#malec date night
lawsofchaos1 · 6 months
Shadowhunter Promptlet: The Piano
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A young Alec, overwhelmed by everything Maryse and Robert have dropped himself into his lap, runs away from the Institute- just for a few hours- to see what it would be like to be a mundane child. To see what it would be like to live with no responsibility, without parents who leave their bruises on his skin.
Somehow, Alec accidentally finds himself in a piano lesson with a bunch of other children and he discovers music.
Having learned the basics, Alec knows better than to ever reveal it to anyone at the Institute. But, over the years, he sneaks away a few careful hours at a time. He finds public pianos in the parks or he slips into unlocked middle schools, or, later, unlocked high schools or colleges, blending in and sneaking into their practice rooms to bring the music in his head to life.
Alec never tells anyone, not even Jace, about his escape. Jace has always been different and just because it's okay for him to play music, doesn't mean it's okay for Alec.
One day, Magnus and Alec are visiting one of Magnus' warlock friends and Alec, with permission, goes to explore a few nearby rooms while Magnus and his friend catch up. He doesn't dare even sit down on the bench when he finds the piano, but he knows that this room is too far for them to hear, so he plays.
Magnus walks in without Alec noticing at first, but when Alec catches movement out of the corner of his eye and turns, he's frozen.
[Teenage HOTI-Alec with his mundane accidental-piano-friends below the cut]
Imagine a fifteen-year old Alexander Lightwood, overwhelmed from his recent installation as Acting Head, sneaking into the local high school band room to practice on their piano. Imagine Alec meeting this group of kids who basically adopt him and keep claiming him as their brother/visiting cousin/best friend from another high school whenever anyone else pops into the practice room and asks who this random kid is who definitely doesn't go here.
The tattoos and leather jacket make Alec incredibly popular with the teen girls going after the bad boy and Ryan, Haley, and Alison find Alec's total and utter obliviousness to them absolutely hilarious.
But, the little trio also sees his constant injuries and how exhausted he is all the time and one day Haley kind of snaps and pulls a fuzzy blanket out of her backpack and demands Alec take a nap while she practices Braham's lullaby.
(Alec acquiesces and the trio subtly collates a list of the songs that Alec will sleep through while they play. A few times here and there Alec will creep into the practice room, shadows both in and under his eyes, and he won't even try to put fingers to piano- just tentatively pulls out the blanket from Haley's backpack that is now undeniably his and curls up in the corner to sleep fitfully while Ryan guards the door.)
They see how lonely he looks sometimes, how burdened, and the trio drags him out for milkshakes and tell horrible jokes until Alec truly laughs - looking honestly surprised that that sound even came out of his mouth.
And Ryan doesn't make a big deal of it, but he sees how Alec keeps stroking his Haley's blanket between his fingers, enjoying the softness. The next day, Ryan starts keeping a large black hoodie he found made out of the softest material he's ever felt in his tuba case, waiting for the next time they walk into what has become their practice room after school to find Alec lurking in the corner.
(Ten years later, Alec still wears that sweater whenever he needs some extra comfort.)
The night after the wedding-that-wasn't and before Malec's first date, Alec climbs up the fire escape to the 34th floor of and apartment building in Queens and knocks on Haley's window. He then proceeds to have a Gay Panic on her and Alison's couch before they calm him down and convince him to go woo his man.
A year after that, Alec is a groomsman at Ryan’s wedding and Ryan is suddenly stuck trying to explain to his wife why they have a lovely package of custom daggers as a wedding present.
A few months after Magnus finds Alec hardly daring to touch his friend's piano, Haley, Ryan, and Alison are invited to the loft for dinner. Magnus can barely contain the joy and love in his heart as Alec and the trio recount the stories of their meeting and the blatant shenanigans they got up to over the years. Yet, Magnus' heart is somehow even more full as he watches the four friends troop over to the newly installed piano in Alec and Magnus' living room, trading off playing each other's favorite songs until long into the night.
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prompt: malec and the gang having korean bbq, everyone look in puzzled as magnus the one who do the grilling and then just put everything in alec plate
Anh? Actually sending a decent prompt for once? More likely than you think 😳
Read on ao3
Maybe it was the six glasses of soju, maybe it was the atmosphere - the restaurant lit like a 90’s bar, the blue aquariums lining the walls full of colourful fish (a sight that made Alec miss his children - Max and Rafael would’ve adored them), the music playing through the speakers of the restaurant and the smell of hot sizzling meat - but Alec was feeling especially smitten today.
Or maybe it was the love of his life looking particularly sexy today, wearing a powder blue silk shirt with the top few buttons left undone, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His hair was a little looser than usual, a few stray locks falling in front of his face. His eyeliner was sleek and sharp, and lips pursed in intense concentration as he flipped some shrimp on the grill.
Alec was just content to watch him for now, chin propped up on a palm, hearts in his eyes.
They had come out for Korean barbecue - him and Magnus, and Jace and Clary and Isabelle and Simon - because it was the weekend, and because Isabelle thought it’d be fun to go out on a ‘triple date’, and because Jace and Magnus had clashed on what kind of food they wanted and Korean barbecue ultimately met both their needs.
Alec could hear the chatter of conversation between the others, but his eyes were only on Magnus, who was now busy rolling a piece of shrimp and some pickled garlic in lettuce, which he then dipped in some chilli oil and held out to Alec.
“Say ahhh.”
Alec rolled his eyes but complied anyway, letting Magnus feed him. The taste of crisp lettuce hit him first, and then the chilli and the shrimp and everything else, the flavour while literally bursting into Alec’s mouth.
Magnus smiled, no doubt enjoying what he called Alec’s “foodgasm face”.
“Mmhmm,” Alec nodded, a hand coming up to cover his mouth as he chewed. Despite himself, he couldn’t help but smile a little.
Magnus feeding him had become something of a habit between them. It was a result of Alec’s long work days that blended into nights in an extra office Magnus had summoned up for him inside their apartment, plus Magnus’s persistent desire for himself and everyone around him to eat well, particularly a minimum of three meals a day minimum.
So, these days, when Alec tended to answer ‘you should eat something’ with some variation of ‘later’ more than three times in a row, Magnus would simply sigh and summon up a plate of food and a stool next to Alec’s chair. He’d feed Alec until the plate was left empty, sometimes with chopsticks, sometimes with a fork or spoon, sometimes with his fingers, carefully wiping away any excess left on Alec’s lips afterwards.
It was probably not something to get used to, and Alec might have to put a stop to it sooner or later, but screw him - he had a repressed childhood and loved being pampered.
Right now, Magnus was feeding him a second helping of a lettuce roll with shrimp, when someone cleared their throat from across the table.
“Are we going to get some, too, or are you just going to feed Alec everything?” Jace pouted.
Alec snorted, “I’m pretty sure you can assemble your own rolls, Jace.”
“Okay, one,” Jace protested, “you can assemble your own too, and two, I’d be doing it right now if Magnus hadn’t dumped all the cooked shrimp onto your plate.”
Alec looked down at his plate, and - yep, there was a heap of shrimp on there.
Magnus sighed, looking long-suffering. “I put on another batch for you guys, they’ll be cooked soon.”
“What if you’re too busy cooing over Alec and they burn?” Jace narrowed his eyes.
“I keep telling you I can grill-“ Isabelle butt in.
“Oh, it’s fine- I mean- Magnus has way more experience so-“ Clary interrupted, steering the evening clear of disaster. 
Isabelle sighed and leaned back in her chair. “When will the world appreciate my talent?”
“I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with any of this,” Simon muttered to no one in particular. The waitstaff had kindly procured pre-grilled vegetarian alternatives for him, which included grilled mushrooms, tofu and pineapple slices. 
Simon hadn’t touched the pineapples so far. Alec didn’t think he was planning on doing so either.
Magnus sighed, “I won’t let them burn. Also, you can have the first serving of brisket.”
Jace seemed satisfied with that offer, and busied himself with the glass noodles they had served as a side.
Magnus paused to flip the shrimp on the grill, and then turned his attention back to Alec, assembling another roll and holding it out for him.
