#lurantis care tips
quillpokebiology · 1 year
Hi! do you know any interesting facts about Lurantis?
I do! I really like them, and while it's not a lurantis, my friend has a fomantis named Snapdragon who I absolutely love.
Lurantis Facts
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-The scientific name for Lurantis is "Montoludia sicula" which translates to "Sickle soothsayer-actress"
-When lurantis were first discovered, there was a lot of controversy on why they should be classified as a bug type. But further research shows that it isn’t bugs pretending to be plants; it’s plants pretending to be bugs
-Scientists theorize that the reason lurantis became predators was because they weren’t getting enough sunlight at some point in history
-As ambush predators, lurantis are able to sit in an area for days without the need of sunlight or food; waiting for their next prey
-The Alolan saying, “A plant in bug’s silk,” which refers to someone who is pretending to be nice only to betray you, came from lurantis
-Male lurantis are slightly smaller than female luranits
-Newer studies show that ancient lurantis were shown to be grass/poison types. There is still a large debate among that between researchers, though
-Because of the the protectors on its eyes, everything it sees has a red tint
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(Art by Kantarou on Zerochan.net)
-A common misconception is that the lurantis line is related to the leavanny line. This isn't true at all. Its similarities to leavanny is just convergant evolution
-Lurantis have a "flower mode," which is a state they go into when sleeping or going into camaflouge
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(From concept art)
-Female lurantis are more aggressive than male lurantis. It's also one of the few species where the female will fight and compete for males
-They developed the "goggles" on their eyes to protect them from pollen and dust
-They care a lot about their appearance and will spend a lot of time editing it and preening themselves
-Lurantis are good pest controls for unwanted bug types
-Lurantis in Alola tend to be more colorful than the lurantis in any other region because of the amount of sun (the ones in Galar tend to be the dullest)
Care Tips
(For the Anon that asked but I couldn't awnser)
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Lurantis can be a big change from fomantis. They become bigger, require more work, and are more aggressive. But once you get the hang of it and get used to daily routines, it won't be difficult at all!
Lurantis require a lot of sunlight and become wilted and irritable if they don't get enough. Giving them a lot of time outside where they have open sunlight is highly recommended. A good space for them would be an open field with a small pond or fountain to play in and bathe themselves.
If your lurantis is female, it can be harder to train them since they're more stubborn and aggressive. Trying to bond with them in activities they like or trying to understand why they won't listen (like why they use Solar beam instead of sword dance as an example). They're smart, and will find a way to communicate these issues with you.
They enjoy more aggressive playtime. Toys like the feather toys in Galar or tug of war would be games and toys they really enjoy.
A thing to look out for would be their sharp toe tips and the sharp tips at the end of their leaves. They can be as dangerous as knives, and you can get hurt if you touch them. Plus, they can scratch your walls and furniture
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pokemoncaretips · 7 months
there's this Lurantis that I've just found out has been hanging around my greenhouse, I have no idea how long it's been living there, but it seems relatively friendly and I'm debating on catching it, do you have any care tips?
General notes: The lurantis is a pretty high care pokemon, with a lot of grooming requirements. A carnivorous pokemon, it does need feeder pokemon, though some particularly open minded lurantis have learned to eat carnivore kibble.
General care: Starting off with the fomantis, it is a strictly nocturnal pokemon. As it sleeps, it absorbs sunlight, and is quite active at night. However, they don't like to sleep in the same place twice in a row, so multiple flower pots or garden beds are essential for their care. Do not disturb them while sleeping, as they can be quite aggressive when just woken up. They think you're a predator, and even if they realize you're a friend, by that point they'll have likely injured you.
I strongly recommend overhead netting, as this line is often preyed upon by avian pokemon.
Lurantis is larger and bolder, and more diurnal. As a carnivore, it often lies in wait to ambush curious bug types investigating its scent. If you can't handle seeing cutieflies snapped up like popcorn, this may not be the pokemon for you.
Lurantis requires a lot of grooming and trimming to maintain its camouflage, and this is essential to maintaining a bond with them. Though largely solitary, lurantis in the wild do occasionally meet up to gather and use their sharp claws to trim each others leaves. If it feels neglected by you, it can hurt your trainer/pokemon bond.
The daily grooming requirements are pretty extensive, and you can find a lot of good info on mewtube. Floralyss15 and her partner lurantis are particularly good, as her partner is happy to act as demonstration.
As a tropical pokemon, it struggles with cold temperatures, and if the temperature looks like it's going to go to frost temperatures, take them inside.
