#manorian x you
throneofsmut · 26 days
Just Breathe
Poly! Manorian x Female Reader
Description: Things get heated between Manon and reader and Dorian joins. Based off this request.
Warnings: Poly! smut, slight voyeurism, breath play and choking (I think that's it).
Word Count: 1.9k
Author's Note: sorry this took so long I kept rewriting it (this is my 2nd time writing a poly fic that i can remember) 😭😭and I think this is the best it's gonna get but to the anon that requested it I hope you like it 😖 !! and I'm working on the last request and it'll go up in a few hours !!
You were sparring with the training dummy in the training room of the Glass Castle, for hours now. And yet still you showed no sign of stopping or slowing down. 
A gift and a curse from being the most powerful pure-blooded fae female in existence. Regardless if you were still in your early 20s. 
Your cousin Rowan Whitethorn, the King Consort of Terrasen, trained you himself when you were a child. Only he was able to understand what it's like to have such powerful and vast magic thrumming in your veins, because he’s the same. 
He knows how important it is for you to be able to control it instead of letting it control you. Rowan also trained you in weaponry and in combat, in case you couldn’t access your magic. 
But, he also taught you the importance of training because of how powerful you are and the importance of not overwhelming yourself with your magic by letting it out in small bursts. 
By releasing it in small bursts, you can manage it more effectively and avoid potential dangers or unintended consequences. You can still hear his deep voice now, loud and clear in your head, “It's like releasing pressure slowly from a valve to ensure everything stays under control.”
Which is what you were doing now. 
Every blow you landed against the training dummy, powerful, calculated and merciless. Lethal. Had they been a real enemy. While simultaneously letting out small waves of ice-kissed wind around you and into the room.
Then you felt her—your magic always alerting you when she was near. The witch who stole half your heart. Manon Blackbeak the Queen of Witches. 
And if she was here then the one who stole the other half of your heart was close by. Dorian Havilliard the King of Adarlan. 
“I’ll be up soon,” you told her without stopping raining down blows on the training dummy. 
“Don’t bother,” she replied. That made you stop but you still didn’t turn to face her. “It’s almost midday,” she continued, sounding closer this time and you relaxed.
You finally turned to face her and noted that she was already dressed for the day and that she was right. If the sunlight pouring in from the ajar door behind her was any proof. “Huh. . . I guess I lost track of time.” Again, you didn’t have to add, seeing as this happens more often than not. 
“Hmm.” Manon hummed, taking a couple more steps closer before stopping in the middle of the room and taking off her tunic, in the training ring. Her gold eyes never leave your chest watching as it rises and falls steadily while you try to catch your breath. 
Her gaze darkening when she takes in the fact that your white shirt is practically see through from sweat. You can’t help but smirk, “See something you like?”
She shakes her head, smirking back.  “Step into the ring. If you want to keep training, I’ll train with you.” Gold eyes flick down to your hands in a pointed glance. “Unless you want to keep bleeding?” Looking down at your hands, you realize that your knuckles are bruised, cut and bloody. 
Brows furrowing as you look over your shoulder at the training dummy; all the hay that once filled it is on the floor, the fabric in tatters and the wood is splintered from where you kept hitting it. “All right, witchling, do your worst.” You challenge as you prowl onto the fighting mat. 
“With pleasure, faeling.” She grins as she settles into a fighting stance. You mirror her actions and the second you nod at her, she lunges. 
The both of you go back forth for a while trying to pin the other to no avail. “Come on, sweetheart,” you run your tongue on your lips tauntingly, “are you tired already?” You bait her and she takes it, lunging, giving you the opening you need to pin her to the mat. 
Your hips settle directly atop of hers, your hands wrapping around her wrists, keeping them and her pinned to the mat. You lean forward using your weight as leverage so she can’t buck you off. She lifts her head as best she can, her eyes flicking to your lips, “Why don’t you just kiss me already?” 
You know she’s trying to bait you, eyes flicking from her gold ones to her lips and to her heaving chest. “I’ll kiss you if you can pin me.” Her eyes narrow at your words but she smiles—a smile only reserved for you and Dorian. 
Manon tries to buck you off again but you hold firm, chuckling as she struggles, your lips parting to speak but before you can get a word out your magic alerts you of his presence. Dorian. Unconsciously your head turns, to find him looking at you and Manon with amusement.
Giving the witch Queen the opportunity to flip you both so you’re pinned beneath her. She flashes you a wicked smirk, her own eyes glinting and then she’s kissing you. Your lips parting in a moan that she swallows before letting out a moan of her own as you deepen the kiss. 
The both of you pull away at the same time, panting softly when you hear his deep sensual voice, “Done already?” You both open your mouths to respond when invisible hands rove over and in between your bodies, earning breathy whines from you. “Tired?” he questions.
Manon grinds against you, both of you letting out soft moans at the feeling and from the way Dorian’s using his magic on you. An invisible hand roving over both of your tits, palming and squeezing before sliding up, and wrapping around your throat—squeezing. 
Through half lidded eyes you see Manon arch her back and tilt her head back, proving she feels the same thing. “Can you keep going. . . yes or no?” Dorian asks again, his voice low with desire and commanding. 
“Yes.” You both breathe and the hands wrapped around your throats squeezes harder. 
“Good girls,” the King praises. Your head turns towards him when you hear sure and steady footfalls getting closer. He flashes you a lazy grin, vibrant blue eyes flickering over both of your forms before he tuts, shaking his head. “Both of you are wearing too much clothes.” 
His fingers make quick work of removing his own clothes while his magic makes quick work of removing both of yours. “Come here,” he murmurs to the both of you as he stands in the middle of the mat. You both move to stand before him and then he commands you to lay down. 
Once your back is flat against the mat he kneels between your legs and leans over you to kiss you, once. Hungrily—a warning of what’s to come. Then he’s commanding Manon. “Sit on her face, witchling.” Dorian’s lips wrapping around your clit the same time Manon straddles your face. 
You part her folds that were glistening with arousal with a pointed tongue, flicking it against her clit while Dorian sucked yours harshly. “Oh, gods!” Manon cried out as her hips bucked but you clamped your hands around her thighs, keeping her in place. 
