devilzfiend · 7 months
Some more art of Keeper Home
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E allora mi chiedo chi sono. E nudo senza specchi, cerco nell'anima, fragile anima, una radice. E trovo dei rami innesti del tempo, di semi caduti portati dal vento, e altri lasciati da mille viandanti, che riparo, sventura o gioia nel tronco han trovato. E mi chiedo che sono. E trovo frutti acerbi e maturi alcuni succosi, altri secchi e insapori. E sento profumi di aghi di bosco, di sale e di sole, e terra e aroma di vino, di pioggia il sentore. E nudo mi chiedo chi sono. E cerco le forme ancestrali di cellule senza colori, forgiate da vita ed umori, caleidoscopi di brandelli di cuore. E ancora non capisco chi sono. Si muove il respiro, che tacito ascolta. Rimette i vestiti l'anima mia, riprende la via.
Almina Madau
_____Luka Khabelashvili
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dance-world · 5 months
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Claudio Coviello and Walter Madau - photo by Raoul Iacometti 
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lumpofwhump · 2 years
Find the Word Tag Game
I got a couple of tags for this one -- Thanks!
@whumpsday gave me the words Please, Thank, Hardly, and Softly.
@soheavyaburden gave me the words Burn, Damn, Wince, and Silent.
So, here goes!
Please (Kohat RP with @soheavyaburden):
"The first day that Zail been able to walk without stumbling, even while still leaning against the wall in order to do so, the guards had come to his cell and hauled him, quite easily, by the elbow into the bolted-down chair in the corner of the room without explanation. Before he even could ask what was happening, he heard a snip, and felt the sudden cold of the room against the back of his neck as the hair covering it fell to the floor. He’d broken down completely the first time he'd felt a cut directly to the side of one of his antennae, thrashing wildly even as he realized the danger in doing so. "NO! No! STOP! Please! I'll - I'll tell you anything," he'd promised. 'I'll do anything! Whatever you want, let me -'
The guards paused briefly, as if considering, as he lost the ability to continue speaking, but in the end pulled him back against the chair as he sobbed mutely."
Thank (Enclave RP with @skinofafish):
"Topher nods, still looking uncomfortable at the way Richardson describes subjects. However, he figures that, unlike Fletcher (hopefully), the director is too set in his ways to be convinced on this. 'Thank you. I’ll take good care of… of Clay. That’s what he prefers to be called, right?' It would take some adjusting. Alaric and the others generally referred to him by spitting his last name out like an epithet."
Hardly (The Scavenger & the Forgotten, Part 6):
"'Nice try,' the man said casually, ignoring Clee as she sputtered to defend herself against the accusation, right before one of the soldiers fired a shot directly into the other woman's head. She collapsed to the ground with hardly a sound, while Radu yelped and jumped back, his clothes now coated in blood."
Softly (Kohat RP):
"Lenavee went to Sid’s cell. After a brief look toward her own cell, confirming Erukah wasn't there, she knocked softly on the door."
Burn (Enclave RP):
“Barclay stared at Zail warily, half-expecting that this stranger was part of another of Katie’s sick games. When Zail briefly met his eyes, he looked away, his face burning."
Damn (Enclave RP):
"'DON’T!' Harlowe yelled. She knew how this ended, when they didn’t play by the rules set by the guards. Seeing her warning was pointless, though, and seeing Koutoujian raising her gun, Harlowe charged the senior guard, bracing for the worst. She took one shot, two shots, three shots, and felt none of them. Not yet. She jumped over the low partition separating the guards from the Scrap Heap and flung herself at Koutoujian, head butting her, taking her to the floor, and then sinking her teeth into Koutoujian’s shoulder.
Koutoujian already had her at point-blank range, though, and shot her to the chest. Damn. Less precise than she’d like, but the labby would bleed out fast enough, even if she hadn’t hit anything vital."
Wince (Kohat RP):
"Harlowe abruptly tore off toward Wes Madaus’s apartment building. She could get into the building easily enough. That was a bad sign.
A better sign, though not for her, was that when she picked the lock, she promptly got a fist to the face.
Rather than stopping there, Fiona Madaus kneed her hard to the gut. 'YOU COULD’VE FUCKING KNOCKED,' Fiona fumed.
Harlowe shook her head with a wince. 'Needed to check.'"
Silent (Kohat RP):
"'Now let's see,' Kageki said, moving slowly and deliberately through the crowd of stunned and panicked onlookers. 'I can only spend so long here. Lots of things to see, lots of things to do before my time's up. So, apologies, but I can only spend my time on the people important enough to be worth killing.' He pulled a gun out of his coat with his offhand and pointed it at the head of the other barista. 'How about you,' he said, just loud enough to cut through the sound of screaming. 'How many people will miss you when you're gone?'
