boncism · 3 years
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going back to my roots
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Contestshipping fanfic
I’ts been a while since the last time I was active here but let the world know about this fic is worth it a post.
This contestshipping fic called Don’t take forever (and its sequel Into the wild currently still in the making). I just found both like 3 days ago and I’m all catched up, couldn’t stop reading for a minute. Don’t let the size of chapters or #of words to stop you from reading. believe you won’t even feel them, is the most amazing contestshipping fic I’ve read and I’m really grateful to have found it.
Anyway! I know is important for any writer when people read and enjoy their work, maybe leave them a review, I have a writer friend and I know that really motivates her to keep writting because it makes her feel like her work is appreciate and she’s happy to give people something to enjoy so everytime I find a fic that is worth sharing, I do it.
Here is the link of the 1st part Don’t take forever https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11515520/1/Don-t-Take-Forever once you finish it you can find the sequel right there.
Enjoy it and happy reading my fellows contestshippers <3
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fr0stedtea · 3 years
Contestshipping Part 1
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Part 1 / Part 2
So this is a remake of the silly contstshipping comic I made a while back, you can see that here I’ve really wanted to try this webtoon style of comic making, and gosh it takes so much longer then I thought it would so this will have a second part soon, maybe with extra added bits.
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marettask · 3 years
Un día como hoy [Contestshipping One-Shot] [Español]
Un día como hoy pero de hace diez años te conocí por primera vez, no eras distinta a otras coordinadoras novatas. Tenías entusiasmo, pero tu acto era realmente malo, nunca he sido fan de los objetos en las presentaciones, siempre creí que opacaban la verdadera belleza del pokémon, además esos frisbees ni siquiera lucían elegantes.
Pensé que sólo eras una chica más, tonta, fácil de olvidar, de esas que sólo buscaban un bonito listón para presumir, no había nada que pudiera rescatar de ti.
No obstante me dejaste intrigado con ese combate contra tu en ese entonces Torchic, pronto me di cuenta de que mi primera impresión estaba muy lejos de la realidad.
Un día como hoy pero de hace nueve años competimos en el Gran Festival de Hoenn, realmente me sorprendí de que llegaras tan lejos, pero una parte de mí siempre lo supo, aún tenía en mente los momentos pasados como cuando quedamos atrapados en Isla Mirage, fue la primera vez que interatuamos sin un concursod e por medio y fue agradable conocer más de ti.
Debo reconocer que me decepcioné un poco al saber que no me considerabas tu amigo, pero podía comprendelo, empero, que le creyeras Harley y no a mí me dolió demasiado. Incluso me planteé no hablarte más y dejar que telas arreglaras por tu cuenta.
Sobra decir que estoy feliz por no haberlo hecho.
El combate que tuvimos en esa ocasión fue uno de los más feroces que haya tenido, aunque gané no la tuve nada sencillo.
Te deseé suerte esperando verte en el próximo festival.
Un día como hoy pero de hace ocho años acababa de terminar el Gran Festival de Kanto y decidimos viajar a Johto, fue muy emocionante, era tu primera vez viajando sola y estabas aterrada, me pedías consejos y tu me cocinabas para compensarme. Fue muy grato encontrar que no sólo eras buena para devorar todo a tu paso, tu sazón era claramente impresionante.
Poco a poco nos fuimos acercando más y más, Solidad y Harley nos empezaron a molestar, ambos negábamos todo.
"Sólo somos amigos"
Un día como hoy pero de hace siete años finalmente empecé a mirarte con otros ojos, me dieron ganas de golpearme a mi mismo, de todas las mujeres en el mundo ¿Por qué con mi rival? No se supone que te odiara por puesto, pero involucrarme sentimentalmente contigo no era lo mejor.
¿Y si perdíamos la ganas por combatir uno con el otro? Claramente no podía permitirlo, teníamos una carrera. Ambos llegamos a semifinales del Gran Festival de Johto y fuimos eliminados por el eventual ganador y el finalista, aún quedaba mucho camino por delante y no debíamos frenar.
Pero otra parte de mí realmente quería intentarlo, sobre todo con las cada vez más crecientes ganas de besarte.
Un día como hoy pero de hace seis años finalmente gané la Ribbon Cup, viajando por Hoenn de nuevo fue donde por fin me coroné como mejor coordinador, Mi oponente en la final no pudiste ser otra más que tú. Sin duda el combate de la vida, me tuviste contra las cuerdas múltiples veces, la diferencia de puntos fue mínima.
Sentía que mis sueños se cumplían pero tenerte entre mis brazos felicitándome por mi victoria se sintió mucho mejor que cualquier cosa. Realmente te amaba pero no podía detenerte, estuviste tan cerca en esta ocasión de ganar, debías seguir adelente.
Un día como hoy pero de hace cinco años decidimos viajar por regiones diferentes, era la primera vez que no te vería, mientras yo decidí buscar oportunidades en Unova tu fuiste a Sinnoh por la revancha.
Me sentía devastado, pero era lo mejor para que pudieras desarrollar cada vez más tu talento como coordinadora, cosa que pareció funcionar en ti ya que mientras yo fui eliminado en los cuartos de final, tu ganaste tu propia Ribbon Cup.
Me acuerdo bien que Dawn quién fue primera finalista me dijo que "te vengaste" por lo de la Wallace Cup hace unos años.
Me reí por eso, aunque en secreto también creí que debiste haber ganado en esa ocasión
Te llamé para felicitarte, tu atendiste muy contenta hablamos hasta las altas horas de la madrugada.
Un día como hoy pero de hace cuatro años a pesar del amor que te tenía, me convencí de que lo nuestro no debía ser, así que decidí darle el sí a una fan llamada Jenna, parecía una buena chica, no estaba muy seguro si contártelo, Sol me dijo que tenía que decírtelo a pesar de su poca aprobación por mi novia, 'sé que talvez no era el día correcto para decírtelo pero no podía esconderlo por mucho tiempo.
No supe interpretar tu reacción te noté muy seria y sólo escuché de tu parte un simple:
Después de eso no supe más de ti
Un día como hoy pero de hace tres años me contaste que estabas saliendo con un chico, supongo que me lo merecía, si realmente te sentiste como yo en ese momento realmente era la peor basura del universo, pero no podía saberlo, quizás tu si eras feliz y mi pobre relación cada vez se caía a pedazos. Jenna resultó ser mimada y materialista, sólo me usaba como trofeo, para darle celos a mis fanáticas. Luego de esa llamada terminé con ella, su reacción era de esperar, explotó en furia y me amenazó con contarle a la Coordinator's Weekly que era gay.
Sentí una bofetada en mi cara luego de burlarme y decirle que buscara una amenaza más original.
Un día como hoy pero de hace dos años te encontré en el parque de Ciudad Petalburg, no tenía nada que hacer allí y probablemente no estuvieses ahí, pero no podía evitarlo, llevaba pensándote desde hace meses, incluso tuve algunos sueños algo prometedores con tu persona. Sobre todo en esta fecha.
