#malex for ts
metaphoric-aliens · 1 month
down bad is malex coded
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laufire · 3 years
RNM 3x03
Since I’m all caught up with the show now, why not resume my weekly posts.
I’m VERY wary about Rosa’s storyline, specifically in relation to Wyatt Long. Like, I cannot state how much I DO NOT WANT THIS. And look, I’ve seen the arguments. I believe in de-radicalization and harm reduction and all that jazz. But I do not want this storyline to turn into how Rosa, a WoC, has to ~teach or redeem Wyatt Long for his racist ways or whatever the fuck. I simply don’t trust this show with anything relating to race; its track record is appalling (I’m also side-eyeing the Not All Cops storyline they seem to be going for with Max). And I truly hope the speculation about them becoming romantic goes nowhere because the very thought of it makes my skin crawl, tyvm. I want plots about her powers or something. I swear I saw gifs of her and Michael having a scene, so I hope there’s something with that soon.
Kyle is getting focus! And an storyline involving his dad! And scenes with Rosa! And to express anger at others! And even a little emotional support by Isobel! I almost can’t believe it LOL. ANYWAY, I’m really looking forward to seeing more of him this season. I’ve seen speculation about both Kyluca or Kybel romances and ngl, at this point neither would bother me. It might be too many plots for the season though.
Liz needs to get in on the main plot ASAP. I was tired of seeing her side-lined in s2 and I don’t want to keep seeing it now. She’s now in Roswell so at least that’s something, but she needs to start working on the investigation, to meet Jones, etc. etc.
I like that Maria is deep in the season’s plot this year, although I hope she doesn’t overwork herself and that Liz can figure out a way to stop her brain cell degeneration. However, I don’t know what to make of Greg/Maria. They’re cute, I guess. But a.) I still don’t know if the actor is actually Indegenous like his character, and that would be TWICE in one show; and b.) he’s nice and handsome and all but I’m very meh about him. That I still like Miluca probably doesn’t help lol.
I’m LIVING for Michael’s new plot. This episode didn’t do as much with it as I would’ve liked (less freaking out about how you might be genetically evil and more excitement about your invulnerability to fire, dude) but I’ll wait patiently. He’s The Heir To The Dictator!! Who Michael’s mother spyed on, betrayed, and fought against!! He was superior powers!! Maybe immortality!! I love it all. I want to meet the Dictator ASAP (and for his actor to live up to my expectations. Fingers crossed). I want MICHAEL to meet the Dictator. In my ideal world he’d use Jones/Max’s powers to bring back Nora somehow so they can all have a family reunion lmao, but I doubt I’ll be so lucky :(. I hope I get a lot of Nora-Michael flashbacks (with him regaining his childhood memories, perhaps) and Nora-Dictator flashbacks (because I already ship them lmfao).
Jones is a lot of fun and I can’t wait to see him interact with everyone and mess with their heads. But first, for the love of all holy, SHAVE THAT BEARD (he probably will so he can impersonate Max at some point, but seriously. I mean it. SHAVE IT). Also, his conversations with Isobel and Max reinforce my theory that, perhaps, their mental link is because Nora & Louise used her powers to control Max as a kid (when he says something like, “oh, you think you’re connected to them...”).
Once again, fandom’s reaction to Alex saying anything positive about Maria makes me want to ask them if they’ve ever met real people añlsdkfja. They’re friends! He likes her! As a person! And maybe as a strange form of what-if!! It’s pretty damn simple and obvious to see!! He’s only supposed to hate her because she’s some HomewreckerTM in YOUR heads LMAO. Anyway, I’m not a big fan of Malex, mostly for the fandom; but admittedly, it won some points this week because of Alex’s certainty that Michael couldn’t be the one dead in the vision, because there’s NO WAY he would’ve covered it up if Michael was the victim. I also believe he wouldn’t have if it was someone Michael loved as much as Liz loved Rosa, let alone hid it from Michael. Take notes, Max xDD
Re: the mystery. As of now my #1 guess is Walt, with the flowers and the song hints. It’s... pretty absurd nobody proposed that posibility tbh. I hope he isn’t because I’m super fond of him and his dynamic with Michael, but I’m more afraid of other posibilities like Kyle. I think the visions would work differently if it was a member of the group (more concerned about other things, basically. Hopefully), but maybe they weren’t clear on who it was at the beginning and decided later on, so. idk.
