#lous personal
astrophagia · 5 months
i've been given so much shit for saying infection has a smell.
people look at me like i'm a freak but infection and rot has a cloyingly sweet smell fight me on it
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cuntvonkrolock · 1 year
reminder that trans men also fought for your rights and refusal to acknowledge this is tantamount to denying historical fact
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captain-flint · 2 months
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Tommy 'smooth af' Kinard
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to-be-a-dreamer · 2 months
Man. If I had a nickel for every time Zac Oyama and Lou Wilson had to rp a breakup-coded fight between their “platonic besties” characters because Zac’s character was experiencing a hard personal internal struggle and decided to leave a group/cause that he wasn’t actually invested in and mostly just joined because Lou’s character was passionate about it and Lou’s character was canonically very charismatic and good at garnering followers/admirers but Zac’s character was one of his only true friends that he fully trusted and was loyal to and Lou’s character was really hurt when Zac’s character left, less by the actual action of leaving and more by the implication that he didn’t care about Lou’s character enough to stay I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s fucking RUDE that it’s happened twice.
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lengthofropes · 15 days
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Tommy "great sass & great ass" Kinard in 7.03 "Capsized"
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ironinkpen · 15 days
hands down one of the best pieces of subtle world building this season is the name High Five Heroes and the way it doesn't mean anything. the Bad Kids and the Maidens' names actually say something about their respective groups and what they've done/been through. meanwhile High Five Heroes is clearly a name that was handpicked by Kipperlilly long before she stepped foot in aguefort on the first day or actually met any of her party members. it's a pre-approved inside joke specifically designed in a lab to be as bland and palatable and inoffensive as possible—a middle manager's attempt at manufacturing camaraderie. the most generic, perfectly marketable name she could come up with for her Perfect, Optimal Adventuring Party.
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classichorrorblog · 1 month
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Here are 13 movies that I can think of that actually scared me or creeped me out in some way. Granted, most of them were from when I was a kid, but I still remember being scared watching those movies.
tag rules: select 13 horror films that at one point in time terrified the hell out of you (gifs optional)
I was tagged by @pascow
I tag: @scarymovies101 @lonelyzarquon @leatherfaceologist @stretchbrock @keirahknightley @losthavenmine @ethan-hawke @ritahayworrth
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citrina-posts · 2 years
lou wilson is incredible bc usually he plays like. a Good Person. perhaps a lil entitled (fabian) or incapable (amethar) but typically good guys. usually a team player like jammer or kingston, people who radiate kindness, they help the party out and everyone loves them. and then he came out swinging with lord airavis. just a shit stirring bird with exactly one loyalty and zero morals
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stephendorff · 6 days
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Dedicated to the tired GIFMAKERS who has had their work stolen by idiots who believe Credit to the Owner is a valid form of crediting. To the tired GIFMAKERS who had to deal with the lame excuse that a reposter found their work on Google, Pinterest, or Weheartit and (reposter) didn't know who to credit. To the tired GIFMAKERS who ask to be properly credited and get ignored, blocked or receive third grade tantrums trying to make the GIFMAKER look like the bad guy even though the reposter is the one who STOLE their work Huzzah to Gif Making 💖✨🥂
film: Nightcrawler (2014)
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kasumingo · 10 months
A lot of older TMNT fans dislike the ROTTMNT designs for making the brothers barely look like turtles but actually I enjoy them looking mostly humanoid
They resemble the person they were mutated with a lot, they look like new species entirely and they went into drastically different direction with sharp, pointy dynamic lines, rather than huge round blobified shapes the other series were going for
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Plus the designs and thought process behind each of them are amazing
Like, I could rant about Donnie's design quirks for ages
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astrophagia · 8 months
back on the oingo boingo phase
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bucksboobs · 8 days
I think we should all be reacting to whatever the fuck happened on Twitter by writing more BuckTommy fic
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sunglassesmish · 1 month
lou saying tommy’s job as a firefighter is to save kittens when need be. i fully believe tommy is a cat guy and you can’t convince me otherwise
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pictures for reference
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repressedqueen · 2 months
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Me watching this scene for the first time:
"Tommy??" 🧐🤔🤷‍♀️
Me watching it again after 7x04 & 7x05:
"Tommy!!" 🥰🥹😌🤗💘
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evanbi-ckley · 2 months
Lou Ferrigno Jr, the man that you are
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don't mind me, I'll just be in a puddle on the floor for the rest of my life because of this 😭
(I couldn't afford a video on Cameo but the messaging was in my price range, and I'm so incredibly happy I went for it)
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