merixirica · 5 months
pink heart jam (ryo kanae y haiga) - colored
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(parte um, dê crédito caso use <3)
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yelloway · 11 months
Not a real repost from twitter because yes.
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just-a-mod · 9 months
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Osmond using an 8th level spell slot to become the same race as his adopted brother
cuz not all winged people make the same comforting noise as each other, and he wanted to do that
he's gonna learn how to do it on his own, mark my words
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ideas-4-stories · 3 months
Warlord Meetings
Warlord Meetings when Moria and Crocodile were in the system: I would think these meetings are more calm in general, overall mood is gloomy and annoying. Doflamingo is always being himself, so there’s some drama. Sengoku is done with them all, but it’s mangable.
Warlord Meetings when Buggy, and new warlords joined the system: Davey Johns, saved this poor man! Sengoku is losing his mind, everything got whole lot fucking worse with these new warlords. Hell it was fine with Blackbeard being a warlord, but this THIS!!! He’s done, sanity is gone, jumped out the window. He wants to strangle everyone there expect for Law.
You know when Buggy came to be a warlord, things got worse for Sengoku. The fucking drama that happened must be juicy... I really think Sengoku dyed his hair over the years, because he didn’t want to look like he was greying. It’s funny to think that Buggy was the one who pointed it out that Sengoku had grey hair now and it was dyed black. Working on how it would go
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wind-corner · 2 months
Mona sighed deeply she had just got off the phone with her father and honestly she was already tried. Times like these she would like to go on a swim but she had work to deal with and along with somehow getting put in the house warden poation as a freshmen she's got to take over the lounge from the current manger that her father had running it.
Ulrik her ever important friend (not that she ever said it a loud, because she worried what that would do to what they have established) stood beside her his presence a bit of a comfort as she watched him snarl at how dusty the inside of the vault was. And personally she agreed.
Shifting the glasses higher upon her nose she picked up a some papers and ingored the sound of something crashing from outside the vault since she figured one of the twins broke something or another. Ulrik who would have checked on the mater seemed to confirm her supission mer moments later.
Rolling her eyes she wonder how she's been able to deal with those two over the years. But continue looking over all the papers and even old contracts from when her father was here, why they were left here, most likely one of the her father's twins enforcers. Again she was so greatful that her boys were much more mangable than their own father and uncle.
Mona continued to look though the old papers that were older than herself when a sound made her jump. And yet it went off like it was slightly muffled alarm of sorts. And it seemed what ever was going off drew the attention of her male companions as all came into the vulat. It least it meant she wasn't the only one hearing it.
She looked about to try and find just where it was coming from only to realize just where it was sighing in annoyance she was about to turn to her original form only to feel a hand in her shoulder. Looking up ulrik reached up to get what ever was up there and seemed to pull down a box.
Though the sight of this dust metal box enough to make her eyes widen as she reached out to take it from the male and quickly moved outside the vault since she wanted to place it on the desk and look for something to clean it off.
In which she did though it seemed her boys wanted to see what was in the ringing box. And once clean she reached into her pocket and pulled out a keyring with a few different keys on them the most important one was a small golden key her father had given her just before she left her home telling her she'll know what its used for.
And this must be what it was for, after all a golden key must be for a golden box. So puting the key in she turn it, though before she could fully open said box ulrik the again stop her.
Mona sighed. "Ulirk. you don't need to stop me after all its not like my father would have something that would hurt me in his vault." At least as far as she knows anyway plus if he she was pretty sure he would have warned her of such things.
Though she didn't think to much on the mater before she was quickly distracted since it seemed Clemens had wrap an arm around her so he could pull her flushed against him while it seemed danni had wrap an arm around ulrik shoulder.
Annoyed she looked up to the male that towerd over her (but than again in their human forms all three males towered over her since they were all over six feet) "what is it now?" She huffed annoyed with them before danni responded ans she looked over to him who seemed to be acting as a weight to make ulrik hunch over slightly.