Alec shook his head. “You should eat too, love.”
“You first, babygirl,” Magnus grinned.
Alec rolled his eyes again, but how could he ever refuse?
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lurafita · 3 months
Malec Sims
Because Izzy is dating Simon, she knows what Video games are.
And because Izzy thinks her brother is in desperate need of a hobby, she makes him play the Sims.
And Alec makes all the Sims to be like the people in his life. He did not plan to get so into the game, but boy he does. And when sim jace starts flirting with sim Magnus, Alec might admit to be a little too invested in the game when he starts throwing his parabatai dirty looks in real life 🤣
Jace to Alec, after their training session: "Damn, man, you really weren't holding back there. Did I do something to piss you off?"
Alec, remembering last night's gaming session and how sim Jace was asking sim Magnus out for a drink: "…No. Of course not."
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foodsies4me · 26 days
When bridges Malec are away for a mission and Chairman join blanket time with Madzie (cause he miss his bestie obvi)
Okay so this is definitely POST-Bridges, but once again you have come up with the cutest prompt ever which means I had to write it.
"And your magic can't tell you where he ran off to?" Alexander asks after another ten minutes of searching. "I mean, with how many toys and outfits he has we should be able to track him, right?" Magnus grimaces, "There might have been a downside to familiars that I failed to mention..." The expression Alexander gives him makes it clear he knows he's not going to like whatever Magnus tells him next. "And that downside is?" "Well, seeing as Chairman Meow didn't have a magical signature before I tied him to me...well, any tracking spell will just lead back to me." "So, what? We just have to wait for him to come back from wherever he ran off to? What if he gets hurt - by the Angel, there are cars outside, Magnus!" Magnus places his hands on Alexander's shoulders, "The Chairman is smart enough not to get hit by a car," he promises, raising his left hand to brush his thumb across Alexander's cheek. "And also sturdy enough that a hit wouldn't even hurt him...although, it's reassuring to know you do understand the dangers cars can pose." Alexander rolls his eyes. "Is this about the trainees again?" "You know it is," Magnus winks right before he steals a kiss that quickly turns into a second. A third. "Now...," he whispers, his breath ghosting over Alexander's lips, "considering the kids are away for a sleepover...and Chairman is out for a walk...what about we-" A knock, followed by Catarina and Madzie's familiar signatures stops him from finishing that sentence. And, much as he loves them, Magnus organized the sleepover for the kids for a reason. The amused smile Catarina sends him tells him she's well aware she just interrupted them. "I found Madzie napping with a furry stowaway," she says in lieu of a greeting, tilting her head over to the little pink riding hood next to her. His mind registers the soft magical signature that isn't Madzie before he manages to ask her what she means, a familiar snout and two furry ears peaking out before Chairman Meow bolts out of Madzie's arms and right into Alexander's. "I have no idea how he got inside," Catarina tells him, "But they spent the afternoon napping together and I didn't have the heart to wake them up, I hope you don't mind." "Not at all, thank you for bringing him back home." "Don't mention it. With that said, we don't want to take up too much of your time on your date night. Madzie, do you say good night to Uncle Magnus and Uncle Alec?" Madzie runs over to give him and Alexander a hug, gently petting Chairman Meow, who's back to monopolizing Alexander's attention, in a parting gesture before she follows Catarina out the door with a loud and happy, "See you later, alligator!" "After a while crocodile," he and Alexander echo as one.
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peupeugunn · 1 year
okay but imagine if shadowhunters had had filler episodes. just them doing dumb nonsense that didn't have any effect on the plot. bonding.
clary learns about the nephilim education system and she doesn't know whether to be horrified or amazed cause on the one hand they're giving knives to four year olds, on the other hand, izzy is a fully certified forensic pathologist at 19.
simon spends an entire episode dragging raphael around new york tryna find him a replacement jacket because even though the kidnapping situation was very fucked up he feels really bad!!! the episode ends with them picking out a really amazing jacket and then raphael having to pay for it because with all the supernatural crap happening, simon honestly forgot that he's a broke college student.
jace and alec episode with them on their day off just chilling (izzy and clary following them because clary Does Not Understand Parabatai and izzy thinks this will help. somehow.) they go to the library and spend some time curled up together reading. they get coffee and go to the park. jace screams at some ducks while alec provides moral support. they go for a movie. they walk around the city holding hands. they go back to the institute to spar a little and then head off to bed. clary through the episode keeps asking "are they dating? are they not? seems like they are?" but izzy keeps denying the dating allegations. clary then finds someone in the institute that can actually explain parabatai with actual words and she barges into izzy's room in the middle of the night screaming "YOU COULD HAVE JUST TOLD ME THEY'RE SOULMATES ISABELLE!"
there's an episode that is literally just. magnus' cats. nothing else. magnus provides narration like this is a nature documentary.
malec's second date, where they just sit on the couch and watch tv and trashtalk the characters. the entire episode is edited to look exactly like a youtuber-reviewing-a-tv-show thing. the first time time an action scene comes up, alec gets so mad at how unrealistic it is and magnus gives him a detailed explanation of how and why movie fighting is so different from real life fighting and why they're choreographed that way. the episode is an hour and a half because magnus and alec keep getting sidetracked and start talking about random stuff. it ends with them falling asleep together on the couch.
a magnus & catarina & ragnor episode with them just hanging out. cat and ragnor keep making fun of magnus for being so in love but he keeps agreeing with them with a lovestruck expression and that takes the fun out of it. the episode is a clipshow style thing except it's not clips of stuff we've already seen, it's their adventures (including, obviously, peru.)
a jimon episode where simon sits jace down and explains in detail the entire plot of star wars. all the star wars. jace asks so many questions and they get so sidetracked at times but simon powers through. at the end, jace reveals that he actually has watched star wars and he knew everything simon was saying but let him go on and on for hours because he wanted to see whether simon would figure it out and also cause jace likes spending time with him.
a clizzy episode where izzy jokingly asks clary to paint her and clary gets so excited!!!! so izzy goes along with it. clary keeps talking like she's doing a tutorial on painting except izzy can't see what she's doing. through the episode, izzy keeps doing more and more ridiculous poses and clary paints and sketches them and somehow they turn out actually good?
i have more ideas but like. idk about you guys but i'd have watched the hell out of this stuff.
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cinberella · 7 months
My "rom-com" AU Malec fics
One tenant too many
StrangersToLovers, Forced Cohabitation
Alec has just moved into the house that once belonged to his grandmother. He is ready to start his new life, but when he wakes up after spending the first night in his new home something unexpected shows up at his door. Someone, actually. Someone who, apparently, has no intention of leaving anytime soon.
Rating E - WC 35k
Boss/Employee, Misunderstanding, Fluff&Smut
Alec is about to have an interview, hoping to be hired for his first job after finishing his studies. As he crosses the street, he is hit by a car. Sitting on the ground, with a bleeding cut on his forehead, he doesn't know it yet, but his life is about to change. For the best, of course.
Rating E - WC 25k
The groom fallen from Heaven
Alec has not yet told him his first name, and he already imagines them holding hands, romantically strolling in the park at sunset. And he can even picture matching rings on their left ring fingers.
Rating M - WC 40k
Fluff&Humor, Meet Cute
Alec is single and Isabelle just wants to help him. So, she invites her new coworker to her party, a dancing night at Pandemonium. Still, Alec should learn to let himself go on the dance floor... He is truly hopeless, isn't he? Who might help him move with more confidence and dance in a sexy and smooth way? But a hot and gorgeous dance teacher, of course!
Rating T - WC 15k
Double Fake Date
Fake relationship, StrangersToLovers
Magnus had been the victim of infamous rumors, Alec of unwanted and too insistent advances. They are still hurting and trying to move on. They are meant to meet soon for the first time. Magnus is afraid Alec won't trust him, Alec fears that the gossip about Magnus are true. They both need a shield, someone to protect them. So they have the same brilliant idea, pretending to be in a committed relationship with another person. 