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ashesandhalefire · 3 years
so after ending 3x06 with alex being held at gunpoint while michael stands at the base of the impenetrable tower like a scene out of goddamn rapunzel, i’m going to need at least one scene before they’re pushed back into separate plots for another whole episode
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leoleofitz · 5 years
Has anyone done Michael x Alex + Death By A Thousand Cuts ?? It's a serious vibe, in a sad way.
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fuckyoupbk · 5 years
everything’s broken
         Alex shouldn’t have gone to school that day, but he hadn’t wanted to be at home, either, where he was so terrified of what his father would do next that he hadn’t slept a wink and the metallic flavor of cortisone ruined everything he tried to eat. Waste of time, too; sitting in the back of the class in history in a heavy sweater he’d done nothing but scribble dangerous little drawings in the margins of his notebook. He’d cut thumb holes in his long-sleeved t-shirt so he could keep his hands covered and hide the swelling on his left wrist. Wrist? There was no definition at all. No one knew his ribcage was black and blue, and no one paid too much attention to his black eyes, or the swelling on his septum where the ring had been tugged until it tore just a millimeter and then snapped open.
No one was paying much attention to anything at all, after the three girls had died in a fiery wreck out on the highway. Alex wanted to talk to Liz, but she wasn’t there.
He wanted to talk to Michael, even more. Also, he didn’t want to talk to Michael. Not that day, and not ever again. He couldn’t look at that mangled hand and know what he’d cost the only person who’d ever really liked him. It seemed impossible that only a couple of days ago he’d been so fucking happy, had felt an ache in his cheeks from smiling so wide, that he’d had Michael Guerin’s lips warming his skin. He rested his face in his hand for a moment, the weight of it all bringing him low, and yelped as the pressure against the bruises on his face had sparked pain.
The teacher, of course, thought he was quietly emoting about the loss of Rosa and her friends. And yeah, Alex had been upset about that too and he wanted to tell Liz he still loved her a whole lot but he hadn’t had enough room in his heart for all the grief right then. He’d flinched as the teacher pressed a sympathetic hand against the shoulder Colonel Jessep had done his best to dislocate, and as she’d tried to apologize, as if she’d only startled him, he’d closed his notebook and walked out of the classroom. He’d tried to chase the memory of the sound of his father’s fists hitting his flesh by remembering Michael’s quiet moans beneath him, the way Michael had breathed his name when Alex laid hands on him, but that memory hurt at least as badly.
He’d wandered aimlessly for most of the afternoon, and then gone home, jammed an old cassette tape under the door to create the illusion of security, and stretched out on his bed, fillings the faded patches on his fingernails with a sharpie. Of course, the cassette did nothing, and when Manes Senior pushed the door open a few hours later and startled Alex awake, immediately defensive, accidentally resting his weight first on his swollen wrist and then on his fucked-up shoulder he’d felt an instant bolt of fear and adrenaline. He’d thought in that moment that he hated himself for his weakness even more than his father did.
“I’m enrolling you in military college,” he’d slurred. “And not in Roswell. Nowhere near that kid. You’re never speaking to him again.”
“Actually, after what you did to his hand, he’s never speaking to me again,” Alex had replied, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. Didn’t make him feel any less vulnerable, especially when his senses kicked in properly and he smelled the liquor streaming from his father’s pores, seen the red in his eyes.  “Send me as far away as you can. From you.”
“And you’re not bumming around here all summer, either. You drive straight from graduation to your uncle’s garage in Austin and learn to fix a car. Get a head start so you don’t embarrass me too badly.”
Alex had forced himself to swallow the lump in his throat. “You done?” he’d asked, and his father had pulled the door closed again.
At graduation, Alex had barely been able to crack a smile, not once. Nor look at Michael. His ear had felt strange with the plug gone, but he hadn’t been prepared to die on that particular hill, so whatever. Not a scrap of eyeliner. Nothing that made Alex feel like himself. The unfamiliar weight of a graduation robe he’d ice thought he cared about. A tassel over his eye.
When it was all done he’d walked to the outer edge of the parking lot. Michael’s truck was there; unlocked, the way it usually was, as if he was trying to show the world he had nothing worth stealing and they could help themselves. He’d opened the passenger door slowly and sat on the seat for a few moments, inhaling the spicy fragrance of Michael’s skin for the very last time.
He had pulled the rings from his finger, and let hem drop one by one into Michael’s ashtray. Michael would probably throw them out the window on his way to UNM.
And then he’d driven all the way to Austin with his eyes dry and his mouth in a straight line, away from all he’d ever really cared about, and with no intention of ever coming back.