The crowd went nearly silent, and people looked to one another, whispering, trying to figure out what to do. The barista whimpered and looked around for support, and her fearful expression intensified into a look of betrayal. She wailed."
@skinofafish @wolfeyedwitch @kira-the-whump-enthusiast
Not sure if any of you have already done this one (in the recent past...), but if you have time, spoons and interest, here are four words for you to find!
Tear, Hold, Miss, Bury
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gramilano · 2 years
La Scala in città - Milan's opera house offers five days of free events
La Scala in città decentralises performances, scattering the orchestra, chorus, and ballet in various locations around Milan – and it is all free.
La Scala in città – corps de ballet at the Bagni Misteriosi, photo Brescia e Amisano, Teatro alla Scala La Scala continues with its successful project to decentralise performances, scattering the orchestra, chorus, corps de ballet and its ballet school students in various locations around Milan – and it is all free. Twenty-two performances in 18 locations make up La Scala in città, running from…
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linhthushop · 1 year
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✌️có sẵn ☘️ khử khuẩn miệng 💁🏻‍♀️ xúc miệng trị ho thần kỳ Salviathymol nội điạ Đức🇩🇪 👉🏻Cực hiệu quả với người hay bị ho, ho lâu ngày, uống kháng sinh đến tiền triệu có khi chẳng đỡ nhưng chỉ cần dùng tinh chất ho thần kỳ xúc họng đảm bảo 1 tuần là khỏi mà lại ko phải uống hại gan hại thận. 👉🏻Có thể dùng thường xuyên như một cách phòng ngừa viêm họng, nhiệt miệng, trị hôi miệng. 👉🏻Salviathymol N hoàn toàn từ thảo dược được tổng hợp tinh dầu từ cây xô thơm, bạch đàn, bạc hà, quế, đinh hương, cây thì là, hoa hồi và các chất sát trùng như thymol và levomenthol. Rất an toàn ✅ Cách Dùng: Dùng 10 giọt Salviathmon N pha với 50ml nước (20 giọt pha với 100ml nước) súc miệng sâu trong họng (không nuốt, lỡ nuốt chút cũng ko sao). Súc miệng 1 ngày 3 lần sau khi ăn. Có thể dùng liên tục. Nếu đã đỡ ho thì có thể pha dung dịch loãng hơn, 5-6 giọt với 50ml. 👉Giá : 295k/ chai 50ml ☎️0️⃣9️⃣3️⃣8️⃣1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣3️⃣5️⃣1️⃣ #salviathymol #madaus #hangduc #hangducnoidia #hangducgiatots #hangducsaigon #linhthushop #mykastore (at LinhThu's Shop) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpwIHGPPjbO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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southernlonewolf · 8 months
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Tu sei la mia poesia.
L’unica musica che sento suonare
melodia che sa di gioia o di dolore,
strumento che vibra dentro il mio cuore.
Almina Madau
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armandoandrea2 · 8 months
Godimi in quest'attimo
godi l'interezza del pensiero
saziati di corrompente incertezza,
altalenando con il senso di pienezza
e l'utopica visione di mistero
mai scoperto
sul ciglio di quell' uscio che è la tua pazzia
nel centro del mio ventre che poi è quella mia
mai celata
concreta salita verso un piacere immenso
consapevolezza e sdegno del mio senso.