Her hips jerking everytime you moaned against her sensitive bundle of nerves from your princeling sucking and swirling his tongue over your clit while fucking you with long deft fingers. The both of you, writhing and moaning messes while nearly falling over the edge. 
Then he curled them inside you, hitting the spot that sent you over the edge everytime and you came with a lewd moan that sent Manon over the edge with you while you sucked her clit. She was still trembling when she rolled off of you. 
Dorian was still working you through your orgasm with his fingers when he sat on his knees between your legs. Invisible fingers pinching and rolling your hardened nipples, others gripping your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze as you come undone beneath his touch. 
You could still hear Manon cry out from pleasure and you had no doubt invisible hands were bringing her pleasure in waves. One orgasm blending into two and two to three. 
Dorian was the image of pure male satisfaction as he brought his fingers to his mouth and licked them clean.  His free hand rubbing the head of his cock against your folds, making your hips jerk and then he pushed in inch by inch. Stretching you out. Kissing you, your neck, swirling his tongue over your nipples as you adjusted to him. 
You rolled your hips letting him know he could move and his ring adorned hand wrapped around your throat, “Careful, faeling. I’m fucking you right now. Not the other way around.” You whined at his words as his hips snapped at a brutal pace. 
“F-fuck. . . oh!” you rasped out. “You feel so good!”
He threw his head back in a groan at the praise. But then, his head snapped towards the door, hips never faltering. And that’s when you heard it, heavy footsteps walking by at the end of the corridor. Probably one of the royal guards. Maybe Chaol. 
Your back arching as you let out a sharp moan at the thought of being heard, being caught with your lovers. 
Dorian squeezed harder, “You want them to see you getting fucked? Hmm?” He slapped one of your tits earning another moan. “You want them to see you getting treated like the pretty slut that you are, my little faeling.” You nodded desperately and he chuckled darkly, “then take it.”
His large hands moved to grip your hips and you greedily gulped down air, as he pounded into you mercilessly. He leaned back on his haunches slightly changing the angle and your walls clenched around his cock in response. 
You felt pressure building at the base of your spine and knew you were going to dissolve into pleasure again. Your legs instinctively wrapped around him and his hips began to stutter.
He wrapped a ring adorned hand around your throat again, squeezing until you saw stars and then he leaned down. His warm breath tickling your sensitive pointed ear, “Just breathe,” he taunted then he let go. His words, the last thing you heard as you fell over the edge. 
Moments later you felt his cock twitch inside you and then he was spilling himself into you. Hips jerking as he worked both of you through your orgasm. 
You felt him kiss you and then your forehead and then he pulled out. 
Through your heart pounding in your ears you heard Manon crying out for him and it was all you could do to open your eyes and look at them. Manon was on her hands and knees and Dorian was behind her.
 Fucking her mercilessly. 
The only noises you could hear were obscene sounds of skin slapping against skin, Manon’s breathy moans and Dorian’s low raspy groans. Your body was still trembling when Manon wrapped a pale hand around your ankle and pulled you towards her, so your cunt was right in front of her face. 
Still panting from your orgasm when she gave you a feral grin, “Just breathe, sweetheart.” She teased you with the same nickname you had taunted her with earlier and started eating you out. 
You screamed out as your body jolted from the overstimulation but that only spurred her on. Your back arching as she moaned against your clit. You could already feel another orgasm building and from the way they were both moaning and groaning you knew they were too. 
And not even a minute later all three of you came at the same time. Each other’s names on your lips in a plea or prayer you couldn’t tell.
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shadowhandss60 · 2 months
Dorian in Queen of shadows:
Stressed, depressed and posessed.
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danikamariewrites · 2 months
Could you please write Manorian x Reader where the reader has period cramps and the two of them stay and take care of her?
Lay With Me?
Manorian x reader
A/n: I have been dying to write Manorian so writing them being soft and comforting as my first fic for them has me kicking my feet giggling. Also i just got my period the other day so im projecting bc i need them 🥲🫠
Warnings: period pains, comfort
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Waking up was a chore this morning. You did your best to hide your cramps from Manon and Dorian. Of course they acted like they believed you, but they saw right through your little act. You never liked making a big deal about feeling unwell.
Attempting to eat breakfast almost made you vomit. Instead of getting dressed you made your way to the private dining room in comfy sleep clothes, wrapped up in Dorian’s black fluffy robe. Taking a whiff of the eggs and bacon waiting for you on the table had your stomach churning. Pouring a cup of steaming coffee you make your way back to bed.
A wave of cramps hits you as you lay down, forcing you to curl up into a ball. Hoping the pain would exhaust you enough that would just fall asleep.
As you tossed and turned for all of twenty minutes before you gave up on sleep. Dragging yourself into the bathroom you searched the cabinets for a tonic to help the pain. Letting out a frustrated groan after finding nothing you slam the cabinet. Another wave of cramps hits you, bringing a new numbness to your legs.
You quickly wobble to Dorian’s office, knowing you won’t make it all the way down to the healers on your own. Quietly pushing the door open you shyly poke your head in. Before saying anything you watched Dorian work for a bit. Watching his arms flex as he wrote was doing something to you. Gods your hormones are all over the place.
Making your way into his office you plop down in the arm chair across from him at his desk. Curling up into a ball you give him your best doe eyed look along with a sweet pout. Dorian put down his pen, giving you a matching pout. “What’s wrong, darling?” “Will you go to the healers and get me more pain tonic? We’re out and my cramps are really bad.”
Dorian wasted no time in scooping you into his arms, snuggling you close to his chest. “Why didn’t you say something earlier, darling?” He carries you back to the bedroom, placing you down gently. Kissing your forehead he whispers that he’ll be right back.
A few minutes later Dorian comes back with a pouch full of tonics and Manon following holding what you scented is a bag of sweets. Sitting up you licked your lips as the chocolate reached your nose. Manon smirked at you as she dropped the bag on your lap. Dorian hands you one of the tonics kissing your head again.
Settling into bed you dig into your snacks expecting to be left alone. You let out a cute little yelp as Manon sits next to you, pulling you to,lay against her chest. You notice she’s wearing Dorian’s comfy clothes. As you curious look at Dorian you find he pulling on a pair of threadbare pants.
