#makeup brushes manufacturer
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All The Best Essential Brush Set - Set de pinceaux à maquillage Custom Private Label Service.Chinese makeup brush factory and manufacturer,offer custom makeup brushes OEM,ODM service and private label makeup brushes for worldwide cosmetics brands.
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rachelviews · 6 months
Crafting Beauty: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Makeup Brush Manufacturer
If you're a makeup enthusiast, a beauty influencer, or a cosmetics brand looking to elevate your product line, you know the importance of quality makeup brushes. In this blog, we delve into the world of makeup brush manufacturing, guiding you through the process of finding the perfect makeup brush manufacturer for your needs.
Understanding Your Needs: Before diving into the vast ocean of makeup brush manufacturers, it's crucial to identify your specific requirements. Are you looking for cruelty-free options? Do you need customized designs? Understanding your needs will help you narrow down your choices and find a manufacturer that aligns with your values and goals.
Quality Matters: When it comes to makeup brushes, quality is non-negotiable. Look for manufacturers that prioritize craftsmanship and use high-quality materials. Consider factors such as bristle type, handle materials, and overall durability. A reputable manufacturer will provide you with brushes that not only feel luxurious in hand but also deliver impeccable performance.
Innovative Designs and Customization: Stand out in the crowded beauty market by opting for a manufacturer that offers innovative designs and customization options. Whether you're looking for a unique brush shape or a specific handle design, collaborating with a manufacturer that can bring your vision to life will set your brand apart.
Ethical and Sustainable Practices: In today's conscious beauty landscape, ethical and sustainable practices are paramount. Choose a makeup brush manufacturer that is committed to cruelty-free production, environmentally friendly materials, and sustainable packaging. This not only aligns with current consumer values but also contributes to a positive brand image.
Certifications and Compliance: Ensure that the manufacturer you choose adheres to industry standards and regulations. Look for certifications that validate the quality and safety of their products. Compliance with international standards ensures that your makeup brushes meet the expectations of consumers worldwide.
Client Testimonials and Reviews: Take a deep dive into the experiences of other clients. Reading testimonials and reviews provides valuable insights into a manufacturer's reliability, communication, and overall customer satisfaction. Look for manufacturers with a proven track record of delivering exceptional products and services.
Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication is key to a successful partnership. Choose a makeup brush manufacturer that values collaboration and keeps you informed throughout the production process. A manufacturer who listens to your needs and provides transparent communication ensures a smoother and more satisfying experience.
Finding the right makeup brush manufacturer is a journey that requires careful consideration. By understanding your needs, prioritizing quality, embracing innovation, supporting ethical practices, ensuring compliance, and fostering good communication, you'll be well on your way to creating a stunning lineup of makeup brushes that elevate your brand to new heights of beauty. Craft your beauty legacy with a trusted makeup brush manufacturer that shares your passion for perfection.
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faycosmeticbrush · 9 months
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Fay, a private label makeup brushes manufacturer, is a company that specializes in the production of customized makeup brushes for clients who wish to create their own line of makeup tools.
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Hygiene tips
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating, after using the restroom, after coughing or sneezing, and after touching public surfaces.
Carry a hand sanitizer with you. Make sure the sanitizer contains at least 60% alcohol and rub it over your hands until dry.
When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow to prevent the spread of germs. Dispose of used tissues immediately.
Refrain from touching your eyes, nose, and mouth as much as possible, as these are entry points for germs into your body.
Take showers or baths regularly to keep your body clean and fresh. Use soap and water to thoroughly cleanse your body, paying attention to areas like armpits, feet, and groin.
Brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time, using fluoride toothpaste. Don't forget to clean your tongue, and replace your toothbrush every three to four months.
Keep your nails short and clean to prevent the buildup of dirt and bacteria. Use a nail brush to scrub under your nails regularly.
Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in your home, such as doorknobs, light switches, countertops, and electronics. Also, keep your living space well-ventilated.
Wash your clothes, bed linens, and towels regularly, following the manufacturer's instructions. Use the appropriate water temperature and detergent to ensure proper cleanliness.
Avoid sharing personal items like towels, razors, toothbrushes, or makeup.
Practice good food hygiene by washing fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consumption. Cook food to the appropriate temperature to kill harmful bacteria, and refrigerate leftovers promptly.
Keep your surroundings clean: Regularly clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, phones, keyboards, and remote controls. This helps eliminate germs that may be present on these surfaces.
Maintain clean and healthy feet: Keep your feet clean and dry to prevent fungal infections. Wash your feet regularly, dry them thoroughly (especially between the toes), and wear clean socks and well-fitting shoes.
Ensure that the water you use for drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene is clean and safe. If necessary, use water filters or boil the water before use.
If possible, use a shower filter.
If you are sexually active, use barrier methods (such as condoms) to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections. Get regular check-ups and screenings as recommended by healthcare professionals.
Take care of your mental well-being by managing stress, getting enough sleep, engaging in regular physical activity, and seeking support when needed. Good mental health is essential for overall well-being.
Sleep with aloe vera on your face to help with scars and acne.
Massage your body with oils and lotions after shower or before bed.
Eat greek yogurt to help fix PH balance, acne and odor in your private area.
Wear cotton based underwear.
Do not treat your body like a trashcan.
To smell good during the day:
Regular bathing helps remove sweat, dirt, and odor-causing bacteria from your body.
Apply antiperspirant or deodorant to clean, dry underarms to control sweat and odor.
You can also use baking soda and lemon to get rid of under arm odor.
Put on freshly laundered clothes each day. Clean clothing helps prevent the buildup of odor-causing bacteria and keeps you smelling fresh.