"Since sharky here is worried about your safety why don't me and Clemens keep you safe, and he can open the box? After all if he's so worried that should be fine." Danni was smirking in a way that Mona didn't trust, after all she knew him well enough to know he was most likely would give her a migraine.
Glancing upwards at Clemens who still had her in a half hug of sorts. Glad she knew he was the one about to speak next, Clemens had been looking at his brother nodded and looked down at her. "Wouldn't that be fine? Being safe between us while ulrik keeps what ever dust bunnies are in an old box?" The male chuckled.
But before Mona could respond to that she winced slightly at the grip on her hips being a bit tighter than she would like and it seemed ulrik who had decided to make a sound that had her turn to him. One you would think she would be use to but it always seemed the twins had a way of helping her get ulrik to do what she wanted... to a point.
None the less she got what she wanted and personally that's all that maters as she manged to slip out of the right grip on her and moved to get back to the important issue of the Golden ringing box. A box that still hadn't stop ringing as she ingored the boys behind her while they seemed to be dealing with guy things as popped it open.
Honestly she wasn't quite sure what to expected but some sort of fancy alarm which after a moment she manged to turn off and danni seemed to take from her as he seemed to want to mess with it. And since it didn't seem important (for now anyway) she let him.
No what she did wonder was why they was a contract scroll here. And thus picked it up and begin reading it contents. Humming she went though every line and detail but what had her raising a brow was the date and names on the bottom. After all this was a bit of a mystery. But she knew one thing she could use this.
"Boys~" closing the scroll as she didn't hide her smrik while turning to her men. Said men paused what ever they seemed to be doing and looked her her straighting out to hear what she said. "It seems we've got connections to make." Mona couldn't help the chuckle that left her as she knew she would beat her father in something.
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achilleid · 3 months
My goal has become to write at least 300 words a day. Small goal, but mangable. And if I write more, so be it! But I bought a new tablet so I can take my writing with me and a portable keyboard (and a really cool looking typewriter one for home) so yeah.
Here is hoping 2024 has much more writing in it!
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merixirica · 5 months
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(parte dois, dê crédito caso use <3) pink heart jam (ryo kanae)
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danse--macabre · 5 months
thinking about ch'lakhou's hair journey this morning:
I think they begin with the very long braid as a mirror to orin's style, but it looks far less showy, far more utiliatarian. ch'lakhou has wavy bordering on curly hair texture that has been straightened and rigidly put into a braid that they usually pin up out of the way under their assassin's hood + cultist mask. it's supposed to be minimising and invisible but is also an insulting reminder of how they're supposed to be a monstruous, alien mirror of orin, the very picture of degraded and failed femininity.
Throughout act 1 they cut it down in length to something long but mangable, restyle it into a loose ponytail with a braid, or one side loose and the other braided back. Later they shave off the sides and wear it as a foxtail.
After they destroy the zhaisisk, loose their cool, and black out at the crèche, slaughtering almost everyone before blowing the whole monastery to bits and kicking the egg off the cliff, they have an impulsive, angry haircut moment after swallowing three tadpoles (after resisting them for weeks). Their hair is completely shorn off. A mark of shame.
And yet, when it begins to grow back they don't feel the compulsion to let it grow long again. They find some comfort in its new shortened length and a sense of self and confidence. It's nice to not have anything to tie back. It's nice to find a practical use for a knife that isn't killing. It's also nice to have something that they've grown entirely post-tadpole, that isn't a memory from a past life they've forgotten, but feels fully theirs.
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peachypede · 1 year
January Month Goals
Edit: Time to go back to see how I did!
I’ve decided instead of making new year goals, I’ll make mangable monthly goals and make an updated on how I did at the end of each month. I’ll check off everything that I managed to get done in the update post.
