#makoto's just relatable yknow?
ephixltes · 1 year
( not to post about how much i love niijima makoto on main but i really... really love niijima makoto. on main. like i never forget it but sometimes it just particularly hits me with the force of an entire train )
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okthatsgreat · 6 months
Hi! Could you do th
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HGBDFJGSH YES I CAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!! again like celeste we are reaching lands where i am not extremely familiar with him so forgive me hifumi stans if i fuck up your boy
headcanon a (realistic): he started dabbling in animation!! i dont think he was necessarily planning on scoping out from princess piggles IMMEDIATELY but i definitely think he wondered where his ultimate talent could take him yknow... and considering his artistic ability he picks up animation suuuuper quickly. all of his animations are fic related for the moment but i think in the future when his years long hyperfixation starts to die down a bit he ventures into original work!!! speaking of i think this guy doodles fucking EVERYWHERE like any surface he can get. never give him your notes because he will turn it into his personal sketchpad. dont let him write anything on the chalkboard because he will just start drawing anime girls with wild proportions. makoto turned away from his test for a few seconds to check the clock and when he turned back hifumi had sketched out an entire manga page on his paper. also i headcanon that he tends to bite his tongue when he's concentrated so his friends know when to leave him be LMFAO
headcanon b (may not be realistic but it is hilarious): he plays a lottt of gacha games but cycles through them very very often. every three weeks or so he comes to class playing a completely different mobile game that his classmates have to research because sometimes it is OBSCURE. he's spent so much of his money on loot boxes it is crazy. his friends stage a mock intervention for him at one point. ALSO ALSO get this man into dnd he'd be a pretty awesome dm once he got the hang of it
headcanon c (heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends): hifumi was already an extremely lonely character however i cant imagine him immediately growing close to anybody in a postgame setting, ESPECIALLY after what he did to taka and what celeste did to him. this is a guy with an inflated sense of justice from some sort of hero complex, and i think the guilt of realising he was manipulated into celeste's biddings would genuinely eat him alive. plus he's definitely accustomed to isolation, i think it would just be easier for him to grieve everything on his own rather than attempt to bond with people again. his classmates dont see hifumi for a WHILE. like nobody can get in contact with him and its kinda frightening. i also think he gets serious headaches a LOT, like genuinely nauseating headaches as a side effect from his death
headcanon d (unrealistic, but i will disregard canon about it): unreasonably good at karaoke. he only sings songs he likes and never takes requests but whenever he takes the mic suddenly he has an entirely different voice for some reason. he takes his anime themes SO seriously. his classmates are shocked literally every single time
headcanon ask game!!
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mintys-musings · 8 months
finally listened to the cover of “poor unfortunate souls” recently with a friend and we both we going crazy over it hehe. our jaws literally dropped by the end of it… i just think makoto should sing like this. as a little treat 🫣
with that said, i was curious if you had any specific thoughts about or hcs for him!
- 🎮
we need another mako center where the story is he has to play a villain role so he can sound like he did in that cover. i think every makotoP or just trickstarP in general should listen to his vas cover of poor unfortunate souls.
and yesss he's such a cutie patootie i def have thoughts!!!!
as always~
NSFW under cut~
good lord does he have a high libido. he doesn't look like it, but he does.
despite that, he doesn't have outstanding stamina. he has some from playing tennis, but it's rare that the tennis club even plays too seriously sooo— average stamina
okay also somewhat related to the tennis thing. i think he has a good swing when it comes to smacking his partner's ass. he wouldn't do it unless they asked though. he's too shy
also in general he is so polite in bed?? very cute. he asks permission for even the smallests of things like a kiss even when you're already riding him and all that
more sub leaning. on the more obedient side, but if you ask him to brat, he can keep up the act up to a certain point before he succumbs to instincts
he can be quite the scary dom if you ask nicely~ you'd just have to be very upfront and give him a moment to prepare/defluster himself 💚
btw if you do ask, don't expect penetration any time soon during the scene. he purposefully denies you and himself that pleasure since makoto knows the minute he does he can't keep up the act
part of the monsterfucker club with kaoru (though his desires are more strictly anthro/humanoid/gijinkas)
also part of the into anal club with jun (but isn't confident enough to mention it to partners unless they ask)
makoto is just very shy when it comes to his own desires/kinks/fetishes. he'll be very vague when talking about them, but the reality is he knows soooo so so so much about his kinks
i feel like he's just secretly perverted. like there's a running list on his notes app that's just a bunch of usernames. it's all twitter accs of porn artists/asmr/actors/etc
makoto's very specifically into boot worship, sensory deprivation (on himself), edging, ruined orgasms, pet play, master/servant, and face fucking (both on him and his partner)
he's not so much into pain, but he likes being used fully yknow? more into degradation
i get the vibes he has a scent kink. specifically sweat
he has a long dick. i just. think he does. like i also see him as a lanky, wirey gamer boy so. guy has a long dick. it's just the right amount of girth, but it looks thicker than it is just because his build is thin
very silly he does play ero games but he's genuinely there for the story dgdjGDJDG
okay the idea of putting a lil chastity cage on him and his partner keep the key on them at all times turns him on. the idea of being collared officially also turns him on. please he'll be a good boy !! he promises !!!!!
