#loving the songs released for Meteora's 20th anniversary
emometalhead · 1 year
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thats-the-teen-spirit · 6 months
Top 10 songs of 2023, reviewed by yours truly
As per tradition when Spotify Wrapped comes out I write short reviews of the best songs of the year so here we go:
10. One More Time by blink-182
The biggest reveal from the world of pop punk last year was that blink-182 is back... again. First I was a little sceptical especially after hearing Edging but this song, and its video made me listen. The lyrics are about the long lost friendship between Travis, Mark and Tom, and to be completely honest I shed a couple teardrops the first few times I gave it a listen. Amazing song from an amazing record.
9. Homicide by Magnolia Park
I'm completely new to this band, I found this song randomly in an Instagram reel that caught my attention. It's super catchy, almost Linkin Park-ish vibes that is a little "Octanecore" little pop punk, but nevertheless an absolute banger.
8. Jaded by Spiritbox
Spiritbox is the new shit in the scene, everyone and their mom knows about it. But just a little less than a month ago they put out an EP consisting of 6 melodic and heavy bangers called The Fear of Fear. This song stands out from the EP because of the insanely catchy chorus, the breakdown with the clean guitar melody and just the overall feeling of the song. Courtney has always been open about her influences (even and especially the pop ones) and this song is a great example to it.
7. Lost by Linkin Park
On the 20th anniversary of Meteora, Linkin Park released a bunch of unreleased material from the recording session of the legendary album and this was the first single off of it. What more can I say about it? If you haven't heard it despite liking Linkin Park then shame of you.
6. Without A Whisper by Invent, Animate
Another surprise as I've never been a big fan of the band. Not being so into the Deftones-y spacey vibes before, this band always has been a hit or miss. Until Heavener. It's blended so seemlessly that first I didn't even notice that there's now screaming instead of singing with a bunch of reverb. I still almost never skip this song despite Heavener being released earlier this year.
5. Fake Out by Fall Out Boy
This one is probably the only song on the list that is not a single, not even the top 3 from their album So Much (for) Stardust. The boys are officially back and this song proves it, The falsetto hook in the chorus got stuck in my head after the first few listens. I'm really really glad they are back to playing instrumental music because that's what they do best.
4. Might Love Myself by Beartooth
For me this year was about healing. Healing from a past breakup, losing my previous job, and just in general the depressing reality of adulthood. After hearing the first singles from the latest Beartooth album it was obvious that Caleb, the singer for the band had been through a similar journey prior to writing this record. This song stands out for me because of the overwhelmingly positive self-loving lyrics that are a must-listen when you have been through a lot of shit. I also like the little "whoo" before the second chorus, it really makes it sound like Caleb had a lot of fun recording it.
3. Haunted by Spanish Love Songs
The most underrated band on the list by a landmile. Also probably the most depressing band I've ever listened to, which says something. The whole new record No Joy has some really interesting musical changes from the previous ones, there's less screaming, less distorted guitars, it has more of a The Killers vibe than something off tumblr's 2015 pop punk hardcore best of (looking at you The Story So Far). Haunted is a bittersweet tune about being nostalgically sad about the old days, and for an old fart that is closer to 30 than to 20 it's a comforting thing that I'm not alone with this feeling.
2. LosT by Bring Me The Horizon
What do you get when you mix 'I'm not Okay' and current era Bring Me The Horizon? That's right, this fucking banger. I think throughout the year this song was the only one that I've never skipped. The pop punk-emo feeling is in every note, the breakdown is easily my most favorite of the year, the callout for it is even. "I think i'm gonna break down". Fucking genius by the most dynamic songwriting duo of the music scene, Oli and Jordan. The powerpop elements are also fun to listen to, it just blends really well. 10/10 banger, looking forward to the EP.
Ascensionism/Take Me Back To Eden by Sleep Token
The biggest band of the year was 100% Sleep Token. My Spotify was POSSESSED by their music this year, so obviously it was a tough choice to pick a song from their latest album so I cheated a little with the longest, most progressive songs of the record. Their music feels like a religious experience for me and the best example to this is Ascensionism, the "YOU MAKE ME WISH I COULD DISAPPEAR" line hits, the rap part fits perfectly, the guitars are heavy as balls, the piano intro is the perfect introduction, it's a 12/10 song, it's that good
And honestly I have the same feelings about Take Me Back to Eden. The titular song and its callbacks to Chokehold made me feel like I'm in a chokehold myself. The epitome of great songwriting was when from the nature sounds through rapping we got to the heaviest, low tuned breakdown of the last couple years
So there you have it, my personal top 10+1 list. If you read my review this far, thank you.
