marauderswlwmonth · 2 years
Marauders WLW Month - September 2022
Hey friends! This is the official information post for the Marauders WLW Month of 2022!
The goal of this month is to celebrate women who love women in the fandom, to generate more content for WLW ships and characters, and to make the fandom more welcoming for WLW.
Prompt Submission: July 5th-July 15th ✔️
Prompt Voting: July 18th-July 28th ✔️
Prompt Release: August 1st ✔️
Marauders WLW Month: September 1st-September 30th
Rules and Info
This should go without saying, but no bigotry of any kind.
Content can be art, fanfiction, drabbles, edits, and more. Fanfics should be posted with the link to what website it’s on, or if on Tumblr, with most of the fic “below the cut.”
The event will be taking place on both Tumblr and Tiktok.
No whitewashing. (Drawing/desrcibing characters of color with lighter skin, erasing ethnic features, etc.)
Be kind to your fellow creators.
Content should be focused only on women or non-men. It’s fine if men are present, but shouldn’t be the focus.
It is not required to participate in all 30 days to participate in some of them.
Keep it SFW, if NSFW make sure it is tagged appropriately.
We will reblog everything posted under the hashtag #marauderswlwmonth2022 provided it follows the rules/is SFW.
Have fun!
Very excited to see what everyone makes!
Current Milestone: Working!
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marauderswlwmonth · 2 years
Prompt Definitions
Most of the prompts are pretty self explanatory, but here are some helpful definitions!
9/1, Sports: Can be based around Quidditch or any muggle sport.
9/2, Cafe/Florist/Tattoo: Any shop is acceptable, we used this term for simplicity’s sake.
9/3, Marriage: This can be literally anything wedding related. Proposal, wedding, honeymoon, you name it.
9/4, Forced Proximity: Two characters forced into a small space together.
9/5, Enemies to Lovers: Any variation acceptable. Could be Rivals to Lovers, Friends to Enemies to Lovers, etc.
9/6, Song Fic: A fic based off of a song, or using song lyrics.
9/7, Hurt/Comfort: Hurt happens and then comfort.
9/8, Raising Kids: Characters raise kids together
9/9, Pirates: Pirates.
9/10, Healing/Wound Cleaning: One character cleans the wounds of another character
9/11, Movie/Myth/Fairytale: Retell a movie, myth, fairytale, etc using Marauders Era characters.
9/12, First Kiss/Last Kiss: Tell the story of a couple’s first kiss, and their last kiss. First/last date, meeting, time seeing each other, etc. are also acceptable.
9/13, Holidays: Can be any holiday. Christmas. New Years. Purim. Spring break. The solstice.
9/14, Rarepair: An uncommon ship. Try to avoid more popular ships like Dorlene or Macevans.
9/15, Forbidden Love: Forces opposing the characters that do not want them to be together.
9/16, Farmers: At least one character is a farmer
9/17, Royalty: At least one character is a member of the royal family.
9/18, Soulmates: Any form of soulmate AU.
9/19, Meet Cute: Two characters accidentally meeting (in a cute way).
9/20, Vampires: At least one character is a vampire.
9/21, Formal Balls: Masquerade, Yule Ball, etc.
9/22, Texting: Dialogue takes place primarily over text or a chatroom.
9/23, Faeries: At least one character is a fae.
9/24, Found Family: Characters find a family outside of their biological one.
9/25, Favorite Character Day: Pick your favorite character of the Marauders Era and make something for/about them.
9/26, Coming Out: A character comes out as LGBTQ+ in some way, to someone.
9/27, Fake Dating: A couple pretends to date each other.
9/28, Band/Musician: At least one character is in a band/a musician.
9/29, Sun and Moon: One character represents the sun, and one represents the moon. Or, one character is the embodiment of the sun and one character is the embodiment of the moon.
9/30, Free Day: Do whatever you want!
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marauderswlwmonth · 2 years
TWO more days until Marauders Era WLW Month!
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marauderswlwmonth · 2 years
SIX days left to submit prompts!
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Don’t be shy!
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marauderswlwmonth · 2 years
Hey everyone, it’s the first of the month! The results are in!
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There is absolutely no requirement to participate in all 30 days, so feel free to mix and match some of the prompts! Check out our prompt idea list, which comes out tomorrow at 10 am!
August is our preparation month, so take this time to get ready for the event. We will reblog/repost all of the work for a specific day on that day, so long as it’s tagged with #marauderswlwmonth2022
If you posted something late, don’t sweat! Say you posted something for Pirate Day but now it’s the 10th, we’ll still repost it, but not until the event has ended. We will repost late works until October 7th.
We’re so excited to see your work!
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marauderswlwmonth · 2 years
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marauderswlwmonth · 2 years
Prompt Ideas
If you’re stumped on what to do for a day, check out these ideas for inspiration!
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marauderswlwmonth · 2 years
Marauders WLW Month - September 2022
Hey everyone! KC here. Prompt submission starts today and ends on July 15th.
Send in as many as you want! The form has space for three, but you can submit multiple times.
Submit away!
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