i just wanna... i wanna bite him (affectionate)
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haejjoon · 1 year
I am so sorry for the novel this ask is. I am just very passionate about this lajslama
you know I will never understand atlus' mistreatment of ryuji. like how every character just belittles him into being too dumb and incompetent to make decisions or even give his input. people forget that without ryuji wanting to go back to kamoshida's palace to help the volleyball team the phantom thieves would've never formed. he has such a strong desire to help/protect those he cares about and would risk his life to do so. like he helps the volleyball team despite all of them thinking of him as nothing more than a delinquent. he helps his old track team even though they shunned him and blamed the team disbanding on him instead of kamoshida. he jumps in front of a car just so they can get to Makoto and help her despite the fact she was blackmailing the thieves and the treat of going to jail. he is such a kind and considerate person and people ignore that fact just cause what? he's loud and has a temper? he doesn't make some of the best decisions? I mean so what? he's a teenager, what teenager makes all the right calls all the time? what adult does that? like people forgive Makoto so easily for her threatening everyone with jail time and how she literally threatened their lives by charging into kaneshiro's hideout, but won't do it for ryuji cause he gets pissed off and treats morgana badly. and he had every right to be angry at Mona cause he has done nothing but drag ryuji through the ground since day 1. he was never even given a chance. the only one who does is akiren but even then you have the option to be a dick to him
I hope that all made sense, I'm just rambling about my thoughts on ryuji. he's always been one of my favorite characters cause I relate to him a lot. and like... with the shit after shido's palace I had to take a break from the game for a couple of hours cause I was so angry. like he just saved all the thieves lives and they beat the shit outta him????? and for what??? he didn't know they thought he died?? I'm so sorry I'm rambling again alsjlamska
wholeheartedly agree with your points anon ryuji is treated SO badly by the plot and the entirety of the cast. the fact that the girls beat him up and leave him slumped over on the street is irritating as all hell. i won't lie i did laugh a bit when the moment itself happened, but then they left and didn't tell him thank you or anything at the end and i was like wh. whh?? WHUH????? UR LEAVING HIM THERE???? NO GO BACK.
ive always imagined that the reason why mona ribs on ryuji so much is due to his own inferiority complex. he can't put ann down because yknow. akira's the leader, yusuke's the creative mind. makoto, futaba, and akechi are too smart for him to put down, and haru's too sweet for him to say a single bad thing about her. the only one left to take the brunt of his bitterness is ryuji, so he attacks him to keep himself safe.
i'll be honest--i wouldn't have any problem with it if the entire arc was properly resolved. if he was being overly mean to ryuji throughout the story and then properly recognized his own faults and apologized i would've stood up and cheered. but nope, nothing of the sort. morgana dances back into the group even though he tries to run akiren over multiple times. ryuji never gets an apology. growth's about as dead as okumura foods' reputation
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
I don't know why but I just get the feeling kokichi would actually call Nagito mum
He just seems like the kind of person who doesn't see it as a gendered term and uses it with the parent who does the associated tasks.
Doesn't help that to me Nagito and makoto both kinda radiate male mum energy rather than dad energy (related note, Kirigiri to me radiates female dad energy if that makes sense?)
Feel free to just tell me if all of this just sounds like insane rambling XD.
the Lucky Boys are Mom Dads yknow. its just the vibes yknow??
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arcsin27 · 1 year
genshin x persona
ive mentioned it before but i wanna go real in depth this time. still not certain on every detail so some have multiple options
this post will be updated as i get more ideas i swear ill remember to update it lol
Naoya - anemo sword/bow/catalyst (sword because he has a sword, bow because he has a gun, catalyst because only spells can hit any enemy in the grid system of the game)
Skill: yeah ive got nothin lmfao. maybe something about summoning the monkeys seimen kongou holds?
Burst: ?????
Tatsuya - pyro sword
Skill: uhhh maybe he summons a motorcycle made of fire and rushes around running enemies over?
Burst: nova kaiser. he creates a shockwave of AoE pyro damage. enemies caught in the blast will be in a state of stasis for a short duration
Maya - cryo bow (bow because guns also make projectiles)
Skill: diamond dust. it creates a field in which characters and enemies are applied cryo, and characters are healed (because she also knows dia)
Burst: omni dimension. similar to venti, she creates an orb of cryo in the air and draws enemies into it, dealing cryo damage
Makoto - pyro sword
Skill: dark hour. during its duration, a burning moon appears above all characters, boosting attack damage
Burst: great seal. while makoto is on the field, he will periodically take damage, restoring the health of all characters. also triggers the dark hour moon (im not really sure about the balancing here... maybe it should still take effect even after switching him out? but then it feels op yknow?)
Kotone - pyro polearm
Skill: same as makoto?
Burst: same as makoto?
Narukami - electro claymore
Skill: midnight channel. similar to keqing, he can either press or hold the button to place two square portals beside himself and a short distance away (get it its shaped like a tv screen but purple because genshin mechanics). he will then jump into the square beside him and appear through the other one. maybe he deals AoE electro damage when he pops out?
Burst: idk i have a couple ideas. maybe he creates a field of fog that deals electro damage until he cuts through it dealing massive damage? maybe he summons an other self made of electro that also attacks with him?