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zweigpatrick · 5 years
we literally had a scene last episode of roswell with michael saying the pieces of his ship want to be together. he has called what they had cosmic and there are still people freaking out they won’t be endgame... are we watching the same show idk
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aewriting · 3 years
Throw Cares Away - Chapter 1
“The Meet-Cute”
This is Malex Secret Santa @malexsanta fic for @prouvaireafterdark ! I so admire this author’s work, and I was thrilled to read over their prompts - they were so inspiring! I was immediately drawn to a fake dating prompt, and while I took some liberties with the prompt, I hope folks find it enjoyable!
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aliciam72 · 4 years
My Malex Secret Marriage AU is up. Enjoy!
Tagging @arielana because she expressed interest in reading.
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insidious-intent · 4 years
Was tagged by @adrianintown  💙💙💙
Icon: Tired Chris Evans, laughing tiredly, while holding a cup of tea. Basically the best representation of me and my forever mood. 
Content: Uh whatever I want. Started with Stucky, currently going through a Tarlos + Malex hyperfixation, writing things, giffing things, it’s a good life. 
Header: Tyler Blackburn in the shower. 😏
URL: It’s a line from my all time favorite poem - The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by TS Eliot “Streets that follow like a tedious argument / Of insidious intent / To lead you to an overwhelming question ...”
Blog title: It’s a line from a Jay Z/Kanye song “No Church in the Wild” 
I’m tagging EVERYBODY who wants to play this! Just tag me back 
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laufire · 4 years
Roswell NM 2x04
No Maria (we get mentions of her reconnecting with Rosa or passing a message to Michael about still protecting his secrets off-screen which. Felt outrageous tbh. They better remedy that soon), not nearly enough Rosa... definitely my least favourite episode of the bunch so far. Especially because the Rosa parts were tainted by Isobel and her mind powers used on Arturo. I can’t even find words to express how much I loathed that storyline. I know some people would say I should cut it/her some slack because she did it with “good intentions”, or it “brought results” or something, but I can’t. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t. My disgust is too visceral and innate. I couldn’t even enjoy the reunion scene because I was so furious.
I’m glad about Kyle genuinely trying to move on from Liz, and that he’s addressed her attitude with him (which was several shades of wrong but she was admittedly adorable in the “I’ll steal it, I’m just asking you to aid and abet!” scene *shrugs*), but does he really have to do it with that woman? All I can think when I see her is “ew, but she’s a conservative!” xDD. I don’t know about Kyle but that would certainly put me off of anyone, no matter how hot lol. RIP to him but I’m different, etc. etc.
Michael’s storyline with his mother/aliens in general continues to give me a huge soft spot for the guy despite myself xDD (the flashbacks about the mother bonding with the boy because she missed Michael. My heart. BTW, I no longer want Bronson to be related to Maria, since it seems he connected more with Max & Isobel’s mother than Michael’s xD). I enjoyed his scenes with Alex this episode, too. Very emotional in just the right way, and I really felt for them (I don’t care for Alex’ supposed new love interest either, btw. Seriously, who are these new people. One is against public healthcare and the other is a WW2 enthusiast? *sighs*. I know, I know. Not everyone into WW2 is *like that*. I’ve certainly read a few testimonies from that era, just like any other, and liked some historical fiction stuff from it. BUT given the guys I’ve met with that interest, I still had an “ugh” reaction ngl xD).
Best moment of the entire episode to me was Kyle complaining about having to listen to Michael’s heartbeat for TWO HOURS and being able to “pick his nipples out of a lineup” OMG. How could you deprive me of such an scene, show. Let my little rareship raise lol.
I don’t care for Jenna or her dramas (at least if we knew her sister I could see if I liked her, but who knows), so I tuned out all that tbh.
I’m rooting for Sheriff Valenti to figure things out, tbh. Not as much as I’m rooting for Arturo finding out THE FREAKING TRUTH, but still. Keep investigating and fuck shit up, you beautiful woman (though when she finds out her own son has been bullshitting her it’s probably going to be really painful for everyone involved, myself included).
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laufire · 4 years
Roswell NM 2x01
Ngl: I spent like the first third of the episode grumbling about when would Rosa finally have a scene and not paying attention to much else xDD (well, except at how horrible Isobel’s outfit was. That cannot be unseen). She’s so amazing! I loved when she started complaining about Liz wearing her necklace LMFAO (”and where is my Hole t-shirt?” “next time BURY ME WITH ALL MY STUFF” “I’m the hottest 31yo!” ILU).
