whimsiquix · 4 months
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Throughout history, there has been only one other man this feral about his babygirl
Tomorrow, I will act so that Arjuna, Kunti’s son, can kill Jayadratha before the sun has set. My wives, my friends, my relatives and my kin are not dearer to me than Arjuna, Kunti’s son, is. O Daruka! Bereft of Arjuna, I will not be able to look at the world even for an instant. Therefore, it shall not be that way. For Arjuna’s sake, I will slay the standard-bearers of the enemy, with their horses, chariots and elephants, with Karna and Suyodhana. In the great battle tomorrow, let the three worlds witness my valour. O Daruka! For Dhananjaya’s sake, I will show my valour in the battle. O Daruka! Tomorrow, I will rout thousands of kings and hundreds of princes, with their horses, elephants and chariots. Tomorrow, you will witness the army of kings shattered by my chakra. For the sake of Pandava, I will angrily bring them down in the battle. Tomorrow, the gods, the gandharvas, the pishachas, the serpents, the rakshasas and all the worlds will know me as Savyasachi’s well-wisher. He who hates him, hates me too. He who follows him, follows me too. Use your intelligence to comprehend that Arjuna is half of my body.
- Krishna on Arjuna [Section 68: Drona Parva]
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travsd · 2 years
R.I.P. Peter Brook
“He was still alive?” was my not unnatural question when I just now learned that theatre director Peter Brook passed way in Paris yesterday at age 97. When I was at theatre school (1986-88) our profession was still abuzz with marvelous chatter about the then-recent advent of Brook’s most ambitious work, a theatrical adaptation of the Indian epic The Mahabarata, which had premiered in 1985. A…
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kala-ya-aan · 2 years
White people ruined spirituality for me.
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asha-mage · 2 months
Later today my friends and are (at my behest) watching more Wheel of Time. Tomorrow me and those same friends will be watching Jujutsu Kaisen.
This is, I think, what the kids call a cultural exchange.
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fatedtime · 6 months
honestly I was pretty neutral on Arjuna (I don’t tend to perceive men I’m very sorry 😞) but he’s my partner’s blorbo so I ended up learning more about him and realized ‘oh, he’s an Emiya’ and now he’s my baby girl. in revenge I showed that Emiya is an Arjuna and now Cake froths about him too.
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shesnake · 5 months
alexi rey of the celestial trilogy really is the ya kendall roy
constantly throws his sister under the bus
manipulates his younger brother to follow whatever he does (fucking over their sister)
insists on taking the throne pretending it's for all of them when really it's for himself
gets mad at his sister for even suggesting that they Try to negotiate a shared throne
people pleaser obsessed with public image who is somehow also deeply thoughtless
bisexuality irrelevant to the plot
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cosmicrhetoric · 10 months
need to get over myself.........kaikeyi may have been a little mid to me but im gonna read the palace of illusions ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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kiai-cosmos · 22 days
Kekalahan Rahwana dalam epos Ramayana dan kekalahan Ekalaya dalam epos Mahabarata memiliki kesamaan yang hampir mirip.
Rahwana yang terkenal sakti, seluruh dunia tidak bisa menandingi itu, akhirnya kalah karena ia di panah oleh SriRama dari arah belakang.
Ekalaya yang terkenal terbaik dalam hal memanah, bahkan Arjuna pun tak bisa menandinginya dan pernah dikalahkannya dengan satu jurus, akhirnya kalah dan wafat karena bertarung dengan Arjuna yang mana sebelumnya telah di sabotase oleh Krisna yang menyamar menjadi patungnya Drona, yang menyuruh si Ekalaya untuk bersedia memotong ibu jari Ekalaya, sehingga pertarungan mereka berdua di Baratayudha tidak lagi seimbang.