Ren - hydro polearm (hydro because it seems to relate to morality and justice and tbh eiha looks blobby and liquid, polearm because its a dagger on a stick)
Skill: beneath the mask. ren rushes forward and performs AoE hyrdo damage, placing enemies in the range under the mask effect. this lowers their defense
Burst: sinful shell. just kinda makes a giant hydro explosion around him lol
edit: someone in a discord server proposed that ren (but i think maya could be considered too) is actually a catalyst and their method of casting the spells is gun. i imagined they like summon an elemental construct in the shape of a gun and use it to shoot snowballs and water balls lol
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solipsismbyproxy · 2 years
Ranking Persona 5 Royal confidants - III: Empress
Part of my ongoing series discussing and ranking the plots of the various confidants in P5R! This one is focusing on Haru, whose link represents the Empress Arcana.
Haru's Confidant revolves around her newfound controlling interest in Okumura Foods. Throughout the course of the confidant, you help her navigate treacherous corporate politics, worries around the company's expansion, and the supposed marriage contract with her asshole fiance that supposedly would lead to the company's downfall if she backed out. Along the way, you learn more about Haru's interests, including gardening and a burgeoning interest in coffee. She relates these ideas to her grandfather's original business running a small cafe focused on community and quality. The link ends with Haru having a heart-to-heart with the new president of the company. He asks her to sit on on a future meeting, promises her that the company will remain committed to quality over profit, and tells her he will call off the marriage (which was based on a faulty contract overall.) Haru realizes she doesn’t need to take a heavy hand in running the company and refocuses her dream on running a small cafe to indulge her love of coffee.
I honestly think Haru’s link is close to flawless, which is... giving me a lot of whiplash given how much criticism I leveled at Makoto’s link. The overarching story begins where the main plot leaves Haru’s life. I think this is the perfect sort of story to tell in a confidant, because you can’t elegantly fit it in the main plot, but you also can’t leave it completely unaddressed. The story justifies its own existence immediately - you quickly see that this is the biggest thing going on in Haru’s life right now, and the thing she clearly needs the most help on. It’s also clearly impactful and emotional. All-in-all a great scenario to work with, and the execution is done amazingly as well. The plot is not so straightforward as to be entirely predictable - at least, on my playthrough I was tricked into thinking the president would be a villain - but it also manages to wrap up its problems in a genuine, believable way (ahh, the president was friends with her grandfather and believed in his vision of a community-first business! and her lower than pond scum fiance was just lying through his teeth!) You come away from the link feeling that Haru’s problems are not threatening to crush her anymore, but also feeling as though there is room for her story to go on, given Haru’s future plans. I think this is also an important part of having a good confidant/social link story - the sense that you’ve left the confidant a better person more equipped to handle their problems, but also that the confidant has a future where your help will continue to be appreciated. Teach a confidant how to solve their problems and they’ll be set for a lifetime, but, like, please teach them something that will be useful for a lifetime, yknow?
Second, I want to talk about player involvement. Overall, it makes sense that Haru would come to the protag for this request, I think - Haru’s initial problem is that she does not know who to trust in her company, so it makes sense she’d want help from someone who is both a good judge of character and trustworthy to her. She also has other reasons to - you’re a link to Sojiro, and also someone with an interest in coffee as well. It’s very believable that you, the player, are who she’d open up to in her time of need. You also clearly area positive help for her Throughout the link, you give Haru advice on how to avoid her fiance and help keep her spirits up while facing what seems like an inescapable situation. By being in her corner, you give her the courage and resolve to take the meeting with the president where she brings her own coffee and stays firm that she won’t compromise on quality. In general, throughout the link you play a believable role in helping and encouraging Haru while still allowing her to shine - an ideal balance.
Finally, let’s dive into what we can glean from Haru’s character through this confidant. I think the main thing we get a look into is her drive to do things right and uphold her duties. Though we obviously have background from the main plot that Haru loves taking care of plants, the confidant fully foregrounds this trait. Being able to make a seed-to-cup coffee is a legitimately impressive feat that shows how talented and how passionate she is about her goal. We get a deeper look into her grandfather, who likely inspired those traits. This is another place where the link fleshes out traits we were dimly aware of - we knew Haru disliked how her father was running the company, but now we know the point of comparison that gave Haru her ideals. We also see more of Haru’s fortitude - she has suffered an unthinkable tragedy and been thrust into this situation, and she still bears the advances of her piece of trash fiance because she thinks it would be best for the company. She wants to stand up for herself, but she also has compassion for the company and its employees at the same time. This is not an easy juggling act, but Haru is one of the few characters who can balance everything and find a solution in the end. Finally, I want to quickly highlight one of my favorite scenes in the link, when she invites you out to coffee before telling you that your coffee is made from beans taken from elephant dung, and after suggests using Mona for a similar process. Overall, this link reminds me of all of the traits that immediately drew me to Haru as a character - I feel like that scene shows the same aloof charm that I loved about her during her awkward first introduction as “the beauty thief” while also not making her as much the butt of the joke. On the other hand, the fastidiousness and righteousness that causes her to initially reject your help when she feels Mona has been slighted also show throughout her actions. In Persona games, party members will often only get their One Dungeon To Shine before being backgrounded, and Haru especially suffers from this, so I can’t appreciate this confidant enough for giving a genuinely good, holistic exploration of Haru’s character, keeping and expanding on all her charms.
