lostdrarryfics · 2 months
Hi! I’m looking for a short fic I read where Harry speaks parseltongue randomly to Draco saying what he thinks he can’t in English about how he feels. Draco catches on and uses an earwig to hear what Harry is saying.
We believe you are looking for Be careful what you hiss for by @maesterchill (5k, E)
Don’t forget to bookmark, leave kudos and comments!
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getawayfox · 7 months
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Quote from Boy Wonder by @maesterchill (Draco/Ron/Harry, E, 6k)
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moonflower-rose · 1 year
Wobble Week, and the Soft Serve Celebration of Slumberous Schlongs
Greetings! Today is the anniversary of the birth of my homie @shiftylinguini and in a very restrained and normal fashion, I have written the first in a series of fics to celebrate her.
But I didn’t just do that very normal and restrained thing - I also created a collection on AO3 to capture other stories which are on similar themes, and my good friend and yours @maesterchill has christened it with her wonderful work An anticlimax? - go read it! 
If you know of or have written a story that features soft penises and you’d like to add it to the collection PLEASE DO! It’s open to all fandoms and pairings.
My contribution is Snug, which will be the first of seven stories about soft penises (not necessarily related to one another). If you too are partial to a soft penis, or even if you are just curious about what barmy shit I’ve written this time, check it out and don’t forget to wish Our Shifty many happy returns.
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no-name-publishing · 2 years
A quick binding to share with the community today—Chemistry (A Highly Reactive Mixture) by dustmouth, based on the drabble by MaesterChill. A sweet little comic bound in pamphlet form, about 48 pages. Adding the few touches of red throughout brought a palpable joy. Go read this comic if you haven’t yet!
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sitp-recs · 26 days
Hey hey.
R please for the fandom asks ❤️
MChill xxx
Thank you so much, my friend! 💜
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Oh, so many! It’s hard to pick a favourite really, I am here for all the brOTPs especially the ones involving the Golden Trio, the Slytherins and the Weasleys (I’d love to see more George in fic!). Among popular platonic friendships, my faves are Harry & Hermione, Draco & Pansy, Draco & Ron. I feel like Harry & Pansy + Draco & Mione could also be very cool and badass! Something about Harry’s impulsive and chaotic energy makes him a good fit for Pansy imo, and we know that Draco and Hermione would connect on the intellectual level. I’m also very much here for Ginny & Blaise, although I’d probably ship them right away lol. Blame it on Turn for converting me to this ship!
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sweet-s0rr0w · 2 months
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Welcome to the third edition of my annual collaborative Drarry sex scene reclist, featuring even more favourite smutty scenes and fics selected by Drarry writers, artists, reccers, and fans! A huge thank you to this year's contributors, @apricitydays-lazynights, @arminaa8, @drarrymyheart, @drarryspecificrecs, @elskanellis, @hoko-onchi-writes, @jtimu, @littlewinnow, @maesterchill, @mallstars, @myrtlefics, @oflights, @peachydreamxx, @pl0tty, @rainstormradish, @sitp-recs, @starquestingfordrarry, @tackytigerfic, @thecouchsofa, and @thedrarrylibrarian!
Please mind the tags and practice DLDR as unsurprisingly these fics feature a wide variety of kinks and some are dub/non-con. Don’t forget to leave kudos!
All Drarry unless a poly ship specified!