When choosing clothes, opt for natural fibers like cotton or linen, which allow air to circulate and help wick away moisture from your body. Avoid synthetic materials that can trap sweat and lead to unpleasant odors.
Brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss daily, and use mouthwash to maintain fresh breath. Don't forget to clean your tongue as well.
Apply a pleasant fragrance, such as perfume or cologne, sparingly. Avoid excessive application, as it can be overwhelming to others. Focus on pulse points like the wrists, neck, or behind the ears.
Keep your feet clean and dry to prevent foot odor. Wash your feet daily, dry them thoroughly (especially between the toes), and wear clean socks and well-ventilated shoes.
Regularly brush your tongue, as it can harbor bacteria and contribute to bad breath. Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out toxins from your body. Staying hydrated can help prevent the buildup of odors.
Certain foods, such as garlic, onions, and spicy dishes, can contribute to body odor. Pay attention to your diet and make choices that minimize strong odors if you are concerned about smelling good.
Keep a small travel-sized deodorant, wet wipes, or refreshing body spray with you to freshen up during the day, especially in hot or humid weather.
Ensure your clothes, towels, and bed linens are washed regularly. Use a detergent with a fresh scent to keep them smelling clean.
Spray perfume on your brush or use natural oils that are safe for your hair.
Wipe front to back to avoid infections. Use toilet paper then wipes.
moisturize your skin.
When washing your hair, make sure you are using products that clean your hair without drying it out.
Keep feminine wipes with you.
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painsandconfusion · 2 months
Whumping the Whumpers - Part Thirty-nine
(tw: domestic abuse, gaslighting) [Previous | Masterpost | Next]
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Two years ago…
Anna tripped, cussing, over the curb as she hopped up the sidewalk, almost dropping the boxes of heaven-scented food as she went. She recovered quickly, clutching the fiery warmth of redemption to her chest as she skipped up to the storefront door, manufacturing a bright and charming smile over her teeth as she pulled the door open. 
“Krissy~!” she beamed, all bubbles and bright loveliness as her eyes landed on her fianceé cutting stems to size.
Focusing. Analyzing her response. 
Kristen blinked up in confusion for a moment, then flickered a bewildered but melting smile in return as her eyes skimmed over Anna. “..Annie? Aren’t you working right now?”
Anna shook her head, hopping up to the work counter and setting the food down. Unpackaging it. “Nope, lunch break. You got me forrrr-” she stole a glance at her watch, “Eight minutes.”
Kristen bubbled a confused and brilliant laugh - one that would make a girl’s heart melt at any decibel. And did. “You..spent ninety percent of your lunch break in transit across the city?”
“I spent ninety percent of my lunch break getting to see you, that’s what I did~” Anna sealed the compliment with a kiss, pressed and nuzzled in close against Kristen’s cheek, careful to not disturb the makeup-hidden bruise there.
Kristen melted into it, tilting down so Anna could kiss her properly. “..thank you.”
Anna pressed another soft kiss to her lips. “I missed you. So bad, all day. I missed you.”
Kristen melted further at the words, finally turning to face Anna to wrap her in a soft, warm embrace. “..I missed you too. I’m… I’m sorry about before.”
Anna shook her head, thumb brushing up and down Kristen’s scalp. “..don’t wanna worry about it anymore. It’s done and it’s okay. I love you. That’s all that matters.”
Kristen’s breath shifted tenser - Anna didn’t worry. She knew that was just Kristen trying not to cry. Touched. Moved. Feeling safe in Anna’s arms.
As she should. Anna was the safest place in the world for her.
Pulling back with a small sniff and a wipe of her eyes, Anna turned to the food, opening up Kristen’s lo mein and her own orange chicken. “Okay, maybe closer to five minutes.”
Kristen’s laugh lit up the room. It even seemed to pull the wilting flowers into bloom again in the packed and lush flower shop. “Alright - I’ll race you, then~” Playfully, she snatched her lo mein and fumbled to tear open the packaged utensils - chopsticks for her, plastic fork for Anna.
Anna squeaked in her hurry, pulling her own box open. “You’re on!”
It was a rushed, but perfect lunch with a stunning and perfect girl. Her girl. Her wonderful, bubbling, gorgeous girl.
Anna swore that she’d never hurt Kristen again.
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[Previous | Masterpost | Next]
Bonus picrews for the heck of it:
Kristen and Anna, respectively <3
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(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @wormwriting @distinctlywhumpthing @whump-cafe @jo-doe-seeking-inspo @azayta @batfacedliar-yetagain @there-will-always-be-blood @siren-of-agony @whumpworld @deltaxxk @whumpasaurus101 @pickywhumpreader @whumpberry-cookie @morning-star-whump @nailevislev @throwawaywhumper @the-mourning-star @d-cs @pigeonwhumps @suspicious-whumping-egg @snakebites-and-ink @whumpedydump @orphans-parent @whumplr-reader @rainbowsandwhumperflies @starfields08000 @sunnyesunny @crystallizedme @lumpofsand @taterswhump)
As always, lmk if you want to be added to the tag list!
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polyklok · 1 year
Dethklok does not care about each other
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They all know the rule; Do not show interest, care, or intervene with bandmate’s personal lives. That’s been set in stone from the beginning. They tolerate each other at most, borderline on hate. It’s what keeps the music genuine.
Nathan didn’t care when Pickles suddenly broke down into hard, silent sobs one night after getting a call from his mother, which has essentially been 45 minutes of insults and criticism. He wasn’t showing interest as he took Pickles into his arms, shushing him, gently telling him that all those awful things she said were completely untrue. Trying to reassure him that he was just as important to his family as his brother was, despite his parents never showing it, holding him close as Pickles heaved in his inhaler, pressing his cheek onto his back, listening to his heartbeat steadily decline in speed. He wasn’t intervening when he suggested that they watch Pickle’s favorite movie (Son in Law, 1993), share a bottle of whiskey, inevitably falling asleep while under the same blanket.