Rating E - WC 32k
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 month
I will literally never shut up about this! Lance calling her princess too? OR QUEEN? Like Theia is his princess but Rory is his queen??Lance taking his two princesses out and spoiling them? Lance playing piano for little Rory and Theia watching from the door? Theia and Lance enrolling Rory in a music school? Rory wanting to be a professional pianist because of Lance and David?? Someone insulting Lance because he is blind in school and Rory punching them just like Max taught her? And Max with Lance being super proud and David and Theia scolding them but secretly approving?? Rory having Lance wrapped around her little finger? Lance being super protective of her and not wanting her anywhere near another boy? Saying "I've been a teenage boy Theia, they're all fucking cunts". And when she comes out as a lesbian, it's the happiest day of his life? Until her first girlfriend shows up and he freaks out just as bad? Theia finding it hilarious? And sending Mavid videos? And Max teasing the hell out of Lance?
RORY WITH ARTHUR? Going on shopping dates? Arthur spoiling her with make up and stuff? Rory being super sweet like Theia and super cunty when necessary like Lance? But also a heart of gold like Arthur? And loving animals? And wanting to adopt every one she sees? And Lance scolding Arthur?
Mavid with a little girl?!?! David braiding her hair and Max teaching her how to swim? And she looks up to them so much? Like she is her grandparents little girl? Mavid moving to New York again? And Malec loving the little girl that brought them their Blueberry back? Mavid as grandparents??!
ARTHUR AND CAMI fighting over who is Rory's favourite?? Spoiling her to death? Rory being a little shit and saying her favourite will be the one to give her a sibling (Lightwood-Banes are not meant to be only children). And Arthur and Cami trying to convince Theia and Lance to have a second child? Rafael succeeding and becoming her favourite? Max being absolutely vivid?
Lance asking Rafael for advice on how ro raise a little girl? Them being closer like Max and Cami? Rory wanting a little brother like her dad's brother? Her crying the first night they bring her home and it's a girl? Max being the only one who could calm her down? Telling her that being an older sibling is the best? That Rafael is one of the best things in his life and he wouldn't trade him for the whole world? Rory looking at her younger sister and falling instantly in love? Them becoming the new Arthur and Lance?
Rory is the best thing that has ever happened in this world and she's not even born yet. I am absolutely in love with her. She is my favourite character, no one can convince me otherwise.
Have fun on your vacation! Sending happy thoughts and good vibes💛🌼
Not you creating a whole universe/fic based off a name 🥺🥺🥺 we love to see this kind of behavior 😎😎😎
I know these are headcanons but they are so spot on 😍😍😍 Also, I’d like to add that Kincaid teaches Rory how to ride horses and Lance is like “are you trying to kill her omg??!”
Also - she does have a little sister? How tf did you even know that bro 😭😭
Also, Rory is straight. I’m sorry, sapphics. Please forgive me 😔😔
Also this is her bye (also I love you)
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pastelwitchling · 1 year
Hi!! Love your work ! I wish ao3 would allow me to kudos the oneshot series more than once so I could give kudos everytime you post.
Anyways, IDK if you still take prompts, but if yes, what would be your take on: Liz finds out about Malec. Because we saw, Isobel,max, Maria and Kyle have a reaction but Liz went from not knowing to knowing.
                Liz started to notice something was going on when Michael came into the Crashdown one morning and ordered, “Waffles, please.”
                That was it. Waffles drenched in chocolate, caramel, and ice cream. That was what he’d asked for. And Liz had narrowed her eyes and frowned and wondered, but whatever, maybe he’d had a specific kind of sweet tooth that morning, so she let it go and forgot about it.
                Until a few days later when Alex came in for dinner and ordered a quesadilla. With extra hot sauce. Interesting . . .
                Alex took the to-go bag with a single glance at Liz and the barest of smirks. “You okay?”
                “Fine,” she dismissed, eying him. “Just . . . strange, is all.”
                “What’s strange?”
                “Nothing,” she said, eyes narrowing further. “Nothing.”
                Alex raised a brow, but his smirk widened. He seemed to know just what Liz was thinking, but refused to acknowledge it.
                “Okay. Good night.”
                “Night.” By the time Alex left the Crashdown, Liz’s eyes were narrowed so much that she could barely see anymore, but damn it, she held her resolve. Something was up, and she had a suspicion she knew what.
                But hey, if Alex and Michael weren’t willing to talk about it, Liz wouldn’t force them. So instead, she went to Isobel and demanded, “Are they dating?”
                Isobel, painting her nails on Max’s couch, nearly painted the back of her hand as she jumped, startled. “Who?”
                “You know who.”
                Isobel stared. “Is the sun getting in your eyes or something, why are they narrowed so much?”
                Liz plopped down on the couch, shoulders scrunched, knees pressed together. “You know, don’t you? You know everything about Michael and Alex, you’d know if they were dating before anyone.”
                “Oh,” she looked back down at her nails, “not really. Max is usually better about that. I still don’t think Alex has completely forgiven me for . . . well, I didn’t exactly discourage Michael from . . .” She huffed, annoyed. “Is there a reason you’re trudging up past guilt?”
                “I just can’t believe it,” Liz breathed, slumping against the couch and starting to smile. “They really did it? They’re dating? Those two together? They’re complete opposites!”
                “Yeah, but,” Isobel shrugged a shoulder, seemingly unable to help but smile herself, “it makes sense, doesn’t it? They really fit.”
                “Yeah,” she nodded, her smile widening. “Why’re they keeping it a secret though? This is great news!”
                “They’re not.”
                “Come again?”
                “They’re not keeping it a secret,” Isobel murmured. “It’s Alex, I think he just doesn’t talk about it because he’s a little insecure after everything. Especially around us, you know?”
                “No,” Liz frowned. “I don’t know. Why would Alex be insecure around me? I love him, he knows that.”
                Isobel met Liz’s gaze and sighed, returning her attention to her nails. “But we knew about his feelings for Michael.” Liz fell silent. “We knew, and we knew Michael loved him, and when we found out about the whole Maria thing . . . well, I egged Michael on and you egged Maria on, and from a certain lens, it starts to look like—”
                “We didn’t think Alex was good enough,” Liz finished in a single breath, appalled. “But . . . I mean, he’s got to know that’s not true. We just . . . we . . .”
                Isobel raised a brow, and Liz realized she couldn’t think of answer that didn’t insult Alex in some way. At the time, she’d only thought about making Maria feel better, not how it would impact Alex and what he might think of himself and their friendship if she played favorites. And she had.
                “Look, Alex never says anything about it,” Isobel shook her head, “but I can see it in his eyes every time I’m around. It’s like he’s convinced I secretly think Michael shouldn’t be dating him. Which is ridiculous, because I know how much they love each other, but . . . I don’t know. I thought I was supporting my brother when he was dating someone else, and now I think that the best way I could’ve supported him was to tell him to get his head out of his ass and go date the person he actually had feelings for. How could I be frustrated with the look on Alex’s face when I know I’m the one that put it there?”
                Liz slowly nodded, thoughts swarming. She fell limp on the couch, nearly upending Isobel’s pink nail polish.
                “Watch it, Ortecho, this stuff’s expensive!”
                Liz knew for a fact that Alex was home alone, which was why she was there. She didn’t want them to get interrupted, not for what she was planning to do.
                She knocked on Alex’s front door and stepped back. As soon as Alex opened it, and before he could voice the greeting she could see on the tip of his tongue, she blurted, “I love you. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking when I told Maria to go for it. No, that’s wrong, I knew what I was thinking, I was thinking that I should support my friend, but what I really should’ve done was stay out of it because I know now that you looked at it like some kind of betrayal to you and I don’t blame you for that at all. I shouldn’t have said what I said and I’m so sorry, Alex! If I could go back and change anything—well, there’s a lot I’d change actually, I don’t make the best decisions—but this is one of the big ones—”
                “Liz,” Alex calmly cut her off. “Breathe.”
                So Liz did, inhaling deeply and shakily. She realized she’d been playing with her hands and clenched them to fists at her side. “You’re so important to me,” she whispered. “No one suits Michael better than you, and my own boyfriend aside, you’re the best man I know. Michael should feel honored to have you.” She exhaled. “And I’m so sorry that I ever did anything that made you feel like you were anything less than a treasure.”
