#maybe i'm not a burnt potato on a stick
nashusglasses · 7 months
note: just had a brief, dizzying spell thinking about subtly flirting with suguru in your jujutsu high years. listen. LISTEN. *shaking your shoulders violently, tears lining my eyes* he'll take care of you. here's my take on the forever-famous perilla leaf debate
Suguru takes it upon himself to be grill master for the night. Satoru's too busy stuffing the little tofu bowls down his throat, and Shoko's already in a sake-induced stupor of laziness.
You try taking some pickled radish. Satoru swipes at it in 0.2 seconds and swallows it down before your chopsticks even reach the bowl.
"There's a bowl closer to you," you complain.
Satoru brightens at your suggestion, grabbing the cold ceramic and tipping the radish past his tongue. "The one you were going for looked juicier," he chews through his words.
Whatever. You could always order more. Suguru says nothing, diligently flipping the beef in the pan. Shoko asks you to move out the booth seat because she needs to piss.
When you sit back down, Satoru is already writing to get 5 more orders of pickled bean sprouts and spicy tofu. "How about rice? Six more bowls?"
Suguru sneers. "You're a pig."
"I'm a growing boy. Okay, six–" Satoru hums to himself, frowning– "and maybe some more potatoes. Do you think Shoko wants mushrooms? Because I want more mushrooms."
While Satoru contemplates Shoko's dietary concerns, Suguru drops a heap of perfectly-browned beef on your plate. "Oh. Thank you," you say, and he nods with a gentle smile.
"Let me know if you want more."
Your heart pangs a quiet beat. You nod, too, picking at the meat, convincing yourself that the heat in your face is from the sizzling plate in front of you, and not from Suguru's rolled up sleeves, or the way he carefully adds more to the pan to cook for Satoru's seemingly-bottomless appetite.
You're almost wary when you make a grab for the perilla leaves. Satoru's too good at guessing your next move. You try to prepare yourself, his quick ha!, all the leaves suddenly stuck in his chopsticks, leaving none to spare.
He's too busy chiding Suguru for burning his beef, though. Good. No sudden movements from the manchild with ten stomachs.
You try to grab a leaf. They stick together, folded over in the slick of sauce, and suddenly you miss Shoko because she's always the first to offer help. Her and her stupid small bladder.
You try again. The bottom chopstick manages to slip under one leaf, but a waitress comes by with the five hundred sides Satoru ordered, and the table rattles when he slams his hands down in excitement, bellowing thank you very much!, and your attempt is thwarted when the leaves curl again.
Satoru scarfs down three radish bowls. You try one more time.
You're almost vibrating with frustration. Did God like seeing his subjects suffer through the pain of repetition? You suppose all good things come with tribulations.
You look up. Suguru's watching you with a blank face.
"Good lord." Satoru groans through a mouthful of rice. "You've been trying to get that for–here–"
Satoru's chopsticks, intercepted by Suguru's chopsticks. The poor perilla leaf stretches under the weight of their interruption. Suguru is still watching you.
"Oh," you say.
"Suguru," Satoru whines. "First my burnt beef, now this! You broke them all!"
It's true. The leaves are ripped straight down the middle, and all your meat is cold. But he keeps his eyes on you, chopsticks still a threat to Satoru's, and you don't think you've ever seen him move so fast.
Suguru's mold breaks, then. He laughs, scratching the back of his head in sheepish apology. "Sorry. Why don't you just ask for my help next time?"
"Okay," you murmur, and you grab the desecrated leaf. Suguru hums when he watches you chew. You have the distinct feeling that he's somewhat satisfied.
(Satoru yanks his hand back, grumbling something about god you're helpless in Suguru's direction. You hear the brief stomp of someone's foot. Satoru yelps.)
When Suguru lies down in bed later that night, he thinks of the way you thoughtfully chew your food. He dreams of perilla leaves, and what it must feel like to feel the warmth of your face with his hands.
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We need to talk about the most important thing yet, what their favorite Junk food? And I mean the family...
For this ask, we gotta head back into the modern Jake Sully wheelchair au.
Jake and Neytiri are health freaks.
I've said before, they like to do all sorts of things. Before they had children they were spontaneous backpackers and thrill seekers, attempting to do the most all the time. It was like all about proving to everyone (and also Jake) that he could still do anything anyone else could, but also about Neytiri getting out and seeing the world instead of being stuck at home.
That being said, Jake can really fuck up a bag of cape cod potato chips. Not as unhealthy as other junk food, and so classic American.