And you could tell how the change on her dynamic with Liz --that is now older than her; what a nightmare-- is affecting her. One thing I do not like is the whole “Max deserves to live more than me” stuff. Ugh. And that she doesn’t know what the cover up of her murder did to her & her family’s images. I hope she finds out and she gets to be angry at the pod people, but I doubt it *sighs*.
My favourite parts of the episode were Rosa & Liz talking about their mom (I want to meet her so badly) and singing in the car, and Rosa & Kyle’s scenes. Especially the latter. Gosh. My kids. Between Rosa thinking she’s going to screw up her second chance at life (and opening up about it), and Kyle talking about how his father and sister had died knowing him at his worst. My kids :((
My heart broke for Liz in this episode, too. Her scene in the bathroom was A LOT. And I love her determination and her sketchy science experiments (even if I’d be more than fine if the show took Max at his own damn word and didn’t bring him back. Not gonna happen, but hey. A girl can dream. Just because resurrecting Rosa bought him some good will from me doesn’t mean I stopped finding him boring and annoying, js).
I liked Isobel more in this episode than in the entirety of season one. IDK, I guess I though her freaking out over the delay in Noah’s cremation was charming LOL (“I WANT THOSE FREAKING ASHES!!”). I’m interested to see where her plot about taking her powers to the next levels goes, too. And I felt so bad for her when she discovered she was pregnant. Poor thing (though I’m also looking forward to that storyline).
Michael is such a mess smh (understandable, but still). I liked his scene with Alex; I think those two are at their best when the show leans into the disfunction (and seriously Alex, what the hell were you thinking handing him over his mother’s file like that ffs). I got a lot of feelings about his “I wanna be good for somebody” quote --though ofc he had to go and try to purposely screw things up with Maria. In a frankly appalling way.
Maria’s mother better be alright (though I hope this gets Maria herself her own plot soon. And that someone tells her about the freaking aliens already). And someone please tell Papa Ortecho that Rosa is alive.
LMAO at Alex wanting to keep his father in a coma xDD. Same dude, same.
Sheriff Valenti is so hot *dreamy sigh*. Can she be included in the main plot?
Lately I’ve been thinking of trying out the old show and see if my reactions are different, but a.) no Rosa, b.) feels like too much of a commitement rn xD
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laufire · 4 years
Roswell NM 2x06
I finally watched the episode (and the Legends episode, which I watched just after --a gr10 decision because it was awesome). I don’t have as many Thoughts(TM) as usual. Unsurprisingly, since Rosa isn’t in the episode and she takes three out of my four feelings. The fourth goes back and forth between Maria and Kyle, and sometimes Liz and, unfortunately, Michael xD. Anyway. I look forward to seeing her deal with her powers. And apparently her mother! I’ve wanted her to appear since episode one, so I’m excited about it (also my dumb ass only recently noticed Rosa’s middle name is Helena, like her mother, and I have Feelings about it).
I have a lot of mixed feelings wrt The Foretold Threesome (lol), thought they’re probably... different than those of most fans (I’m just still side-eying about how Maria’s racebending influenced the writers okay). I did love the conclusion, both the Alex/Michael conversation (which is my favourite scene from then in the show so far just... it pulled the right strings, yup), and the Miluca one, with her starting out insecure and the reassurances. Wrt The Drama, I’ll just say... look. I can totally see why it’d make someone feel uncomfortable, for a variety of reasons, even if I’d likely disagree with their interpretation. BUT I have NO sympathy for those that argue it was a dub/non con scene, and then only really put the blame on Maria, clearly wanting to leave a space to continue shipping Michael/Alex. Like... I just can’t believe you’d do that if you were speaking from an honest place, sorry.
I cannot belive Forrest, the WWII enthusiast is the best new romantic interest the season (yeah, I know he’s not One Of Those, it’s obvious. And he named his dog Buffy, that scored him points. But of ALL time periods you could pick for a history nerd to obsess over... WWII? Really? *Sighs*. I know it makes sense with the town’s history but STILL). Between “no public healthcare” girl and the “breeder” lesbian (who I really hope we don’t see again. Look, I do not care about whatever reasoning fellow queer people use. I fucking hate that word. The fact that she said it to a guy who was also in a gay bar makes it worse). Anyway. Yeah. The Alex/Forrest scenes were cute, too. Though I’ll say werewolf guy >>>>>>>> any stand up poetry IN THE WORLD LMAO. Pls make him a genuine character, I love him xDD.
