Marcille's line delivery kills me
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the notes are broken 馃槀
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Yuki x Matsun! My fave! The way he clings!
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I want what they have, okay?!
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Ok but can we talk about how Nani doesn't even yell at Lilo for waking her up?
She just moans and go "Yeah?"
Best sister ever.
i can鈥檛 believe i fell for it
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It was hard to decide between Hades and Yzma/Kronk but, like, half the funny scenes with them is their tandem and Kronk's not really a villain. Plus, Hades's sass is superior.
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Funny moments in teaching ESL to my Japanese students:
Me: How are you? Student: Yes
Me: How old are you? Student: It's February 4th.
Me: Why do you like playing games? Student: Because it's funny. Me, internally: (Well, not entirely wrong but...) Good try. Now let's try to say 'It's fun!'
Me: Repeat after me. Stomachache. Student: Stomachache. Me: Good. Now look, the boy is sick. What does he have? Student: He has a supermarket. Me, internally: (Well, no wonder he's sick. He ate a fucking supermarket.)
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she just gives really nice compliments she can鈥檛 help it
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"taken" style action movie where a man searches for his wife. as he fights baddies in gunfights and hand-to-hand combat, it's slowly revealed that:
his wife hasn't been kidnapped
their marriage is not healthy or functional
this guy isn't rescuing his wife, he's hunting her down
his wife is a crime boss, those are her henchpeople he's fighting in a john-wick bloodbath
the tension builds until, drenched in blood, our protagonist steps forward for the final showdown. he pulls a manila envelope from his bullet-torn jacket and throws it at his wife's feet. he's just spent an entire trilogy biting & killing & maiming....all so he can deliver his shit wife her divorce papers
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Had the honor of seeing Anastasia last month and I wanted to make a piece based off of my favorite song! I would have loved to see it as a scene from the movie.
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if anyone ever asks why return of the jedi is my favourite star wars film i鈥檒l just send them this gif
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