#masi design
moodboardmix · 5 months
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Mecox Residence, Bridgehampton, New York,
Bates Masi + Architects
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arc-hus · 11 months
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Underhill, Matinecock, USA - Bates Masi
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ink-occuli · 2 years
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Working on a character for a collab story project (code named shardworld) Sachar Masi is what is known as a “shardling” in shardworld. They are the cartographer for the rampaged regiment they are a part of… or you could say where… The giant hyena is not quite a normal animal
I finally found brushes and a colouring technique in procreate that makes me happy so I’m in a good mood!
A song I listened to while drawing this is “it’s called: Freefall” by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
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gregor-samsung · 1 month
" Educare all'ozio significa insegnare a scegliere un film, uno spettacolo teatrale, un libro. Insegnare a sbrigare le attività domestiche e a far da sé molte cose che fin qui abbiamo comprato. Insegnare la convivialità, l'introspezione, il gioco. Anche la pedagogia dell'ozio ha una sua etica, una sua estetica, una sua dinamica, delle sue tecniche. E tutto questo va insegnato. L'ozio richiede luoghi adatti per riposarsi, per distrarsi, per divertirsi. Ai giovani perciò bisogna insegnare a districarsi non solo nei meandri del lavoro, ma anche nei meandri delle varie offerte di loisirs. Significa educare a fare il genitore e a fare il coniuge, ai rapporti con l'altro sesso, al volontariato, cioè ad attività socialmente utili da svolgere nel tempo libero che avremo in abbondanza. Ce n'è da insegnare! La massa della gente non sa scegliere neppure un luogo di vacanze: va in un'agenzia e si fa rifilare quello che capita. La massa della gente non sa come distrarsi e come riposarsi. Bisogna educare alla notte: la nostra cultura è tutta diurna, vede la notte come uno spazio privatissimo, peccaminoso. E poi bisogna educare alla cultura post-moderna: molte espressioni della nostra cultura non sono godibili immediatamente com'era per la pittura classica o per la musica tradizionale. Siano architettura, scultura o design, spesso possiamo apprezzarle solo se ne conosciamo storia, senso e scopo. Posso rimanere istantaneamente colpito di fronte alla Gioconda o a una statua di Canova, ma per capire Mondrian devo sapere cos'è stato il movimento De Stijl, e per ammirare davvero Van Gogh devo sapere cos'è stato l'Impressionismo. Educare significa insegnare ad arricchire le cose di significato, come diceva Dewey. Più educato sei, più significati cogli nelle cose e conferisci alle cose. "
Domenico De Masi, Ozio creativo. Conversazione con Maria Serena Palieri, Ediesse (collana Interventi), Roma, 1997¹; pp. 141-142.
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mimisdreamland · 4 months
MEET MR FUNSLY(left) AND MR CHAZ (right) (old art)
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i started drawing this on THE SIXTEENTH. ITS THE 31st NOW TT-TT , drawing oc art takes time (weeks) but i can draw other characters in a day T-T
their names and designs have lightly and not-so lightly CHANGED!! Mr Walley LEFT and Mr Ronn RIGHT!!!! check out my newest drawing of my clowns!curently its just walley!!!! masi! you guys mean very much to me!) Walley and ron
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agentnico · 6 months
Blue Eye Samurai - Season 1 (2023) Review
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Don't think I've ever seen so much human genitalia in animated form all in one go. Makes me wonder if the production team had a designated animator of genitals who literally just spent his time drawing penises for the show. If so, I hope it was Jonah Hill as he already proved in Superbad that he is the perfect artist for this subject.
Plot: Driven by a dream of revenge against those who made her an outcast in Edo-period Japan, a young warrior cuts a bloody path toward her destiny.
Netflix consistently hashes out so much content every week, that it is hard to keep up with any of it, as such many great projects get missed and are forever lost in the streamer's endless library void. Luckily Blue Eye Samurai didn't pass my scrolling and evidently has its fan base, as this is one of the quickest examples of the streaming giant announcing a season renewal after release. Yep, Blue Eye Samurai will be getting a second season which is amazing as this is a superb new series that if you haven't yet discovered then you are doing yourself a disservice and should amend that behaviour immediately and go watch it! Still need persuading? Alright, sit yourself down and allow me to gush about Blue Eye Samurai!...