                Alex looked down, a small smile tugging at his lips. Finally, he said, “I know no one’s better for him than me. I’ve always known, no matter what happened between us, I knew we fit together.”
                It makes sense, doesn’t it? They really fit.
                The memory of Isobel’s words made her smile. “Yeah, you do.” She stepped forward. “I don’t know why I encouraged Maria. I should’ve told her to think about you. I should’ve thought about you, and . . . I didn’t. I’m sorry, Alex.”
                Alex nodded silently, his arms crossed and a sparkle in his eyes as if he was about to tell Liz that she was overreacting, that he wasn’t angry or disappointed at all, that there was no reason to apologize because there was nothing to forgive. That she’d been right to help push Michael in a different direction. And she didn’t want to hear it. She didn’t want one of her best friends to lie to her face because he thought he wasn’t worth fighting for or defending.
                She opened her mouth to say so when Alex smiled softly and said, “Thanks, Liz.”
                Liz heaved a shaky sigh, something like relief and a lot like love settling in her chest. “You’re welcome.”
                Alex seemed able to read her thoughts once again, and his smile widened, clearly amused now and a little lost as he scratched the back of his head.
“How’d you figure it out? That we were dating?”
“Are you kidding?” she couldn’t help but scoff. “You put freaking ice cream on your fries. There’s no way Michael’s ordering a sugar high for himself.” She shrugged. “That, and he looks happier than I even thought was possible for the brooding cowboy.”
They burst into laughter, any semblance of tension left in the air completely expelled now.
Alex finally sighed and hooked a thumb over his shoulder. “I’ve got some leftover quesadilla’s.”
Liz’s smile widened. “From Michael?”
He only smiled in response and tilted his head. “Hungry?”
She leapt forward, hooking her arm around Alex’s and dragging him into the house. “Starving!”
Quite proud of this one, not going to lie. Happy malex Monday ❤
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anyway here’s my two cents on who’s making the cut for these 10 shadowhunter romance stories!! (See Cassandra Clare’s latest announcement about better in black)
tid: idk i feel like this could be a rogue Sophie/gideon or cecily/Gabriel moment. or wessa with jem existing too. who really knows but all of the above i would enjoy <3
tlh: um maybe hopefully plz thomas and Alastair we barely got to see them actually be a couple I feel like so that would be fun. I would also love a luciejesse or herondaisy moment <3
tmi: um well OBVIOUSLY this is what I’m most excited for because i have a normal attatchment to the characters of the mortal instruments. ANYWAY i want sizzys proposal in full detail. we got the clace and the malec ones give them the lovely proposal that i deserve to read. pay them RESPECT. i would also looooove a clace story like any at all. i love and miss them dearly. I would also love a malec story with the kids bc we have literally hardly seen into their family life after they got Rafael but maybe that’s what tec3 is for idk cassandra doesn’t acknowledge its existence. but also if they’ve had two books I’m not exactly sure if she’s writing more about them. DO NOT GET ME WRONG!!! I would loooooove more malec content im not an IDIOT but like idk. but also they’re fan favorites so i just don’t know. im trying to see into cassandra’s mind and it’s not working. i would also actually drop dead to the floor and cease to exist if it was centered around the tmi gang as a whole going on a date night all together triple date moment!!! THATS what i want but i think that’s a bit idk it’s j not gonna happen. unfortunately for me. whatever ill take what i can get and reread the brunch story. I love the brunch story.
tda: well Cassandra’s use of the word throuple makes me assume it’s a safe bet to think one of them will be kierarktina but there’s also the delusional thought that she’s talking about herongraystairs. so idk abt that but yeah kierartina. a Diana and Gwyn moment would also be like somewhat shocking but fun and fresh. idk there’s not that many tda couples tbh. emma and Julian already got their moment in sobh and i don’t wanna read about them so I’m hoping it’s not them. idk
misc: the thing is i feel like this project is very ambiguous bc the theme is just live and romance so it could be anything like people who were never officially couples. unrequited love is fun. kit and ty moment. but also they’re the focus of twp so im just not gonna go there and Cassie may not either. i was also thinking abt this and a malcolm and annabelle story would be reallyyy interesting. also they don’t really fit into one specific series but they’re around in tec,tmi and tda bc they’re awesome i would LOVE a Helen and aline centered story like tell me about their time on wrangel island because we know next to nothing about that seemingly important place and what the hell goes on there. and helen and aline get fuck all in these books. anyway. that’d be a good time. also like. she said there may be some spice . but like i want love confessions and silly goofy character moments and actual stories not just characters going at it yk. so liek what are the vibes here cassandra…
this post got really fucking long for no reason feel free to leave YOUR thoughts on what you want to see in these stories <3
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ayearofmalec · 1 year
Malec as Friends to Lovers #4
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Today, we have "Set Me In Motion" by lemonoclefox for you.
Rating: Mature
“Is that your way of asking me to cook for you sometime?” Alec says. “'Cause I will.” The moment the words escape his mouth, Alec finds himself slightly panicking. Because he does not talk like that, ever―in a way that might even be considered flirting―and he still doesn’t understand what it is about Magnus that brings stuff like that out of him. More importantly, he has a boyfriend. Magnus, however, just looks mildly surprised as their eyes meet. “My, my. Master chef, good family name, and charming?” Magnus tilts his head ever so slightly. “Careful, Mr. Lightwood,” he says in a low, teasing voice, mouth curving up in a smile. “You’re gonna make me swoon.”
One night, Magnus spots a handsome stranger in the elevator of his apartment building – which wouldn’t be a big deal if said stranger didn’t turn out to be dating Magnus’s neighbor. The stranger soon becomes Alec, and their paths end up crossing more than once. A tentative friendship develops as they slowly get to know each other, and they both find that it’s effortless in a way neither of them has ever known. It's only when other kinds of feelings start getting involved that things become a bit more complicated.
Link to the fic
Happy reading!
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the implications of language
Malec | Rated general | minor tw for mention of Magnus’ mother’s suicide | Canon Compliant, although it's a mix of book and show, you don't need to have read either, Canon Era, Non-Linear Narrative, Languages, Alec Lightwood Loves Magnus Bane,Magnus Bane Deserves Nice Things, Alec Lightwood Is a Nice Thing, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, i love them ur honour
Summary: The first time it happens, it’s only because Magnus is exhausted.
Or, Indonesian is Magnus' mother tongue — the language he slips into when he doesn't have the presence of mind for anything else. Alec wants to learn. 
A/N: I came up with this idea thanks to Li, so I'm gifting it to them!
Translations are from Google Translate and/or indolang.com; if there are any errors or insensitivities, please tell me so I can fix them!
Read it on AO3 or below the cut. (AO3 has translations, tumblr doesn't.)
The first time it happens, it’s only because Magnus is exhausted.
Between a series of demanding clients who he ranted about to Alec over text, not one but two rifts opening up and requiring a warlock to close, and then a horde of demons that had escaped through the second rift before Magnus had managed to close it, it makes perfect sense for Magnus to be tired out. Alec lent him strength to close the last rift, so he isn’t too magically exhausted, but the day was a long one, and Magnus doesn’t have the energy to keep up his usual walls.
“—kemarilah, sayang,” he murmurs half into his pillow, half to Alec. Sayang is something Alec recognises — Magnus started calling him that after they’d been dating a little while; he doesn’t know what it means, other than a probably-endearment in another language. He doesn’t recognise the other word, either, but he can wait to figure it out; for now, Magnus obviously wants Alec to come closer, and Alec obeys.
“Selamat malam,” Magnus mumbles, almost incomprehensible, curling an arm around Alec to pull him closer.
“Good night, Magnus,” Alec says, and he falls asleep with Magnus in his arms.
He looks it up the next day. Alec isn’t entirely sure how trustworthy Google Translate is, since it’s saying sayang is Malay for “dear” while kemarilah is Indonesian for “come here”, but he remembers that Magnus was born in Indonesia; when exhausted, he slipped back into his mother tongue.
