#marcus lopez reactions
riddlexmattheo · 2 years
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Imagine when you and Marcus get caught in the shower together and he gets cocky about it
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lucifertoxics · 2 months
pookie!! I've been obsessed with this one dance,, and I really wonder how would Marcus react to the reader dancing the iconic Julie part in Nobody Knows by Kiss Of Life?? 🤭🤭
(if you need the link to what I'm talking about tell me 😫)
note 💌: pookiee?! you're gonna make me blush🙈🙈 but if i were to think that Marcus would see the reader do these moves MAN WOULD BE IN HEAVEN.
I see Marcus to be very possesive of you, depends on where and when are you exactly doing the moves. BUT he would be surely get behind you, putting his hard on so close between your legs, so you could feel his hard cock, kissing your neck, leaving hickeys on it and saying something like "Don't play with fire, baby". Seemingly warning you that he will fucking the shit of you in the nearest bathroom.
Marcus never stroke me as a soft dom, he is ROUGH and doesn't care if he leaves you as a horny mess after he is done with you. Man would eat you out, on the bathroom counter, like there is no tomorrow and leaving you to moan his name as you cum. He wants you and everyone to know that you belong to him. And aftercare is essential for him. He would take care of you like kiss your forehead and say something like "Good girl."
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ironmanfridgemagnet · 2 years
Sitting on the Shelf - Marcus White x Reader
Part 25 - Valentine’s Day
SOTS Masterlist
"Attention shoppers. It's Valentine's Day, and love is in the air, along with dust, pet dander, and toxic mold spores, so pick up a SuperCloud air purifier and convince yourself it's making a difference, which it's not, 'cause it's just a fan."
Swinging your legs over the edge of the countertop, you sat facing the store, head turned as you engaged Garrett in small talk about any Valentine's Day plans you had. Though you'd denied having any plans to your friends face, you couldn't wait for your shift to end, knowing at the other side of it was a date night with Marcus; in the warmth of your apartment with some romcom and a whole bunch of Chinese food.
"Excuse me, everyone." Miles, one of your co-workers who you rarely saw, your shift patterns never lining up, snatched the microphone from Garrett's hands, buzzing it to life.
"Dude." Garrett cried, his hands thrown up in the air at the sudden lack of intercom in his hands. "You know what? I don't care."
"Two Aprils ago, I was new here, and someone special came over to help me on register. And, Lisa, you didn't just bag groceries. You bagged my heart."
"Ooh, this is a bad idea." Garrett cooed, his head leaning into his hand as he perched on the edge of his seat, anxious to see what was about to go forward.
"Lisa Beth-Ann Donatella Lopez-Fitzgerald, if you'll make me the luckiest man in St. Louis, I'll show you the time of your life."
Miles ripped off his cloud 9 vest, throwing it to the floor before springing away from the customer service counter. A dozen other regularly dressed customers suddenly ripped their clothes off, a sea of baby pink dresses and leather jackets flooding the store.
"This makes me genuinely sad." Jonah huffed, leaning against the side of the deli counter across from you, arms folded across his chest as he stared at the flash mob that was currently happening.
"I don't know." You pondered, approaching the group that had stopped to watch the performance in the café, all with judgmental looks. "I think it's kind of cute. I'd personally throw up if it happened to me though."
"Flash mob proposals are so lame." Amy huffed, quickly straightening up and turning to Cheyenne with a sweet smile. "Except for the one that Bo did for you. That was unique and very cool."
"Literally the cutest thing ever." You added, watching as a dancing Miles's eyes filtered across the crowd for a hopefully happy Lisa - though she seemed nowhere to be found.
"Yeah. Yeah, but flash mobs stopped being cool, like, a year ago." You laughed at Cheyenne's words, not surprised that the coolness of flash mobs worked in her favour.
Jonah was on the same train of thought, a short laugh bubbling past his lips as he shared a look with you. "Yeah, they were cool one year ago."
The flash mob was well in its midst now, Miles looking around frantically with every step he took in search of Lisa and her reaction to his proposal; though it never came.
"Where's Lisa? We need Lisa." Glenn ran past you, eyes scanning the crowd of customers and employees alike in search of Miles's blonde-headed sweetheart.
"She's in the bathroom." Dina shouted over the sound of "(I've had) The time of my life" that was blasting over the intercom and throughout the store, the flash mob stumbling to a stop at the confirmation Lisa hadn't seen anything yet.
Garrett's voice buzzed to life over the intercom, the song briefly fading into the background as he spoke. "Is it a quick bathroom break or more of a hunker-down-watch-YouTube-videos situation?"
"Hard to say. Her body language going in oh, wait, here..."
A very confused Lisa walked into the centre aisle, her hands coming out from her pockets as she meekly waved as a star stuck Miles, his eyes wide and frightened. With sudden haste, Miles ushered the members of the flash mob away, back to their previous position and began to run back towards the customer service desk. "Go back. Go back. Places, places."
"Oh, God. Not again." Amy sighed, receiving three grunts of agreement as you, Jonah and Cheyenne as the proposal began all over again; this time without the zest of surprise to aid the awful decision.
"You guys, look what Jeff just sent me." Sandra announced herself to the group of you huddled around the gift wrapping counter, a large box-bouquet of red roses in her hands. "My precious treasure, words cannot express my love for you. And I love seeing you naked, because it's really good. Love, Mr. Man."
"Oh, Sandra! Those are so beautiful." You fussed, walking over to her and teasing at the Valentine's Day themed gift paper they came wrapped in.
Cheyenne, however, didn't seem to share the same sentiment, forcing a weary smile. "Wow, Jeff sent you those."
"That's, like, a hundred-dollar bouquet." Garrett gasped, eyeing you the expensive flower arrangement with suspicion, that you could understand. Sure, Jeff might want to spend all the money in the world on Sandra, but I'm a cloud 9 salary? It was a little suspicious.
"Yeah, or like, 140."
"Seems so weird he'd send you a gift at work when your relationship is supposed to be secret." Mateo snapped, Cheyenne immediately shooting him a look you couldn't quite read or understand.
"I guess he really loves me, huh?" Sandra admired the bouquet once more, her fingers toying with the petals of the red roses, vibrant and filled with life, which only seemed to fuel Mateo's anger more. "Hey Heather! Look what Jeff just sent me."
As Sandra walked away, a lovesick grin on her face and with an armful of beautiful flowers, Mateo bore a tight-lipped, tense expression. His hands gripped onto the tissue paper he'd been holding, tearing it right down the middle in a violent pull. "Oh, we need more tissue paper."
"What on earth is going on with Mateo today?" The shorter man was storming away from the three of you towards the warehouse in search of more tissue paper, his feet hitting the floor with heavy, angry thuds. "I'm not the only one seeing this, right?"
"What's wrong with him? Well, it's because of a reason that I, I can't tell you." Cheyenne blubbered, her words tailing off into what sounded like her loud, over the top nervous laughter. She had a secret.
"Hmm, I actually don't care, so..." Garrett hadn't asked, you had, but you highly doubted that he didn't want to know now that it was obvious something was going on.
"Mateo's the one dating Jeff, okay?" Cheyenne spat out, her words rushed and brash. You let out an audible gasp, hand smacking over your mouth as you held yourself back from saying anything while Cheyenne listed off the truth to you. "And Sandra is just making it up to get attention."
"So Sandra has a fake boyfriend." Garrett confirmed, a reassuring nod from Cheyenne egging the pair of you on.
"She sent herself flowers." You gasped once  more, wide eyed expression flicking between Garrett and Cheyenne as you came to terms with what was really going on.
Only recently, in your drunken stupor had you found out Dina and Garrett were doing it - which Garrett still hadn't admitted to you himself - and now Mateo and Jeff? You'd ask if there was anyone in the store who wasn't with another co-worker, but you and Marcus were together, sorta, kinda, and Amy and Jonah had some kind of tension between them.
"And Mateo is dating Jeff?" At another nod of agreement from Cheyenne, a bemused smile dimpling his cheeks and raising his eyebrows. "This a quality Tuesday."
As you continued your search for Amy, hoping to update her on the stuff you'd finished stocking - and the drama surrounding Jeff, Sandra and Mateo - you found her at the front of the store, staring intently at Arthur as he welcome a little girl into the store.
"Ames, what are you-" You were quickly silenced, Amy's finger pressing to your lips with a reprimand to 'shush' as she continued to watched the sweet interaction.
Arthur's attention quickly turned to Myrtle as she walked past, stumbling over a simple hello when trying to talk to her. Amy quickly pushed away from you, approaching the older man as she stared at a leaving Myrtle.
"Hey, Arthur, I might be totally off base here, but do you have a crush on Myrtle?"
"Oh, no. I well, maybe just a little crush." Arthur shyly admitted, looking longing after the older woman, her grey-haired top knot bouncing as she walked about.
"Oh, that is just the sweetest thing." You cooed, standing beside Amy and a blushing Arthur.
"I like to imagine the two of us together someday, feeding the ducks." Arthur got more confident in his words the more he spoke, his gaze still following Myrtle as she spoke so lovingly of her. Even though romance could sometimes gross you out, seeing this was actually quite sweet. "Watching the ducks. It doesn't have to be ducks."
"No. It can be ducks." Amy assured, quickly grabbing you and pulling you away from the front of the store with a wicked grin; scheming something from the small scene that had just played out before the two of you.
Amy had dragged you towards soft lines, pretending to take stock as she watched Myrtle with a keen eye. Reaching out to touch Amy's hair, you twirled a curl around your finger, stretching it out then letting it bounce back into its original place.
"I love your hair, Ames." The blonde highlights had been another big change on top of the ear-length hair cut, but it suited Amy incredibly well. Amy either didn't hear you or ignored your words, fully focused on the interaction between Cheyenne and Myrtle.
"And Bo's parents are out of town, so everyone's just gonna get waa-sted. What about you? Any hot Valentine's Day plans?"
"No, probably sit in the park, feed the ducks." Myrtle shrugged with a meek smile, immediately going back to folding the clothes she had to stock after answering. You and Amy shared a look; you had a way in. Arthur had said he loved ducks - and he'd love to feed them with Myrtle - it was almost like fate was trying to tell you something.
"Ohh, that's so old person. You can come if you want, but it's bring your own nitrous."
"Hey, Myrtle, do you date anymore?" Amy asked, stepping away from the shelf the two of you had supposedly been stock checking, clipboard completely disregarded.
"No, but if you know someone nice, set me up. He doesn't even have to be white." Amy's hands drummed excitedly against your arm, a bright smile quickly forming on her face as her plan fell perfectly into place. What had she dragged you in to?
Amy had dragged you back and forth around the store, having lead you with her to swap Cheyenne and Arthur's places between soft lines and greeting and now she was pulling you into the security office, staring intently as the blinking images of Arthur and Myrtle.
Sitting in Dina's office chair, you crossed your feet on the seat, pushing yourself into a slow spin off of the side of the countertop, eyes skimming over the live feed with each loop of the chair. "Come on, you two. Talk to each other. It's not like either one of you have that much time left."
"Hey. Oh, what is Arthur doing in Women's Wear? He's confused again. I'll go fix it." Glenn was already walking out of the security room within an instant of walking in, his hand there long enough to still the spinning of your chair and chastise Arthur.
"No, no. No, Glenn, I put him there." Amy's chin met her chest, awkwardly avoiding Glenn's eye-line as she comity to stare down the security camera footage.
"You know, just to mix things up, give people an opportunity to work with other people and..." Amy shrugged her shoulders incessantly  as she spoke, an awful attempt at a cover story that was seeming to win Glenn over.
"She's trying to set them up." You revealed, looking up at Glenn over your shoulder, his hand still gripping the back of the spinny chair. "To like, date."
"Oh, I see." Glenn chastised, his lips puckering together as he raised his eyebrows at Amy. "It's wrong when I try to do matchmaking, but you get to whip out the fangs-"
"Huh? What fangs?"
"Cupid's fangs." Glenn clarified blankly, oblivious to the stark looks of surprise you and Amy were giving him.
"Glenn, again, an arrow. Never mind. Look, this is different. They're really perfect for each other." Amy assured, defending her own actions whilst chastising Glenn's.
Though you didn't agree with the idea of forcibly matchmaking your co-workers, you had to admit, it was sweet; the idea of the two older employees feeding the ducks together, in a park somewhere.
"Why can't I matchmake someone? Like..." Glenn looked around the small security room, his eyes scanning across the screens before landing on you. "Y/n! I could matchmake, y/n."
"Oh, that's really not necessary, Glenn."
"Are you sure? 'Cause I was thinking you'd look pretty good with Marcus; there's something there but I don't know what it is yet." Glenn's hand came to rest against his chin, squeezing at the skin as he swelled on what exactly it was what that made him picture you and Marcus together. "Or maybe Jonah. Is he still dating that girl from the cheese stall?"
"Anyway." You coughed out, trying not to focus on the fact that Glenn felt there was something between you and Marcus, and the smirk that Amy was boring into the side of your head. "They are kinda perfect for each other. They're both old."
"Yeah, and there's, like, this whole duck thing, but mostly they're old." Amy agreed, the smirk falling from her face as she refocused on the scene that played out on the live feed from the security camera.
"Why aren't they talking to each other?" Glenn asked, walking across the length of the security closet to stand beside Amy, pushing your chair into a spin as he walked away.
"I don't know. He's really shy. It's like they need a bigger push."
"Yeah." Glenn agreed, pointing a finger hard into the video screen onto a silent image of Jonah. "Oh, hey, you see that guy? You think that's Jonah, right? It's not."
Scooting over to sit beside Glenn and Amy at the screen, you clicked onto the image, scrolling and zooming in closer to view the image in as good detail as you could. "That's not Jonah? You sure?"
With a nod of confirmation from Glenn, you hummed in acknowledgement, pushing away from the desk and rolling around in your chair once more. With a shrug, you met Glenn's eyes.
"Could've fooled me."
Amy and Glenn had left you as they sped off in search of duck themed items around the store, ordering you to find some kind of card and potentially a gift bag or wrapping paper - which had led you right back to where you'd been earlier that morning. The gift-wrapping counter.
"This is so embarrassing. I always tell him, "Jeff, you're gift enough for me," but he won't listen." A person dressed in a heart shaped outfit stood behind Sandra, holding an armful of gifts and Valentine's Day themed balloons. It was a big display of affection - too big for the likes of Jeff, who wasn't even dating Sandra in the first place - but either way she seemed smitten with the proclamation.
