lelelego 1 year
Boss ask meme #3, #13, #21
Btw one of my SR non-boss OCs also has the surname Castillo! 馃槉
YES castillo squad unite >:)
ask me questions about my boss :^)
The Third. What job/jobs was your Boss doing (if any) before joining the Saints?
adri脿 was a college student and waiter, and then his parents pulled his college funding because he got caught sleeping around with a guy and lost his job because word got around, so he was couch-surfing and getting food money via sex work he could get at like, gas station bathrooms. to his prev boss' chagrin he would also pick johns up at the bar he used to work at lmfao
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13. What is their gender/sexuality/romantic orientation/pronouns etc. (either all, or asker specifies)?
he's a cis man, bisexual and prefers men, biromantic, he/him :>
21. Do they have a second-in-command or are all their lieutenants equal?
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this is a JOKE he likes them all equally really... REALLY...... but i mean there's a reason he picked shaundi over going after kilbane is all i'm saying. anyway
his second-in-command is shaundi. i think she easily outsmarts the boss by a mile and honestly i feel like srtt did her a disservice... i get that it's like character arc and all but playing sr2 i can't help but feel retroactively disappointed LOL. i think people would assume it's johnny and johnny IS his best friend, confidant, silly rabbit etc. but i think in terms of gang war strats it's shaundi all the way baby.
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snail-eggs 3 months
3, 6, 7 for the weird ask meme 馃ぃ
Which one of the ocs would unapologetically eat dog treats (given that they're not a dog)?
it feels like such a cop out but like, Six without a doubt. she鈥檇 fuck up some irradiated dog treats. that woman does Not care what she puts into her body and beggars can鈥檛 be choosers in the wasteland.
(that being said, Boone gives her the nastiest side eye the entire time)
Who pronounces gif as jif?
both Xixi and Frank do and the it annoys Van to no end. she鈥檚 corrected them so many times that, at this point, she fully believes they鈥檙e just doing it on purpose.
Who abides by the 5 second rule?
i鈥檓 gonna have to go with Six again and Xixi too just not with food. on her more fucked up nights, she has absolutely picked a half smoked cigarette off the ground. if it鈥檚 still lit, it鈥檚 still good and if it鈥檚 not, it鈥檚 still good anyway.
Stupid and highly specific oc questions
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thetwobosses 1 year
For the Boss ask meme: #1, #10, #18 for Boss/es of your choice! I'm one of your newer followers so I'm looking through your stuff about your Bosses now and I'm very intrigued 馃槉
Hello and thank you! :D I'll answer for Meryl, Colin and Eli since they are my main Bosses and the most developed.
1. Is your Boss's name a secret? Do some people know but not others? Do they use a pseudonym? A nickname?
Meryl's full name used to be Meryl Tammesalu, but once the gang stuff got serious in SR2, she legally dropped her surname to try to keep the rest of her family from being as publicly associated with her and thus safer (that and people kept mispronouncing it). The name is Estonian (it means 'oak grove'), as her grandparents were among the thousands of Estonian expats fleeing WW2 to North America.
Colin was born in London as Sean Healey, but moved to Stilwater in his late teens to escape his destitute life and start fresh, experience the "American Dream" and all that. In his mind, a new beginning demanded a new name, because he felt his was too "soft" and "uncool". He picked out 'Colin Alton' because he thought it sounded more sophisticated without being overly pretentious. As the Saints rose in fame, Colin would downplay his past, including his old name. While he didn't manage to scrub all evidence of it, it wasn't too well known either. When Colin ended up stranded in Meryl's universe after SR3, he initially didn't tell anyone he used to go by a different name, so Meryl's searches for a version of Colin native to her universe didn't bear fruit. Colin had figured that if he hadn't changed his name (and thus moved to the US), he probably would have remained languishing in London and he decided he would rather not find out whether that was the case. He ended up ultimately being proven correct, as he and Meryl were confronted by an incredulous and pissed off Sean Healey during a trip to London, but that's a whole story on its own.
Eli's last name is Chase (there should probably be a middle name as well but tbh I've never really wrapped my head around middle names being a thing in many countries so none of my characters have them xD). He's an enby and goes by all pronouns, though generally defaults to he/him, and kind of as a part of that also encourages variation in the pronunciation of his first name. It can be the usual 'ee-lye', but also rhyming with 'Ellie'. Pierce and Shaundi tend to go with the latter and even shorten it to 'El/Elle' as a nickname.