Di vueltas buscándote por todas partes, esperando encontrarte y para mi sorpresa así fue. Sentada sollozando te hallabas sentada en una banca.
Lucías muy cambiada, tu cabello estaba más corto de lo que usabas a los diez años y tu ropa te cubría completamente, me acerqué a ti en busca de respuestas y toqué tu hombro, cuando te giraste para verme vi un enorme moretón en tu ojo derecho.
La sangre me hirvió, trataste de excusarte con tu bien conocida torpeza pero yo sabía perfectamente lo que había sucedido. Ese día casi me dejan detenido en la delegación luego de la brutal paliza que le di a tu ex-novio.
Tu padre me sacó usando sus influencias y me dio su bendición para salir contigo cuando quisiera.
No dije nada pero lo agradecí en mi cabeza.
Un día como hoy pero del año pasado luego de eliminar todas mis inseguridades y de recibir algunas amenazas de Sol, Dawn, Harley e incluso mi madre, finalmente te invité a salir.
No fue el momento más romántico, sobre todo porque tu ya estabas segura desde hace mucho tiempo y simplemente estabas esperando a que yo hiciera algo.
"¿Cómo que te tardaste mucho no crees?
Me sonrojé furiosamente, la vergüenza se me notaba a leguas pero también la alegría de tenerte.
Cuando le contamos a nuestro círculo cercano casi lloran del alivio y de la emoción, nuestros padres se conocieron y congeniaron excelente.
Max mencionó que ya estaba empezando a pensar que se quedaría sin sobrinos, por que no había manera de que permitiera a su hermana tener hijos con el patán de su ex.
Tuve que estar de acuerdo con eso.
Hoy, siento que mi cabeza explota, talvez no debí beber demasiado, recuerdo que estaba en Viridian de paso por un concurso y...
Siento un delgado brazo que toca ligeramente mi pecho, volteo y allí estás, semi desnuda, con el pelo alborotado y al igual que yo despidiendo un fuerte aroma a alcohol.
Evité reír con fuerza, te ves tan hermosa cuando duermes que no quise despertarte, en lugar de eso tomé tu mano y para besar ligeramente tus nudillos, más la suavidad de tu piel se vió interrumpida por un frío metálico.
<<¿Qué demonios?>>
Allí en tu dedo anular se encontraba un sencillo aunque hermoso anillo de matrimonio, inmediatamente busqué en mi mano sólo para encontrar una alianza idéntica.
En un segundo recordé todo el bochorno, nuestro viaje por el aniversario de conocernos, las bebidas, el baile en la fuente del casino...y la capilla con los imitadores de Juan en la entrada.
Palmeé mi frente sin poder contener la sonrisa.
-Bueno esposa, creo que nunca dejarás de sorprenderme.
Se supone que esto iba a ser en mejor OS Contestshipper pero nel, sólo salió esto jajaja
Espero haya sido de su agrado y ¡Feliz día del Contestshipping!
Xoxo, Maretta.
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sekkaiart · 2 years
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May and Drew Trapped. - Chapter 3 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/99746218-may-and-drew-trapped-chapter-3?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading Two people Once really close But after the journey, they separated. Until now..... What will happen when they get trapped together? WARNING: Many Plot Twists XD
I really recommend this story from https://wattpad.com
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animefan-overran · 4 years
What’s on your mind...(Contestshipping)
"Ugh, I couldn't eat another bite," May burped. "How about everyone else?" May asked her pokemon team.
May’s pokemon smiled at her, as they all replied in their respective names.
"That's good, I'm glad everyone's gotten enough to eat!" May smiled while packing her bag.
"Oh, guys. I don't know what I'm gonna do, Drew wants me to meet him at his place in about an hour. He said he'd tell me what's been on his mind during our previous battle. At first, that sounded like something I wanted to pursue. However, now I'm not so sure."
"Bulbasaur-saur" Bulbasaur felt May's distress, and quickly jumped onto her lap, and rubbed against her leg.
"Oh, Bulbasaur. Thanks for the comfort. I would feel better, but Drew told me to come alone" May explained. "Whatever's on his mind must be really deep if he doesn't want others to hear. I sure hope he's okay. As smug as he appeared, he looked a little angry during our last conversation."
May stood up and stretched her arms to the sky, and took a moment to appreciate the warmth of the sun on her face before she glanced down at her team "You guys ready to go?"
Her pokemon nodded eagerly. May grinned back in return, settled everyone back into their pokeballs, and went to the front counter to pay the check.
"Thank you so much for coming, and have a great rest of your day," the cashier beamed brightly at her.
"Thanks, I'll try," May half joked as she strolled out of the cafe. Within minutes, May was back at her place throwing clothes every which way in an attempt to find something nice to wear, for meeting up with Drew. This kind of behavior was so out of
character for her, and the more she thought about it, the more it confused her.
Why am I acting like this? May thought. Afterall, it's only a boy. I mean this is Drew we're talking about here. May reasoned. Then again, he has a way of making me tick. Even back at the pokemon center there was something about his presence that released a different side of me entirely... so much so that I confessed my feelings for him. Me, of all people. I didn't think I would ever be the type of person to to do that... and so confidently too. But there's just something about Drew that makes me feel like I can do anything...  May let her thoughts run on and on about the green haired boy until she was fully convinced without a doubt that she had to go over and see what was on Drew's mind. Once she settled on a nice outfit, she laced up her sneakers, and headed over to Drew's room. Since they were both competing in the nearby pokemon contest in a couple of days, they were both living in a hotel set aside for contestants.
"F-5, F-6, F-7, and F-8 here we are" May knocked on the door, and within a couple of seconds, Drew opened the door and greeted her with a nod.
"So, I guess you did decide to show up after all," Drew grinned smugly. "I didn't think you would actually have it in you to come."
All May could do was stare at him, as she felt a new wave of confidence hit her.
"Drew, just because we know each other, doesn't mean you know everything about me. I learned a lot of tricks over the years that get me pretty far in life." May gloated.
"Oh  yeah, like what?" Drew quizzed. "What has the great and powerful May been up to since we were younger?"
May shook her head amazed at how much Drew had to learn. "Drew, Drew, Drew, you see all I am is honest about what I want in life," she stepped closer to the green haired boy. "And just recently, I've discovered the power of being confident too."
Drew suddenly felt as if he was being cornered by May, stepping back as she kept making her way towards him. She was like a predator stalking her prey, coming in closer and closer, just waiting for the right time to pounce. Why did he even invite her here? Actually, he didn't want to answer that question. He already knew the answer. A part of him still didn't want to admit the truth about his feelings towards May. He knew he had gotten himself into this situation by inviting May over, but he honestly didn't think she would have the guts to actually go through with it. When he finally stumbled back onto the couch, May took her chance to go in for her kill. May climbed on top of Drew and straddled him until he was secure. At this point, Drew couldn't move even if he tried. There was something so captivating about May that made him lose all feeling of his senses.