There’s really very little I can ask for to improve this confidant - it tackles the right “size” of story at the right time, it embodies what makes Haru lovable as a character and celebrates her strength, and demonstrates believably how you grow closer by helping her out. There is a real sense of closure at the end, but simultaneously a promise that Haru isn’t going anywhere and will continue on her path. This, to me, is the ideal formula for building a confidant around a party member. Build around an event hinted at or discussed during the main event, incorporate similar but fresh humor and emotional notes as the story segment where the character shined, and leave them with a believable future for the inevitable end-of-game send-off. I feel comfortable saying that Haru’s confidant is 10/10 no notes and a perfect template for future party member social links.
What do you think? Would you have changed anything about her confidant? and stick around for next time for a confidant that’s not actually at either extreme of the spectrum :)
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skitzs · 2 years
i typed what i felt last night..
can't imagine the relief that haru felt when rin came back to his life on season 1 🥺💙
somehow i relate to him. on season 1 we saw him walk the school grounds like anyone would if u have no actual purpose there besides attend ur classes and hang out with friends. we saw him head home without makoto plenty of times,,
he just wasnt interested in being there. then nagisa suggested a swimming club, and even if it was abt water mainly, which, we know just how much of a water simp haru is, makoto who knows him well had been doubtful that haru would agree to joining it
but when nagisa said it could be //the bridge// that would connect them to rin again, in order for them to swim with rin again, haru agreed, no question, and that surprised makoto knowing that haru is quite a difficult one
and suddenly, haru has a purpose again. he went to school, cooperated with whatever activity or scheme they thought of for the swim club to work, etc, cleaned the pool, taught rei how to swim FROM SCRATCH, and even did the whole performance on stage to gather members haha -
I MYSELF COULDNT BELIEVE HARU WOULD DO THAT ON STAGE XD doing the freestyle strokes in front of the student body… lmao. he also quietly worked on sculpting iwatobi-chan figures as the club's giveaways… man he was genuinely cooperative, bc it could be the bridge, yknow??
and throughout the series, we saw plenty of rinrinrin, young rin young rin young rin, thanks to haru's incessant reminiscing 🤣 like yea ok haru, we get it, you so badly want to see him & be close again, like old times. FINE. OKAY. and not just that, u even told him straight up
sometimes i forget its not BL lol. haru's POV is very "im gay for rin"
when season 3 came about and i watched it, i thought rin would have a competition when ikuya came back to haru's life. but oh hell naw… instead, it only emphasized the contrast between how haru acted around someone he loved as a friend …and as more than a friend.
ikuya was upset bc haru quit swimming, even when they had so much going on during those times with ikuya & friends. they did a relay too, they hung out at haru's, had a sleepover, ikuya cried and opened up etc, but haru quit swimming, and guess who the reason was for that 🥲
it's always, & will always be rin that will have the most impact on haru. in terms of …anything, really. the stoic, aloof, quiet haru who values freedom - changed completely and suddenly is competing and pushed to have dreams bc of one person and one person only and that's rin
and im gonna go sulk in the corner now bc how i wish i have the same love as them 💀 hahahaha… to have the same compelling dynamics they have. i can only be happy 4 them 💙❤️
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missfingers · 1 year
Just me vibrating over here waiting for the next amazing addition to your fic~~ ;D As per random ask, any ideas you've been tossing around for future fics?
THANK YOU SO MUCH !??! god let me tell you its excrutiating having to sit and wait to upload each chapter I JUST WANT TO GET THEM ALL OUT THERE ALREADY !!!!
pre-emptively sorry for how long thisll get. help
there ARE a couple actually. two of them are related to my other fic so ill get to them in a second, but the first one is actually something ive gotten like .. half written but not rlly happy with.
i wrote this other weird ass oneshot thinkpiece where majima as a 40 year old has a bad trip and kind of hallucinates meeting his past self in the hole. if you havent read that i can post it again if you want. i have this whole Thing about traumatised characters getting to be their for their younger selves when no one else was, because like. if no one else was there for me then i needed to be there for myself, you get me? so i wrote that, and then i COULDNT stop thinking about that concept
so logical next step: time travel. LMAO. idek i came up with this bullshit idea of like. somehow directly after the hole early 20s majima gets thrown through a time loop all the way to uuuhhh around 2010 ? between y3 and y4. and ends up washing up on morning glories beach. and cue being taken in by kiryu and getting to heal (CAN YOU SEE THATS A COMMON THING WITH ME ?) and kind of becoming a big brother to the kids and eventually kiryu has to call yknow Present Day Majima cause he cant keep this secret anymore. and eventually that leads to young and old meeting and etc etc whatever would come with that. again i have it half written and dont . really know if ill ever do anything with it but itll always be in my head
aside from that i have all the various ideas in my head for thtfy spinoffs - i have an entire yakuza 0 rewrite plotted out in a document with the first couple chapters (Poorly.) written. idk if ill ever Fully write that but theoretically that would be a sequel (spoiler: it ends in kazumajimako polycule.) im happy to post parts or all of that plot skeleton if ppl are interested in that
the other one thats most clear in my head is actually nishida centric LOL cause .. i cant say like Exact stuff cause itll be thtfy spoilers but nishida and majima wouldnt be able to meet how they do in canon but i REALLY LIKE their relationship so i needed some way for them to meet. and that fic would essentially be a majima retrospective from nishidas pov, an outsider look on his courting, engagement and eventually marriage and child with makoto, etc. i just love nishida. it would also be heavily inspired by tatsu and masas relationship from way of the househusband if thats any indicator
wow ive talked a lot. hi. THANK YOU !!!!!