Neytiri is one of those bastards that gets raisins as a treat for the movies. Nature's candy and all that. She has a weakness for chocolate though, specifically those lindor ones with the soft insides. She'll only ever have like one or two, and one time Jake bought her chocolate covered raisins and almonds and it was over. If those are in the house she will sniff them out like a bloodhound.
Neteyam likes takis, because he is cultured and has taste.
Kiri is also a chocolate covered almonds person, but she also really likes hot cheetos.
Lo'ak threw up in the car once after eating a fuck ton of hot cheetos, and now he can't even look at them without getting nauseous. It's half the reason Kiri likes hot cheetos. In retaliation, he likes those absolutely disgusting beef jerky sticks, because Kiri is a vegetarian and the smell makes her loose her hot cheeto appetite.
Spider is regular and doesn't base his favorites around the hatred of his siblings. He just also likes takis, but has to compete with Neteyam subtly by only eating the blue heat ones. Neteyam is weak for liking the regular ones better.
Tuk likes almost all junk food, but she is particularly fond of marshmallows burnt to an almost inedible crisp. Lo'ak makes them best.
Mo'at and Sylwanin think Neytiri is not fully appreciating the fun that is junk food. This is a battle Sylwanin fights daily, as Tsu'tey is also a raisin man. He and Neytiri could hold seminars on the destructive junk food industry. That being said, he prefers a dried mango strip to raisins any day. Dried apricots? He goes crazy. His guilty pleasure is definitely the occasional sugary cocktail though. Jake, Tsu'tey, and Eytukan could DEMOLISH some boxed wine, they could get absolutely smashed on only Sex on the Beaches. Margaritas, Dirty Shirleys, Sangria, any super colorful ladies drink: that is their shit. If it has little squares of fruit and a tiny umbrella in it, the night is going sideways.
Mo'at is partial to those little chocolate nut clusters, you know the ones. Those really delicious ones. She also is one of those grandmas with bowls full of candy all over the house, and is constantly popping tictacs.
Sylwanin (who prefers a strong whiskey, or maybe a shot of fireball, to a sugary cocktail) enjoys sour patch kids. She is more of a sour person than a sweet one. Jake has said this before, and she tipped him from his chair into the pool. Neytiri didn't speak to her for the rest of the day because he could've not been ready and been hurt, but Jake laughed so hard pool water came out his nose.
Eytukan likes those little chocolate peppermint candies, the Andes ones. He has the best taste of all, I'm telling you.
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halfbakedspuds · 2 months
OC in fifteen
Thanks for the tag @illarian-rambling! This'll be fun to do.
Rules: pick fifteen or less quotes that ideally capture the essence of a character. Add a little beat of action or context if required
For this, I'm going to use Maire Aitkin from Echoes of Shadows because that WIP needs more love, and she's my favourite character to write.
If A' couldnae see shite, 'twould still be brigh'er than this fecking tunnel.
Johan. A' thought ye knew tha' blood belongs inside of th'body?
Holy Bozhe, lord o' heav'n and ward'n o' the nine hells, what th'fuck is tha'!? (First time seeing a demon)
With ye lot 'tis always, "Oh Maire, A' done screwed it, aye? Be a dearie an' heal me up, would'ya?" Well what if A' need healin' an' A'm tae burnt out tae patch m'self up? Already lost an eye an' a leg tae tha', thankya kindly. If ye ain't already dyin' or a hinderance in your current state, wrap it up an' walk it off.
Well A'm so bloody sorry tha' ye blitherin' fecks bleed out faster than A' can plug th'holes.
Oh, so terrifyin', A'm a-quakin' in my wee boots! Oh wha'ever shall A' - have fun breathin', jackass (Said while collapsing a cultists lungs with magic)
People forget tha' us bioworkers are incredibly aware o' ev'ry wee movement people 'round us make. Ev'ry time Johan sees ye, his muscles relax, an' he feels more comfortable - in all fairness, he feels more comfortable 'round all o' us - but A' find it curious that his heartrate also picks up a wee bit only when it's you he sees. And e'en more curious that yours does th'exact same thing when ye see him.
Wow, right fascinatin' story, mate. Hey, A've heard tha' th'Green Rooves are wonderful this time o' year. (Said the first time she hears Johan and Anastasia discussing demons. 'Green Rooves' is Ost-Rietland slang for a mental institution)
Ha! Ye think this is cold? Go spend a month in Northern Rostov. Nae, e'en better, go spend a month in th'Angeheim wilderness. Then ye can talk 'bout the cold.
