#mass effect havarl
who-is-riley · 1 year
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The ancestral home of the angara is a lush jungle planet. However, scans detect plant life on Havarl exhibiting maladaptive, unsustainable growth patterns. The abnormal mutation suggests something is terribly wrong with Havarl's ecology.
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jolbalrok · 17 days
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| Mass Effect: Andromeda
colour palettes
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denisaiko · 4 months
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So I've taken on acrylic painting landscapes now. What joy!
Here's a landscape inspired by Mass effect Andromeda, planet Havarl.
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heavenlyeros · 2 years
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planet inspired ceramic plates <3 a few of these are getting made into actual plates, i’m very excited to paint them
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chroniclesinlacuna · 6 months
Andromeda was done so dirty and I'm still livid about it. Sure I'm a little biased, but goddamn how can you see the beauty the worlds were crafted with, the joy the characters were written with and go, nah, not good enough??
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albinoshepard · 2 years
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N7 Month 2022 - Day #022: Wood
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Meeting the Sages
"What, like it's hard?"
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The Remnant really did go for the 1234 password lol
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amyceratops · 2 years
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Okay but ME: Andromeda's planet environments are absolutely stunning.
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echthr0s · 2 years
god ME Andromeda truly was the most forgettable game huh
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plasticfreckles · 11 months
back on my mass effect andromeda bullshit yoohoo
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sanjoongie · 1 year
Library of Illusions~ Adventure Section
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📚Part Five for the Library Of Illusions Event
📚Pairing: Space Explorer! Mingi x Alien! Reader (f)
📚Genre: Fantasy au, Sci-fi au, space au, mass effect influenced, s2l📚Warnings: tentacle sex, sub!mingi, dom!reader, anal (m receiving), mpreg, oral fixation, nipple play (m receiving), cum shot, cum eating, sex for mating purposes, m orgasm 
📚Word Count: 3,448
📚Rating: 18+ MDNI, smut
📚Summary: when a human explorer comes searching for answers on your planet, you find that perhaps your mate won’t be of your world after all
📚Dedication: @mejuii & @downtoamagicalland the best beta readers a writer could bribe have. thank you to smalls for helping me make this have more OOMF 💞
↫The History Section ↭ MasterList ↭The Mystery Section↬
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In the Adventure section your eyes wandered over the books that were there. You closed your eyes, spun around and then opened your eyes, following the line of your arm to the book you were pointing at. It was a paperback with lines in its spine like it was a beloved book. The cover said "Mass Effect" and you felt your heart swell at the space cover. Space was the ultimate adventure for a human being. If you couldn't experience it in your current life, why not explore it in this odd adventure you were on currently?
"Good luck," A voice whispered into your ear, but when you whirled around, there was no one there.
You straightened your spine. "I will win all the keys. And then I'm coming for you," You vowed. You were certain it was the same entity that had been observing you since the very beginning. You were fairly certain it wasn't Seonghwa but this was a tricky library and it was inhabited by demons. Nothing was certain.
You opened the book you had grabbed and gazed eagerly as the book flew out of your hands. It landed upright with its pages flipping open until it halted and grew to the size of a door. The center for the book was transparent and within you could see a lush forest setting with a ringed planet on the horizon. You stepped through, thinking of your lover, holding the image of his face in your mind's eye in the hopes that you would hold onto who you were and not get lost in the story once again.
You stood on a raised floor, the jungle spread out behind you. You were in a tree that was carved out to host the aliens that lived in this world, which included you. No longer did you need to be fed the knowledge of the story you were in; you were the story now. You knew that you were on a planet called Havarl. You knew that you weren't human. You were the queen to an alien race that worked roughly as the equivalent to bees on earth.
You began to pace as said human stood in front of you, fingers around his wrist in a stance that looked proud but not as if he was prepared for fighting. "Let me understand this," You said, wringing your hands, your skin the lovely shade of lavender with blue veins clearly underneath the semi-translucent skin. "You have come to this planet in search of an ancient civilization that you found at the outer edges of our galaxy. You have traced said ancient civilization to my planet and you wish to explore it with my permission."
"It is my life's work to find my people a new planet to call home," Mingi said eagerly, "This ancient civilization is key to that. I would be at your mercy, if you would allow me and my team to discover the bounty your planet offers."
