#maggot original
worm-wood-words · 3 days
So uhhh yeah I wrote the two intro scenes please don't rake me over coals that's not me being self deprecating I'm actually still fucked up about actually posting writing.
Anyway TWs for SA (no detail), intimate partner violence, suicide, blood. None of it's graphic but it's there.
2772 words
Colony Outpost 9
2276, 3rd Standard Cycle
Carina, Age 15
Carina adjusted her mask, turned off her left eye and slid up her sunglasses. They did little against the sunlight streaming down, bouncing fiery off the mix of human and avaki ships docked ahead. She pressed her hands over her ears. They were similarly ineffective against the noise, the cacophony of human and alien tongues and of ships disembarking into space.
“Sorry, Rina.”Tovie whispered. “Your implants will settle down soon.”
Carina nodded, looking up at the woman beside her. She looked older than her 20 years, narrow black eyes scanning the crowd. She tapped her violet mouth, one clawed finger against a tooth poking out from her bottom lip. Short white horns curled out under the veil tied over her long dark braids, white with purple trim. Fine, light blue fur covered her azure skin. A smart brown jacket hung on her wide shoulders and a brown skirt fanned out around her ankles, the tip of a long, striped tail peeking out of it.
“No insignia?”Carina asked, also speaking under her breath. She doubted anyone out here was paying them much mind, but it was best not to take chances.
“I'm not with my unit yet.” Tovie rolled her eyes. “Besides, there's not much insignia on women's uniforms, remember?”
“Right, sorry.”Carina said. Tovie had tried to explain avaki military structures to her before but she had never quite understood, especially when it came to women being limited to a specific set of non-combat roles. “Are…are you sure we-”
“Relax, Rina we're blending in just fine.”
“Right.” She swayed on her feet, trying to ignore the weight of her backpack. “Now…now you said I'm…. Nevermind, sorry. The line's moving.”
They both fell silent, waiting as the two groups ahead were scanned and cleared to board. Carina had seen pictures of whales in her textbooks before, strange marine mammals that were rare on worlds other than Earth, and non-existent on Veniae-di. The avaki ship reminded her of them, all seamless curves of undulating blue and grey, the metal they were made from like a liquid held in place, a miniature ocean shielding a miniature world.
“Alright, we're up.”Tovie squeezed her hand. “We've got this, Rina.”
Carina nodded. Her hand fell at her side.
An avaki man stood by the ship’s door, his arms crossed. He looked them over. “Identification?”
Tovie held out one hand for the man to scan.
“Let's see.”he said. “Of Kallis clan, Tovrek. Ah, off to service. Com-sec, too. Not bad for a lady. Then again, I doubt your clan would accept less. And this one…” He pointed at Carina. “...is your…?”
“My servant.”Tovie said. “She's fully registered.”
“I suppose. Still, a com-sec officer bringing a human along….” His lips pursed, two long teeth jutting from the top.
“Oh don't worry.” Tovie scoffed. “She's a farm girl. Barely literate. I doubt she even understands what we're saying right now, and I won't be getting her a translator.”
“We'll see.”the man said. “Your chip, girl.”
As they had practiced, Carina did not respond. She blinked, staring wide eyed just past the man. Tovie grabbed her hand and held it out. She forced her breathing to stay steady and hoped the man couldn't hear her heart race. Tovie had rewritten her ID chip with a false identity, part outright falsehoods and part the truth of a girl who had recently died. The override would only last so long, if it worked at all. She bowed her head.
“Nova.” The name sounded strange in the man's mouth, unused to any human language. “Of Danvers clan.” He scrutinized his netpad. “Four year contract.”he said to Tovie. “Says she's old enough, barely. Hardly looks it, though. Nice find.”
“May we-”
“Yes, yes, go ahead through the decon scanner.”
“Thank you. Now.” She switched to the human common tongue. “Come along, girl.” The words flowed naturally.
Still silent and meek, Carina followed her. A blue glow ran over them, concentrating on their bags. Once the machine was sure they carried no contraband, a second door slid up to let them enter the ship. A wave of cold air washed over her. The light changed from blazing sun to a sickly fluorescence on silver walls. A crowd of avaki, mostly men, milled about. Multiple faces turned to them both. She shivered.
“Come, girl.” Tovie took her hand and pulled her down a corridor. Her hooves clicked on the metal floor. “Yes, here we are.” She let go, unlocked the room and nudged her inside. “Quiet.”
