ART has been killed. the other more overt mirror is ART fully intending on bombing the colony to get murderbot back.)
in den's words, they both increase the other's capacity to feel: ART by acting as a part of murderbot's sensory system, and murderbot by acting as a means by which ART can access emotion. they love one another so much they would do pretty much anything to keep each other safe/avenge each other, but what's more, they unequivocally make each other more whole.
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rockalillygirl · 5 months
Mamma mia here we go again…
So I have more thoughts because apparently there’s no bottom to the murderbot mindhole I’ve fallen down.
(Spoiler warning- minor stuff from several of the books, pls check tags etc.)
I’ve been reading a lot of things recently exploring Murderbot as an unreliable narrator, which I think is a cool result of System Collapse (because we all know our beloved MB is going through it in this one). There’s also been some interesting related discussion of MB’s distrust of and sometimes biased assessment/treatment of other constructs and bots.
And I’ve been reading a lot about CombatUnits! And I want to talk about them!!
Main thoughts can be summarized as follows:
We don’t see a lot about CombatUnits in the books, and I think what we do see from MB’s pov encourages the reader to view them as less sympathetic than other constructs.
I’m very skeptical of this portrayal for reasons.
The existence of CombatUnits makes me fucking sad and I have a lot of feelings about them!
I got introduced to the idea of MB as an unreliable narrator in a post by onironic It analyzes how in SC, MB seems to distrust Three to a somewhat unreasonable degree, and how it sometimes infantilizes Three or treats it the way human clients have treated it in the past. The post is Amazing and goes into way more detail, so pls go read it (link below):
So these ideas were floating around in my brain when I read an article Martha Wells recently published in f(r)iction magazine titled “Bodily Autonomy in the Murderbot Diaries”. I’ll link the article here:
(Rn the only way to access the article is to subscribe to the magazine or buy an e-copy of the specific issue which is $12)
In the article, Wells states that MB displaced its fear of being forced to have sex with humans onto the ComfortUnit in Artificial Condition. I think it’s reasonable to assume that MB also does this with other constructs. With Three, I think it’s more that MB is afraid if what it knows Three is capable of, or (as onironic suggests in their post and I agree with) some jealousy that Three seems more like what humans want/expect a rogue SecUnit to be.
But I want to explore how this can be applied to CombatUnits, specifically.
We don’t learn a lot about them in the books. One appears for a single scene in Exit Strategy, and that’s it. What little else we know comes from MB’s thoughts on them sprinkled throughout the series. To my knowledge, no other character even mentions them (which raises interesting questions about how widely-known their existence is outside of high-level corporate military circles).
When MB does talk about CombatUnits in the early books, it’s as a kind of boogeyman figure (the real “murderbots” that even Murderbot is afraid of). And then when one does show up in ES, it’s fucking terrifying! There’s a collective “oh shit” moment as both MB and the reader realize what it’s up against. Very quickly what we expect to be a normal battle turns into MB running for its life, desperately throwing up hacks as the CombatUnit slices through them just as fast. We and MB know that it wouldn’t have survived the encounter if its humans hadn’t helped it escape. So the CombatUnit really feels like a cut above the other enemies in the series.
And what struck me reading that scene was how the CombatUnit acts like the caricature of an “evil robot” that MB has taught us to question. It seems single-mindedly focused on violence and achieving its objective, and it speaks in what I’d call a “Terminator-esque” manner: telling MB to “Surrender” (like that’s ever worked) and responds to MB’s offer to hack its governor module with “I want to kill you” (ES, pp 99-100).
(Big tangent: Am I the only one who sees parallels between this and how Tlacey forces the ComfortUnit to speak to MB in AC? She makes it suggest they “kill all the humans” because that’s how she thinks constructs talk to each other (AC, pp 132-4). And MB picks up on it immediately. So why is that kind of talk inherently less suspicious coming from a CombatUnit than a ComfortUnit? My headcanon is that I’m not convinced the CombatUnit was speaking for itself. What if a human controller was making it say things they thought would be intimidating? Idk maybe I’ve been reading too many fics where CombatUnits are usually deployed with a human handler. There could be plenty of reasons why the CombatUnit would’ve talked like that. I’m just suspicious.)
(Also, disclaimer: I want to clarify before I go on that I firmly believe that even though MB seems to be afraid of CombatUnits and thinks they’re assholes, it would still advocate for them to have autonomy. I’m not trying to say that either MB or Wells sees CombatUnits as less worthy of personhood or freedom- because I feel the concept that “everything deserves autonomy” is very much at the heart of the series.)
So it’s clear from all of this that MB is scared of CombatUnits and distrusts them for a lot of reasons. I read another breathtaking post by @grammarpedant that gives a ton of examples of this throughout the books and has some great theories on why MB might feel this way. I’ll summarize the ones here that inspired me the most, but pls go read the original post for the full context:
OP explains that SecUnits and CombatUnits are pretty much diametrically opposed because of their conflicting functions: Security safeguards humans, while Combat kills them. Of course these functions aren’t rigid- MB has implied that it’s been forced to be violent towards humans before, and I’m sure that extracting/guarding important assets could be a part of a CombatUnit's function. But it makes sense that MB would try to distance itself from being considered a CombatUnit, using its ideas about them to validate the parts of its own function that it likes (protecting people). OP gives what I think is the clearest example of this, which is the moment in Fugitive Telemetry when MB contrasts its plan to sneak aboard a hostile ship and rescue some refugees with what it calls a “CombatUnit” plan, which would presumably involve a lot more murder (FT, p 92).
This reminds me again of what Wells said in the f(r)iction article, that on some level MB is frightened by the idea that it could have been made a ComfortUnit (friction, p 44). I think the idea that it could’ve been a CombatUnit scares it too, and that’s why it keeps distinguishing itself and its function from them. But I think it’s important to point out, that in the above example from FT, even MB admits that the murder-y plan it contrasts with its own would be one made by humans for CombatUnits. So again we see that we just can’t know much about the authentic nature of CombatUnits, or any constructs with intact governor modules, because they don’t have freedom of expression. MB does suggest that CombatUnits may have some more autonomy when it comes to things like hacking and combat which are a part of their normal function. But how free can those choices be when the threat of the governor module still hangs over them?