Almina Madau
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sklogw · 11 months
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madau et al. 2014: cosmic history of star formation. star formation density as a function of redshift. peaks at around redshift 2. probably the most important plot in the field of galaxy evolution
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444names · 1 year
external khuzdul names + minerals + brythonic deities BUT excluding "ite"
Abanis Abarnus Abasonine Abayasson Abwenium Acele Afghuba Agnetine Agoisler Agreghte Ahery Akerapar Akhar Alacos Alate Alauin Algar Alincel Aline Alson Ambis Ambotte Amionne Ampyrot Analulum Anawstütz Andronium Angstione Anise Anksiddin Antandes Aplestis Aquilver Arnate Arrosal Artis Aucametar Auddenste Auine Aultis Avaus Aviviana Awavis Bacca Balan Balete Balis Bankovi Baros Basenus Benste Berctor Beric Beride Berimos Beris Berne Berot Berrotta Bette Bixinia Blogate Bogorane Bollomen Borbenia Bourans Bractou Brapaste Brase Bremankis Brium Brolme Bromet Buelinium Bunus Burre Burtheli Buxier Buyne Buyttrór Cabanos Cafornete Cagne Cahne Camberin Camion Cammone Camus Capodot Caranbus Carate Carbanos Cardianus Carse Carvo Catio Caubellus Cavide Celbismur Celsmin Cemagne Cerbus Cereatana Cerin Cernus Cespis Cethyl Cevine Chilli Chiriplo Chron Chráini Chrór Cladolum Clase Claus Clausis Clete Cline Cofanalax Colic Colline Colyte Comala Comele Comse Conin Copald Copase Copis Cormeris Covidia Coviland Covin Cryogolin Cuanna Cubis Culaferia Cussum Cymon Cyroma Dalmes Deliven Deste Dialephte Dinus Dongtum Dromeste Dwatte Edrase Ekane Ektaesus Eldium Emarge Emayfaum Emazunte Erine Evene Fagros Farphypin Fericus Ferid Feris Fermaucry Ferus Flumanot Fluse Foslein Foutne Frase Frectrum Funnis Furqual Fílini Gaarsis Gagnet Gahne Galsager Gamone Ganony Garnberis Gaste Gerihole Geris Giamia Gmarmase Gortine Grararin Graus Gravorili Grens Grovid Gwoleus Halax Halcos Halugèrin Halybdin Hanus Hanyen Hapiar Heaum Heriust Hinad Hinnus Hordipse Housmio Huprope Hübne Hübnos Iclinesta Icondel Idamin Idium Ilinete Ingsillos Ircum Jadhany Jadrid Jaffis Jampenus Jargus Jastine Jetre Jiannalc Jurquen Jurutne Kaens Kalilhain Kaman Kamane Keffette Kerium Kerum Khunne Kolde Kovedele Koverry Kovertous Kovis Krani Kraseate Kraserris Kromovin Kutungum Lagne Lagre Landum Lansis Laste Lathus Lectiest Lemen Lenional Lennale Lenoine Lenomper Lephen Leryte Lesmapid Limium Lindrin Loguara Loran Lovium Lumelde Luordin Luorna Lusambia Lybalzan Lévyncmes Madaus Magne Majorár Malachrór Mandoni Manna Manortin Mante Marsuyte Mawle Melasse Melbane Melle Menohos Mesparvi Meste Metis Micergus Micos Miede Mioselar Molus Monnate Monte Montz Moridium Mulin Nabis Narine Natighel Nette Niumenium Nocerne Nohene Nohestio Nolum Nordin Novend Obaylus Oberse Otaeitzin Otrel Pacevi Papous Papse Parvaus Patte Paustobou Pazlena Pechris Penkerine Phauchre Picrium Piypsot Plamel Plaum Polinne Psconus Pselli Pumberoet Putus Pyrid Pyroca Pyros Pyrot Pyrrhale Pääkköne Relazus Relschia Retrax Rosia Rosputhor Rugine Ruvilin Sacote Sagnellum Sanus Sapar Sasgus Scambenad Schte Scoclane Segen Selscoid Senine Sevogus Shase Simthis Sminevi Sodalc Spary Spaus Sphyne Spine Stargente Stasis Sthax Stili Stime Stita Stobar Stona Stonitz Stravale Sumbetz Sumbutte Surma Suvildri Svangar Sérakros Talase Tamete Tankale Tannabar Tarse Tasta Theme Thibigne Thodote Thomele Thouis Thouttra Tisideni Tiste Tocac Tomer Tonium Tratis Trelin Tripper Tuklia Tunus Ucamus Ulase Ulria Urquet Vanonus Vantony Vautte Veine Verin Veros Vette Vichry Visingin Vlagraues Vlanne Voret Vulin Wager Weerne Wenitz Wherne Whilin Wüste Xanine Xanna Xifer Ximicker Xonne Ytermen Zacoehlos Zajordia Zalcana Zarin Zenalcius Zhaum Zhoum Zirchte Ziris Zorman Zormate Zulven Zykinoles
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kinesixtape · 2 months
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19 April 2024 | Weekly Reading List
On Disability
Andrews, A. (2020). A quick & easy guide to sex & disability. Limerence Press, Inc. |
Xu, Wendy and Suzanne Walker (2019). Mooncakes. LionForge, LLC.
Journal Articles
On Disability and Higher Education
Madaus, J. W. (2011). The history of disability services in higher education. In: New directions for higher education, 2011(154), 5–15. https://doi.org/10.1002/he.429
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sardies · 3 months
Al Liceo Musicale Azuni presentato il libro “La musica. E la vita in mezzo”
seg_vivi Sassari. “La musica. E la vita in mezzo”. È il titolo del libro che è stato presentato nell’auditorium del Liceo Musicale Azuni di Sassari, curato dai docenti Fabio Madau e Francesca Deriu e pubblicato da Angelica Editore grazie al contributo della Fondazione di Sardegna. Il volume raccoglie quattro conversazioni avvenute nell’anno scolastico 2019-2020, una poco prima della pandemia da…
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wutbju · 5 months
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Jacqueline “Jackie” Denise Abraham, 61, of Lost Creek, passed away on Saturday, December 30, 2023, at United Hospital Center with family by her side.