2022 Reclist / 2023 Reclist
Under 10k
Again and More So by peu_a_peu (E, 3.1k)
Control, Freely Given by jtimu (E, 3.8k)
Double or Nothing by jtimu (E, 2.5k)
Friends At Last by @letteredlettered (E, 8.7k)
Full by @moonflower-rose (E, 2.7k)
Glamours That Don't Fade by WouldItWere (E, 8.8k)
I've Got a Beautiful Feeling (Everything's Going My Way) by @toomuchplor (E, 3.6k)
jerk/off by @oknowkiss (E, 7.2k)
November Flush by @thecouchsofa (E, 5.3k)
of course i cum fast, i've got a snitch to catch by @swoontodeath (E, 7.6k)
On Display by @lqtraintracks (E, 396 words)
Scent and Sensibility by @aidaninkling (E, 7.5k)
The Roommates by @citrusses (E, 3.7k)
Team Building for Dummies by InnerLilith (E, 7k)
A Saviour’s Guide to Manners and Decorum by @wolfpants (E, 13k)
Celestial (paint me like one of your starscapes) by thecouchsofa (E, 31k)
Good Boy by lqtraintracks (E, 15k)
Löyly by citrusses (E, 10k)
Power Bottom by @cassiopeiasshadow (E, 17k)
Silhouettes by sweet_s0rr0w (E, 17k, Draco/Harry/Ron)
Strange Entanglements (the particles of us) by StarQuesting (E, 15k)
What’s Mine is Yours by @fluxweeed (E, 17k)
Wield Me by @tackytigerfic (E, 10k)
Blood and Fire by lqtraintracks (E, 45k) chapter 1, the dresser scene
Dirty Little Secret by @writcraft (E, 22k)
The Four Ds of Apparition (or: Destination, Determination, Deliberation, and Dicks) by @firethesound and @eidheann (E, 37k)
Higher and Higher (Temptation) by birdsofshore (E, 28k)
LA, Who Am I To Love You? by @epitomereally (E, 43k) chapter 4
Ligabus Filium by tessacrowley (E, 42k)
Our Objective Remains Unchanged by citrusses (E, 46k) chapter 7
Now I Know In Part by @dodgerkedavra (E, 40k)
Some Nights by thecouchsofa (E, 24k, Draco/Harry/Ron)
Waking Up Slow by sweet_s0rr0w (E, 22k)
Over 50k
Grounds for Divorce by tepre (E, 122k) chapter 7 and chapter 8
Heartlines by @shiftylinguini (E, 73k)
Licurici by @lou-isfake (E, 133k, Draco/Harry/Charlie)
Nights With You by @the-sinking-ship (E, 58k)
Only for October by dodgerkedavra (E, 54k)
Probationary Action by toomuchplor (E, 63k)
The Rewards of Being Loved by lou-isfake (E, 161k)
Rookie Moves by peu_a_peu (E, 75k)
Servile by @wellhalesbells (E, 69k)
WHISKY-TANGO-FOXTROT by @vukovich (E, 59k)
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maesterchill · 6 months
Six Sentence Thursday
Thanks for the tag @tackytigerfic and @citrusses. It's neither Saturday nor Sunday, but I hope you will accept a Thursday offering. Also, like, why are we all still maintaining the flimsy pretence that this is going to be six sentences? 😂 This snip is from my Sudsfest fic which I very much hope to complete soon 🙏 It's Harry being bumbling and ineloquent and having a bit of a gay panic and basically exactly like every poor aul Harry I write.
Smirking, Malfoy stands up to bring his plate to the sink.
"Malfoy, I..." Harry feels his cheeks getting hot. "I have another question."
Malfoy's head tilts. "Yes?"
Harry steps towards him. A bit too close, he realises belatedly. So close now he can see the faint curry stain at the corner of Malfoy's mouth, close enough to wrap his arms around Malfoy if he wanted. If he wanted. He takes a step back.
"Er, what… when you're alone in your bath, I mean... What do you think about? Is it different for werewolves, when they… do that." He gulps. “I know you like men. Do you still think about men? Or, er, male wolves?”
Malfoy's nostrils flare weirdly like he’s trying not to laugh and also trying to be shocked at the same time.
He licks his lips and steps towards Harry. "I'm not sure if I can answer that, or if I should. It's… well, it’s personal."
Harry steps back. "Of course. Merlin, I shouldn't have asked. None of my business... just curiosity I suppose."
“It’s understandable to be curious. But no, I don’t fantasise about wolves. Only human men, and the things I’d very much like to be doing with them.”
Harry’s chest thuds, and for some bizarre reason "Do you ever think of me?" comes blurting of his mouth. 
Malfoy's pupils double in size. "Harry, damn it, please." His voice is raspy. 
“Fuck, sorry. Ignore— Forget I asked. I don’t know why— Seriously, I’m an idiot.”
“Indeed.” Malfoy nods, and he places his plate and glass by the sink. “Very well. I’ll be in my room.” He pauses and adds, “Reading a book.”
Would love to read some snips from what everyone else is working on! @porcelainheart3 @phdmama @wolfpants @lqtraintracks @aibidil @mintawasalreadytaken @thehoneybeet @drarrymyheart
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shealwaysreads · 2 years
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She Always Recs: Maesterchill, Art Edition
Draco doesn’t smoke. Except when he needs to breathe. | Harry definitely doesn't smoke. Except when Malfoy needs him.
When Harry hauled Malfoy up onto his podium that night in Heaven nightclub, he knew he'd found his angel.