The pseudo-horror movie plot with Alex and Maria was fun, however (“the gay guy always dies first” *Maria’s EXCUSE ME expression* “or second. that’s fair. that look is fair” xDDD). The TVD daylight ring reference KILLED me lmao. And their conversations in the car got to me. Also LMAO at Michael, the one with super powers, getting knocked down in less than ten seconds and being completely useless xDD.
Anyway. I totally got a kick out of Kyle rejecting Isobel’s ass, even if it was for Steph of all people. THANK GOD. I was worried when I heard they flirted lol. I’m also grateful Isobel’s ONS was a white girl, because her track record with WoC is terrible. Now I just want the show to never bring up Rosa/Isobel again with this as an excuse, thanks. BTW, I hate the word “queerbaiting” and disagree with most of its uses, to be frank, but this thing with Kyle gets... headed in that direction, js, given how it’s obvious the writers are aware about fandom and its headcanons etc. And I have no dog in this fight because I have issues with all of Kyle’s ships LMFAO (except, ironically, Kyle/Michael, lmao. It’d be straightforward at the very least).
“Maybe I’m pregnant, you’re not my gynecologist” is going to be Max’s shining moment forever and ever. Paired with Liz’s worse when she says what happened with Rosa no longer matters (to her) smh. It fucking does. Resurrecting Rosa doesn’t undo the damage because Rosa’s death wasn’t the only harm done, okay? They ruined and shat all over her memory, they made Arturo and Liz a target, they contributed to a racist af climate that endangered people beyond the Ortechos. The LEAST Rosa deserves is an apology; and a real one, not Isobel’s “I do this to feel better and get something out of you, but I’ll violently hit you and invade your mind tomorrow” one. Michael clearly doesn’t give enough of a damn to even THINK that he might need to apologize. I have some hopes for Max (who would’ve thunk he’d been the pod sibling I’d feel most lenient towards a year ago. I mean, he still has moments where I cannot stand him, but still xD. I’m actually enjoying his dynamic with Rosa this last few episodes), though I hope it won’t translate on Rosa becoming all buddy-buddy with him, because nope. Not so much for the ~morals of it all, tbh, but because I think it’s better for her, narrative-wise, if Rosa remains A Skeptic.
And like I say, that’s the least they should do, after what they caused. The least. And now ROSA has brought Max back to life --their debt to her is STAGGERINGLY HIGH, AFAIC. So yeah, Liz. It still fucking matters. And I sincerely hope Rosa never lets any of them conveniently forget.
BTW, with this new mention of Liz’s ex-fiancé, and now that the show is pulling Kyle away from the triangle (at least temporarily), I fully expect Diego to make an appearance, sooner or later.
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laufire · 4 years
Roswell NM 2x02
THANK YOU SHOW FOR GIVING ME FURIOUS ROSA. It’s all I ever wanted. She was furious at Max, at Liz (the “sweet little sister” she doesn’t even recognize because she’s in love with Max. I’d love that she said “the guy you chose to love”, that her anger is both righteous and a little unfair, and it’s expressed in ugly ways), at everything, for how the pod people covered up her death and how it affected her and her families reputations. And I’m curious about how the relapse storyline will go. I was convinced she was going to use again soon, given all the blatant foreshadowing, and I love that it is so that she can shut down her visions of Max (especially when he threatened to keep coming lol). And that she told him to “man up” because everyone’s in pain lmao.
She still had this sweet, hilarious moments I adore her for too. Like her morbid curiosity about her death, the “affection! I’m allergic!” moment, her renewed vandalism across town xD, her “the future’s creepy” line when she finds out about phone tracking (so there with you. Also, I see u giving her that phone Liz, I see u xD). or when she went to the church to pray (or how she told Kyle about Liz’s arrest LOL).
Her relationship with Liz kiiiiiills me. Ouch. It really comes across that Rosa used to be the eldest one and that that’s part of what’s throwing her off now, the changes Liz’s gone through in adulthood. I also loved the little bonding moment when she told Rosa how she wanted to put her on a “Live Through This” t-shirt for her burial xDD
BTW, it never stops marvelling me how good a liar Liz is lmao. Not just with Rosa, but in this episode with the sheriff, when she used her grief to throw off her suspicions. Damn gurl. And I loved her line about how she’s “focusing on the science. I’ve never failed at the science.” ILU.