It’s… actually kind of adorable, when Alec thinks about it; he’s sure that Magnus speaks more languages than he could ever count, and he speaks English impeccably, but it’s somehow heartwarming to know that when he isn’t watching his words, he still falls back on Indonesian.
Alec speaks fifteen different languages as part of his training in politics — enough to communicate easily with the Head of any major Institute worldwide; all of them speak English, yes, as that is the language of Alicante, but people are more comfortable in their native language and that can be essential. (Alec speaks six demonic languages, too, but that’s a different matter.) Indonesian, however, he doesn’t know — the Jakarta Institute is Indonesian, but a ley line fluke means that there aren’t many demons there and therefore not enough Shadowhunters to merit the status of major Institute. And even if Alec had learnt modern Indonesian, it probably wouldn’t match up with Magnus’ Indonesian, since a bit of research suggests the language had changed over the years.
He wonders if Magnus would like it if he learned, or if it’d be invasive — if Alec would be insinuating himself into an aspect of Magnus’ past where Magnus didn’t want him.
He plans to talk to Magnus about it, but between Valentine and the Soul Sword and Jonathan and all the chaos Clary brings, it never seems like the right time. I love you, he says, and Magnus says it back, but it’s only a few weeks later that Magnus walks away from him, from them, because of the stupidity of the secret Alec kept. Even after Valentine’s gone and they get together again, their relationship feels new, unsteady, uncertain; it feels like it might crumble if Alec steps the wrong way, so he watches himself and doesn’t bring up the question, though it hovers in the back of his mind. Especially when he sees all the pain that Magnus’ past has brought him; would Magnus want to be reminded of that?
Then, of course, there’s the Owl and Jonathan (again) and Lilith and Asmodeus, and Alec is too caught up in worrying over Magnus’ magic to ask. They go from exes to fiancés in under twenty-four hours, and then they’re married and Alec doesn’t think he’s ever been so happy.
Their wedding night, Magnus holds him close with a poorly-concealed desperation that speaks of days in Edom, not believing Alec would come. Alec hugs him back, because he, too, spent far too long believing that they were over. Magnus is here, in his arms, and yet Alec’s mind can’t quite trust in it, as though a breath of wind could shatter this perfect dream.
“Aku cinta kamu, Alexander,” Magnus says softly.
Those words, Alec knows. “I love you too.”
Magnus smiles against his chest, a hidden thing full of a love that, incomprehensibly, has been given to Alec; Alec’s own smile is pressed into Magnus’ — into his husband’s — hair, soft and silky against his face.
Alec wants to talk about Magnus’ past, wants to ask if he can learn Indonesian, too, but he’s exhausted and he’s barely slept since — he casts his mind back, trying to remember — since before Magnus broke down in his arms, the night of the failed proposal. After that, he’d been occupied with the pain in Magnus’ voice and the deal that he was considering; then he’d been unable to sleep for the ache where Magnus should be, combined with guilt for the pain he’d caused him; then Magnus had been in Edom, and Alec had been searching for a way to get him back, and— well. Alec hasn’t had a full night’s sleep in a long time.
Magnus isn’t much better, he knows, but the sleepy mumble Magnus gives against his chest quiets the aching fears and thoughts. Gently, they fall asleep.
“—tolong berhenti, tolong jangan sakiti aku,” Magnus is murmuring, soft and heartbreaking, voice cracked with pain. “Saya akan baik-baik saja, saya berjanji, saya tidak melakukan apa-apa, tolong.” 
“Shh,” Alec says, pointlessly. Magnus can’t hear him; he’s deep in some delirium that Alec can’t penetrate, thanks to a particularly lucky demon that’d managed a hit before Alec had killed it. “Shh, love, I’m right here…”
“Aku tidak membunuhnya, pergilah,” Magnus continues. Alec doesn’t know the words — he wishes, more than ever, that he could’ve managed to learn more Indonesian than he has, and makes a vow to fix that as soon as possible — but he recognizes the tone. Desperation. Fear. “Maaf, ayah, aku tidak mau…”
He cuts himself off with a strangled cry, and Alec wants to gather him in his arms and hold him so tightly that nothing in the world can ever hurt him. To change the past so that nothing has ever hurt him; he doesn’t know which nightmare of Magnus’ past is running through his mind, but there are plenty.
Magnus is whimpering now, quieter, without words now. He’s been alternating between screamed pleas and terrified silence for three hours, and Cat said it’d wear off in four or five. Neither she nor Alec can do anything to speed up the process.
Seized by a sudden determination, Alec gets up from the chair at Magnus’ side and climbs into the bed with him, looping his arms around Magnus’ sweat-soaked body. He’s shivering, from cold or fear or the demon’s poison; it’s impossible to know, and it doesn’t really matter anyway. Magnus is suffering and Alec can’t help.
Magnus doesn’t react to his touch; Alec doubts he has any awareness of Alec’s presence, lost in hallucinations of his worst fears, his worst memories. Abruptly, Magnus stiffens.
“Alexander,” he whispers. “Alec, tolong, aku tidak bisa kehilanganmu, tidak sekarang, tidak ketika aku baru saja menemukanmu.”
Alec knows, with a lurch of the heart, what dreams are tormenting his husband now. Dreams of Alec, which means this pain is Alec’s fault. “It’s alright, Magnus,” he says. “I’m fine, I’m right here.”
Magnus can’t hear him. Might not understand Alec’s words even if he could hear them; he’s only speaking in Indonesian now, and Alec wishes he’d tried to learn more of the language. He’d been hesitant to bring it up, unsure if it would be welcome, but he wants to know what Magnus is saying, no matter how heartwrenching it would turn out to be.
“Aku cinta kamu,” Alec whispers, the only Indonesian phrase he knows, and hopes that it reaches Magnus somewhere in his dreams.
“Kamu menggemaskan, sayang,” Magnus mumbles sleepily. It’s been a week since the demon poisoning and Magnus is in perfect health again — or would be, if he hadn’t insisted on healing a young werewolf child who’d caught a rare magical disease. The illness was more entrenched than he’d thought, and by the time the child was cured, Magnus was stumbling with exhaustion. Alec had hailed a taxi to get home and practically carried him up the stairs. Magnus’ comment in Indonesian seemed to be a response to Alec tucking him into bed.
Indonesian is the language Magnus falls into when he’s half-asleep, when he doesn’t have the presence of mind to translate; it’s the first language he learnt, at his mother’s knee, and Alec knows it’s an integral part of who he is.
Alec has always wanted more of Magnus, even in the beginning, when he couldn’t face that truth. (Magnus feared — still fears, perhaps — that Alec will one day decide he’s too much and leave him for it, because so many others have done the same; Alec can’t understand how they could possibly want less of somebody like Magnus.) He wants to know all that Magnus is, impossible as that would be. He wants to know this bit of Magnus, too.
“That client,” Magnus says, as the door slams shut behind the man, “is a stuck-up snobbish irrational bajingan who I would happily see torn to shreds by the equally stuck-up pet dogs he seems to believe are better than any human being except, of course, himself.”
Alec, emerging from their bedroom where he’d been half-listening to the argument between Magnus and the client, snorts. “I can follow him and take care of that for you.”
Magnus huffs at him, waving a hand. “I’d rather not have you arrested for murdering a mundane, sayang.”
“I could be careful,” Alec suggests, approaching.
Humming in thought, Magnus tugs him closer. “I’m sure you could, but really, I’d much prefer to forget about him entirely.”
“I can help with that,” Alec returns with a grin, and leans down to kiss him.
It’s Alec’s day off, and Magnus has cancelled all clients except this one, so they’ve got enough time to curl up together on the couch and relax, trading kisses every so often. Magnus rants a bit more about the client, mixing English and Indonesian swear words; the Indonesian tends to come out only when Magnus is particularly upset, although it’s become more common with Alec. A sign of trust.
They’re quiet for a bit after that, a comfortable silence that Alec can relax in. It’s also a perfect opportunity to ask Magnus the question he’s been thinking about for months.