Or when William was having a particularly awful day, hiding away in his room to spend hours just staring at himself in the mirror, pointing out the most his greatest insecurities and all the smallest flaws to himself. Skwisgaar wasn’t concerned, not at all! He was just pissed to not have seen his bandmate all damn day when they had previously agreed to spend time together, and so he marched down to William’s room to chew him out when he found Murderface crying and yelling at Skwisgaar to “Go away!” Skwisgaar didn’t mean to yell back that Murderface was “Reallys not even thats bads, you’re beings a baby! You’re pretty enoughs for me!” And, just to prove it, suddenly pull him in for a kiss that left William absolutely breathless. It wasn’t care, he was just knocking sense into him, he’d do it again if he absolutely had to.
Even when Toki joined the band, backstage before his very first live show, nervously pacing and itching at the many scars along his arms, his cheeks flushed red and stinging with nerves, Pickles wasn’t being nice as he sat him down, taking Toki’s hands into his own to prevent anymore damage and guiding him through some deep breaths. Pickles let him take a few puffs off of his joint as he applied the band’s signature white and black face makeup to Toki, making sure to be gentle, and he told him, ‘Cahlm down, hun, yer gonna do just great,” just because he couldn’t have Toki screwing up on stage…not because it was worth it to see him relax and grow passionate as he played.
When Nathan has walked into the kitchen at some sort of ungodly hour of the night and found Murderface…cooking? He was shocked to catch William in the middle of cutting up a head of broccoli, even more shocked to find that whatever he was cooking smelled absolutely fantastic. William bashfully explained that he was craving his Grandmother’s ‘broccoli mac ‘n cheese casserole’ And didn’t trust Jean-Pierre to make it correctly and so decided to do it himself. Nathan said he’ll have some “If isn’t total shit.” And Murderface replied “Only if you don’t tell the othersch like an asschhole!” And so the two ate in a strangely comfortable silence, knees resting together under the table, hands occasionally brushing, only interrupted when Nathan noted it was “Pretty damn good.”
When Toki’s old, cheap, worn-down guitar he had bought in Norway finally broke, he was devastated. He kept insisting to the band that it played just fine, but no amount of duck tape or superglue had any hope helping it now. Skwisgaar understood how he felt, he had quite the emotional attachment to his own first guitar. So he reluctantly took Toki to go get a replica made, being very strict with the manufactures that it had to be just like the original. For the week it was being made, Skwisgaar even let Toki practice on his own guitar, sitting behind him, wrapping his arms around in order to properly place his fingers, Toki’s head going cloudy whenever he felt Skwisgaar’s hot breath on his neck gently muttering praise whenever he got something right.
When Pickles and William got absolutely shitfaced together, slurring song lyrics as they stumbled through the halls of Mordhaus, occasionally clinking together their bottles of booze before finally crashing down onto the couch. Murderface taking another glug, wiping his mouth, and then taking the time to truly look at his drinking partner. Laughing hysterically as Pickles raised an eyebrow, finally manage to chuckle out that he had the ‘hugestsch fuckin’ crusch on you in the ninetiesch, and now you’re here!…with me!” His eyes growing teary from a mixture of nostalgia and intoxication and incredible relief at the confession. When Pickles gently laughed along, keeping his eyes focused on the floor, ignoring the fact that they had a very similar night to this about a year ago, which has a very happy ending, that William had surely forgotten by now.
When Skwisgaar and Nathan were together in the recording studio; Nathan pacing back and forth whilst Skwisgaar watched from the couch, idly plucking at his guitar. Together, they pondered lyrics and melodies for their next album, scratching off anything that didn’t fit Dethklok’s branding to a tee whilst remaining exciting and original. Their ideas came together in unison, inching their faces closer only to pull away for the next proposal. Nathan darting out all the concepts from his brain at rapid speed, Skwisgaar managing to envision them within seconds and give him feedback. It was almost dance-like, graceful and balanced. After hours, the two finally agreed on a rough draft, just like they had accomplished many times before. But this time, right before he left the room, Skwisgaar gained the balls to put a single hand on Nathan’s chest, kiss his cheek, and mumble “Bra jobbat, vackert.”
When William had burst into Toki’s room to show of the authentic civil war Lemat pistol he had just won in an auction, only to be met with a confused smile and nod, as Toki knew very very little about America’s history. And so, while he continued to put together a model plane at his desk, Murderface stood behind him, very animatedly retelling the story of the Civil war, including details that no one except him would bother to remember. Toki would up occasionally, seeing William’s eyes absolutely sparkling as he spoke. About halfway through his rant, Murderface realized he was doing the exact thing people got so annoyed at him for, t the exact thing his grandmother used to scream at him for, “Ugsch…whatever, you probablych don’t care.” Toki stopped what he was doing, turning around to touch William’s hand, looking up at him with those glorious baby-blues and said “I do cares. Keeps going.”
