#lucifer morningstar roleplay
lucinful · 3 months
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Independent, selective, and private Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel. 18+ only. source typical content warnings. rules.
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king--of--ducks · 2 months
*Gabriel appears, leaning against a wall with his service dog by his side*
“You’ve not been eating properly. An anon snitched.”
( @ask-the-archs )
🍎Fucking damnit.🍎
🍎I ate today? So…..yeah….food…..yeah…🍎
Lucifer was about ready to slap himself for these horrendous social skills.
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hazbinroomservice · 23 days
I think you're great.
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rpicons · 4 months
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925 icons of lucifer from hazbin hotel s1ep5. Like or reblog if using icons. Download: here.
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radioapplebrainrot247 · 3 months
Radioapple RP Search
Salutations! She/her 25+ here. I am currently in search of female or non-binary partners who are at least 21+ who would like to do a Hazbin Hotel roleplay with me on Discord. More specifically a radioapple (Lucifer x Alastor) roleplay. They are currently imbedded into my brain and I need someone to share this brain rot with me.
I would write as Alastor so I am looking for someone to write as Lucifer. I am interested in doing some sort of an enemies to lovers sort of plot. I love the current tension between them going on but I want to create a story that helps them go from hating one another to feeling something else obviously. I do write Alastor as a switch, ace/asexual *but* trust me he will be very curious and open to certain things.
I don’t have a set plot in mind so I would like us to go over any ideas we have together to come up with something. I’d like something with some angst, drama and romance. NSFW is welcomed at some point into the plot as well but we will need to build up to it more than likely.
I’m also into sending fanart, videos, etc.. to help keep the muse going and the feels rising. If that interests you too then you have found the right girl lol!
If you’re interested in discussing a plot with me, like this post and I’ll DM you, or feel free to DM me directly.
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Is anyone up for a Radioapple roleplay? (you can choose whoever you want to be) 🍎📻✨❤️
Message me or comment, I am curious to try out the roleplay
- I’m okay with almost anything, and I can adhere to your preferences
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hells-morning-angel · 3 months
Do you have holy water, I just showed Alastor a picture of Vox with an Alastor body pillow
The former Angel dug around his workshop and bedroom for a long moment in an attempt to find you holy water. He didn’t understand how that would help with erasing the mental image from your mind, but, he wasn’t going to refuse anyone who had the word ‘Duck’ in their name.
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“Ah ha! Here you are! Theres uh not very much of the stuff in there as you can see!” He shook the bottle, it’s nearly empty “But it should do the trick…if you think that holy stuff is gonna work any on….your…eyes??? Is that what you’re trying to wash clean over there?? Because I could just snap these two ol fingers of mine and make you blind! It’s magictastical the wonders that can do when you don’t wanna….wait Radioshitshow is in this, you’re not gonna extend my gift to you over to him, are you? Because buddiopalfriend of mine, this isn’t for him and it won’t ever be for him! That guy doesn’t get my help….daughter stealing tacky piece of…” Lucifer’s voice mumbled the final parts of what he said incoherently and his expression noticeably soured.
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appleasks · 2 months
Has Alastor ever taken a bite out of you? (in a cannibalistic way, not a romantic way lmao)
“haha  ...  i  don't  believe  i'd  even  let  him  get  within  cane-distance  from  me.”
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little-queer-bee · 3 months
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Come Join us for a fun time! We are a community Hazbin and Helluva roleplay sever with a chill vibe, with lots of people who have been fans since the pilot came out years ago! Its a diverse community of people from all over the world mostly in the US and Europe! 20+ please. We are looking for mature and competent role-players who want to tell interesting interwoven stories with both canon characters and ocs. Its an open story community RP, with minor character sheets and plenty of opportunity.
We are a positive and welcoming, if not a bit timid group who are excited to help new comers to both roleplay and the Hazbin hotel community as a whole! Come talk theories, watch episodes, and vibe with some adults who enjoy your hobbies! WE ARE A PRO SHIPPING COMMUNITY WHO ENCOURAGES OUTSIDE SERVER RP AS WELL! Make friends who share your fun style! Build life long bonds! Draw and write together! uvu
Server link
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charlie-is-a-rainbow · 4 months
What’s your favorite thing about your girlfriend, vaggie?
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“Oh there is so many things! I love her style! Her smile! Her hair! Her laugh! I really like how protective she is cause I know she is only worried for me. It’s sweet! She is beautiful inside and out! I couldn’t have gotten more lucky!”
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king--of--ducks · 4 months
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🍎I love messing with him, he’s so easy to piss off!🍎
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hazbinroomservice · 23 days
message for lucifer!
ur so cute and ilysm mwa🫶
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oh! oh! i, thank you!
Lucifer is at a loss for words, a fuzzy feeling claws at his chest as he continuously stares at the message, the most hated creature in existence being told they were loved, it felt undeserving to him.
thank you
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hhactorauofficial · 2 months
What would you guys do if you were to meet your canon counterparts? (Specifically, Vox, Al, Luci and Adam thank you!)
