#martin hart.
horrorlesbians · 4 months
yeah right, he fucking loves me. (youtube link)
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ynnu-64 · 2 months
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Just two deranged men being partners for 7 years then falling off
and reuniting after ten years to work together again, they might save each other lives and live together in the end
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adamshallperish · 3 months
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can i say something
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bitedontsuck · 4 months
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uh oh
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providence-park · 3 months
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S1-E1 | The Long Bright Dark
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brightbrutality · 7 months
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avrilsboy · 3 months
i'm only partway through ep five of true detective but god. the escalation of martin's misogyny to where he hits and slut-shames his teenage daughter audrey in the same sentence that he talks about a statutory rape charge against the young men she was found in a car with, and how this is immediately preceded by a scene of him being congratulated for rescuing a child from a child rapist/murderer, who he himself killed assassination-style out of sheer rage. he got away with covering it up as a defensive kill, he received a promotion, he got a second chance with his wife maggie whom he cheated on and got to be with his young daughters again. despite all that he does wrong, all is right in martin's world. audrey, though, now a teenager, is now at the receiving end of her father's hatred of women; she doesn't even realize that she has been at this receiving end since she was a child of nine or so, ever since her parents found her drawings of naked men and women having sex in her school notebook. maggie is properly disturbed by this, wondering if audrey is possibly being sexually abused, knowing very well how early girls learn about sex because of the dangers they face as girls, while martin is only angry at audrey for displaying a knowledge of sex in the first place. he can't cope that his young daughter is a woman to-be. he can't possibly marry his own ideas and treatment of women with the reality that both of his children will soon become those very women. and since he categorically gets what he wants without ever needing to challenge his perceptions or change himself in any capacity, he continues to direct his rage at women, and his daughters suffer for it. even maisie, favored over audrey by martin, starts facing direct whispers of his misogyny as she makes the cheerleading team, something with a clearly sexual connotation in martin's mind.
and on the very same page is rust, who in his previous job had also killed a suspect upon discovery of child abuse. he, however, received no accolades; he instead spent time at a psychiatric hospital, as this was viewed as a mental breakdown in connection with the recent loss of his own daughter, sofia. rust, refusing pension, was instead sent to do undercover work for an extensive seven years as consequence. he loses a lot in the aftermath of his daughter's death; his marriage falls apart, he copes by overworking, he doesn't sleep. he is haunted by sofia's presence. he's often detached and pessimistic, only able to view the world in strict functions: cause and effect. fear and desire. animals playing power-games on what is truly a nothing planet in the scope of the universe. upon becoming martin's partner, he gets to witness martin fucking up a life he himself once had -- he gets to witness him be emotionally unavailable to his daughters, watches him cheat on his wife -- but rust can do only that. observe, and let martin know he observes. and he makes sure martin still maintains his chances, encouraging him to cover up the crime of murdering a suspect, telling him that his relationship with maggie will turn around.
here's the thing, though: rust has something that martin wishes he had, too. martin wishes he could view his daughters as forever-children. he doesn't wish they had died as sofia had as just a toddler, obviously not -- but their unavoidable womanhood is, to him, its own death sentence. he hates that his children are becoming the very women he derides and uses to bolster his own position as a man. he hates that their innate womanhood would dare beg him to change his mindset for the sake of his relationships with them as their father, for the sake of their safety in the world. he could only dream of his daughters being perfectly innocent non-women forever, something only their early graves could ever promise.
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nullphysics · 3 months
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meep-meep-richie · 3 months
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I love this genre
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sosooley · 8 months
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He has earned peace
Old Men In Love
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have you done your daily click
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jorjorlinks · 3 months
so I'm finally watching True Detective on HBO and I've never really found Matthew McConaughey attractive and I know a lot of straight women think I'm bananas for that. but idk, he has rizz but it's just not my type.
but holy shit I'm OBSESSED with young Rustin Cohle. this man is just, wow. i don't even know how to explain it. every time he's on screen all I can think is "he looks so good!!!!!"
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i mean, what else am i supposed to think??? he's SO pretty.
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shytrucker · 4 months
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true detecting and what not
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bitedontsuck · 4 months
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shehungthemoon · 5 months
Pls someone talk to me about the quiet codependence Rust and Marty have, the too-easy domesticity they can fall into. Their constant arguing and moral disagreement that blends so easily into sharing clothes and a bottle and a home. The open hostility that silently becomes worry when no one else is watching. The implicit, unyielding trust that's never questioned and always counted on, between two people born and living in a world that's punished trust from the beginning.
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From Dante's Instagram Story
Happy 25th Birthday Hook🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤
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