houseofsannae · 3 months
Hiya mate! Good day to you! I'd love to draw your key kids, if you don't mind? Thanks!
Their names are Matthew and Claire, and these are the outfits I had them in when KHUx first came out:
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And these are their redesigns from when I went through the KHUx story viewer after the game ended
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They don't really have "personalities" per se, on account of just being me playing dress-up and not intended to be actual characters outside of being the KHUx Player.
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ultyso · 3 months
Hiya mate! Good day to you! I'd love to draw your key kid, if you don't mind? Thanks!
Oh uh sure. Had to pull up my UX game for it. Before I made my keykid just Ven, I had this guy mainly wearing either or:
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I also had made her, if you’d rather:
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rate-my-keykid · 2 months
And the key kids I've (re)made since khux ended.
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Introducing from left to right: key kids Maxie, Stephen and Damond!
Is today the day they finally hit the beach??? I love, 10/10
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fairyharps · 3 months
Hiya mate! Good day to you! I'd love to draw your key kid, if you don't mind? Thanks!
omg... sure??? that would be really cool actually. thank you for drawing them!! i look forward to seeing it 😳
this is my skrunkly meringue's main outfit
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+ old art i drew of them
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ephemer-official · 3 months
Squeeeeeeeeeze!!! You've been given a hug! Send this to all the people who deserve a hug. See how many you get back 😊 Now let the hugging begin! 💜
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Squeeeeeeeeeze!!! You've been given a hug! Send this to all the people who deserve a hug. See how many you get back 😊 Now let the hugging begin! 💜
aww cute!! Thanks a lot 🤗
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keri-mcberry · 2 months
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<< PART 4 || PART 6 >>
I personally feel like I've been improving with drawing different faces and hairstyles, and I have all of your MC's to thank for that!! 🫶🏻💕
@venomousvio @cjtitties @zetadraconis11 @morelikeravenbore @maxiepdmoore-art @zorro-d-t
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siboom777 · 29 days
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I decided to combine them here! It was wonderful to meet all of your mcs here😔🤲💕💕💕
@limonnitsa @dwightschrute11 @coffeeandmagicaltales @captainsphinxart @veliabugg65 @maxiepdmoore-art @witchyafterdark @4ever2000lover @raraaf6
You thought It was the end?
Next page(es) will be secret page. I made my secret list with secret mcs that I personally like😎 Who knows who will be on this list😳 I personally don't know😪 We will see when I'm done🥳
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serenedash · 10 months
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A member of the sewer squad, requested by @maxiepdmoore-art !!! I have nicknames for all of them and I call her Captain :)
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tina-nina · 4 years
Hiya Teeny! Prepare yourself for this one then! What if Ephemer's events in Union Cross went about the same in Union Cross, but it was he who ended up found by Xehanort Pre-BBS? Alongside possibly Lauriam? Thanks!
Okay now that we have slightly more information about Ven’s whole thing UX, I can only assume Xehanort took him in and trained him (for the express purpose of crafting the χ-blade) because he could sense the powerful darkness (or Darkness whatever) in him that matched his light. He thought “Perfect!” and when Ven proved he didn’t want to do what Xeha wanted him to do (through no fault of his own xeha shady), Xeha took matters into his own hands and BBS happened.
If EPHEMER is the one that gets shunted to the graveyard, Xehanort could still possibly take him in and try to get the χ-blade, but Ephemer’s darkness isn’t in equal standing with his light, his light is much stronger (in my head anyway) so it probably wouldn’t work out. There just isn’t enough darkness to provide equal and opposite powers to clash. Even if Lauriam is there as well, it still wouldn’t really work, because he’s a dandelion, someone with a strong enough heart to resist the darkness. 
Xehanort would have to get creative. Possibly create his 13 Vessels early, messing up the whole timeline as we know it.
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shweshisketch · 3 years
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@maxiepdmoore-art requested me to draw my player reacting to his crush from the khux crew, and swimwear!  So I wrote a little scenario for it~
I’ve always imagined him having a tiny crush on Skuld 😌
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ultyso · 3 months
Squeeeeeeeeeze!!! You've been given a hug! Send this to all the people who deserve a hug. See how many you get back 😊 Now let the hugging begin! 💜
Aw, that’s sweet of you. Thanks ^^
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rate-my-keykid · 2 months
Hiya mate! Hope you're doing well for yourself! Do you have any plans to expand this to include rating missing link key kids? It's fun revisiting this tumblr and seeing all the memories shared here.