When Skwisgaar had just been kicked out of the shitty, low-class band of Smugly Dismissed, his third one that year alone, not because of his playing or even cocky attitude, but because of his dumb, shitty English. It was late. He had been living in a too-small apartment with them, and so it just dawned on him he was currently homeless as well. He flopped onto the nearest park bench to clear his racing head. Tears of frustration pricked his eyes, angry at himself for not picking up the language nearly as quickly as he thought he would, angry at them for not being just a bit more patient. He swung the guitar around his torso, instinctively playing his irritation out on the instrument. It wasn’t plugged it anywhere, so it didn’t sound it’s best, but it blended it well with the Los Angeles soundscape. A voice caught him off guard, “Fu-uck, yer fingers are fast! How’re you doin’ dat?” He paused, head snapping up. Right there was…someone familiar. Skwisgaar froze, a mixture of shocked to find that he wasn’t alone, terrified that the man had ill intentions, and confusion on what he just said in such a strange accent. He was short, scrawny, but had an absolute lion’s mane of fire-red hair. Skwisgaar squinted, hadn’t he seen him…on stage somewhere? His clothes certainly suggested some sort of Rock ‘N Roll lifestyle. He had a bottle of wine, halfway empty, in his hand. “Uhh, you…spelar er-music? Gutairs, uh, sångare. Du är en musiker.” The man through his head back in laughter, “No English? Dats fine. Let the guitar speak fer ‘ya” Skwisgaar certainly understood guitar, so while the man plopped himself down on the grass and continued to chug down the wine, he played for him.
When Toki had been wandering the halls of Mordhaus, only wearing boxers and his blanket draped around his shoulders, mumbling unintelligibly. He made his way to the nearest balcony, leaning over the rail and shivering at the cold, stale air of the night. It was one of those rare moments that seemed to be in absolute silence. Nathan found him, having received his random, late night text about nightmares, and didn’t hesitate to pull him back inside. It was routine at this point. “You gotta stop doing this, man.” Nathan told him, which Toki only hummed at. He sighed, pressing his lips against the top of Toki’s head, inhaling the sweet, apple-like scent of his shampoo. They slowly crumbled to the marble floor, tangled within each other. Eventually, they’d move to Nathan’s room, but they just wanted to be there, in the moment.
If anyone asked, was never interest, care, intervention. It wasn’t concern when they coaxed each other into comfort at difficult moments; it wasn’t intimacy when they shared the deepest forms of contact; it wasn’t fondness when they spent hours together just because. Dethklok was too metal for that, too brutal. You could never be as ruthless as they were if you showed such…love.
Sorry if this was absolute dogshit, it’s really late, I’m tired, was switching between this and an essay that was already late, and I didn’t proofread at all. Just needed some Dethklok fluff.
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mouisorange · 2 years
The Devil ,Strength , and The Fool for Hypnos and Vil for the Tarot Card Event?
Link to event & tarot prompts
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The Devil - What taboo things would this yandere do to their darling? 
Vil is overbearing, at times. He’d never hit on his darling, at worse they’d have bruises from being restrained.  No no, Vil’s issue is his need for perfection. It’s not stalking, to look into any history of dating, or into the kinds of books you read, the things you watch, no: he’s just interested in his crushes’ interests! It’s not abnormal to alter outfits, his makeup, or else out of no-where - he’s just trying something new! It’s not like he almost seeks them out or anything - no of course not! Vil is a very busy man, he doesn’t have time to fawn over just anyone. But darling isn’t just anyone to him. Which is why he becomes so much. He wants to see his darling reach their full potential. Vil isn’t cruel, he doesn’t force it on them, it’s just little nudges in the right direction! He’s working so hard to be his perfect self, don’t you want to join him?  It doesn’t matter if darling tries to walk away from it, from him. Didn’t you see how far he went to be #1 in the VDC? Vil’s issue is that he won’t kidnap them, he does everything in his power to make things go smoothly as if he wasn’t completely obsessed, because a queen should woo his sweetheart properly - and honestly it might be worse this way.
The god of sleep is, not so surprisingly, lonely. Can you really blame him if he puts his love to sleep when they’re being so nasty to him? But honestly that’s even if he feels comfortable introducing himself or interacting with them while they’re conscious. Hypnos is more than happy to have a perfect dream manufactured for him and his sweetheart, and even force their sleep to last longer, and longer each night due to his selfish cowardness. A coma is easier to swallow than the terror of them rejecting him. He’s a chthonian deity, surely darling would not face him as they might any other god. Hypnos isn’t too scared of your death though, neither should they be! He loves them in all of their forms, and would happily fish them out of the meadows of Asphodel.  Jealousy? Let’s cuddle up and nap!  Anger? Sleep and hope he wakes you from whatever terror his child throws at you.  Otherwise? He’s not overly a ‘taboo’ kind of guy, unless you consider constant touch as taboo. 
Strength - How outwardly passionate is this yandere around their darling? 
Only as much as you and his persona allow. He’d love to hold hands, gently guide you by the small of your back, pepper kisses over your face before stepping outside - but not at the expense of your comfort. Of course not, how could he expect you to want anything from him when he isn’t perfect yet? No, no he has to wait until you clearly want him. Vil won’t give up easily and is scarily informed about romance - I mean, he is an actor and model. But in the beginning, he’ll focus on wooing his darling with acts of romance straight out of novels and lovey dovey movies, anything to keep their attention on him. 'Running’ into them in the library, accidentally brushing knuckles while reaching for the same book - catching you before you fall after tripping - somehow getting your notes for a class you missed (even though he isn’t in that class...? How did he even know Crowley made you skip...?) - nothing is out of reach for a Queen and his happily ever after.
Hypnos is shy until darling sends the okay! And by ‘okay’ I mean doesn’t treat him like dirt and doesn’t react harshly to him being nearby. Once he gets over his ‘oh what if I make them hate me?’, you’ll have made a monster out of this deity. He loves loves holding his sweetheart and generally refuses to not be touching them at all times. Hand in hand, hand on your arm, hand on your back, hand holding you against him - you’ll go from telling him ‘no I won’t be carried but I guess you can hold my hand..’ to being held and carried around by a happy god. He won’t be singing your praises to anyone who’ll listen (cause what if they snatch you up when they find out how amazing you are?) but be prepared for all the quiet ways he smothers you in affection. 