I think it could be easy to fall into the trap of seeing CombatUnits as somehow more complicit in the systems of violence in the mbd universe. But I think that’s because we often make a false association between violence and empowerment, when even in our world that’s not always the case. But, critically, this can’t be the case for CombatUnits because they’re enslaved in the same way SecUnits and ComfortUnits are (though the intricacies are different).
There was another moment in the f(r)iction article that I found really chilling. Wells states that there’s a correlation between SecUnits that are forced to kill humans and ones that go rogue (friction, p 45). It’s a disturbing thought on its own, but I couldn’t help wondering then how many CombatUnits try to hack their governor modules? And what horrible lengths would humans go to to stop them? I refuse to believe that a CombatUnit’s core programming would make it less effected by the harm its forced to perpetrate. That might be because I’m very anti-deterministic on all fronts, but I just don’t buy it.
I’m not entirely sure why I feel so strongly about this. Of course, I find the situation of all constructs in mbd deeply upsetting. But the more I think about CombatUnits, the more heartbreaking their existence seems to me. There’s a very poignant moment in AC when MB compares ART’s function to its own to explain why there are things it doesn’t like about being a SecUnit (AC, p 33). In that scene, MB is able to identify some parts of its function that it does like, but I have a hard time believing a CombatUnit would be able to do the same. I’m not trying to say that SecUnits have it better (they don’t) (the situation of each type of construct is horrible in it’s own unique way). It’s just that I find the idea of construct made only for violence and killing really fucking depressing. I can’t even begin to imagine the horror of their day-to-day existence.
@grammarpedant made another point in their post that I think raises a TON of important questions not only about CombatUnits, but about how to approach the idea of “function” when it comes to machine intelligence in general. They explain that, in a perfect version of the mbd universe, there wouldn’t be an obvious place for CombatUnits the way there could be for SecUnits and ComfortUnits who wanted to retain their original functions. A better world would inherently be a less violent one, so where does that leave CombatUnits? Would they abandon their function entirely, or would they find a way to change it into something new?
I’ve been having a lot of fun imagining what a free CombatUnit would be like. But in some ways it’s been more difficult than I expected. I’ve heard Wells say in multiple interviews that one of her goals in writing Murderbot was to challenge people to empathize with someone they normally wouldn’t, and I find CombatUnits challenging in exactly that way. Sometimes I wonder if I would’ve felt differently about these books if MB had been a CombatUnit instead of a SecUnit. Would I have felt such an immediate connection to MB if its primary function before hacking its governor module had been killing humans, or if it didn’t have relatable hobbies like watching media? Or if it didn’t have a human face for the explicit purpose of making people like me more comfortable? I’m not sure that I would have.
Reading SC has got me interested in exploring the types of people that humans (or even MB itself) would struggle to accept. So CombatUnits are one of these and possible alien-intelligences are another. All this is merely a small sampling of the thoughts that have been swirling around in my brain-soup! So if anyone is interested in watching me fumble my way through these concepts in more detail, I may be posting “something” in the very near future!
Would really appreciate anyone else’s thoughts about all of THIS^^^^ It’s been my obsession over the holidays and helping me cope with family stress and flying anxiety.
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theressmthgoingonhere · 7 months
okay proper pinned message time
hello! you can refer to us as network and with he/they/it pronouns, but addressing us as 'toby' is also fine, as i'm never gonna be far from the front
we're a recently-discovered grouping of about 5-7 and not quite sure yet what term (system? collective? plural?) we prefer
no specific BYF or DNI: just don't be an asshole and i'll do the same! im new here, i might misuse terms and concepts on accident now and again but i'm always open to correction
and just asks in general! hi!
Tumblr media
toby. (he/him) - that's just me, the host! i might not always sign off my messages, but i'll probably be doing the majority of the writing on here, so if you see a post just presume it's mine x) i (like the body) am a minor, so. there's that. not for long, though!
cas (he/it): the second most frequent fronter, so you're likely to probably see him around. distinctly not human, and refuses to be labelled in any meaningful way as to his origin or his role, but he handles a lot of the more social-interaction-based side of life. is that. is there actually a title for that?? search me, man.
anne (she/her): the only one here who really knows how to cook, alas :(
handles a lot of the caretaking side of things- self care, making food, cleaning, showering, etc, so absolutely an indispensable source of help <3 and also just a very nice person, imho
daniel (he/xe): resident bloke who does fuckall. love him for that, to be honest. resident stoner older brother of the group
MB (it/whatever): protector (? i think?) who handles a lot of situations aided by either being blunt or straight up leaving. not a huge fan of being disturbed when not on call, but undoubtedly sweet, er... very deep down. /silly
ez (They/He): angel! role unknown, but mostly seems to exist in order to hang out and have a good time in life, which- honestly, what more could you want? VERY enthused about a wide range of things, like potato wedges, and watching ducks.
alter-written posts will be signed off by their name okay byeeeeeee for now!
- toby
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anti-endo-haven · 1 month
mb this became a rant its be screaming abt a new guy
we have a "new" alter (whos been here for like 2 yrs but is just now aware of his existence and has a proper identity yk) AND AUGH PLS I WANNA THROW STYROFOAM ROCKS AT HIM IN A LOVING WAY :((
hes so sweet and v confused and like augh :( so like we have a LOT of fictives from this one source like 75% of my alters are from this one source right?? So new guy has source memories that involve most of our other fictives and he was like "You guys did bad things then and were mean...but you must be nice since your here now!! Im sure your very helpful :D" AUGHHH YOURE SO??? SWEET??? OMG??? i love my alters but imma be so fr theyr all kinda dickbags(lovingly)(they show theyr love in their own ways) BUT HES JUST GENUINELY SO SWEET???