It’s hard to overstate just how stunning Blue Eye Samurai is to look at. The series uses a mix of 2D and 3D animation styles to create landscapes and characters who seem only a few degrees removed from live-action, even as the form allows for combat on a scale that would cost several large fortunes to craft with flesh-and-blood actors. In fact, looking at the behind-the-scenes the team hired an actual martial arts choreographer to support in creating the combat sequences in real life with real people, and then the movements of those fights were transferred to animation and used in the final product. In one episode (seemingly inspired by the 1978 martial arts film Enter the Game of Death where Bruce Lee had to fight his way up to the tower to get to the last floor) the main samurai Mizu must defeat multiple bosses on each level of the season's big bad Fowler’s impregnable fortress home, and each separate battle is a work of art in itself. Honestly, the show just looks like a moving painting, with every frame absolutely jaw-dropping gorgeous. Even without dialogue or characterization, it would be completely engrossing.
Luckily, writers Michael Green and Amber Noizumi are as interested in the people at the center of these crazy fights as they are in the many improbable techniques Mizu uses against her opponents. Mizu is presented throughout as both supernatural and deeply human. She can handle any odds, and come back from every injury that would cripple or kill a normal person. But the series never loses sight of what a life wholly devoted to revenge has cost her, and the ways in which she has turned herself into every bit the monster that her countrymen believe her to be.
It is then also the exploration of how Mizu interacts with the other characters in this world. There's the disabled would-be apprentice Ringo (played warmly by Masi Oka), who has learned to navigate life despite his lumbering size and lack of hands. Mizu has no interest in a sidekick, but Ringo gradually wears her down, as if he’s a peaceful stream flowing against a rock over hundreds of years. There's also Taigen (Darren Barnett), a warrior chasing after Mizu to collect a debt of honour, yet due to this honour he ends up helping her as in his eyes only he has the right to kill her, no one else, so ends up attacking those that attempt to harm her. Brenda Song voices the princess Akemi, who is just as eager to escape the bonds of Edo society as Mizu is, but who uses very different methods to achieve that. We follow her journey through an intimate tour of the area brothels, which is where the aforementioned heaviness of nudity comes in. There is, in fact, a lot of naked flesh on display throughout the season. The series can be just as graphic in depicting sex as it is in violence, yet both avoid feeling gratuitous. And finally, there's Kenneth Branagh as this season's big bad Fowler, a despicable arms dealer who has no sense of morality or empathy and is willing to destroy anything standing in his path. He's a massive presence and seemingly the only one able to hold himself in a fight against Mizu, hence why Branagh's British snark yet heavy tone fits perfectly here.
The whole thing is an incredible, utterly badass example of how animation can be used to create worlds, characters, and adventure every bit as vivid as live-action if not more at times. Even though I would say there are a few areas of pacing issues, which withheld me from binging this season all in one go and instead had me taking regular break intervals throughout, this is still a stellar show and one that you can tell was created by a team of passionate filmmakers and artists. Blue Eye Samurai would never have had the impact it did had it been live-action - using animation as its storytelling medium elevated it to a masterpiece in my opinion. Kudos to everyone involved in such an amazing project and I can’t WAIT to see more!
Overall score: 8/10
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chussyracing · 6 months
f1 news and rumours to keep us in shape during the winter break:
apparently Fred didn't want Charles to risk p2 in the race and his own position in the standings with the brave move he did to grt the team p2 in constructors
points are calculated and with them also entrance fees which for red bull for next year equals a huge amount of 7.4 mil
Merc team found the missing wedding ring in Yas Marina, congrats!