Climbing into bed he lays between your legs on his stomach as he massages your numb thighs. “We want to stay with you. You need us right now, not work. And besides we’re covered.” You snuggle further into Manon’s chest as Dorian’s magical fingers relax you. Your eyes flutter as the pain melts away.
“And, I had the kitchen prepare your favorite dinner which will be up in a few hours. For now just relax darling, we got you.” You run your fingers through his soft raven locks. “You guys are the best,” you hum out before drifting off.
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shadowdaddies · 6 months
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Meant to Be - Part IV.
Dark!Manorian x Reader
Part One | Two | Three
A/N: I keep deviating from my outline but I expect there to be 2 (maybe 3) more parts to this story
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Muffled shouts sounded through the air, the sound echoing painfully in your head. Gloved hands grabbed your arms firmly, hauling you up as your vision cleared to reveal your guards eyeing you with concern. 
“Miss, are you alright to stand on your own?” You turned to your right to see a young guard holding your arm - honey brown eyes searching your face with genuine concern. You hadn’t taken the time to really look at these men who were with you almost constantly in the castle - the four of whom had been watching your every move. An oversight on your part, which you would be sure to remedy. 
You eyed the guard up and down - he was quite handsome, actually, with dark brown hair and ivory skin, tinged pink from the wind - and made a show of smiling at him as you put your hand on his. “Yes, I’m alright. Thank you...?” 
“Ryon, miss.” You batted your eyelashes, giving Ryon your best doe-eyed, innocent look. You peered at the guard to your left - a slightly older gentleman with rich umber skin and graying hair - who was eyeing you with suspicion. You moved your hand to his lower arm, giving a gentle squeeze as you smiled brightly.
“And your name?” 
The guard’s eyes softened almost imperceptibly. “Arnoux, miss.” 
Rubbing your thumb soothingly along Arnoux’s arm, you stepped back slightly from the two men to stand on your own - all four guards still watching you intently. “Well, thank you both for your assistance. I do think that I should head back to my room, though. I am still feeling a bit faint.” 
Ryon and the other two guards - you’d have to remember to learn their names later - looked to Arnoux, who was still watching you closely, an air of caution evident on his face. His dark eyes never left yours as the man gave a curt nod, signaling his approval. Ryon gently guided you ahead so that you were walking with the other two guards ahead of you, Ryon and Arnoux close behind. 
You held your head high, mostly so that it was easier to make note of your surroundings without turning your head too much. You suspected Arnoux’s, admittedly wise, consternation towards you was due to your unabashed snooping, and you’d need to be more careful moving forward. 
The group arrived at the door to your room, a tall blonde guard who Ryon addressed as Warrick ushering you inside as Arnoux instructed him to alert their Majesties of your “incident” in the garden. You internally sighed, hiding your disappointment as the door closed behind you, locking you in the room once more. The clock ticked quietly on the wall - its hands revealing how late in the day it was.
You looked out the window to the garden below where you had just fainted, your pulse pounding when you remembered what was in your dress pocket. You let out an exhale when flowers brushed your fingertips - they hadn’t caught you with the foxglove. Rushing over to the armoire, you took the foxglove from your pockets, burying the flowers beneath your sleeping clothes. You closed the drawer and doors to the chest, hurrying back to sit on the bed before anyone might come in and see. 
The moment of rest as you sunk into the mattress was like a dam breaking open - the swell of emotions crashing down into a torrent of tears as you began to process the news. Your fiancé was alive, and here. This changed everything in your plan - you’d have to find not only your own way out of this castle, but how to help him escape as well. 
Now was not the time for planning, however, as you finally let the tears fall, crying audaciously for anyone to hear. You wanted them to hear - Arnoux, Ryon, Manon, Dorian. You would let the entire palace hear your pain. And when you were ready, the entire palace would feel your wrath.
The door burst open, interrupting your sinister daydream as Dorian rushed in, Manon right behind him. Dorian looked near to tears himself as he knelt before you, sapphire eyes studying you for any sign of pain. Your mind detested how your heart swelled at his care. “We hurried here when Warrick informed us that you fainted in the gardens. We’ve called for a healer, but I needed to see that you were alright.”
Realizing they were coming from the dungeons where your fiancé was supposedly held, you glanced discreetly towards the clock on the wall. Less than eight minutes for Warrick to get down to the dungeons, and for them to return. If you could find the path to where he was kept, you would be able to make your escape with your love. An idea came to you - this would take time, but would be worth it in the end. 
You turned to Dorian, slipping on the too-familiar mask of innocence you’d used on Ryon just moments ago as you sniffled and nodded into his hand that held your cheek. “I am feeling quite ill. The journey to the gardens was unexpectedly difficult for me. I was thinking, I should probably stay indoors for awhile. The library was warm and comfortable.”
You held back your smirk at the shocked look on their faces at your proposal, their predatory smiles of pleasure as they thought they’d finally tamed you. Little did they know that the fawn was luring the wolves into an archer’s range. 
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highladyofterrasen7 · 4 months
Manon: marry me
Dorian: no
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lucien-calore · 21 days
Dorian: How is he?
Healer: I've done what I can but if the fever doesn't break by tonight...
Dorian: ...He could die?
Chaol: *Opening his eyes* You're scaring the poor thing. Where's your empathy? Where's your tact? Where are your manners?
Dorian: Oh, Chaol. How are you feeling?
Chaol, as he tries to get up from the bed: Close to death, apparently.
Dorian, gently but firmly pushing him back down: You need to rest.
Chaol: What I need is some water and perhaps a little bit more of that lovely worried frown.
Dorian: I think I can manage that.