Few know who you are
Everyone sees what you appear to be, Few really know what you are
Is tú mo Rogha
Malfoy in a boat—a tiny thing, hide stretched over wood, the sweet elegant curve of the prow beckoning them forward, behind them nothing but the rocky rise of a small island, ahead of them nothing but sea the same grey as Malfoy’s eyes.
@maesterchill is a one of my earliest, dearest fandom friends and I couldn’t imagine life without her, so today on her birthday I am celebrating her art! Not only is she a constant source of support, generosity, and huge fun, she is also a wildly multi-talented artist and writer. Picking four pieces of art to highlight was so difficult because everything M creates is so incredibly full of story, character, and heart.
Darkly evocative, resonant with romance and nostalgia, bright and detailed, effortlessly capturing the whole world of narrative and character. @maesterchill’s art is so distinctive and stylish, so full of detail and life, that you can’t help but fall in love with everything she creates!
If you haven’t had the pleasure of diving into M’s incredible back-catalogue then do it now—you’ll find beautiful art, amazing fic (see my rec list for her writing here), and one of the kindest and loveliest folk in fandom!
See all of Maesterchill’s work on Ao3 and don’t forget to follow them here on tumblr @maesterchill 🤍
Part 3/? of my book cover art recs
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lostdrarryfics · 7 months
Hi! Could you help me find this fic please? I remember very little about it, so harry works at the ministry in patents? Something like that, he received a box with a chocolate dick, (it was by accident i think) he tries not to eat it but he can't help himself and when he puts it in his mouth he is like... wait a minute, i know this dick, and it was draco's... the chocolate had some charms... and thats all i remember. Thank you!
We believe you are looking for Eat Me by @maesterchill (11k, E)
Don't forget to bookmark, leave kudos and comments!
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tackytigerfic · 4 months
WIP Snip
Nearly finished this fic, final extended scene is a go atm. In this snippet, Harry has just arrived unexpectedly at the Manor where Draco is undercover pretending to be a Death Eater. CW for wandpoint confessions and mild angst.
Draco’s eyes narrowed but he put his hand inside his robe and then, quicker than Harry could have hoped to notice, Draco had his wand out and was holding it to Harry's throat, pressing hard so the wood bit into the tender skin under his jawline. "You are Harry, I suppose? You seem right, of course, but there’s always a chance that someone enterprising might come along with a stash of Polyjuice and a gift for impersonation.” “Oh, fuck off,” Harry managed, and the point of Draco’s wand wormed slowly deeper into flesh. “You knew it was me the second you saw me.” “Mmm, I suppose that’s true,” Draco murmured agreeably, something suggestive about how the sound travelled through the small space between them. His free hand strayed to Harry’s forehead and he brushed his fingers lightly over the dried blood that Harry could feel tightening on the skin there. “But indulge me. Tell me something only you would know.” Harry scoffed, though he was thinking with his throat tight of Arthur knocking at the door of the Burrow in the middle of the night long ago, and Molly blushing, and how they had exposed the long intimacy of their marriage for safety's sake. “There’s a lot I could tell you,” he said tightly. “If you’re really sure you want to hear it.” “By all means,” Draco said, eyes on Harry, searching for something in his face. “You fucked me in that bed and afterwards you asked me not to leave because you wanted to wake up with me? Remember?” Draco wanted to look towards the bed, Harry could tell by the way his eyes flickered, but he resisted, and so Harry went on. “You told me you wanted us to win this war just so you could take me back to London and feed me my favourite ice-cream off your spoon. You told me the only thing you miss about France is how you and your mum really got to know each other properly, and that when she gets back you want to take her for dinner to that little French bistro we went to that time in Edinburgh. I know you remember that, you said the wine was better than anything in the cellar here.” Draco nodded shortly, and almost regretfully pulled his wand away from Harry’s neck. He didn’t move away. “Yes, fair enough, I believe you.” But Harry couldn’t stop, didn’t know how to shut up now he had started. “The last time we were together, you told me that I’m generous with my love. Do you remember that? And I wondered then… because I’d never said it, had I? Not out loud, anyway. Neither of us had. But I thought, maybe— Maybe it meant that you knew.” Draco was staring, his eyes wide and shocked, a blush crawling up his neck, blotchy with heat. Neither of them moved, the silence between them growing until Harry could practically feel it. Draco almost raised his hand to Harry then; Harry sensed the arrested movement, the enforced stillness. He didn’t know what he’d do if Draco touched him. But he didn’t have to find out, because that’s when the knock at the door sounded.