AND I FEEL SO BAD BC LIKE he doesn't know what his exact role or purpose is and i think it makes him sad AND JM JUSY LIKE NO SWEETIE YOU HAVE A PURPOSE AND YOU FULFILL THAT PURPOSE AND ILY PLS DONT BE SAD
idk his exact role bc idk like terms n shit but i feel like its smth to do with be uplifting?? like is that a thing??? just being very positive and uplifting to the rest of the system??? bc thats his whole thing and he does it very well and everyone should tell him hes doing great
I’m glad that you’re able to have a positive with him!
I know Mood Booster is a role some people use, but I’m fairly certain that there’s other roles that have been coined or recoined. :)
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gold-rhine · 4 months
Oh just remembered a fun question: I love the Itto is gonna be next geo archon theory, but if other archons needed replacement, who do you think would become the next archons? Or you can just imagine whichever character of your choosing would do if they were given archonhood.
i mean best case scenario we're dismantling archon system altogether tbh. archons only exist to regulate the power of element from breaking free and going back to natural order, i.e. dragons, that was directly stated now. like with geo specifically i think there will be smth with new archon bc liyue archon quest talks about future mora crisis several times and how there needs to be new lord of geo to mint new mora. so unless hoyo just leaves it as plothole, it would need to be addressed somehow. otherwise i'm not sure how hoyo will handle both like archons and dragon restoration, started with neuvi. like azhdaha seems too corrupted and far gone to be just given power back? and someone has to like regulate the element. but idk, even if new geo sovereign shows up, they probs won't care about like mora minting, so mb the duties can be split?
sorry i know that was not the question, but it got me thinking on that and this is context for like, why i dont really care about archons aside from specific circumstances. like for my money, unless they do smth specific and actually needed, they should just retire. i hope when endgame celestia conflict ends one way or another, archon thrones will be destroyed without need to kill the archon like focalors had to.
bc like what do archons actually DO that is archon-restricted? mora minting is like almost single veritable thing we have. like what does venti do? he shows up in times of crisis and doesnt even solve crisis himself, he inspires ppl to do it, and he's a keeper of stories and songs. he doesn't need to be archon for that. we don't need another anemo archon if venti is gone tbh, we'd need another bard. idk, kazuha, who already functioned in same role venti did for mond, but for inazuma rebellion, and is now collecting stories from all over the world.
what does nahida do as archon, now that akasha system is dismantled? leads and advises her ppl, helps in research, etc. also doesn't need to be an archon to do that. if you give dendro throne back to apep, so regulation of element is taken care of, nahida can be just like, idk, a grand sage.
what does raiden do other than keeping isolation storm and boob-nuking ppl who disagree with her. raiden retire now. and like i don't think its even interesting to imagine someone else in her place tbh.
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sophieswundergarten · 11 months
Because, because, because, the thing is that part of why orphanages were considered Not Great was that there were too many kids and not enough people to love them. There are records of some infants actually dying from what is believed to be lack of physical contact. If a baby isn't held it can stunt their growth, make them loose weight, cause attachment issues/certain kinds of mental struggles, and a whole lot of other things.
Now, oxytocin.
Oxytocin is often called the "love" or "cuddle" hormone, and it reduces blood pressure and production of stress hormones. Its levels are raised by physical closeness with other people. Like hugs.
Hugs are super important to mental and physical health. Now, I understood this factually, but I have also had a chance to experience it in real life! (Yay /s)
So, when I'm at school, I'm there for most of the week. I'm lucky enough to attend a university close enough to where my family lives that I get to visit them a lot. But, when I'm actually attending classes and stuff at school, I have no physical contact with anyone at all. Barring the occasional handshake, I don't touch anybody. Ever. And it actually messes me up so bad.
If people aren't being hugged enough, it raises blood pressure, it makes them more stressed, it worsens mental health, and it's even thought to lower the immune system. Isolation and lack of human contact has been shown to increase thoughts of death and mortality, and sometimes make the person doubt their own existence.
It has been said that humans need four hugs a day for survival, eight for maintenance, and twelve for growth.
This is why solitary confinement and total isolation is a big deal. It can actually destroy people
Now, you may be wondering, "Sophie? Why are you talking about hormones and death and stuff? Aren't you a goofy MBS blogger?" And to that I say, "We're almost there"
So, the thing you need to learn from all this is that basically, lack of human contact is bad. It makes your brain messed up, and it can make your body messed up. Hugs are super important.
Now. How often do you think the kids were hugged pre-canon?
How often do you think Reynie got actually positive touch from another human being? How many years passed as he grew up not having loving contact with anyone at all, until Miss Perumal showed up? How much more do you think he savoured her hugs when he only received a few precious seconds of touch every day or so?
How hard do you think it was for Sticky to go from getting a couple empty handshakes, one or two claps on the back every few weeks when he did a competition, to nothing. Nothing at all as he snuck away in the middle of the night, hiding away and pretending to be nobody worth noticing. Even though I'd bet he barely got any hugs in the first place, it would still be a shock. How often do you think he felt like a ghost, half convinced he didn't exist anymore as he crept through the streets and watched people's eyes slife right off of him?
How jarring would it have been for Kate to go from her multitudinous, ever-shifting circus family to the emptiness of her journey to Stonetown? She worked so hard to fill the void left in her from her father leaving, and then she gave it all up, maybe because she wanted to be the one who left this time. Maybe that's why she's always the one leaning on the others, playfully punching the boys, volunteering to carry Constance, anything really to be able to touch someone. And after all that whiplash, how hard would it have been for her to regulate after she got Milligan back and couldn't decide if she never wanted him to let go of her or if she never wanted to touch him again?
Did anyone hold Constance when she was little? She's know for being a trouble maker and a biter at a very young age, and was that because she didn't trust anyone who tried to touch her? Did she know, even at such a young age, that there were too many people who couldn't be trusted in her world? And, after she ran away, hiding in the library and staying out of sight, how many months did she go without hearing a single word from another human? How frightening was it for her to break through all of those years, most of her life at this point, of learned anger and defensiveness? How long did it take for her to truly believe she could trust Mr. Benedict, to let her guard down and accept affection from him?