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mercarimari · 2 years
So I didn’t manage to get much done today. But what I did manage to get done was plotting. AND A TITLE FOR THE CC/TOG Crossover AU. It’s still up in the air if there will be more than one part to this story. But tentatively there will be multiple parts exploring different arcs of the story.  The Title is Ashes and Embers.  And it will be part one in the Terrasen School of Magic series. Our story follows the Orynthian and Lunathion covens. Headed by Aelin Galathynius and Bryce Quinlan respectively.  When Aelin is faced with an arranged marriage that changes all her best laid plans, she seeks to find a way out of it. But her battle shifts focus after one of the students in their sister coven is found dead on campus, meaning that someone has broken through 400 year old barriers and is threatening their very way of life.  Bryce Quinlan has everything. She’s the head of her coven, one of the most powerful light wielders to ever exist, and her life is good. Until her familiar is found dead in the school gardens. Then everything crumbles to ruin. She tries to keep herself together for the sake of her coven, but the loss threatens to swallow her and drive her down the path of revenge.  Together the two covens work to find out how someone got within the barrier wall and prepare to fight the enemy that has threatened their safety and way of life. 
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readychilledwine · 4 months
💕Valentine's Day Bingo Masterlist💕
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We have a Bingo Blackout
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(Not in posting order)
Breeding Cassian x reader
Housewife Azriel x reader
CNC - manorian X reader
Group Play - Tamlin x Tarquin x Lucien x Reader
Cuckold - Helion x Feyre x Rhys
Monsterfucking - Tamlin x Reader
Temperature play - Lucien x reader
Size Kink - Azriel x reader
Glory Hole - Cassian x reader
Dollification - Azriel x Seraphina
Praise - Eris X Reader
Threesome - Azriel x Reader x Lucien
Exhibition - Rhys x Drumming Song Reader
Orgasm Control - Ruhn x Reader
Discipline - Helion x Reader
Shadow Play - Rhys x Reader
Somno - Rhys x reader
Predator/Prey - Eris x Reader
Tagteam - Lorcan x Reader x Rowan
Impact Play - Helion x Reader
Shibari - Tarquin x Reader
Breathplay - Rowan x Reader
Auralism- Rhys x Reader
Bonus content:
Pet play - Eris x Reader
Predator/Prey - Rhys x Nesta
Electricity Play - Hunt x Reader
Shadow Play - Ruhn x Reader
Voyeurism - Amarantha x reader x dark!rhys
Edge Play - sub!Lucien x domme! Reader
Collaring - Hunt x reader
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As you all know, I am a slut for dividers and love using different ones for my characters and special little events. I am trying to get better at crediting the artists who make them because that takes some time and dedication. Plus, they are also typically sharing their skills and content for free.
That being said:
Special thank you to:
@cafekitsune for sharing their beautiful graphic design skills with all of us. I am using this divider from them, but there are SO MANY options. Please peep their page! 💕
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Another special thank you to @saradika-graphics When I was hunting for a MDNI divider, I ended up finding this instead, and it does match my feelings so much more. She also has a ton of graphic design work that she shared for free. Please check out her work as well 💕
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throneofsapphics · 9 months
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✧poly!Rowaelin✧ ✧poly!Manorian✧
obedient* just one afternoon quiet* of no consequence another lesson* dating manon and nesta running from the truth* forbidden fruit red* manon helping you on your period a little help pine trees and storm clouds teaching moment you're hiding something* breaking point*
not worth remembering patience* tuesdays all eyes are on you there you go again the right reasons* the art of relaxing breathless* pretty poison a favor
end of the night* broken promises ↳ (part two) get up off the roof between the heavens and the embers lovemaking* deadly instincts busy mornings
✧Manon x Reader x Asterin✧
think for yourself ↳ you did learn pretend* lifeline on the edge*
morning dew and flames* I could be a better boyfriend keep it together*
berries* born rivals audience* supposed to be us
exploring pleasure*
closed doors & open bottles
✧Asterin x Reader x Elide✧
keep still* a friendly hand* old faces ↳ continued as poly!rowaelin
finishing up work* a deal between friends* capable of chaos
pretty apologies*
✧Lorcan & Fenrys & Rowan✧
the arrangement*
✧Next Gen✧
Lysaedion's Daughter pick them better ↳ take two (pt2) snitch questionable decisions (x manorian's son) Rowaelin's Daughter reasonable situation secrets never last all good things come to an end
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polyacotarweek · 3 months
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Creator showcase #2: @danikamariewrites!
We are featuring her Feysand X Housewife!reader series which involves several different headcanons as well as short fics! The series features a polyamorous relationship between Feyre, Rhysand, and the reader. This series is so fun, and it's great to see how different methods of content creation can come together in one story! The first part of the series is linked below, and the full series can be found on her Feysand Masterlist.
We asked her a few questions so we could all get to know her better: 
Q: What’s your favorite CNM group to write about? 
A: My favorite is either the bat boys or Feysand [X reader].
Q: What CNM group would you want to explore further? 
A:  I want to write for Manorian [X reader], I’ve read so many great manorian fics and I want to dive into that dynamic.
Q: What’s your favorite trope? 
A: I don’t know what to call this one, probably miscommunication where the mating bond snaps for reader and they avoid the couple. Then when they all talk they’re happy in the end and it’s all fluffy. 🤗
Thank you to danikamariewrites for chatting with us and for all the things you create!
We can't wait to see what she cooks up for Poly+ ACOTAR week and beyond, and are so excited to share her work with you all!
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shadowdaddyazriel · 1 year
Night Cap (rowaelin x manorian smut)
Warnings: this is just pure filth. foursome m/m/f/f etc etc. lmk what u thinkkkk
Across the bar, a shimmery blonde had been eyeing Manon for some time now. She had intense turquoise and green eyes, and a wicked smile to match. She was mesmerizing, tossing her hair and chatting animatedly with her hands to the bartender when he came over.
Beside her, a huge male leaned his arms on the bar, eyes closely watching the blonde’s every move like he just couldn’t get enough of her. He had silver hair and a swirling black tattoo that started at his temple and disappeared beneath the collar of his shirt. The two kept snagging Manon’s attention, squirming in her seat when they met her glance.
The bartender walked away and the blonde caught Manon’s eyes once more. A slow, sly grin spread across her face as she leaned over to whisper something in the male next to her’s ear. His eyes immediately flicked up to meet Manon’s and she almost went liquid under his intense stare. Her cheeks were on fire. The male nodded, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards.