“Could you — I mean, do you — would you want to teach me Indonesian?” Alec asks, probably too abruptly, because Magnus blinks in surprise. He keeps talking rather than shutting up, which would be the sensible thing. “I mean, obviously you don’t have to teach me if you don’t want to, but it’s your first language and I’d like to learn it so I could talk to you in Indonesian — but if you don’t want to, we can totally forget about it, I just meant—”
Magnus raises a finger to Alec’s lips, and he quiets, just like he did the first time Magnus shushed him like this. “You want to learn Indonesian?”
“I… don’t think anyone’s ever wanted to do that before,” Magnus says thoughtfully, something touched and delicate hovering under the surface of his words.
“I do.” Alec meets his eyes carefully. “I love you, Magnus, and that means all of you. Your language is part of that, as is your past.”
“I love you too,” Magnus returns, almost involuntarily, lips curving up into a smile. “And I’d be honoured to teach you.”
Alec’s never had an innate gift for languages — not like Jace, who speaks at least five more languages than Alec, and seems to pick them up with an impossible facility — but he’s worked hard to master those he knows, and he finds that the more languages he knows, the easier it is to learn a new one.
Magnus warns him before they start that he won’t really be able to speak to anyone but Magnus in the seventeenth-century brand of Indonesian that Magnus can teach him, but Alec isn’t worried; he doesn’t need to talk to anyone else. And he likes the idea of a language that only they know, like a secret held between them.
Verbs. Pronouns. Indonesian isn’t gendered — “he” and “she” use the same word — so that’s one less complication for Alec to deal with. Magnus is a good teacher; he clearly hasn’t taught anyone Indonesian before, but he’s taught hundreds of young warlocks, and the same skills apply. He stays up later than usual practising; he wants to get the pronunciation right, to figure out how to construct a sentence the way a native speaker would.
Progress is, of course, slow. Languages always are, Alec remembers; Magnus compliments him on every bit of progress, small as it may be.
A month passes. Two. Alec tries to speak in Indonesian whenever he can, and Magnus is delighted every time, which makes it more than worth the extra effort.
When Magnus murmurs “kamu adalah hatiku, jiwaku, cintaku. Kau adalah segalanya bagiku,” soft and gentle in the curved lines of evening, Alec knows what he’s saying: You are my heart, my soul, my love. You are everything to me.
He says it back, pronunciation faulty but improving, and Magnus smiles bright enough to outshine the sun.
The Clave event is abysmally boring.
Clave events always are — Alec knows that, intellectually — but that doesn’t change how particularly infuriatingly boring this one is. Perhaps it’s because the meeting that preceded it was an exercise in frustration; perhaps it’s because Alec’s managed to avoid the last two and so he’s no longer accustomed to the sheer mind-numbingness of it. Perhaps it’s because Magnus isn’t here.
Whatever the reason, Alec’s growing frustration with the fifty old white men (along with a few old white women, and perhaps fifteen simpering girls far too young for the husbands they’re here to accompany; Aline was here at the start, but she left an hour ago) means that making small talk with them is painful. Between the meaningless observations on the weather are a horrifying number of insensitive or downright discriminatory comments — or they ought to be horrifying, but the sheer number of them meant that rather than anger, all Alec felt was a deep-seated disgust for the people he was surrounded by.
He hates being here, hates being surrounded by them, but he needs their support if he wants to get anything done. He needs them to vote for the bills he wants to pass, needs them to respect him, needs them not to know how much he hates them. He can’t insult them in any way they might take offence at; he derived some pleasure earlier on from complaining to Aline, but she left, and Alec has to be polite alone.
This — these events, the behaviour required at them — shouldn’t be necessary. Small-talk, gentility, quiet polite cruelty — none of it is needed to function as a society. His success shouldn’t depend on how well he can pretend to be one of these people.
But it does, and unless he succeeds, he can’t change things. He can’t make these events obsolete unless he participates in them. Catch-22.
“Lightwood,” Senator Ashkeep says with a positively smarmy smile. “I must say I was fascinated by your analysis on Downworlder physiognomy. Such an interesting idea, that their demonic natures don’t affect their behaviour…”
During the meeting, a discussion arose — as it always seemed to — about whether Downworlders could be trusted without Shadowhunter supervision. Alec, perhaps wrongly, gave in to his impulses and declared that Downworlders weren’t demons by any means and could be trusted just as much as a Shadowhunter.
Ashkeep is one of the people Alec really does hope to get on his side; the man is old and bigoted, but can be swayed by the course of public opinion. “It’s growing in popularity at the moment,” Alec says, smiling politely. “I’m not the only one to have found that, in the majority of my interactions with Downworlders, they aren’t nearly as controlled by their impulses as some might believe.”
“I suppose you would have… personal experience with such things,” Ashkeep returns. There’s an implication in his smile that makes Alec’s hackles rise. “A warlock bedmate, hm? What’s that like?”
Alec changes his mind: perhaps he doesn’t need Ashkeep’s support after all. He lets the polite mask slip a little, just enough to make Ashkeep’s smile falter. “I really do believe,” Alec says, perfectly cooly, “that’s none of your business. And I might add that perhaps, if the Clave consisted more of those willing to actually interact with the people we’re supposed to be protecting with our lives, and less of ancient old fools who can’t see the necessity of cooperating with the Downworld from the pedestal they’ve decided they deserve to be on for no reason I can detect, the world might be a happier and better place than it’s ever managed to be under your rule.”
Ashkeep blinks, taken aback and perhaps not fully understanding Alec’s point; he’s realised that Alec is insulting him, though, and Alec almost regrets his outburst. Almost.
Before those regrets can solidify into consequences, however, the door to the room opens rather more dramatically than any Clave member would open it, and Magnus strides in.
Attention falls to him, almost by default; Alec is used to looking at Magnus whenever he’s in the room, and he doesn’t blame anyone else for doing the same. Especially now, when all the Clave members are wearing different shades of black to dark blue suits, and Magnus is dressed to the nines in a shirt that’s only barely opaque and glitters gold, a jacket covered in intricate designs that seem to shimmer and move as the light catches them, and pants so tight they look painted on. Add in the gold eyeshadow and the stripes of gold in his hair, and Magnus is undeniably the brightest person in the room.
Alec grins. Magnus had a client this afternoon, but he’d promised to come to the Clave party if time allowed. Clearly, time had allowed.
“Alexander,” Magnus says with a smile, swanning up to him, and then switches to Indonesian. “Seberapa menyebalkan mereka hari ini?” How infuriating are they being today?
“Sangat,” Alec returns. Extremely.
This is why Alec loves having Magnus at these events. It’s not just the pleasure of having him by his side, or knowing that Magnus is on his side, although that’s also something he’s desperately in need of right now. It’s because he can talk freely with Magnus, without having to watch his words in case one of the other attendees has a hearing rune activated. He can say what he thinks, and that is more valuable than ever surrounded by people like this, who thrive on lies. Alec can lie with the best of them, but that doesn’t mean he likes it.
Magnus sways into his side, comforting, and asks what happened. Alec replies in a murmur, the Indonesian he’s growing more comfortable with slipping from his lips in a stream of expletives and explanations.
“You didn’t need to defend my honour, darling,” Magnus comments, still in Indonesian, when Alec tells him about Ashkeep. “I’d hate it if you lost his vote because of me.”
“I don’t need his vote,” Alec huffs. “And honestly, I’m not sure if he understood enough of what I was saying to get offended, anyway.”
Magnus laughs, and despite the crowd of people Alec hates that surround them, the world seems a little bit brighter.
Yes, Alec hates these events; yes, they’re mind-numbingly boring. But he’s doing this for a reason, a reason who’s currently standing at his side to help him face all of this, and anything’s worth it to hear that laugh.
“Bapak,” Max says, blue lips beaming up at Alec and Magnus. It’s his second word; his first was Da, for Alec, while bapak is for Magnus. English and Indonesian.
“Hello, little blueberry,” Magnus murmurs, smiling. “Anakku yang brilian.” My brilliant boy.
Max giggles, then claps his hands, blue sparks jumping out from his fingers. “Bapak!”
“Max,” Magnus says.