"You see Drew," May started rubbing circles on his chest "You truly cannot have one without the other, I mean just look at you. You're still not being honest about what you want, and here you are slowly losing your confidence. I mean what happened to that so called man that I talked to at the pokemon center just a couple of hours ago. Maybe I have the wrong room..." May teased.
Trying to regain some confidence Drew quickly grabbed May and changed their position so that he was now on top. He held her hands back and brushed his lips against her ear.
"Oh, May. As much as I love that theory of yours, confidence and honesty won't get you very far in life, just you watch" Drew scolded.
"Hmm-m-m-m, yeah you might be partially right," May whispered slightly giggling. "But it got me here,"
And with that May's lips found their way to Drew's until they were nearly touching. "Now Drew, I want you to be completely honest about what you want, before you lose your confidence again." May taunted.
"With you May, I don't think my confidence will ever be truly lost." Drew breathed "But if you must know... May it's you. It's always been you. I've known it for a while, but it's still hard to come to grips with. But it's you that I want. May, I want you to scream my name for everyone to hear. I want you to be mine and only mine, and I want to be yours and only yours. I know I have a hard time saying my feelings, but I just can't help it. " Drew started instinctively grinding against May ever so slightly. "I've been seeing how much you've been growing into such a promising and beautiful trainer, and I gotta admit you intimidate me at times. Seeing you and your Skitty use that Blizzard attack. It made me realize just how badly I want you to be by my side." Drew's lips slowly connected with May's neck and gently started to suck.
All May could do was lay there. Here was this side of Drew again. He was so confusing sometimes... but she kind of liked it.
"Oh D-d-d-rew" May barely stuttered out trying to breathe regularly.
"Hm," Drew moaned, "Tell me something May... Do you like it rough?" Drew continued to work on her neck.
"Uhhhhhhhh," May managed to groan out.
"Hmp, it's ok. A lady like you doesn't have to answer that kind of question. Tell you what," Drew mused "if you don't like anything I do, all you have to do is snap your fingers twice, and I'll stop. Otherwise, it's a man's honor at stake" And with that he started gaining momentum, his lips tightening even further around her skin. Feeling the heat of the moment, May began to bite her lip in an attempt to suppress a moan, but Drew caught onto it.
"Ah, ah, ah May, if I catch you trying to hide your pleasure again, I'm gonna have to punish you," Drew scolded "I want you to be as loud as you need to, babe"
May didn't know what to say. The only thing she knew at the moment is that Drew's lips and presence were so warm and inviting. Whatever he was doing was working just fine because she wouldn't want to leave even if she was offered a million pokedollars. Drew had her hooked like a goldeen on a fishing rod, and she wanted to be caught.
"Well, maybe I want to be punished," May blushed.
"Hm," Drew stopped, his voice lowering to a dangerous tone. "You're gonna regret saying that, hun."
With that, Drew flipped May over onto her stomach, and continued to straddle her. He quickly removed his belt from his trousers, and secured May's hands.
"Wow, Drew I didn't know you were into this kind of stuff," May laughed.
"Well it takes on to know one I guess," Drew sang as he stood up and lifted May bridal style.
"It's getting a little cramped on this couch, so we're going to the bed." Drew
growled. "You’ll be shouting my praises when I’m finished with you, babe. "
May suppressed a giggle. She admired this new side of Drew, and even though he was putting up this act, she still felt safe with him. "Show don’t tell" May taunted.
That was all Drew needed, as he sprinted to his bedroom, slamming the door behind him.
Hope everyone enjoyed it!
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loonylatias · 5 years
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CWT50 認親卡 by c.kitty
※Permission to post this was given by the artist. Please contact the artist for further use of the artwork. If you liked this fanart, you can view the artist’s other works via the provided link.
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no-water-no-ice · 5 years
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Happy late ContestShipping Day (July 10th) ^^ #contestshipping #mayxdrew #pokemon #doodle https://www.instagram.com/p/B0gcQTWHu4t/?igshid=1m3omhgvbn6yr
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Uncovering the Truth (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/6OrptlQxhH An AU Pokémon fanfiction. // Contestshipping with some FourthWheelshipping (not so much in the beginning for Contest) A mysterious creature spotted at a town becomes the reason for Max to meet up with an online friend. However, he is forced to bring his sister, May. May didn't want to be involved at first, but something makes her change her mind…
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kisari-is-an-idiot · 7 years
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Just some random contestshipping don’t mind me~
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boncism · 3 years
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some things never change
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yelskachan · 5 years
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Próximamente a color.
Primer fa art digital Contestshipping ❤️
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fr0stedtea · 4 years
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Lettuce head and cutie pie
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newbarksbreeder · 7 years
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The kiss I always expected by ValiChan
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kendracs · 7 years
How to find
Summary: "Doesn t mean anything to you that I come this far to find you?"
"Doesn't mean anything to you that I come this far to hide from you?"
"No, no it doesn t. Because you weren t running from me. You were running from yourself. But you can’t leave me behind. I’m selfish and the only way I know how to love is selfish too. I won’t let you go again"
M rated for adult themes.
Disclaimer: I don`t own pokemon. Though I did get inspiration from some scenes of Grey`s Anatomy, Gossip Girl and some fics I read a long time ago and I can´t even remember the names but some scenes got stuck on my head.
A/N: Again My first tongue is Spanish not English so forgive my grammar and misspelling mistakes, I couldn`t find someone to help me edit this, (please if you want to help me imbox?) Also the chapter was going to be much longer but I think it was good to leave it where it is.
  FF.net (chapter 1 is here too)
Chapter 2
 What she find is not a beginning at all. Is more like that dream-like-place you drift to with closed eyes when you have nowhere to go.
News about her father spread fast and soon enough is what everyone is talking about. People buy magazines and newspapers eager to find out what happened to one of the most beloved gym leaders of Hoen. The gossip is so big that even people in the secluded town in Aloa- where she is staying- are talking about it.
“Did you hear? He had an affair with a girl younger than him”
“Surely it was that kind of girls you know. I truly feel for the wife though. There is always someone younger and more beautiful”
“They said there is a child! Can you believe it? A child out of his marriage! How scandalous”
“Their marriage is ending up so messily, I heard that their kid, a young trainer, is stepping up to take care of the gym”
“I could have swear that they had an older child, a girl”
“Oh, she is coordinator, and not a good one I think”
May just make herself tiny and ignore the conversation around her, as little by little color keeps draining fromf her sight.
Everything is shades of gray, black and white this days.
-» «-
When she first landed after days and days of traveling she had find out that she was in Aloa and there was still 5 months for the contest season to begin.
It was only a week later that the news about her parents divorce spread and part of her wanted to go back home and support her mother, hear her father, hug her brother. But when she had called, Caroline had dismissed her and told her to keep a low profile. Max had been send to the Orange Islands with Professor Eve to study.
Her mother had been protecting her children from the painful way media had reacted.
There were articles about her family everywhere, about everything. Some true, some false. Mostly hurtful.
Her friends had tried to reach her.
