#luca cavina
spilladabalia · 6 months
Calibro 35 feat. Alan Sorrenti - Ti Chiami Diabolik
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queerographies · 4 months
[Arbasino A-Z][Andrea Cortellessa]
Clicca qui per acquistare il libro Titolo: Arbasino A-ZA cura di: Andrea CortellessaEdito da: ElectaAnno: 2023Pagine: 328ISBN: 9788892824195 Alberto Arbasino è l’ottavo protagonista della collana “Enciclopedie” di Electa dopo Savinio, Rodari, Steinberg, Woolf, Cocteau, Scialoja e Calvino. Nella sua opera, quantitativamente sterminata, Arbasino si è posto il compito ciclopico di archiviare la…
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clamarcap · 1 year
Rugiadose stille
Luca Marenzio (1553 o 1554 - 1599): Clori nel mio partire, madrigale a 5 voci (dal Sesto libro de madrigali a cinque voci, 1594, n. 2). La Venexiana, dir. Claudio Cavina. Clori nel mio partire Languiva al mio languire E da le luci ov’ha ricetto Amore Cadeano a mille Le rugiadose stille. Cauto v’accorse il mio dolente core, E da begl’ occhi intanto Co’ baci n’involò quel vago pianto. Meraviglia…
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lesser-known-composers · 11 months
Luca Marenzio: Solo e pensoso (Il nono libro de madrigali a cinque voci, 1599)
La Venexiana Claudio Cavina
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nofatclips · 4 years
Travelers, Explorers by Calibro 35 featuring Elisa Zoot
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
Calibro 35 - Blanca (Colonna Sonora Originale) - in which Italy’s great crime funk band broadens their sound for a TV series soundtrack
CALIBRO 35 - the band formed by Massimo Martellotta, Enrico Gabrielli, Luca Cavina, Fabio Rondanini and Tommaso Colliva - announce the release of the ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK OF BLANCA, the TV series produced by Lux Vide in collaboration with Rai Fiction, broadcast in prime time on Rai 1 starting from Monday 22 November. BLANCA, a crime drama directed by Jan Maria Michelini and based on the novel of the same name by Patrizia Rinaldi, tells the extraordinary journey of a young blind woman who has the opportunity to realize the dream she had since childhood: to become a police consultant. Accompanying this journey, the original music of CALIBRO 35. The soundtrack will be available on limited edition Double LP next February 18th. 28 tracks in total (of which 6 exclusively on the vinyl format), which represent a selection of over 150 entirely composed by CALIBRO 35 to create the sound universe of BLANCA: an impressive and choral work, which has engaged all the components of the Calibro for a long time, giving the band the opportunity to develop a very vast soundscape ranging from retro funk of some diegetic music to modern crime "in Caliber 35 sauce" of investigative and tension scenes. The BLANCA soundtrack is a concentrate of the fifteen years of activity of the CALIBRO 35 and probably gives a glimpse of the seeds of what will come in the next. Massimo Martellotta chitarre, synths Enrico Gabrielli tastiere, sax, flauto, vocals Luca Cavina bass guitar, synth bass, robots Fabio Rondanini batteria e percussioni Tommaso Colliva programming e samples
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italianoperalover · 5 years
 1 agosto 2019. Il Luglio Musicale Trapanese prosegue con i suoi eventi esclusivi, con il dittico Cavalleria Rusticana di Pietro Mascagni e Pagliacci di Ruggero Leoncavallo, andato in scena ieri sera al Teatro Giuseppe Di Stefano, a Trapani.
Uno spettacolo unico, pronto ad appassionare e affascinare tutti i presenti. Un allestimento in un teatro open air, la notorietà dell’opera, il suo carattere popolare e sanguigno, questi gli elementi per un capolavoro assoluto. Entrambe le opere presentano un’esplosione di passioni come l’amore, il tradimento e la gelosia che sfociano irrimediabilmente nella tragedia finale: l’omicidio di compare Turiddu in Cavalleria e quello di Nedda e Silvio in Pagliacci. Cast di grande livello per entrambe le opere: Cristina Melis è Santuzza. Rosario La Spina è  Turiddu. Carlotta Vichi è Mamma Lucia, Alberto Mastromarino è Don Alfio e Lola è Sonia Maria Fortunato.