Always wanted tae go sightseein' in Genesh. A' probly wouldnae survive a day in th'desert but A' always wanted tae go. Maybe Neureich would be a good place tae visit, too, but wha's really over there anyways? Thirteen bombed out cities 'long th'coastal forest followed by Bozhe knows how many miles o' e'en more desert? Nae, thanks, A'll stick tae ma books.
Righ' then, hands up an' arses on the ground, this is a robbery! We're nae here tae rob any o' you's tho', so dinnae try bein' no hero 'till we have wha' we came for.
A' sometimes hate that A' can feel everything yer body does. A' can feel yer desire tae throttle me an' now A' have tae ask m'self wha' A' said that could've warranted it. Why d'ya force me tae introspect an' grow as a person? How dare ye? (Said with the express purpose of annoying the hell out of an already livid Hans)
Pffff-fucken, sacred hells, when last did anyone clean this place up a bit, 'tis rank! Hey ghosts! Open a window from time tae time, a wee breeze is good for th'soul. Or... souls, in this case.
Rostovan is such an easy language, though. Just get drunk, shove half a potato down yer throat an' make whatever noises come tae mind. Bob's yer uncle!
Shut it, or next time A' put ye back tae-gether, A'll leave an earing in yer colon.
Open tag for whomever wants it
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safyresky · 1 year
I am thinking about fusion AU very much. It has OCCURRED to me that I have NEVER talked about the OTHER two frost fusions: Blinter (the ultimate Renny) and Fire, so uh. Have some quick facts?
Fire is Fiera/Fino, if that wasn't obvious by the name lmao
They are ALWAYS on FIRE. But sometimes they have a magical stick (Fino's staff, as he gets more experience being a Warlock)
They are UNHINGED, more so than the Frosts usually are
I'm half tempted to say they are just a giant vaguely human shaped fire, but I think they just CHOOSE to be a flaming ball of fire 90% of the time
When NOT on fire (very rare) they look perfectly normal (I mean. They're a fused pair of identical TWINS who get on quite well)
Would add extra limbs for funnsies sometimes, but have to think really hard about it bc whenever they're around, they have 2 of each (tragic)
Fire and Jackie are like, the WORST. Like, to other people. These two get to you? They will ROAST you (with words and maybe actual fire) in 5 seconds flat. Menaces. NOBODY pisses these two off
Like, everyone KNOWS that if you fuck with Fire (Fusion), you will get burnt, but not by them, by Jackie, who will kill to protect their little sibling
AND if people who AREN'T Fire fuck with Jackie, Fire gets very offended and it's on SIGHT
Jackie: SICK 'EM, FIRE
Fire: HELL YEAH 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
If someone were to fuck with BOTH fusions, they will be roasted and have a lot of regret when Jackie inevitably takes a very deep breath in and yells RENNNYYYYYYYYY
Because that's Blinter. And Blinter is the biggest renny bear. They will go to TOWN on ANYONE who hurts their kiddos, and Fire and Jackie know this, and abuse it very much when fighting really annoying enemies or whatever
Blinter I think is even taller than Diteline, and more often than not carries their terrible kids away like potato sacks
Just the IMAGE of this giant PERSON holding Jackie in one arm and flaming ball of Fire in the other arm is goddamn hilarious
It's like momma cats with kittens when they grab the scruff? Blinter scoops up the kids and Fire immediately extinguishes and Jackie just goes limp.
It's very confusing
They understand the fire going out thing, but getting Jackie to sit still?
Unbelievable. Inconceivable.
Blinter's deffo a little bit on the quiet side, they're always having a conversation with themselves and Jackie and Fire can tell exactly what Blinter says with a look
And Blinter can indeed just. Mind message them, lol, so there's no need to speak especially since 80% of the time, if Blinter's around, it's because Jackie and Fire have Done Some Chaos >:)
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I hate when I tell myself. When I tell everyone. I am going to have a day off and do nothing and not feel bad about it. But I still end up feeling bad about it!!!
And like I had a really good day for most of it. I just wish I could stop beating myself up so much. But some of it is I am just very burnt out right now. I'm sick of the heat. I'm sick of the long days. I want to have days of interrupted time to be quiet. I miss the winter. I wish I had a snow day. But I know my upset right now is just being very tired. This week will be good I'm sure. But I'm still having trouble.
But today wasn't bad though. I slept alright. Waking up just enough to hug James goodbye. And slept until 9. I actually felt alright. Except my hand hurt a lot again. I don't know why. It was just really tight and a little swollen. It's frustrating because yesterday it was okay. But I tried to be positive.