"Bounty," You mused, "I think you underestimate my planet. It may be beautiful in your eyes but it is a dangerous place."
One of your people, a male, moved to step forward to pull Mingi away but you halted him with a thought. You were the queen and thus connected to all of your people. They lived for your command. "Is there a reason you wish to escort this human away before I have finished my conversation with him, Drone?"
Your handmaidens fluttered behind you, leathery wings relaying their nervousness. "My queen, we all feel it."
"And is it not my prerogative?" You wondered out loud.
Everyone of your people in the room spread out their wings and bent a full ninety degrees in supplication and acknowledgement that you were the one that made the decisions on this planet. 
"You have my permission to explore, Song Mingi. But you will house yourself and your people in my tree and you will have my Drones to guide you," You announced.
Mingi frowned. "Our ship is completely self-sufficient, Your Majesty."
Your Majesty? You liked the sound of that. How did the queens on Mingi's planet rule? You looked directly into Mingi's eyes because you were not used to communicating with another that did not have a direct connection with you. "While you explore my planet, does it not seem fair that I get to observe humans?"
Mingi nodded slowly, "I suppose. It's a deal then." He put out his hand and laughed when you didn't take it. He gently grabbed your wrist and placed your hands palm to palm. "Humans shake when we make a deal. It's a gesture of faith."
You cocked your head. "Faith?"
"Well that's too big of a conversation to have right now," Mingi muttered under his breath, "It signals that the fair share is complete."
You observed Mingi and his people. They were odd creatures. They were secretive and manipulative. They spoke words while thinking of others. It confused you. There was no way to deceive another of your species, you were all connected. But nothing confused you more than finding out that the females carried their young.
Mingi was an odd red color when you brought it up with him one evening that he reported to you of his new findings. "The females have the eggs but they are dormant until a male inseminates them."
You shook your head, sipping on the royal jelly, your sole diet. "Completely opposite of our breeding methods."
Mingi choked on the liquid he was consuming, something humans always needed or they would die of. "What?!"
"I am the queen. It is my job to choose many mates. I lay my eggs in them, they gestate until they are ready to hatch and then they lay those eggs."
"You…" Mingi looked up at you through his eyelashes, "You have several mates?"
"It is up to me to continue our race. I cannot place the work on one mate, all they would do would be lying around and laying eggs. That's hardly efficient," You informed him.
Mingi cleared his throat. "That is quite different from what is common with humans."
You gasped in horror. "Do you only have one mate? That poor female!"
Mingi bursted into laughter and you felt the corners of your mouth moving upwards with the sound. Mingi was a human but he was interesting. He was beginning to look like mate material in your eyes. That's when you knew how to defeat this story.
You spent the next few days going through your mother and her mother before her memories, in search for an answer that you had never seeked before. When you found it, you let your handmaidens know your choice in the matter. They were horrified at your order but there was nothing to stop you. You were the queen; once you made a decision, that was it.
Mingi was nervous, you knew this, because he continued to shift from foot to foot. You were starting to pick up on the small hints that humans had to portray to each other how they felt. You were proud that you were able to learn so quickly of another species. 
"Song Mingi, human explorer, I have decided that I will make you one of my mates," You declared to him.
“Are you gonna get me pregnant?” Mingi smiled in amusement, “Fill me up so I can carry your offspring?”
You cocked your head. “Only if you’re amenable to it.”
Mingi’s tongue was caught at the corner of his mouth. “Bet.”
Your antenna moved but you knew you were not going to be able to pick up what Mingi was thinking no matter what you did. "Are you certain? I did explain our mating habits properly, did I not? It is not what you are used to--"
"I want to try it with you," Mingi said, using the same eager eyes he had when he wanted to explore your planet.
"You may tell me to stop at any time but if you wish to proceed, you may strip your clothes off," You informed him.
You watched as Mingi's skin was revealed to you and it made you feel content in your choice. He appeared strongly built, able to carry young successfully. You hoped so, anyways. Such a thing had not been attempted to your knowledge, and your knowledge went back to the first queen. 
You offered your arm to Mingi. "I need you to bite me. It is proof for all to know that I have mated. I will bear it proudly. Once you drink my blood, you will also be ready for the mating."