Pagliacci di Ruggero Leoncavallo si conferma un’ opera che parla immediatamente al pubblico. In un ruolo verista come Nedda è  Erika Grimaldi, Rosario La Spina è un possente Canio; Alberto Mastromarino veste bene i panni di Tonio. Completano validamente il cast: Kashi Tatsuya  e Valdis Jansons sono Beppe e Silvio.
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Un particolare apprezzamento per i cast che hanno spiccato in recitazione, connotando di grande umanità e lacerazione i personaggi interpretati.  Artisti che hanno confermato ancora una volta di saper calcare con il giusto piglio le assi del palcoscenico, con una grande presenza scenica. La regista Maria Paola Viano ha offerto una grande lezione di stile, in sintonia con il lavoro della scenografia di Antonella Conte. I costumi di Ilaria Ariemme hanno contribuito alla creazione dell’adeguata atmosfera, valorizzati anche dalle luci di Nevio Cavina. Le coreografie sono di Luigia Frattaroli.
In entrambe le opere l’Orchestra del Luglio Musicale Trapanese è stata diretta dal maestro Federico Santi che ha condotto l’esecuzione dell’ Orchestra ed ha dato la giusta intensità allo struggente intermezzo di Cavalleria. Buona prova del coro del Teatro, guidato da Fabio Modica, è un elemento fondamentale, praticamente un personaggio anch’esso.
Una serata impegnativa e intensa, un teatro pieno. Ovazioni e applausi per tutta la compagnia artistica ed anche per le due piccole bimbe che, nell’ opera Pagliacci, hanno interpretato le figlie di Nedda e Canio.
Orfeo all’Inferno di Offenbach al Chiostro di San Domenico
Una memorabile messa in scena anche per Orfeo all’Inferno di Offenbach al Chiostro di San Domenico, a Trapani, nell’ambito della 71a  stagione lirica dell’Ente  Luglio Musicale Trapanese. La direzione d’orchestra del Maestro Andrea Certa e la regia di Natale De Carolis hanno dato fascino a questo gioiello ed hanno appassionato intensamente il pubblico.
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La peculiarità di un allestimento, una mise en scène che ha perfettamente valorizzato la musica, con il ritmo travolgente del galop infernale (il celebre can can).
Nevio Cavina ha ideato le luci, mentre Maddalena Moretti e Giorgia Ruzzante hanno disegnato le scene. I costumi sono di Simone Martini. Alcuni effetti speciali. Una semplicità di mezzi, i movimenti di personaggi e coro sono stati estremamente espressivi. Le musiche delle danze sono state valorizzate dalle coreografie di Patrizia Lo Sciuto.
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Un impeccabile coro, istruito da Fabio Modica. Suadente riesce Federica Sardella che tratteggia un’ Euridice dall’accento caldo e trepidante. Didier Pieri è un Orfeo dal timbro sempre accattivante. Marcello Nardis ha ritratto perfettamente il personaggio di Plutone – Aristeo. Completano il cast che ha conquistato il pubblico: il mezzo soprano Lara Rotili (Cupido), Roberto De Gennaro Crescenti (Mercurio), Paolo Ingrasciotta (Giove) Marta Biondo (l’Opinione pubblica), Gianluca Moro (John Styx). Il quintetto degli altri ha visto come protagonisti Miriam Carsana (Diana), Laura Delogu (Venere), Tiberia Monica Naghi (Giunone) e Luca Vianello (Marte)  Chiara Cabras (Minerva). I lunghi, calorosi applausi finali delle scorse serate appaiono la migliore espressione della compiaciuta meraviglia dell’Orfeo all’Inferno.