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End goal of 2023: Feel mentally, physically, and emotionally better about myself
[ ] Do squats, pushups, and sit ups every day (10 of each) (Considering my whole body has been in pain and I'm now being tested for rheumatoid arthritis, I'll give myself a pass for this one)
[ ] Say one good thing about myself everyday (I managed to do it for the first couple of days, but failed for the rest.)
[x] Do at least 2 commissions (sadly the only thing I managed to get done :| )
[ ] Draw at least 2 art pieces that require a background (i didn't even do one this month hahaaaaa)
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epicpurplzoul · 1 year
Welcome to episode 2743 of the Inter-Universal Cooking Show! Todays episode is actually one I have been preparing for ever since I managed to grab one of those Player Kids! We will be making Player Cake today!
Ingredients include: 1 cake preferably single layer, one of those Player Children, 1 pound of salt, 2 eggs, 1 bag of flour, and a Integrity Soul.
First, you will need to cut the Player Child apart into mangable parts and to make it so you can repeat this. Once you get a part roughly the size of your hand, douse it in the bag of flour and pour the egg yolk from the 2 eggs in as well. After 5 minutes, crack the Integrity Soul and pour it onto the Player Child remains that you selected to be doused. Once it glows blue you can put it on the center of the cake, sprinkle the pound of salt evenly across the cake and put it in the oven at 500F for 1 hour.
Voila! A Player Cake! Now then, I need to run before The Director gets through this pocket dimensions defenses! If there is never another broadcast, I could not lose them through The Maze.
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Do you wanna kiss Izumi, Zero? Maybe do more with them? Of course, you'd probably have to be slow, we don't want that heart of yours quitting on you!
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"You sould like Casimir when he pries me for information on my love life and--offers to fix my problem." The sex problem. He made the same offer too. 'Slow so we don't hurt you, Zero!' And he tried to explain to his friend you can't offer to have sex with your friends. "How fragile does Eric have you all believing I am? Seriously." True. Physical exertion irritates his irregular heartbeat and when it beats to fast he has some problems but, it's mangable. Probably. He's never had sex to find out.
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Welcome to episode 2743 of the Inter-Universal Cooking Show! Todays episode is actually one I have been preparing for ever since I managed to grab one of those Player Kids! We will be making Player Cake today!
Ingredients include: 1 cake preferably single layer, one of those Player Children, 1 pound of salt, 2 eggs, 1 bag of flour, and a Integrity Soul.
First, you will need to cut the Player Child apart into mangable parts and to make it so you can repeat this. Once you get a part roughly the size of your hand, douse it in the bag of flour and pour the egg yolk from the 2 eggs in as well. After 5 minutes, crack the Integrity Soul and pour it onto the Player Child remains that you selected to be doused. Once it glows blue you can put it on the center of the cake, sprinkle the pound of salt evenly across the cake and put it in the oven at 500F for 1 hour.
Voila! A Player Cake! Now then, I need to run before The Director gets through this kitchens defenses! If there is never another broadcast, I could not lose them through The Maze and I'm stuck, or they found out how to kill me.
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grrrrrrrbarkbarkbark · 8 months
Having to turn tumblr live off every week: annoying but mangable. Fully gets rid of the feature we don't want.
Turning it off for 30 days but tab button is permantly there: significantly more annoying. Now there its a constant reminder there.
I know it's a marketing tactic to get people to try to use it more but the thing is people that don't want to use it just won't. And perma adding that button is going to make longterm viewership go up its just going to make accidental button clicks sky rocket
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homelessbird · 1 year
New year resolutions:
1. Read more. I wanna have read 15 books by 2024. Not a lot but I feel it's mangable to get back into reading again more regularly.
2. Review fics I read/really like more if multichapter.
3. Interact with people more instead of letting my anxiety consume me. This will be hard I admit.
4. Stop depression posting/tweeting, I have a therapist lol.
5. Stop rushing things
6. Just have more fun in fandom lol like loosen up I guess.
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Pretty boy pt. 2
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nattyslafujoshi · 2 years
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2020/2021 💕
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