Carina obeyed, standing still as Tovie inspected the thin room. It was all bare silver metal with two panels stuck out from one wall. Hiding a sink and toilet, she assumed. A small mattress was folded away opposite to her. She watched the door, her heart quick again. None of the men in the entrance had been familiar. No one was coming. She repeated that in her head.
“Alright.” Tovie stuck a small translucent disk to the wall. “That should chop up our speech for a bit. And, hey, sorry about out there, Rina. Had to save face and all."
“I...I understand.”she replied. “I'm just glad we're here now.”
“What did I tell you?” She grinned down at her. “Nothing to worry about. I'm just that amazing.”
“You weren't nervous at all, Tovie?”she asked, lightly chiding.
“Okay, maybe a little.” She shrugged. “But we're fine now. Taking off soon. And hey, we have a window!” She pulled down the bed, leaving them barely room to stand, and pressed a button on the wall. It parted and light streamed in. “Come here, let's watch.”
Carina dropped her bag. It thudded on the floor. She knelt on the mattress. It was as hard as it had looked. Tovie pulled her close, one arm around her shoulder. She didn't know if it was an actual window or even a real time display. It didn't matter. She'd been too anxious in the shipyard to even take a final look. Now, green and red fields stretched before her, under the shadows of towering old brown trees. There was corn and soy and wheat, of course, but far more of the fields were full of avaki vegetables, the trees heavy with fruit just for them. Between the fields were chaotic columns of stack houses, tiny boxes of thin plastic that had been unfolded on the spots where they stood, little more than walls to guard against the elements, the upper levels only accessible by ladders on their outsides. Somewhere nearby, just out of view, was the Kallis mansion, a citadel of metal and glass that loomed over the human community of Outpost 9.
“Is it…gentler out there?”she asked in a strained whisper. “You…you've left a few times.”
Tovie rested a hand on her head, fingers in her hair, claws retracted. “It is.”she lied. “I'm…I'm sorry, Rina, that I couldn't-”
“It's…okay.”she lied in return.
“No, it's not, and-”
“It's not your fault.”
“It's not yours either.”
Carina didn't answer, staring at the fields. She had said goodbye to her mother. The final word had been met with silence.
“May I?”
She nodded and Tovie took her hand, a warm and strong grip.
“Takeoff in forty five seconds.”a low voice announced over a speaker.
They each sat, holding one side of the bed. The ship lurched.
“Sentinel Station isn't so bad.”Tovie said. “It's crowded, but…but it's not the worst place. And I promise I'll-”
“I know you won't be able to talk much.” she said. “Military monitoring and all. Hard to get around even for you. I know I'll be on my own.” She swallowed and rubbed her eyes. “It's okay.”she lied.
“I'm sorry.”
She said nothing. The ship lurched and Tovie held her up. She watched the fields shrink. They disappeared. The window closed.
“You okay, Rina?”
“We're…we're….” She buried her face in her hands. Tears that had built for days now burst through. A sob cut through her heart. Her throat tightened. She screamed, shaking in Tovie's arms.
Northern Underground
2276 3rd Standard Cycle
Verren, Age 18
Verren coughed, curled up on the cold stone floor. Pale blue blood spurted between his teeth into his shaking hands. He'd stopped crying but his vision was still blurred, his left eye swollen shut. Kero hadn't broken anything. At least, he didn't think she had, though his whole body was heavy. His bleeding arms pulsed in pain, and multiple teeth had come loose.
"Get up." Kero's voice cut into his aching head. Her eyes narrowed to red slits and she crossed her arms.
He stumbled to his feet. "K-kero, I-"
He hung his head. Blood dripped from his mouth.
“Fix this up."she said. "Then come to my room.”
"But, Kero, it is-"
"Come to my room."she repeated. “I have things to tell you. And be quiet."
He nodded. Kero walked away, silent. He looked at the first aid kit on the nearest wall, shook his head and turned away. By now he knew better than to even touch the tubes of cura in it. None of that was for him, especially not now. The cuts would heal well enough in time, though they would scar. He tied two old rags over his arms. That would do to stem bleeding. He didn't bother to fix his face, but just swept up the broken pieces. Black polished clay clattered in the garbage bin.
He had dropped the plate. He knew that, but couldn't remember it happening. His body had been useless before, but now it would refuse his control, going stiff and fogging his eyes at least once a day. Kero had forgiven him, the night he had realized he was unworthy of her, but even she could not forgive this new sickness. He swallowed back fresh tears and finished wiping his blood off the floor. The hallway stretched endless and dark before him. Most of the rooms were empty, as he had borne no children for her, not even sons, and Kero did not yet have other men to occupy her.