Regardless of how things go, have a nice day today mate!
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sammilimyy · 3 years
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Merry Christmas everyone!! I’m not really good with words but I just wanna say thank you so much for the support you’ve shown and given me and my art this year! It’s been a tough year for everyone and I wanted to do something special for you all! I held a Christmas Gift Art event a few days ago where I doodle people’s Kh oc/Khux oc and this is just part 1 of the gifts as there were a number of entries! I’m honestly so proud of myself for drawing all of this in a span of a couple days! Thank you to @axelslover @maxiepdmoore-art @thehardestwater @strawberrylaugh @tomboyjessie13 for participating in the event I hope you enjoy your gift art and have a happy holiday and new year!
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keychildvor · 4 years
@tina-nina @maxiepdmoore-art opps xD I wrote some things xD
This room was so creepy... Vor thought to herself as she walked in, her Keyblade at her side. She did not like this room at all. All she had to do was get in, find Xehanort, and get back out. In this round room of white, encircled by tall thrones of various heights, Vor knew that she probably wouldn't have much difficulty finding--
"XEHANORT!" she cried out when her eyes fell to the last throne, the one that wasn't raised. Sitting there with his silver eyes half-lidded and dull, was the boy she had been looking for, her big brother, the one she would do anything to keep safe; Xehanort. With quick bounds, Vor jumped off the raised central circle and ran towards her friend, relief filling her.
The relief lasted but a moment however as she was suddenly knocked backwards, back up to the raised circle platform.
"Now, I do believe that is my new vessel," a familiar voice purred, as the spikey brown haired teen who had taunted her throughout the Sleeping World rose up from where he had cast the spell to knock her back. "You can look, but don't touch."
The Keyblade in Vor's hand flashed as it shifted into the long handled silver and blue hammer she had gotten used to. She held her weapon in front of her defensively, taking a few steps backwards when the boy, his golden eyes watching her with amusement, took a step towards her.
"Vessel?" She spat out, her own eyes narrowing. "Who are you? Why have you been following Xeha and I? What do you mean vessel?!"
The teen in front of her smirked and held out his hand to her in a way that reminded her too much of Hermod when he had been possessed by Ansem.
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Hiya Roadie! Now that Union Cross' finale is behind us, what are some of the threads that you wished that they used? Mine is the wish that they had to return to Fix-it Felix to get the fix-it Hammer to repair the pod. Heck, the idea of Ephemer and Sgt Calhoun getting a final resolution would have been cool to me. Or a way to truly see that Nightmare Cybug actually get destroyed instead of leaving its fate open to interpretation. But alas...
Regardless, I still look forward to seeing Brain's/Blaine's adventures continue. Maybe even "body-hopping" to try and find a way to rescue all the Dandelions now that the 4 Darknesses are trapped in the world between (data) worlds. Heck, even the prospects of Player and Ephemer reuniting someday and having an adventure together, given that the reunion scene is what we see last in the credits for Union Cross. Or even Lauriam resuming his role as the chief leader till Brain and Ephemer returns, upon which he would cede leadership back to either...
Heck, dare I say it, but honestly, Union Cross and its chains interest me more than Sora's fate atm, especially with the fakeout on the nameless star's identity, how that game didn't seem to just want to wrap up the story in a way that allows us to pretend that kh3 is the final game, no loose threads, etc.
Phew! That's a long ask. Thanks for reading through this long ask of mine, and I look forward to seeing any new KHUX art that you'll think up to draw!
Honestly I totally agree with you here on all these points (especially Felix fixing the pod! That would’ve been awesome yet funny too at the same time)
I do have this fear that Player is gone for good and the whole Xehanort thing is how Nomura’s avoiding ever making a canon appearance for them in future games...but it’s nice to have hope. This is kh after all...and characters come back, even if it takes a long time
I feel kinda bad not caring as much about Sora’s fate, but I think part of it is because as the main protagonist, I know he’ll be fine and found eventually. That and I’ve just...always been drawn to khux’s narrative more. I do look forward to seeing how the narratives in khux will intertwine with Sora and the others though.
Thanks for sending this ask! I actually do have some art ideas in mind and maybe now that in finished school, I can get started on some bigger pieces
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