"I'm not much of a romantic, but this is special stuff." Garrett teased, eyeing up Mateo as anger seethed out of him, each word out of Garrett another spark to the flame.
"Whatever." Mateo scoffed, pulling out his phone and typing furiously against the screen. "Do you know how many babies choke on balloons and die every year? I don't know, but it seems like a few would."
"I'm just happy for Sandra." You shrugged, looking longingly at the blissful smile that rested on her face. Even though her relationship might not have been real, the joy it seemed to bring her was something you wouldn't want her to lose.
"I mean, can you imagine what it's like to have what she has? I mean, just to have a connection like that with someone." Garrett stared longingly at the display, and if you didn't know him better, you'd say he was imagining himself in Sandra's shoes right now.
You loved Garrett. That was no question. And he loved you too; just not like that. The two of you had been on cute little dinner dates, he'd bought you'd flowers, you'd bought him flowers and you had weekly movie nights that were very rarely skipped. But you weren't a couple. Maybe, you thought, Garrett needed someone in his life who would do the couple stuff for him.
Maybe, that someone could be Dina, if he ever manned up and told you about them.
"I bet Jeff just loves it." You confirmed, a smirk curling onto your lips as you looked on at Sandra and her heart-shaped gift-a-gram fondly.
"30. 30 babies die." Mateo spat, stuffing his phone into his pocket and rushing away from the counter in a fit of rage.
Reaching your hand out towards Garrett, he slammed his hand down onto your own in a high five, the two of you having set off Mateo's fuse in what appeared to be record time.
"You got any duck themed Valentine's Day cards back there?" You asked, turning around, leaning against the counter to talk to Garret.
"No." Letting out a laugh at Garrett's blunt response, you threw your head back, before peering back down at him. "Best I can do you is a heart-shaped card and some pink tissue paper."
"Call it a done deal." Leaning over the countertop, legs dangling slightly off the ground, you leaned down and pressed a kiss to Garrett's cheek, taking the card and paper from his hands as you did. "Thank you. You're a saint."
"No worries, doll." Garrett blew you a kiss as you back away from the counter, a skip in your step as you headed back in the direction of the break room, supplies in hand and plan ready for action. "I'll see you around."
Sitting round a table with Amy and Glenn, you stabbed your fork into your lunch, piling food onto your fork and then brining it to you mouth. Knees up to your chest, you had your phone balanced against them, skim reading through any emails you hadn't caught up on yet.
"She's late, like..." Glenn checked his watch, eyes flickering between the door and the magazine in front of him in an effort to act like he wasn't waiting for her.
Amy suddenly sprung up in her seat, hitting Glenn on the arm to silence him. "There she is."
"Hey, Myrtle. Break time already, huh?" Magazine were long forgotten the second Myrtle entered the break room, thrown against the table and ignored - if it had been anyone else, the set up would've been obvious.
"I love break time, great time to kick back and see what's in the old locker, huh?" So, Glenn wasn't really working on the who subtle aspect of the plan, but Myrtle didn't seem to notice, instead opening her locker to find it filled with gifts galore.
Leaning out of your seat a little, you peered into the locker - you hadn't had the chance yet to see the gifts Amy and Glenn had gathered for her - to find a sweet pink jumper and a duck stuffie. "What you got there?"
"I don't think this is my locker." Myrtle muttered pulling the duck stuffie out and fiddling with its soft fur in what appeared to be abject horror.
"Yeah, it is." Glenn far too quickly confirmed, sinking back into his seat with a thud as he tried to play it off nonchalantly. "It just looks like someone left you some flowers and chocolates and a duck."
"Wow. Who's it from?" Amy asked, edging Myrtle on to look through the surplus of gifts that was hidden away in her locker.
"Guys, I'm starting to think this was a bad idea." Amy scrunched her face at you, clearly not seeing the same reaction you saw in Myrtle, instead nudging Glenn and getting him to provoke Myrtle's reaction even more.
"Well, look. Look for a card. Just look around. Look look under that sweater. No, not your sweater. He's not a magician."
A frown settled on Myrtle's face as she clutched the heart-shaped card in shaking hands. "It's from Arthur."
"Ohh. That's so sweet of him." Amy cooed, looking on at the scene fondly despite the way Myrtles face seemed to be contorting between upset and fear.
"That's so nice." Myrtle began crying then, Amy and Glenn fawning more over the scene as the influx of sudden emotion whilst you sprung from your chair and crossed the length of the room. Wrapping an arm around the older woman, you took the card gently from her and placed it back inside of her locker, out of sight.
"He won't leave me alone. Why won't he leave me alone?"
Amy's eyes went wide, surprised by the change in mood and your instant accompaniment of Myrtle. With an apologetic grimace, you mouthed a sorry at the pair of matchmakers, rubbing your hand across Myrtle's shoulder as she cried into her hands.
"So, Myrtle has filed sexual harassment complaints against Arthur as well as the two of you."
Though Myrtle had asked you, well, Amy, to set her up, you can see how it was so easily interrupted in other ways. Especially when Arthur had been harassing Myrtle, unbeknownst to all of you.
"That's crazy. We didn't harass her." Amy insisted, throwing her arms about in distress as she shouted at the phone.
You'd somehow escaped the situation Scott-free, despite having found and written the card 'from Arthur,' but had been called to Glenn's office before you knew only the two of them had been given the brunt of the blame. Though you weren't exactly sure what you'd done that was worthy of Myrtle not filing a complaint against you, you weren't exactly complaining.
"She's alleging that you used your positions of authority to force her to work with an employee in hopes of engaging in a physical relationship with him. And she also claims you broke into her locker. Now, what's your side of the story?"
"Um, factually similar." Amy stumbled through an admission, looking between you and Glenn for help in covering up the factual truth of the situation, though no help came to her.
"Yeah, but you can prove anything with facts. I mean, Darwin..." Glenn couldn't get the words out, the corporate rep cutting him off with another insistence about what he and Amy had done.
"She goes on to say that he made lewd and profane comments."
"Arthur?" Amy gasped, a hand resting over her heart as her mouth hung agape over the phone. "He's so sweet."
"Maybe he's not as sweet as we thought?" You offered, one hand raised to your mouth as you bit at the tips of your nails, it resting on top of the other which was folded across your chest.
"Well, we had no idea what he was saying to her. The security cameras don't have sound." Glenn defended, voice seeming to raise an octave as he fought against the corporate personal on the other end of the line with desperation.
"I'm sorry, are you saying that you were spying on them as well?"
"No, spying makes it sound like we were trying to get information." Glenn cried, eyebrows tensed and arms firm on his hips. "We were just watching them for our own pleasure."
"Stop talking, Glenn."
"Sexual harassment. At what point is it inappropriate? Harassment is always wrong."
Amy had ushered herself out of Glenn's valentine-ified office in search of a deeply upset Myrtle - leaving you and Glenn to go back to the break room to empty out Myrtles locker and finish your lunch - and apparently started an altercation which ended with her telling Myrtle she was 'asking for it.'
"If it starts in the Break Room, it shouldn't end in the bedroom."
"He's totally thinking about boning Sandra right now." Garrett whispered to you, loud enough for Mateo to hear, over the hum of the old break room television and training tape.
Mateo, who had heard the small comment, replied with a sharp, 'No, he's not.' writhing in his seat at the thought alone. Jeff had, unsurprisingly, been called out to deal with the issue, and instead of dealing with it, had put on an at least 2 decade old training tape.
"And fewer lawsuits equals more revenue for Cloud 9, which benefits all of us."
"I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable, Michelle." The cloud 9 mascot, 'Mc Cool Cloud' has sexually harassed someone this time, which was a weird enough concept on its own. But the way everyone just accepted that he was a cloud - a talking, breathing cloud - didn't sit right with you.
"Doesn't Mc Cool Cloud give you the creeps? Or is it just me?" You leaned back slightly in your chair, asking Garrett in a hushed whisper as to not disturb the obedient silence that filled the room.
"No, there's definitely something off about that cloud." Garrett agreed, Mateo straightening up in your peripheral vision at the thought you were making more comments about Jeff and Sandra.
"Oh, MC Cool Cloud, you are all right."
Jeff finally turned off the video with a click, the tv screen fading to black as Mc Cool Cloud finally, and thankfully, left your sights. "Does anybody have any questions?"
"No, I think we're all set here." Amy insisted with a tight lipped smile, tapping her hands against the table she sat at in nervous wait.
"Actually, I do. How does Mc Cool Cloud hold the chain up? What's it connected to?" Though Jeff seemed to be actually pondering the logistics of your question, Glenn began to speak.
"You can't take love out of the workplace." Glenn whined, a frown forming on his face at the thought of it alone. As long as you'd known him, Glenn had been a man of love - especially when it came to his employees - so the idea of that love being taken away must've worried him deeply.
"Oh, God, kill me now." Amy's head fell heavily against her hand, groaning into the flesh as Glenn continued his rant about love.
"What about Miles and Lisa? If it was up to you, they never would have gotten together. And then the children they're gonna have would never have been born."
Lisa's face scrunched in confusion, her eyebrows pinching in confusion, a frown settling on her face. "Oh, we're we're not having kids." It appeared to be news to Miles, who gasped out a 'what?' turning to Lisa with a look of confusion and hurt.
"No one is saying you can't ever date somebody you work with. Just be careful not to make unwanted advances." Though Jeff was trying his hardest to explain what was right and what was not acceptable, it still managed to confuse the break room.
"So you can't ask someone out unless you know they like you? But then you don't know if someone likes you unless you ask them out." Cheyenne asked between licks of her heart-shaped, red and white swirled lollipop, the candied treat fitting the themed streamers and banners that covered the break room. "So that's, like, a Catch-22."
"Whoa, well done." Jonah gasped, turning in his seat to stare at a smiling Cheyenne. If it weren't for the weirdly tense atmosphere that filled the break room, you'd have been as shocked as Jonah - or you'd have laughed at the utterly surprised look on his face.
"Oh, I've been studying for the SATs. It's been a very extrapolatory experience."
"Okay, what we need is a database. Everybody write down all the employees you're attracted to. Totally confidential." Dina quickly began handing out blank sheets of paper from her clipboard, giving them to those nearest to her first. "I will compile a spreadsheet of any matches and post it above the microwave."
"Nope, we're not doing that. Let's just say that if you ask somebody out, and they say no, move on." Jeff, ever the man of hand gestures, motioned out the words he was saying, trying to work out a middle ground that would appease everyone.
Marcus stayed slouched in his seat, arm raised lazily pressed against his chest, eyes briefly meeting your own, before Jeff nodded at him to go ahead. "What if she just says no because she has plans that night? Can you ask her out again for a different night?"
"Umm. I guess. I mean, it depends. Does she really have plans, or is she politely telling you she's not interested?"
Marcus's hand hit against the table, snapping with his middle finger and thumb then pointing a finger gun at you. "Which one is it, y/n?"
Marcus looked good sat across the room from you, his grey T-shirt clung to his slouched form, the three-quarter shirt sleeves really accentuating the more muscled parts of his arms. His arms folded across his chest as he waited for your response, arms flexing as he did, and a grin was bit back between his teeth - which as you looked at him, you decided it was the most attractive thing you'd ever seen.
"I did really have plans..." You began, eyes trailing across Marcus's face, a wicked grin curling onto your lips. "But the second one."
"Whatever." Marcus scoffed, rolling his eyes at your teasing tone; you had plans tonight, he knew you weren't being serious. "I was just asking as a joke anyway."
"Sometimes people do change their minds. I mean, I met Jerusha when we were both working at my father's hardware store. I asked her out every day for a year, and then she said yes." Glenn explained, eliciting a chorus of 'Awww's' across the break room.
"Okay, actually, that's called a systemic pattern of hostility. It's, like, the number one thing you can't do." Jeff emphasised, Glenn's face paling at the idea that had forced Jerusha into a relationship against her will.
"I got a question." Garrett raised his hand, not waiting for Jeff to answer him before he began to ask his question. "The actress in the video, does she get paid per video, or is it more of a flat rate for the whole day kind of thing?"
"My guess is flat rate."
"I've got another one." Raising your own hand, you waited for Jeff to nod at you, grabbing the attention of the break room. "If your dating someone and your best friend doesn't know can that be considered neglect?"
"No, I don't think so." Jeff looked at you as though you'd lost your mind, but before he had the opportunity to ask about the meaning behind your question, Mateo had raised his hand.
"Can ignoring someone you're dating be considered harassment?" At Jeff's, again, dismissal of the odd question, Mateo scoffed, folding his arms defensively across his chest. "Of course you don't."
"I'm, I'm just not explaining it right. I wasn't harassing her. She agreed to go out with me because my father threatened to fire her if she didn't." Gasps echoed around the break room this time at Glenn's admission, the meet-cute getting uglier with each addition to it.
Arthur turned to Myrtle with a pleading look, the attention of the break room change with each breath of new conversation. Innocence seemed apparent on his face and you could imagine Amy fawning at the sight behind you as you turned in your chair. "Myrtle, I'm so sorry. It was wrong to harass you, and if you want, I will quit right now."
As Amy and Myrtle argued over whether Arthur was a good guy or not, you met Marcus's eyes from across the room. He winked at you, biting back a grin as your eyes met, his arms tucked across his chest and under his arms as he stay slouched in his seat. It felt like the image was going to be burned into the back of your skull. Shifting in your seat, you smoothed down the front of your jeans, tuning back into the conversation, though slightly more flustered then a moment before.
"Arthur is a lovely guy. He was just trying to compliment you." Amy emphasised for what felt like the millionth time today; at this point you weren't entirely sure if she was doing it out of earnest or to prove her point that Arthur wasn't a creep.
"That's all it is! I like your sweater, and I think you're pretty." The break room was once again encapsulated by the sweets words that slipped from Arthur's lips, his gaze endearingly on Myrtle who seemed to squirm under it. "And I love how your sweater cleaves tight against your breasts."
What the fuck.
"Gross, dude." Marcus scoffed, turning his head but assuming his relaxed position. "She's, like, 100."
"Okay, this is actually making things worse." Jeff attempted to calm the situation, though the break room and its population had already descended into chaos, a cacophony of voices shouting over each other.
"It's not always harassment. I mean, Jerusha and I got married."
"Oh, so it's not harassment if you marry them?" Cheyenne refuted, Glenn's face contorting into one of pure horror as he looked back at her.