He stopped outside her room. It had only been five days since the stillbirth, his third in their two years of marriage. She knew he needed at least two weeks to heal, and over a month until they could try again.
"Vera."he whispered. Her half formed face filled his mind. It was a strong name. They could not try again. He didn't understand.
"Are you going to stand there and stare at the walls all night?"
Kero looked down at him. She was so tall, imposing and stately in dark grey silk woven with silver, a necklace of pointed teeth strung around her neck. Her deep red eyes bored into him. More than ever he understood her place in the world. He got to his feet, eyes glued to the floor, and followed her to her quarters.
She undressed. She undressed him. She pulled him into bed. It hurt. It did not seem to end, until at last she pushed him away. He laid there, eyes closed, the floor warm on his skin.
“That was good.”she said. “You’ll do well at Sarae’s.”
“What...what do you-”
She sighed. “Your results aren’t in yet, and your skin hasn't changed, but it’s clear you’re a Feraan-kiin.”she said. “I found a woman who can take you. She runs a...bar you can work at.”
His stomach sank, but he said nothing.
“You’re pretty, if nothing else.”she continued. “At least for now. You’ll do alright.”
“Thank you.”he whispered.
She stood, bent down and lifted him into her arms, carrying him across the room. A large square basin sat in the corner, perpetually full. She dropped him into the water and turned away.
He laid there, silent. Cold burrowed into his veins, cutting through the numbness. The water turned blue with blood, a concentrated, vile azure from his arms and between his legs. It blossomed out into pale cyan. More coated his mouth again. Kero had hit him before. Of course she had. Few women were blessed with mates who never had to be kept in line, and he was more foolish, self centered and impure than most men. She had needed to discipline him many times, but she had never made him bleed before.
He stood slowly, his limbs heavy, and tied a black sheet around his chest. Kero lay sprawled in bed, asleep on top of the large nest of blankets placed in a hole that had been cut into the floor. Verren swallowed down a lump in his throat, watching her. She was broad chested with strong arms and long, muscular legs. All was covered in black, shining scales, and two lines of flexible spines ran down the top and back of her head, connected by translucent blue skin. Her thick tail draped over the bed's edge. Even asleep, even as much as she frightened him now, she was a handsome woman, as ideal in looks as she was in temperament and intelligence, the sort who built and upheld erathi society.
He sighed. Love was not the goal of marriage. Still, he tried to remember if she had ever loved him, if she had ever been happy to have him pledged to her.
He couldn't. It didn't matter. He turned away. The door closed behind him. He drifted back to the kitchen. Slowly, mechanically, he opened the cupboards, took out three bottles and poured them into a bowl. They fused into a thin black liquid. It smelled rotten, a sign he had done it right. He took a knife off the wall, dipped it in and poured out the rest.
Her voice shot through him. He froze. The knife hovered over his wrist.
“You should be in bed.”she said. “And - oh, by The Mother what is that smell?”
He did not hear her approach, did not know she was behind him until her shadow overtook his own.
“What are you doing?” Her voice was even and toneless.
He opened his mouth but could not speak, his throat tight and dry. She grasped his arm.
“No!”he yelled. He pulled and twisted in her grip.
The knife turned.
Kero's eyes widened. The knife fell. She followed, crashing to the floor.
He would never be sure how long he laid there, frozen and mute beneath her. It might have been minutes. It might have been hours. It felt like days. Arms straining, he slid out from under her and leaned against the cabinet, staring.
She did not respond.
Again she did not speak or move.
“I…I am sorry.”he tried again. “I…I will go to bed. I will…will go to Sarae's. I am sorry.”
Silence stretched. The walls warped inward. She did not move or speak. Blood trailed dark blue from her arm, a thin river drying as it flowed.
He stood. The knife was dry. The poison was gone. He stared into the cupboard. There was enough to make more. Kero was dead. Kero was dead because of him. He held the knife.
Kero was dead. Kero was dead and he was alone. His head was full of static. He was alone.
He screamed. It echoed off the walls. He threw the knife. The jagged bone edge scratched as it fell, claws inside his skull. She still did not move.
He drifted, first to his room and then to hers. Grey skirt, grey tunic, get footwraps and grey gloves. A grey shawl, grey veil and mask. It was almost the garb of a proper man. Not even his eyes showed through. A slight haze hung over all, the world through gossamer webs.
He slid a panel aside on the wall. Kero stored most of her money digitally, but she also visited whores. That much was clear now. He held his breath and keyed in the combination, as much as he could recall from having watched her leave months ago.