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could i get some headcanons for what the THH cast would call their s/o? yknow like babe, darling or sweetheart stuffs like that please & thanksss!!!
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... Hewwo <3
Aaa, this is so cute!! I know I said my character limit is five, but I just couldn't resist doing this one! I wasn't sure if you wanted the male cast or female cast, so I did both!! I don't write for Hifumi, Despair!Junko and Mukuro though, so I'm sorry if you wanted them to be here too. I wrote for Junko in a non-despair AU, so she's still in this, just not despair-crazy.
I hope you enjoy it, my buttercup baby! <3
- 🌺💖Mod Rantaro💖🌺
HCs for what nicknames the THH cast use for their S/O!
The guys :
Makoto Naegi :
Now this boy.
This boy is very pure.
He likes calling you kinda generic, but still sweet stuff like honey, baby, sweetie, dear, etc!
He usually just calls you by your first name though, and uses nicknames when he's being super romantic. It's either on purpose or totally on accident, and there's no in-between.
I can just see you two being out on a date, and you catching him staring at you-
You ask him what's up and he hits you with the:
"It's nothing! You just look amazing, as usual, honey."
How can he be so smooth and yet easily embarrassed? No one knows I-
Byakuya Togami :
He calls you dear, darling and honey a lot!
Only when you two are alone though, like Makoto he usually just calls you by your first name.
He likes to keep any sort of intimacy private.
He sometimes uses very teasing nicknames.
Yeah he's a jerk like that.
Like, if you're short he WILL call you pipsqueak, no I don't make the rules-
He never wants to hurt you though, and he will stop if you ask him to!
He just likes teasing you because your reactions are cute. <3
Mondo Oowada :
Babe? Babe.
He calls you babe a lot.
He also uses very?? Pure and cute nicknames!
Like angel, babydoll, bunny, all that sweet, tooth-rotting jazz.
His favorite is angel though.
Angel, angel face, angel baby, any variation, you name it!
Like, you can be as nice or as mean as you want and he would still be calling you angel.
OH and if you're chubby he would 100% call you marshmellow!! Because you're just so fluffy and cute!!
You're so so precious to him and he wants you to know that!
Leon Kuwata :
This dude calls you nicknames more than your actual name.
He's probably used every nickname in the book for you at least once at this point.
Your name don’t exist no more sorry-
His nicknames range from cute stuff like boo, sunshine, cutie, gorgeous, love, etc
To him calling you dude, man or bro, mostly as a joke.
He also likes calling you things like hot stuff and good lookin’!
He also 100% called you a smurf once. No matter your height. You are now a smurf.
He also called you nicknames before you started dating (if you were comfortable with that, of course!).
Kiyotaka Ishimaru :
Now, Taka's a little shy when it comes to nicknames.
He's shy about relationship stuff in general to be honest-
But he REALLY likes calling you honey, precious, dearest or my love when he feels super lovey-dovey or romantic.
He also calls you sunshine every time you wake up.
Expect a "Good morning, sunshine! How was your sleep?" from my mans right here like every morning-
He's just a precious boi. <3
Chihiro Fujisaki :
He calls you such cute stuff!
Like tater tot, sweetheart, darling, lovely, cinnabun and many more!
He also sometimes uses nicknames related to his talent, to joke around a bit.
Like pixel or byte, especially if you're short like him!
The tone of voice he uses whenever he calls you a nickname just makes your heart melt.
He's just,,, so smol and happy,,,
*mod Rantaro crying noises*
Yasuhiro Hagakure :
Ok so hear me out-
He names you after conspiracy-related stuff.
Mostly cryptids.
Like he also uses regular nicknames like babe, hun or baby-
But like,,,
He also calls you Ness/Nessie, Yeti or Bigfoot, and he sometimes calls you my fortune when he’s being all lovey-dovey.
Maybe Chupacabra when he’s especially chipper, because Chupacabra’s just a fun word to say.
The girls :
heehee chupacabra
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Kyoko Kirigiri :
She really likes giving you nicknames, but is often too shy to.
So she usually just calls you by your first name, like Makoto and Byakuya.
She really likes calling you sweetie, though.
You may’ve expected something that sounds more elegant, but she likes giving you super cutesy nicknames!
Some other examples are muffin, my lovely, fawn, and more!
When you’re in a more public setting she does tone down the cuteness though.
Usually goes for my darling or hun.
Aoi Asahina :
Also someone who uses nicknames more than your actual name!
And hot take-
All of Aoi’s nicknames for you are based on sweets and/or things you would find at a bakery.
She loves sweets, and she loves you, so why not combine the two?
She calls you sugar, honey buns, cookie, and sometimes my little powdered donut.
She also sometimes uses those overly-affectionate, annoying nicknames just to see how hard you’d cringe at them-
Sakura Ogami :
She’s super affectionate and modest with her nicknames!
She usually adds “my” in front of the nickname she’d give you.
My love, my darling, my treasure, my precious, my dearest, etc.
She feels like it’s more intimate by adding the “my” at the start.
Like she’s closer to you when she does that.
Whenever she uses a nickname, you can tell how much she adores you by just her voice alone.
And she also likes using the nickname blossom (heehee).