"Oh, God, what have I done?"
"They're like two little robin's eggs all bundled up in a bird's nest." Arthur continued his 'compliments' - this time just blatantly harassing Myrtle in front of all of their coworkers, plain for everyone to see.
"Found her on IMDB." Garrett interrupted, holding up his phone. When you turned your head to look, you smacked into the front of the screen, coming away and rubbing your nose as you read it. "She was on "NCIS." She played "Lady in Pool." Acting life is tough."
Thankfully, your shift was long over now, the day having finally come to a close so that you could go and pick up some Chinese food before Marcus would come and meet you at your apartment, his shift not over for another hour or so yet.
You'd picked up a handful of items from through-out the trip through the store towards the exit, lazily swinging the basket they sat in back and forth as you walked.
"Did Jeff get Sandra puppies?" You asked, stopping beside Garrett, who had a basket of 'go-backs' nestled on his lap, and Mateo, who for the first time today seemed sort of relaxed. "Now, that is a commitment."
"I'm not a big Valentine's Day guy, but Jeff and Sandra are..." Garrett began his tormenting, staring fondly at the couple before him in hope of eliciting a reaction out of Mateo, though was swiftly cut off by his simple coo.
"Jandra. We should call them Jandra." Mateo quickly walked over to the group surrounding Sandra and her adorable little balls of sunshine, a wide smile of his face for the first time today.
"Why does everybody want to fuck Jeff?"
"I'm not entirely sure, Gare. I'm not sure at all." It was a crazed situation, but when wasn't it at cloud 9? Bidding your goodbye and a fun evening to Garrett, you headed in the direction of the checkouts to buy your good and make your way home for the evening.
A bagful of goodies to take back to your apartment, and a pair of car keys that weren't yours, you were heading back into the store before you'd even left, finding Amy amidst the Valentine's Day aisle.
"Oh, hey, if you've got plans tonight, you can head out. I'm fine to finish this up." Amy didn't look up from her sweeping the destroyed display, only glancing up at the silence when you didn't respond.
Twirling her car keys in your hand, you tossed them out to her, tucking your hand back into the pocket of Marcus's jacket, the other gripping onto the bag filled with snacks and drinks.
"Actually, my shift is already over. And I also do happen to have plans tonight."
"You have plans tonight?" Jonah asked, suddenly appearing beside you, a half frown on his face at the discovery. "Like Valentine's Day plans? Or plans plans?"
"Valentine's Day plans." You confirmed, nodding hesitantly at Jonah, grip tightening on your bag. "And not that it has anything to do with you, J, but it's with a very strapping young fellow."
"Why'd you say it like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like that?"
"You know what? It doesn't matter. I've got to get going. Have a lovely Valentine's Day guys." Turning away from the pair, you began to walk back in the direction of the stores exit, in the direction of your apartment, of warm Chinese food and of Marcus.
At the last moment, you turned back and blew them a kiss, an unusual pep in your step as you began your journey out of the store and back to your apartment.
"Y/n's got plans?" Jonah pondered aloud, hands on his hips and jaw hung agape as he stared at your retreating figure, unmoving even after you'd left his sights. "With who? Do you know them? Why didn't they tell me?"
"I don't know, Jonah." Amy was lying through her teeth, biting back a smile at the fact she was in the know for once. It was easy to hide as she continued to sweep things off of the floor, avoiding Jonah's eyes as his bore into her, desperate for any inkling of information he could grasp too. "You want to help me clean this up? Or have you got plans tonight too?"
"No. No, I've not." Jonah grabbed the broom stick from Amy, beginning to sweep up the broken ribbons and banners as she picked up the larger pieces of rubbish. "Did they tell you they had plans, or-"
"I don't know, Jonah. Let it go."
Jonah wouldn't let it go. As long as he was unaware of whoever it was that had you smitten enough for Valentine's Day plans, he would not rest easy. They must have been special to you - and he was special to you - and the fact that you didn't tell him had a million thoughts running through his head.
Not a single one was the idea it was Marcus.
☆*: .。. Tag List .。.:*☆ @write-from-the-heart @despicablylara @whatafreakingloser @flowercrowns-goodvibes @millieb-3199 @lolawassad @catarina-trouxa @falsegodofmischief @thepurplebutterflythings @littleboysmile @sibsteria @quinn-7007 @aashy723 @maeisonline @lizziel1410
Want to be added to the taglist? send an ask to let me know <3
Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed this part, I sure did!
Sub-Part Sunday will be out later this week detailing the valentines day plans with Marcus 😏😏
As always, have a lovely week <3333!!
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weak-hero · 5 years
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I’m not really into the hierarchy, don’t normally shit on the physically unattractive, but that dude and his crew are highly annoying.
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vintagemulti · 3 years
last updated: 04/01/24
total works: 28
requests: closed, for now!
please click here to find out who i write for!
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polite -> peter parker
you’ve always been the polite friend - peter wants to test your limits and have some fun.
not quite romeo and juliet -> peter parker
in which peter hurts your feelings, and makes it up to you by telling you something he never imagined he would
night terrors -> bucky barnes
both you and bucky are all too familiar with nightmares, so you provide comfort for each other [platonic]
unfinished business [series] -> peter parker
part one , part two , part three , part four , part five , part six
peter’s sudden death leaves you with more than a hole in your heart; his incomplete bucket list
rings, rings, rings -> peter parker
your boyfriends newfound love for jewellery affects you more than you expected
memories -> marc spector / steven grant
you were sure he didn’t have that accent the last time you saw him. in fact - did he even remember the last time?
the glass series -> steven grant / marc spector
series masterlist
you argued, you made up. you argued, you made up. it was never ending - you thought it would never change. and then it did. ( read series masterlist for individual descriptions )
the date -> marc spector / steven grant
it was the first date. so why the hell did you end up back at work, with a man you’ve never met? and why did he look exactly like steven?
sunshine -> steven grant
steven grant, curer of shitty days.
triple -> steven grant / marc spector
maybe it was cliché, but as long as you had your boys cheering you on, you didn’t need a gold medal. it would be pretty good to win, though.
look baby, it’s a baby -> the moon boys
three different reactions, one baby. how much better could it get?
it’s you, it’s me, it’s us -> steven grant
he keeps coming back bloody, you keep cleaning him. why? because he’s your boy.
oral fixation -> steven grant
you seem to have a need to have something in your mouth at all times, and steven thinks he has the perfect solution.
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dating marcus lopez -> headcannons
what i think dating marcus lopez would be like.
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really real -> tommy shelby
he was dead and gone. you’d come to terms with that and began to move on - so why the hell was he sitting in your living room?
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rainfall -> bradley “rooster” bradshaw
series masterlist
two weeks in an all-inclusive resort in bali; what could go wrong? a phone call and a plane back to fightertown, that’s what. who knew that so much could change because of one mission. ( read series masterlist for individual descriptions )
846 notes · View notes
elle-writes-things · 2 years
Queen of Hearts: Part 5
Queen of Hearts Masterlist
Summary: Ophelia acts as Marcus’ babysitter for the first part of the day. In hand-to-hand combat, the pair discuss why he returned.
Warnings: brief (canon-typical) violence
Word Count: 2674
Master Lin taught AP Black Arts, which was the girls’ first class that day. Despite their concerns about arriving on time, the headmaster was over twenty minutes late.
“You know,” Violet began from her seat next to Ophelia, “If we were in a normal school, we would be allowed to leave.”
“Normal is overrated,” Ophelia scoffed. “You really want to sit in a moldy classroom and learn the Pythagorean theorem, or why Sam Adams threw a bunch of tea into a harbor?” Violet made a face. “Exactly,” Ophelia said. “Here we learn things that we can use in real life.”
“Yes,” Violet drawled. “Because I am going to need to know how to murder my boss with only a paper clip.”
“You never know,” Ophelia smiled. Without warning, the door threw itself open and kids scrambled to their desks. Everybody relaxed once they realized it was just Marcus that stood in the doorway. He had changed into a clean uniform, his chestnut curls damp from a shower.
“This is AP Black Arts,” Violet spoke up, looking at Marcus with disdain. He stared blankly at her. “A. P.,” she repeated slowly. “As in advanced placement.”
“I know,” he said, holding out his schedule. “This is where I’m supposed to be.” Ophelia stood up and snatched the schedule from his hand, her eyes scanning over the table. The paper was a mirror copy of her’s. Every. Single. Class.
“Lin must think he’s hilarious,” Ophelia spat, not caring to see who else had entered the room.
“I am under no illusions Ms. Henderson,” Master Lin interrupted, walking to his desk at the front of the class. “I have many talents, but, unfortunately, my humor is not one of them.” Ophelia felt her heart leap into her throat.
“My apologies Master Lin,” she said, lowering her gaze to the floor.
“Sit down Ms. Henderson,” Lin ordered. Ophelia moved to her usual seat next to Violet, but Lin stopped her. “Next to Mr. Lopez-Arguello please.” Ophelia felt the blood boil underneath her skin. It seemed that Lin had decided she was nothing more than an over glorified babysitter. Ophelia grabbed her books and stomped over to the middle row where Marcus had taken a seat. Slamming her books down on the desk, she dropped into the chair next to the boy.
“Bad morning?” Marcus asked, a grin on his face.
“Only because of you,” Ophelia hissed, fishing a pencil out of her bag.
“Today’s lesson is on motives,” Lin began cryptically. His lessons were always abstract, revealing the deepest of truths within his students. Ophelia had no intention of taking notes. Lin’s words were too captivating to be forgotten. But, the presence of a notebook and pencil gave her some semblance of control over her mind during this class, and for that Ophelia was grateful.
“World War I was started by a teenager with a pistol,” Lin spoke, pacing down the aisle. “A Serbian peasant who chose to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand, setting in motion the chain reaction culminating in two world wars and todays’ Cold War.” When Lin’s back was turned, Brandy Lynn, a southern white supremacist and leader of the Cheer Death Squad, tossed a note onto Marcus’ book. He shot Ophelia a questioning look to which she gave a nonchalant shrug.
“Character is revealed through choice,” Lin said as Marcus moved to open the note. “Consider for a moment,” Lin suggested, slamming the tip of his cane onto the folded piece of paper. Marcus stammered out an apology as Lin scanned the room. Without warning, he swung his cane into Brandy’s nose, splattering droplets of blood across Marcus’ face.
“Jesus!” Marcus shouted as the girl whimpered. Her hands flew to her bleeding face, eyes blinking rapidly with reflex tears. The other students muffled their chuckles. Even Ophelia couldn’t contain her smile.
“Who would be the recipient of your rage?” Lin asked, as if nothing unusual had occurred. “A thief? A child molestor? A world leader?” Brandy smeared the blood collecting on her upper lip and ran her fingers over her tongue, all the while maintaining eye contact with Marcus. Ophelia snickered at the boy’s obvious discomfort and turned to look at Master Lin who was now at the front of the classroom. 
“Ask yourself, on that dark ledge, poised to strike with clean opportunity, who would you kill?” Murmurs broke out across the classroom as kids whispered names to their friends. “Your homework tonight, half your semester grade, will tell me who you really are,” Lin continued. “Use your training and search the city for a worthy target. Someone you think deserves to die, and kill them.” Nobody spoke, all awed by Lin’s words. The abrupt dismissal of a bell broke the spell and the students began to pack up. 
“Discard the body and hide all evidence,” Lin ordered. “Bring me proof.” Ophelia tossed her books in her bag and moved to leave, only to notice that Marcus was frozen in his seat.
“Should be no problem for a killer like you,” Willie spat as he walked by the boy. That seemed to shake Marcus out of his trance and he quickly grabbed his stuff. Ophelia rolled her eyes at the boy’s antics and moved to leave.
“Wait,” Marcus called out behind her. Ophelia stopped mid step and sighed.
“Yes,” she asked, turning around with an emotionless smile painted on her face.
“What class do we have next?” Marcus asked, his eyes pleading.
“I don’t know your schedule,” Ophelia lied, “but I have hand-to-hand combat next.”
“Really,” Marcus asked in surprise. “So do I.”
“No. Way,” Ophelia muttered under her breath.
“Listen,” Marcus started. “I know you don’t like me but I have no idea where my classes are and the longest conversation I’ve had today has been with you.” Ophelia arched a dark eyebrow and held Marcus’ gaze. He squirmed uncomfortably, shifting his feet. While deciding whether or not to pity the boy, she caught a glance of Demetrius over Marcus’ shoulder. A devilish thought came to mind and without further ado, Ophelia linked her arm with Marcus’. 
“Of course you can walk me to class,” she said loudly, holding her brother’s gaze.
“Oh. I um—I didn’t mean—” Marcus stammered.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” Ophelia hissed under her breath. “You’re helping me piss off my brother.”
“I don’t know if I want to piss off anymore people today,” Marcus said as they made their way down the hallway.
“You can’t piss off anybody worse than Chico,” Ophelia told him, stopping at the entrance of the boys’ locker room. Marcus looked up at the sign and chuckled.
“At least buy me dinner first,” he joked. Ophelia just glared and shoved him towards the door. 
“Change into your robes and meet me out here,” she told him.
“Yes mam,” Marcus replied, walking into the locker room. Ophelia went to the girls’ locker room on the other side of the hallway and was met with a round of cheers.
“That’s my girl!” Violet shouted. “Is he a good kisser?”
“I don’t know,” Ophelia admitted. A chorus of groans went up. “Yet,” she added with a smile, going to her locker. Maria was right beside her, tying the sash on her robe.
“You like him?” she asked. Ophelia managed to contain her smile at the girl’s obvious jealousy.
“I haven’t decided yet,” she told Maria.
“Well,” Maria huffed, “You shouldn’t lead him on.” Ophelia barked out a laugh.
“That’s rich coming from you,” Ophelia scoffed, tying her robe. “Why do you care? You have Chico.”
“Right,” Maria said bitterly. “Because Chico’s such a catch.” Ophelia felt her heart break a little for the girl who had no way out of her toxic relationship.
“Maria—” Ophelia started.
“Don’t,” Maria said, slamming her locker. “I can see the looks everybody gives me. I can take care of myself. I’m not some damsel in distress.” Ophelia figured Maria’s words were more to convince herself than Ophelia but she let the matter go. Closing her locker, she made her way into the hall where Marcus was waiting with his robe poorly tied. Ophelia laughed at the boy’s hopelessness.