I got dressed and actually was doing good. I spent my morning chilling. I felt a little unsettled but I was trying to just enjoy my morning.
I laid in bed and watched videos for a bit. I decided around 11 I decided to go for a drive. I drove out to savers and was really surprised that it was almost empty? I have seen some talk on TikTok that thrifting as a trendy hobby is over. And maybe it is. But I had fun without having to be near a bunch of people.
I ended up having a great haul. I got four more candle sticks. And a soft red dress with the same cute frilly sleeves that I got on a dress in the mail yesterday. And the biggest find! I found another pair of the Boston clogs, in my size, in a brushed suede, for $6! Amazing. They aren't as supportive as the ll bean ones I got but they are so good. I'm very excited for the find.
I went and had lunch at five guys next. Another quiet place. And enjoyed my food though the soda was $3?? And the potatoes tasted slightly. Green? But I still had a nice time.
I walked across the shopping center next to get paper towels from the grocery store. I had to do stupid toilet paper math to figure out what was the best deal. But I think I did good. And then after dropping them off in the car I went to Ross.
I was able to get two of the old formula body shop strawberry body butters and was very excited about that. I also got me and James a new pack of mini nail files. I did just learn that James thought that was the normal size and the regular one I had the other day was giant. Hilarious.
I would have a funny interaction with a security guard about some confusing signs. And then went over to Sally beauty to look at nail polishes.
I was getting tired at this point though. So I headed home. I had a nice drive and listened to my music and it was a good time.
When I got back here I took the stickers off of everything and put things away. I did a little tidying and tried on the dress. I thought about doing art but did not. Which made me feel very guilty.
But I was very tired from the heat. And just wanted to lay in bed. So eventually I gave up fighting it and laid in bed and watched videos. And eventually fell asleep.
I woke up when James got home but I was pretty super. I was super disoriented. And eventually James would come in bed with me but I had a lot of pain in my back and just felt no good.
James decided we should get out of the house. We would go for a drive and get gas for the car. And then went to Rita's. We walked around the rotunda and I was still feeling a little upset but it was okay.
We drove through the park to go home and it was pretty and nice. But then someone was acting crazy and almost crashed into us and really scared James. I didn't see it happen but like James swerved and then the other car was going around us way to fast and it was almost very bad. But we were okay. James was very scared though and would sort of be dealing with anxiety all night.
When we got back here James would make something to eat to try to calm down. And I would lay on the couch. I would lay fabric out to cut new bears. And James would cut them for me because my hand hurt.
I would do the glaze treatment on my hair and tried to feel better. But honestly I still feel really upset inside. I hope tomorrow I feel lighter. And things are better.
Sleep well everyone. Take care of yourself. I hope you feel good tomorrow.
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skinsharpenedteeth · 4 years
tfw the other writers in your fandom are truffle pommes frites  and you’re an unwashed potato on a stick that was cooked over a dumpster fire....
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imaginedigimon · 2 years
Headcanon of every Digidestin and Digimons favorite food, please?
Anon, I could only assume you meant the Adventure gang since you didn't specify (and it's the most popular series on this blog), but if you want any other series, feel free to come back! :D
A note: I don't know a lot about Japanese cuisine, even after all the years of watching anime, so I'm going to try my best.
Adventure Kids' & Digimons' Favorite Foods
Tai: He doesn't necessarily have much of a favorite food, he's not terribly picky considering. But he recently discovered dino-shaped chicken nuggets and now he won't stop eating them.
Agumon: Literally anything. He is not picky. You could give him the strangest food in the world and he would give it 5 stars. Someone made the mistake of introducing him to the Food Wars anime and things have gone downhill since then.
Matt: Not basing this on something I wrote a few month ago, but I feel as if he loves eggs. It doesn't have to do with him being a softie and remembering one particular night in the Digital World or anything.
Gabumon: Definitely a meat 'mon. He's apparently very fond of yakitori.
Sora: Whenever asked, she says onigiri, but she likes any traditional food, really. She likes thinking about how long food traditions have lasted (yes, that's a thing, I guess--)
Biyomon: She likes bananas because they're similar to that one food in the Digital World (unless I'm remembering incorrectly)
Izzy: Based on (1) line in the English dub, jelly beans. I will not explain.
Tentomon: He weirdly enough enjoys saltine crackers. Maybe too much. Izzy has been trying to wean him off of them.
Mimi: She misses the pizza from New York. Also cheesecake.