Disinilah letak, sisi gelap orang atau tokoh yang dikenal baik dan suci itu. 🌻
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i do think sometimes about the fact that in some versions of the mahabarata after karnas death and kunti revealing that he was a brother to the pandavas, arjuna takes in karnas last surviving son and they actually become quite close. makes me cry just a little
yeah its very ;-; all around to me. kind of tragic for the kid (Vrishaketu) in a lot of ways bc his dad and brothers die but at the same time at the very least he does get to have the relationship with the rest of his family that his father never got
also i read once in regards to the whole Babruvahana situation in some cases Babruvahana actually kills Vrishaketu first, which is half the reason arjuna even fights him in the first place. And upon being revived by Nagamani arjuna is so incredibly upset that he's still dead that Krishna has to go and revive Vrishaketu for him so he doesnt go and kill himself again (this isnt in every version but its really funny to me when hes so overdramatic)
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caffstrink · 7 months
I like your Karna and Arjuna comics a lot! They’re very funny, and I like your art a lot. I did notice your tags about Karna’s skin color though — they didn’t really take Karna’s melanin away in Fate’s depiction of him. In all the all the Mahabharata art I’ve seen (which, to be fair, isn’t everything) Karna is the palest guy in the room, to signify that his face ‘shines like the sun’, which is how he’s often described in the Mahabarata. Fate’s pretty awful about whitewashing, but Karna is the one case where it’s in-line with most depictions of him, and there’s actually a textual reason for his appearance.
I’m sorry if this was annoying at all! It’s just a bit of trivia I enjoy, and while the accusations of white-washing are understandable considering the source material (where it’s usually just true, lol) it’s always a bit sad to me when Pako gets accused of that for a choice that was pretty well researched.
Oh hi! Thank you, im glad you like my comics!
I havent read the mahabarata yet, (planning to, but i have very little free time now) so i really do admit my ignorance regarding descriptions in the original text.
As far as im aware, pako wasn't the one 100% responsible for karna, since he was originally created by kinoko nasu for a previous game entry so its possible there were pointers regarding the final design, so I'm not placing all the blame on pako here, (specially considering his design entries are still on the tasteful side and well researched compared to others ive seen in fgo that felt like looking at a hate crime) and overall im not sure about the company's policy on artistic freedom when it comes to the final designs.
Its not really in my place to say it or not since I'm not indian so maybe im completely off, but his design looks more like a rpg fantasy character than something reminescent of the source material/time period he was from, but the same could be said about characters like gilgamesh and some others i guess. I understand a lot of cuts are made in favor of making characters more appealing and marketable to your audience, but karna being albino white + showing no ethnic/cultural features in his design is mainly what bugs me i guess.
Either way i don't dislike karna's design per se, firsr because it looks VERY similar to a character i love from an old game (second because its about time we get a male character wearing some stupid golden underwear armor and spandex, we believe in equality here), but because he just sticks out like a sore thumb compared to his canon legend imo, and feels like just another white/light skinned addition to the indian servant roster and idk, i feel like its just a recurring problem. I guess i wouldnt really have an issue about his skin tone if the game wasn't already so full to the brim with whitewashed characters, so it ends up smelling fishy to me.
(Also couldn't his skin shine like the sun if it was tan? Not a jab at what youve said, this is just a personal addition, but pale white skin wouldn't be the immediate connection id make from that sentence alone, but thats just me. In my mind at least i picture a skin tone like duryodhana's.)
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thelreads · 8 months
Fate samurai Remnant cast part 3: Rogue edition.
These guys don't have a master and you can recruit them. New ones have their names concealed. Others who appeared in other media before have their names revealed.
Rogue Saber- white knight on a white horse. Wields the power of the sun. Duels Rider because symbolism.
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Rogue Berserker- Largest lad. Berseker is the strongest. Guards yoshiwara alongisde musashi. Bigger than most houses. His most powerful attack is a German suplex.
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Rogue rider- Tamamo Aria: one of the Tamamo 9. Likes beautiful things. Sleepy baby. Has a giant pet fox. Preferred mode of transportation is being carried piggyback.
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Rogue Lancer Cu Chulainn: Irish Hercules. Has arguably the worst luck in the series. Dies in almost every appearance he's been in.
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Rogue Assassin Li shuwen- Was summoned to Edo Japan from the future. Enjoys hot tea, peaceful walks, gives excellent massages. Master of a fighting style that is basically Fist of the North Star.
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Rogue Archer Arjuna- hero of the mahabarata from India. Stickler for rules. Actually pretty chill this time because his brother isn't here.
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Rogue caster Circe: Witch from the Greek Odyssey. Excellent cook. Makes a porridge that turns people into pigs. Can use the bird cloak to actually fly.
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Gilgamesh- King of Heroes. This time around he runs a shop that stocks rare and overpriced goods. Is generally a dick to everyone except kids. He's this game's secret boss. Has a joke ending where you just abandon the main story and go travel the world with him solving Mysteries.
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mazm-imagines · 6 months
Remember when MazM did a poll where they asked us what story to cover next, and Dracula won.