This pokemon requires extensive care in its later evolution, and a fair amount of space when young. Care rating: Red
Training: Though fomantis can be quite frail, lurantis is a pretty willing and decent battler, especially if you have a close bond with it, though they do have a tendency to get huffy and dramatic. Training rating: Green
Safety: Fomatis may be small but it does have sharp little blades to defend itself with, and lurantis blades are lethally sharp, reinforced with silica into a cutting edge. With the fomantis tendency to lash out when startled and the lurantis reputation for histrionics, this is not a safe line for children. Safety rating: Orange
Overall ranking. A pretty pokemon and a favourite in the contest circuit, but a LOT of hard work to maintain.
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bugs-and-grass · 6 months
Hi there!! Do you have any Lurantis care tips? I've been making sure to regularly groom and care for my Lurantis, Ambrosia, but I wondered is there anything more I could be doing for her?
First off? Remember that Lurantis are Grass-types, not Bug-types. They need plenty of time in the sun! Try and make sure she has either an open area to wander safely, or at very least go on regular walks with her.
Also, please give Ambrosia an extra smooch on the forehead for me, she sounds adorable!
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pokemoncenter · 6 months
Hi there! I have a Lurantis, nicknamed Ambrosia, and while I have been making sure to groom her regularly I wondered if you have any tips for Lurantis care? I want to make sure she's happy and well cared for. Thank you! -@trainerinasenseoftheword
I have nothing for grooming, no.
The thing to remember about Lurantis is that their vision is motion-based- They have difficulty seeing things that are not moving. Toys and such that do not move will generally not engage their interest, as they simply will not see them.
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pokeology · 1 year
hi, im a galarian trainer studying abroad in paldea (if i ever come back for another question you can refer to me as galpal anon lmao), and i have a bit of a problem.
my fomantis (lotus, female) has recently evolved into a lurantis!! im super happy since lurantis is my favourite pokemon but im a little worried, since lurantis are notorious for being difficult to take care of (im guessing it's to do with its petals), and im scared that i might do smth wrong. i've done all the research that i can, but it would be rlly comforting to get some extra tips to keep her healthy and happy. pls help!!
Congratulations!! Lurantis is very time-consuming, but once you get the hang of it I wouldn't say it's difficult. Remember- not everything that requires close attention is hard!
Most of the work lies in pruning and preventing infestations in the pokemon. Those petals will be kept sharp as a result of her natural behaviors, so your only concern there will be keeping them trimmed and clean. You'll also have to watch her diet to make sure she gets all the nutrients she needs- any fading of her natural colors is a sign something's missing. It's scary, but it's helpful as an early warning! Your local pokemon center should carry some informational pamphlets at the least- though I know there are lots of books on the subject.
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somnibun · 1 year
Me as a Pokémon trainer
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I like imagine none of pokemon are fighters except for my Cutiefly >D
Golisopod (Jack) Found by Bo after they were abandoned at a worksite, Jack suffers from brittle shell. The shell that covers his head is very brittle and needs extra care. Scolipede (Deli) used to be a fighting Pokemon that was found and taken to a shelter where Bo adopted them. Cutiefly (Q-tip) Was given Bo when they were younger Lurantis (Tea Leaves) Is and old Lurantis who likes pearls and started to living in Bo's garden and soon Bo just took them in.
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pokebiologist · 4 years
Any tips for Fomantis and Lurantis care? Im looking for a grass type that is easy to care for.
Fomantis are beautiful Pokémon that are popular additions to gardens as a highly decorative form of pest control. While still vulnerable to Bug-Type attacks, they use their colorful camouflage to prey upon small Bug Pokémon who are interested in eating the plants surrounding their home. If you have a garden or houseplants that sometimes get a pest problem, raising a Fomantis is easy and mutualistic. Otherwise, you’ll have to feed them insect-based protein meal a few times a week. Because they are ambush predators who enjoy basking in the sun, they do not have extremely high energy needs.
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hyperioncompanyman · 6 years
Tagged by: casually snatches from @compatipulse and @erregent because I saw them both do it. Tagging: Everyone make a pokemon team 
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Sylveon (Shiny) - It sends a soothing aura from its ribbonlike feelers to calm fights. It wraps its ribbonlike feelers around the arm of its beloved Trainer and walks with him or her.