“Here,” she said, yanking the boy to her by his belt. “Let me help you with that.” With deft moves she re-tied his belt around his toned waist. The boy turned bright red and took a large step back as soon as she finished.
“Relax Marcus,” Ophelia said, flipping her ponytail over her shoulder. “I’m not a nun, and you’re not the first boy I’ve helped dress.”
“Alri—O-Ok then,” Marcus said, at a loss for words.
“Let’s go,” Ophelia told him, grabbing his wrist and starting down the hallway. When they got inside the classroom she dropped his arm. “Have fun,” she told him, making her way over to Violet and Charlotte, who wore matching smirks on their faces. Before she could reach her friends, Demetrius stepped in front of her, blocking her path.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he demanded.
“Trying to get to my friends,” Ophelia said, trying to step around him. Demetrius grabbed her wrist stopping her.
“If you think this is funny—” Demetrius threatened.
“I think this is hilarious,” Ophelia said, struggling to contain her laughter. “You are so easy to rile up.” Demetrius narrowed his eyes at her.”
“Don’t worry,” Ophelia teased. “I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.
“That’s exactly why I am worried,” Demetrius sighed, releasing her arm. He stepped out of her path and walked to the other side of the classroom while Ophelia made her way to Violet and Charlotte.
“You sly little minx,” Violet accused.
“I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal about this,” Charlotte complained. “She does this all the time.”
“Yes,” Violet agreed. “But the other boys weren’t nearly as attractive.”
“Attention class,” Ms. DeLuca called out, effectively silencing the students. “When the Republic of Texas openly declared genocide, which Indian tribe survived for another forty years?” Ms. DeLuca’s lessons were always like that. Abrupt and no-nonsense.
“Well they all got done in the end,” Willie joked, turning his laugh into an awkward cough when Ms. DeLuca gave him an unimpressed look. “Sorry Ms. DeLuca.”
“The fierce Comanche survived due only to strength and cunning,” Ms. DeLuca told the class. “Remember, hand-wringing liberal ideas won’t keep you safe. The world respects those who can protect themselves. Every opponent has a weakness. Pick a partner and find theirs.” Ophelia grabbed Violet’s arm while Charlotte went to a prep she had sunk her  claws into during AP Black Arts.
“I’m surprised you don’t want Marcus,” Violet said, looking back at the body who was without a partner. 
“I thought I’d give Maria a fighting chance,” Ophelia said, nodding her head toward the girl who was making her way over to Marcus.
“How generous of you,” Violet said, before swinging  a fist at Ophelia’s head. Ophelia stepped back and caught the limb, driving her knee towards Violet’s stomach. Before long, the girls were in a familiar dance of strikes and both of their chests heaved with the effort. Marcus watched the girls spar, awed at the fluidity of their motions. It was clear that they were not like him, a random rat dragged off the street. They had been groomed for this.
“Hey,” someone said, breaking his thoughts. Marcus looked up to see Maria holding a hand out to him.
“No, no. I’m good,” he protested, waving his hands.
“Come on,” she said, grabbing his arm and leading him to an empty mat.
“Dude, I know you got me in this leg shear, but your boner’s digging into my chest cavity,” Billie said from across the room where Viktor was straddling him. “I get it, soft and warm. I use lotion.”
“Hey, sorry about Chico,” Maria said, drawing his attention back to her. “I know you’re crazy or whatever, but you shouldn’t mess with him.”
“You shouldn’t date such an asshole,” Marcus countered, looking over Maria’s shoulder where Ophelia and  her friend were still sparring. The flurry of punches and kicks resembled a dance more than a fight, and Marcus found himself hypnotized by their movements once more. Maria turned around to see what he was looking at and narrowed her eyes.
“Guys always go for girls they can’t have,” she snapped. Without warning, a clear snap echoed through the room. Maria and Marcus turned to look at Billie who was laying on the floor. He slapped the floor with one arm while the other laid limp by his side.
“Is anybody going to help him?” Marcus asked.
“Bogus move,” Maria told him. “He should have elbow knee escaped into a triangle. Besides, size doesn’t matter.” Marcus looked at her in disbelief. Viktor was twice Billie’s size. There was no way that was a fair fight.
“It’s okay,” Maria said, placing his hands on her waist. “Let me show you.” Marcus learned that it was very much not ‘okay’ when Maria flipped him over her shoulder with a grunt. His landing knocked the wind out of him and he rolled over on his side, gasping for air. Once he was able to breathe again, he took the hand Maria offered and pulled himself up. 
“Now you try to do that to me,” Maria told him, placing her hands on his waist. Marcus tried to mimic her movements but only succeeded in making her stumble.
“It’s alright,” she told him. “That’s not bad for your first try.” 
“Really?” Marcus asked hopefully.
“No. It was pretty terrible,” Maria admitted. “It’s just physics. Try again, but this time use your core and legs. Step into it.” She placed her hands on his waist again and gave him an encouraging smile. This time, Marcus was able to throw her over his hip. Instead of landing on her back like Marcus had, Maria sprung off of her hands and crouched with her hand raised up. Propelling herself upward, she launched a foot at Marcus' head. He was able to dodge the limb but stumbled to the ground. Maria launched herself at him and he found himself pinned to the mat by the Mexican girl.
“Find a new partner!” Ms. DeLuca ordered from the front of the room. Maria climbed off of Marcus and gave him a hand up.
“You’re learning,” she told him.
“Mind if I step in?” someone asked the two. Marcus turned to see Ophelia looking at Maria expectedly.
“Don’t you usually partner with Willie?” Maria asked skeptically.
“He’s still mad at me for dislocating his shoulder last time,” Ophelia explained. The two girls stared at each other, and a tense challenge hung in the air.
“Maria!” Ms. DeLuca shouted. “Find a new partner.” Maria stomped off with a huff and Ophelia turned to Marcus.
“Please don’t kill me,” Marcus pleaded, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Don’t worry,” Ophelia said with a laugh. “You were working on flips with Maria?”
“I mean,” Marcus shrugged, “If you can really call it that.”
“It’s alright,” Ophelia told him, gently grabbing his wrist. “Let me show you. Hand here, and here.” Marcus looked down at the girl, trying to predict her next move.
“Why did you really come back?” Ophelia asked him.
“I needed a place to hide from the pigs,” Marcus said. Ophelia wrinkled her nose in disgust.
“I think you need a better reason,” she told him. Then, without warning, she twisted his arm and hooked a foot around his neck. Within seconds, Marcus was laying on his stomach with Ophelia’s legs wrapped around his neck.
“Think of any?” she asked him, a grin spreading across her face. Her grip on his neck loosened and Marcus took the chance to launch himself forward. Ophelia’s legs fell open so that she was straddling his waist, and Marcus pinned her hands on either side of his head. Both teenagers took deep breaths, trying to distract themselves from their proximity. Marcus allowed a cheeky grin to spread across his face. 
“I think I’ve found one.”
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brosonbrosfullhomos · 4 years
Reasons To Love Marcus Lopez Arguello (Deadly Class):
either little bitch or big bitch, no in between
literally, this guy goes from serial killer maniac to pure innocent cinnamon roll in a matter of seconds
completely flawed, self-absorbed, manipulative, and fucking ruthless
which is exactly what makes him such a good. character.
the genuine confusion about how many dicks he should find and suck
constantly ready to fight a bitch
Did I just join a cult? Fuck, I think I just joined a cult.
on the one hand he's this highly traumatised orphan who has been tortured, forced into child labour, presumably sexually abused, homeless, wanted by the police, hunted by a gang, ready to commit suicide, blackmailed by his former abuser
so he's all I'll fight you on my first day because you mistreated your girlfriend, "Let's burn them down.", breaking a psychopathic killer out of prison and taking him to eat tacos so he gives them information, "I despise people like you."
and then at the same time he is this sweet boy who cries when someone he hardly knows tells him a sad story, makes his girlfriend a mixtape for their anniversary, defends everyone from every kind of bully, goes on a roadtrip to help his friend kill his abusive dad, gives pep talks to his friends to get them to talk to girls they like, tears up when one of them calls him "his people"
repeatedly said fuck capitalism and all the bigots, nazis, bullies and elitist assholes
"I'm going to kill Ronald Reagan."
trust him, he's the acid king
may not actually be the acid king
nope, definitely not the acid king
big happy smile at some hippie guy waving a gay flag
also obviously turned on by Lex randomly kissing him
basically bi disaster boy
that wasn't his first rat stew
ridiculously dramatic monologues that are so perfectly in character for a rebellious teenager
still, some parts are actually really fucking good
"I don't believe in God, but I'm a hypocrite. Most nights, I pray."
I mean
the most dramatic smart ass ever
gets beaten up in like every single episode
sad boy, soft boy, angry boy, bitchy boy - all at the same time
publically shits himself because he was being dramatic
among this group of highly trained fighters he's the one throwing plates like frisbees
that fucking grin
his reaction when he gets to sleep in a bed again in the first episode
escaped the orphanage by hiding needles inside his mouth and secretly building a bomb??! what a badass
gets abducted by a group of seriously dangerous people, tells them to fuck off and walks out on them, decides to casually steal a wallet
lock picking skills
heart eyes for all of his friends
clever little shit
his biggest weakness is his attachment to his friends and his need for family
he's so precious
also, although he fucks up repeatedly, does stupid shit and makes terrible decisions it never diminishes his character, on the contrary
being flawed is what makes him so beautifully compelling
just please bring back deadly class okay
I love this little drama boy way too much
feel free to add more...
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myriadimagines · 4 years
Deadly Class One Shot
Pairing: Reader x Lex Miller
Other Characters: Petra Yolga, Billy Bennet, Marcus Lopez Arguello
Warnings: smoking, swearing, alcohol consumption
Request: @jordsie​ — “My oneshot idea was for a Lex Miller x reader piece where him and the reader have had a bit of a friends with benefits thing going for a while but, when she admits to having real feelings, he freaks out and calls everything off even though he does have some of those feelings himself. Mutual angst ensues, and then eventually (maybe after someone else tries with Y/N?) they get together.”
Word Count: 2,367
A/N: i miss deadly class hgnhgnghnggggg which i say like at least once a day. anyway, thank you so so much to @jordsie for donating to Reclaim The Block, you’re amazing! if you would like to request a one shot of your own, please read this post!
please reblog/leave comments, they’re very much appreciated!
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Your name: submit What is this?
“And now the party’s officially started!”
You let out a loud groan as Petra rolls her eyes beside you, and the two of you look over your shoulders as you see Lex burst through the door to the rooftop, arms thrown up in the air as Billy and Marcus trail behind him, shaking their heads with teasing smiles on their faces. Lex jokingly wrinkles his nose as his eyes land on you, and Lex asks, “What are you boring lot doing up ’ere?”
“Trying to mentally hype ourselves up to go to Shabnam’s party.” Petra responds through a puff of smoke, and she passes her cigarette to you as you watch Billy sidle up to Petra. He eagerly nods along to what she’s saying as she continues, “I don’t understand why you idiots want to go. Shabnam’s nothing but a try hard.”
“Yeah, ugh, Shabnam.” Billy pulls a face, trying his best to impress Petra. “We hate him. Right?”
You and Marcus can’t help but exchange a knowing glance, and Marcus chuckles as the both of you know that Billy’s crush on Petra is more evident than ever as Petra shoots him a confused look. Shrugging, Marcus gives you a little nudge as he responds, “Whatever. A party’s a party. It’s about time we blow off some steam.”
“And I take it you’re going to be there?” you turn to look at Lex, putting on a nonchalant tone as you raise an eyebrow at him. Lex’s goofy grin creates a smile on your own face, and you try your best to keep a straight face as Lex slings an arm around your shoulders, giving you a little shake.
“Well, of course! I’m not one to miss a party.” Lex responds, pulling you close to him despite your attempts to shove him away. He laughs, and teases, “Come on, don’t be like that, love. I know you want me at that party.” 
You pointedly roll your eyes, finally managing to shove his body off yours as you tell him, “Fuck off.” 
Lex throws his head back in laughter, and you duck your head, hoping you don’t look as flustered as you feel. You avoid Petra’s suspicious gaze that falls upon you as you hand the cigarette back to her, and you divert your attention to the view from the rooftop. None of your friends are aware of the little arrangement you have with Lex, secretly hooking up in the dead of the night, dragging each other into empty classrooms for desperate kisses. You know you’ve come close to getting caught, but perhaps that’s what you love most about it. The adrenaline and the rush of sneaking around week after week.
But that’s not the only thing you love. You may or may not have feelings for Lex himself, too.
“We gonna get a move on or what?” Lex asks, jostling Petra as she drops her cigarette, putting it out from under her boot. “Come on, lads, let’s go!”
Lex spins on his heel, leading the way as he makes his way off the roof, and you bite back a smile before reaching for Petra’s arm, tugging her along with you as you all make your way to the party. 
You flop against the couch, taking a sip from your cup as you watch the party unfold before you. There’s a mix of everyone from King’s, Rats and Legacies alike, and you flip off a member of the Dixie Mob as you notice one of them scowling at you. Scoffing into her drink beside you, Petra shakes her head as she mutters under her breath, “Remind me why we’re here again?”
You open your mouth to respond, when you suddenly notice Lex in the corner of the room, lingering in the doorway as your eyes meet. He raises an eyebrow at you, a signal you’ve become all too familiar with, and he nods his head down the hallway of Shabnam’s house before he disappears. You gulp down the rest of your drink, straightening your top as you abruptly get up, and Petra looks up at you with wide eyes as she protests, “Where the hell are you going?”
“Come on, you’re a big girl, you can survive without me for a bit.” you tease, avoiding her question as you notice Billy walking over. Perking up, you beckon for him to come over as you continue, “Here, Billy will keep you company.” 
Before Petra can protest, you’ve already darted away, leaving her with Billy as you weave your way through your drunken classmates. You duck into the hallway, tucking your hair behind your ears as you open the first door you come across. You quickly slam the door shut as you see a group of Kuroki Syndicate kids inside, who glare at you as you interrupt whatever discussion they’re having, and you shake your head as you head to the next room.
You peer inside, yelping as you feel a hand reach out to grab yours, and Lex shuts the door behind you before quickly pushing you up against the wall, crashing his lips against yours as you immediately kiss him back. You push his leather jacket off his shoulders as he quickly shrugs it off, and he mumbles, “Kept me waiting long enough, didn’t you, love?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” you feign innocence, pulling away from him so you can smile at him, and Lex chuckles as he shakes his head.
