adrienscroissantx · 4 years
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Marinettes “oh” moment when she realizes rena rouge has a crush on her
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Everyone Loves Marinette
Chloe’s--or rather Queen B’s--eye twitched as she landed on Marinette’s balcony to see the blasted alley cat, wild fox, and stupid turtle already lounging on the chairs Marinette put up there for them, snacking on macaroons like they belonged there. It made Queen B’s eye twitch.
 It was bad enough she found herself attracted to her rival--though she figured there could be worse choices out there--but the fact that all her comrades seem to have the same taste in women as her was both annoying and baffling at the same time. Like how could they all like the same girl? It seemed karma was paying her back for all her bullying days after all.
Her three hero comrades gave her a deadpanned expression, obviously not enjoying they had another rival there to compete for Marinette’s attention. She gave them a glare back, feeling herself start to buzz in anger.
 “Chat, Rouge, Carapace--shouldn’t you guys be patrolling?” she spoke.
 “We could say the same for you, Queenie.” Rena replied, arching an eyebrow.  Queen B bristled.
“I am just checking in on a civilian to make sure she’s okay from the last akuma attack! She helped us a great deal, in case you’ve forgotten.” Chloe crossed her arms. Chat, Rena, and Carapace gave her a look. 
“How ironic. So were we.” Carapace responded, not bothering to hide his smirk at Queen B’s lie. Chloe wanted to strangle him. 
“All together?” Chloe hissed. 
“Well, I was here on my own, but these two decided to visit my Princess as well.” Chat explained, shrugging, ignoring Rena Rouge and Carapace’s glares at his possessive address to Marinette. “She’s too irresistible to ignore it seems.” he grinned at the thought of the blue haired girl. Chloe wanted to gag. 
“Oh go flirt with Ladybug, Chat! Marinette isn’t some girl you can play around with.” Rena hissed, protective over the bakers’ daughter. Chat looked offended. 
“I’ll have you know I’m quite serious about Marinette. She really is too irresistible to ignore. I was here first--but then you guys all had to follow me and squeeze your way in.” Chat blew his bangs out of his face in frustration, pouting that now he had to compete for Marinette’s attention rather than have her all to himself like the good ol’ days. 
“Well it was clear you are quite a clumsy knight--clearly not the best suitable for a Princess like Marinette.” Queen B smirked, crossing her arms. Rena and Carapace snickered while Chat narrowed his eyes at her. 
“More like a jester if you ask me.” Rena giggled. 
“What with all his puns it surely fits.” Carapace snickered. 
“Are you all arguing again? Jeeze it is a miracle how Ladybug puts up with you all. And Chat--stop using your chair as a scratching post!” Marinette appeared, carrying sweets for them all. She smiled in greeting at Queen B, causing the blonde haired girl to blush under her mask. 
“My apologies, Princess.” Chat said, moving to get up to help her. However, Rena’s tail wrapped around his leg and tripped him while Carapace took the chance to assist Marinette, who smiled in thanks. She made her way to the middle of the chairs and sat down, knowing full well that if she chose to sit on one of the sides it would be playing favoritism and a fight would break out. She didn’t understand how they could be so professional around her hero persona but when as Marinette they were immature kids fighting over a favorite toy. It was baffling. 
Rena stretched herself across Marinette’s lap while Chat and Carapace took both her sides, laying their heads on different shoulders. Chat purred as he nuzzled into her shoulder, inhaling her sweet scent while Carapace sighed in contentment. Rena made a yip of happiness as she snuggled into Marinette’s lap. The three heroes mentally smirked at seeing that Queen B didn’t have a spot and the Bee hero began to buzz angrily before Marinette beckoned her closer. 
“Come here B--sit in front of me so I can play with you hair.” Chloe smirked in victory as Chat, Rena, and Carapace pouted at not being petted by Marinette. Settling herself in the chair in front of Marinette, she let out a sigh of pleasure when she felt the girl’s delicate hands in her blonde hair. 
She may be the center of attention of the four heroes, but Marinette always made sure to include her and that made Chloe smug. 
After all, only Princesses deserved the company of Queens. 
Should I make this a series? Let me know what you think please. I was thinking of adding Kagami, Luka, and Nathaniel too. 
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sopphic27 · 3 years
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A little bit of Lukanette for my Bug Rouge au! Or should I say Rouginette? MariRouge? You get it.
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michou-jaguar-blog · 6 years
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One of Love www.oneoflove.org #マリルージュ #marirouge #rogue #rose #夏木マリ #斉藤ノブ #泉谷しげる #annatsuchiya #シシドカフカ #赤坂blitz #oneofloveプロジェクト #oneoflove (Akasaka Blitz)
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purrincess-chat · 6 years
Okay, we need to settle this debate now. What are all of the sides of the Alyanette love square? I need to know.
Alyanette, obviously for Alya/Marinette, but what about the other sides?
Alyabug for Alya/Ladybug? Maybe? Kay?
Renanette? Marina/Marena? MariRouge? for Marinette/Rena Rouge
Renabug? LadyRena? LadyRouge? for Ladybug/Rena Rouge? 
(I’m partial to Renanette and LadyRouge, but that’s just me)
Give me your thoughts.
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