The safe swung open, a cavern of deep red. The coins were heavy, pure carved Sevaath stone rather than coated disks. He swept them into a bag until he could carry no more. Surely that would be enough to pay a ship to smuggle him to the nearest station. Her door slid shut. The sound seemed far away.
In the kitchen she still lay there. He stared, silent, at her stiff body, searching his heart. Where there should have been sorrow, regret or even base fear, he only found a horrible, unfathomable lightness.
She was gone. She was gone and he was alone. He opened the door and stepped onto the street.
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polaris: a song for aziraphale, crowley, and you
I am so goddamn excited to share this with the fandom. So, backstory, in 2022 I wrote a song called Polaris (the North Star) for a character of mine who loves the stars, for my then-best friend and for myself. To remind us that the stars don't serve a purpose, really, why should we? All that matters is we exist, and that's enough.
Of course, now that song reminds me intensely of Good Omens. Crowley as an angel, and their story in general. I could picture Aziraphale saying those words to Crowley. So I rerecorded it. It was originally just my voice and a guitar riff.
But then the fucking amazingly talented @good-usernames-were-taken, Valerie, entered the scene and just transformed the whole goddamn song with her backing instrumentals and her editing and I LOVE YOU VALERIE THANK YOU THIS IS BEAUTIFUL.
This has been in the works since this month started. So, finally now she and I present to you... Polaris.
The lyrics are below the cut. I did make two changes to the original ones, for Aziraphale and Crowley... in the last refrain, I changed Go to bed to Come to bed, and You're so much more, so much more than enough now to We're so much more, so much than enough now :")
I love you all, you are enough. So much more than enough.
polaris: asmi, valerie
if the way you look at the stars was the way you looked at your scars i believe you’d forgive yourself
wish upon a moment for another one drowning slow in the late winter sun yes i heard everything that you said
it’s okay, go to bed
the stars burn so useless in the sky i wish you knew how beautiful you cry it’s enough, it’s enough, it’s enough now you’re so much more, so much more than enough now let me show you
if the way you thought could be photographed up in the sky with all those other laughs i believe you’d maybe love yourself
the stars burn so useless in the sky i wish you knew how beautiful you cry it’s enough, it’s enough, it’s enough now you’re so much more, so much more than enough now let me show you
there’s nothing more that you need to do there’s nothing more that you need to be
it's okay, come to bed
the stars burn so useless in the sky i wish you knew how beautiful you cry it’s enough, it’s enough, it’s enough now we’re so much more, so much more than enough now let me show you let me show you let me show you
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louquorice · 1 year
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i like that sebille is the type of person who would never shut lohse up with a kiss when she gets too chatty. on the contrary, she'll probably kiss her for encouragement, but then lohse gets distracted & just stops talking coz she wants more kisses
[Twitter] [Instagram] [Kofi]
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miasmatik · 5 months
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jawbone throne ✂️ prints & links
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zephhhhh · 2 months
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funguary 25 stinkhorn
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mdq · 1 year
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lord cigarette
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softobytwt · 4 months
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sugarysketches · 1 day
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.:Originally made March 31st, 2024:.
Maggot who is also a doctor
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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"maggot princess" © @bowelfly, accessed here
[The hargin is a monster I first heard of recently, thanks to @abominationimperatrix. They're found in the stories of Gilgit, a province of west Asia currently belonging to Pakistan. The idea of a shapeshifting, charming, monster bride being a giant maggot is delightful to me, a novel twist on the various swan maidens and selkies of Western Europe. As is the idea that bioaccumulation can result in scavengers becoming magical. In Gilgit, the ibex is considered a fairy animal, and so maggots that eat a dead ibex are those that turn into hargins. I expanded it to fey of all kinds.
Also, how cool is the art? @bowelfly knocked this one out of the park. I sent them references for traditional Gilgit-Baltistan clothing.]
Hargin CR 3 CN Fey This creature has the body of a woman, but the head of a giant maggot. Her neck stretches to impossible lengths. She wears fine robes and carries a stringed instrument.
A hargin is a fey creature that becomes a fey creature through unusual means—its diet. Hargins begin their lives as the ordinary maggots of flies, laid in carrion. The difference is that the carrion is a fey creature of some kind. By eating flesh imbued with fey energy, the maggots themselves become dimly magical and sapient, and then rapidly turn on each other. By the time one had devoured its peers, it has grown to monstrous proportions, and then molts not into a fly pupa, but into a humanoid hargin. The hargin is capable of changing its shape, and then proceeds to enter humanoid society in disguise.