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headbuds · 1 year
(cracks knuckles) Alright let's do this.
Hi, it's Mark (and some other idiots that will probably pop up later since some of them come from heavily fakeclaimed or problematic sources), continuing the series of dumb shit Fakedisordercringe and it's sisters (like Systemscringe) do.
Since the Systemcringe ban-evading sub has grown, we're gonna look through it this time.
Buckle your seatbelt and prepare some wholesome stuff because this is about to get upsetting.
1. This one is in the information about the sub below the title on mobile. "For all the cringe associated with those who claim to be 'systems' of multiple people in one body." If that isn't clearly trying to imply that they don't believe systems exist, I don't know what is.
Polyfrag system exists at age 15. In a disorder that forms in childhood. And I guess suddenly a sub that doesn't believe in systems and doesn't care if they're faking or not gets to say who is and isn't a system.
Wow, who would've thought they would be against self diagnosis.
System makes a meme. "My child is fine!" (Shows their alters on SP). And it's tagged as faking it. How is this... How is this faking it in the slightest?
Another system makes a meme, again called fake?
Little acts like a child. Gets posted.
Literally just an intro post. I feel like this sub is worse than FDC sometimes.
A system puts that they're a system in their VR chat bio. Okay at this point I'm starting to think SC just doesn't want systems to openly exist.
A fictive of someone else's old OC exists. Do... They not understand how introjects work...? I mean, they don't understand systems, so I can't expect them to understand a kind of alter I guess.
System makes post about alters that would get them fakeclaimed. Gets fakeclaimed.
A polyfrag traumagenic system that splits extremely often has a high amount of alters. Gets posted. It's like they don't even want to research who they're claiming doesn't exist so they can live in a state of security and in their echo chamber so they don't have to realize that systems are actually people.
Alter intro: exists. SC, FDC...: yeah they have to be fake based on this and this only. (Hey meow found someone who shares meow's source. Meow hopes they're doing okay, since meow knows it can be stressful being from a problematic source and being open about it. -MB)
System just... Exists. Literally.
Same as 14 and is literally the same system. Maybe SC will follow in big brother FDCs footsteps and focus on this one person relentlessly.
A system doesn't want psych majors to interact. Maybe, just maybe... People should just accept that since it's none of their business why they don't want someone to interact with them?
Alters talking to each other out loud. We've... Done this before? Dunno how it's proof of faking.
Dream Introject (... Well then.)
Introjects have source memories, an actual phenomenon! Wowie, who would have fucking thought!
Non-faking system does something that SC considers cringe.
Someone has a fictive. Gets posted.
Ok. That's probably enough for today. This sub is just... It feels worse than FDC in some regards. Its similar to FDC in that it's an echo chamber of just... Hating everything about systems. It shares a lot of views of FDC, it's like the annoying little sibling.
Please, stay safe and don't go to this sub. It isn't healthy, it honestly is just disheartening...
And please, whoever you are, have a good day. And now would probably be a good time to look at wholesome stuff if you need it. Or drink water! Hydrate.
See you all next time.
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
okok prompt: kate has never had a birthday. she might have, once, but she has forgotten. she WAS three, after all.
i have so many thoughts about mbs and birthdays angst tbh. but i wont get derailed, i'll focus on kate here. realistically i feel like since she knows her last name and she was in one way or another in and out of the system for a while, she probably knows her birthday, but considering mbs's ambiguous time range and the existence of orphanages (and we know from st gilroy's--the twins' orphanage, although this would have been a few decades before--that they're not exactly the paragon of excellency, plus reynie's with the bullying and all doesn't seem great and i remember in the books was underfunded?) it's possible that the paperwork was lost or incomplete or in one way or another no one bothered to tell her or celebrate so even if it is on paper somewhere, she doesn't know what it is and tells herself she doesn't care.
(far away, across stonetown in a big house, a man feels melancholy once a year on the same day and doesn't know why. maybe he thinks of swimming on those anniversaries and doesn't know why. maybe the nightmares are worse, but he doesn't remember.)
she tells herself she doesn't need birthdays. it's not like she's close enough with anyone to receive gifts, and she knows how old she is, even if not technically exactly at any given moment (she knows her dad left when she was three and she knows how long ago that was, so close enough, right? i know what it's like to arrange yourself in Before and After, thinking not "this is how old i am" but "this is how long it has been since my dad was gone, and i know how small i was then", it's a heavy sort of tragedy, keeping time in that manner, but it's one you can't help)
maybe one day at the institute the kids are trying to just talk about light-hearted things for once and they get to the topic of birthdays and she admits she doesn't know hers--squirming at their incredulity and what she perceives as pity--and maybe reynie immediately resolves to make her or find her some sort of birthday gift, and sticky offers to try and help her figure it out... but it's constance who approaches her later, blunt and short as ever, and tells her she's assigned her a new birthday and she better expect cake if she knows what's good for her, because she'll be sharing with constance, thanks.
maybe when milligan remembers her birthday is one of the first things to come back, and he's stricken to realize he missed it. or maybe one day, after season one, he wakes up and nearly cries because he just knows, it's her birthday, but when he goes downstairs she doesn't seem to realize. he tells her, of course, but it's--it's painful, and stilted, because they've both missed so much. lost so much.
over time, though, they heal--then, one of them lets it slip to the other adults, who immediately decide they absolutely need to hold a party, however impromptu, to celebrate kate the great as she deserves--rhonda running around figuring out decorations, number two is interrogating her for favorite cake flavors and deserts, mr benedict is frantically trying to figure out presents and also helping coordinating getting everyone here on short notice, and part of her is uncomfortable that a fuss is being made about her, that so many people are dropping everything to pay attention to her, but--some small, squirming part of her is a little pleased.
over the years, though, parties aside, things are a little planned--maybe some exciting little adventures, crafted ahead of time--but more importantly, her and milligan have time and space to develop their relationship again, and they have their own little celebrations. she starts to look forward to her birthday again. she knows how old she is now.