“You’re such a tease,” he replies, before leaning forward to kiss you again, his hands roaming up your body as you stifle a gasp. You can taste the alcohol on his lips, which soon trail away from yours, and he presses kisses to your cheek, your jaw, and down your neck, and you tilt your head up as you run your fingers through his spiked hair. 
“Fuck,” you breath out, and you swear you can feel Lex smirking against your skin as his hands pull your hips closer to his body. “I love you.”
The words slip past your tongue so fast you don’t even have time to think about stopping them. For a moment, time seems to stand still, and you feel Lex stiffen as he slowly pulls away, eyebrows furrowing as he asks, “What?”
You gulp, eyes wide as you feel your heart hammering in your chest. “I—”
“Shit.” Lex jerks back away from you, as if your skin is burning against his, and he fumbles to pick his jacket off the ground. “You… you don’t mean that, right?”
You open your mouth, yet no words come out. You can’t even deny it, can’t even pretend for his  sake that you’re not in love with him, but you can’t take back the words now. You can’t deny your feelings any longer. You only wish you had been confronted with a different reaction.
“I do.” you finally blurt, and Lex’s face falls. “I…  fuck, I do mean it! I… I love you.”
“No, no,” Lex paces through the room, his thoughts jumbling together as he doesn’t even know how to process everything. “This was supposed to be casual, yeah? Why’d you have to go and fuck it up?” 
Your breaths become shallow as your vision becomes blurry with tears. Weakly, you try to reason with him, “Lex…”
“I’m leaving.” Lex abruptly interrupts you, pushing past you, and you try to lunge after him.
“Lex, wait!” you desperately try to reach out to grab him, but he slips past your fingers, rushing out the door as you defeatedly watch him run off, not having the energy within you to run after him. Covering your face in your hands, you spin around, falling against the bed inside the room. Tears prickle your eyes as regret and embarrassment washes over you, and you reach for one of the pillows. Burying your face into it, you let out a frustrated scream.
Lex drags his feet through the hallway, head hung low as he shuffles back to his room. It’s been weeks since Shabnam’s party, weeks since you confessed to being in love with him, and he’s managed to avoid you since. Despite your overlapping friend groups, he’s managed to pointedly never be left alone with you, no matter how hard you try to talk to him. Figuring that cutting you out of his life completely is the only way to solve the issue, Lex is doing just that. 
But the more he thinks about it, the more he realises he doesn’t even know what the issue is. Is that fact that you’re in love with him really a problem? Does he feel the same way about you, despite the fact the two of you initially agreed everything would be casual between the both of you? The questions swarm Lex’s mind to the point where he can barely think straight, and he shakes his head, as if trying to shake the questions out of his head. 
He looks up momentarily as he turns the corner, and his eyes go wide as he sees you further down the hallway, shoving books into your locker. He freezes on the spot, and he flinches as you look up and spot him. You blink in shock, but just as you open your mouth to call his name, Lex quickly sprints away, disappearing back where he came from before you can stop him. Your shoulders slump, and you gulp as you slam your locker shut, feeling humiliated and rejected as you try to hold back tears. 
“Hey, y/n.” a voice greets you, and you look up to see Marcus approaching you before he leans up against the lockers. He holds up a pack of cigarettes which he digs out from his blazer pocket, and he asks, “Want a smoke?”
You let out a sigh. Perhaps this’ll help you keep your mind off Lex. Nodding at Marcus, you respond, “Let’s go.”
You dump your bag on the floor as you and Marcus sit down on the rooftop, soaking in the orange glow of the sunset. You lean forward as Marcus offers you a lighter, and you can feel his eyes on you as he lights your cigarette up for you. You lean away, watching as Marcus lights up his own cigarette, and after a moment of silence, he asks, “So, you and Lex, huh?”
You tense up, and Marcus stifles a laugh at your reaction. “Come on. It was obvious.”
“Whatever.” you roll your eyes. “It’s over, anyway. Whatever it is that we had.”
The words sting you, but you try to ignore the pain, pretending that your heart isn’t splitting inside your chest. Marcus awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, and he quietly responds, “Yeah, I kind of figured.”
“He’s such an asshole.” you suddenly blurt, anger bubbling in your chest. “He doesn’t even have the decency to talk to me.” 
Marcus shrugs. “You deserve better.”
It’s only then do you notice how close Marcus is sitting beside you, and you suck in a sharp breath as you slowly look up at him. He’s already looking at you, studying your expression, and your voice barely comes out as a whisper as you say, “Marcus…” 
Maybe this isn’t so bad, you try to reason with yourself. Marcus is one of your friends, and maybe this’ll be a good distraction to get Lex off your mind. Marcus leans closer to you, his gaze momentarily falling to your lips before back up to your eyes, and you feel frozen in place before the sound of the rooftop door opening jolts the two of you apart. You both look up, alarmed, as you see Lex standing in the doorway, and you can’t quite decipher the look of hurt and betrayal that mixes in his expression as he sees you and Marcus. Jealousy swirls in his chest, as Lex wants nothing more than you to himself, and he can’t help but feel slightly crazy seeing you with someone else.
“Oi, Marcus. Fuck off, will ya?” Lex finally speaks, and Marcus’ eyebrows furrow as he opens his mouth to protest. He turns to look at you, shrug at him apologetically, and Marcus rolls his eyes as he collects his belongings and walks off, making a point of shoving past Lex’s shoulder as he does so. Lex approaches you, and you defensively fold your arms as you turn to look away, and Lex says, “Aw, come on, y/n.”
“Fuck you, Lex,” you spit, turning to glare at him. “You don’t talk to me for weeks, and now you’re just going to show up and interrupt me while I’m hanging out with other people?”
“Looked like a bit more than a hangout.” Lex points out, raising an eyebrow at you. “Didn’t know Marcus had a thing for you.”
“Well, it’s none of your business, first of all,” you scowl. “And secondly, why do you care? Since you’ve made it pretty clear you want nothing to do with me.”
“It’s not like that.” Lex tries to defend himself, and you let out a loud scoff.
“Are you serious?” you splutter. “I was the one who fucked everything up according to you, remember? Right before you stormed out an—”
Before you can continue, Lex suddenly grabs your face in his hands, kissing you. Despite how badly you want to push him away, you immediately melt into his touch, his touch you’ve been craving ever since the night of the party. You hate how quickly you soften into him, but as he pulls away, you feel as if all the air has been knocked out of you.
“I’m the one who fucked things up, alright?” Lex admits. “I love you too, okay? I was a bloody idiot not to realise it earlier, but I do love you, and I want you.”
You blink, in shock at his words. “Don’t be a tease. Do you really mean all that?”
“Yes.” Lex reaffirms, cupping your face in his hands. “I mean it, y/n.”
Your lips quirk into a smile, and you lean forward to kiss him again. And this time, it’s no longer desperate, but soft, and tender, and loving. 
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tag list: @mockingjaygirl1221​ / @cnco-babes​ / @asix122747483​ / @lotsoffandomimagines​ / @uhohscarlett​ / @bored-green​ / @ietss​
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make you a believer ~ ella;lucifer
word count: 1540
request?: no
description: ella has lost her faith since the murder of charlotte richards. you, her angel girlfriend, decide to help her gain that faith back.
pairing: ella x female!angel!reader
warnings: spoilers for the season 3 finale if you haven’t seen it yet. other than that, nothing really. a bit of angst maybe? mainly lots of fluff though.
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You walked into the precinct with a smile on your face, ready to see your beloved girlfriend. You were carrying her usual coffee order paired with her favourite baked good, a special surprise since she had been having such a rough time these past few days.
Poor Ella was reeling from an awful week at work; first, one of her friends and co-workers, Charlotte Richards, was killed, then they found out that the killer was none other than the lieutenant, Marcus Pierce, aka the world’s first murderer Cain. Not that Ella knew that, nor would she believe it if anyone told her that. Lucifer had had a hard time trying to convince the detective, Chloe Decker, that he was the devil for nearly three years. It only took her catching him with his devil face to make her believe him.
Not that you wanted Ella to know about that part of your life. Nearly three years ago, after Lucifer came to Earth, you were sent down to help your brother, Amenadiel, to convince Lucifer to go back to hell. Shortly after you had arrived, however, you had fallen in love with Earth, and with Los Angeles. And then, a few months later, you met and fell in love with Ella Lopez. You decided you wanted to stay on Earth, to have a normal, happy, human like life. Besides the whole being an immortal angel thing, but that wasn’t important until those around you started to notice that you weren’t aging.
You wanted to cheer Ella up, so you decided to surprise her at work. As you walked towards her lab, someone grabbed your arm and stopped you. You turned to see yourself coming face to face with Dan Espinosa.
“Hey Dan,” you said, trying to have a cheery tone in your voice. “How are you? I’d offer you some baked goods, but these are all for Ella.”
“I don’t want baked goods, but thanks for the offer,” Dan said. “Actually, I stopped you because...well...I just want to say to be cautious going in there with Ella. I don’t know how much time you two have been spending together recently, but she’s not exactly...at her best right now.”
You tilted your head, a little confused. You hadn’t really seen Ella since everything went down with Charlotte and Cain and Lucifer. She said she just needed some time to herself, so you decided to give her some space.
You continued to Ella’s lab and pushed the door open. Your usually perky girlfriend was incredibly doom and gloom. She was leaned over her microscope, just staring. Her ears were missing her usual headphones, the room was incredibly silent, missing the sound of her humming along to whatever she was listening to. She was wearing her sunglasses inside, something she herself had always said meant only two things: to hide a massive hangover or to hide when someone has been crying.
You approached the desk and laid the coffee and baked goods down, causing Ella to jump.
“Oh, oh hey babe,” she said, trying to force on a smile. “Sorry, I was just...just looking at some evidence.”
“I didn’t mean to disrupt your work or anything,” you told her.
“Oh no, you didn’t disrupt anything,” Ella said, waving off your comment. “You brought me coffee and muffins? That’s so sweet, thank you baby.”
She crossed around the table to give you a kiss and to take the things you had brought her. You watched her try to seem much more happy and cheery, her usual self, but you could tell she was just putting on the act for you. You slowly reached up to take off her sunglasses. She hesitated a moment, trying to pull away from you, but then stopped and let you take them off.
Her eyes were red and had black circles under them. She looked like she hadn’t properly slept in a week.
“Ella, what’s wrong honey?” you asked her. “I haven’t really heard from you all week, and you look like you haven’t slept in forever.”
“I just...I had a little too much to drink yesterday is all,” Ella said, shrugging.
“Yesterday?” you asked. “Not judging you or anything, but you got drunk on a Sunday?”
“Yeah...well...I have nothing else to do now...I um...I quit going to church.”
This shocked you. Your super faithful, God loving girlfriend, had quit going to church? That’s how you knew something was very wrong.
“What? Why?”
“Because!” Ella snapped. “What’s the point of going to church and praising a God that doesn’t even exist?! And even if He does, why would He let these horrible things happen down here? Why would He let all this death and disease and...and awfulness happen?! Our world is slowly dying, why isn’t He doing anything about it? Why would he let someone kill Charlotte?!”
You were taken back by her outburst. She looked at you for a long time, tears forming in her eyes. You took her into your arms and held her close as she cried. You shushed her and told her everything was going to be okay.
And in that moment, you decided to break the biggest rule to all of angel kind.
That night, you were waiting on the roof of Lux for Ella to arrive. Before leaving that day, you had asked her to meet you there when she got off work. She asked you why, but you decided to keep it a secret. She wouldn’t believe you even if you told her in that moment.
Your heart raced as you thought of what her reaction was going to be. You were hoping it would be a good reaction, but you remembered Lucifer’s therapist, Linda’s, reaction when Lucifer revealed his devil face to her. Although, it’s totally different to learn that you’ve been a therapist to the actual Devil and then to find out that your girlfriend is an angel. Or maybe it wasn’t, maybe Ella would freak out just like Linda did.
The more you thought the over, the more nervous you made yourself. You were debating telling her not to come and meeting her at her place instead, but when you turned around to face towards the door, you saw Ella standing there.
“Hey,” she said, a small smile on her lips. “What did you want me to meet you here for?”
Well, that was it. It was now or never. You had already brought her all the way up here, might as well go through with the plan.
“There’s something I wanted to show you,” you started. “But before I do, you have to promise you won’t freak out or anything. At least, not at first.”
Ella gave you a confused look. “Why? What are you about to show me?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” you told her. “So just...look.”
You stepped away from her and took a deep breath. She was looking at you in confusion, which quickly turned to shock when you felt your beautiful wings unfurl from behind you.
Ella stood there for a long time, just staring at you. She didn’t speak, didn’t move, didn’t even blink. You were afraid she wasn’t even breathing for a moment. When she didn’t offer you any sort of reaction, you decided to explain yourself.
“You were questioning God’s existence and how something as awful as what happened to Charlotte could be a part of His plan. The truth is, what happened to Charlotte was completely against His plan. Charlotte was killed by the world’s first murderer, Cain, or as you knew him, Marcus Pierce. He was an awful man, he was trying to kill Amenadiel but Charlotte got in front of him to protect him.” There was still no response. “I know this is a lot, Ella, and I understand if you don’t want to be around me for a while so you can digest it all, but I just thought...you deserved to know the truth. You didn’t worship God for no reason, He exists and He hears everyone’s prayers, sometimes He just can’t answer them all. Sometimes he sends angels like me to answer them.”
Ella’s shaking hands lowered from her mouth as she reached for your wings. She stroked the soft feathers and exclaimed in shock, as if she didn’t believe that they were real. She looked at you and took your face in her hands. She pulled you to her and kissed you. You wrapped your arms and your wings around her, holding her to you.
“This is amazing,” she breathed as she looked at your wings. “I’m dating an angel! My girlfriend is an actual angel! Oh my God, I’m never going to get over this. I have so many questions, first being can you take me for a flight with those things?”
You laughed. “I can, but maybe somewhere more secluded than Los Angeles. Humans aren’t technically supposed to know about the existence of angels.”
“Right, yeah. Makes sense.” Ella nodded vigorously before starting to laugh. “I’m dating an angel! Oh my God! Wait, is that offensive?”
You laughed yourself, pulling Ella to you to kiss her one more time.