Hargins differ in terms of their alignments, but most have acquisitive personalities. A hargin typically wishes to gain some sort of power, prestige or fame in their humanoid form, or barring that, get rich. Some hargins turn to performance, others to theft, and others seduce their way into the households of the nobility. Although hargins are somewhat naïve, they are charming and capable, and have a handful of magical tricks to assist them in either social climbing or larceny. They spend almost all of their lives in disguise, returning to their monstrous forms only in order to defend themselves.  Hargins are more likely to view other members of their own species as threats than allies. Hargins are sexually compatible with the humanoids they mimic, and some fey or aberrant blooded sorcerers have a hargin ancestor somewhere on their family tree.
In combat, a hargin uses its bite attack as its primary weapon, but may carry weapons to defend itself as a humanoid in order to not blow its cover. Its mandibles ooze digestive acids, and it can concentrate them into a caustic bolus. A hargin’s neck can extend impossibly far, even in humanoid form, and they are sometimes mistaken for rokurokubi due to this ability.
Hargin  CR 3 XP 800 CN Medium fey (shapechanger) Init +4; Senses low-light vision, Perception +5, scent Defense AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex) hp 27 (5d6+10) Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +3 DR 5/cold iron; SR 14 Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee dagger +6 (1d4+1/19-20), bite +1 (1d6 plus 1d6 acid) or bite +6 (1d6+1 plus 1d6 acid) Ranged shortbow +6 (1d6/x3) or acid spit +6 touch (2d6 acid) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (15 ft. with bite) Special Attacks extensible neck Spell-like Abilities CL 5th, concentration +7 3/day—charm person (DC 13), faerie fire, hypnotism (DC 13), ventriloquism (DC 13) 1/day—deep slumber (DC 15), invisibility, touch of idiocy Statistics Str 12, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 14 Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 17 Feats Deceitful, Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Finesse Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +10, Knowledge (local, nature) +6, Perception +5, Perform (string instrument) +8, Sleight of Hand +10, Stealth +10, Survival +5 Languages Common, Sylvan SQ change shape (humanoid, alter self) Ecology Environment any land or urban Organization solitary Treasure standard (lute, dagger, shortbow with 20 arrows, other treasure) Special Abilities Acid (Ex) A creature that takes acid damage from a hargin’s bite or spit attack must succeed a DC 14 Fortitude save or take half the damage again (minimum 1) at the beginning of the hargin’s next turn. The save DC is Constitution based. Acid Spit (Ex) As a standard action, a hargin can spit a bolus of acid. Treat this as a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 feet and no range increment. A creature struck takes 2d6 points of acid damage. Extensible Neck (Ex) A hargin has fifteen feet of reach with its bite attack, and treats cover as being one step less for the purposes of making attacks with her bite attack or acid spit. A hargin may extend its neck in order to make an acid spit attack, effectively increasing its range to 45 feet. A hargin may extend its neck even in humanoid form.
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worm-wood-words · 2 months
Considering that writing is pretty much the only thing keeping me alive I sure don't do it much.
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illmoraineakoi · 2 months
Pale King: Would you be a Dreamer?
Unn: No.
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zonzolik · 2 months
coming home
(poem about coming to the Good Omens fandom) special dedication to @weirdly-specific-but-ok and my maggot family, thank you for everything💜
they said I should see it so I did it was fine at first until it wasn't it was just like any other except it wasn't my heart got broken never the same again
so I went looking for someone to understand something, anything to ease the pain I was lucky enough to find a way
turns out I'm not the only one looking there are people, my people being the same inside in their own special ways talking, creating, loving
and then he came lost like the rest of us brought us together madness, kindness, love
we became a family you'd find none such growing everyday caring, sharing stuff
he created a place safe for us to be somewhere to come back to lively at all times haven't left for a minute since I hope I won't have to
there it was is a home to be
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iii-days-grace · 5 months
i forgot you have to actually tell people about stuff when you think about it
anyway here's a no-context mediverse news bulletin
paul's a ghost
sid and corey are robots (surgery/coffeemaker)
Wednesday 13's a vampire
joey's a zombie/frankenstein, maybe something else too. not sure yet. frontrunners include also a vampire, or maybe a cyborg. (see surgery/coffeemaker)
oh yeah jon and head are still in this too. jon is a vampire, head gets experimented on in a sexy way.
josh silver is retired from Type O to be an EMT, like in real life. he's also a werewolf. no word on whether peter steele really was a vampire yet.
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kaminari-taimei · 6 months
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Nanei - Chaos Servant
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maggotlands · 4 months
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some alien ocs i designed a while ago. theyre homo <3
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