#mainly doctor who and hannibal ngl
crackedcoffin · 5 months
anyone else scared to publish fanfic because youre scared the fandom is going to absolutely dunk on you for how you write the characters
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i make diff playlists for diff games/shows/interests that i watched and liked so i thought it would be fun to share them:
the last of us
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both games based and show based
(my best one tbh)
tomb raider
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based mainly on the modern trilogy games and lara herself
blue eye samurai
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show based, season 1
good omens
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show based, season 1 & 2
(ngl i feel like this is my worst playlist oop)
bonus : crowley playlist
doctor who
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show based, season 1 & 2 so far
(i would be lying if i said it isn't very timepetals based.. . . ...)
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show based so far (and very hannigram based. especially will somehow)
will graham playlist
hannibal lecter playlist
hannigram playlist
ill take any recommendations for songs for playlists OR any show or game recommendations(although it will take me time to get into them and watch/play them + a possibility that i wont even get into them enough to make a playlist)
notes :
i look at characters, archetypes, character dynamics, relationships, plot, character motives, time and location and any songs included in the show itself, but also just silly willy vibes
yeah most of these have same songs and like 40% of the playlists are nin but still, these are songs that i think talk about the character dynamics or represent the characters well or even perfectly, i love tragedies ok
ngl i wish my range in genres was a bit wider so i could base it on the show's/game's genre that i think suits it best or that is actually in the show/game, would fit the vibe much better instead of just being my music taste but.. here we are
my spotify ofc
i have like 80+ diff playlists anybodys welcome to come judge them
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