10. How has your Boss changed throughout the games/years?
Meryl has probably changed the least of the main three. She'd initially joined the Saints because it had seemed like a cool and interesting thing at the time (plus she was going through a rebellious phase), and while she did go through a darker, more brutal period after her coma as many Bosses would, her underlying personality remained fun-loving and excitable over her career in the Saints.
Colin would let his vengefulness and quick temper get the better of him at times, especially in Steelport when his knee-jerk reaction was to not let Killbane get away. The loss of Shaundi, and the discovery that while Meryl had led her Saints through almost the exact same situations, her Shaundi still lived, had Colin eventually choose to make a concerted effort to curb some of his worst impulses. It's not perfect, but these days he can usually swallow his pride and take a slight without blowing up over it (though he will grump about it later in private).
Eli has grown a lot in the Saints. He joined up only after Jack woke from her coma and begun reforming the gang, but started out as rather meek and anxious, and with very little combat experience. He stood out as a tactician and strategist though, and once Pierce took him under his wing, Eli really started coming into his own in the gang. Jack gambled and elevated him to lieutenant to replace Carlos despite Eli's similar lack of experience with leadership. After Jack got killed in a Masako ambush and the Saints were torn on how to respond, Eli ended up grabbing the reins much to everyone's surprise (including his own). As much as Eli wasn't a fond of Jack's ruthlessness and penchant for violence, and vowed to not end up following in her footsteps, the later war against the Syndicate forced him to make some uncomfortable compromises. Yet he would never go as far as she did, and would still try and look for non-violent solutions first.
18. Do they have a best/closest friend?
Meryl grew up close with her family, especially one of her brothers. In the Saints, though she was naturally close friends with Johnny, Shaundi and Pierce, she wouldn't find a true soulmate until the arrival of Colin. Despite their many differences in upbringing and personality, their shared traits and experiences in the Saints helped bring them together as friends and then lovers. She also eventually grew a real fondness for Sean Healey, after Colin brought him to live with them in the US.
In his old universe, Colin had been especially close with two people: Johnny Gat, and fellow Brit Colin Faulkner. Colin and Johnny fell in together early on in the Saints, though Colin never revealed to Gat his unrequited infatuation. Johnny's "death" hit Colin hard, but rather than properly process his grief, he buried it deep down and tried to ignore it. Colin Faulkner (a non-Boss AU version of @princessdemeter's Boss) was an (ex-)hooker in Stilwater whom my Colin ended up befriending after his coma. Faulkner soon became Colin's confidante and friend with benefits, in part because he never officially joined the Saints. Colin's hopeless feelings for Gat made him willfully blind to the fact that Faulkner had fallen for the Boss, or that his own affections for Faulkner might have been more than just platonic. Unfortunately the two of them would never have the chance to work things out except in AUs, as a few months after SR:TT, Colin would end up permanently whisked away to Meryl's universe by a wayward piece of Zin tech. There, after somewhat rocky beginnings, he and Meryl quickly grew close. Colin eventually also decided to make peace with his humble origins and reached out to Sean Healey despite their poor first impressions. They found enough common ground to become good friends over the years and Colin even brought Sean over to live with him and Meryl in Steelport.
Pierce became Eli's closest friend in the Saints almost from the get-go. The two of them had similar inclinations towards choosing strategy over brute force methods, making them natural allies in the gang between Jack and Gat's bloodlust and Shaundi taking credit for Pierce's ideas. They also share similar senses of humor and several geeky interests, leading them to enjoy each other's company even outside of "work". They started dating between SR2 and 3 and managed to remain together even thought the strain of the presidency and the Zin invasion. Eli wasn't actually as close with the other Saints lieutenants as most Bosses. While Johnny was alive, the two of them often found themselves diametrically opposed and respected each other more for their skills than character. Eli was initially annoyed with Shaundi's constant one-upping of Pierce as well as her penchant for drugs, but they found a better understanding with each other over time. Of the Steelport lieutenants, Eli and Oleg got along well, while he distrusted Kinzie, remained ambivalent and slightly wary toward Angel and Viola, and absolutely abhorred Zimos. Once in space, Eli and Matt ended up becoming friends, especially since there hadn't been too much bad blood between them back in Steelport, and Eli would often prefer having Matt hack the Simulation over Kinzie.