Because Sakura... Blossom... 👉👈
It sounds cute to her-
Celestia Ludenberg :
Celestia’s very passionate whenever she calls you something that isn’t your name.
She usually uses the names of flowers or fruit to nickname you.
Peach, cherry, plum, daffodil, rosebud, peony... Stuff like that!
She thinks it sounds pretty.
She also likes calling you kitten!
It has a similar sentiment to Aoi’s nicknames (nicknaming you after something they love), and besides you’re as cute and precious as a kitten too!
Her voice is very soft when she calls you something romantic, and she likes taking your hand when she does!
Sayaka Maizono :
She LOVES nicknames!
She thinks they’re just so cute!!
And she uses cute nicknames too-
Like baby, gumdrop, lovely, the list goes on.
She just likes cooing at you and calling you something cute!
“You’re so sweet, lovely!” 
“Baby, you look amazing in that!”
So she usually compliments you, then adds a nickname to give it a more affectionate kick!
Junko Enoshima (non-despair) :
Dear buttercup, I’m warning you.
Junko has literally no concept of shame-
She loves pointing out just how hot you are!!
You could be in the middle of a giant mall and she’d just be going OFF-
She likes using nicknames like hottie/hot stuff, sugar lips, luscious, tasty, all that.
And if you get flustered, get ready because it’s only getting worse.
But sometimes, she goes soft and calls you stuff like cutie or sweet cheeks.
Toko Fukawa :
Toko’s nicknames aren’t exactly endearing all the time-
And she’s very reserved, so most of the time she doesn’t even nickname you.
When she does though its usually something like dummy, stupid, idiot or even egghead.
She doesn’t want to insult you, but it is a defense mechanism of sorts.
Like, you compliment her and her self-hatered just goes “no❤️”
So she tells you: “S-shut up, stupid!”, or something like that.
But way further into your relationship, when she gets comfortable and knows she can trust you, she calls you dear or honey.
Maybe cutie but shhh it’s only when you can’t really hear it
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Woo, that was super fun!  Make sure to drink some water, take any meds you may need to, and maybe eat some fruit or candy! Lotsa love from me, my buttercup baby! <3
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naeleonweek2020 · 4 years
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Welcome to Naeleon Week 2020!
hi! welcome to naeleon week!
so,,,, since naeleon week doesn’t,,, exist (i think?) i decided to host one!! i’ve never really done one before so um,,, yeah! naeleon week will start on november 1st and end on november 7th! you can do anything for your entries! whether it be art, writing, cosplays, or whatever! just make sure it’s related to the prompt :D use the tag #naeleonweek2020 so i can see your posts (i will be reblogging) ! below are the prompts! please reblog y’all🥺👉👈
Day 1 - Soulmates/Confession
most of us naeleon shippers know the line, “You’re like... my soulmate!” that was the inspiration for the soulmate prompt! or you could do a confession between these two :D
Day 2 - Dancing/Rain
maybe you could write/draw/whatever naeleon dancing, or maybe them having fun in the rain! rain is really calming, in my opinion! you could probably combine these two ahah-
Day 3 - Social media/Phones
we all know social media au’s or chatfics, so why not that, but naeleon? or maybe them using phones, like,,,, a cute text convo or calling!
Day 4 - In-game/Pregame
there are tons of possibilities for in-game! whether it be angst, their free time events, or whatever! or maybe pregame! pregame is basically them before the killing game, yknow with them as classmates!!
Day 5 - Flowers/Talentswap
flowers are a kinda couple-y thing! what about naeleon with flowers? or maybe them with swapped talents, like with leon as the ultimate lucky student or makoto as the ultimate baseball player!
Day 6 - First encounter/Dates
naeleon on a date! or maybe the first time they met! dates could be anything, even a double date :D their first encounter could be anything, like in pregame or in game!!
Day 7 - Free day!!!
day 7 is a free day! you can do anything you’d like here! it could be an au, date, whatever! have fun!
here are the rules for naeleon week 2020!!
• make sure to tag #naeleonweek2020 or @naeleonweek2020 so it’s either to find!!
•if your entry is on ao3,,,, then um,,, tag Naeleon Week 2020, i’m not rlly sure what u could do for this,,,
• please no nsfw or heavy gore or anything!! blood and other things like that are okay but please please use a trigger warning!!!
•if you have any questions, you can message me about it!!
•i don’t mind any kind of content! whether it be art, writing, edits or whatever! just make sure to credit the artist if you use someone’s art and ask first!
•this is supposed to be fun! please don’t stress yourself out, i don’t mind entries after the week has ended so you can take your time :DD
that’s all for now, have fun!!
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prompt-master · 3 years
I headcanon that rather than the execution of Junko Enoshima serving as the tide for change as the Future Foundation claimed, Despair actually got worse after her death as she was martyred, and the Future Foundation merely claimed this with Makoto and co. for public relations purposes. So the true reason Makoto and co. did what they did in Goodbye Despair was to prevent the remaining Remnants from similarly becoming martyrs to the cause of despair.
This does work with what we are told from the games canon actually because after Enoshima's death the people in despair went on a rampage, so I completely approve of this headcanon. It works really well with the corruptness of the Foundation as well
Altho i still think Naegis true intention was to just. Save the remnants and offer them a chance. It just seems like the kinda motive he would have, yknow?