Mingi bit into the sensitive skin there, you winced with the pain but once Mingi started to drink your blood, you felt better. There would be more than one piece of you inside of Mingi's body soon enough.
Where your people all had wings so that they could move around the tree that was your city, the core of your civilization, you had no wings; there was no need for you to fly, for where did you have to go? You directed your people and produced young. Instead you were equipped with tentacles that extended from your spine, all as nimble as arms and hands and legs. 
You stood before Mingi and revealed said tentacles to him. Thin, finger thick tentacles made themselves known, feather light touches on Mingi at first. They followed the length of his cock, traced his collarbones and nipples. Mingi moaned at the sensations. 
“Now where is your orifice that I can lay my eggs in,” You murmured to yourself. One exploratory tentacle followed his shaft, caressed his balls, tickled his perineum and found his puckered hole. “Ah,” you exclaimed upon finding it. The tentacle squirted the prepping liquid at Mingi’s hole and then began a licking motion. Clearly Mingi was happy with the way your tentacles played with the nerves along his puckered hole because he made noises of content.
But he suddenly acquired a look in his eye. You couldn't blame him, he was a human after all, and all they seemed to know was to manipulate to get what they wanted. “Is that all you’ve got?” Mingi mocked you, “Those tentacles are barely going to fill me?”
Your anger zoomed through you, and you were thankful you had the forethought to discover how to cut off all your thoughts from your people except for the connection so that they all remained aware that you were still alive. If they had felt your anger, Mingi would have been dead before you could think another thought. “What did you say?”
“I said--ah!” Mingi smirked and gasped as one of your tentacles wrapped around his dick, squeezing and convulsing, while two other tentacles licked at his nipples. You had learned of all the erogenous zones from the metal windows that held all the information about the human race. “I expected more from you. You’re a queen, are you not? What’s with all the tiny tentacles? I could fuck myself better with my own fingers!”
Your small, finger tentacles were to prepare your mate for the mating. You had not explained that to Mingi but you had hoped he would catch on to that. You laughed in anger, “Oh my love. You’re going to regret that.”
Your strong, lifter tentacles shot out and wrapped around all of Mingi’s limbs, lifting him up in the air. Mingi watched with wide eyes as you put him in a spread eagle position. Then, your main tentacle that would carry the eggs shoved itself into Mingi’s ass. Mingi’s mouth dropped open and his eyes became clouded with lust. Your tentacles moved Mingi’s body so he was close enough so that you could purr in his ear, “How’s that for tiny tentacles, my love?”
“So…full…” Mingi moaned, closing his eyes.
“You want me to fuck you now, Mingi. Want my big tentacle to pump you full of eggs?” You stroked his check tenderly with your finger.
Mingi nodded, “I’m ready.”
Your impregnator tentacle began to thrust into Mingi’s eager hole and he moaned so loudly you almost stopped, if not for the line of drool slowly leaving Mingi’s mouth. “Fu-fuck,” He stuttered, “I’ve never…oh god!” This time he cursed because the tentacle wrapped around his dick opened up at the tip and swallowed the head of his dick, still curled around his length.
“I’ve got to make you feel good since you’re going to be a good mate for me and take all my eggs,” You purred. 
“Fill--Me--Up--” Mingi groaned as you thrusted slowly into him. 
You sent three finger tentacles into his mouth, the other two still busy playing with his tight nipples. At this point, Mingi was covered in your juices, his naked body sweating from the sex as well. He was a moaning mess and you were quite pleased with the results. Except for one, tiny detail.
“My love,” You cooed, attempting to pull Mingi from the headspace he was enjoying. 
You removed the tentacles from his mouth, watching as his tongue chased them, a string of saliva running from the tip of his tongue to the tentacles before breaking. Mingi’s eyebrows furrowed in his best effort to concentrate. “Honey?”
Your heart swelled at his adorable nickname for you, saying you reminded him of a queen bee from back home on earth. “You’re so cute when you’re getting fucked. You wanna see your tummy bulge now? Think you’re ready for my eggs?”
Mingi’s eyes shot open and his face was clearly eager to please. “Tummy bulge?”