The Fool - How deluded is this yandere when it comes to their darling? Are they self aware on any level? 
Vil is self aware enough to know how to handle things in a way so that his darling doesn’t catch wind of his obsessive behavior. But he doesn’t fully grasp the wrongness of his obsession with them. He’s Vil Schoenheit, and he strives for perfection in everything he does - and we see that in chapter 5 he fully allows himself to become consumed by this need, his desire. It’s not too much of a leap for this determination to branch out to someone he’s interested in, in fact we get a taste of this with Epel in the canon story! (Although Epel’s situation is much different, but it still displays Vil’s unrelenting dedication to a goal or to another’s goal)  The Queen knows how to play chess, and perhaps is aware of the underhanded nature of how he plays, but that awareness does not effect him in the slightest - for he knows his efforts will result in victory. 
Hypnos knows he’s looked down on by other gods, even his fellow chthonian deities. Can you blame him for being a little bit ecstatic to find someone who doesn’t think he’s lazy or disappointing? Maybe they do, but they still interact with him with a smile on their face - they talk to him willingly and don’t look like they want to leave. He’s fully aware that his feelings are pathetic for a god, especially if they’re human, but he doesn’t care. Hypnos just wants to keep them for himself, to nurture their positive feelings towards him - to keep them away from anyone that might change that. As long as he can keep them to himself, keep their love to himself, he doesn’t care what he has to do.  Even if they begin to hate him, he knows they loved him once, so he knows he can make them love him again. His behavior rarely changes around them, putting them to sleep when he can’t handle their words or the look on their face. He knows better, but he pretends he doesn’t - and he isn’t above having his children fabricate a dream for his darling so he can subconsciously alter their ‘hate’.  
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firespirited · 1 year
I was wondering why Mattel is really on my using Saran or Poly hair instead of kanekalon or nylon. Is nylon no longer being used for dolls? I did see that kanekalon has health risks now, so I assume that is why it is not used anymore? I was just wondering if you had some insights/theories as to why those seem to be the only hair fiber found in their current dolls? Or maybe I completely misread the whole doll hair thing…anyways, thank you for your time. :)
Hi! in 2002 Bratz released a couple of lines with cheap Nylon or doll grade Kanekalon hair and it was speculated that it was because Mattel had bought out the stock of saran PVDC manufactured by Asahi Kasei, Bratz used saran almost exclusively until what was deemed budget lines and clear corner cutting (as evidenced by how simplified dolls were compared to prototypes).
The issue's no longer so clear-cut: multiple manufacturers create nylon in high qualities and many colours. The issues surrounding Kanekalon concern it's human sized fiber and high heat which wouldn't be a problem for doll grade kanekalon which melts on the low temp of a hair straightener if you're not really careful.
I can't explain why Mattel has chosen to go with poly hair which feels unpleasant and doesn't hold up to brushing, why Hasbro systematically undermined their own products with terrible nylon that made even Disney princesses with straight hair unbrushable. MGA seems to be favouring Qiyue Kiwi hair (but not on LOL OMGs), is some kind of exclusivity contract why other dolls don't use it? DongGang make a very nice nylon, why hasn't Mattel gone with them? None of it makes sense. Maybe there's a good reason and I have no clue.
Maybe the reason is the same as the short sack-dresses and skirts designed to fit multiple body types: they've chosen to invest in face-molds, accessories and body diversity over makeup, clothes and hair. Maybe there's been a supply chain issue or unknown chemical instability?
It's baffling that we have more direct access to designers than we have in a long time and no-one seems to know about the hair. I'm not sure we will ever get an answer, we never did about the glue-head syndrome. The disconnect between what the designers want to create for people and what a company is willing to produce is wide: we know from pleather and glue head issues that many dolls are not manufactured to be long term collectibles. Some aren't really supposed to be redressed and restyled: the clothes are sewn on and the bun comes down to reveal a nub of hair or an empty head.
I wish things looked like they did in 2002 where the excuse for hard to brush 'Style It' dolls was potential corporate meddling, by 2008 you were lucky if the doll didn't come with a rat's nest on her head. Nowadays, we have these confounding decisions to stick badly rooted coarse hair on expensive collector dolls, on dolls with an implied collector value as long-lasting items and then other dolls priced seemingly at random (collector Rainbow High ranged from $40 to $100 for no discernable reason). It's not even clear when profits are being reinvested into the toy lines and we speculate that some toy lines are operating at a loss to get a foothold in the market.
Let's just say that a bunch of companies have shown they don't even have the sense to invest in brand loyalty with quality product recently, the media companies have exhausted so much goodwill it's embarrassing to anyone who's ever cared about running a business. Even banks can't seem to think five years ahead. It's why I'm delighted MGA is getting sued, yeah it's frivolous and far-fetched but we might get some insight on how they're running things and what the design process might be. It is absolutely not the "collaborative" Monster High/Barbie mermaid "voting process" we've seen on social media and more of a "Oh shoot, we gotta make the Krystal Bailey doll darker skinned, people are furious!"
TLDR It could be that whoever's running these divisions knows nothing about dolls, let alone hair. They just look at numbers and make decisions on numbers, short term ones too, no long term projections or testing.