The blonde stood up then, walking around him, trailing her fingers lightly across the top of his back as she went. Spinning on his stool, he stood to follow her, his height towering over hers. The two headed for the dance floor, directly in Manon’s eye line. A thrill shot up her spine as the two began to writhe against each other on the dance floor, the blonde grinding her ass against the huge male’s lap. Manon’s jaw loosened at the sight, her eyes utterly fixated on the blonde’s form as she arched back into him, and the possessive way the fae male gripped her hips.
Manon felt Dorian’s minty breath on her ear as his arms wrapped around her. She hummed, leaning back into him. He smelled divine and male and hers. Manon wanted to lose herself in him, to play out every fantasy she’d imagined when looking at the fae couple dance together.
“See something you like, witchling?” Dorian purred into her ears. She let a shiver snake down her spine. Dorian had always been open to exploring Manon’s sexual desires. A small part of Manon wondered if Dorian hadn’t wanted to just as much as she had.
When she looked back at the dance floor, the couple was gone. She fought the urge to let herself sag in disappointment. Her brow furrowed. She’d been sure the couple was propositioning them, but perhaps she’d read it all wrong.
“Is it true?” A high, clear voice called from behind Manon. She turned to find the blonde behind her, the fae warrior wrapped around her and towering over her. Dorian gave them both a wicked grin, looking back and forth between Manon and the blonde like it was solstice morning.
“Is what true?” Manon asked, eyebrow arched. Her voice was deep and sensual.
“That ironteeth pussy is as good as they say?” She said, a sinful glimmer filling those beautiful eyes of hers. Manon’s stomach heated and she felt Dorian’s hand slide across her lower back.
“Better,” Dorian drawled. The blonde and her fae both looked shocked but definitely, definitely intrigued.
“Wanna find out for yourself? Quench that curiosity?” Manon smirked at her. The blonde eyed her, clearly liking her confidence and handle on her sexuality.
“I’m Aelin, this is Rowan,” she said, gesturing to the man behind her.
“Rowan’s flat is two blocks away if you care for a nightcap,” Aelin cooed. Manon looked at Dorian, who shrugged. Taking that as a yes, Aelin slid her hand into Manon’s, lacing their fingers and tugging her towards the door.
Back at Rowan’s flat, Aelin poured them all drinks, passing them out. They all sipped, feeling the warmth resetting in their stomachs. Manon wasn’t nervous, exactly. She’d been a part of group sex a few times in her long life. Something about Aelin and her confidence, though, seemed to call to her.
“And you, pretty boy?” Rowan asked, his voice a deep rumble reverberating in his chest. Dorian’s head shot up to take in the fae warrior. A corner of Dorian’s mouth pulled into a crooked grin.
“What about me?” He asked.
“Do you fuck as good as you look?” Rowan asked. Dorian’s grin was utterly feline. He quirked up an eyebrow at Rowan.
“Wanna find out?” Dorian saw the flash of lust in his green eyes, with no small amount of pride. Dorian aimed to please in the bedroom, and Manon had no doubts he would be utterly performing for them all by the end.
Aelin tipped her head back, draining her cup. She sensually lowered herself to her knees, looking up at Manon from under her lashes with a wolfish smirk. Manon looked down her nose at the queen.
“Crawl to me,” Manon commanded. She saw the shiver run down Dorian’s spine at her words. Aelin looked as though she were about to start purring. She languidly crawled across the floor on her hands and knees to Manon.
She placed her delicate hands on Manon’s knees, gently pushing them apart and baring Manon’s drenched panties to her. She groaned, sliding her hands up Manon’s thighs and under her skirt. On her knees between Manon’s legs, Aelin pressed her mouth gingerly to the witch’s. They moaned breathily into one another’s open mouths. Their wet, warm tongues lapped against one another, discovering and devouring.
Still kissing Manon, Aelin slid her hands higher up Manon’s skirt, wrapping her hands around the sides of Manon’s panties, and sliding them down her legs and off. She turned, slingshotting them into Rowan’s lap, who looked seconds from pouncing on them both but was remaining patient. Dorian just looked like his smug and charming self.
Aelin tugged Manon closer to the edge of the couch, pushing her legs even farther apart, putting her soaking wet pussy on display for them all. Dorian bit his lip and Rowan’s eyes darkened at the wetness between her thighs.
“You smell divine,” Aelin purred, the flat of her tongue dragging up the center of Manon’s pussy with a feral groan. “And taste even better.” Manon panted, lacing her hands at the base of the blonde’s head, pushing her face impatiently back to her core. Aelin chuckled, the vibrations making Manon writhe against her.
Aelin’s tongue dipped inside Manon’s hole, fucking her with her mouth. Manon’s eyes rolled back into her head in ecstasy. Dorian palmed himself through his pants at the sight, painfully hard already.
“Hey, Buzzard,” Aelin murmured to her mate, “come get a taste of her before I keep her all to myself.” Rowan eagerly obliged, walking over to drop to his knees before the witch. He was so muscular and devastatingly beautiful Manon almost came at the sight of him bowing before her before he roughly gripped her thighs, tossing them over each shoulder. He looked up at her, locking in her stare as he kissed from her knees down to her pussy with wet, open-mouthed kisses. Rowan began fiercely sucking her clit as Aelin situated herself, straddling Dorian’s thighs.
Aelin gasped as she ground down against Dorian’s covered cock. Manon watched the look on his face as his jaw dropped open, parting his perfect pink lips. Aelin licked a stripe up his neck before pressing her mouth to his, placing her tongue in his mouth, still covered with Manon’s wetness. Dorian moaned at the familiar taste, and a shockwave of pleasure filled Manon’s belly.
Manon gasped as Rowan landed a harsh smack to the side of her thighs. She looked down at him wide-eyed. He lifted his head, her wetness coating his chin. Gods, he was like a god among men.
“If I’m going to eat your pussy, you’re going to give all that attention to me,” he snarled. “Look at me. If you look away or close your eyes, I stop and you don’t come.” Manon felt a thrill rip through her at the challenge.
Manon panted in anticipation, Rowan’s warm mouth only inches from her core. The cold air hitting her wetness was driving her mad. She writhed against him, but he didn’t budge.
“I require acknowledgment, little witch,” he growled, turning his head to harshly sink his teeth into her thigh. She gasped at the pressure and light flick of his tongue.