But for you, what story would you like them to cover? (doesn't matter where country it originates like they said at the end. I answered Noli me tangere. Yes I'm from 🇵🇭.. and I atleast want to see how they'll do it)
MEEEEOW i dont know ive been wanting dracula for years... but maybe the mahabarata actually. MazM said theyll be focused on making shorter games so idk what that would mean for the pacing of these two considering how long they are.
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zmftr · 1 year
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Film karya Garin Nugroho yang pertama kali aku tonton adalah Opera Jawa. Respon setelah menonton adalah "film apa ini ???" Mulai dari cerita, artistiknya, tanda yang muncul dalam film sama sekali nggak bisa pahami. Hanya saja anehnya aku suka film Opera Jawa ini, yang menurutku menarik adalah, akting yang disajikan tidak biasa. Ini seperti membawa pertunjukan teater ke dalam film. Waktu itu nontonnya bareng di kelas karena dosen memang sengaja memutar film tersebut untuk bahan diskusi, dan hampir satu kelas menunjukan ekspresi yang sama, seperti aku bereaksi.
Mulai awal hingga akhir film di putar, satu hal yang bisa ditangkap adalah ini cerita mahabarata. Hanya tahu judul tidak dengan isi ceritanya karena kurangnya literasi yang berkaitan dengan cerita dalam film tersebut.
Sebenarnya cerita menarik, penyajiannya juga berbeda dari film kebanyakn. Banyak scene yang memvisualkan budaya jawa, entah itu adat istiadat, maupun properti yang digunakan.
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bahbi-bronte · 1 year
O beijo é Sagrado
Certa vez, durante o intervalo de aula de termodinâmica da faculdade de engenharia, observei um grupo de colegas conversando sobre a balada e dando notas a meninas que desfilavam pelo pátio do biênio. A pergunta da vez era: - “Da pra comer beijando?” a frase se referia as feições e curvas harmoniosas, aos padrões da época, da garota na berlinda.
Uma expressão machista que não cabe na atualidade. Muito embora, há que se concordar que sem beijo, qualquer relação íntima, por mais casual que seja, está fadada ao fracasso.
Para escrever esta crônica eu fui pesquisar em campo - LITERALMENTE.
O beijo na boca é uma das demonstrações de afeto mais democráticas e globalizadas. Está presente do oriente ao ocidente e circula por todas as religiões. E apesar de significados diferentes nas diversas culturas, ela tem em comum a mensagem de afeto.
Se pensarmos na existência das civilizações desde os primórdios, o beijo na boca é uma invenção recente. Não há registros ou dados pré-históricos. Na idade média representava uma espécie de contrato entre o senhor feudal e o vassalo. Era uma forma de dizer, confio em ti, te dou a minha saliva (palavra). No século XVII porém, os homens acabaram com o hábito de beijar uma pessoa do mesmo sexo.
Do ponto de vista antropológico, sua origem remete ao ato de amor associado a pré-mastigação para transferência de alimento de mãe para o filho. Para Freud e a psicanálise a amamentação é a origem do beijo, no qual ele descreve como o primeiro contato que usamos para descobrir o mundo. Para os poetas apaixonados é a fonte de inspiração. No Mahabarata, o maior poema de todos os tempos, datado de aproximadamente 1000 a.C , é descrito a sensação do beijo “Pôs sua boca em minha boca, fez um barulho e isso produziu em mim um prazer”. Para o corpo é pura química.
Deixando a ciência, história e filosofia de lado, quem nunca sonhou com um beijo Hollywoodiano? No filme Dom Juan de Marco , Johnny Depp segura as mãos de Faye Dunaway, isola os dedos médio e indicador e os descreve como sendo as pernas de uma garota. Massageia as pontas dos seus dedos como quem dá uma massagem nos pés, sobe até as juntas sugerindo que são seus joelhos, acaricia as partes carnudas dos dedos enquanto insinua que são suas coxas. Por fim, aproxima seu rosto e suave e demoradamente toca seus lábios e sua língua no “entrepernas” entre um dedo e outro, e assim, na década de 90 muitas mulheres dentro do cinema, cruzaram e apertaram fervorosamente as pernas se contorcendo de prazer em discreto suspiro, quase silencioso.