Misty –even if they only met once so long ago.
Ash –Surprisingly since they had lost touch years before.
Brook – Fatherly Brook that now was some sort of doctor or something like that?
Solidad –Dearest sisterly-motherly Solidad.
Harley- Like…Really?
Brianna –She barely remember her but she had called anyway
Dawn –Witty, sweet Dawn that has kicked her ass so long ago.
And… and Drew-She could barely think about that one without flinching.
She ignore them all and turn off her phone.
They portrayed her father as an awful person and her mother as a stupid woman.
She knows they are not. But some part of her is so bitter because they were exactly that.
They never talked about the happy times, about their love. At this point –where there lawyer in the middle, scandalous trues coming to light by both sides and acrimonious words exchanged- May truly believed that even her parent had forgotten about it.
May didn´t and perhaps that was what wounded the most.
Maybe it was only part of life. Love and forget. She was still waiting for the later.
She loves him. She knows she does. But this love is nothing like love was supposed to feel, like she always dreamed when she was a little kid.
No this feel like falling in black abysm, a bottomless abysm. She feels like falling even though she already hit the floor. And it hurt, oh, so much. But the feeling doesn´t stops because even if she reached rock bottom the emptiness in her stomach, the sensation of vertigo remains and is killing her, ripping her to shards.
Because when everything is going downhill she thought she would have him. But she doesn´t and so she sinks into that sensation because there is nothing to hold her back.
-» «-
The girls in Aloa are so beautiful with tanned skin and slender bodies. Their hairs are so colorful – bright pink, light blue, daring violet, sexy red and shiny yellow- And May feels so plain beside them.
She can´t help to remember the beautiful girl with summer sunlight in her hair that stole Drew´s heart. How her curves were seductive yet elegant and how her own are not that impressive, she even feels kinda round in places she shouldn’t. Her skin doesn’t look as flawless as other girls does, and when she is the street or other places where are a lot of people she want to hide so she looks at the floor and pretends that she is not there.
Her self-esteem is so down in the floor that is buried by piles of dust and mud.
That is until she meet Gary Oak.
-» «-
She meets Gary the second month she is in Aloa when she bumps into him. Till this point no one knows where she is, she hasn´t told anyone and had keep interaction with other people to minimum. So when Gary start talking to her she is half glad half apprehensive. They click in all the right ways. He is loud and exuberant, flirty and arrogant, sassy and with a brash manner that May find very refreshing. He is also very funny in a more dark-sarcastic way. But she can take his attitude and bite back because they are so much alike being so damn different
“Why did you decide to talk me?” She ask one day when they are having ice cream and she is stealing of his cone.
He chastised her hand with a playful spal before looking at her “I don´t know. I guess I could see myself in you. I don´t want to be alone either” He says casually, but she understands all the hidden implication.
She knows he is a famous researcher, one of Ash childhood friends – Oh imagine the surprise- and he also had his heart broken. Just like her.
Apparently the two broken people chose the same place to scape. How fitting.
Soon enough is obvious they are attached by the hip, where one goes the other follows morning coffees, late dinners, and silly old movies in lazy afternoons. And when he is around she doesn´t feels so lonely anymore. Drew is still in her head, he is like that annoying raw place in the eyeglasses that don´t let you see clearly, but you can`t take the glasses away because then you can`t see at all, so you`re stuck with this constant annoyance at the side of your eye if you don`t want to go blind into the world.
Blind sounds so appealing sometimes.
But now thing are better because Gary is there to give color to her days. He is like the soft brown of the earth, grounding her to reality, showing her a whole new path.
He is different than her in a lot of things, he likes partying, for one, and she never been in a party, so in her seventeen birthday, the legal age to do everything, he insist for them to go to a club.
She don´t want to voice her insecurities but he seem to catch on it anyway. And he is so understanding. So when he takes her to one of those clothes stores –“Take this as your gift, I, the great Gary Oak don´t go shopping with girls. I mean come on what do I look like? A Gay friend?”-And she is only slightly hesitant when he shoves a black little dress at her – I think that will do, he says- When she is out of the changing room he is flirting with one of the workers of the shops so she only rolls her eyes and laugh.
The dress shows all the curves she didn´t know she had, is sultry but somewhat elegant and when Gary´s thumb goes up she doesn´t hesitate to take it home with her.
But the dress is only the beginning. Because after he is shoving her in front a woman that start working in her hair and her face.
She can barely believe that the girl-woman that look at her from the other side of the mirror is her. She doesn´t recognize herself.
“See? You are beautiful” The Gary in the mirror says, she can see his smirk in front of her and feel his warmth behind her.
Their relationship is not romantic, they are the best kind of friends really, even if sometimes she doesn´t understand quite well what the implication of this friendship are. But his words do make her feel really beautiful.
This is the first time in so long that she felt really beautiful.  The first time she feel in control just like when she was in a scenery making a performance.
-» «-
The club is thriving with people, energy and happiness. She is truly awed and doesn´t realize that she is frozen in one place close to the doors they had come in until Gary shoves her shoulder with amusement showing in all his face.
There are so many colors!
The lights shine in a dance of color that change with the music beats. Red- bum- Purple –tun, tun tun- blue –ban- yellow –dum dum-  Green –prum, prum- yellow –thum- and all over again.
She doesn´t like to think in yellow or green. Because her hair is yellow while his eyes are green. And the ache in her heart. Oh the ache.
Just for that, sometimes she is grateful that all she can see are shades of gray in her day-by-day life.
But when Gary press a glass with blue liquid in her hand, and when she drowns it and it´s sickly sweet flavor hits it´s warm way in her stomach and dizziness overcomes her head, she sees all kind of colors, and for once Green and yellow are not that bad. They don´t hurt. Nothing does.
Glass after glass make wonders in her body and her mind and the more glasses find its way to her hand less and less her problems seem to matter. Because in the sweetness of her little magic potion there are no place for her mother, her father or Drew. And as the music drowns all her worries she find herself moving her hips and arms in synchrony with the beats of the music.
For the first time in so long she feel completely and totally unlost.
She loves it.
-» «-
May and Gary find a safe sanctuary under the neon lights and the fuzziness the sweet drink brings them. This place it’s happy and nothing can haunt them here.
Here she is beautiful and she is free.
Here the broken part of her start gluing together making something new, making sense even if only for a few hours before they are shattered again. But in that time her broken self is only a ghost so far away.
Here there is no Drew to drain her thought with ghost words or vivid images.
-» «-
It have been two more months and the contest season is just around the street. She doesn´t know where the time flew.
They been traveling around, trying new clubs and staying long enough if one of them catch their attention too much.
Their dynamic has changed in all the right ways. They still not romantic involved but the walls of the prudency and modesty had fallen.
They start sharing a room, sometimes even a bed, since when? She doesn´t know, and they don´t mind too much because they only use it to stumble and pass out early in the mornings.