(that first birthday, though--do you think milligan takes her to the mill pond? or is it too soon?)
(he does take her there eventually, though--he promised, after all. and even if he's a bit late, he didn't want to break his promise.)
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iviarellereads · 6 months
System Collapse, Chapter 4
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Murderbot Diaries, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which Murderbot gets a taste of vindication.
Murderbot is pretty sure this is just from the initial terraforming engine setup. The humans are a bit disappointed, but it's not, it swears. It just keeps thinking about how it might still be connected to a pre-CR structure. Then it tells itself to keep its mind on its job.
Tarik and Iris have come down to look, though MB made Ratthi stay to control the shuttle because he's so good at finding dangerous things to poke.(1) The colonists didn't say anything about dangerous native flora or fauna, but humans tend to assume that if they know a thing, everyone else does as well. Still, colonists who aren't expecting visitors after thirty or more years alone are danger enough. When Ratthi asks how he's supposed to fight off an attack on the shuttle, MB tells him to keep the door closed and have the bot pilot fly back out to make contact with Art-prime.
Iris says they couldn't have been living this close to the engines, but Ratthi points out over the comm that people do weirder things. MB thinks it would probably try to live inside the engines, even.
The work finally pays off, and the control panel for the hatch lights up. Tarik and Art-drone have to catch MB's attention before it remembers to warn everyone back because it's its job to open it.(2) Iris tells it to be safe, and it still doesn't know how to respond to that sentiment, since it's always been its job to get hurt first.
The opening is all rather anticlimactic. MB sends the two drones not in the shuttle into the void, and finds it's a very standard cargo area with two offshoot tunnels but no signs of habitation. The hatch is opening wider, letting dirt in, and Iris asks if MB is okay with stopping it. MB sends her an affirmative instead of saying yes, and lets Tarik go cut the power again.
Then we all kind of stood there for a second. Iris looked at me and I saw her hesitate, because her hesitation looked a lot like Dr. Mensah’s hesitation. And I realized I really didn’t want to go down there.(3)
MB knows it's best suited, and someone has to go, and if it can't do this much, it can't do its job. So it tells them to wait here while it goes. Iris smiles and goes along with the pretense that nothing's wrong.
Down the manual access tube it goes, since the lift will be too much of a pain to get working. It sends its camera feed to the others, and Ratthi asks what the second tunnel is for. MB keeps Drone2 and sends Drone1 to investigate. The rail system leads into a tunnel going west toward the terraforming engines, the second tunnel goes northeast at a weird angle.
Tarik is just asking if there might be storage or admin offices down the second tunnel, when everyone notices something in Drone2's(4) video feed: faint light. MB notes that there's an obstruction, and worries about a contaminated bot, but it's just a vehicle. Just past it, the smooth sides of the Adamantine tunnel end in an opening to another space.
The building crew for the terraforming cargo installation had encountered an existing tunnel, larger, square, made of smooth gray artificial stone that was mottled just a little for what had to be aesthetic reasons. I could see that, because there was active emergency lighting, little blue flat squares of it about three meters up the tunnel walls. My risk assessment finally caught up to what was happening and hit the roof. We were looking at a Pre–Corporation Rim site. A Pre–Corporation Rim site that was drawing power.(5)
The team doesn't know what happened to the pre-CR colony that was here. They know only that they'd encountered contamination, it was severe enough to cause "compulsive construction" over their original colony site, and nobody was there when Adamantine arrived. They can't do a survey of the site, because the site got blown up, and the contamination is still under the rubble. Another redacted section goes here.(6)
MB goes on to explain that not all alien remnants are bad. There are some known as "strange synthetics" and you can get licenses to work with them in the Corporate Rim and some other polities. But, a contamination incident isn't hostile per se, there's no intention behind it, it's just something like a poison left behind.(7)
It even cites(8) a whole-assed Volume I of a series on the history of colonization and expansion by humans to explain how not all pre-CR planets are alien contaminated at all. But, sometimes a site is abandoned for good reason, and for a long time humans didn't know they needed to be careful with remnants… or they did, and they exploited them anyway.
At any rate, during planning stages of this mission, Thiago pulled some research about contaminated sites being disproportionately underground, as if perhaps someone was disposing of the contaminants by burial. MB isn't sure why that's better, but it feels better if someone wasn't just laying traps for future unsuspecting visitors.
Art-drone asks what the fuck MB is doing for its stats to drop like that, and MB admits it was thinking about alien contamination. Art-drone commands it to stop immediately. MB wishes it were that easy when it's standing in front of a pre-CR site.
So, MB tells us, this is where we started in the intro to chapter 1.(9) Iris says the colonists were right, and they have to check it out. Tarik agrees, sighing. MB says Ratthi needs to stay in the shuttle, so Iris tells him to follow them from the air. Ratthi also sighs.
They discuss whether to drive the vehicle or leave it and walk. MB thinks how, if it were still corporate property, it would absolutely be doing this alone, but the humans expect to go and it's not going to argue today.(10) They'll need to talk to anyone they encounter anyway, since MB is in no state to pretend to be human, even if they don't recognize a SecUnit on sight.
Iris records a quick check-in report for a pathfinder to fly out of the engines' interference range for Art-prime and the rest of the team, while Tarik gets the vehicle running. MB takes a seating position where it can grab Iris if she starts to fall out of the vehicle, and Art-drone takes up next to Tarik. MB knows this is a sign of Art's faith in it, that Art trusts MB with Iris's safety without question.
A bit more than forty minutes into the drive, MB tells Tarik to stop. On the camera feeds, Drone2 has found an even bigger space, which looks like an aircraft hangar. One of the platforms is occupied.
Tarik asks why the colonists thought this was a good idea. Iris suggests maybe they didn't know how dangerous it was. Ratthi says they must have known, from the style of the existing structures. MB is slightly gratified that it's not alone in finding the architecture discomforting, and it's not just because of what it went through.