You smiled and nodded, urging your tentacle to spill your eggs. Mingi’s cries became a crescendo as your tentacle purged your eggs into him, the small circular eggs traveling through him. Mingi watched with hooded eyes as his stomach became bigger with your eggs. With one final pass over his prostate, his body tensed, muscles bulging and your mate shouted as he came from the stimulation. 
Your tentacles held him in place but the finger tentacles soothed him as much as they could. The one around his cock came off and you were spurted with his cum. You blinked in confusion, not entirely sure what happened. You brought some to your lips to taste them and hummed in appreciation. Mingi had solely consumed your species' food, which was mostly sweet and natural to your planet, akin to fruits and vegetables, so the taste of his cum was glorious. 
You cocked your head curiously. “What is this liquid?”
Mingi cracked his eyes open and groaned, his dick twitching at you consuming his cum. “That’s what we use to fertilize our female eggs.”
“Interesting,” You hummed again, “We will have to explore your customs, my love.”
“If you fuck me like that every time, I don’t think I’ll have a reason to return to earth,” Mingi admitted, closing his eyes tiredly.
Your tentacles slowly released Mingi’s slumped body onto your bed. “You’re my mate now, my love. You will birth our spawn and make me happy,” You murmured to your sleepy mate as you brushed his hair out of his face.
“You’ll stay with me?” Mingi yawned adorably.
Your gut wretched at the lie you were about to tell. "Of course, where else would I go? I have no wings to take me elsewhere."
"Good because I don't want our babies to grow up without a mother," Mingi murmured, clearly falling into slumber.
You did not sleep, nor did you leave the story either. Anxiety raced through you. You thought for sure that mating with Mingi was the answer to completing the story. Would you have to live longer here? Watch as Mingi laid your eggs? Watch as they grew up? Where was the end to this?
Eventually, you shook Mingi gently to wake him up. "My love?"
"Mmmm?" Mingi smacked his lips but did not open his eyes.
"When you left your Earth, did you leave anyone behind?"
Mingi's eyes opened slowly and they spoke of something you did not know of. You pressed your forehead to his, searching for a connection you did not have. You could not read his mind nor exchange thoughts. It was up to Mingi to tell you of his thoughts. "If you're asking if I've had a mate, I have not."
You leaned forward. "What about this love you humans speak of?"
Mingi shook his head. "What do you know of love?"
Your lost lovers' laughter haunted your dreams when you slept in the real world. You would wake up in your bed, reach across the expanse and cry when he was not there. "Which is a better life? To not have felt love, or to have loved and lost it?"
"Is that what drives you?" Mingi asked, "Love?"
You nodded, "Love is what drives me every day to put one step in front of the other."
Mingi sat up and cupped your face. "You have showed me a kindness today. To see that love can live."
The air tensed, warping and stretching and suddenly it snapped and you were back in the Adventure Section. Mingi was no longer naked but he was sporting a ball cap, a button down with a harness, fingerless gloves and baggy black jeans.
"I don't wish to trap you when your heart beats for another. But I think, in another world, you could have been what would have freed us," Mingi told you forlornly.
"Free you? Are you trapped here?" You asked.
Mingi shook his head. "I've said too much."
"My love," You echoed your Queen self.
Mingi smiled, his eyes becoming tiny which only helped tears pour from the corners. "I will remember your story for all of my years, I promise."
Within Mingi's book was a golden bumble bee and you couldn't help but feel your heart lift at the memory of Mingi's sweet nickname of Honey for you. He gave you the key, his tears no longer apparent but a longing in his eyes that had not gone away.
You had to stay strong but it was getting harder in different ways than you had thought possible.
You walked to the desk in which Seonghwa seemed to live. The Keeper of the Keys was watering a singular daisy with laser focus. It wasn't until you thrusted your key from the Adventure section that Seonghwa moved that focus to you. instead of taking the key, his hand clamped on your arm, seeing the new tattoo there. 
"A…tentacle?" Seonghwa's face screwed up in confusion. "Did you go back to Wooyoung…no, Yunho's section?"
You sighed and rolled your eyes. "No, Seonghwa, I went to Mingi's section. See!" You waved the bee key in front of his face. "Would I have another key if I went back to another section?"
Seonghwa pursed his lips to the side in thought. "No, but a tentacle?"