Gary holds her hair –Long, every time longer because pretty girls have long hair- when May is hunched over the toilet, those times when the biting cold of the tiles on her bare knees of the bathroom makes her feel dirty and stupid. And May caress his hair those nights when he start crying for reasons he won`t tell her, she never mentions noting the next morning because she know he doesn´t remember.
They also save each other when unwanted company try to get too close in the club, not that they reject all company altogether. Sometimes with her marshmallow senses and muffled awareness she find herself kissing a pretty boy, she almost never remember their names or faces but she know that they were pretty. As for Gary, well she doesn´t ask when he doesn´t go back to their room some nights.
There are limits they don´t cross, they are not interested in discover what is behind that invisible line they both draw together. Maybe they are just afraid to find out.
It doesn`t matter life is so good right now.
-» «-
She didn´t train too much for her first contest in this new, wonderful region. She knows that early training when her head is still kinda dizzy and her thoughts kinda muffled or afternoon when she can`t wait for the night, are not the best way to train her pokemons.
Still she gives her best because she loves her pokemon and they deserve a good trainer. Also because if she busy herself enough with her attacks and performances there is no room to think of anything else, of anyone else and she can have a productive day until night comes and she can get back to her heaven where she is untouchable.
This new paradise she just meet gives her a fresh perspective and she tries to simulate the bright colors and shiny lights in her performances. Maybe this look like a new stile and technic for her, but the true she doesn´t want to face herself is, that she is truly just trying for her night life to mixt with other aspect of her life, That way she can feel powerful for longer than a couple of hours.
Gary helps with battle training and gives her tips here and there.
It´s not that she feel confident enough when she decide to go for the first contest of the region to get her first ribbon, is just that she doesn´t care all that much as long she can either celebrate a victory or nurse a lost in the night.
Paparazzi go crazy when they see her and the attention is so overwhelming that she wish she could taste one of those blue drinks and pretend the flashes of the cameras are nothing more than a pretty cacophony of color in the night.
They ask question she can´t fully understand and they shout to get her attention, to say tight about other things she doesn`t want to think about. All she want to do is sink in the floor and disappear.  
And then Gary is there taking her away from the preying eyes hungry for her to make a mistake so they can bring her down, down, down.
“If they going to talk at least give them something to talk about” He says in a hushed tone.
The next morning there are news about her.
How she kicked everyone asses in the contest and won the first ribbon of the season.
How she apparently is in a romantic relationship with Gary Oak. They both scoff at this, and then a fit of laughter overcomes them.
Both news treated with equally importance for the media.
She doesn`t truly know to which of them Gary was referring to when he said she should give them something to talk about.
She doesn´t care.
-» «-
Her whole style has changed, she finally feels pretty like the girls on the streets and magazines, her skin is flawless, her hair longer and the constant outing and dancing made her skinnier, her legs are slender when she put on dresses or shorts, and her waist is tinier, even her face has lost all the baby fat she didn´t know she still had.
Her clothes too, changed, she no longer uses bandanas or biker shorts. Gary usually tell her what looks good on her so she can be sultry and enticing in the night and more subtle and fresh in the morning.
People like it, so she do it for them to like her too.
People are not going to like too much this particular day though.
She is wearing a faded jean short, sneakers and tank top, her hair is messy and under her eyes are bags. She feels so ugly.
At least skitty doesn´t think so because she is nuzzling her head in her leg and pressing her wet nose in her calf, May absently pats her head.
Two day away from her next contest and she is out of ideas, her head still foggy from last night and her stomach constricting every time she sips of her mug of coffee.
She is sure she is so un-pretty right now.  
But this has to go away, she has to win her next ribbon. Because this is her third contest and could be as well her third ribbon to.
If she wins people will not care she is un-pretty, they will like her anyway. She firmly tell herself.
So she is unaware of the catune that is wildly gesturing to her and her skitty. However she have little time to be surprised before she is enveloped in a bone crushing hug by a wailing guy in a costume similar to the pokemon that is looking at her with wide eyes. She doesn´t understand what the hell the guy is saying and that make her head hurt.
Please. Please just shut up.
“… And we were so worried, where…”
“Stop!, just… stop” She says, positively cutting him off of his babbling.
He takes her in, and he doesn´t seem all together happy to what he sees. She feels awful when his eyes scan her.
Back to ugly. So ugly. A loser.
His eyes dries up and narrow in an inquisitive frown.
“Where have you been?” Ask Harley in a collected manner, his voice has not the usual high pitched quality he always carry on. And that takes her aback. “Why didn´t you take our calls? We were so worried!” He seems almost serious and that make her uneasy “with all that happen with your pare…” And then he stops abruptly, there must be something in her face, because he is looking at her in a weird way.
Lies. He lies. He doesn´t worry. He never did. No one never did.
Harley green eyes are piercing through her. And there is the green, all in him is green and she still doesn´t like green at least is mixed with other colors and glimmer lights and loud music. And suddenly thing go back to be black again, and that’s the history of her life and black and white and gray are easier to handle sometimes.
There must be silence for a long time because she can see how his worriedness increase. Harley is so expressive.
“What are you talking about?”
And he sits in front of her as he tells her that Solidad, Drew –
Oh god, why, why. Please no
…and he had spent this five months trying to reach her. That they are worried for her…
Liar, liar pants on fire
…that they know what happened with her family…
Everyone know, all of them
…that they want to help
She doesn´t need help, she has she pretty color and fruity drinks. She is fine!
…That as soon as the new about her fist contest extended to other regions
Not because she won, she thinks bitterly
…they took their things and came her
It´s not fair, it´s not. This is her place, this is hers.
He speaks and she is numb, oh so numb.
She doesn`t listen because it hurts, the throbbing pain always pulsating in her blood, pumping constantly in her heart, that pain that dulls in middle of the pretty color and blinding light, is back in full force, and she is bleeding again, bleeding and bleeding and dying.
He looks at her as she is a ghost as she leaves and she doesn´t find in her to give a damn about it.
Later May drowns glass after glass and her pain is forgotten behind the burning sensation in her throat.
However the night end up with the pretty girl with brunette hair sliding down the hard wall to lay in the cold floor of the bathroom, cleaning her mouth with the back of her hand and letting the tears wet her skin. She fall sleep to the smell of her own puke.
-» «-
She didn´t win the contest.
But she can`t be disappointed. In fact she is happy. Happily dazzled.
Because yesterday she was introduced to this little white pill.
It looked so unintimidating but when it made her life positively burst in colors, and made her dance so gracefully and so free, the little white pill was a blessing. The white gave her back all of her colors and let her vanished in euphoria and it was pretty, pretty so, so, so pretty.
And she was beautiful again. She was in control again and once again, she wasn´t she. She was better.
Even now when, she close her eyes she can still see the glitter paint and neon lights, the beams of blue, specks of red, lightning strikes of purple. All behind her eyelids and dancing through her eyelashes.
She feels how the numbness of the night slowly crawl it´s way to the day. And she is happy. And free.
And then there is Solidad, there is Drew and there is Harley. And she feels pain the moment Drew eyes connect with hers, she can`t read anything in them because the green is so overwhelming.