Palmon: For some reason, she loves strawberries.
Joe: Loves most dishes that involve fish and endures Gomamon expounding about how much of a betrayal this is
Gomamon: Jokes that he likes fish, but that's not true. He does like fish sticks, though. They're weirdly good--
T.K.: He likes chocolate a lot, probably because he receives mountains of them on Valentine's Day. Someone take the sugar away from him.
Patamon: Also partial to chocolate, but he also really enjoys French fries for some reason???
Kari: Crepes and ice cream, especially when her brother pays for them
Gatomon: She likes most chicken and fish dishes, but she really loves the cookies Kari makes her.
Davis: This is an easy one---ramen.
Veemon: He's not picky. You could give him burnt marshmallows and he'd consider them fine cuisine. (He and Agumon get along very well.)
Yolei: For some reason, she really likes French toast. Or regular toast. She doesn't watch anime that features heroines running with toast in their mouths I SWEAR---
Hawkmon: He enjoys eating all kinds of sushi, and he somehow holds chopsticks perfectly despite the feathers.
Cody: Melon bread. No explanation. Just melon bread.
Armadillomon: He considers potato chips a godsend. Also the applesauce that comes in a pouch.
Ken: He's partial to rice or chicken noodle soup because he likes food that fills him with warmth. They're both simple but very comforting.
Wormmon: He likes anything involving noodles because they're easier to eat with his mouth. Udon is one of his favorites.
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heybuddyitsmehai · 3 years
🎉Happy Birthday Honey🎉
I know I'm just one of many people who will be showering you with love today, but I really, truly, hope your day is amazing and I luh you very many lots all the time 💕
Bedtime Routine with Botanist!Ezra
Maybe the two of you have been scavenging the Green for flowers all day and now that the planet's suns have set, you're both more than ready for bed.
You follow him obediently back inside your tent, a bag full of pressed flowers slung over his shoulder and his journal tucked under your arm.
Ezra has been telling you a story about the last time he came face to face with a toydarian lizard as the pair of you hiked back to the tent in an effort to keep you from getting too sleepy, but now that you're both home, he lets his weariness get the better of him.
His shoulders slump as he steps through the canvas door and he lets out a deep sigh, slugging his pack and tool kit to the floor beside the cot. "I do believe I am spent, my love. The call of our cot is ringing in my ears louder than it normally does."
You nod in agreement, stifling a yawn, and begin to take off your suit, the extra weight of it much like the heavy exhaustion clouding your mind. Ez is quick to help you out of it, careful to avoid snagging your hair as he pulls the helmet up and off of your head.
“Tea, birdie?" He asks as he unzips the back of your suit, reaching out for your hand as you step out of it.
"Mmm, I can make it Ez. Lay down and rest your shoulder."
The prospector is keen, time and attentive afffection having made him well aware of your wiles. "Let me do this for you." He gently prods, the soft pads of his fingers trailing down your now exposed arms.
You exhale loudly and throw your head back. "Fine."
Ezra beams and leans forward to give you a tender kiss, his mouth soft and warm against yours. A smile spreads across his lips as he pulls away, dragging his fingers across the column of your outstretched neck and up to comb a wild sprig of hair behind your ear.
You lean against him and stretch back up for one more peck before Ezra squeezes you tightly.
He hums deep in his throat, warm and content and fulfilled with you in his arms. He lets you free, then moves over to the makeshift kitchen and begins preparing your tea. Your favorite mug is taken from it's home, the container of black tea, the smell blooming and proud as he opens it, is shaken and carefully prodded through.
You smile at his thoughtfulness, his selflessness reserved just for you. You begin getting ready for the evening and as you're brushing your teeth, Ezra sticks his head around the corner.
"Tea's ready, my love. It's next to your book stack."
You smile and nod a thank you through a mouth full of toothpaste.
Ez wiggles in beside the sink and next to you, foraging for his own toothbrush.
You muddle, your mouth slightly agape with foaming toothpaste, "We gotta clean my suit before we go back out tomorrow."
Ezra nods and squeezes toothpaste onto his toothbrush. "The swamps of the Green are harsh and unforgiving, I'm afraid."
You nod and wash out the last of your toothpaste, "At least we finally found your special flower though."  
The botanist quips before beginning to brush, "I've had my special flower all along." One of his dark eyebrows cocks upwards and a smile tugs at his lips.
Your cheeks beam at his words, but you roll your eyes to tease him. "Easy there, cowboy." Moving a hand along the ridges of his back, you teeter over and kiss his cheek, giving his bare shoulder a little squeeze before pulling away.