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vicekings 1 year
Boss ask meme: #6, #13, #18
hi hello ask meme op!
6. What is their birthday or date of birth OR how old do you see them as in the games you play them in?
Bryn being a few years older than the rest of the Saints is lowkey an important part of why he acts the way he does in the series. I generally place him around 27 in SR1, 32 in SR2, 34 in SRTT, and 42 in SRIV, although I go a little loosey goosey with it depending on whether or not its a world where he's the boss or if he's kira and/or bridget's lieutenant. (shoutout to @gatmora and @writerofblocks respectively)
13. What is their gender/sexuality/romantic orientation/pronouns etc. (either all, or asker specifies)?
Bryn's a cis man, uses he/him pronouns, and identifies as bisexual.
18. Do they have a best/closest friend?
Bridget and Kira :) also Aisha.
Technically Johnny as well, although you'd never be able to tell because they both act like they want to strangle each other every time theyre in the same room
((ask meme))
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masschase 7 months
Rowvember Day 12: Avenue
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Zoo is my awesome friend @zoo-the-saint's Boss and I jokingly tagged something about ot3 on one of their pics in April and now it's real and I adore the 3 of them together so much 馃槉
This one came about from a few things; I've had an image of these 3 in these particular poses with the words from this song for ages:
And I also knew I wanted it set in autumn. Recently I decided I wanted to draw Matt in a stripy scarf, and then I realised it'd fit the prompt, so I began it a few weeks ago and I've added to it every time I've felt like it, so it's been a nice little comfort piece. 馃槉
I'm not entirely saying I won't add more to it later, but I think I'm done for now. 馃槄
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kikidewynter 2 months
still thinking abt shaundi鈥檚 name being dani o鈥檚haughnessy
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whoredmode 5 months
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doodle requests for @killbaned and @masschase respectively
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Some very rough Los Carnales Tito designs inspired by @masschase and @whoredmode 's Rollerz Casey and Vice Kings Anteros!
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zoo-the-saint 11 months
Surprise doodle of Casey for @masschase !!
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iiilovebeam 11 months
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@snail-eggs @masschase
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lelelego 1 year
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i drew some other bosses today, hope that's okay :") pls let me know if you'd rather i not, and i'll take your guy down!
@thetwobosses - meryl @vinkumakkara - slim boss (just slim?) @bishaundi - josh @whoredmode - anteros @iilovebeam - alejandra @masschase - casey
(sorry also if i got something wrong 馃槶 happy to change it though!!)
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snail-eggs 10 months
For the ship suggestions, I'm thinking back to that thing about Xixi and Dex 馃憖
What would their dynamic be like had it happened?
Chase, you knew exactly what you were doing sending in this pairing *sigh*...
I'm inclined to think that Dex and Xixi wouldn't be half bad together, I mean, they were together in one of the previous drafts of my fic and while the moving parts were a lot different, they go together really well no matter the version.
I've joked before about Xixi having chemistry with virtually anyone but the only two she's had serious chemistry so far while writing were Dex and Johnny. I think that says a lot, don't you?
There's so much about them together that makes so much sense; they match each other intellectually so well, their personalities compliment each other so nicely and, honestly, when thinking logically, I think Xixi knew/knows Dex was a safer bet than Johnny. Of course, she had no idea he'd go to Ultor but, hindsight, you know?
Even now in this draft that I'm putting together, I can't do away with their closeness. They're entirely platonic now but the dynamic still feels so similar. Very playful, very comfortable. There's such a deep underlying respect there. I know that I say Xixi and Johnny are the only people who truly understand each other at their base level and are the only people that can handle each other but I think in another world, that would apply to Dex and Xixi too. It still does, a little. That respect and understanding they have for each other definitely plays a large part in their now platonic relationship and I can only imagine that magnified by 10 if they ended up together.
Anyway this was my super rambly way of saying they would have been great together and have a very big place in my heart still!
And as a treat, here's a little excerpt from the draft where they were together (its a year old, my writing has greatly improved so don't judge my ability off this. thanks!)