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wombperiod · 7 months
something ive noticed a lot on radblr is women will talk a lot about being anti-makeup and heels and all the manufactured femininity designed to appeal to men... but then reblog and call beautiful and sexy, pictures of models and celebs that are full air brushed faces of makeup, hair extensions, fake tans, lingerie, high heels and posing in a 'sexy' submissive way. like??? you cant talk about how dumb women are for adhering to femininity then go and praise other women that do. same with what you were sayings about the 'tits or ass' thing. neither of those things are inherently sexual but thats not even really the point, its the treating women like seperate body parts designed to pleasure the observer. its like theres still a divide between 'women who are people' and 'women who are there to be sexy and pretty for everyone else' going on.
Yes I see. I don't see how as a radical feminist you can see women wearing degrading face paint imposed on them by patriarchy and find it attractive. I think those radfems have some unpacking to do if theyre still looking at that and not having a sense there's something deeply disturbing with it.
And I agree with your other points. Women shouldn't be sexually on display disembodied such as with erotica and even old paintings I find crass and even offensive. My genitals and breasts arent for public consumption.
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High Quality 29 Pcs Makeup Brush Belts Set
May Your Day be as Flawless as Your Makeup!
Makeup brushes from the professional makeup brushes manufacturer are here to give you a smooth and flawless look wherever you go.
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faycosmeticbrush · 9 months
Do you know how many types of brush handle and what is the type of your makeup brushes? Check out the following article.
Fay is an expert who has been focusing on manufacturing makeup brushes 13 years.
Makeup Brush Handle Guides - Fay Cosmetic Brushes Co.,Ltd (faybrush.com)
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Philyra (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Lyra by the others
Age- 18 (immortal)
Location- Shimmering Tail Island, Olympius
Personality- She loves & embraces all things related to traditional femininity. She has a taste for the finer things in life & can be a bit of a snob and uptight. She's also incredibly creative, passionate, sensual, and a true romantic at heart. She's currently dating.
As the goddess of paper, perfume, writing, & beauty, she has many abilities. These abilities include lexiconicy, papyrokinesis (to control/manipulate paper), melanokinesis (to control/manipulate ink), perfume manipulation (can use perfume for various effects- like healing), & being able to control/summon various writing tools like pens, pencils, quills, and brushes.
She's currently dating a merman named Nico. They first met at the Olympic Derby.
Lyra's main address is a mansion estate in the Queenstown district of New Olympus. She has an equally stunning backyard complete with a pool, her own personal waterfall, and various fountains which sprout up different perfumes. She also owns a beach house on Shimmering Tail Island as well as a penthouse in the Chant du Cygne neighborhood. She owns many pets such as parakeets, kinkajous, & capybaras. Lyra is known for hosting her fabulous yearly slumber parties.
She always starts off her mornings with yoga and a rose water bath.
Her go-to drink is a pink champagne margarita. She also likes a good cosmopolitan, a caramel latte, & a strawberry lassi.
Her favorite breakfast dishes she loves ordering are the eggs benedict with strawberry filled red velvet crepes, and coconut & cardamom pancakes. She also likes a bagel sandwich with eggs, turkey bacon, and mozzarella cheese from The Bread Box.
Lyra's businesses include the largest printing press in the country, a company which produces & manufactures paper and various writing implements. She has a chain of stationary stores called Charti & Melani. Her most well known business is a multinational retail store of personal care & beauty products- featuring well over 300 brands (including the brands of goddesses like Glory's Crown, Museology, Graces' Glam, Pure Muse, Studio Bloom, & Hot Intoxication) along with her own cosmetics label (which is also the store's namesake), Olmorfia. Olmorfia offers beauty products including cosmetics, skincare, body fragrance, nail color, beauty tools, body lotion, & hair care. She also writes for Glamgerous, Modern Olympus, Kythereia, and Regalia. Lyra's also a popular author of novels (her go-to genres being romantic tragedies, historical romance, and literary fiction.
Some of her favorite beauty & hair products to use include the Luxuria shimmering body oil, the sulfate-free rose water shampoo and the argan oil gloss spray from Glory's Crown, & her very own (Olmorfia) Think Pink makeup palette.
She loves smelling like different scents everyday. Some of the perfume goddess' popular perfumes & fragrance sprays include Dolce, Lavender Daydreams, Pretty in Pink, & Morning Dew.
Lyra even has her own collectible glamour dolls!
She has a collection of luxurious writing implements, but she likes writing with a quill feather and ink.
In the pantheon, Lyra's really good friends with Hera (goddess of women & marriage), Iris (goddess of the rainbow), Phaenna (goddess of jewels), Naeus (Hymenaeus) (god of weddings), Pothos (god of longing & yearning), Nerissa (goddess of jellyfish), The Graces, Pandaisia (goddess of banquets), Aeolus (god of wind), Chloris (goddess of flowers), Antheia (goddess of swamps, vegetation, & floral wreaths), The Muses (especially Calliope, Melpomene, Erato, & Clio), Móda (goddess of fashion), Aoide (goddess of voice & song), Eos (Titaness of dawn), Panacea (goddess of universal remedy), Peitho (goddess of persuasion & sensuality), and Eupraxia (goddess of well-being & success). There's a "frenemy" relationship between her & Aphrodite (goddess of love & beauty). She greatly admires Theia (Titaness of sight & heavenly light). Lyra thinks that The Hesperides are a bunch of floozy gossips.
Lyra used to have crushes on Astraeus (Titan god of dusk), Nomos (god of laws), and Helios (Titan god of the sun).
As for romantic relationships, Lyra once drunkenly made out with Poseidon (god of the sea & earthquakes). She used to be in love with Hymenaeus, but would always get too nervous to tell him how she really felt about him. Her feelings & thoughts often became poems and short stories. One night when Naeus came over to hang out, she was about to admit her feelings when he started lamenting about his secret feelings for Hera.