You hurry back to your cot and to the mug of tea steaming faithfully on the stack of books by your bedside.
You sip it happily as you wait for him and he joins you in bed soon after. He pulls you close to him and mumbles under his breath, "Night, sweet birdie."
Throwing back the last of your tea, you smile and nestle your face into his chest, "Night, Ez."
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Teaching Din How to Bake
Sweet baby Din is so good at lots of things. Hunting, gathering, headbutting, being emo, etc but baking...is not one of those things.
He wants to do it, he really does, because he knows how much you love it and how happy it makes you.
But no matter what, somehow your birthday cake comes out either burnt or still doughy somehow.
He's been trying to practice in secret so he can surprise you on your birthday with the perfect cake, but it's been hard to keep the Crest from smelling like burnt food.
The night before your birthday, he's giving it all he's got, an aporn on over the beskar, flour on his thigh plate, the heat from the oven causing his helmet to fog up, him crouching in front of the glowing machine just staring into it.
The timer hasn't gone off yet but he thinks he can see the cake burning and he really doesn't want to burn it because it's the night before your birthday and he really doesn't want to give you a burnt cake but if he burns it where will he get a new one and when will he find the time to surprise you if he's spending that time fixing the cake and-
"Din?" You ask from the doorway, your hair frizzy and your eyes squinting. "What are you doing?" You chuckle.
He clears his throat and stands slowly, wiping his gloved hands on his apron. "I was, uh, I am-" he looks back down to the oven. "I think I'm burning your birthday cake."
You smile as you watch him pull the lump of batter from the oven. It's slanted and clearly not whisked together well enough, but you could tell he really wanted to do it himself. "It doesn't look that bad."
Din puts his hands on his hips and sighs, shifting his weight. "Yeah...it does."
You sigh and move to him, your brave and fearless bounty hunter who braved the wilds of the kitchen for you. You run your hands up his chest to wrap around his neck. "Thank you for trying."
Din stands awkwardly under your touch, clearly disappointed in himself and feeling a bit embarrassed. He sighs heavily, "I'm sorry. I wanted to surprise you."
You lean up to kiss the edge of his helmet. "I know. But now," You begin, reaching behind him to untie your apron he's wearing. "I can teach you."
"But it's your birth-"
"Din," You look up to the slat in his helmet to where his eyes would be. "I want to."
He let's out a sigh and nods, "Okay."
You take your apron off of him and put it on, Din there to tie it securely around your waist.
Din is a perfect student, listening and watching intently and trying not to be too helpless.
You can feel him tense when you put your hands over his, showing him exactly how to whisk the batter.
After the batter is made and the cake is in the oven, Din let's out a heavy sigh, brushing a hand through your hair. "Thank you."
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Farmer's Market with Jack
For a summer day in July, the weather is not too bad and Jack is insistent on the two of you not waste it and go to the farmer's market.
"I'll make it fun, darlin', just do me this kindness."
You nod and beam up at him, a smear of flour on your cheek. "Anytime."
Looking up into his golden-flecked eyes, seeing the quirk of his smile and that one piece of hair that just won't stayed combed behind his ear, you can't help but to bend to his desires.
When you agree to it, he gives you a kiss on the cheek in recompense and hurries to shower and get ready for the day.
The market is full today, everyone else taking advantage of the nice weather as well, you assume.
Jack holds one of your hands in his and leads you forward through the stalls, "Anything catch your eye, clementine?"
You push yourself closer to him to avoid the hordes of people and not at all because you can see the outline of his bicep through the tight fabric of his shirt and can't stop yourself from needing to feel it.
The two of you stop at a booth selling squash and giggle at their funny shapes, Jack taking full advantage of the vegetable props to make you laugh even harder.
He loves seeing you like this; the stress of the day not yet pulling at your shoulders, the warm sunshine on your face and glinting off your dark hair, the ease of your time spent with him is suddenly surprising and helps him to realize just how much he loves you.
After buying a head of asparagus and a few huge sweet potatoes, he spots a booth selling flowers down the path and turns to you quickly, blocking your line of sight, "Will you do me a favor?"
A twinge of rouge rises in your face and you nod yes, batting your eyelashes dutifully up at him.
"Close those pretty blue eyes for me and stay right here, baby. I'll be right back." He requests and after you comply, he gives the bridge of your nose a quick kiss before you can hear his boots walking away.
Standing in a bustling farmers market with your eyes closed and tote bag in hand is not ideal and a little nerve wracking, but for Jack, you had to at least try.