Alec huffs, shaking his head. “How did I know that as soon as he figured out how to say it, that would become his favourite word?”
Magnus shrugs, raising an eyebrow at him. “He’s been saying ‘Da’ for a month now. I think I deserve some attention.” Then, turning back to the blue boy in his arms, “Max!”
Amid renewed repetition of “Bapak!”, Alec grins, watching his family. He still can’t believe he gets to have this, sometimes — a family, one who he loves with all he is, one that speaks in a hybrid mixture of English and seventeenth-century Indonesian. It’s everything he’s ever wanted and more; it’s the dream he never dared to hope he could have until, suddenly, it came within his reach.
“Aku cinta kamu,” he says softly, and his two warlocks look at him and smile, and this is all he’ll ever need.
“I swear I don’t understand half the things Max says,” Jace says with a huff, sitting down on Alec’s desk. “I was trying to have a conversation with him, and he kept saying ‘bebek’ and laughing. That’s not even a word.”
“Isn’t it?” Alec glances up at him, raising an eyebrow. “‘Bebek’ is Indonesian for ‘duck’.” Jace blanches, and Alec goes on, grinning. “I’m really proud to have raised such an intelligent son.”
Apparently determined to change the subject, Jace brushes that aside. “I didn’t know you spoke Indonesian.”
“It’s Magnus’ first language. Of course I learned it.”
Jace blinks, and then abruptly grins. “That’s adorable. And now you’re teaching your son to speak it, too!”
Alec rolls his eyes. “Yes, yes, I know how adorable you find my family. I’m still not letting you babysit Max this weekend; he doesn’t need to learn how to handle a dagger quite yet.”
Cutting him off, Alec goes on. “And I’m unwilling to have him spend any more time with somebody who thinks funner is acceptable language for a report. Really, Jace?” He holds up the report he’d been correcting, mostly red ink.
With a sigh, Jace jumps off the table. “Well, I’d best be off before you try to make me rewrite it, then.”
He’s out the door in a moment. Alec groans. “Bodoh.”
“Thank the Angel you’re back,” Simon says, pulling open the door.
Alec frowns. “The kids?”
“They’re not hurt,” Simon says hurriedly, “but Max kept asking for more ice cream and when I said no, he magicked me to the ceiling, and he and Rafe shared the whole tub, so they’re on a bit—”
Max runs past, screaming with laughter, Rafael tearing along at his heels.
“—of a sugar rush,” Simon finishes. “I’m really sorry, Alec, but I couldn’t really—”
“Don’t worry about it,” Alec tells him. “I can’t really do much when Max does something like that, either.”
Jace, wiping ichor off his seraph blade at Alec’s side, made a noise of agreement. Usually, Alec wouldn’t leave his rather chaotic sons with a non-warlock, but Magnus is at a weeklong warlock conference which Cat, Ragnor, and Tessa are all attending; Alec wasn’t able to avoid this patrol, as the Institute is a bit short-staffed, so he left Max and Rafe in Simon’s care while he and Jace patrolled.
“DADDY!” Max yells, coming tearing down the hallway. “The monster is chasing me!”
“I’m the monster!” Rafe explains, helpfully. He’s wearing a headband with horns on it which Alec vaguely recognises from the Halloween outfit Simon wore last year.
Max jumps at Alec, who barely manages to get his seraph blade out of the way before catching him. “Careful, pequeño,” Alec tells him, settling him comfortably on the hip without a seraph blade on it.
Rafael growls. “I’m coming to get you, Maxie!”
“Daddy’s protecting me! I’m safe from you, raksasa!” Max crows from his perch, then switches into Spanish. “¡No puedes traerme aquí!” You can’t get me!
“But I can,” Jace says, grinning, and reaches out to tickle Max.
Squealing, Alec’s son pulls away, calling out in a torrent of hybrid English/Spanish/Indonesian for Uncle Jace to stop. Jace isn’t caught off guard by not knowing a third of the words anymore; everyone’s grown well-used to Max and Rafe’s tendencies to mix languages. Rafe’s first language is Spanish, and when he first arrived, Max spoke English and Indonesian to about the same degree; it hadn’t taken long for the two boys to begin talking continuously in a mixture of the three languages that gave a headache to anyone who wasn’t used to it. Fortunately, Alec knows Spanish fairly well thanks to Maryse’s Hispanic heritage, and he has little trouble keeping up anymore.
Max claps his hands, creating clouds of glitter that temporarily blind Alec and coat everyone present in a thick layer of shininess. Jace glances at Max, at Alec, back to Max, and hastily bids good-bye. Simon shrugs apologetically and follows, leaving Alec with the mess.
Alec turns to look at his two little troublemakers, both covered in more glitter than he would’ve thought possible before Magnus, and huffs. “You’re lucky you’re so cute.”
Three hours and only one tantrum later, Alec is sitting on the couch with an exhausted child leaning into each side. He’s sure there’s still a bit of glitter behind Max’s ears, but there’s not much more he can do; in any case, both boys have finally come off their sugar rush and are now crashing, which means at least they’re asleep.
Alec’s tired too, and he briefly debates moving the boys to their beds so he can sleep in his own, but they’d likely wake up again if he did and he doesn’t really have the energy to read Max the six bedtime stories that have become his normal. Which leaves him here until he gathers the energy to take them to bed.
He misses Magnus, who could magic them both to bed with minimal fuss. Who can walk into a room and make it feel brighter. Who smiles like sunlight and kisses like the answer to every question Alec has ever asked.
And now he’s being sappy. He’s tired; it’s justifiable. And it’s been four days since he’s last seen Magnus, which means it’ll be three more until he sees him again…
The door swings open, and Alec blinks, then shakes his head; it must be his sleep-addled brain, because for a moment he’d thought—
Footsteps in the hall. Footsteps he knows, the same way he knows by the pattern of Max’s breathing when he’s asleep or only pretending, the same way he knows if Rafe is just being his usual quiet self or if he’s upset about something. But Magnus is at a warlock conference; it couldn’t possibly be him, so who—?
Magnus stepped around the doorway, barely more than a silhouette against the hall light, but he’s unmistakeable and Alec’s lips curve up into an exhausted, delighted smile. “Magnus.”
He sits up, gently dislodging Max and Rafe, who shift slightly and then appear to fall back asleep. “You’re back.”
“The conference ended earlier than expected, and I… skipped the usual post-conference parties,” Magnus explains, coming closer. ”Aku merindukanmu, sayang.” I’ve missed you.
“Y yo te,” Alec returns in Spanish. And I you.
Magnus tugs him into a kiss, and it feels like coming home.
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lawsofchaos1 · 1 year
Promptlet: Malec Early Meeting
Izzy and Jace start clubbing early because Shadowhunters consider themselves adults around fourteen when they begin full mission status at the Institute. So, sixteen year old Alec just sighs and brings his Advanced Clave Law seminar work to Pandemonium and sits in the corner of the bar with a thick legal text and his battered spiral notebook for his rough draft essays. He doesn’t care if Jace and Izzy are taking field assignments, they’re still his little siblings and need a chaperone.
Magnus, obviously, starts hearing gossip from his bemused bartenders about the young nephilim downing club sodas with lime while frantically highlighting a battered copy of the Accords and decides he needs to figure out what's going on. Immediately.
So, Magnus ends up chatting with Alec (who, as it turns out, really likes the Shirley Temple Magnus snaps up for him in what was supposed to be a joke) and starts flipping through Alec's latest homework assignment. Magnus blinks, snaps up another Shirley Temple to keep Alec busy, and carefully reads the essay twice over, pulling out his own notebook (bound leather and fountain pen with a gold nib of course) halfway through. Alec found a loophole, a big loophole, that would exempt Downworlders from being questioned without notification to their faction leader. 
Alec is an absolute disaster of a baby gay whenever Magnus so much as says hello or looks in his general direction, but, once he starts arguing the Law? He is vicious and ruthless and sharply concise. (Although Magnus becomes a little bit of a disaster himself when Alec absentmindedly starts chewing on his cherry stem while debating the finer points of interpreting The Clave vs. HOTI-Beijing, 1823.)