"Yes, Seonghwa, a tentacle. I fucked Mingi full of my eggs in that story. Do you want all the dirty details or can I move on now?"
Seonghwa swallowed and stuttered, taking your new key and saying there was no need to be so mean. You rubbed your eyebrow in frustration. He was right. "I'm sorry. The toll of all these stories are starting to affect me."
Seonghwa turned around in shock, the bee dropping from his slender fingers. "Did you just apologize to me?"
You let out a noise, part laugh and part scoff. "Yes, the horrible human apologized to you. Countless wonders in the Library of Illusions, huh?"
"You're not a horrible human," Seonghwa said, his eyes big now and you did not like that look.
"Don't you start too," You shook a finger at him.
"Start what?" Seonghwa wondered, sucking in his lower lip. 
"I--no." You put your hands up and backed up. "I have one more key. I'll be back."
"Good luck!" Seonghwa called out, "Come back soon," he said, slightly softer but you heard it nonetheless. These fucking demons.
The Mystery Section was the last section that you had to defeat. You could do this; for yourself and for your lost lover. You knew it was the mystery section because the sign continuously exchanged the letters for the word mystery with question marks. There were noises of contemplation and sirens escaping from the section. You needed a sharp and focused mind for this section. Here's hoping that you could do what needed to be done. One more step and the treasure would be yours, and hopefully, you would feel the arms of your lover around you once more.
Tag list:  @yoonguurt   @hijirikaww   @flowerboykun   @starillusion13   @flurrys-creativity   @kitten4sannie   @a-soft-hornytiny
Library staff: @kwanisms   @smallfrye  @anyamaris   @stardragongalaxy   @kpop-stories-21
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dragonflight203 · 1 month
Mass Effect 2 replay, Jack’s loyalty mission:
Dakka System
-Gamayun – A turian military surveyor recover an ancient starship. Little’s been told to the public except its layout suggests a horizontally oriented race.
What’s the deal with the starship that the Hierarchy is placing it close the chest?
And a horizontally oriented race and starship – I would like to see that!
-Pragia – The out of control overgrowth reminds me of Andromeda’s Havarl. Bioware does so love to reuse ideas. But no vault to fix this mess, just have to wait for the soil to wear out.
-On the shuttle in, Jack says going there was a mistake and looks to Shepard for support.
They’ve very quickly become Jack’s emotional support person.
Behind the front of hostility, Jack is so desperate for connection.
-Cerberus brought the children in via shipping containers. Lovely. There’s no justifying that.
-It’s interesting that the security consoles through this mission are skippable.
They provide context that’s important to fully understanding what occurred, but Bioware did not consider them critical. You should be able to piece together enough from the essential parts of the mission.
-The first console is very carefully written so the natural assumption is to conclude they were keeping the nature of the facility hidden from TIM. Miranda’s conclusion that the facility was rogue is a natural one, but Jack’s right that it’s not the only possibility.
-I am curious what the facility was keeping from TIM, according to the first console. The number of children dying?
I doubt Tim would care much that children died, but he would care about running out of research subjects.
-Jack doesn’t answer directly when you ask if other children die when she was forced to fight them.
Which is answer enough, really.
No wonder they hated her. Or at least that Jack believed they hated her.
-Jack’s struggle to re-contextualize her past through the mission is understandable.
It’s always hard to go back and realize that you had misremembered what happened, and that maybe the real events don’t put you in a favorable light.
It’s even harder when it forced you to reevaluate your own identity. Jack’s built her self upon the ideas that despite being the worst off in the facility, she’s the one that broke out and made her own life.
And now that’s challenged: The other children were hurt to protect her. She escaped during the riot they created.
Jack was the most privileged child in the facility, the only one that wasn’t expendable. She didn’t escape on her own; she took advantage of an opportunity the others created. She’s not the lone, independent survivor she’s built herself up to be.
It’s a credit to Jack that she accepts this new information, and it goes a long way to explaining her changes in ME3. She had to rebuild herself from the ground up.
-Jack’s genuinely afraid that the Ascension program was used to continue the experiments.
Another potential plot hook that ME3 chose to ignore. It could have done something with this, particularly considering the huge focus it put on Cerberus.
-Jack and Aresh’s coping mechanisms are quite different.
Jack rebelled against Cerberus and everything done to her.