Does anyone have a snippet they'd like to share? Consider yourself tagged and pls tag me so i can see as i've been off tumblr and i miss every single thing on here. And I'll no-pressure-tag @boxboxlewis @citrusses @fluxweeed @maesterchill @moonflower-rose @skeptiquex @sweet-s0rr0w @the-starryknight plus the FrotCotLot.
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dronarryfest · 2 months
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What an incredible first week of dronarry! Here is the roundup of all the amazing works we’ve shared so far. We’re giving you the Sunday off to catch up if you haven't yet! And we want to send a huge THANK YOU to our wonderful readers for all the comments and kudos you’ve been sending. Keep them coming and stay tuned for week two!
[FIC] Some Nights || E || 23k || by @thecouchsofa
Ron fucks up his Silencing Charms in the dorms one night. Then Malfoy does. The rest, as they say, is history. 
💭 Came for the filth stayed for the feels. And the filth. Scorching hot, funny as fuck, got me curling my toes so hard my whole leg cramped. - emsuemsu
💭 This is so incredibly perfect, like the smut is perfect but Harry’s cluelessness and excitement is amazing and Ron just rolling with the punches…needless to say I’ve already read it more than once - marebear723
[FIC] Hear Me Out || E || 5k || by @rainstormradish
“I know this is all just a big joke to you,” whispered Draco, his lips inches from Ron’s ear, his breath on his neck, his hips pressed against him, Merlin, “but I need you to fucking commit to the bit here, Ron.”
💭 I am burning UP. i love how distinct each of their characters are. And the tension???? God, they’re all so sexy. - lostinyourcostellation
💭 Scorching hot! Absolutely love this premise & the way you carried it out here felt sooo good. Wonderfully done :) - thestarryknight
[ART] Signing The Forever Bond || G || by @digthewriter
No fanfare adorned their sacred moment, no gaze of a world eager to witness, for they sought not the spotlight's glow but rather the quiet dance of shared hearts. And some paperwork.
💭 I adore long hair Dronarry! What beautiful patterns and color, and I love their comfortable closeness and contentment. adore long hair Dronarry! What beautiful patterns and color, and I love their comfortable closeness and contentment. -schmem_14
💭  This is so gorgeous! I'm obsessed with ALL the details. Bearded Draco! There isn't enough Bearded!Draco content, honestly. - sleepstxtic
[FIC] Permanent || M || 14k || by @citrusses
"Harry's always been fixated on older men. Have you ever noticed that, Ron?” Granger asks. “Have I ever noticed—Hermione, we’ve lived with the bloke for years! He doesn’t bring them home much, but I’m not blind. I see who he’s shagging.” “And David, an older man, tells Harry ‘Saviour Complex’ Potter he needs him to save the world?” “He didn’t stand a chance,” Ron agrees. “Fascinating,” Draco says, in a strangled voice.
💭 I love this so much. I can't wait to reread it. What a gorgeous fucking fic with beautiful, agonising detail and introspection. - TheGoblinMatriarch
💭 Omg I don’t want to be that person BUT I COULD READ 300K OF THIS it was brilliant! - Moonflower_Rose
[FIC] These Foolish Little Games || E || 8.5k || by @schmem14
Thanks to a falling out between Harry and Ron, Draco can finally get together with Harry, have the most spectacular and inappropriate office sex, and enjoy Weasley-free weekends out. Life is perfect. So why does he have the nagging feeling he should get the estranged best friends to patch things up?
💭 Incredibly steamy, love the setup of a Ron/Harry fight and Draco’s scheming ❤️❤️❤️❤️ - citrusses
💭 yesssss - i am always here for the under the desk shenanigans. Lol at how easily they convinced Ron. There was no hope for him 😂 - MaesterChill
[FIC] Edging into His Heart || E || 5k || by @chelsiewhitlock & diplobeanz
Stuck on a long stakeout, Draco has reached the end of his patience with Ron Weasley's rule. In an effort to make the best of the situation, he decides to push the boundaries and past the edge of propriety. Shenanigans ensue.
💭  THIS is the Draco Ron dynamic I’m here for 😍 this story was fucking hot, and that tantric spell thingy oh, my… 🥵 - schmem_14
💭 wowww the dynamics you have going on here!!! 100/10 will be thinking about forever.  - fluxweed
[FIC] People Are Boring || E || 14.3k || by @starquestingfordrarry
“Alright, what’s your terrible news?” Draco braces himself on Harry’s desk. “Weasley’s hot.” “You’ll have to be more specific, there are a lot of hot Weasleys.” Draco makes a strangled, groaning sound in his throat. “The Weasley. Weasel. Weasel-by. Your Weasley.” Harry’s heart jumps to his throat, and his stomach drops to his shoes. “Ron’s back?”