And why is so Green.
But then Solidad is hugging her and for a moment she doesn`t need her little white pill because she is Solidad and Solidad is warm and her hugs chase the shadows away. May hugs her back, because in her arms she can be a scared child just for a little while.
“We came as soon as Harley called us” She says taken her shoulders to put some distance but she is looking at her face with worry in her eyes.
Right. WE.
And no, no, Solidad why aren´t you hugging me anymore?
But out of the safety of her arms she is no child anymore and with the pill in her system she is not scared either. So she smiles.
“I don´t know what Harley told you, but don´t look so worried. I´m fine!” And she giggles goofly because she feels like it.
She can feel the calculating and unmoving glace Drew is giving her. But she discovers that if she concentrate in the pretty sensation the little blessing have in her not even him can bother her that much.
But he gets close and no, no, not even the remains of her magic pill can numb her feelings or made them pretty this time. Not whit how little of it remain running through her veins.
He is in front of her –when did Solidad moved?- and she feel shame, there are other things but the shame overpowers them and pain because that’s a constant so she doesn´t count it anymore. Because it´s pretty clear she is pain, right?
“May” He says, and he is still so beautiful that it´s not fair. His voice is deep and rich and with that world he is shattering her word into nothingness. Again.
And they are talking, Solidad and Harley are there too, she tries so hard to look collected, normal that she fails to notice what they are talking about. They are so close to her, like they afraid that she is going to run and they would be unable to catch her if they are not with one hand ready to stop her.
It´s suffocating. Solidad`s soft and sweet voice, saying thing like she is talking to a child, Drew concerned eyes piercing her soul leaving her defenseless, and Harley wary posture like she is made of glass and it´s about to fall. That all she is capable to catch in the little pauses of clarity she has.
All she been working to do with herself is slipping through her fingers and she is going to break. This was what they want? They are going to break her! They want to see her broken.
They pause and Drew is touching her face, the concern in his eyes almost tangible and Solidad is running her fingers in her hair equally  alarmed. Harley gives them a look, like he knew this was going to happen.
And just like that that moment is over because Gary – Dearest Gary - is there in the blink of an eye. He still seems to be dazzled as he put his arm around her shoulders breaking her from her rivals… no, no, not her rival she don´t deserve to be that. She is such a bad coordinator.
Gary barely register their presence before dragging her away “You have to meet my friends. You going to love them!” He exclaims and she is relived and right now she loves Gary so much. With a tiny wave to the three astonished people she is leaving behind she is out of their grasp again.
They are not far, she can feel their burning stare in the back of her head. But in that moment with Gary´s arm in her waist and her face in his chest, with another guys in front of her cracking loud laughs and smiling brightly, she doesn´t care. She doesn´t want to care.
Gary is safe and their relationship is not romantic, they just do this for each other. Let the darkness consume them and put fake lights so it´s not so bad for them.
They love each other but are in love with other person. And that`s how they work. That`s how they hurt together.
Catching glimpses of the hard stare Drew is giving her every time she moves her hear to the left, May can´t help but wish Drew can see the way Gary buries his nose in her hair when he is laughing, or how sometimes his hands wanders a little bit while he is talking, and perhaps feel some of the pain she carries inside her.
She know that is not going to happen. But she hopes anyway.
-» «-
She doesn´t know in what moment that girl star showing up in all the places she and Gary go to have fun. But she know that’s the moment everything start to go wrong.
Her name Is Leaf Green. And Gary is so sad when she is around. May feels she is losing him because every day he seem to be slipping between her finger and she can´t hold him.
Yes physically he is there but still he is somewhere else. He start leaving earlier and always with a different girl. Never with the other brunette, but May knows this is her fault. Therefore when she is in the bathroom alone and no one holds her hair or rubs her back she curses the other girl with words she can feel and pain she can´t comprehend.  
She is alone again.
-» «-
She didn´t enter a single contest since her spiky brunette haired friend starts to drive away from her. Because she knows she eventually is going to bump with one of the coordinators that can´t keep their trap shut and start disarming her carefully constructed fantasy word with their words and questions; and how is she going to face that without Gary?
However she know she have to keep getting more ribbons. Because people love her when she win ribbons and will forget her if she stop entering contests.
Gary forgot her, she doesn´t want anyone more to forget her.
Because if they don`t acknowledge she is here, she will disappear.    
The contest is full, and there is no Solidad, there is no Harley, oh if she only could be so lucky Drew wouldn´t be here either. But she is not lucky, luck left her so long ago, and so, here he is.
The beautiful brunette still loves him. Her love is masochist and always hurts her.
She doesn`t know how to unlove him so she does the best she can. She evades him.
All day she just keep finding ways to be away from him. It´s not that difficult not that easy, May is actually very clueless about his behavior. At first he seems like he is trying to catch her, to corner her; but then he is there everywhere she goes close enough for her to talk to him but looking indifferent at her presence.
And that makes her angry. Because he is there, every fucking second of every fricking minute, but doesn`t do anything. Not. A. Single. Thing.
And she is angry, and she is confused. And those feeling makes her feel so…
Still, in the end she wins.
Drew got beaten by someone and she defeated that someone. And so, one more ribbon.
The green haired boy –Green again, that color- seemed to be out of it from the whole contest. Like he couldn`t bring himself to make the right moves or react fast enough –and smart enough- to his opponent. She can tell because she knows him so well
May doesn`t want to worry about it but she does anyway. And that constant ache in her heart jut incrassate, and it not fair! It´s not fair because after all she`s done to make it hurt less and forget, just forget – inwardly she knows she accomplished nothing in that regard- is enough with his crestfallen expression and his out-of-his-game attitude for her to be upset again.
Because no matter how bad she want not to care, she still does.
Later in the day she sinks that worriedness with sweet fruity drinks in a dizzy head.
That night she kisses this guy she was dancing and having fun with so hard, because maybe if she does the eternal memory of Drew lips on her will stop burning in her mind.
She is not successful, granted, she had kissed boys before, this time her actions haunts her.
Next morning she wakes up at the pounding of the door. Her eyes are unfocused and her mind blurry and this awful feeling creeping in her stomach, like she did something wrong.
Gary is by her side without shirt, a shoe on and the other off hair messy and so far by the side of the bed they shared that she may fall off any second now. He is completely knocked out too.
And if he is here then who`s at the door?
-» «-
Drew is sitting in front of her in a little coffee close to her hotel.
She really shouldn`t have open the fucking door.
His face is stone and his jaw clenches and unclenches almost rhythmical, although his eyes were a softer shade of green the moment she opened the door, from the moment he had spotted Gary in the bed his expression had hardened, his eyes particularly were uncharacteristic heated. An irritation she could barely recognize from those far between moments when he truly was livid.
Maybe he had drawn the wrong conclusion. She couldn’t bring herself to care or correct him. She is still mild lightheaded and her body still tingles.
Drew is looking at her and her heartbeat is rising. Nop, she is too sober for this.