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Vox: "Ooooh boy- well, you guys have already seen how I am with my counterpart. He's like a... twin brother I want to punt into the sun-"
Lucifer: "I don't think I've ever met my counterpart just yet... b-but I would hope that we would get along! Or at least get along better than whatever Alastor's doing."
Alastor: "As much as his creation and writing are a stroke of genius and the magnum opus of my career– I genuinely hate the bastard. He's everything wrong with me with an added touch of mystery and charismatic comedy."
Adam: "I'm pretty sure you're just pissy because your new plaything got battered within an inch of his life. Anyway-! On my end, I would probably beat the misogyny out of him. Or I'd let Lute do it, growing up in a house of sisters would really teach a guy about how to handle women."
Vox: "... I almost thought you would've said how to think like-"
Adam: "Oh are you serious? That's impossible. It's like trying to predict whatever Alastor's going to do next."
Lucifer: "That's- did you just call Al a woman??"
Alastor: "Well that's a new, I never thought I'd hear something like this in my life!"
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For someone who was supposed to be the King of Hell, Lord of Unholy Legions, Demon of Demons, Strongest of All in Hellfire... Lucifer appeared mildly out of place in the hotel foyer, still trying to decide how he wanted to approach this. Approach that thorn in his side the size of a prong on an antler.
Saying that he was grateful would be a step too far, not for someone so.... dubious at best. How could Lucifer be anything but suspicious of this sinner?
Maybe if Alastor was a little more stupid, maybe if he did anything but wear that mask of a smile, maybe if he made mistakes Lucifer could pick at, then the King wouldn't feel so uneasy having someone like that so close to his heart: Charlie.
His little light could preach a real convincing argument, a good story that made you want to sit up and listen. Once she stopped speaking at you but to you personally, that is. A gift of the mind and heart nurtured by her mother, taught by the very best on compelling performances... Except to the Princess, it was all in truth, sincere vulnerability and hope for all on display.
With Charlie, it was everything but the very soul itself, leaving the likes of Alastor the Radio Demon to attach themselves to that.
Lucifer had shared his reservations in the past with her life's mission; his deep unease, about all the implications and truths involving their "people". Both before and after Lilith stopped touring. Even finally explained the unique circumstances of the Pride Ring sinners and the Exterminations... All for naught.
It's easy to be "supportive", to buoy her up and bolster that red-hot passionate fire to give out good to the world, encourage her to continue breaking out into song and showmanship flare, make the soul thump and feet stamp in tune... all to the beat of unsustainable naïvety. Get the Princess attached to gain her implicit trust and gain that "love" that makes a person do anything for their "friend". Their enabler.
Lucifer knows well the precarious position he stands in, how easily he could be sidelined as a distant observer in her self destructive life again... and be replaced from being father and guidance to follow. Left only in formality, the King of Hell she could always call on and bend the ear to. That was all.
So, here he was, in the midst of this lion's pit, with only his wits about Himself, knowing very well how he must tread in Charlie's "territory" with one of her "people". No killing, no maiming, no real overt "threats"; Alastor untouchable — for the moment.
But just like anything in this life, including Lucifer Himself, this sinner was replaceable. And in battles of words and riddles, threading the thin line between truth and misdirection, he could maintain the veneer of polite civility with the best of them. Heaven knew well the path unspoken and the smiles that hid strife underneath...
Alastor wouldn't be making any deals anytime soon with that ghastly chain around his neck, but Lucifer didn't need that. Only a few chats, a few answers, a few insights on Charlie's left hand man, and how his... indispensable assistance could be outshown and made redundant.
“Ah, look, it's our local neighborhood friendly hotelier ! You look unoccupied. And it seems you now have a guest... You'll indulge me, of course?”
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dirtmuse · 3 months
I am, yet again, on the hunt!
Anyone feeling up for a Radioapple roleplay?
I’m pretty open for ideas although I do tend to lean toward some good ol’ angst! I do have a preference to play Alastor but I wouldn’t mind giving Lucifer a go either! Shoot me a message, or interact with this post if you are interested! I’d love to get in touch!
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hells-morning-angel · 3 months
"Hi Dad!" - @charlie-morningstarr
“Hey my widdle singing chickadee! Wassuuuup!” Lucifer decided that using young people slang would sound absolutely cool of him to do in front of his daughter. Shes a young lady, wassup would be better then a how’s it going with you, right? Oh shit, he forgot to call her a bitch and that’s cool talk for friends!
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“How’s the scene at the hotel, biatch? Haven’t heard ya talk about it much since we reset the stage and said the show must go on! Annnd I’m hoping that’s not because of something bad or anything, you’d…you’d tell your daddy if something went wrong right, Charliekins?” He felt himself go from wanting to be cool to being concerned about the lack of news in an instant. He hoped nothing went wrong, oh god, what if something did and that’s why he hasn’t heard any update. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.
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