Prossimi appuntamenti: oggi giovedì 1 agosto, alle ore 19.00, nell’ambito della rassegna “Inchiostro d’autore”, al Chiostro di San Domenico a Trapani , uno degli autori italiani più seguiti e apprezzati degli ultimi anni: Lorenzo Marone presenta Tutto sarà perfetto. Ennesimo successo annunciato, il romanzo segue il quarantenne immaturo Andrea sui passi della sua infanzia a Procida.
La Lirica
Sulle note di Henry Purcell, in beatitudine mitologica e barocca il 10 e 12 agosto la regista Isa Traversi, con Dido and Aeneas, condurrà, al Chiostro di San Domenico, lo spettatore al tempo delle passioni della regina cartaginese e del celebre eroe troiano. Il direttore sarà Piergiorgio Del Nunzio.
Andrea Cigni firma gli ultimi due allestimenti in cartellone, nel segno della musica di Giuseppe Verdi. Al Teatro “Giuseppe Di Stefano” a Trapani, seguendo rotte shakespeariane, l’11 e 13 agosto con Otello la gelosia sarà protagonista indiscussa. Sul podio, Andrea Certa.  L’amore travolgente di Violetta Valéry e Alfredo Germont rivivrà invece il 19 e 21 agosto: La Traviata torna dopo il grande successo del 2018.
Orario previsto: ore 21.00
Applausi e ovazioni al Luglio Musicale Trapanese  1 agosto 2019. Il Luglio Musicale Trapanese prosegue con i suoi eventi esclusivi, con il dittico Cavalleria Rusticana di Pietro Mascagni e Pagliacci di Ruggero Leoncavallo, andato in scena ieri sera al Teatro Giuseppe Di Stefano, a Trapani.
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jazzfunkdid · 7 years
Calibro 35 ‎– Uomini Si Nasce Calibro Si Muore
Not On Label (Calibro 35 Self-released) ‎– C35 - 001 – Released in 2010. Calibro 35 ‎– Rare. Bass – Luca Cavina. Drums, Percussion – Fabio Rondanini. Guitar – Massimo Martellotta. Keyboards, Wind – Enrico Gabrielli.
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koufax73 · 3 years
Calibro 35, "Post Momentum ep": recensione e streaming
Calibro 35, “Post Momentum ep”: recensione e streaming
A più di un anno dall’uscita di Momentum, l’acclamato ultimo album dei Calibro 35, la band formata da Massimo Martellotta, Enrico Gabrielli, Luca Cavina, Fabio Rondanini e Tommaso Colliva, torna a pubblicare musica e a calcare i palchi di tutta Italia.  Post Momentum ep (Record Kicks) è disponibile da oggi sulle piattaforme digitali, mentre il 9 luglio uscirà anche in vinile trasparente in…
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27timescinema · 6 years
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By Diego Aparicio (pics © Giornate degli Autori)
After their first official meeting as Jury of the Giornate degli Autori, the participants of 28 Times Cinema were invited to attend a discussion panel with MUBI’s VP of Marketing, Jon Barrenechea. The discussion took place at the Villa degli Autori, and was moderated by festival programmer Teresa Cavina.
The panel opened with a discussion on how the video on demand (VOD) platform came to be in the first place. MUBI was conceived about 11 years ago, said Barrenechea, while current CEO Efe Cakarel was sitting at a Hong Kong café with his laptop, desperate to watch Wong Kar-Wai’s Chungking Express. What started out as “a small dream” with a platform called The Auters, later developed into the global service many cinephiles now know and love.
From the very beginning, MUBI’s mission has been to grant film-lovers access to great films, whatever their geographic location. Barrenechea stressed that the way in which MUBI differs from similar VOD services on the market, is that it offers an especially curated selection of films available to its users: MUBI programmes 1 film per day, each one expiring after 30 days, encouraging members to experience films instead of endlessly browsing a long catalogue without watching anything. Curation is dealt with in territories, as buying online distribution rights is subject to legislations that vary geographically. Bigger countries, such as the UK, the US, and Germany, each have their own curator; however, smaller countries with a shared history or language sometimes end up with the same programme, which can feel less specific.