“Well” He demands.
“Well” she echoes, challenge in her voice. For this is the only way they know how to be with him. And no matter how many time she had already backed down, this time he is not winning because she doesn`t have any left to lose. Not while she is these sober anyway.
“Who’s that guy?”
“Does it matter?”
“Fuck May don`t give me that!”
“Give you what? Truly Drew who that guy is and what my relationship with him is, is not truly your business” You chose it that way, is what is left unsaid
“Says who?” Sensing this dconversation was taking another direction. An unwanted one, she quickly redirected the conversation
“Look Drew my head is hurting. I don`t need this right now. You wanted me to come here, here I am. You wanted to talk about something, so please just do so”
He looks at her barely conceiting his shock. She herself was a little dumbstruck at her own bitter yet cool way to handle the situation. Since she was prone to lash out at the tiniest incentive, her reaction caught both of them off guard.
“Ok… just, ok. Look there is… We need to talk about so many things” She tilts her head in curiosity, this is the first time he is stuttering in front of her. He notice this and compose himself, and that is the Drew she knows always putting a cold mask, she loved him that way too “But the most important thing right now is you. How are you faring? You know, with what happened with you parents”
“Aw, come on, are seriously asking me that?” Like you really care.
“I am. Now answer the question" A pause  "Please.”
“To be quite frank at this point I don`t really care” And it´s part true. She is generally so numb that she can barely care about anything anymore.
“Don`t believe you”
“Why wouldn`t you?”
“Really” He challenges her. She doesn`t back down and keeps his stare raising an eyebrow to make a better effect “For start this” He make a loose gesture in her direction “is so out of you character” He glares at her shirt. Gary`s shirt she picked out of the floor before opening the door early that day. But regardless that he is scowling at her shirt she knows he is trying to signal her whole appearance, from her messy hair and short shorts to her reading glasses and pale face “And secondly, you forgetting May, that I have known you for years now and if there is something I can tell about you is that you feel too much. Too strong. This couldn`t just pass you by without having an effect on you”
“Is that so? Is that what you believe? Well then, please illuminate me, cause I`m seem to be at lost in this regard” She is getting angry, her heart picking up the pace.
“You are emotional person May. Your heart have more weight than your head in any situation. Don`t try to look me in the face and lie, cause I know better”
“Oh! You will have to excuse me then your great grace that apparently know it all. I had no idea had figure out my character better than I am”
“Didn`t I?”
He seems so sure, he may even be right. She hates him all the more for it.
“Fuck you Drew”
“Can you stop being too defensive and pick out a fight? In normal circumstances I would glad to humor you and engage in one of the silly bickering that you seem to like so much. But I`m trying to stay serious now.” He is getting frustrated now. She can tell for the look in his eyes and the way his lips slightly purse updown.
“Yeah, because patronizing me makes this such a thoughtful conversation”
“Ok, fine. Please stop May. I`m trying here, this is not my kind of thing, I´m not the one whose good at peep talk and the sort this is Solidad kind of thing”
“And why are you even trying? No one ask this of you”
“No one did, that`s right. I`m doing because I care”
A red alarm goes on inside her head. This is an off topic. Maybe if she doesn’t acknowledge this subject it will not hurt anymore.
“Oh, yeah because that so obvious. Could have fool me”
“You are doing it again. Trying to shoot me off”
“Well it would make well it you take a hint
“This isn`t you” His eyes calculating, his posture tense. But there is something else, he seems sad.
“You dare to come here and tell me what I am? Who I am and how I feel? Who the hell do you think you are?” She hiss, barely containing her rage.
How dare he?
“I`m your friend. I`m someone who cares. And I’m worry for you”
“I don’t need it Drew! I`m fine, I`m happy and I don`t need you not I want anything to do with you” May lash out, her voice higher at the end.
She is standing with every intention to leave but hand clasps around her upper arm stops her with a steady hold.
“I know you are not! There is something off about you, your mood changes and… and, look I know something it`s not right. I`m not stupid, I know you are not good dealing with your emotions and I know that you usually take it against yourself.”
Drew`s hand drops hers. The skin where he had touched her dousing in a bitter cold that immediately spread all the way to her heart.
“Ok, that`s enough. I don`t have to stand for this, you have zero right to meddle in my life like this. You didn`t care before so why don`t you go to pry in your girlfriends life where you may be more welcomed and fuck off”
May begs for her voice not to crack.
This time she turns around a leave. However she can hear Drew calling her name but in the end he doesn`t stop her and he don`t follow her.
That night she doesn`t go out, and the lack of magic in her veins make her more aware of the pain settling in her heart and weighting her limbs.
That night she cry herself to sleep.
.× ▬▬▬▬▬x.
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animefan-overran · 4 years
What’s on your mind... (Contestshipping)
Ok, so Contestshipping has got to be in my top 10 ships in pokemon, it’s just so perfect. This is my first time writing a fanfic so constructive criticism is appreciated. 
“Ugh, Drew I don’t want to do this right now. Why can’t we take a break and eat?” May tapped her foot impatiently “I heard there’s a great noodle shop right around the...”
“May!” Drew interrupted. “You’re never going to succeed if all you can think about is your stomach. C’mon, surely you have it in you to partake in one more battle, unless you’re too weak that is.” Drew smirked
May stared daggers in the green haired boy’s skull, but he took no notice. Sometimes, he really got on her nerves. All she remembers is him walking up to her after their last contest asking if he could train with her. Why did he even want to train with her? The only reason he was here is because she allowed it, so why was he being so hard on her? However, as much as she hated Drew pushing her limits, there was still a small part of her that found him kind of endearing, and sometimes even attractive.
“Hello, Earth to May, are you in there? Why are you staring at me like that? Maybe Max was right, there really is nothing up there.” Drew shook his head “Or maybe my looks have put you in a trance. Eh, I can’t say I blame you. I know I can have that effect o...”
“Will you shut up! I was not caught in a trance,” May lowered her voice, “I was just thinking” she blushed as she stepped back whilst pressing her index fingers together a couple of times. “But that doesn’t matter right now. What’s important is that I put you in your place.” May’s voice slowly got louder as she pulled out a pokeball. “Skitty, c’mon out,” May launched her pokeball onto the practice battlefield. 
“Skitty” Skitty excitedly jumped out onto the field. Excited to be by May’s side.
“Ok, Drew. You’re on, one more battle. Just know I’m not going easy on you!”
“Hm,” Drew laughed “I wouldn’t want you to, hun. I like it when you go all out” Drew winked. “Ok Masquerain, I choose you!” Drew hurdled the pokeball out in front of him.
“Masquer mas” Masquerain chanted as it prepared for battle.
May blushed and quickly looked away from Drew’s gaze. What the heck is that supposed to mean? May thought. Surely he can’t be flirt... NO, why would he do that. What could he possibly see in me? NO! He’s just trying to get on my nerves, yeah. I need to stay focused! I can’t let Drew win!
“Oh, it’s on, cabbage-top” May grinned evilly. “Skitty, use Blizzard!”