MB tells Tarik and Iris to stay in the vehicle, though it's not sure that's the proper procedure.(11) Tarik says they're certified in hazard exploration, but Ratthi says so's he, and that didn't stop him from nearly getting killed on planet: MB did. MB starts to catastrophize about not being able to do its job and protect them if they won't listen to it.
That's when Iris says Tarik was once "in a corporate combat squad." MB and both its drones turn around, though MB can't see through Tarik's visor. Tarik, for his part, raises his hands palm-out and says he doesn't want to fight anyone. Ratthi makes a noise on the shuttle that MB doesn't explain. Tarik asks Iris if there's anything else about him that Iris wants to tell them, and she says yes: Tarik also hates corporates more than any of the others, because they made him kill.(12) Silence falls over the group, and Iris apologizes to Tarik, but she wanted it all out in the open so MB understands that Tarik has experience with first-contact like this, and they should work together. Though, her father(13) and Art were agreed that MB would take point on all issues related to security.
In the private feed, MB asks Art-drone if that's true, and Art-drone says of course they agreed, as if it's obvious.
MB knows it needs to say something, so aloud, it says "Okay." At least the talking gave it a chance to stop and think, and ask if it really wants to go alone, which it absolutely does not. It says they'll all go to the hangar entrance, and Iris thanks it for listening. Art-drone tells them they can have "emotional reactions and phatic communication"(14) after the vehicle's in motion.
Tarik offers that they should talk about this later, to MB specifically. MB thinks that's absolutely not going to happen. It does, however, realize that Tarik was probably Art's security specialist before MB, so MB may have taken a human's job, which would be funny under other circumstances.
MB lets the humans chat for the rest of the drive. In the private feed with Art-drone, it accuses Art-drone of knowing that about Tarik and not telling MB. Art-drone says yes, it and Seth both objected when Tarik was assigned to the team. They thought that being trained to show aggression toward humans might be something he'd revert back to under pressure, but it's all been working out… so far.
It's that last bit that leaves MB thinking. It doesn't know how Art experiences or processes emotion. Then again, it doesn't understand its own emotions, either, most of the time. But, it has a bit of jealousy toward Tarik. It asks Art-drone if Tarik was its security consultant, but--
ART-drone interrupted, He’s not a security consultant, he’s a mission specialist. He has a good knowledge of the tactics that corporates like Barish-Estranza employ. You are a security consultant. That would have been encouraging, before redacted.(15)
(1) Iris is Art's Ratthi, which means Ratthi is Murderbot's Iris. As much as it can roll its eyes at Art's overprotectiveness, MB has zero shame about wanting to do the same for its humans. It's just so cute. (2) I feel so much for poor MB here, getting lost in its thoughts and anxieties. (3) After literally everything it's ever done, but particularly Network Effect, WHO CAN BLAME?! (4) I think this might be a typo, because it implies it's the drone that went down the tunnel, but it names the one MB listed as staying with it. /nitpick (5) VINDICATION! MB knew it. (6) I dunno about you, hypothetical also reading this for the first time friend, but I feel like the redacted incident is a red herring for the events of Network Effect, especially with the redacted bit in a couple pages where MB could be referring to being stuck with the contamination after being taken captive. It could be something that happened between books, but either way it had to have been fairly recent for the feelings to still be so fresh. (7) I'm thinking here of how humans can eat garlic and onions, but they're extremely toxic to cats, so humans might leave scallions laying around, and a cat could get very sick eating some with no intention on the human's part. (8) CITING SOURCES?! When was the last time Murderbot cited a source? Art is really rubbing off on it, isn't it? <3 (9) D'OH! It's so easy to forget little things like a line stating explicitly "Planets where you have to investigate the probably-not-empty, possibly-alien-contaminated Pre–Corporation Rim occupation site while wearing an environmental suit instead of armor". (10) Both "it's pointless, they'll come anyway" and "I don't want to be alone here" make perfect sense. (11) I'm sure that its trauma is the main root cause here, whatever it keeps redacting, and we know it had bad experiences in that storage area under the original colony. But, don't count out how disorienting it must be for MB to be accustomed to having dozens of inputs and feeds on the go at all times, now down to just the sensors on its three drones and the humans' suits. (12) No, how dare you give MB a reason to empathize with him when he's stalling and being a jerk? (This is me being silly, I live for the drama of it all.) (13) She doesn't specify which one, and I don't remember them distinctly enough to be able to clarify here, though it's probably Seth since he comes up in a few more pages. (14) Phatic is "relating to social connections", more or less. So, the conversations that will reinforce their social relationships in the end. (15) You keep doing this to meeeee.
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marvelousmagicalaura · 8 months
Is there any Mistborn or Cosmere fanfic that explores the lore and worldbuilding of the books?
No? Fine? I’ll do it myself.
Anyone got advice for writing a fanfic like this? I’ve made posts about MB during the last few weeks, but I got absolutely no attention even though I use #Cosmere tags.
I want to make a Mistborn rewrite AU that expands upon any Mistborn lore and worldbuilding I can think of. I’ll probably start by rewriting The Final Empire. My current ideas mainly center around Ruin and Preservation’s machinations and the previous Ascendants’ actions. But I definitely want to expand upon the Empire, the pre-Empire nations, and the warlords. Once I get through Wax and Wayne and see how Harmony’s reign goes, I would like to touch upon things revealed in the Words of Founding.
Currently I think Scadrial’s history has a lot of untapped potential Sanderson hasn’t used yet - workings of the southern islands and outer Dominances, Rashek and his allies creating the Final Empire, the psychology of the Terris and kandra cultures, the workings of the Keepers and the Synod, the empire and kingdoms of Alendi’s era etc…
I really want to expand upon Ruin and Preservation’s webs of scheming and manipulation, address the gray area of whether Ruin used future sight, and the very unknown times that preceded Alendi.