She was born September 27, 1962, in Clarksburg, daughter of Jacob “Dave” Davis Post of Lost Creek and the late Nancy Lee Cunningham Post.
Jackie graduated from South Harrison High School, Class of 1980, and Bob Jones University with a B.A. in Youth Ministries in 1984 and later took graduate-level counseling courses. She was a lifelong homemaker, secretary for Bible Baptist Temple, and accountant/bookkeeper at Simplified Accounting Center.
She was a member of Bible Baptist Temple, where she was a Sunday school teacher for over 30 years. She was always volunteering and helping anyone who needed it. Her hobbies include being an apiarist, riding her bike and her horse, Babe, and was an animal lover.
In addition to her father, Jackie is survived by her husband of 34 years, Gregory “Greg” Abraham, whom she married on March 25, 1989; two sons, Joel Abraham and fiancée, Sarah Burns, Lost Creek, Caleb Abraham, Pittsburgh, PA; one brother, Jacob “Walt” Walter Post, and wife Karen, West Milford; and one aunt, Elizabeth Ann Post, Jane Lew; sister-in-law, Cynthia Hill, Bridgeport; brother-in-law, Brian Abraham, and wife Tonya, Meadland; several nieces, nephews, and cousins.
In addition to her mother, Jackie was preceded in death by her father-in-law and mother-in-law, Richard and Martha Abraham; brother-in-law, Ronald “Ron” Hill Jr.; niece, Megan Hill; several aunts and uncles.
Family will receive friends at Davis Funeral Home, 124 Olen Thomas Drive, Clarksburg, WV 26301 for visitation Wednesday, January 3, 2023, from 3-7 p.m. and on Thursday, January 4, 2023, from 9 a.m. until time of the Funeral Service at 11 a.m. with Pastor Charles Madaus officiating. Interment will follow at Lost Creek Seventh Day Baptist Cemetery.
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lumpofwhump · 2 years
For Harlowe:
R9: Tell me about a character who doesn't like your character. Why don't they like them?
R17: Who is your character loyal to? Who would they betray, and what would it take for them to do it?
- @soheavyaburden
Thanks for the asks, and sorry for the wait!
R9: Tell me about a character who doesn't like your character. Why don't they like them?
The ones who come to mind most are Koutoujian and Usalmy.
For Koutoujian, Harlowe - with her not-quite-human physical features, her superhuman strength and endurance, and her violent tendencies - is the ur-example of a genmod, thus reminding her of what she's trying to distance herself from. Harlowe's showing no fear of her, and no respect whatsoever to boot, further infuriates her. Harlowe taking her as a hostage in an attempt to escape captivity and learning that she’s half-genmod in the process did not improve their relationship in the slightest.
Usalmy's hatred of Harlowe is similarly based both on what Harlowe represents to her and what Harlowe has actually done to harm her. Unkempt, unpredictable and defiant Harlowe is a blight on the universe as far as the controlling Usalmy, with all her rigid views about how people should look and speak and behave, is concerned. Harlowe knows it, and enjoys metaphorically poking her in the eye at every opportunity. Of course, Usalmy would point to the fact that Harlowe has nearly murdered her, twice. Harlowe would respond that the first time, she was defending Morton from Usalmy, and the second time, well… some people, in Harlowe's opinion, just need a good killing.
R17: Who is your character loyal to? Who would they betray, and what would it take for them to do it?
The people Harlowe is close to, and thus defend-to-the-death-level loyal to, are:
Annette Mizner (Kohat)
Zail Quendatt (Kohat)
Zail's daughters (Kohat)
Nell Koutoujian (Kohat)
Arianne Drulović (Kohat)
Lenavee Yuim (Kohat)
Wes Madaus (Kohat)
Jinn Thornton (Enclave)
Alaric (Enclave)
Radu (Enclave)
In the Kohat continuity, she's had fallings-out with Jeff Baker, Morton Gröninger, and Topher Farley, but if they were really in trouble, she'd still protect them from harm.
I have a hard time imagining Harlowe knowingly putting the above people in harm's way… even the ones she doesn't have a close (or any) relationship with anymore. However, I could see her impulsively and violently turning on an acquaintance or friend who threatened one of the above people, such as if she believed that Zail's wife Miersma was going to harm him again. If both people involved survived the incident, there'd probably be no going back or repairing the relationship.
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ovnihoje · 8 months
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southernlonewolf · 1 year
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...ferisce l'anima il pensiero
il respiro prolunga il sospiro.
...ferisce l'orgoglio la solitudine
il cuore batte nel petto pesante.
Non manca null'altro.
Manchi tu.
Almina Madau
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