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riddlexmattheo · 2 years
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Imagine being Marcus's girlfriend and the hottest and strongest girl in Kings Dominion and constantly getting asked out but always embarrassing the dude in front of the whole school when you turn him down by insulting him and Marcus always finds it funny
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lucifertoxics · 2 months
jealousy, jealousy: marcus lopez
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| pairing: marcus lopez x reader
| genre: situationship with a one night stand
| warnings: angst, minors dni
| word count: 1.5k
| aura's note: i had this scenario in my head for more than a month, but now i finally managed to write it, so enjoy :)
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He didn't truly think that he would get too attached to what was supposed to be a one time thing. Marcus didn't think the situationship you two had would escalate. He wanted to be the only one that could feel you, see the way the corner of your lips upturn whenever he made a small joke.
One that wanted to make you laugh at. And now that he saw you teasingly flirt with another guy, it pissed him off. He wanted to go over there and beat the shit out of the guy, and the kiss you in front of him.
You look over to him, finally hearing the doorbell ring, knowing that it was time to go to class. That's when you and the boy stop talking, as he left to go class, that's when you left to do the same thing.
He saw you leave the boy and walk away, his fingers twitched and he wanted to chase after you, but he knew he couldn't. You weren't dating. You two were just messing around and didn't label it anymore. Just casual hooking up and flirting. He was supposed to be okay with that. He leaned back on his leaning chair and groaned, burying his head in his arms and rubbing his temples. "Dammit, Marcus..."
You knew he was a jealous man, the moment he layed his eyes on you. After the class ended, you had to get to him, knowing that he was now jealous at you for talking to that guy.
Marcus was leaning on the railing, arms crossed and fingers twitching when he spotted you. his teeth were gritted as his eyebrow twitched. You can see some of the veins on his temples pop out but he was trying to keep himself from exploding. "Hey" he said, sounding rather annoyed. "Got a hot date after school then?"
You roll your eyes annoyed by his jealousy, that's when you decide to wrap your hands around his neck, carressing his cheek, pouting a bit. Hoping it can convince him to not be so mad at that guy. "I don't like him, he's kinda boring anyways."
"So you only flirt with boring men? Damn, that's a new one." He glared at you, but it faded slightly when you wrapped your arms around his neck. He felt your touch on his cheek. His lips parted when he saw you pout, and leaned a bit closer just so he'd get a reaction out of you. He didn't expect you to do that. He expected you to get annoyed, but not to pout. His eeys widened slightly. He was surprised.
"Since when do you call yourself boring." You say in a teasing voice. "And yes, maybe i was flirting, maybe i wasn't, depends on you, but if you call talking about homework flirting, maybe we should talk abour homework more." You say teasingly while giggling.
His lip twitched and he let out a soft laugh. He was trying so hard to stay angry at you. He was trying so, so hard. You couldn't hear his thoughts, but he was thinking about how much he'd love to see you pouting while he pinned you against the wall and rubbed his fingers through your curls and kissed you right there...but he was supposed to be furious. He was supposed to tell you off. "Oh so now you're a tease?" He asked playfully.
"Don't tell me you were jealous" You said pushing his shoulder playfully. "And from the way you were looking at that guy, you could have killed him right there." You said giggling, still teasing him.
"Maybe i was, hm?" He shot you a playful grin, wrapping his hand around your wrist to pull you closer. You were so small, even though Marcus was only 5'11. "And are you saying that you don't want me to be jealous? You like making me jealous?" He asked in a teasing way, and that seemed to make him less angry. He loosened his hold on your wrist and he moved a step closer. The two of you were so close together that he could breathe in the scent of your hair.
"Let's say that you look hot when you're jealous." You said breathing heavily, as soon as he was close to you. You whispered the word "hot", feeling too embarassed to say it boldly into his face. "And i like seeing you that way."
His heart raced when he heard you say that, and he had to force himself to not close the distance any further. He wasn't dating you, so he couldn't even act on the urge to kiss you. But it was a temption one. A very tempting one. "So you like seeing me jealous, huh..." His lips parted when he spoke and his gaze dropped onto your lips. He tried hard to hold back but he couldn't do it anymore, He brought his lips closer to yours.
"Mhm" You nod, still maintaining eye contact. That's when you found yourself looking at his lips, biting yours. "And possesive...it's just...hard to explain..." You said breathing heavily, wrapping your hands around his neck, leaning in.
He couldn't help but let out a soft grunt when you wrapped your hands around his neck. It was a move that was quite new, but he enjoyed how bold you were all of a sudden. His hands wandered to your waist, his head tilting a bit as you both got closer. It was like his body was taking over. A surge of excitement and adrenaline shot up as he leaned in, and after a long anticipation, his lips brushed yours.
You kissed him back, coming closer with your body to his. Playing with his hair as the two of you continued to kiss. You were on your tiptoes to manage to kiss him as he was taller than you expected.
Marcus’s hands traveled to your hips and he held you there as the two of you pressed against each other. He enjoyed the feeling of your lips on his. The taste of your tongue, your fingers twisting in his hair, the way your breath hitched as he pulled you closer to him. His lips felt so warm against yours, so soft and smooth. The adrenaline kept pumping. The rush of emotions all at once was a lot, but he didn’t care. He just cared that he was kissing you.
After the kiss, you managed to catch your breath. That's when you realised, as you looked at him, that almost everyone in the school saw the two of you kiss. Nuzzling your head into Marcus chest, feeling embarassed.
He wrapped his arms around your waist more tightly as he felt you nuzzle your head into his chest. He kissed your head a couple of times before he looked up and around the area to see if anyone was still staring. A few were, but quickly averted their eyes and just pretended that they didn’t see anything. Marcus chuckled and he pulled back, looking down at you. One side of his lips turned up into a playful grin. He raised his hands and held your chin. "Embarrassed?"
"A bit" You said looking at him. "I just wasn't sure that you would want to make this official." You said on a teasing tone, blushing a bit.
"Ah, that depends." His eyes twinkled, his hands were still curled around your chin. He was just teasing you at this point and his grin only got wider as he saw your blush. His finger traced the outline of your bottom lip. "Would you want to make it official?" He asked jokingly, as if he wasn’t the one who kissed you in front of an entire crowd…
"I wouldn't mind." You said while biting your lip, feeling embarased still keeping eye contact. "I mean we have been on and off for some time and since you don't want me to talk to other guys.." You said, feeling your words trailing off, in a teasing tone.
"Hmm, really?" He looked down at the little pout on your lips, your eyes looked quite cute when you were that way. He couldn’t say no to you, even if he was joking. The feeling of being possessive was a rush itself. He liked the thought of you all to himself. His finger traced that pouty lower lip of yours. "And are you going to be a good little girlfriend if we do?" He asked teasingly but there was a small tint of possessiveness to it.
"Maybe a bad little girlfriend." You said tilting your head, kissing his cheek. "You know i've never been a good girl."
He let out a small cough in an attempt to stop his chuckle but it escaped a little too late. He found it adorable that you were acting all tough and sassy, thinking that it’ll throw him off, but the truth is that he was enjoying it a lot. He didn’t care if you were bad. He couldn’t deny that he liked it a lot. "Maybe that’s what I want." He said, and his arms wrapped around you tighter.
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© LUCIFERTOXICS ⎯ do not translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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hyunnielix · 5 years
Marcus lends you his hoodie after an accident which prompts you to contemplate whether you should give it back. 
Pairing: Y/N x Marcus Lopez Arguello
Warnings: Fluff! The tiniest bit of angst, Kinda AU (UNEDITED)
Word Count: 1.2k
 the smell of your cologne is still on it  slip it on over my shoulders
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“How’s it going so far?” You questioned, easily sliding your legs under the table so you could sit next to Marcus at the designated ‘rats’ table along with Petra, Billy and Lex. 
You placed your cafeteria tray down, staring at the food disgustedly as you’d lost your appetite a while ago.
“He’s managed to get beaten up every day if that’s what you're asking,” Lex exclaimed, a raspy laugh leaving his lips as Marcus made an unpleasant face at him rolling his eyes out of annoyance.
“Aww not so well then.” You pouted, placing a finger underneath Marcus’s chin to see the damage that no doubt Chico would’ve caused, his group were a bunch of egotistical dicks that took enjoyment in watching others in pain.
Sure enough, he had a fresh bruise above his eye and a nasty cut across the bridge of his nose. Brushing your thumb against the greenish tinted bruise your breath hitched as he swatted your hand away from him.
“If you’re going to make fun of me for it hurry up,” He sighed, twirling the metallic fork in his food before side eyeing you waiting for your sarcastic comment.
“I wasn’t-,” You began to defend yourself but stopped as he shrugged it off, returning his focus to the sloppy peas on his plate he had yet to eat.
“Why is Brandy coming over here?” Petra hissed, causing the group to turn towards their table watching intently as the blonde haired nazi wannabe strutted toward them with a flavoured milk carton in her hand. 
“Hey Y'all I just came over here to congratulate Y/N for officially reaching slut status,” She exclaimed standing at the front of the table addressing the group, a smirk plastered on her face as you refused to make eye contact with her.
You knew what she was talking about which caused your heartbeat to quicken wondering how she found out in the first place. 
Ambling over towards you she held the milk carton above your head and before you could retaliate you felt the cold chocolate flavoured liquid penetrate your hair and trail down your blazer and all over your chest.
The ringing of laughter could be heard throughout the cafeteria as you attempted to wipe the milk off your face, tasting it in the process.
“Fine, you want to call me slut go ahead, let's see how everyone else thinks of me after I do this,” You spat on her shoe before standing up in your spot, unpredictably you began to unbutton the chocolate milk covered school blazer ripping it off and placing it on the table leaving you in a white undershirt.
“But of course this isn’t enough for you Brandy is it?” You questioned while crossing your arms using your hands to grab the hem of the white now stained undershirt and pulling it off in one swift motion leaving you in your expensive branded lacy black lingerie bra.
An uproar of cheering and clapping began as you stood there, hands placed on your hips a bitchy grin on your face as Brandy kissed her teeth huffing and turning around, returning to her ‘legacy’ table.
“Holy shit Y/N.” Petra exclaimed, beginning to clap along with everyone else amazed by your bold actions. 
You knew the boys at your table especially would be eyeing you, biting your lip you moved your gaze to Marcus whose lips were parted out of what you couldn’t decipher as surprise or shock. Giving him a sly wink, you caught his reaction out of the corner of your eye as you sat down again. The sight of his reddening cheeks was adorable, it was easy to make him flustered.
For once in your life, you’d rendered Lex and Billy speechless which caused you to internally celebrate, the lack of cheeky comments made you feel accomplished.
After an awkwardly long time, while shirtless, you began to slightly shiver due to the coolness of the room. The curly brunette had picked up on how uncomfortable you were starting to feel.
“Y/N, here,” He mumbled, beginning to pull off his black and comfortable looking hoodie for you as it was the most sensible option other than being shirtless.
“Turn sideways,” He ordered as you threw one leg over the bench, sitting on it sideways and facing him. 
“Arms up.” He sang cheerily which was the complete opposite of how he was feeling before, maybe you’d cheered him up with your act. Obeying him you lifted both of your arms up in a Y formation making the process easier for him.
Placing it over your head, he helped pull the sleeves down onto your arms. His nimble fingers skimmed down your torso as he attempted to pull the rest of the hoodie down onto your figure causing Goosebumps to arise.
“Thank you,” You whispered noticing how fluffy and warm it was around your body, you had to refrain from letting out a sigh of contentment. 
“I’ve never seen Brandy been so humiliated in my life,” Billy exclaimed, praising you as he began to laugh at the scene that unravelled before him just a couple of minutes ago. 
“She deserved it,” You replied snarkily as the group hummed in agreement at your statement. 
“And now you’re going to have another target on your back,” Marcus stated knowingly which caused you to emit a groan of unsatisfaction.
“He does have a point, she’ll do anything to get back at you for that,” Lex piped up, leg crossed on the table as he leant back comfortably contributing to the conversation. 
“I’ll survive, I always do.” You shrugged, flipping up the hoodie to cover your head out of boredom. 
After using the rest of your afternoon classes to contemplate whether you should give Marcus’s hoodie back you decided to personally greet him at his room. 
Folding the black jumper up nicely, you hugged it inhaling the scent of him that lingered on it causing you to smile. You liked him more than you let on.
Roaming down the halls almost awkwardly, you paused at the door of his and Shabnams shared room, exhaling to release some nerves before holding your arm up in a knocking position.
Before you could knock, the door swung open revealing a somewhat shirtless Marcus who looked just as equally stunned to see you.
“Y/N,” He exclaimed, eyebrows raising as he attempted to quickly button up the white shirt as he saw you. 
Your eyes lingered on the splotches of white scarred tissue that trailed down his chest as he covered them up.
“Marcus I uh, here,” You whispered in a hushed tone, handing him the folded hoodie as you tried to comprehend what you’d just seen. 
“It’s nothing Y/N,” He said referring to his scars as he softly smiled, you could see the anguish in his eyes as he relived the memories from the boys home causing you to let out a sigh.
“If you ever want to talk about it, I’m all ears,” You offered, furrowing your brows as he nodded in reply, murmuring a small thanks for returning his hoodie.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” He questioned as you began to strut away from the room and back down the many confusing halls of Kings Dominion.
“Maybe.” You exclaimed, throwing your head over your shoulder and cheekily smiling as he watched you leave.
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Cordonian Wags
Part 16 -Backstabber
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In a world full of Professional footballers and their demanding wives- can their football team nicknamed the ‘Cordonian Apples’ succeed? An American female physiotherapist joins the club. Will this cause issues with the footballers wives?
*This series is based on The Royal Romance characters who belong to Pixelberry - AU Plot switch*
Tags: @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @whenyourheartskipsabeat @jovialyouthmusic @nz1091 @yukinagato2012 @indiacater @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @cordonianroyalty
The alarm was a distant noise, that became louder every second that went by. Snoozing it for a while- Riley knew she had to remove herself from the warm sheets sooner rather than later. Sitting up, Drake pulled her back into bed- snuggling into her.
“Drake, we need to get up.”
“I don’t want to. Five minutes won’t hurt.”
“Drake come on. It’s match day. We can do this after the match.”
“No we can’t. I’ve made plans for us both.”
“What plans?” Suddenly ignoring the fact that they had a busy day, she was intrigued as to what he had planned.
“I’ll tell you if you stay in bed for five more minutes.” She couldn’t ignore that sexy smirk, and charm.