“SKI-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-TY” Skitty let out a spiraling blast of cold wind and ice pellets at Masquerain.
Drew looked at the beautiful display of icy crystals looping down at their target. Wow, Skitty’s Blizzard attack has so much control and power. May must have really been training hard with Skitty since the last competition. She really has grown into quite a beautiful trainer... wait, I have to focus! Drew called out his next attack.
“Masquerain, dodge it and use Bubble” 
“Mas-MAS,” Masquerain blocked itself with its wings and let out a jet stream of bubbles that coated only about half of the icy shards hurtling towards it. It tried to hold out but it was too much for it to handle. Slowly, Masquerain huddled lower and lower to the ground until it fainted.
“Masquerain!” Drew ran over to and huddled over it. How could he let this happen? If he wasn’t so distracted by May, he wouldn’t have been so late to call out an attack. Now, his Masquerain was hurt, and it was all his fault. He lifted Masquerain off of the ground and gently held it “Masquerain, we got to get you to a pokemon center!” Drew looked over at a bewildered May running towards him.
“Do you need assistance? I hope Masquerain is alright! There’s a pokemon center just a couple of blocks from here. I can come with you, afterall you gave my Beautifly a run for its money with your Flygon” May smiled.
“Um, it’s ok... I...” Drew quickly snapped back to reality “I mean, yeah sure you can come if you want. I gotta say though, that Skitty of yours truly is amazing. It really knows how to pack a punch. I can really tell you two have been practicing your Blizzard attack. Keep it up, and you’ll have no problem winning in pokemon contests all over Hoenn.” Drew flicked his sweat glazed hair away from his eyes. 
May glanced at Drew, and searched his eyes for any signs of sarcasm, but came up empty handed. Was Drew actually giving me a genuine compliment?!? Wow, maybe he’s not so cold hearted as he puts off. May reasoned and slowly smiled. “Well thank you Drew, you’ve definitely gotten stronger too, uh but we should get going, your Masquerain really isn’t looking too hot”
“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go!”
When they finally reached the Pokemon Center, May and Drew gave their pokemon to Nurse Joy and proceeded to wait out in the lobby. That, however, was hours ago. Naturally, as time would have it the more the trainers waited, the more worried they became for their pokemon.
Drew’s mind was racing to the brim with awful thoughts of his Masquerain. “Oh, man, I really did it this time, didn’t I! If only I wasn’t so distracted!...”
“Huh, why were you distracted?” May asked in return. Drew’s eyes widened as he realized he was talking out loud. “Oh did I say distracted, what I meant to say was if only I wasn’t so, uh inactive!” Drew insisted. “Yeah, my reaction time sucks right now, I guess I need to work on that.” 
“Hmmm” May looked intently at Drew. She knew he was lying. Afterall, he has already displayed some of the best reactions she has ever seen in the past. Something was throwing him off for sure, but she didn’t quite know what it was. She was even further confused because she considered him a friend. Why wouldn’t he want to tell her what was on his mind? Unless... it was about her. May smiled. If her theory was correct, then that had to be it. May’s stomach started tangling itself into knots, and what she did next even she could not have predicted.
“Drrreeeew, we both know you’re lying” May sang as she scooted closer to him just to test the waters a little. Caught off guard, Drew looked away from May’s gaze as he gulped. From that point, that was all the evidence May needed to proceed with her interrogation. “Now, are you gonna tell me what was distracting you, or do you want me to say it out loud for everyone in the pokemon center to hear.” May taunted, as she used her hand to rotate Drew’s face back towards her. Drew’s eyes were completely dilated from embarrassment. She wasn’t really going to humiliate him, but she was really good at bluffing, so she played the part. 
“I uh um, you know I was just thinking about your Skitty and its Blizzard attack.” Drew admitted. He wasn’t lying necessarily, just not telling the whole truth, he reasoned with himself. Feeling a sudden burst of cockiness out of nowhere he himself started a little detective work of his own. “And what about you May?”
“Ma mee?” May stammered blushing softly.
‘Bingo,’ Drew thought. “Yes you, you were distracted before our battle, and don’t try to lie about what...” Drew paused and got closer to her ear “or who was distracting you.” he backed away smugly. “Because we both know the answer to that million dollar question.” 
At this point May was ripped to pieces. She could feel her heart beating even in her feet. How was he doing this to her? Nevertheless, he made her excited, and he seemed to bring out an edge in her that no one else could. 
May couldn’t take it anymore, and considered telling the truth to Drew. What would he say? At this point she didn’t even care, even if he laughed at her. She brought her face closer to Drew’s until they were inches apart. “Well, at  least I can admit that I was distracted by my opponent... unlike some people.” May whispered slowly as her lips grew closer to Drew’s until they were barely brushing his. 
“m ma May, I” Drew stuttered weakly. 
“And the fact that you’re not moving away...” May moved back to a reasonable distance “proves I’m right”. May gloated in victory as she stared at the green haired boy practically at a loss for all words. “Drew, we’ve been friends long enough for me to know you better than you think” 
Drew just looked away, his face as red as a rose. “Oh yeah, well...”
“Thank you so much for your patience, all your pokemon are happy and healthy once again!” Nurse Joy beamed as she came into the lobby followed by Chancey with May and Drew’s pokemon. “I hope I didn’t interrupt anything.” 
“Oh no, you’re fine! Thank you so much!” May quickly stood up to take her pokemon. 
“Um, yeah thanks!” Drew added grabbing his pokemon as well.
May and Drew were walking out of the pokemon center. When May decided to set up Drew one last time to take her bait. “You know Drew, you were looking kind of nervous at the end of that conversation. As far as I know, young men aren’t supposed to let embarrassment get the better of them when faced with a difficult question. I guess you’re still just a...”
“Don’t even finish that sentence May! You and I both know we aren’t ten anymore! I am a man, now” Drew pulled closer and closer to May, and May backed further and further away from him until she was backed up against the wall. “but maybe I need to show you that.” Drew’s lips made their way to May’s ear once again, his words dripped like honey “you are a persistent girl May, I’ve always admired that about you, so I’ll tell you the truth... but not here. If you want to know everything, I’ll be an open book. All you have to do is come by my place later today, be there by 3:00, and come alone.” Drew smirked, and finally sauntered off. “I gotta go for now May, all of that training has made me hungry. See ya later, yeah?” 
May stood motionless in utter disbelief. What did she get herself into? And whatever she just witnessed was a new side of Drew that she had never seen before. It was downright sexy, and every part of her knew it. Drew was like a drug to her at this point, and she needed to know exactly what was on his mind. She finally composed herself together, and checked the time. 12:00 May read. I guess I could go get something to eat, and then, I need to head home and get ready to go to Drew’s. Even her own thoughts were foreign to her, as she headed out of the pokemon center in search for a good restaurant. Even so, she kind of liked them...
I hope everyone liked it. As I said before, this is my first fanfic, so I’ll probably get better with time... like most people, lol.
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