“Festivals can change your brain’s chemical composition sometimes, by introducing you to things you never knew existed; hopefully, MUBI does the same to its users,” Barrenechea commented. “More than an online cinema, MUBI aims to bring a community feel to its users”. MUBI members can rate and review a title, as well as share film lists, and read articles about a film or auteur on the platform’s ‘Notebook’ section. The platform also offers a rental service, falling under the ‘transactional VOD’ (or TVOD) category, where some titles can be rented if they are not currently showing on MUBI. This service is particularly helpful in cases where an user has just missed out on a title, as the same film is never repeated within the same year.
When asked to comment on the challenge of VODs and cinemas coexisting, the Marketing VP remarked that “there will always be cinemas. There is more value created through cinemas than any other medium today. Cinemas are great.” Moreover, MUBI has recently started acting as a distributor, helping films from NYFF, the Quinzaine (Cannes), and of course the Giornate (Venice) gain visibility through a tailored release strategy. In the UK, for example, Berlin’s controversial Golden Bear winner Touch Me Not will be given a few select screenings in cinemas before getting released online. Luca Guadagnino’s Suspiria (produced by Amazon), on the other hand, will get a full 3-month release window before it ends up on any other medium. Once a month, MUBI also currently showcases a so-called ‘discovery film’, selected from a festival for a global, online, 30-day release.
“Unfortunately, many people don’t know about MUBI, so it’s important to create awareness first,” Berrenechea commented. As for the platform’s unique selling points: “MUBI is not Netflix. It is an online festival.” MUBI curators have recently included retrospectives to auteurs such as Sirk and Bergman; while a Bergman season may be present in a UK cinema’s programming, the same is not true in all countries – not even in those with a long-standing tradition in cinema, such as Italy.
The Marketing VP also duly pointed out that MUBI is in possession of DCP copies of films they buy the rights for, which they are happy to sell to exhibitors that ask for them. “There is so much content. Cinemas want exclusivity, and yet judge Netflix and other VODs for wanting exclusivity themselves. But there’s enough cake for everyone.”
When asked whether MUBI was considering expanding into film production, Berrenechea revealed that plans for that are certainly in the horizon. The company has already funded a 15-minute short by British filmmaker Ben Rivers, which will be hitting the festival circuit soon – first in Toronto, then in London – and will be getting a global release thereafter. The next step for MUBI is funding feature films, always loyal to its mission to serve the arthouse scene. “There is a discussion about funding auteurs such as Paul Thomas Anderson or the Coen brothers: $1m, no script required. The filmmakers funded would have complete artistic freedom over their project.” Of course, Berrenechea also pointed out that “it is silly to strap ourselves to one model. What’s important is to do the best thing possible for any given film.” On a further note, he added that LANsat distribution is also becoming increasingly important. “Things are changing. What we are seeing today is a consolidation at the studio level, but also in distribution: Disney is buying Fox, Cineworld just bought Regal.”
As for whether the company is open to working with virtual reality or gaming anytime soon, the Marketing VP stated that “at least for now, MUBI will be keeping a more traditional approach to cinema��.
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handstandrecords · 7 years
​NEW IN STOCK:  Zeus! - Motomonotono LP (Three One G / Tannen Records / Sangue Dischi) Listen/Order at http://handstandrecords.com
If you're at all familiar with this Italian duo, you know that the quality of ZEUS! is largely unlike anything else out there, and this record is no exception. Luca Cavina and Paolo Mongardi's distorted bass, meticulous drumming, and volcanic screams have again erupted, this time in the form of MOTOMONOTONO, the group's 3rd release. These guys make music that is both staccato within itself and yet fluid on a grander scale, morphing and melding genres countless times within the 10-track, 45-minute LP. The genius of it is that Luca and Paolo seem to be aware of just how much a listener can take before suffering an aural overdose, cleverly making distinct shifts between music that is brutal and unwavering in its intensity. HIGHLY FUCKING RECOMMENDED!!!