She's an avid lover of romantic dramas & comedies!
In her free time, she loves working on her fragrances & cosmetics, doing ballet, reading, writing, surfing, sunbathing, dining out, shopping, getting her nails done, working on her art (in particular her ink paintings!), and going to the spa.
Lyra's favorite meals include chapati with spiced curry, pakora, moussaka, and inji rasam.
"Beauty needs to be cultivated and cared for."
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bsmindia360 · 5 hours
The Invisible Prep Work: Why Surface Matters in Fusing Machines
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Let’s suppose you are building a house. You wouldn't just slap the bricks together and hope for the best. You'd meticulously lay the foundation, ensuring a strong, lasting, and enduring structure. The same logic applies to fusing machines in footwear manufacturing. While the fusing machine itself is the new-age miracle that creates permanent bonds, the invisible prep work done on the surfaces before fusing is equally important.
Why Surface Prep Matters in Fusing Machines?
Fusing machines use heat, pressure, and sometimes adhesives to create a permanent bond between two materials in footwear components. For these bonds to be strong and durable in the final shoe, the surfaces entering the fusing machine need to be clean, compatible, and ready to form a secure connection. Let’s look at it with an analogy. Think of it like creating a handshake - just how clean hands with a strong grip will hold tightly whereas dirty or greasy ones might slip. Proper surface preparation ensures the fusing machine can do its job effectively.
Pre-Treatment Techniques for Optimal Bonding in Fusing Machines
Now that we understand the importance of surface prep, let's explore some common pre-treatment techniques used before materials enter the fusing machine:
Cleaning: This might seem obvious, but removing dirt, dust, oil, and any contaminants is essential. Depending on the materials, cleaning methods can involve solvents, detergents, or even light abrasion. A clean surface allows the adhesive (if used) to spread evenly and form a strong connection with the material in the fusing machine.
Roughening: For some materials, creating a slightly rough surface can significantly improve the bond strength achieved by the fusing machine. This can be achieved through sanding, brushing, or chemical etching. The increased surface area created by roughening provides more "grip" for the adhesive and the fused materials, leading to a stronger bond when they enter the fusing machine.
Priming: Primers are specialized coatings applied to surfaces before fusing. They can serve multiple purposes, such as improving adhesion, promoting even adhesive flow, or creating a moisture barrier. Primers are particularly helpful for materials with low surface energy, which can make bonding challenging in the fusing machine.
Choosing the Right Pre-Treatment for Fusing Machines
The best pre-treatment method depends on the specific materials being fused. Here are some general guidelines:
Leather: Cleaning with a solvent or mild detergent is usually sufficient. Roughening with a light abrasive might be needed for heavily finished leather before it enters the fusing machine.
Synthetics: These often require a combination of cleaning and roughening. Some synthetics might benefit from a specific primer designed for their material makeup to optimize the performance of the fusing machine.
Fabrics: Cleaning and potentially a light abrasive treatment are common. For some fabrics, a heat treatment might be used to activate hidden adhesive properties within the fibres before they reach the fusing machine.
The Takeaway: A Strong Foundation for Optimal Fusing
By understanding the importance of surface preparation and implementing the appropriate pre-treatment techniques, footwear manufacturers can ensure optimal bonding strength and long-lasting results when using fusing machines. Just like a well-prepared foundation ensures a sturdy house, proper surface prep lays the groundwork for high-quality, durable fused footwear components coming out of the fusing machines.
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cheenagcboy4 · 8 days
The Future of Beauty Tools
In the dynamic world of cosmetics, the importance of superior beauty tools cannot be overstated. Companies specializing in manufacturing these tools are committed to creating products that meet the highest standards of quality and performance. Their dedication to excellence ensures that makeup artists and Custom Makeup And Cosmetic Brushes enthusiasts have access to the best tools available.
The Impact of Quality Tools
Quality beauty tools are a fundamental part of any makeup kit. They enhance the application process, allowing for more precise and effective use of products. From brushes to sponges, each tool is designed to meet specific needs and improve the overall makeup experience.
The Manufacturing Journey
The process of creating high-quality beauty tools involves several meticulous steps, each designed to ensure the final product is of the highest standard:
Conceptualization and Design: The journey begins with conceptualizing and designing the tools. This includes understanding the latest trends and needs in makeup application and developing ergonomic designs for ease of use.
Material Selection: Sourcing high-quality materials is crucial. This includes selecting the best bristles, handles, and ferrules to ensure durability and performance.
Manufacturing Techniques: Advanced techniques such as injection molding and CNC machining are employed to create tools with high precision and consistency.
Assembly and Finishing: The components of the tools are carefully assembled and finished to ensure a smooth and polished look. This includes securing the bristles, attaching the handles, and adding any decorative elements.
Quality Control: Rigorous quality checks are conducted at various stages of the manufacturing process to ensure each tool meets the required standards of performance and durability.
Advantages of Superior Beauty Tools
Using high-quality beauty tools offers numerous benefits that contribute to a better makeup application experience:
Enhanced Precision: Well-crafted tools provide better control and precision, allowing for more accurate application.
Longevity: High-quality tools are built to last, offering better value for money over time.
Comfort: Ergonomically designed tools are more comfortable to use, reducing fatigue during application.
Professional Finish: Quality tools help achieve a professional-looking finish, enhancing the overall appearance of the makeup.
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swastiktin · 13 days
Brush in Cans: Innovative Packaging Solutions from Leading Tin Manufacturers in India
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In the dynamic world of packaging, brush in cans have emerged as a versatile and convenient solution for various applications. This innovative packaging format combines the functionality of a brush with the portability of a can, offering ease of use and efficient storage. Behind these innovative products lie the expertise of Paint Tin Container Manufacturers in India, who leverage their craftsmanship and technology to craft high-quality cans that meet diverse consumer needs. Let's explore the intersection of brush in cans and the prowess of tin manufacturers, uncovering the ingenuity and innovation that drive this evolving industry.