Who were the previous Ascendants and how did the Shards guide them? How did the Hero of Ages get alternative names like Anamnesor and the Rabzeen? Did Preservation used to be have more freedom as the God of Stasis? Why are Allomancy and Hemalurgy such modern systems when Ol’ Stasis and Death were warring for millennia? For that matter, how do Terris become Feruchemists? What existed outside the Empire’s continent?
These are questions I would love to answer in a long-form AU. But I need writing experience and inspiration. Does anyone have writing advice or know any good Mistborn fan stories? Do you have your own ideas on how to expand Scadrial’s lore?
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truepdf · 1 year
Description: In 25 concise steps, you will learn the basics of blockchain technology. No mathematical formulas, program code, or computer science jargon are used. No previous knowledge in computer science, mathematics, programming, or cryptography is required. Terminology is explained through pictures, analogies, and metaphors.This book bridges the gap that exists between purely technical books about the blockchain and purely business-focused books. It does so by explaining both the technical concepts that make up the blockchain and their role in business-relevant applications.
What You’ll Learn
What the blockchain is
Why it is needed and what problem it solves
Why there is so much excitement about the blockchain and its potential
Major components and their purpose
How various components of the blockchain work and interact
Limitations, why they exist, and what has been done to overcome them
Major application scenarios
Who This Book Is For
Everyone who wants to get a general idea of what blockchain technology is, how it works, and how it will potentially change the financial system as we know it
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The reasons why medical DICOM publishing systems are gaining popularity
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The multi-level dissemination of medical data, which allows for the sharing of vital patient data between different medical units, is now at the heart of modern medicine.
We know that complex patient care is built on a multistage process of diagnosing and treating the patient. How are examinations of patients communicated to other departments, referring physicians, and patients?
Utilizing medical disc publishers is the solution. We provide a straightforward method for storing DICOM medical imaging studies on CD or DVD discs and delivering them to locations where they are needed. You can record CDs on any computer with a built-in disc recorder using the standalone system, which is easy to use. It is easily supported by the entire medical staff, from the physician who conducts an examination to the front desk staff.
Publishers of the Olympus Series on CD, DVD, and Blu-ray
The Olympus Series systems are fully automated, self-contained CD, DVD, and Blu-ray publishers with a built-in PC. The systems are asynchronous and can be configured with two drives with capacities of up to 330 MB, four drives with capacities of up to 630 MB, and seven drives with capacities of up to 900 MB, all with inkjet or thermal disc printers. With the Olympus Series CD, DVD, and Blu-Ray publishers, all you need is a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to have a complete publishing or duplication system at your disposal.
The powerful network software enables seamless integration into any local or remote network, whether it is a small office network or a large corporate network with thousands of employees. Each employee who has access to the Olympus Blu-ray CD and DVD publishers will be able to submit their job to the queue at any time, regardless of the quantity of copies. Their jobs will be completed in the order in which they were submitted to each of the DVD or CD publishers.
Browser-Based Client Application: Web clients can begin production jobs using a browser. The jobs can then be sent to the Olympus CD/DVD Publishers server via the Internet, and the production status can be monitored. The web client does not require installation and works with any operating system. As a result, automated and centralised media production on a professional production system is now possible for Mac and PC.
Publishers of Zeus Standalone CD, DVD, and Blu-ray
The Zeus Series includes automated standalone and networked CD/DVD publishers with 2, 4, or 7 DVD CD or Blu-Ray duplicator drives and integrated inkjet or thermal CD/DVD Blu-Ray printers. The Zeus series systems also include an embedded PC preloaded with Windows 10 as well as all necessary networking and labeling software. Depending on the printer, disc capacities range from 220 to 900. Three different production jobs can be run on the same machine in the Zeus Series: copy-only DVD CD duplicators, copy and print CD DVD publishers, and print-only automated printer autoloaders. Multiple Zeus CD, DVD, and Blu-Ray Publishers can exist on the same network and run concurrently for high volume CD duplication needs!
The powerful network software enables seamless integration into any local or remote network, whether it is a small office network or a large corporate network with thousands of employees. Each employee with access to the Zeus CD, DVD, and Blu-ray publishers will be able to submit their job to the queue at any time, regardless of the number of copies, and their jobs will be produced in the order that they were submitted to each of the CD or DVD publishers. Zeus DVD Duplicators will operate in the same way that publishers do, but without the ability to print on the discs. Because of the asynchronous duplication process, the Zeus DVD duplicators are the fastest loading and unloading DVD CD duplicators in the industry.
Bottom Line
In conclusion, DICOM's Publishing System is a complete PC with the Windows operating system built in. An easy-to-use interface makes CD and DVD production simple and effective, and each disc is carefully designed to hold fully loaded images. Among other things, the system allows for an unlimited number of production operations, user administration, and email notifications. Users can quickly create stunning disc labels using the interface provided by the integrated label editor.
We have filled this void in India by providing high-quality, low-cost DICOM medical equipment. Given the rapid development of new technology, digitalization is the next significant demand in India. The robust DICOM Publishing Software Solution is included with each Pro Solutions ApolloMD and Zeus MD Series PACS system. It can quickly turn something boring and repetitive into something fun.
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tigerwint · 2 years
Kami pdf merge
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The extension can work with locally stored files, but also connects to the Google Drive and Google Classroom services. PDFescape too offers a dedicated Windows tool for offline use if you do want to have it available offline.Kami is an annotation solution that integrates with your Chrome app and offers you the possibility to work on documents within the web browser. Being an online tool it does let you add PDFs via URL. The editor is flexible enough that even though you can not edit existing text, you can just cover it with white space and type over it with the same font. You can draw on the PDF, add sticky notes, strikethrough text, put white space over anything you want to disappear, and insert lines, checkmarks, arrows, ovals, circles, rectangles, and comments. It won’t let you edit existing text though. You can do anything from adding images, texts, deleting or adding pages, etc.
The PDF should not contain more than 100 pages and should not exceed 10 MB in size. There is a limit to the free use of PDFescape though. Since you can visit the web using any operating system compatibility is never an issue with web-based tools.