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exclamaquest · 3 years
so what happens after the trial where makoto gets killed??? how does everybody react????
WELL YOU SEE. people aren’t too happy as you can expect!! esp considering leon was just going to Let Makoto Die (which tbf he did!) leon got kind of like. well. he shuts himself in his room for a bit GKDJGKJD until he realizes that like. he has to do Something. makoto did the work in the trial and makoto is. gone. so someone else has to do it.
and it’s really fucking hard! because yknow. he killed someone! and they know it, they saw a video!
so people leave leon alone. and leon has nobody but his thoughts. and they’re awful at first, that he should have died (he should have, it’s true), and that he doesnt deserve to live (untrue). the first person to reach out to him really is hiro because he thinks like. yknow. everyone fucks up. and what if that fuck up was bigger than most. then mondo, bc he can relate--you know how it is. and from there he starts to build up trust again until chihiro dies, and he has to quickly learn how to investigate from someone who is VERY unwilling to teach him.
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What did you think of P5R's ending? (I'm sorry if you already said this)
I've talked about it briefly while discussing my thoughts on the game overall, but I've had some time to think on it now & here's my current opinion:
The ending was... fine. I don't dislike the decision to have all the characters go their own way, and although for most of them that seems like the logical step in their character development, my emotional side wants them to all stay together.
Speaking of, some of the futures the characters said they were pursuing were better than others. Haru, who's confidant focuses heavily on struggling to run Okumura foods & pursue her ideas for the company, is going to college for business. Great, love it. Futaba, who's character growth pretty much all centers on putting herself out there & living a normal life without anxiety getting in the way, is going to high school. Perfect, also nicely opposes the scene in her confidant where you show her around Shujin and she ends up feeling anxious & sad. Ann is going to go all in on whatever she thinks will help with her modeling, choosing to study abroad in pursuit of that goal. Good! Her arc, while it's not the main focus, does have smaller elements centered on her learning to tackle things head-on and take them more seriously, her modeling being one of them (in fact, part of her confidant explicitly states she previously only thought of modeling as a hobby and she now wants to work at it seriously.)
Ryuji's goal to start doing track again seems very opposed to his confidant arc, but I can't quite say it's entirely bad. His confidant never implies he doesn't want to run anymore, just that he doesn't want to go back to the track team. I suppose joining a track team at a different school isn’t in direct opposition with his lack of desire to join Shujin's team again. It still doesn't sit quite right with me, but it's not as bad as I initially thought. Plus, it's good to see Ryuji actively pursuing something rather than settling for the troublemaker role he's been boxed into. He strikes me as the least ambitious character, partially bc of the box he's been put in, so I'm happy to see him taking the initiative. And this might be a small thing but he also mentions he's going to run again because he likes it & wants to, but multiple times beforehand we've seen at least part of his reasoning before was in the hopes of getting a scholarship to help his mom (not to imply he didn't love track before, just that it's good to see him pursue something solely bc he wants to, yknow?)
The worst of the bunch are Yusuke & Makoto, who are given no stated goals of any real substance. Yusuke is simply hoping to finish his painting, and Makoto is.... moving out to live on her own. Neither of these seem particularly impactful nor relevant to the characters' growth (Makoto's especially seems lackluster considering a good portion of her growth is about her finding her own path & pursuing the goals and future she wants/believes in. But when it comes time for the game to show her doing this, she makes no decisions at all.)
I feel that, on the whole, the narrative would have been better served if Akechi had legitimately survived Shido’s palace. Maruki brought him back to life, and it’s safe to assume he willingly turned himself in (as in, that was not Maruki twisting reality, that was his decision made entirely on his own). But Lindsey, I hear you cry, Akechi’s character growth centered around him finally making his own decisions, no longer being manipulated and controlled, and that’s exemplified when he chooses to reject Maruki despite knowing he will return to a reality in which he’s dead! And sure. I’ll give you that. But the same ideas could have been presented in any number of ways. If I am to believe Akechi’s character truly does center on the idea that he is finally a) able to and b) allowing himself to make his own choices; to decide the truth of things for himself; then why did it have to be shown in a way that still ends with his death? I have a few big problems with Akechi’s fate. One: dying is the easy way out. Instead of being forced to face the consequences of his crimes (something he was willing to do, as he did turn himself in) he dies. He escapes the consequences related to the things he’s done, which feels especially bad when I consider that he was willing to face the consequences. He was at the start of a properly-handled redemption! And instead of seeing that through, they killed him off still. Two: Through Akechi’s confidant, both in vanilla p5 and p5r, it’s obvious one of the things he’s least capable of facing & expressing his honest feelings about are the Phantom Thieves, Joker in particular. The scene where he dies he gets called out for it, as he’s acting like he hates Joker and doesn’t care; acting like he truly wants Joker dead; but in truth he does care. He does want friends and teammates and he does like Joker. He doesn’t want to kill Joker. But he’s so under Shido’s thumb and so deep in his own head that he can’t be honest - and when he finally comes to his senses, he’s killed. Now please consider. If his growth is even in part supposed to be about him deciding the truth for himself, then doesn’t it stand to reason that he should be given the chance to make his own choices about his friendship with Joker, clear of Shido’s influence?  He should be allowed to rectify things. He should be given the opportunity to rebuild the relationship, after facing the consequences he deserves, of course. His feelings towards Joker were clearly such a huge point of contention in his confidant, it is baffling to me that he isn’t given any sort of closure on that at all. His working with the group in Maruki’s palace doesn’t come close to the sort of arc he should have gotten, as it’s an almost begrudging alliance formed out of necessity and not in any way is it Akechi forming his own honest opinion about Joker.