I hope I can come to like Kyle’s love interest if nothing else because I’d like to ship him with someone that doesn’t have another ship “higher” in the food chain *sighs*. I’m curious about the supposed alien foreshadowing they did with her (I’m 80% sure it’s a fakeout, but who knows), but hearing her talk against universal healthcare with the typical capitalist arguments put me immediately against her lmao. Like. What’s the point of that. (Part of it is that I’m even touchier about the subject given current events xDD; if someone wonders, no I’m not from the USA, I’m from a country with universal healthcare. But there are some areas -including the one where I resided for the past few years and the most affected rn- where regional conservative governments did a number on public healthcare in favor of private hospitals and. yeah I’m touchy about it, sns). Anyway. I’m curious about what he actually found on Rosa’s tests. And I liked the scene where he “threatened” Alex’s dad (I don’t believe him for a minute. He’s too soft to actually risk the pod people’s secrets :/).
I don’t know if I like where Miluca is going this season but I had ~feels in this episode. Especially the scene where they talked to each other about their mothers (I also had Malex feels when Alex told Michael about Nora, Michael’s mother. This time after he asked, looks like he’s learning xDD. But nah, seriously, it was a very touching moment).
I’m not sure Isobel’s tactic to get rid of the alien fetus will work. I would actually like a supernatural show that gave us a sketchy pregnancy where the mother wanted to abort, and then followed through and had her abort, tbh. It would be a freaking novelty.
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laufire · 5 years
roswell 1x13
--ROSA IS BACK FUCK YEAH. I had this weird suspicious they were going to go for some kind of twist with her death, but I really didn’t want to get my hopes up xDD (she is my fave lol). It will probably turn into a “comes back wrong” arc for her BUT I DON’T EVEN CARE OKAY. I just want more Rosa. Just please, please show, don’t kill her again D:
--I was LMAO at Michael’s seduction techniques. Still, this episode needed more Maria. I can’t fucking believe she still doesn’t know about aliens; Rosa should just walk up to her and tell her everything xD But at least she noticed his healed hand, so I hope at least she starts investigating on her own or something. And I liked the scene where Liz basically told her to go for Michael, but I’m 80% she got flack from the fandom for it lmao. (That and the fact that Miluca happened because Michael’s took to heart Max’s advice about leaving the past behind means the ship has their seal of approval, and I cannot at how hilarious I find this xDDD)
--OFC Alex’s dad killed Kyle’s dad LOL (I’m just saying, that’s a perfect set up for a ship AFAIC :P). But I wasn’t ~pulled into the drama of the moment, because for some reason Manes Sr.’s face in the video reminded me of that “don’t be suspicious” P&R gif and I found it hilarious xD.
--Kyle’s scene on the gun-shop I CAN’T. Like IDK if it’s just me but. You don’t know how surreal those conversations in USA shows look. I know that shit happens? But I can’t believe it, seriously. WTF muricah. I did like how he approached his fight with Manes at the end: bullet-proof vest and induced coma. See, tv shows? This is how you do “character has a code and won’t kill but he really needs to get rid of one awful person for everyone’s safety”.
--I can’t believe Kyle and Liz’s conversation where it’s revealed Rosa was their half-sister was so. Lukewarm. Like, wtf. I expected more. They were as nice to watch as always, but c’mon. That reveal deserved more of a punch. Meh.
--Yet another time they’ve put Alex and Michael’s fam in the two sides of a balance... *coughs*. I have a loooot of thoughts about it, but I’ll probably have to come back to it later because I don’t feel like inviting drama lmao. I really liked the scene where Michael described his feelings to Isobel, too. And OFC the poor guy couldn’t find some answers. I feel u bby.
--As soon as Noah said that “they always come back for YOU” bs I was like... if Max turns out to be some fucking alien royalty I swear to fucking god!!! What’s with the AeJons Snowrgaryen of TV and their fucking messianic storylines I fucking can’t xDD (that’s basically why I don’t believe for a minute he’s truly gone tbh). OTOH, he used his Jesus-mojo to make Rosa the Lazarus 2.0, so I’ve made peace with his role in her death and he's off the shit list for now xDD
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aewriting · 3 years
Throw Cares Away - Chapter 9
“There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays”
Here’s Chapter 9 of my Malex Santa fic for @prouvaireafterdark . Just a note - the plot thickens in this one as Michael and Alex go to Truth or Consequences to visit Sanders for Christmas. Enjoy!
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