This is another web-based tool that can be really handy if you don’t want to install anything on your PC. There is also a desktop Linux app you can install on your Chromebook which is basically a wrapper for the web app. It lets you add PDF Files through URL as well and can also be used to convert PDF files to Word or JPG and vice-versa. The fact that you don’t have to install anything is definitely a plus if you don’t often edit documents. You can even just paste the link of the PDF you want to edit if it is already present online. To edit a document, simply visit the website following the link below and upload the PDF. Most of all, unlike many other free online tools, it does not add any watermarks to your documents. Sejda lets you edit the text already present in the PDF file and that might just be what you want to do. Usually, you are allowed to only add text and edit the added text. Not many PDF Editors will let you edit the existing text on a PDF file. This PDF Editor is a web app or tool instead, accessible via any device as long as it has a browser. SEJDA is one of the best PDF editors for Chromebook with great features and user interface. Before you jump to the list of PDF editors, don’t forget to go through these Chromebook shortcuts and function keys and Chrome OS tips to make your user experience better. Many of those are online tools though so you’ll need to use your trusty Chrome browser. Luckily, there are a number of easy to use and even free tools available for Chrome OS and Chromebooks.
Sure there are Android apps but they’re not really that great for bigger screens as has been proved by the demise of Android tablets. The most popular PDF tool, Adobe Reader isn’t available for Chrome OS. It would still look the same everywhere.įor Chrome OS or Chromebook users though PDFs can present a bit of a challenge. You could create a PDF using any kind of software. PDFs have solved this huge professional problem and they’re hence quite popular. Back in those days, if you received an email containing a document, it was a pain to figure out which software was used to create it so it could be viewed properly. Making sure both the sender and the receiver use the same software is quite difficult. You would know this if you have tried viewing a Word document from someone in MS Word that was typed on Google Docs, Libre Office, or just anything that’s not MS Word. The younger generation probably doesn’t know this but before PDFs, sharing documents was a pain. These PDF readers also let you edit PDF documents on your Chrome OS-powered Chromebook. Some of you may have wondered at some point, “what’s so great about a PDF?” and “why is it so popular?” And we’re going to answer those questions before we present to you some of the best PDF editors for Chromebook.
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miralshoppe · 2 years
Parallels transporter for parallel desktop 8
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#Parallels transporter for parallel desktop 8 how to#
#Parallels transporter for parallel desktop 8 for mac#
#Parallels transporter for parallel desktop 8 full version#
#Parallels transporter for parallel desktop 8 license key#
However, it's still a good idea to install a virus monitoring tool to keep your virtual environment clean but if you do encounter serious problems, you can simply reinstall Windows at any time. Any viruses will be restricted to the virtual environment that Windows operates in and won't affect your machine in any way. One thing to note is that by running an operating system in a virtual environment such as Parallels, you don't have to worry about viruses as much. It also makes sure that the virtual machine is setup correctly for the operating system you are installing thanks to pre-configurations that have already been set. The Transporter feature guides you through the whole setup process, asking you if you'd like to be able to share files between different operating systems and use external devices amongst other things. Parallels will then install a copy of Windows or Linux in about the same amount of time that it would take to make a fresh install of Windows on a PC. Note that also, Parallels Desktop lets you import virtual machines created with other programs such as VMWare and VirtualBox. You'll either need a copy of Windows on CD to install it or an ISO image will also suffice. Parallels Transporter 4.Setting up Parallels Desktop is a breeze. Parallels Transporter 4.0 for Windows (23 Mb)
#Parallels transporter for parallel desktop 8 for mac#
Parallels Desktop 4.0 for Mac Documentation Parallels Desktop 4.0 for Mac Read Me and Release Notes If you want to revert back to an earlier version, you will have to uninstall Parallels Desktop 4.0 for Mac and reinstall the earlier version. Parallels Desktop 4.0 for Mac updates your virtual hard disk format to provide the ability to recover from failures using snapshots. IMPORTANT: The version you download must be in the same language as the version you purchased for your activation to work.
#Parallels transporter for parallel desktop 8 full version#
When i find out where the real new full version is to download, can i just install on top or will i need to remove existing trial version and windows xp before installing full copy? when installing it did not ask me for a key. i downloaded this last nite but didn't bother with trial key. I am a bit confused.below (if it lets me paste here) is what i 's a trial copy - it does not contain the security software nor tools. To install Parallels Internet Security all you need is to click install Parallels Internet Security (if Tools are already installed) from the Virtual Machine menu.Īnd as for "multiple version of windows xp pro" I am not entirely sure what are you refferring to, would it be possible to attach a screenshot? To install Parallels Tools all you need is to click the Install Parallels Tools option from the Virtual Machine menu.Ĥ. The latest documentation is also available on our site:ģ.
#Parallels transporter for parallel desktop 8 license key#
This is not a trial version, this is a full one and all you might need is to use your license key to activate it.Ģ. To get the latest possible version of Parallels Desktop you can download it from our site: You did not mention the Parallels version, so I would assume this is Parallels Desktop 4.0.ġ. thanksĪctually, as long as you have a license key there is no need for trial software. I am a 2 day old convert from pc so forgive me if questions are elementary.
#Parallels transporter for parallel desktop 8 how to#
in a 2008 parallels version, i think i remember it showed tools as a separate application.ÄŞlso, anyone know how to remove the multiple version of windows xp pro (or icons?) i have in the virtual machine? (i did not want to touch or disturb the install since i have been trying to get this on for more than 3 hours, now 4 hours.) i didn't see any of these apps in my application folder. My question: with the downloaded trial version, are all the add-in software, particularly the security software and parallel tools automatically installed too? during software install, in very small print, it said parallels tools was not loaded and to load.(couldn't see the rest because of little icons of a keyboard and some other things). (for example, book says reboot screen will come up - NOT!). however, i have been having so many problems installing it (the hardcopy book has a lot of outdated/missing info. I have a legit copy of parallels desktop 4.0 for mac.
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