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tagged by: @slugluvvr and @maddsmallow
Rules: Tag 10 (or less) people you want to get to know better
relationship status: married for 3 1/2 years!
favorite color: probably pink? I also like black. But like get the right shade and any of the Roy G. Bivs are pretty. When I was in third grade my favorite color was the whole rainbow cause I couldn’t decide on just one. But I do tend to gravitate a lot toward pinks, greens, and black.
song stuck in my head: Lost by Linkin Park. I’m saving up to get that 20th anniversary collectors edition of Meteora that they just released. RIP Chester
three favorite foods: Chocolate! Above all. BREAD I told my husband when we watched The Last of Us that if something like that ever happened irl to just accept that was going to get infected cause I’m not giving up bread. Cheese. I could probably live most of my life off a charcuterie board and die happy let’s be real.
last song I listened to: Fresh Garbage by Spirit. I was showing the song to a coworker and telling them about how my dad loves it, and we used to tease him about the song being, well, fresh garbage. Although revisiting it yesterday, I was like. Well this really isn’t bad.
dream trip: I have two vague trips that I really want to do. Seeing the northern lights is on my bucket list, and I know there are lots of places around the world where you can see them, so I have plenty of options for that. Another one I want to do, is maybe a classic American cross country road trip. Like Route 66 or something. Or possibly cross country on the Amtrack. either way, it’s one of those trips where the journey is the destination. {insert that clip from the Miley Cyrus interview}
last thing(s) i googled: my student loan servicer 😭 I’ve paid off about half my debt but there’s still so much 😭 😭
tagging: ahh these are so hard. If you’ve already been tagged, just disregard. I’m sure I’ll see yours as I scroll @math-turbation @makingbakingpancakes @versailles-dove @cc-crane @mistymaples @b-bi-cam-bi @purple-dutp-brainrot @felinaszsz SHHHHH that’s not quite 10 don’t tell.
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pierswife · 1 year
Not really selfship related but like I gotta talk about it somewhere. It'll be under the cut. For content warning stuff it's related to Linkin Park and Chester Bennington's passing in 2017.
So Linkin Park has been such a huge part of my life and got me through some of my roughest moments and still does if I'm being 100% honest. Hell, people used to think I was lying when I said I listened to Linkin Park unironically lol
But that's not what this is about. For the 20th anniversary of Meteora, the band found a track that didn't make the cut for the album and Chester is the vocals. 20 years later, the band found "Lost" and released it as a single ahead of the anniversary edition of the album. When I started listening to it I had to stop what I was doing when I heard the vocals. It's Chester Bennington. Chester fucking Bennigton. It just feels so surreal to hear the voice of someone who brought me so much comfort and who's music helped me navigate so many difficult feelings growing up (and even now) five years after his passing. And the subject of "Lost" is exactly what I needed today to finally let myself breathe. Let myself finally cry over a bunch of tiny things that have been building up over the past few months. Let myself just feel. I can't wait to hear the rest of the unreleased songs that are being added to the anniversary edition of Meteora.
It's still so crazy to think that I was supposed to go to a Linkin Park concert the year he passed and never got the chance to. I would've loved to see the band live and I really hope the band holds more memorial concerts someday.
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xtayzx · 3 years
Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park
genre/release: rock, 2000
found from: “oh she’s just an alt/indie girl” - i’m quite a big linkin park fan actually. Meteora and LIVING THINGS are some of my favourite albums. i found in the end in 2015/16 from my classmates in my high school choir class and have been obsessed ever since. i don’t remember if i’ve listened to this whole album, but the 20th anniversary edition came out last year.
favourite songs: crawling, in the end, cure for the itch and pushing me away
rating: 4/5
other comments: dang, i need to listen to linkin park more again - i miss it :,) the bridge of papercut has some really nice harmonies. listening to crawling again reminded me of the live version, which is really incredible. the beginning of runaway really got me missing the 00s era. by myself got those screamo elements - yes. i have never heard cure for the itch but it’s reminding me of session by linkin park and i love it.
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