“Yes,” she breathed.
“Yes, what?” He barked.
“Yes, sir,” she whimpered. She wouldn’t call him anything else. Those other names were only for Dorian. Who was currently whimpering under Aelin’s touch desperately. Manon wanted to look, but she wouldn’t disobey him, needing to come too badly.
He gave her another rough smack to her thigh.
“Good girl,” he snarled, using his thumbs to open her pussy to him, groaning at the sight of her. He licked her like she was a delicacy, her legs still thrown over his broad shoulders. He flicked his tongue against her clit in a way that had her screeching and squeezing her thighs against the sides of his head, which she discovered he liked very much.
“Filthy girl gonna get herself off on my thigh?” Dorian hummed from a few feet away where Aelin’s legs straddled his powerful thigh, relishing the friction of his jeans. “My pussy aches for you,” she whined.
“It’s my thigh or nothing,” Dorian directed. “Rub that pretty pussy against my leg and show me just how bad you want me.” Manon loved when he used that commanding tone with her. Her mouth opened slightly, feeling her orgasm building when Rowan immediately pulled his mouth away from her.
She whimpered, arching and crying out for him. She’d looked away when he told her not to. She couldn’t help it. The sight of Aelin and Dorian was so intoxicating. “If you’re going to act like a little brat, I’m going to treat you like a little brat,” he fussed.
“I’m sorry! I’ll be good I promise, please touch me,” she practically begged. He gave her a hard look before leaning down to lick her.
He held her open for his tongue with one hand and palmed his throbbing cock through his pants with the other. Manon barrelled toward her climax at a blinding speed. She watched Rowan as he palmed himself and worshipped her cunt with his tongue. She screwed her eyes shut with a cry, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes as Rowan kept sucking her too-sensitive clit. She tried to push his head away, but he was having none of it.
Manon felt Dorian’s phantom hands wrap around her wrists and pin her hands behind her back, leaving her utterly at Rowan’s mercy, of which he had exactly none. He sucked her clit roughly, sending her into her second climax. Tears streamed down her face and she howled like a banshee at his tongue lapping against her. He didn’t stop until he’d devoured every drop of wetness from her swollen cunt. Then, thank the gods, he allowed her to collapse back into the couch to catch her breath, dropping her legs from his shoulders.
Rowan stood, walking to where Aelin still ground against Dorian’s cock through his jeans, a wet spot smeared across the front of the fabric. Manon wanted to lick it off. She chewed her bottom lip.
Rowan’s hand gripped the hair on the back of Dorian’s head, roughly jerking his head back until his lips parted. Dorian’s throat on display for her, Aelin suckled at it. Rowan spit into Dorian’s mouth, a mixture of his saliva and Manon’s cum dripping from his lips to Dorian’s tongue. Dorian swallowed with a deep growl.
Rowan made to pull back, but Dorian stood, pulling Aelin with him. Aelin wrapped her legs around his middle as he smashed his mouth fiercely against Rowan’s. Rowan kissed him back forcefully. As Dorian licked the roof of Rowan’s mouth, Manon took advantage. She lowered herself to her knees in front of Rowan, pulling at his belt.
Still kissing Dorian, he helped her with his free hand, shoving his pants off and kicking them away. He quickly ripped his shirt over his head. With shared smirks, the rest of them followed suit, abandoning any clothing left on them.
Manon swirled her tongue against the pink head of Rowan’s massive cock, lapping up his pre-cum greedily, eager to taste more of him. He was delicious. His breathy moan was even more delicious. She wanted to hear that sound forever. Licking the underneath of his cock from his balls to his tip, she swallowed him deeply into her throat, relaxing and taking him to the hilt.
His entire body shuddered as he instinctually tried to pull her off, but she swatted his hand away, caressing her tongue against the base of his cock. He bit back a whimper, squeezing his eyes shut and throwing his head back.
Having none of that, Dorian reclaimed his mouth. Feeling left out, Aelin forced her way in, the three of their mouths moving together as Manon swallowed Rowan’s cock. He jerked under her touch, panting and a sheen of sweat coating his chiseled chest.
“Fuck,” Rowan snarled, an angry look on his face. “I’m gonna fucking ruin you, little witch.” She hummed in excitement, the sound vibrating the cock still lodged deeply in her throat. Rowan grimaced at the pleasure.
“Tie her hands behind her back,” he commanded Dorian. Manon couldn’t see him, but she already knew Dorian had that goofy grin on his face she loved so much. The face he made when he toyed with her and edged her to the gods.
Manon’s hands snapped behind her back forcefully and she pulled back, allowing Rowan’s cock to exit her mouth. Strings of saliva still connected her to him. Rowan wrapped a massive hand around the base of himself, squeezing hard.
“Both of you on the couch,” Rowan demanded to Dorian and Aelin. “You’re going to touch yourself for me to see while I fuck her pretty little throat like a cocksleeve.” Gods, she loved Rowan’s filthy mouth. It almost rivaled Dorian’s. Dorian stroked his hard cock, grinning like mad at Manon. She loved him so much she felt like she might burst. She knew he would always allow her to do whatever she wanted, just as long as he got to tag along.
Rowan pressed a thumb against her lips, directing her focus back to him. She opened her mouth for him. He pressed a thumb roughly to her tongue, grabbing her jaw to hold her in place. He slid the head of his cock down her throat, not waiting for her to be ready. He released her jaw to grab the sides of her face.
He gave a few tentative thrusts to allow her to find his rhythm, and then he wasn’t gentle with her. Which is exactly what she liked. He impaled her throat over and over. Every time he bottomed out, she swallowed, clenching her throat tightly around him.
With the way she was sucking him, he wasn’t going to last long. She supposed he hadn’t expected her to know how to suck cock the way she did. Many, many years of practice were on her side there. Dorian moaned from the couch. He watched the way drool dripped from Manon’s mouth as Rowan fucked into her.
Rowan jerked her off him roughly, gasping and grabbing the base of his dick tightly, trying to keep himself from coming. He closed his eyes as he panted, trying to recenter. Manon grinned at Dorian, who winked at her. Dorian heavily benefitted from Manon’s bedroom experience.