everyone heard the story about how Newey almost went to Ferrari (because they offered huge paycheck, a flat in Monaco and complete autonomy over F1 and hypercar projects to him), but I never knew Aston Martin was the key to tying him to Red Bull. Apparently Marko took him to the side at the time, asked what Ferrari offered and then offered more money (which is not what sealed the deal) AND a full hypercar where he can design his car how he wants - and that's how Aston Martin Valkyrie was born out of his papers
Este and George were sick (again) in Abu Dhabi and some team members across all teams were too, which raised important question that has been floating around f1 spaces for a while - how huge of an impact has this extensive calendar (even more so in 2024) on the mental and physical health of both the drivers and the team crew
Pourchaire potentially going to Ferrari/AR WEC? Or maybe Superformula, because he didn't manage to grab the F1 seat, but hinted at a new contract
cooling equipment from 2024 should be used at races with extremely warm condition as a reaction to Qatar gp this year, more over there is rumoured [very simplified non technical explanation from me coming] solution of making a small hole from the bottom of the front spoiler to make space for more air and fia claims it will all have precise rules so nobody could end up using it to gain unfair advantage
Merc seem to be finally scraping up the concept that didn't work for 2 years now and said they are completely reworking basically every single part of the car
Val rased 150k with his BotASS
Stephanie Carlin who is CEO/team principal of Rodin Carlin and Lewis' extreme e team x44 will be joining mclaren as business operations director
Ben Sulayem expressed how he would love to get Masi back into FIA
Logan has been official announced to complete the 2024 grid which remains unchanged for the first time
Tina Hausmann to Aston Martin F1 academy seat (I can't wait for Ferrari to announce who they decided to sign)
Jessica Hawkins expands her role in Aston Martin to head of racing for f1 academy too
Pato Oward now has enough points to qualify for a super licence
wet weather wheel covers will be tested in in spring 2024
no work on 2026 cars before 2025 is allowed to make sure nobody gets an unfair advantage
CBS is planning a comedy with Guenther Steiner
the Apex movie with Brad Pitt had its release date pushed back to summer 2025 (they face financial issues apparently as well as staff issues after the strike in Hollywood)
Iwasa is headed to Superformula for the next season
Forbes calculated what each driver made in 2023 (idk what their sources are for this tho) and the order is: Oscar + Pierre 8 mil, George 9 mil
Alfa Romeo as a brand is focusing from f1 to WEC now after the contract with Sauber expired (so no Alfa Romeo to Haas as some rumours suggested)
speaking of Sauber, on 10th December they are announcing a new name (based on new title sponsor) in the UK
Honda racing Thanks day (or whatever they call it) happened a few days ago and Yuki looked very cute, also Ferrari had an event in Jeddah last week and Charles could finally do his wishful donuts
Autosport Awards took place and Horner, Verstappen, Piastri and Norris (and who knows who else of the people i don't like) won in some categories i am too tired to list here
Ferrari movie red carpet happened yesterday and some big names including susie and toto wolff were there (fun fact: toto and Christian were asked about charles' rumoured contract extension and they both said he is a great driver and tvereis no reason for ferrari to not lock him down before 2024 contracts expiring carnage happens)
speaking of, Gazzetta reported that charles apparently signed a 5 year contract extension with ferrari and Carlos is expected to extend as well except he is asking for 2 year contract (or at least 1+1) and the team wants to sign him for one year only
some people (cough Horner cough) were concerned about conflict of interest of Susie and Toto Wolff because they hate to see the girlboss winning - there is now official investigation that neither the Wolffs/Mercedes nor the F1 were informed before FIA let the info go into media
Madrid street circuit signed a contract for 10 years starting with 2026 and while Barcelona promoters are trying to keep their place on the calendar i doubt we would have 2 spanish gps with how packed the calendar already is
F1 also announced 6 sprint locations for 2024 and it will be a mess :))))
also remember how Doohan tried to get a place in Alpine wec before mick took it? He is now out of f2 for 2024 and turned down indycar offer too so rip to him
Ferrari drivers are on sim duty this week to give feedback on 676 project
Fred also admitted they scraped 2 more upgrades they had planned out for this season to instead focus those sources (financial and designer) for 2024
Alonso and Verstappen are reportedly planning to do Le Mans together and looking for a third one (worst threesome in the history of universe, no matter who they choose)
Prize money was also calculated and it's 140 mil for rbr, 131 mil for merc and 122 mil for ferrari (etc etc)
everyone is so silent about Andretti (who got approved by fia but didn't get an agreement to join the grid from other f1 teams yet) because apparently Hitech who also tried to get into f1 got turned down despite being much futher in development (concept in wind tunnel, merc pre contract for engine supplying etc) and they will be launching legal action against fia/fom acussing them of bias
And finally Liam Lawson is now a youtuber (as he waits for f1 opportunity because he has the 2025 seat confirmed and ricciardo has a clause in his contract to be 1st priority for rbr if they let go of Checo but also to hire lawson for his place if it happens)
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bejeweled-wahlberg · 1 month
Laurie McIntyre
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I have made a post about her marriage time line with Her and Danny and how she met JC and I made an updated version of it
DOB: March 1st 1974
Age: 50
Formerly Married to Danny Wood From NKOTB and Currently Married to JC Chasez from Nsync
Children: Trin Mcintyre(With Danny) Adam Chasez(With JC aka hee current husband)
Her and Evelyn are actually friends but both of them HATE their children but atleast Trin and Dante’s Step-Mothers are the best (Talking about Biffany and Edalyn)
And she was in a Girl Group with Biffany and many other people I’ll reveal soon Called MASIE(Like Nsync) from 1987-1999 and no there won’t be an MASIE Reunion 🥲
And She doesn’t support her daughters decision of Joining a band with Jon and Harley’s Son Phineas and Donnie’s Foster Son Henry but Trin Doesn’t even care cause those are her friends (That also includes Sunny and Ferb)
So that’s Laurie McIntyre
Also @blackaleycatt i quite figured that you would wanna see an design of Laurie
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stua · 1 year
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Beautiful home project by Bates Masi architects featuring STUA Costura sofa.