Rhys gets very lucky. Like extremely lucky with events in his life that takes place. Despite sometimes being dumb as hell he is very lucky a lot of the time. So Eevee would be his first pokemon. He got it from an egg he was given. He took care of that egg. Had when he was kid and waited for that egg to hatch. Lucky little Rhys hatched himself a pretty little silver Eevee. A shiny baby for him to have. And he loved that Eevee so much and was very happy when it evolved into a Sylveon.
His little Sylveon is his pride and joy.
Honedge -Apparently this Pokémon is born when a departed spirit inhabits a sword. It attaches itself to people and drinks their life force. If anyone dares to grab its hilt, it wraps a blue cloth around that person's arm and drains that person's life energy completely.
This pokemon I mostly picked out as a comparison to Rhys’ stun baton that he has with him through most of the game. A simple weapon to defend himself and the fact it’s blue. But I also thought it would be interesting to have him have a pokemon that was less organic looking than the rest of his team. Sharp and ready to go.
Ampharos/Mega Ampharos - The tail's tip shines brightly and can be seen from far away. It acts as a beacon for lost people. Ampharos gives off so much light that it can be seen even from space. People in the old days used the light of this Pokémon to send signals back and forth with others far away.
Electric pokemon do happyen to be one of Rhys’ favorite types of pokemon despite not really have a party full of them. Rhys loved the look of a little Mareep. It was fluffy and cute and he wanted it. And he was happy to raise it to an ampharos and how bright it could be. And yellow being such a lovely color for it too. He was very happy to find out that it had a form after it that he could see it change into. The glorious white fluff that he loved about its predecessors that he could happily have again. 
Fluffy and gorgeous.
Noivern - They fly around on moonless nights and attack careless prey. Nothing can beat them in a battle in the dark. The ultrasonic waves it emits from its ears can reduce a large boulder to pebbles. It swoops out of the dark to attack.
Rhys had found a little Noibat tryng to steal his fruit from him one day. Little thief trying to take his things. Of course he had wanted to try and catch it and stop it once and for all. Trying to set a little fruit trap up for it. But the little thing was smart and liked to play with him. Rhys found that he liked the naughty little bat pokemon and eventually became friends with it and soon enough caught it.
Of course once it evolved into a noivern it got wise that it was bigger and could much more easily take his things now. Within reason. Loves the giant naughty bat though.
Arcanine - A Pokémon that has long been admired for its beauty. It runs agilely as if on wings. Its magnificent bark conveys a sense of majesty. Anyone hearing it can't help but grovel before it. Arcanine is known for its high speed. It is said to be capable of running over 6,200 miles in a single day and night. The fire that blazes wildly within this Pokémon's body is its source of power.
Rhys absolutely loves dogs. He had a tiny puppy Growlithe. So what better then to have a giant doggo that also can breath fire and is super fluffy. Rhys loves his dog pokemon a lot.
Lurantis - It requires a lot of effort to maintain Lurantis’s vivid coloring, but some collectors enjoy this work and treat it as their hobby. It fires beams from its sickle-shaped petals. These beams are powerful enough to cleave through thick metal plates. For self-protection, it pretends to be a bug Pokémon. Both of its arms bear keen-edged petals. As it slashes into its enemies, it looks like it’s dancing. Its elegant appearance has led some to call it the most glamorous Grass Pokémon.
Fashion. Elagent. Glamorus. Rhys loved the cute little bug pokemon that he found sneaking about. A darling little thing that he raised happily. Two fashionable beings. Little one following him around and copying him. Helping him pick out things that match. And finally the big pretty Lurantis. Plus also stripes! They match.
Overall Rhys likes looks as well as function when it comes to his team. He very much cares about his pokemon and loves them dearly. That Sylveon is his favorite. It was the first pokemon he got and he got lucky out of it and he loves it very much to have a shiny ribbon baby.
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scarlettlillies · 7 years
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Art credit: Hidekaz Himaruya, Transparents by me, heta--transparents, and 2p-hetalia-nations Pokemon sprites from (x), (x), (x), (x) Inspir. (x), (x), (x)
Click for the full view!
Continuing on with the Nyotalia sets!  You can find more sets and info about the AU here. Bios and additional team members are under the cut!
Nyo!Latvia Name: Rozālija Garanča Age: 19 Specialty: N/A Main Team: (Shiny) Ribombee, Bellossom, Flaaffy, Azumaril, Castform, (Mega) Altaria In Rotation: Ledian, Furret Not Used For Battle: Whismur
Rozālija is a shy trainer who is just trying her best. She wants to be part of the big leagues and does well in the Latvian league but struggles to compete on the world stage. She tries to be a mentor to some of the younger trainers around her but makes a lot of fumbles (type weakness/advantages, evolutions, etc.). Pokemon that are bigger than she is frighten her easily.