#zeus #motomonotono #threeoneg #tannenrecords #sanguedischi #orangevinyl #bluevinyl #coloredvinyl #noiserock #hardcore #mathrock #experimental #vinyl #records #vinylforsale #recordsforsale #vinylrecords #vinylarchive #vinylcommunity #vinylcollection #recordcollection #vinylcollector #recordcollector #vinyljunkie #instavinyl #vinyligclub #nowspinning
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tunieuniverse-blog · 11 years
Stasera odio tanta gente. 
Voglio andare ad un loro concerto. Diamine.
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nofatclips · 6 years
SuperStudio by Calibro 35 from the album Decade - Direction, editing: Patrizio Gioffredi
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burlveneer-music · 4 years
Calibro 35 - Momentum - more focused on the cinematic aspects of their sound for their new album (Record Kicks)
Cinematic funk cult combo CALIBRO 35 announce their 7th studio album “MOMENTUM”. Italian cult combo CALIBRO 35 release their highly anticipated 7th studio album “MOMENTUM” on January 24th 2020. “Momentum” follows “DECADE” their previous studio album released in 2018 that has marked 10 years of Calibro 35 and it stands out as a new starting point for the project. In the last 10 years Calibro 35 have dug the golden age of soundtracks and they’ve been to the future with “S.P.A.C.E.”, “Momentum”, as the band stated: "represents a look at nowadays and a reflection about making music right in the time that we’re living”. Inspired by the work of artists such as Tortoise, Jagajazzist, Dj Shadow, Budos Band, Stelvio Cipriani, Ennio Morricone, Sandro Brugnolini, White Noise, Comet is Coming, JPEGMafia and DJ Signify, compare to the previous Calibro 35’s full lengths on the 10 tracks that make up the new album band’s instruments and sounds have increased in number and complexity as the reality around has it too. The music palette is further extended by incorporating even more synths and electronic sounds, but keeping everything true and 100% real, with all the instruments played live and with no presets or programming. The two featurings on the album serve the cause as well. On the first single “Stan Lee” they’ve collaborated with rapper, producer and songwriter Illa J a former member of super group Slum Village and younger brother of the late legendary hip hop producer and rapper J Dilla. On “Black Moon”, the Milan combo provided the groove for London-based artist MEI. "If Decade was the sum of everything that the band had felt in the previous ten years" Calibro 35 says "Momentum is the prequel of what you will hear in the next ten". To mark the new beginning and come full circle, the recordings took place under the expert hands of usual suspect Tommaso Colliva, in the same studio where Calibro released their self titled debut album twelve years ago. Massimo Martellotta: guitar, arp odyssey, arturia minibrute, korg minilogue, gem rodeo. Enrico Gabrielli: rhodes, wurlitzer, piano, clavinet, mellotron, flute, bass clarinet, vocals Luca Cavina: bass guitar, minibrute bass Fabio Rondanini: drums, percussions, samplers Tommaso Colliva: sound and researches
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jazzfunkdid · 7 years
Calibro 35 ‎– I Milanesi Ammazzano Il Sabato
Not On Label (Calibro 35 Self-released) ‎– C35 - 001 – Released in 2010. Calibro 35 ‎– Rare. Bass – Luca Cavina. Drums, Percussion – Fabio Rondanini. Guitar – Massimo Martellotta. Keyboards, Wind – Enrico Gabrielli.
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koufax73 · 3 years
Calibro 35: nuovo ep e ritorno sui palchi
Calibro 35: nuovo ep e ritorno sui palchi
A più di un anno dall’uscita di Momentum, l’ultimo album dei Calibro 35, la band formata da Massimo Martellotta, Enrico Gabrielli, Luca Cavina, Fabio Rondanini e Tommaso Colliva, annuncia il suo ritorno discografico e sui palchi: sarà infatti disponibile dall’11 giugno Post Momentum ep (Record Kicks) su tutte le piattaforme digitali. Il 9 luglio, l’ep uscirà anche in vinile trasparente in…
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