💭 THAT.WAS. DMCJSKDKCJDH. I was excited, my heart ached at one point, I cried, then screeched, this really did have it all 🔥 - Jaqie
💭 So softly angsty then so tender then so sexy. This dynamic just works beautifully, and your Ron is 🔥🔥🔥 - gr8k8
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sitp-recs · 2 years
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A Quickening Hope, A Freshening Glee by @maesterchill
Harry/Draco, Sirius/Remus (2022, Teen, 4k)
Joy comes to Harry and Draco alongside a quickening of heart, and of body, and of breath. Or: The one where Draco and Harry find out from Remus Lupin in a Ministry lift that they're going to have a baby. And Sirius flips out.
“We are a power couple…” Draco mused. “Of course it only makes sense that we would be power parents also.” Harry snorted at that.
Can you believe how many amazing people are having bdays back to back in June? Love to see it but the Tumblr logistics are stressing me out ngl 😂 happy happy birthday, darling Maester and Commander (stealing Tacky’s tag because it’s perfect)! I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy this little gift rec. I love sharing this fandom with you and getting to enjoy your delightful fics AND exquisite art, both for Drarry and rare pairs (which I can’t wait to see more!!). It took me forever to decide how to celebrate your day. You have just gifted me one of the most incredible Sirry fics I’ve ever read, and I still can’t think about it without choking up and feeling my heart burst with tenderness for their dynamics and wall sex. I’ve reread that beauty more times than I care to admit but it would be lazy work to rec it again since my unhinged reblog already took care of it 😂 if anyone’s looking for superb sexy & tender age gap smut, it doesn’t get any better than this!!
I decided to go with your wonderful, feel-good recent Mpreg fic which explores the trope in such a lovely and comforting way it made my heart ache. I know many people are picky about this trope (myself included) and because of that some works don’t get a lot of exposure until they get recced so here I am to give it a special shout-out as one of my favorite reads of 2022 so far! Pretty much like Em, I have the biggest soft spot for tender established relationship and this Everybody Lives AU with Wolfstar + Drarry has perfect joyful, found family vibes, it put a big smile on my face from beginning to end!
Remus and Sirius are both charming and bigger than life - I love their energy, how they balance each other, and it’s quite emotional to see how their fatherly dynamics with Harry and Draco could look like. The idea that Remus’ super wolf hearing makes him the bearer of good news is so clever and sweet! In fact I adore many things this fic comes up with: Drarry’s mental bond, pregnant & horny Draco (also: “kissed him, a proprietary hand still on Draco's stomach” is now my new favourite line, jfc 🔥), and Sirius’ workshop!!! What a brilliant idea to have him partner up with Arthur to tinker around, I can’t believe I’ve never seen this take before. Em has a fabulous grasp of Sirius’ young spirit and child-like enthusiasm without making him inadequate, it’s so fun to read and I love the affectionate nicknames he has for everyone!
This fic is nice and heartwarming just the way we need it on bad days, with zero drama, just soft, happy ending vibes and I love that for us. Get ready to laugh and swoon over these soon-to-be-parents boys and have fun with their slightly chaotic dynamics as the family grows. Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments, and while you’re at it, why not check the rest of Em’s A+ catalogue? Here’s a fabulous reclist by our @sweet-s0rr0w and more gorgeous art recs by @shealwaysreads to get you started 🙌
Read on AO3
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harrydracobang · 2 years
Drarry Art + Fic: What’s in a Name
Title: What’s in a Name Author: JK_Terfling_Can_Suck_My_Silicone_Dick Artist(s): @maesterchill Pairing(s): Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Other Key Characters: Narcissa Malfoy Rating: General Word Count: 15k Art Medium: Digital Era: EWE/Post-War Content/Warnings: Secret Relationship, Established Relationship, Happy Ending, POV Draco Malfoy, Mild Reference to Panic Attacks Summary: Draco and Harry have been married in secret for a decade, and up until now it’s been bliss. What happens when one of them changes their mind? Author’s Notes: This was my first ever Harry Potter fest! I had a bunch of fun, and my artist is absolutely spectacular - what a great experience, and a very lovely piece of art to write for. Artist’s Notes: Big thanks to JK_Terfling for choosing my art as inspiration for his story. I'm so excited for everyone to read it - secret husbands!! Thanks also to the wonderful mods for being helpful and patient and running a really fantastic fest!