Nyo!Lithuania Name: Rūta Laurinatytė Age: 27 Specialty: Grass Main Team: (Shiny) Lurantis, Serperior, Arcanine, Skarmory, Decidueye, (Mega) Gallade In Rotation: Lycanroc (Day), Aegislash, Torterra Not Used For Battle: Eevee
Rūta is a highly respected trainer in Lithuania. Her team is menacing and leaves her opponents with no mercy. Her way of battling leaves the impression that she is cold and unforgiving but in reality she is very down-to-earth, friendly, and overall a champion of good sportsmanship. She raises her team with the up-most care, using tips and tricks that her parents, who work in Pokemon labs, passed on to her. She isn’t sure what goals she has mind yet but wants to keep battling for as long as she can.
Nyo!Poland Name: Fryderyka Łukasiewiczówna Age: 27 Specialty: Fairy Main Team: (Shiny) Tsareena, (Shiny) Hakamo-o, Oricorio (Pa’u), Lilligant, Lumineon, (Mega) Gardevoir In Rotation: Dragonite, Sylveon, Florges, Meganium Not Used For Battle: Ponyta, Mudbray
Fryderyka is an idol to many in Poland. She is both on the contest and competitive battling scenes and frequently appears in magazines and television shows. She is notably famous for showing up to competitions in folk costume. She and Rūta have been friends for years and perform in double battles together. Some people consider her to be a princess because she is sometimes fussy and only wants the best of the best. However she is very shy and just wants people to think highly of her.
Nyo!Sweden Name: Birgitta Oxenstjärna Age: 27 Specialty: N/A Main Team: (Mega) Garchomp, Kingler, Empoleon, Leavanny, (Shiny) Bewear, Clefable In Rotation: Aggron, Ampharos, Nidoqueen Not Used For Battle: Skitty, Togepi, Chansey
Birgitta was once a major player on the battle scene but has since taken a step back to pursue other activities. She dreams of running her own daycare and is currently building her facility not far from where she lives. She still enjoys partaking in competitions however (and preferring to stay close to home) and very rarely backs down from a challenge. Just don’t expect her to go easy on you!
Nyo!Canada Name: Madeleine Williams Age: 24 Specialty: Ice Main Team: Beartic, Glaceon, Meganium, Ribombee, Walrein, Blissey In Rotation: Dewgong, Floette, Sawsbuck Not Used For Battle: N/A
Madeleine is a strong trainer who unfortunately gets over-shadowed by the overwhelming pool of competitors in the North American tournaments. However she’s been having a lot of success lately in getting her name out, winning several titles and medals to her ever-growing collection. She finds herself getting the most attention in the type-specific battles where her Ice-types get to shine. Madeleine is extremely ambitious. She only wants to make her country and hometown proud.
Nyo!Austria Name: Sophia Eldenstein Age: 26 Specialty: N/A Main Team: Primarina, (Alolan) Ninetales, Illumise, Swanna, Jigglypuff, Meowstic In Rotation: Beautifly Not Used For Battle: N/A
Sophia is a top coordinator and has won several Grand Festival tiles. She comes from a long line of coordinators and it was expected of her to continue the tradition. She comes from a wealthy background and is mostly a home-body with very few friends. Unlike many of her peers, she does not take part in competitive battling and finds the whole atmosphere unpleasant. She only attends them as a spectator.
Nyo!Spain Name: Isabel Fernández Carriedo Age: 30 Specialty: N/A Main Team: Oricorio (Baile), Bellossom, Aromatisse, Plusle, Jynx, (Mega) Blastoise In Rotation: Carracosta Not Used For Battle: N/A
Isabel was another powerhouse trainer but has since retired from competitive battling. Instead she now works at a Pokemon school teaching young students the basics of being a trainer as well as runs her own dance school. During her days as one of Spain’s top trainers, she took down some of Europe’s toughest and won numerous titles and medals. She frequently gets asked to return to the battle scene but has no interest in going back. She occasionally serves as a judge for Pokemon Contests running in her city and in the nearby towns.
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
i recently evolved Sakura into a Lurantis, could you give me some tips on how to care for her now she's all grown up?
I'd answer this now, but I'm already making a post on lurantis, including care tips. It'll be done soon! I just need to finish other asks
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