“Why don’t you come sit that pretty cunt of yours on my face,” Manon said, raising a seductive eyebrow at Aelin. Did she just… blush? Oh, Manon liked that. She’d do whatever it took to see it again.
Manon laid back on the soft carpet, propping her legs to expose her drenched cunt to Dorian where he still sat on the couch, slowly gliding his hand along himself. Aelin chewed her bottom lip, swinging a leg on either side of Manon’s head. But Manon was having none of her sudden shyness. She gripped her soft thighs and pulled her down onto her face. Gods, she was so wet.
“This all for me, princess?” Manon praised. Aelin nodded fiercely, grinding her wet pussy against Manon’s open mouth. Manon offered her tongue and Aelin fucked herself on it, legs already twitching with pleasure.
“Your tongue feels so fucking good,” Aelin panted out.
Manon felt the head of Dorian’s cock notch at her entrance, slowly gliding upwards to spread her wetness to her clit. He teased both of them, rubbing his dick slowly through her folds. When he slowly began to push inside her, she moaned loudly against Aelin, which had her giving a high, feral keen. Manon chuckled as Aelin bucked wildly against her mouth, legs tensing on either side of Manon’s head.
Dorian fucked her slowly, just as distracted by Aelin as she was. Manon could feel Dorian’s cock twitching inside her as he hit her cervix, pushing so deep she could feel him in her stomach. Aelin came with a screech, collapsing off of Manon, who used a finger to wipe Aelin’s wetness from her chin and push her finger into Dorian’s mouth.
Rowan positioned himself behind Dorian, a bottle of lube in his palm. He slathered his cock in the lube. He landed a harsh smack to Dorian’s ass as if announcing his presence. Dorian pushed all the way inside Manon and stilled. Manon chewed her lip as she watched every whimper and moan fall from Dorian’s pouty lips until Rowan was all the way inside of him, just as he was inside of her.
Rowan bucked his hips into Dorian, which pushed Dorian further inside Manon. She cried out, grinding against his cock. Aelin positioned herself on the side between Manon and Dorian. She lowered her mouth to flick her tongue over Manon’s clit lazily. Manon arched off the floor, squeezing around Dorian tightly, which wrought a string of curse words from him.
“Fucking do that again, my god,” Dorian panted. Rowan pulled out to the tip and roughly fucked back into Dorian’s ass. Aelin obliged, sucking Manon’s clit with a fierceness that rivaled her mate’s. Manon writhed and cried, her senses overstimulated with the pleasure.
“P-please, I can’t,” she begged.
“You can and you will,” Dorian growled. “You can take it. My good girl.”
At his words, she came, milking Dorian, who roared with his pleasure.
Rowan gritted his teeth, fucking Dorian harder, smacking his ass again, but harder this time. Hard enough to leave a handprint on his ass. Manon knew Dorian loved that shit. He always loved when she marked him up.
Aelin glided her tongue against the base of Dorian’s cock as Manon slid her fingers between Aelin’s legs. She was so wet that Manon easily slid two fingers inside her, fucking her with her hand. Aelin hummed her approval, bucking against Manon’s hand as she turned her attention back to Manon’s clit.
“F-fuck, I’m not going to last,” Dorian yelped.
Rowan wrapped his hand around the front of Dorian’s neck.
“You come when I fucking say you come,” Rowan snarled. Dorian’s eyes rolled back in his head as Manon twitched uncontrollably underneath him, her climaxes just rolling into each other at this point as she pulsed around Dorian.
Aelin closed her eyes as Manon pressed her thumb to her clit, rubbing while she fucked her cunt with her long, slender fingers. Aelin cried out, gripping Manon’s fingers as she came. Manon kept her movements going until Aelin physically jerked back from overstimulation.
She lay back against the couch, legs spread wide and revealing her abused pussy to them all. Rowan grunted, looking at his wife spread out like a feast. Rowan gripped Dorian’s throat again.
“Fucking come. Now,” Rowan commanded, voice breathy.
Dorian whimpered as his back arched, spilling his cum inside Manon’s tight cunt. Rowan pulled out of Dorian, once again clutching himself to keep from coming. It must have been painful by then.
He pressed his cock into Aelin’s pussy with a hitched gasp. He fucked her gently, bringing himself to the precipice and spilling inside of her, burying his face in her neck. Dorian pulled out of her, watching as his seed dripped out of her.
“So fucking good for me, witchling,” he purred, rubbing his thumb across her bottom lip.
They eventually showered and reclothed themselves with shaky legs and tired eyes. Dorian carried Manon the few blocks back to their apartment, murmuring sweet nothings in her ear the whole time, reminding her exactly who he belonged to, no matter who they had fun with. And goddamn, was it fun.
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shadowhandss60 · 10 months
The Thirteen when Dorian and Manon started going at eachothers throats:
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danikamariewrites · 10 months
Throne of Glass
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After Flight
Ride (SMUT)
More Pink
Feeling Blue
Drop It (SMUT)
Iron Nails and Pale Skin
Just the Sniffles
Back With You (SMUT)
First Flight
Morning Coffee
Learning (SMUT)
Book Delivery
Right Where You Left Me
Dorian vs Echo
Once Upon a Time
Literally Obsessed hc
Cold Shoulder
Learning (SMUT)
Keep You Cold
Ddlg headcanon
Fluffy relationship hc
Bite Me (SMUT)
Light in the Dark
Cadre series
Cadre (SMUT)
Not on Speaking Terms
Dating headcanon
Pregnant reader headcanon
Eras Tour headcanon
Modern headcanon
Stay Still (SMUT)
Cured By You
Lay With Me?
Elorcan Daughter x Rowaelin reader
Anything For Her
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shadowdaddies · 7 months
Hey do u think u can write a dark manorian x f!reader I think that would be intense
ooh this was my first time writing something like this and it was def intense. thank you for the request💜
Meant to Be
dark!Manorian x fem!reader
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Warnings: kidnapping, implied violence, drugging
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Pounding your fists on the bedroom door, you screamed. “Let me out! You cowards, where the fuck is he?” You were out of breath, exhausted from trying to escape the room they’d locked you in. The doors and windows were all sealed shut, and with the raging fireplace and the many layers of skirts in your wedding dress, you were in desperate need of water.