He returns quickly and you can hear the smile in his tone when he says "Okay, open 'em."
When you do, you see that he has brought you a bushel of tulips; white and pink and yellow and red.
You're unsure how to respond and he can see it in your face. "You don't want them?" He asks, his eyes wide.
“No, no, Jack, I want them, I just-" There it is; that pesky heart rising in your throat. "I don't know what to say...Thank you."
He smirks at that, knowing it was a job well done, and pulls you into a hug, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. "You know I'd do anything for you, don't you, pretty girl?"
You nod and let your eyes close. "Yes, Jack."
"Good." He ends, using his lips to press the word into the softness of your neck and squeezing your sides just a little bit tighter.
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TAGLIST: you :)
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eqt-95 · 3 years
"You're doing it again."
"You're on fire."
"I'm on-? Oh shit," Kate muttered with a slew of other curses, swinging the flaming ball of sugar from the end of her found branch. She shot Melvin and James a threatening look through the wave of snickers hidden behind their boyish grins.
"You sure you've done this before, City Slicker?" Melvin continued teasing.
"Yes," Kate growled, secretly grateful the tinge of afternoon sun could hide the burn from her cheeks. The glow of fire from the pit sitting in the middle of the group also added a distorted hue to everything. Plus nightfall cast a reasonable amount of ambiguity over the group. Honestly, Kate was looking for any excuse she could to deflect from embarrassment.
A fluffy white pillow appeared in Melvin's outstretched hand as an olive branch, and Kate begrudgingly took it, piercing it over the burnt crisp that remained from her last two failures.
"Maybe if you spent a little more attention on the marshmallow and a little less on-"
Whatever Melvin was going to say was drowned out by a sea of laughter coming from the other side of the fire. The side where Kate's attention wandered to. The side where she sat, her back poised up against a dead log, her long legs shifting between scrunched up, bound by her arms and stretched out and soaking in the heat radiated off the burning driftwood onto her bare skin. Her warm, soft-
"I'll take that," came Melvin's voice and with it the tug of the stick from Kate's hand.
She was hopelessly distracted; had been all day. It wasn't her fault. No living person should carry the laugh of two dozen angels or smile with the glow of the damn sun. How could anyone expect to carry on a conversation when the alternative was to stumble over words in lieu of hearing her voice instead. Or better yet, why would anyone remember how to swim when that was simply a distraction from watching the controlled, focused way she slid through the water. And certainly why would Kate Kane give a fuck about the bubbling skin of a marshmallow when she could watch the orange light flicker and glow off her skin.
"You could go talk to her."
"You say that like I'm a six year-old with a crush."
"Aren't you?" James asked.
It annoyed her when James chimed in. It wasn't because she didn't like James. It was that if James was clued in, it meant something incredibly obvious was being said.
Kate opened her mouth to argue but was rendered speechless when she looked up to see the spot opposite her sat empty. Her eyes darted around, squinting into the darkness beyond in search of her. She couldn't have just disappeared. Maybe she'd-
"Hey, what does a girl need to get a toasted marshmallow around here?"
Kate choked. On what, she had no idea. It was probably her spit, but that was more mortifying to admit than pretending it was a fly or the wind or something invisible.
To a third-party observer, the comical timing of Melvin's arm thrusting the marshmallowed skewer back into Kate's personal space would have triggered a laugh track. Fortunately for Kate, she was the only witness, but even then she still nearly dropped the gift horse onto the sand as he handed off the sugary baton.
"Uh, yea, I… er, I've been known to, you know… er, roast a good marshmallow."
Kate Kane was not normally an idiot, but somehow Sophie Moore had a knack for jamming the signal between Kate's brain and her mouth. Saying she regressed to a cavewoman was an insult to cavewomen. She was practically a potato. And honestly, even potatoes might object.
"Oh yea? You write your admissions essay on your unparalleled roasting abilities? That slow, rotisserie-style turning technique to ensure only the most consistent, caramelly, bubbly skin encapsulating the decadent, soft, gooshing center of the… uh, Kate?"
"You're on fire."
Kate wished she was on fire. She wanted to roll right into the fire and face the same charred fate as her third failed marshmallow. Melvin and James didn't have the heart to laugh this time. Instead they flinched away, finding an adjacent log to occupy while the meltdown that was Kate's pride spilled onto the log and then the sand and then the fire and finally into the water beyond. Minnows were feasting on the remnants of Kate Kane. Her tombstone would surely read 'couldn't even roast a fucking marshmallow.'