Beijo já foi obra de arte, já marcou época no cinema e na vida. Humphrey Bogart e Ingrid Bergman eternizaram o beijo em “Casablanca”, Burt Lancaster e Deborah Kerr fizeram corações pulsarem ao protagonizar um caloroso beijo na praia em “A um passo da eternidade”, Julia Roberts e Richard Gere em “Uma linda mulher”  nos fizeram acreditar em príncipe encantado com direito a flores e beijo na sacada, e como não lembrar do marinheiro e sua enfermeira selando com um beijo ardente e apaixonado o final da segunda guerra mundial em plena Time Square lotada, há 77 anos.
Nunca é dado sem motivo, sempre traz consigo um significado, uma intenção, um sentimento. Já emocionaram o mundo e já separaram casais. Já acordou princesa e transformou sapo em príncipe. E como nem tudo é perfeito, foi através do beijo que Jesus foi traído.   
Falando por mim, um beijo já me devolveu a inspiração, me sarou um arranhão, me calou na discussão, cortou meu choro, e me deixou desilusão. Já me foi fisgado, roubado e negado. Me fez chegar nas nuvens enquanto eu inclinava o calcanhar para alcançar a boca, abriu meu coração e meu zíper, tomara ainda me abrirá as pernas.  Mas, se eu te escolher, terá que ser beijando
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
for the sake of my sanity I'm not gonna say anything about the last part of the new lbaf chapter cause it BROKE me
Instead I'm gonna tell you that ily so much bc i have Magnus feels rn. Those are the best feels to have. I love that Magnus and Rafe are so close. I love that the alliance is mentioned and it's importance is acknowledged. I love the fact that Magnus covered Rafe w a robe the way he did the first time they met.
I'd never thought about the true significance behind Max and Rafe's names but their name are a perfect reflection of how great Malec is and how just their existence is such a precious thing. I also loved Magnus saying that he doesn't want his chosen name to be passed down. Chosen names are so important, especially in the queer community and since it was transgender day of remembrance just the other day it felt even better.
Ik you have a scene where Magnus shares his name w Alec. can you give a hint on what it might be?
Thankyou for an amazing chapter. Here's a book rec- The Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Devakaruni
Love, Yana
I'm a sucker for magnus feels so thank you so much <3
And i always put a lot of thought into names (of anything really) so thanks for that too. And you will find out about magnus' name eventually hehe. Patience!
And yes Arjun is named after Arjun from Mahabarata. Fun fact: One of the names on my baby list (YES I HAVE ONE OKAY) is Abhimanyu (who is Arjun's son).
Thank you so much for the book rec! I added it to my list!
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somoundara · 2 months
A veces no sé de cosas, me equivoco con frecuencia muy de vez en cuando, no sé entender, ni soportarte, entonces veo la tele y voy al supermercado, entonces los mísmos días nos vende la fé y la radio, entonces voy a las redes y los mismos comentarios, que likes por un video, que cuentas y cuentas de usuarios, que vivamos de hacer contenido, que porque no monetizamos, y el mismo mundo... tan vacío y tan vano...
A veces no te veo de frente y a la espalda viene la criticada, a veces, eres del mundo y pocas de la montaña, entonces te veo sin rumbo y creo en el Mahabarata, a veces nos separamos como némesis en relación a nuestra idiosincracia, partiendo cobijas para el odio, no sé de substancias, ni las vigencias de las normas, a veces, voy en distacia viendo que mañana no es  sino una venganza, será eso la muestra de nuestra extraviada palabra?? como que algo, como que la comunicación nos hace falta!
Cuando tu dices Justin Timberlake yo digo Chamarras!
Tu dices Maluma y yo refresco de Azafrana, 
Cuando dices J Balbin, yo estoy de volada, 
Tu dices Karol G, yo amo la puta espada, 
Entoces, nos miramos como si tuvieramos aspides en la palabra y solemos mentirnos para que fluya todo de la nada, entonces suelo irme en el tren más demorado para que no veas que me estoy mordiendo los labios...
Yo no se de cosas, me trago el sabihondo que crees que soy, me convenzo de mi ignorancia, me enorgullece mi torpeza precoz, yo no se de cosas, la Némesis de lo que somos y soy viene a distanciarnos para herirnos el poquísimo sol...
Cuando yo digo Russell, tu dices Carpentier, 
yo digo Jean Baptista y tu vas por Buñuel, 
Yo digo Electrolito, Tu camisón y somier 
Digo Bethoven y tu dices Belvedere
Estamos en la azotea queriendo estar bajar al bidet
Qué horribe es vernos cuando todo por la cloaca se fue.... 
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