Crumpling to the floor, you sobbed into your hands - mind reeling over the events of the recent hours. The happiest day of your life quickly turned the worst - flashes of your family’s horrified faces, your fiancé’s fear as you were snatched out of his arms. 
You were drawn out of your nightmarish thoughts by the sound of the door clicking open. Two sets of feet were visible from the cracks between your fingers, and you pulled your hands back to see Manon standing over you as Dorian closed the door behind them. She walked around to your side, crouching down to your level. “Oh, my sweet girl. Why are you so upset?” she cooed, bringing a hand to your face to wipe the smudged makeup. 
Your eyes simmered with rage at her audacity. “Why am I upset? Are you fucking kidding me? You kidnapped me from my wedding! Where - where is he?” Your voice broke off as the last question left your mouth. Deep down, you knew where your fiancé was - what they had done with him. But you couldn’t bring yourself to acknowledge it.
Dorian crouched at your other side, a glass of water in his hand as he brushed the hair from your face. You jerked away from his touch, heart racing like the prey that you were, caught between two predators. Dorian tsk’d at your reaction to his touch. “Now, that’s not very nice. I came in here to check on you and bring you water, and this is how you thank me?” 
You glared at him, reluctantly taking the glass with shaky hands and drank down the contents. Instant relief flooded your veins as the water cooled you down, survival mode kicking in. You had to get out of here - if only you could make it to the door, then you could find a window and make your escape. 
A delicate finger tapped the bottom of your chin, angling your face towards Manon. Her golden eyes glowed with pleasure when you looked at her. “Good girl,” she whispered, words dripping with pride. Thumb stroking your cheek, Manon spoke to you as though she were soothing a frightened animal. “See? We’re not here to hurt you. We love you.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but a plan came to mind, and you would need the element of surprise on your side. Dorian stroked your hair again, and this time you tried to seem comforted by the action, turning to face him. He beamed at you, moving his hand down to swipe his thumb across your bottom lip in a display of ownership.
Drawing his hand back, Dorian’s sapphire eyes glittered as he watched your face. Good. You needed to keep their focus away from your hands. You subtly shifted up onto your heels, thankful for the full skirts that hid your movements as you prepared to run. Dorian hummed, watching you in admiration as he spoke. “You’ll be so much happier with us, sweet girl. You won’t even miss that poor excuse of a man.” 
His words snapped the leash you had on your emotions, launching you into action. You smashed the glass against the floor, grabbing shards of glass as you blindly swung them at Manon and Dorian and jumped up towards the door. 
You barely made it two steps before phantom hands wrapped around your ankles, and you fell face first towards the ground before iron nails tore through the back of your dress. You were suspended in the air, Manon holding you with terrifying strength as Dorian walked in front of you. He sighed, twirling the glass shard in his fingers and looked down at you with the same disappointment as a parent might look at a naughty child. “And here I thought you might have come to your senses.”
Manon hauled you to your feet, phantom hands now pinning your hands to your sides as a wave of nausea flooded over you. The room began to spin, and you struggled to focus as Dorian’s voice became a distant echo. “We thought you might need some more time to calm down. I didn’t expect you to drink all of that water, though. You’ll be out for awhile.” 
You felt warm, strong arms scoop you up as the world faded to black, and you realized you would never escape them. “Sleep tight, sweet girl. We’ll be right here when you wake up.”
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highladyofterrasen7 · 5 months
People who are going on my suicide note- sjm edition
Please note that this is satire and I’m not going to kill myself
Also, it’s the entire alphabet
A. People who hate rhys for how many houses he has
B. People who undermine what Mor went through (especially the Eris part)
C. People who praise Nesta for how she acted in acotar, acofas, and the beginning of acosf primarily
D. People who say it’s misogynistic to dislike Elain
E. People who came up with the “gwyn is a lightsinger” theory bc they realised their favourite ship is sinking.
F. Anyone who talks bad about my girl Feyre
G. People who say Cassian is abusive
H. People who say Rhys drugged and sa’d feyre utm
I. Anyone who says anything good about tampon
J. Quinlar deniers
K. People who say Danika was a terrible friend
L. Anyone who says Aedion’s reaction for the aelin-Lysandra secret wasn’t justified
M. People who in the same breath as attack rhys and cassian for keeping the mating bond a secret will praise aelin for doing the same
N. People who say Dorian isn’t the best tog man
O. Full and 100% chaol stans
P. That one person that said rowaelin aren’t allowed to dislike Lorcan and wrote a whole paragraph about it
Q. People who think acosf was the best book in the series
R. People who dislike acofas
S. Anyone who says anything bad about Sam
T. Anyone who is anti inner circle
U. People who ship lucien and tampon
V. People who attack fanartists for depicting utm rhys as pale when he’s literally described as pale
W. People who say manorian shouldn’t get a novella
X. Those weird people with their Eris and Nyx things
Y. People who say feyre is boring now (bc she had a baby)
Z. Anyone who uses there every breath to attack and find plot holes in sjms work (if you don’t like it, don’t read it) get a life
These are very me-specific opinions
Lmk which ones you strongly agree with
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SJM ships/relationships x Taylor Swift songs
it’s been a while since I’ve actually posted something and not reblogged it, so I’m using this idea I’ve seen around.
starting with ACOTAR
Feysand: Enchanted from Speak Now. Feylin: I Knew you were Trouble Nessian: You Belong With Me (but Cassian is singing)
Neris: Look What You Made Me Do
Azris: Dancing with our Hands Tied
Elriel: Happiness
Gwynriel: The 1
Ilucien 🤢: Bad Blood
Elucien: Out of the Woods
(I think that’s all of them..)
Samleana: Last Kiss
Corian: Cowboy Like Me (just with a happy platonic ending)
Chaleana: Picture to Burn
Rowaelin: End Game
Sorcain: Illicit Affairs
Manorian: The Great War
Lysaedion: Call it What You Want
Elorcan: Cardigan
Chaorene: New Year’s Day
Nestaq: Love Story
(my brain is mush at this point)
not going to do Crescent City because I’m a bit salty with that series rn
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