COSTURA: www.stua.com/design/costura
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pararennial-archived · 5 months
stand under the stained glass and i will know it's you
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This isn't like the light and breezy masi dress she wore at the ceremonial part of the destination wedding in Fiji. This isn't like the traditional, dainty, white, drape-sleeve wedding dress she wore right after for the reception. No, what she sported currently is a designer form-fitting, number with a plunging neckline. She thinks its stunning but it doesn't suit her, if anything, the "second" wedding is beyond suitable to her sensibilities. Having her bridesmaids helped, but having Taiyang to bring in some humour, dampened her irritated mood.
Yes, she and Maciu eloped with the same wedding party who were in attendance for this "repeat" wedding ( which is a relief ). Taiyang was amongst one of them, in fact he was one of the groomsmen. So why have a "repeat" wedding? It was under the insistence from the Preternatural Syndicate, according to them the resident lovebirds needed to have a bigger celebration. In actuality they really didn't, hence the elopement, but it seemed there were one-too-many hurt feelings on not being part of the selected list of guests.
She doesn't fault her fellow comrades for wanting in on a good time, but the novelty has passed. She just wanted to get this over with, and with Taiyang in solidarity with her, at least she knows there will be someone who can mock such absurdity alongside her. Fortune granted her a favour by allowing her some room to breathe and time to catch Taiyang before the ceremony starts.
❝I mean... the dress looks great. But I feel like it's wearing me more than I am wearing it.❞ The words are carried along with an exasperated sigh, but she doesn't let the glum spirit behind them linger. As quick as a current, she pivots in another direction to keep up with Taiyang's chipper disposition around the situation. ❝Pretty sure you're looking forward to another big bash more than I am?❞
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ramayantika · 1 year
Saw a video on insta where the caption was something like this "Hinduism/Sanatana dharma is the religion where women are referred to as devi"
And then some of these guys came up to comment, stfu you all no devis. You all can't be devis (they themselves then generalized everyone by commenting you all are hoes partying at night having affairs and all don't call yourselves devis)
I feel smacking their heads off. Sir little girls are worshipped during navaratri, women in India are seen as ghar ki lakshmi. These random guys who themselves post and call themselves shiv bhakt narayan bhakt, I am sure narayan and mahadev would never agree to their words.
And no one is proclaiming herself to be devi durga or devi kali and asking others to worship hers. In our culture, the inner deity that resides in the body is honoured and for a women if the inner deity is referred to as the divine feminine, as the DEVI then why the heck do these guys have such a problem
For me my teachers, the good ones under whom I have learnt so much, I will always see them as Saraswati devi blessing me and giving me knowledge. When I remember my mother, I am always reminded of Mata Parvati.
This is what it feels like when we remember the devi that resides in every woman aur voh caption ka bhi vahi arth tha. Bade buddhe ladkiyon ko kabhi kabhi payr chune nahi dete yeh kehkar ki ghar ki lakshmi ko thodi na payr chune denge. Voh caption usi reverence ko isi thought process ko bata rha tha ki humare culture mein aisa mana jata hai
But naah saale kuch gadhon ko bas women party (jaise party karne mein paap lag gaya bhai. Not a party type person, but you can't call a woman or any guy characterless because they go to parties and wear short clothes) I have seen a masi she too wears those so called western clothes, has a child, is a successful fashion designer and also attends parties and discos. I lean more towards the 'traditional' in clothing but that doesn't mean ki mein kurti saree pehenti hu toh mein achi aur meri dost jo shorts shirt mein ghumti hai voh buri hai
Every human is divine and bhagwan resides in everyone. Humare culture mein usi bhagwan ko jo sare manushya mein rehte hai usi ko toh hum pujte hai or why else would we do namaste?