Ragnor comes over all the way from England just to see Magnus utterly lose his cool at this now seventeen year old shadowhunter who is literally drinking Shirley Temples and eating his weight in the extra cherries the bartenders slip him because they adore him too. Also, in terms of relationship dynamics? I think it would be kind of fun to explore Alec having a gigantic crush on Magnus (and Magnus just kind of utterly adoring Alec in turn between his obvious looks and, more importantly, his intelligence and his sharp humor and just .. everything) but also realizing that Alec is seventeen.
Alec is much more open (not that he had a snowball's chance in hell of hiding his Gigantic Crush on the High Warlock from anyone in Pandemonium except his siblings), and wages what amounts to pretty much open warfare to get Magnus to date him. He's insistent that Shadowhunters don't mature as slowly as mundanes (which.. fair) and makes bulleted lists and actions plans for every reason Magnus tries to say he deserves better/Magnus is too old/Alec is too young/etc.
And.. just how the Downworlders slide a stray Shirley Temple across the table for advice? Alec starts bringing little vouchers for a certain amount of advice time (or maybe little cupcakes or chocolate chip cookies that he makes for Jace and Izzy or something?) and slides them furtively across the table.
"Where might one take the High Warlock of Brooklyn out on a date?"
And then somehow two days later Magnus ends up in Central Park responding to a call from one of his warlocks and instead Alec is waiting there with a picnic lunch and a blanket and looking very, very smug.
This teenage Shadowhunter is outsmarting him. What even is this?
Also, Can you imagine the first time an old fling of Magnus' portals in to Pandemonium for the evening, expecting a night of fun, and the moment they ask where Magnus is at the bar, every Downworlder in hearing distance is glaring? Suddenly a good dozen wolves and vampires put aside their decades old fights and start running interference to keep this brazen interloper away from where Alec is holding court ranting about the Clave's shoddy grammar and lack of consistent position on Oxford commas (which, how dare) and how that can be used to interpret their latest ruling in three different ways, depending on what side you want to fight on.
(Magnus is sighing and staring dreamily from across the table.)
One day, Camille starts her usual nastiness and trying to get Magnus to come crawling back and Magnus feels .. nothing for her. The only thing Magnus feels is rage that Camille would try to interfere when he's clearly ... dating someone now.
And Magnus blinks wildly internally because holy shit he's dating Alec. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN MAGNUS DOES NOT KNOW
I do think Magnus would hold off on anything physical until Alec was what Magnus considered of age, so think how fun it would be to explore how the two of them date when their primary love language can't include sex?
Think of all the cuddles and the literal sleeping together and the hand holding and the forehead kisses and, excuse me but did I mention the cuddles? I really want Magnus and Alec cuddling on Magnus' throne at Pandemonium after a hard patrol and Alec falling asleep and all the Downworlders just kind of cooing at their very favorite nephilim.
(I also imagine an impressively oblivious pair of siblings who don't realize their brother isn't just moping in a corner while they dance for literal years.)
When Alec is older maybe Jace and Izzy start trying to subtly tell him it's okay to be gay, he doesn't have to hide it - they'll still love him, and Alec is just .. like .... 'what are you talking about?' as he smugly claims his gorgeous boyfriend.
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Can I ask for some college malec au indications? Plss
Hello! I’m assuming you mean headcanons? Please correct me if I’m wrong djsjsjdjdjsjsj
Magnus is doing a double degree of STEM and Fashion cause he’s an overachieving nerd. Alec is majoring in Political Studies. Alec is always stunned at how Magnus takes on two degrees and a whole bunch of extracurriculars and is somehow faring better than him.
They met at the fresher’s college fest. It was not exactly a meet cute. The meeting in fact ended in both Alec and Magnus falling into the fountain in the college courtyard and a bunch of photos of the same on everyone’s phone.
It was another three months of shenanigans before they started dating.
By the third semester, they progressed to sharing a dormroom.
Magnus gifts Alec a coffee warming as a “moving in” gift. He ends up using it more than Alec, though - 16 cups a day as opposed to Alec’s 6.
Magnus uses Alec as a model for his fashion projects. Alec always complains, but secretly loves it.
Alec uses Magnus as an alibi everytime he organises a protest (sometimes political, sometimes because the college is diverting funds meant for other things to their sports team) on campus. It works, but mostly only because the college faculty absolutely do not want to listen to another word of what Magnus and Alec were doing all day and night yesterday.
They’re both the responsible one for each other. Alec reminds Magnus to study when he’s procrastinating, and makes him go to bed when he’s up way too late. Magnus reminds Alec to take a break when he’s too busy studying, and has to physically drag him to the cafeteria and back.
Alec convinces Magnus to come home with him for the holidays, and while Magnus is initially reluctant, he ends up becoming fast friends with the rest of the Lightwoods. The Lightwood siblings + Magnus is a combination Alec has come to fear two days into their very first visit.
On a random Sunday afternoon, they’re both sitting in bed, Alec up against the headboard and Magnus lying sideways on his stomach on top of Alec’s legs, both of them working in silence on their laptops, with two empty and one half full cups of coffee on the nightstand.
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lurafita · 3 months
Bodyguards Malec
This one is a little out there, but imagine:
Mundane AU, both Magnus and Alec are personal security of royal heirs.
Magnus is the bodyguard of Princess Clarissa (or Prince Simon, if you wanna make it Jimon or Sizzy), and Alec is the bodyguard of Prince Jace (or Izzy, if you want to make it Sizzy or Izzy/Clary - what's their shipname btw?... Oh right! Clizzy.)
Anyway, Magnus and Alec meet a lot during events where their charges have to attend.
"So how many grey hairs has yours caused you lately?"
"Sneaked out in the middle of the night three days ago, to get into some new club in a notoriously dangerous neighborhood. I had to disarm and incapacitate about eleven wannabe gangsters to drag his/her ass back home."
"Then this might be your win, this time. Mine only stole her/his parent's mercedes to practice the three-point-turn before the drivers liscence exam next week. I had to jump in through the open window on the passenger side to take control of the wheel before he/she crashed into the iron gate."
"I locked up the car keys years ago. Then the little shit learned to hotwire a car from a youtube video… "
"Well, at least they seem to be getting along, so far. Let's hope it stays that way and there won't be an incident like two years ago."
"Don't remind me, I still have nightmares…. So, uhm, seeing as our two charges are supposed to be together on this whole press tour thing… How about dinner tomorrow?"
"I would like that. I will arrange the time off with the rest of my team."
"Same. Pick you up at seven?"
"It's a date."
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i think malec will get together in btlio in 10 yr cause they done os much in their lives and with older kids and stuff. like they will be more satisfied but also want to grow old with someone they love completely. i don’t think alec will want anyone else but magnus and magnus will always feel something is missing without alec. like they both kinda dated during the time apart but it was more for companionship than anything. they would start jus talking online and then zoom dates and cute gifts and getting to know each other again. long distance won’t be hard this time cause there’s no rush and they know they got time. they just older you know and the lonely nights are okay cause they waited decades for this. maybe alec will move to indonesia and work online or they will be like those travelling older couples. i think they would so so cute talking about history and magnus getting design inspo and alec exploring the art in different countries. so they kinda live in different places for a bit. and then rafe move to ny for work and ari and max there too starting their own families. so granddaddies malec it becomes. then malec go back to ny and live up north where it’s quieter and they can have their domestic and sweet and peaceful life together.
it’s cute right? i think they deserve their proper chance when life is kinder to them. third time lucky i hope.
Babe. Babygirl. Love.
This is the sweetest thing I have read and when I tell you I almost cried.
I have so much to say but all I can say is thank you. This is so heartbreakingly beautiful and I have read this like five times.
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daily-malec · 1 year
“The Chairman likes you.”
“Is that good?”
“I never date anyone my cat doesn’t like,” Magnus said easily, and stood up. “So let’s say Friday night?”
“Really? You want to go out with me?”
Magnus shook his head. “You have to stop playing hard to get, Alexander. It makes things difficult.” He grinned.
Malec —Kissed
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