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sweet-s0rr0w · 9 months
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drarry | E | 22k | christmas shop owner Draco Malfoy | statute office worker Harry Potter | summer romance | bad christmas jumpers | sex in the stock room | magically (over)powerful HP | lovely english countryside | nosy b&b owners | memory loss | spot the other fic references! | gorgeous digital art
'Twas the night before Christmas, although it’s July Draco’s a shopkeeper, no-one knows why There’s hiking and witch caves, freak snowfalls and more Bad Christmas jumpers, nosy neighbours galore Narcissa’s here too, but… something’s amiss And what’s in those chocolates that’s making them kiss?
Enormous thanks to @tackytigerfic, @maesterchill, @getawayfox, and of course to the wonderful @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm for coming back for more!
If you find yourself in the mood for Christmas-in-July vibes and strange British humour, all with a little angst, a little smut, and a little mystery thrown into the mix,
you can read Waking Up Slow here on AO3!
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hd-wireless · 3 months
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🎵Hey dudes, the time has come. Take a fab song and make it better. Remember to claim for fic or art, Then you can start…  to get creative
And anytime you wanna claim For podfics, it’s the same, Just choose from our list that’s right before you. Don’t be a fool and play it cool Oh dude, it’s true The song that you need is waiting for you
Na-na-na-na-na Na-na-na-naaaaah 🎵
Time to choose the song that you've let get under your skin!
You can find all prompts in our 2024 Prompt Gallery. Or if you'd rather create a podfic check out our Podfic Prompt Gallery, all prompts have written consent to be turned into a podfic from our former participants!
All participants MUST read our Rules & Guidelines and confirm that they've done so. If you haven't yet, please check out the fest rules, it is crucial for a stress-free participation. Anxiety who? With our rules you won't have that!
Once you've found your prompt and read the rules, hop onto our claiming form HERE.
If you want to go with the vibe check out our Spotify playlist that includes all prompts available on Spotify, created with the help of our lovely friend @evaeleanor
Claims for art and podfic are unlimited, however fic claims are capped at 80, so get in there quick and don't miss the Wireless train!
Let's get that party started!
Your mods
@maesterchill @candybarrnerd @gnarf
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So claim the prompt you want to create, and make the fandom world a little better, better, better, better, BETTER, BETTER, oh!
Good luck!
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tackytigerfic · 4 months
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Drarry ~ E ~ 10k ~ Blacksmith Draco ~ Unspeakable Harry ~ attractive adventurer Teddy Lupin
Written for the @drarrymicrofic song prompt Who We Are by my countryman Hozier. "Oh Christ, hold me like a knife" inspired this one.
A gift for my dear friend @sitp-recs who means so much to me and who inspires me to look beyond my own drarry-centric brain and see the beauty in Teddy Lupin other characters. Happy belated birthday, Livvy!
Love and thanks to @maesterchill and @sweet-s0rr0w who lend their brilliant brains to me and always make things so much better.
Please check tags and author's notes for warnings!
Wield Me
You’re not an easy man to track down,” Harry said from the doorway, where he was leaning like he was meant to be there. Draco hadn’t heard him arrive over the greedy roar of the flames in the forge, the measured exhaled rhythm of the bellows.
Harry was sweating already, top lip shining, cheeks pink with heat. His t-shirt had damp patches under the arms, a dark spreading vee across the chest.
“You have to really want me to find me,” Draco told him, taking a lazy sort of pleasure when Harry smiled at that, as Draco had known he would. “And anyway, you saw me last week at the pub.”
“Doesn’t count,” Harry said, succinctly. “That was pleasure, not business.”
Pleasure, Draco thought, the word rolling over him, something physical in it, like the memory of spilled beer and low lighting and, much later, Draco’s mouth swollen from the feel of Harry’s stubble, and then he remembered himself and cast Harry a chastising look.
“Are you just here to distract me, or do you have a purpose for this visit? Only I’ve got a lot on, so…” He gestured at their surroundings, the low fervid light from the forge, the fat-bellied leather bellows, the anvil sitting squat, backlit against the flames. Harry followed his movement, his eyes catching on the faint gleam of tools sitting on the workbench and beyond that, the display shelves where metal winked through the faint haze of smoke.
“I need to commission you,” Harry said.
Read the rest on AO3
Image: Octavian Dan on unsplash
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