I had to rant here subah subah aise ladke dekhke dimag kharab hota hai mera
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thinkoutsidegardens · 2 years
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Stony Hill Residence in USA. By Bates Masi + Architects. #pool #poolside #architecture #landscapearchitecture #landscaping #landscape #landscapedesign #garden #gardens #greenery #gardendesign #outdoor #outdoors #outdoordecor #exterior #exteriordesign #exteriordecor #home #homedecor #archilovers #inspiration #designer https://www.instagram.com/p/CjMv0MgJyOv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vro0m · 1 year
bro i am just down tbh i really hope there was a hidden performance behind this concept when they solve bouncing but it is nothing. not only that i don't remember merc ever being this dominant maybe 2014? after ad21, it is just sad. knowing that they never got punished, watching them getting rewarded is just idk bad.
Anon, Anon, Anon
It is sad. I agree. However.
Masi who was responsible for AD21 did get punished. Redbull didn't do anything other than race. So yeah. There's that. It sucks when you're a Lewis fan but those are the facts.
Also true, the car isn't doing very good. It's not gonna be winning the 2023 championship. But listen. Last year they couldn't focus on development because they spent the whole fucking year trying to solve the bouncing. Now the bouncing is gone. So they can do development. It won't solve all the problems, at least not in one year, not with the cost cap, but it will solve some.
The car isn't a total tractor, you're just used to seeing them dominate in a way that was never seen before them in the whole history of this sport. Mercedes dominance, arguably now RedBull's dominance, are not representative of how this sport works at all. They're outliers.
Also of note is the fact that Bahrain is a weird track. It was a talking point during testing : it's annoying that they have to do testing there because it's not representative. Think of how they managed to surprise us on certain tracks last year with the bouncing. Now think of what could be this year without it.
I'm disappointed that they're not doing better already, of course, but I'm also excited for the progress to come. And there's so much happening elsewhere in the field this year! Aston Martin being a surprise rocket is so fun! So many things could happen!
And last but not least. If the no sidepod design really is shit and unsalvageable and this was what they needed to realise that, then 2024 is potentially gonna be so, so, SO interesting, isn't it?
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ssawmagazine · 10 months
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SSAW Spring Summer 2021. Issue 19. MINTTU VESALA wearing BALENCIAGA photographed by ELINA KECHICHEVA and styling by TUOMAS LAITINEN Make-up by ENY WHITEHEAD at Calliste Agency Hair MICHAEL DELMAS Casting by ALEXANDRA SANDBERG Set Design by LOÏC MASI Production by CHARLOTTE MOULIN at Talent and Partner
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STUDIO CITY, CA – May 22, 2023 – Cash’s (Beau Mirchoff, “Good Trouble”) day to compete at Cheyenne has arrived, only first he must get out of jail in “Andalusians,” this week’s episode of “Ride” premiering Sunday, May 28 (9 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel. Nancy Travis (“Last Man Standing”), Tiera Skovbye (“Riverdale”), Mirchoff, Sara Garcia (“The Flash”), Jake Foy (“Designated Survivor”) and Tyler Jacob Moore (“Shameless”) star.
It's the morning of Cheyenne! Winning the competition could lead to Cash securing the Frontier sponsorship and finally solving the ranch’s growing financial problems. Unfortunately, an altercation with Tucker Clarke (Roger LeBlanc, “Joe Pickett”) has landed Cash in jail. Still reeling from the secrets surrounding the night of Austin’s death and his own guilt, Cash is eager to get out of his cell and into the ring – renewing Isabel (Travis) and Missy’s (Skovbye) fears of history repeating itself. It’s a race against time to save the ranch until one of the McMurrays receives shocking news that could tear the family apart for good.
“Ride” is a Blink49 Studios/Seven24 Films Production. Executive producers are Rebecca Boss, Chris Masi, Sherri Cooper, Alexandra Zarowny, Paolo Barzman, Greg Gugliotta, FJ Denny, John Morayniss, Carolyn Newman, Virginia Rankin, Elana Barry, Josh Adler, Jordy Randall and Tom Cox. Alejandro Alcoba is executive producer. The series is produced by Brian Dennis. Lesley Grant is supervising producer. Paolo Barzman directed from a script by Boss & Masi.
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blorbocedes · 2 years
jonathan wheatley is a big brain girl boss you should be scared. nah but fr i don’t even know what his job is, all I know is he was the one who successfully argued for masi to restart abu dhabi after the safety car last year and he was also seen re-reading the points rules to make sure the fia wasn’t prematurely crowning max wdc this year lmao
love that. thats very sexy. any does Not mean All!!!!!!!!
i did see him rereading the rules today loved that, i imagine he's redbull's designated Man who has actually read the rule book guy.
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