Staying in bed for ten more minutes- they were content in each other’s company. Both secretly hoping that the match would be postponed due to Constantine’s condition. After eating breakfast and getting ready, they headed to Drake’s cabin.
Upon arrival, the door was slightly open ajar. Even with the rush of trying to escape Kiara the previous night- he knew he had locked the door. Checking his pockets he couldn’t find his keys. Holding Riley back as they entered, he didn’t want her to be in any danger. The house hadn’t been ransacked- it was tidy, just as he had left it. Grabbing his suit, they were about to leave to go to the stadium, when the mysterious person walked down the stairs.
“Drake? Bienvenue à la maison... when you slept with me in your truck and gave me your keys I’d have expected you back earlier. Have you still got my thong in your jacket?”
“You are crazy! Get out of my house now!” Holding Riley back, he could feel her tense up- he didn’t want her to come to any harm due to Kiara’s pathological lies.
“Riley, check his jacket. If you don’t believe me. He’s been playing us both- typical footballer. Although you should know all about that.” Patting down his pocket, there was indeed some underwear, throwing it back towards the woman Riley couldn’t cope with anymore hassle.
“Va te faire foutre Kiara. I learnt french incase I needed to have it out with you after your last performance.”
“Mon cher, you still have a lot to learn.”
“Get out of his house now! Or I’m calling the police.” Threatening to call the police with full of rage, Riley wasn’t bluffing.
“Fine, I’ll go. See you later Drakey. I’m looking forward to our reunion. Love you.” Riley turned around watching her leave, gobsmacked that someone had the nerve to anything so ludicrous.
The journey to the stadium was in silence. Arriving there was press outside, snapping pictures of everyone that turned up- attempting to get a scoop regarding the chairman. Exiting the car, Drake kept pleading with her to speak to him - he was tempted to go awol just to get her to talk.
“You know she’s mental. You know I’d never do any of that. Please just talk or nod your head- do something.”
“Oh I know what she’s like. I’ve had her be aggressive towards me remember.”
“I am forever going to feel guilty about that. That was all my fault. For not being able to hide my feelings. But now, we have a future. I chose you. And I will do for the rest of my life.” Forcing her way through the crowd, she ignored him- she needed to forget about the whole situation and concentrate on the match.
“Riley, Wait up!”
“Drake I can’t do this. She’s going to constantly be there. Do you see Xavier stalking us? No. I just can’t deal with this right now. What’s she going to do next? Come and watch us have sex? Whilst she’s around acting like this, I can’t be with you anymore. We are over!”
Breaking news- trouble in paradise for Drake Walker and Riley Brooks. Arriving at the stadium, they exited Mr Walkers car arguing. Not a good start to their relationship.
“Why are you all looking at me?” Riley asked as she entered the changing room. Leo showed her the latest tweet- she was now gossip yet again.
“We’ve split up. Well I told him I can’t be with him. I’ll explain later- or he can explain.”
“feliz cumpleaños bebe” Rolling her eyes back, someone must have forgotten to inform him that he had been dismissed. Someone must have forgotten that he had no right to call her baby anymore. She wasn’t his prized possession, she hadn’t been for a long time.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Erm, I’m the manager.” Riley couldn’t wait to wipe that sarcastic smirk off his face. Oh how she wished that someone could record his reaction.
“Not anymore arsehole! Bertrand is. Now get out of my way.”
“Don’t you want a birthday kiss from your husband?”
“I’d rather kiss a cows backside then be close to you!” The team couldn’t stop laughing at the humiliation he had just received. Reading the paper that she forced into his chest- he knew his own father wouldn’t do that to him. Focusing his gaze on Drake, he saw that he was looking down to the floor- avoiding everyone’s gaze after that breaking news tweet.
“What’s up Walker? Women troubles?”
“Don’t fucking start on him. He’s a better man than you’ll ever be!” Leo stood up abruptly, leaving little distance between the two of them.
“Told you she just wanted you for the lust. Did you enjoy it whilst it lasted? I know my wife well. Anyway gentlemen, do us all proud. Do this for Constantine, whoever forged his signature on this paper won’t be so lucky.”
“Drake what happened? You need to tell us so we can help you.”
“We had the most amazing sex, cuddles in bed. I had to collect my suit from home- the door was open. Kiara was there. She told Riley a load of bullshit. She even stole my house keys and planted a thong in my jacket without me noticing. Now Riley has said she can’t be with me anymore. It’s her birthday- she’s stuck with Xavier and Kiara being twats. And is pushing me away.” Liam had recorded what Drake said to them, sending it to Olivia. His wife replied by saying she was going to see Kiara and get rid of her.
The players arrived on the pitch, singing the national anthem- Riley nervously watching along side Bastien, Bertrand and Xavier. The atmosphere throughout the stadium was euphoric as it was with the first match.
Welcome to Applewood Stadium again- we are all ready for another win again. My name is Gary Thorpe and I have Marcus Healey along side of me again. There is no update on the chairman’s condition, but I know that the team will do him proud. There are many scandals brewing, but let’s not think about those for now. Drake Walker is missing the match, but I’m sure the Rhys brothers will provide us with a win.
According to sources Gary, Walker should be returning for the next match which will be the first away match. Hopefully he’s had enough physio to return, although I do wonder who will be his physio after the recent breaking news. It’s a slow start unlike the first match, but the Apples have control of the ball.
Captain Leo Rhys nearly creates a head start for the apples, the ball was so close. The opponents are close to Beaumont, they shoot- but also miss. Beaumont rolls the ball to his team mate- Liam Rhys is away, no defenders near him, his brother is right beside him. Oh. Is this the head start they need? Leo Rhys shoots and scores! One nil to the apples.
Marcus, I think the apples need to be grateful for Leo Rhys’s talent. Considering his home life he is still determined to work hard.
Yes I agree, it is know that he and his wife Madeleine have filled for divorce- it is known that he is in a new relationship. Enough talk about Leo Rhys the opponents have the ball, oh, this is so close. The apples need to defend quick, before the opponents score an equaliser. Spoke to soon. Beaumont looks frustrated, that could have easily been saved. The score 1-1.
Stoppage time, six minutes added before the half time whistle blows. Can the apples score another to be winning again? This first half Gary has been frustrating for both sides- there has been so many missed opportunities.
And that’s it. The whistle has been blown. The score 1-1.
The apples new Manager Xavier Lopez has stormed off through the tunnel- a disappointing first half for his first match. Hopefully we can win the second half and keep the clean sheet staying top of the league.
The men all headed back into the dressing room, exhausted and awaiting the berating discussion from Xavier. His face was like thunder- drinking water to keep them all hydrated, he threw his bottle in a frustrated rage- narrowly just missing Riley. She was that used to his rages- natural instinct knew to bend down. Realising he nearly hurt her, he went over to where she was stood- Drakes and Leo’s eyes widened. Leo attempted to calm him down- telling him to ignore the interaction taking place.
“I’m sorry. Are you okay? It’s just frustrating. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine. Don’t worry.” Pulling her towards him, she wanted to push him away- but placed her arms around his waist.
“Happy birthday darling. I love you. I’ve got you a present.” Handing her a tiny box, she admired the bracelet that had diamonds around the edge. He had always bought her expensive presents in the past, but this time she felt as if it was just a gesture to buy her back.
“That’s so kind of you. We could go for a drink after the match if you want?” Her baby blues sparkled as they did the first night we met.
“Really?” Providing her with a confused expression- not long before she was criticising him, he wondered why the sudden change of heart.
“Yes, you’re my husband.”
“It’ll be my treat, I love you so much.”
“I suppose I still love you.” Kissing her on the cheek, he turned to the players smirking. Seeing Drake scowling, Xavier had a little laugh to himself.
Xavier didn’t suggest any new tactics and was confident and positive that they will turn the match around and win. The team had all rested- and were ready to have an adrenaline rush in order to keep up their clean sheet.
“How could you do that to Drake? He loves you!” Leo snapped at Riley. Riley just shook her head.
“Don’t tell me what to do Leo, he’s my husband. He’s not signing the papers. I may as well try and fix my marriage. I’m not having Kiara stalk me and Drake. It’s for the best.”
“You are fucking crazy! He killed your baby!” Leo out of character, tried to shake her- to see if she was awake and alert, and not possibly on some type of drug.
“People do make mistakes Leo. Enough about me, you keep on doing a great job.” Oblivious to the fact that Leo was correct, she walked away not wanting to continue this slanging match.
Second half is underway, and ‘the Apples’ manager looks a bit calmer than he did fifteen minutes ago. Taking the early possession again, they launch the first attack. Leo Rhys looks frustrated- I wonder what had happened during half time? He’s losing concentration- this is not good for the Apples.
There’s a corner for The Apples...that was so close. Both teams are having so many missed opportunities, it’s going to be hard to predict a winner. I can see that the both teams are frustrated with their rivals defence. Leo Rhys has tackled a player, oh no this doesn’t look good. What do you think Marcus?
I think Leo wasn’t concentrating, it looks like the player could have possibly broken his leg.
Leo looks upset, but is arguing with the rivals players. If he isn’t careful he could potentially be booked. Oh spoke too soon- Leo Rhys is off. Red card. This is not looking good for the Apples.
A penalty has been awarded to the other team, Beaumont looks nervous.
Goal! 2-1. Beaumont is full of rage, blaming his team mate for giving the opposition a penalty. It’s now up-to Liam Rhys. Can he score an equaliser to get the Apples back in the game?
With ten minutes to go Liam Rhys is near the goal- the opponents defence is lacking. Cleverly he tricks the goalkeeper and scores! Leo Rhys stands up cheering, much to the dislike of his manager.
Into injury time, can the Apples score a stoppage time goal? Possibly Marcus- Liam Rhys has had plenty of chances in the last ten minutes. He deserves a brace.
And that is it Cordonia. Full time result 2-2. A draw is disappointing but both teams definitely deserved a win. Its still the beginning of the season- let’s hope they aren’t too disheartened with the result. Can they keep up the hard work? I sure hope so, especially with Walker hopefully returning for the next match.
Returning inside they all hit the showers, and dressed in their teams suits. Xavier explained that he had an update on Constantine, which caused all the team to provide worried looks towards each other.
“The chairman would like to see everyone separately in the following days. He will contact each of you. For now, go and enjoy your afternoon. Drinks are on me. I won’t be there unfortunately. Enjoy. See you all at training.”
Xavier walked out, waiting for Riley- overhearing the team gossip about him as well as Constantine, he didn’t care.
“Are you ready?” Pulling his wife into his embrace, he had to thank Kiara once he had the time to - their plan worked and he was slowly getting his wife back.
“Yes. Ready to be wined and dined.” Riley saw the press ready to snap a picture of the two of them. Placing a gentle kiss on his cheek, she removed her wedding rings out of her purse and allowed him to place them back on her finger.
The men entered the room, as promised Xavier had put money behind the bar. Olivia arrived making a dramatic entrance- with Kiara, and headed straight towards Drake, Leo, Liam and Lindsey.
“Kiara has something to say to you Drake.” Olivia held the knife towards Kiara’s back, twisting and turning it providing the slightest bit of pain.
“Drake I’m sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you... Olivia you’re hurting me!”
“Carry on bitch!” Olivia wasn’t taking anymore shit from her, she knew none of this was her business but Riley was family. And family stick together.
“I was paid to do what I did this morning. I don’t want to hurt you anymore. Or Riley for that matter. I will leave you alone. I’ve accepted that you are not mine anymore. I wish you both the best.”
“Good girl! Now au revior. Or I’ll stab you properly. If I see your face around here again- get ready Kiki.” Kiara began crying, before she left she informed them all that she was leaving the country. She had Xavier’s money in her bag, that amount of money would set her up for a lifetime if she used it well.
“Thanks Liv, I’m going to head out. I’m not in the mood.”
“Drake, Riley will come back to her senses. Especially now psychopath is out of the picture.”
“No she won’t, Liv. I’ve lost her. But thanks guys.”
Arriving at the restaurant, Riley had second thoughts - she believed she would be spending time with Drake on her birthday.
Xavier became drunk easily, probably down to nerves about being back in the company of his wife, winning her trust and possibly love back.
“So, I’ve ripped up the divorce papers. I want to work on our marriage. Put the past behind us. But I have a document from the lawyer. We both have to sign it, to say we are not getting divorced but instead we need counselling. I need to know that you are going to be the man I fell in love with Xav.”
“Pass the paper here. I don’t care what we have to do to fix our marriage. I will prove to you everything.” Signing the paper without reading it. She lent towards him, hugging him. Returning to her position. He lent in to kiss her on the lips. The kiss felt odd, unusual.
“We will go for the first session next week if you want?” Riley encouraged this suggestion, hoping he would agree.
“Yes. Do you want to come back to mine tonight?” She saw desire in his eyes, feeling slightly guilty- he possibly could have changed. But it would take a long time to gain any trust back.
“Oh I can’t, I promised Lindsey and Bastien that I’d see them. But I could stay after the counselling, depending on how it goes.”
“Yes okay then. I love you Mrs Lopez.”
“I know you do in your own little twisted way.”
They had their meal, and Riley insisted on getting a cab home- promising to text him to let him know she was home.
He rung her shortly after they had departed each other’s company- pouring his love out down the phone. Lying she told him she was home. Hesitantly knocking on the hotel room door, she had hoped that the person would still be awake. Opening the door smiling, her heart fluttered like she was seeing her teenage crush.
“I’ve missed you.” Pulling her towards him, she felt warm again belonging in his arms.
“I’ve missed you too. That was torture. But I’m finally getting divorced. Did Liam and Liv stick to her plan?” Showing him her papers, he picked her up- spinning her around. Kissing her forehead, he held her protectively. Relieved that she was one stamp away from being divorced, and relieved that Kiara had gone awol.
“Yes, she had a knife in Kiara’s back- never mess with Olivia. Kiara has left Cordonia. Our publicity stunt worked. Leo and Lindsey are still pissed off- none of us had the heart to tell them what was going on.” Escorting her into the room, he flung her on to the bed. His hands roamed her body, as he kissed her passionately. The night hadn’t turned out the way which he had planned- but he didn’t care. They were both each other’s and he was going to make it up to her tomorrow - a belated birthday.
“Seeing him with you was torture. Now you’re technically divorced, in the future you could be Mrs Walker.”
“Are you proposing to me?” She winked at him. Knowing he wasn’t, she still imagined what it would be like to be his wife.
“Not yet. But I know what I want in my future and that is you. I love you.”