Maruki could have died when his Palace collapsed and I wouldn’t have cared. He’s got a sob story but that doesn’t excuse his full-blown god complex and the incredible depravity of just deciding what’s best for people and forcing that upon them. I wish he actually faced any repercussions, truth be told, but he doesn’t. He just shows up happy as can be at the end. He got off wayy too easy.
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parakosms-a · 3 years
makoto for the icon meme gimme all of them👀
okay uhhh this is way too long for me to put it in the tags so!!
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Leon's mostly just?? always worried about him??? bc he can tell there's stuff Makoto bottles up and that he's kinda got the "others > me" mentality, which Leon relates to, so in a hypocritical way he's just super worried that eventually Makoto's gonna neglect his own needs too much and end up in a hole he can't get out of OR that someone's gonna take advantage of his mindset and break him in the process. but that's all bc he considers Makoto a good friend and he’d hate to see him get hurt
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this mf won't admit it but he's...proud? in a way?? he's watched Makoto grow over the course of the killing game and even after they escape Hope's Peak, so he's seen how he keeps everyone together in times of high stress/conflict and he finds it all pretty admirable. he'll never say it out loud but they're Good Friends, Your Honor and he'd be legitimately devastated if something bad happened to him
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meanwhile Taka hasn't interacted with Anyone yet on here but from canon interactions with Makoto?? he’s someone Taka can relate to!! he's aware that he's A Lot To Handle like 99% of the time and Makoto could 1) help the poor guy w/ basic socialization skills first of all, but 2) he could also be someone for Taka to confide in and trust!! that said, i...don't think there's much Makoto could learn from Taka since they already kinda share the same ideals, albeit much more dramatically in Taka’s case. but maybe pre-tragedy, the hope son gets even more bonus points from staff for being chill w the hall monitor KRJSKRKSJT
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Ritsuko is… i mean, she's honestly very indifferent?? they've had like two interactions so far and in both of them she's terrorizing him, BUT they're also both at opposite ends of the timeline in a way? bc the one where they met had to have been way back and the post-THH one is...yknow. post-THH, so way later on. but i feel like if they actually talked before the Tragedy then she'd be significantly less hostile? Makoto could probably get her to be less aggressive and apathetic, she could teach him to be less of a doormat, that kinda thing!! as for where they stand now though, with the interactions they’ve had?? she honestly doesn't like or dislike him. he's just kinda there, he’s incredibly dull yet somehow amuses her, she looks up to him in a sadistic and twisted way, and overall he's someone Ritsuko just doesn’t understand. if anything, she finds him pretty easy to manipulate and will probably attempt to do so at some point
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mediioxumate · 4 years
send  🌻 and i’ll talk about whatever! || @willofcausality || accepting!
🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 :3 ❤❤
🌻 - congrats i finished dr3 last night you know what’s coming. in general, i enjoyed it a lot more than i thought i would !! i think it helped that 1) my expectations were very very low and 2) got to binge it and get the serotonin of the ending after the brutal stuff haha.
🌻 - first of all, i really really loved the kazuichi characterization in dr3 and i feel so valid. definitely still a dork ass useless flirt, but nothing creepy since yknow. teruteru was there for that role. shudders. but over all they let him be a big ol nerd mechanic who’s also the genius he’s supposed to be. i have so many feelings about my boy and they let him have friends and when he did something at the end like ‘oh! miss sonia did you see?’ and she told him it was amazing i am in TEARS
🌻 - really the class dynamic in general was really really nice?? they really got the cohesive Friends feeling that is making this playthrough of sdr2 hit DIFFERENT good god. also just the fuyupeko interactions? choice absolutely choice. i love peko SO much. so much. 
🌻 - i wish we’d gotten more of the events leading to fuyuhiko’s sister’s murder, like between ch2 and the episode, it puts most everything together, but i would have loved to see that strung together in more detail, especially because it would have given us more depth for mahiru!
🌻 - also dr3 really got me to care more about izuru and how he ties in with hinata. seeing the lead up to the choices that led to him agreeing to the experiment, and what allowed him to choose the side of hope was just ??? really really nice. we didn’t get much of him in sdr2 but that really drove his character home and gave him enough dynamic i really enjoyed him. im still crying over him and chiaki it’s fine. 
🌻 - also the way ibuki just!! loves everyone!! in everyone’s business!! i love her so much. perfect girl. lesbian daughter. 
🌻 - getting a little more interaction with makoto and komaru was Everything to me, that was So sweet and i love them. i love their relationship. 
🌻 - okay my friend just told me that danganronpa is gifted kid syndrome on crack and like. everything about my love for the series now makes sense and i feel both galaxy brain and so depressed
🌻 - thinking about how much i love and relate to kazuichi and how good of a character he is. his backstory just SHATTERS my heart and i think he deserves all of the love in the world (and gundham is going to help with that :3)
🌻 - similar vein but i’ve had so many hajime/kazuichi brain worms recently it’s a problem but they’re just a specific dynamic i’m SO weak for
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