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hacker-g0d 7 months
Already showed this to my friend @masschase but here's a little show of the new LED lights on my jacket! I'm so excited to wear him all decked (馃き) out
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theinkeddragon 11 months
@masschase's boss, Casey Clark!
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I'm gonna use these as excuses to ramble about lore stuff, so apologies in advanced-
So, Halos and Aethers!
Aethers are basically the in universe explanation for the weapon wheel, and how people are able to carry weapons on them so discreetly (Aka: Trojan Whores). They're small pocket dimensions for storing objects, unique to the person. Halos are the physical manifestation of aethers, though the aether itself is a cluster of 10 crystals of an unknown material located on the hippocampus; they are unaffected by damage around or to them, making them virtually indestructible, though they will decay with the soul upon expiration. Halos have 16 locations that they can reside on; Top of Head, Tilted over Right Side Head, Tilted over Left Side Head, Behind Head, Behind Shoulder Blades, Right Shoulder, Left Shoulder, Right Wrist, Left Wrist, Around Neck, Back of Right Hand, Back of Left Hand, Above Tailbone, Right Thigh or Left Thigh.
Storing objects in an aether is as simple as sliding it into the halo, and recalling is as simple as placing a hand into the halo and recalling what object you would wish to pull out. Individuals are always aware of what is in their aether, and anything stored in an aether is effectively frozen in time. Though this ability is very useful, it is quite limited, as there are only 10 unique slots for items, objects cannot have a soul, and the items cannot be larger/heavier than something that can easily carry in one hand. Ammunition is counted under the same slot as its weapon, and the individual themselves is the only person who can store or remove objects from their aether. Storing multiple of the same object in separate slots is possible, but not recommended, since similar objects will have various negative complications when either is attempted to be recalled. These can range from either complete failure to recall, one or both objects being voided, the incorrect object being called, or both objects fusing into an amalgamation and being called at once.
An individual will not gain access to their aether until they're around 9 years of age, at which a simple ring halo will manifest over their head. When it first manifests, the ability to recall and store objects will be very weak and unreliable, though this wears off within a year. Up until one turns 25, their halo will change appearance and move location, after which a change in appearance or location requires a large change in personality/life. The color of a halo is determined by soul attunement, which is an entire other beast I'll talk about on a different boss.
Halos are slightly malleable (Like a cheap aluminum bangle bracelet), and can be moved and felt, though the halo will both return to its original position & shape when released; and the sensation of having one's halo touched is neither painful nor pleasant, think if someone grabbed your teeth. Since halos are physical, they can be broken, and having one's halo shattered is incredibly painful; however it is not permanent, and while access to one's aether will be lost for several days, the halo will reform. Some individuals have greater control over their halos, being able to change their position permanently, or even using them as improvised weapons; These cases, however, are considered almost unheard of. Since aethers are attached to the soul, death will dissolve them, causing the halo to dematerialize and anything stored to be lost. Death and resurrection, as well as becoming voidtouched, will cause a halo to crack/shatter. Cracked/shattered halos struggle to store and recall items, and are much more fragile than normal halos.
Creating artificial halos has been attempted, though with only one success, which was on a prototype security cybite. However, the research and schematics for the specialized equipment required for achieving an artificial halo was lost after an incident where the laboratory caved in due to a failure in the power supply, killing everyone inside. Expansion of the aether has also been attempted, though all attempts have ended with volunteers losing their aethers and halos.
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masschase 7 months
Doing the Math
Rowvember Day 1: Revolution!
I realised since I've pre-prepared like... nothing, I was going to have to stick with quick doodles and drabbles for these, so I went for something a little less literal than I originally planned!
So here's Cass working on the calendar for her new planet.
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All those jokes I've made in the last month about how much paperwork she has to do finally paying off.
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chase-the-music 4 months
Hello everyone!
I'm Chase, 33, any pronouns but mostly go by they/them, and this is my music-related sideblog! My main is my Saints Row blog @masschase so any likes or follows from there are me!
I mainly made this blog to share my Ghost OC and possibly my MCR Killjoy OCs. But also for music-related reblogs and possibly even some covers at some point.
I'm a writer/roleplayer/singer/artist/keyboardist/guitar player in roughly that order. 馃槄 This isn't a dedicated nsfw blog but there will likely be nsfw content.
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