Brush in Cans: A Fusion of Functionality and Convenience
1. Paint Brushes in Cans: Brush in cans revolutionize the painting experience by integrating the brush directly into the can's design. Whether it's touch-up jobs, small projects, or on-the-go painting needs, these cans provide a hassle-free solution, eliminating the need for additional brushes or tools. With their compact size and integrated design, brush in cans offer portability and convenience, allowing users to tackle painting tasks with ease.
2. Cosmetic Brushes in Cans: In the realm of beauty and cosmetics, brush in cans offer a novel approach to packaging makeup brushes and applicators. From travel-friendly brush sets to on-the-fly touch-ups, these cans provide a hygienic and organized storage solution for brushes of all shapes and sizes. Whether it's foundation brushes, eyeshadow applicators, or blending brushes, brush in cans ensure that beauty enthusiasts can achieve flawless looks anytime, anywhere.
Craftsmanship and Innovation: The Expertise of Tin Manufacturers in India
1. Precision Engineering: Tin manufacturers in India are renowned for their precision engineering and craftsmanship, which are essential for creating high-quality brush in cans. From seamless can construction to precision-fitted brush inserts, manufacturers ensure that every component meets stringent quality standards, delivering a flawless user experience.
2. Material Expertise: Tin manufacturers leverage their expertise in working with metal alloys to create cans that are durable, lightweight, and corrosion-resistant. Whether it's tinplate, aluminum, or other specialized alloys, manufacturers select materials that are well-suited for the intended application, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.
Innovative Solutions for Diverse Industries
1. Paint and Coatings Industry: Brush in cans offer a convenient packaging solution for paint manufacturers, enabling them to provide consumers with a complete painting kit in a single package. From touch-up paints to specialty coatings, brush in cans cater to a wide range of painting needs, making them a popular choice among DIY enthusiasts and professional painters alike.
2. Cosmetics and Personal Care: In the beauty industry, brush in cans offer a unique packaging format for makeup brushes and applicators. Whether it's compact brush sets for travel or single-use disposable brushes for hygiene-conscious consumers, brush in cans provide a hygienic and convenient solution for storing and transporting makeup tools.
Sustainable Practices and Environmental Responsibility
1. Recyclability: Tin manufacturers in India prioritize environmental sustainability by using recyclable materials and promoting responsible disposal practices. By designing cans that are recyclable and eco-friendly, manufacturers minimize their environmental footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.
2. Innovative Designs: Manufacturers are exploring innovative designs and materials to further enhance the sustainability of brush in cans. From biodegradable brush inserts to reusable canisters made from recycled materials, the industry is continually evolving to embrace more sustainable practices and reduce waste.
In conclusion, brush in cans represent a convergence of functionality, convenience, and innovation in packaging solutions. Tin manufacturers in India play a pivotal role in bringing these innovative products to life, leveraging their expertise in craftsmanship, materials, and engineering to create high-quality cans that meet diverse consumer needs. As the demand for portable and user-friendly packaging continues to grow across industries, brush in cans are poised to remain a preferred choice for consumers seeking efficient and practical solutions for their painting and cosmetic needs.
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carrytote · 20 days
A Stylish Carry-Along Fashion Essential, the Grus Vanity Kit
When it comes to design and style, practicality and beauty frequently come together to produce genuinely amazing results. Presenting the Grus Vanity Kits, a chic and elegant necessity that goes beyond basic functionality to become a focal point all by itself. This pack is not just a way for the style-conscious person to carry cosmetic necessities; it also shows off their refined taste and meticulous attention to detail.
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Initial impressions count, and the Grus Vanity Kit does not let you down in this aspect. It radiates refinement and elegance because it was expertly crafted with fine materials and attention to detail. Because of its small size, it's the ideal travel companion for people who don't want to sacrifice flair.
The Grus Vanity Kit's adaptability is what makes it unique. This kit includes everything you need to touch up your makeup during a hectic day or take a quick weekend trip. Its well-planned pockets and sections make sure that everything you need is accessible and arranged in an orderly manner. Everything has its place, from lipsticks to brushes to skincare products, so there's no need to dig through a mini sling bag.
However, the Grus Vanity Kit is more than just functional—everywhere it goes, it makes a striking design statement. Offering a variety of stylish hues and textures, it effortlessly accentuates any ensemble while bringing a hint of sophistication to your appearance. Whether you choose elegant rose gold, striking teal, or timeless black, this kit is sure to draw attention and inspire jealousy.
Furthermore, the Grus Vanity Kit represents your dedication to sustainability and is more than just a stylish piece of clothing. Constructed with environmentally sustainable materials and manufactured using ethical methods, it is in line with your principles as a conscientious buyer. You may use it with confidence knowing that you're not sacrificing style for a better environmental impact with every usage.
In the modern world, when appearances frequently speak louder than words, owning a chic carry along fashion necessity like the Grus Vanity Kit is a must. It improves the look of your entire appearance in addition to keeping you prepared and organized for any situation. Its harmonious fusion of form and function is evidence of the ability of well-considered design to elevate commonplace encounters.
To sum up, the Grus Vanity Kit represents sophistication, practicality, and sustainability and is more than just a cosmetic item. Purchasing this chic essential is a statement about who you are and what you stand for, much more than merely updating your beauty regimen. With the Grus Vanity Kit, you can carry your necessities in style, so why settle for anything less?
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