#maybe overshared a little but hey who hasnt on here
quevadilla · 2 years
hey, I just wanted to say, especially re: college, if I can offer some unsolicited advice. Take your time. Try some stuff and see what you like. Took me way too long to realise I like one-on-one training and hands on work! Which is essentially the trades, but like, never ever would have envisioned myself there fresh outta hs. Keep trying, but don't force it. Times are tough right now & jokes about 2022 being 2008 are accurate, and that was bonkers enough the first time around without the Panini. Be gentle with yourself whenever possible and keep your head up. Take longer to do things and don't be afraid to try. Rest when you need it. You've got this. It'll come with time.
Yeah fsfs. I actually just got my first job and have been having a lot of fun, and i haven't felt this good since probably sophomore year in high school (~2018 oofie). I like the coworkers I've been on shift w a lot so far. It's a difficult start, but having a job has forced me into a routine so I'm regularly taking my antidepressants again and I'm seeing a therapist regularly and everything. (Luckily, i got a combo of visual and hands-on training for my job, but my first day of training was sitting w an ipad for 2.5 hours of training vids and i gained nothing but memorizable info w/o doing it myself)
Anyone else reading this too, really listen to this advice. It's so hard to be kind to ourselves when we're struggling, especially when we see others (at least seemingly) managing well and especially with the trauma the Panorama has caused for everyone. High school left me super burnt out and i barely had enough credits to graduate (not to mention wanting to drop out for the longest time), but i let the fear of letting the people in my life that i respect down (referencing starting college right away/staying in high school even though it was physically and emotionally draining) come before my well-being and let me tell you, that never ends well.
If you're struggling as a student, know that i had an older woman in my biology lab that had to put the master's degree she wanted on hold to care for her family, but she's at a place now that she can achieve that goal. Everyone reaches their different 'milestones' at different times, and maybe yours comes later than your peers'; it's not something you can reasonably force on yourself.
I may never return to college, and I've finally made my peace with that. It just wasn't the right time for me. I'm making my health and happiness my priority for the first time in a really long time and I'm so proud of where I am now. I attended classes from September-October 2021 and have spent the rest of the time recovering.
If someone is upset that you're not 'where you need to be', they don't have your best interests in mind. You need to protect your health and happiness before anyone else's. It's astronomically difficult to come to terms with (at least for me), but you can't sustainably keep the peace and put yourself second. It's just not possible.
Thank you so much for this ask, honestly. I feel fortunate to have heard similar reassurances and encouragement from my family, but i don't think people are told that it's okay to not be ready for things instead of hurting themselves in the process of 'keeping up' and making others happy, and especially not from family or friends.
In summary: be kind to yourself and take your time; cliché as it sounds, life is a marathon, not a race. Your health and wellbeing are more important than anything else, so protect them. If you need help doing so, reach out, whether it's directly to support or to someone who will help you find support.
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