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rivalsofnycupdates · 4 years
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“My silence is not weakness but the beginning of my revenge.”  
■ ABOUT. ■
name: Riley Anderson age: twenty-eight occupation: Ex-Prison Guard/Devils Prospect gender: non-binary pronouns: they/them sexuality: homosexual
Riley wasn’t naive, to say the least, but they did have a passion for helping others, for bringing justice forward towards those who deserved it. Their father was a respected police officer and from a young age, they had always looked up to him. Even when they didn’t fully understand his job, they idolized him. When he came home from work, they would plant themselves down and listen to every single thing he told them about his day and they knew all they wanted to do was walk in their father’s footsteps. The days where their mother was caught up, and they needed to spend time in the police station were some of the best days of their childhood. They couldn’t even attempt to contain their excitement when they were told they would be spending the day with daddy at the station. Riley mostly hung out with the police receptionist or would sit underneath their desk while they answered phone calls or delegated police tasks. Being a child, they couldn’t help much, though simply being in the police station was a thrill to them.
When Riley was fifteen, things changed, the moment their mother had been fearful of since the day they met. Their father was killed while on a call in a gas station robbery by some drug addict. Riley couldn’t believe it for a long time, they were in denial and weren’t the same person. They always thought their father was invincible, he couldn’t die. He’d been such a skilled police officer, there was no way. Their father’s death completely ripped Riley to shreds and set them on a whole different path. One where they wouldn’t end up being in the line of danger but somewhere to make sure the people who were placed into the justice system would remain there. They started to inquire more about the law and the justice system and decided this was where they was wanted to make a change. They knew that becoming a lawyer would take serious work and a lot of money. So when they graduated high school they began working as a prison guard in order to save up what they could.
Everything had been fine, they settled into their new job and at the time there was a man who was brought into the prison. His name was Marcus Wentworth and while they didn’t know it at the time. He would alter their life yet again. There had been a woman who would come visit him, she was beautiful. They never said it out loud of course, since it was truly inappropriate, though they were only human. This woman often came in when Riley was working and from the moment she walked through the prison doors, anyone knew, just from the way she walked this girl knew what she wanted. The moment Jen’s eyes landed on them, Riley knew it was over from there. The two started talking only when Marcus had availability, though somehow they ended up starting to see each other casually outside of the prison. They didn’t know how it happened but a few weeks after their first meet, they’d been seeing each other regularly with some sexual encounters as well. For a year, Riley fell for every single word Jennifer Krongold had told them, soon realizing this woman had stolen their heart. Riley was happy with their current situation, they and Jennifer were living together, creating a happy life together, until one day Jennifer tore their entire world fell apart. They arrived into work learning that Marcus Wentworth had escaped from his prison cell, their immediate reaction was the call Jennifer, though the number had been disconnected. At the end of their shift, they went home and noticed all of Jennifer’s stuff was gone.
Thankfully, the prison warden never found out exactly how Marcus Wentworth escaped, though that didn’t stop Riley from feeling like a guilty fool. From that moment on, they busted their ass to get to where they were, to earn the level of respect they had from the other guards there. Most people didn’t think they could do it and all they wanted to do was prove them wrong. They refused to let Jennifer’s hold over them affect their job, though socially, there were a few dark weeks where they had been at the bar, drinking away the pain that Jen had caused them by helping Marcus Wentworth escape. Riley wasn’t sure if they had been more pissed off about the fact they fell for Jen’s games or the fact that they knew if their father saw them, he’d be disappointed. It wasn’t until they were approached by a Devils member who had somehow heard about what had happened at the prison and told them all about who Jennifer was. A Krongold, apparently the daughter of Royal’s president. He offered to bring them into the Devils and help them get their revenge on Jennifer for what she had done to them. It wasn’t a hard choice for Riley to say yes.
Since becoming a Devils prospect, Riley had been gathering all the information they can on the younger Krongold all the while learning what it is like to have a solid team to back your every move. At the Devil’s first event, Riley had been lurking in the shadows the night of the biggest opening event of the year. The party was held at Moonlight Nightclub, an establishment they were familiar with due to its Devils ownership. As a new Devils prospect, it was their first event that they were scoping out. They did their  best to stay low, knowing that everyone whose anyone would have attended this party. As they glanced around the venue their eyes landed on the same brunette who caused them so much pain and confusion for the last five years. The same woman who broke their heart into a million pieces and for what? Some man? The underlining anger Riley had caused them to vent their frustrations to another Devils prospect. The member they had been talking to had a baggie of pills Garrett passed out to his members to show the Royals how easily it was to get to them. So, while Jen was talking to her brother Christopher, Riley walked by her drink and dropped a few pills in and watched as Jen stumbled out of the club merely twenty minutes later. The plan was for them to finally see her and speak to her, while she was in the midst of her overdose, though someone got to her first. Leaving Riley with the frustrations of a missed opportunity. Although, a few months ago, Riley had spoken their emotions out to another fresh Devil’s prospect and ended up speaking up about how they knew where Jennifer lived but they didn’t have the guts to go face her themselves, it was when the new prospect said they would handle it and Riley hasn’t seen or heard from them since.
■ Christopher Krongold: While they have never met Christopher or anyone of Jennifer’s family, they able to gain some knowledge on Jennifer’s family ties after joining the Quantum of Devils.
■ Lana Carter: Lana was the Devils member who provided them with the drugs, and has been someone they can vent to when they need. They’ve been able to find comfort in one another and often drink together when they both need to forget the world.
■ Juliette Derby: Juliette was a great way to get information, she was able to provide most details on the Royals due to her ability to blend into the high-end massage parlour Sugar Rub.
■  Garrett Miller > President
■  Alicia Lopez > Often acquaintance also is attracted to her.
■  Nari Kim > Occasional Hookup
■  Avery Harding > One nightstand
Riley Anderson is an OPEN character and is portrayed by Asia Kate Dillon who’s FC IS NON-NEGOTIABLE.
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gangrenados · 5 years
The silent treatment
Marcus Lopez Arguello x fem!reader.
Also I made the reader Hispanic , so there will be a few words in Spanish.
So this is my answer to the lovely anon who send me this: “HC that if Marcus is given the silent treatment, he’d be the most annoying person in the world! Trying to diffuse whatever made you mad at him with getting you to laugh or even just to yell at him.”
Sorry for taking too long!
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All all started by a really bad joke that got in your nerves, the worst part was that Marcus were the one who said it.
He didn't meant to upset you, of course, but the whole thing for him was just ridiculous.
Marcus took your arm and make you turn around, so now you were face to face with him. He has a ‘serious’ expression in his face, trying not to show the laugh he was holding.
"Can you explain me why the hell you're so mad at me?" Marcus tell you while raising an eyebrow, biting his lower lip at the end of the sentence.
You rolled your eyes, biting the inside of your cheek."You should know it, cariño." You said in a sarcastic tone, looking him directly in his eyes. Marcus shake his head.
"It's for that stupid joke?" he ask, your silence telling him the truth."Oh, c'mon! It was a silly joke, nothing more of that..."
You let go of his grip and readjusted your backpack, walking away from him.
"Don't be like that, baby" he said throwing his arms in the air.
So the day goes by, you didn't talk to Marcus and he was going crazy by it, he needed to make it up for you, but he wasn't considering the idea of apologize.
"So she went crazy by that fucking thing..." Marcus was telling the history about how you give him the silent treatment to him to Billy and Willie and they were listening to him while smoking a cigarette.
"Well...that's fucked up." Billy said, taking a puff on his cigarette.
"I know." Marcus answered discouraged, running a hand through his hair and bringing his head back for a moment.
"Why don't you go and apologize?" Willie suggested as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. The boy changed his position, now sitting on his right leg.
Marcus shook his head at Willie's suggestion, throwing out the smoke in his mouth. "No, at least not now..."
In the next classes that you and Marcus had, Marcus sat next to you and tried to start a conversation, he went silent when he realized that you were ignoring him, he also sent you notes, asking if you were still mad at him. He also did things for you such as loading your books or carrying your backpack, he wanted to get some reaction from you, he didn't even care if it was you yelling him.
At nightfall, things remain the same. Marcus was outside your room, with his forearms pressed against the door and against these he rested his head. He had been knocking on the door for about five minutes or so, the girls who passed by him either ignored him or made fun of him.
Marcus, already tired of knocking, sat on the floor with his legs crossed and his head resting in the palm of his hands.
"I'll stay here, all night if necessary, baby" he shouted without knowing if you were listening.
"I know I messed everything up, but" Marcus let go a sigh." I'm sorry..."
He get up the second he felt the door open, revealing you in your pajamas."What did you say?"
"I say that m' sorry." Marcus took your hands and laces his fingers with you." The joke was dumb, I know, sorry for that..."
"I dunno, Marcus..." you took away your hand, looking at the ground searching for an answer." The things you say were really hurtful for me,I- I think I can't forgive you..."
"Oh, please, babygirl..." Marcus pouted, looking at you with puppy dog ​​eyes.
"Oh, fuck me..." you sighed, he knew your weakness so well.
"Gladly if you forgive me." Marcus said cocky, smiling down at you, feeling a little better when he saw how you lips curved into a little smile, one that you quickly change into a serius expression.
“You are so annoying, and you’re gonna make me lose, Marcus!” you whispered in a low voice, making sure that the people who were inside your room didn’t hear you.
“What are you talinkg about?” Marcus asked confused, looking how you start to play with the hem of his shirt.
“Weell,” you star to talk, biting for a second your lips.” I made a bet with María that was about how much time I could give you the silent treatment. I bet I could take two full days without talking to you and she said that I couldn’t even finish one, and she won.”
Marcus inhaled deeply, strangely not surprised by your words. "I should give you silent treatment." he said, pulling your hands away from his shirt. "But I'm not going to do it ..." He approached you and put his hand to the side of your face, bringing his hand closer to kiss you.
"¡Lo sabía!" María screamed from inside the room, causing you to walk away from Marcus startled. "You know you're going to do what I say for a whole day, dulzura..." Maria peeked through the door, her hair falling to one side of her face and she smiled triumphantly.
"Cierra la boca, María.”
Tag list: @super-sunny-bean, @dammit-scamander, @sweetdayme4427,@depressed-with-anxiety, @love-giselle, @aesthetic--fangirl, @captivatedrose, @ladyofstardvst, @sundaay-addams, @wrinkledparchment, @fionnscute, @the-winter-loki10, @theriverdalediaries, @clau-carstairs
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faebirdie · 5 years
I’d Like That
Pairing: Marcus Lopez Arguello/Reader
Category: Mostly fluff
Words: 725
Warnings: Mention of violence and murder
Requested: Yes
Prompts: Holds the others hand when they think they won’t notice.
Summary: You can't help but notice Marcus's anger towards Willie after Rory's death and try to help diffuse the situation.
A/N’s: I posted this last week, but the tags got messed up, so this is a repost. Requests are open. The rules are linked in my bio.
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You had first wanted to reach out to him during dark arts, when you had seen him tensing up and clenching his fists during Willie’s presentation. You had yet to realize why he was upset, but it wasn’t hard to tell that something was wrong. His knuckles had turned a ghostly white and his shoulders were working their way up to his ears. But you were sitting three desks back. And even if you weren’t, whether you like it or not, you and Marcus just don’t have the kind of relationship where you get to comfort him like that.
It happened again during lunch. You were sitting next to him this time and could hear Willie bragging about his kill again from over at his normal table. Marcus had started bouncing his leg up and down almost as soon as he had heard Willie’s voice and at this point, you were starting to notice the pattern. You had turned towards him, just trying to catch his eye to check in, but found that he was too busy glaring at the old scratched up table you sat at to notice your searching eyes. You had decided to just leave it alone. Not your place and all.
But now, as your walking through the halls with him towards the dorms, you’re starting to rethink this decision. And honestly, you’re starting to get annoyed with Willie yourself. The bragging’s bad enough, but you just can’t get past how morbid it all is. Currently, he’s recounting the story of how he’d smashed the man’s head in again. And the closer you and Marcus get to where he’s standing, the more concerned you’re becoming about Marcus. His hands are clasped into fists and he keeps clenching and unclenching his jaw. You’ve seen him like this before and know what it means. He’s ready to start a fight with someone far bigger and far more experienced than he is. You can’t say he’s not consistent.
You know that you need to get the fuming boy far away from here as quickly as possible and you’re hoping that he’s too distracted to think much about what you’re doing, so you decide to just go for it. You quickly step towards him and lace your fingers through his, wrapping your other hand around his upper arm and then start to pull him through the hall, past Willie, and back to his room. You’re too busy weaving your way through other students and around open lockers to look up at Marcus and gage his reaction. Instead, you just keep pushing, or more pulling, forward.
It isn’t until you’re both safely inside his room with the door closed that you finally look at him, hoping that he won’t have really noticed you holding his hand. He’s staring. Eyebrows creepy together and lips slightly parted. Yeah. So, he definitely noticed. “Um, sorry. You looked upset, so I wanted to get you out of there. I-I didn’t mean to overstep- “
“No! No. You didn’t. I just didn’t expect anyone to notice anything was off.” His eyes are peering into yours with an intensity that you can’t seem to recognize. You nod slightly as your eyes drift away from his pensive stare. It’s only then that you realize that you’re still holding his hand. Gosh. What’s wrong with you today.
As you go to tug your now clammy hand away though, Marcus catches it. He wraps his own hand tighter through yours and pulls you toward him slowly before he leans down closer to you. Your head has now jerked up, allowing you to catch his attentive stare. His face is close to your own. Close enough to feel him breathing softly against you lips and your breath catches in your throat when you recognize what he’s waiting for. That’s he’s waiting for you.
You gently place your free hand against his chest before pushing up the last little bit to catch your lips against his pink ones. He in response moves to wrap his arm around your waist tenderly, gently pulling you closer to him. Marcus guides his lips against yours and It doesn’t take long before your hand is pulling away from his to instead lay on the back of his neck, your fingers brushing against the skin there. His finds his cupping your cheek. You pull away with your breathing shallow. You’ve never kissed or been kissed by any one so sweetly.
He smiles sweetly. “Hi,” He breathes out.
“Hi,” you continue to mumble shyly, “I really liked that.”
“Yeah. Me too.” His smile grows, “I think I’d like to take you out, too.”
He just refuses to let you catch your breath today. You nod your head haphazardly and utter a soft, “Yes, please.”
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