"Here," Sophie smirked, slipping her fingers around the stick and tugging it away from Kate's unresponsive hand.
Kate relied on silence to guide the next few minutes. Silence and Sophie monologuing about the nuanced ways of properly toasting a marshmallow. The stick rolled seamlessly between Sophie's fingers, setting the pale pillow just within reach of the flickering flames. It was mesmerizing. If all Kate did for the rest of her life was watch Sophie Moore toast marshmallows, she'd be content.
At least, that was until Sophie proceeded to sandwich her perfectly roasted marshmallow between two graham crackers and a slice of Hershey's. Then Kate could have spent the rest of her life watching Sophie Moore bite into the s'more; bite into it and make an absolute mess of everything.
It was everywhere. Kate could have cared less about marshmallows ten minutes ago, but now she was so unbelievably jealous of the strings of melted sugar stretching and catching on Sophie chin, her cheek, her chest, her-
"You'd think I'd never eaten a s'more before. Is it kosher to just lick it off of everywhere?"
"I could help."
"Uh, with the, uh… I can… here," Kate choked, swiping up a napkin and waving it a conservative distance from anywhere remotely close to Sophie's skin.
"That's not gonna cut it."
"The.. with the, I can… soap?"
"Soap?" Sophie chuckled. "On the beach."
"Sand?" Kate offered instead.
What a miserable existence. The only silver lining was that Kate had said two real words consecutively without stumbling over her tongue.
"Definitely more accessible but far from practical."
"I have an idea."
Then Sophie stood up. Sophie stood up and stripped. Not completely, of course. That would have sent Kate into epileptic shock. No, Sophie did nothing that graphic, but the way she shimmied out of her shirt and cut-off shorts to reveal her bikini from earlier that afternoon set Kate's skin ablaze in a way that had nothing to do with the fire. Or the sun. Or the graveyard of burnt marshmallows.
"What are you doing?"
Four words. A new record.
"Well I'm not about to roll around in the sand."
Kate blinked. Processing. Whirring. Her brain flickered with understanding. "You're going into the water?"
"You coming?"
"Am I… w-with you?"
"Is there anyone else?"
"In the water."
Sophie's head turned in confusion, her eyes narrowing humorously back at Kate.
"You scared?"
"Scared? Me?" Kate repeated, and that's when she felt it: the flare of a challenge. Through months of skittishly toeing the edge, unable to articulate anything beyond a mound of farm animal noises, she had passively watched. She was an awkward observer around Sophie Moore. Nowhere else in her life did she occur this way, but Sophie was different. Kate wanted to impress her. She wanted to be smart and clever for her. She wanted to go toe-to-toe not because she wanted to beat her, but because Kate saw how Sophie could bring out the best in her. The only problem was Kate didn't know how to tap into that… until now.
She climbed to her feet faster than Sophie could register what was happening, and in the blink of an eye Kate had burst past her. "Last one in takes mess hall duty for a month!"
"Oh, you are on, Kane!"
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csolarstorm · 2 years
Spoilers for everything past beating the nobles in Legends: Arceus.
Well, it's about time I finish the main story, because I'm really starting to miss daytime, nighttime...the weather. Music. Fine, I guess I have to save the world.
Just gotta tie up a few loose ends first.
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I caught these sweethearts on Valentine's Day, and I swear it was totally a coincidence that they are the most Valentine-y Pokemon ever. Their names are Felicity and Pistachio.
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My current fully evolved shinies: Cassandra the Chatot, Felicity the Lopunny, Nebula the Purugly, Georgia the Kricketune, Bluelight the Braviary, and - oh carp I forgot to name my Yanmega. How did I forget to name the Yanmega? It's a lot of Pokemon to juggle, okay?! And you have to get them to stay still for the picture, and make sure they don't fall asleep -
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Oh hey I found this gem. It makes me wonder if maybe Reshiram burnt down Kamado's town in the Unovan war between the two brothers. The Unova references in this game almost seem like overt sequel bait.
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You can spend hours just getting your Pokemon to pose and then sorting through the pictures like you're in Pokemon Snap. Plus you can turn off the HUD if you tap the right stick and enable it in the Settings! I'm consistently forgetting to do this apparently.
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Well, I think that's it. Time to finish the main story of my favorite Pokemon game since Black and White. Maybe ever. I'm nervous.
Thus, my random misadventures in the hisuian apocalypse come to a close, and I take a new step forward.
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Immediate drama! Where will I get my fix of potato mochi from now?!
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