Aresh embraced it – there must have been some meaning to it.
They’re both ultimately broken people, and neither have moved on.
-How the hell has Aresh been here a year and made so little process? The place is still a mess.
-Jack’s handling of Aresh is interesting.
She hates orders, so it’s not surprising that if you order her to spare or kill him she does the opposite.
I am surprised you can take a paragon/renegade interrupt to convince her to follow the order; that feels like it goes against the spirit of Jack moving on from her past. The point is she’s no longer controlled.
If you go blue paragon, you use persuasion to convince her to let Aresh go. That feels more right.
-Renegade Shepard: A bullet in the head solves everything.
Yeah, that pretty much sums renegade Shepard up.
-According the mission summary, the surviving scientists died in the uprising or after the facility shutdown.
TIM killed them, didn’t he? They were a potential security risk.
-The Miranda/Jack conflict has been building since they first met. The completion of both loyalty missions is a reasonable time for it to culminate; both of their missions leave them in a volatile and emotional state. Picking a fight with the other probably seemed like a good idea.
-Of course Miranda insists that it wasn’t really Cerberus that experimented on Jack. She’s clinging to anything she can at this point to maintain her beliefs.
-I do think her belief that Jack is a mistake is genuine. However Jack came to be, she doesn’t like her.
-The hate sex between these two would be insane.
-If you go renegade with Jack when you speak to her next, she actually responds very well. Jack handles gruffness better than tenderness
-I appreciate that the game emphasizes that this doesn’t fix everything with Jack. It’s more that it provides a solid foundation for her to build on, instead of a bottomless pit.
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whimsyswastry · 1 year
!!!! Tagged by @satashiiwrites for Six Sentence Sunday and I am so excited that I actually have something to share !!!!
Friday night I was bitten by a new WIP and literally could not sleep until I pounded out about 1000 words. Here’s my latest (untitled) Mass Effect Andromeda fic, which will feature heavy influences of The Expanse series.
Scott couldn’t ever remember the Nexus being so crowded. It made sense; he’d finally secured Eos and Havarl wasn’t far behind. On occasion, he felt short bursts of pride, living up to his fathers legacy, but mostly he jest felt tired. And guilt at yearning for the empty, barely functioning Nexus. The Nexus before he was at their constant beck and call.
He stared at the ceiling and tried to ignore the buzzing of the too bright lights that painted swathes of white on the tile floor. Do not be late, Tann had told him. I do not have time to wait on you. The Nexus does not run itself you know.
Clearly, the Nexus ran just fine without him because Tann was no where to be found. It was just Scott and Tann’s secretary, a salarian far too sweet and gentle for her own good.
She smiled at him. “I’m sure Mr. Tann will be here any minute.”
They both knew it was a lie, but Scott swallowed the ascerbic reply that danced across his tongue in favor of a nod. Whatever the emergency was that had Tann pulling Scott and the rest of the Pathfinder team away from Havarl, it clearly wasn’t the threat to their existence that Tann made it out to be. 
Scott had counted two hundred and sixty four floor tiles when the door opened and Tann sauntered through, wiping what was left of his lunch off his lips. 
“Good, you’re on time.” Tann burped, tried to conceal it as a strange cough.
Scott bit the inside of his cheek. As much as he hated Tann, he wouldn’t have the freedom of the Tempest without him. “You mentioned a land dispute?” 
He already knew who the land dispute involved. Who else but The Exiles?
Consider yourself tagged! And don’t forget to tag me! I’d love to read what you all have to share. I’d tag directly, but several writing tags have gone unanswered and I know how stressed out I feel when I have nothing new to share. 💛💛💛 Do what feels right for you, whether that’s writing something new or sharing something old or just taking some pressure-free you time and give yourself permission to NOT create.
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shadowrun-effect · 4 years
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Spurred on by Jace's rushing words, Varius finally broke away from the group of the other turian fighters and joined Professor de Kanos and Commander Wolfsbane. His voice whipped at them as he called out the name of the angara:
"De Kanos!"
Saraan and Samuel interrupted their conversation and both looked at Talorian with similarly questioning expressions. The eyes of the rigger were filled with anger.
"I challenge you to a duel!"
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polygon-places · 5 years
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Mass Effect: Andromeda
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