#loooots of backstory went into this
kristina100000 · 10 months
have you played new vegas before? or any other fallout games? also do you have some kind of backstory for your character or you just roll with xXx_dick_smasher_xXx?
i have been playing it a loooot lately, it was sitting in my steam library and i picked up on it randomly lol i named mine belladonna and made sure all points went to lockpicking and hacking
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seyaryminamoto · 26 days
What is Seethus actually? What's his backstory?
Hmm, I don't really think we'll get into it in-story, so I guess I'll say some things about that over here, since you asked...
The out-of-world backstory for Seethus is basically that one of my long-time collaborators (hell, the very person who gave me the original idea for Gladiator) suggested this OC for me to use, as an interesting potential ally for Ozai to rely on. I jumped on it, not only because it was an interesting concept, but also because... Ozai needs more allies, haha. It's kind of sad that I basically had nothing to go on based on canon alone. That his most reliable military officer in the show is his fourteen-year-old daughter doesn't bode well for his rule and militaristic campaign, does it? :'D So yeah, the idea of a bodyguard for Ozai, of a sort, came in handy perfectly for my needs.
In the original concept, Seethus had a rather tragic backstory where he had been raised in a very toxic/abusive household. He would have found ancient ruins with old symbols or so (kinda like the Sun Warriors) that allowed him to attempt an interpretation of firebending that went beyond common firebending. I can't remember right now if it was in the original outline or not for this to be lightbending all along, but I think it was? Anyway, the point is it didn't really work out as intended, something about the recipe kinda backfired, so to speak... and Seethus ended up in a rather twisted sort of "undead" circumstance where his otherworldly powers are also a disease that is killing him, much as he can use it to his benefit in combat or stealth missions.
That's as much as I can say about his origin story, to a fault. As I continued to write him, I concluded that Seethus did indeed attempt lightbending (I kind of used the Head Sage to convey those theories/explanations), but it didn't work out for him. Kind of like how lightning is supposed to take a toll on the bender if it backfires, lightbending, as I conceived it, took a rather steep one in his case. Basically, the misfire twisted the nature of his very energy, his chi, and corrupted it without outright killing him. It's as if the putrid stuff Azula was ailed by, after the Spear's essence infected her, could become her weapon...?
In Seethus's case, he lives off a very delicate and dangerous life-death balance, where too much life, too much humanity, would cause the corruption inside him to consume his remaining life-force and kill him. Too little life, and he'd die anyway since his life-energy would stop flowing and the corruption would spread and seize him completely. The main thing that makes him dangerous is the fact that he can bend this corruption, whereas Azula never did/tried, as her situation was a loooot milder than his.
So, Seethus is human, not a spirit. It's entirely possible to say that some spirit caused his bending misfire and corrupted his energy when he attempted to lightbend, of course, but I don't really have a full-blown answer for this because... I figured a lot of his appeal as a character was precisely about not having absolute, precise explanations as to who and what he is. Personally, this is how I envision him and the root from which I write him, but you're free to headcanon whatever you'd like about who he is, and where he came from, seeing as I'm not really going to go in-depth about those things in the story :'D
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kitkatt0430 · 8 months
Yet another Zelda question from me but anyway. Wind Waker. You recommended 'Cry for Hyrule' and I loved it because it was a great retelling - and also because I had wondered about several questions like 'why didn't a new Hero show up' and 'why did the Goddesses flood the world?' but obviously that wasn't canon so. My question is this - given that in canon it's established that it was many years between Ganon being sealed away and Ganon breaking out, why the heck wasn't there a hero waiting? Like there's no way the Goddesses didn't see that coming, so why didn't they prepare instead of flooding the world? And why does the King choose to destroy Hyrule instead of restoring it (like everything was leading to??)
Oooh, so I have given this quite a bit of thought, in part for my own fanfic ideas. :D And I have two main theories about what went on during the time of the flood.
So there's definitely a good amount of time between Ganondorf being sealed and Ganon finding a way out of the Sacred Realm, but it's not super clear how much time thanks to the whole thing being shrouded in legend. If it was twenty or thirty years later, then there was no hero because a new one hadn't been born yet.
OoT Zelda is left to kick herself repeatedly for sending Link back in time to create an alternate timeline and eventually floods Hyrule so that no one gets to have the shiny toy... er... land. This could work since it would give Hyrule Castle time to be rebuilt, give the surrounding land time to regrow into the pretty under-sea Hyrule upon which we may look (but not touch), and if it wasn't built on the same place the old castle was built then it's possible Ganondorf's undersea lair is built atop the remains of the castle he was a load bearing boss for. (Not likely, but it's a fun idea.)
I do think this is the less likely theory. In part because it seems more likely to me that Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule was king by birthright than marriage. Marrying the Zelda of OoT would have made him king (like in the fic you mentioned) and they could have had a daughter named Zelda, so no matter what he would have been the father of the last Zelda of Hyrule Kingdom. But it just seems to fit better from what's seen in the castle beneath the sea that he's more of a single father raising a daughter, which tells me it's more likely been a few generations at least.
So it's likely been a loooot of time between Ocarina of Time's ending in the adult timeline and the events of the flood. Not decades, more like centuries. And the latest Zelda to bear the name Zelda is Zelda-ed. Not all of them live in times of calamity, but this one happens to be the latest reincarnation of Hylia. And so Ganondorf escapes because it is that time again, he can feel the cycle boost his power... whatever. And a hero does rise to the challenge.
And fails.
Drowning Hyrule becomes a last ditch effort to re-seal Ganon when the Link of that era dies - without the reincarnated Hero's Spirit, Zelda can kinda wield the sword herself but Fi was not meant for her. So to save as many lives as possible, evacuations were made as swiftly as they could to the tallest places of the land with help from the protector spirits - the Great Deku tree raised part of the Lost Woods, Jabu-Jabu (or Jabun, though I'm not convinced he isn't the same big fish from OoT despite the different designs) evacuated the Zora, and maybe Lord Valoo got in on it somehow? I can't remember his backstory at the moment, Valoo may have shown up post-flood - certainly turning Zora into Rito is post-flood action. But the point remains. As many people were evacuated as possible and the floods were called down upon the land. Hyrule itself was protected beneath the waters, frozen in a sort of stasis in which no living thing could survive save plants and monsters.
In OoT and Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, no one is really aware that Link is going around saving them until it's all over. So it makes sense that no one would know about the Link that tried to save them and failed. His story would have been a protected tale of the Royal Family, eventually lost like so many other stories of Tetra's family and Hyrule's history. And so the people would be left to believe there was no hero. Better to think they weren't gifted a hero at all than to know a hero could fail... right?
As for why King Hyrule flooded the lands instead of restoring them... I'm not really sure about that one. I know there were limitations imposed during the game's development that prevented having both sea dungeons above the water and land dungeons beneath the water which is why all the action intended for beneath the waves got scrapped (except for the castle and final dungeon), but I kinda suspect the ending was also affected by the limitations and so developers may have had to flood Hyrule to explain why the rest of the ending kinda had to take place on the sea.
Of course, that IRL speculation. For in universe... I think maybe King Hyrule was hoping that by trapping Ganondorf's corpse below the waves and burying Hyrule itself, that would break the cycle that Ganondorf was just the latest symptom of. Ganondorf's original reason for attacking Hyrule was to make life better for his people - he got lost in the power-sauce, so his good intentions went right out the nearest window (likely while OoT Link and Zelda were waving hello) - and without the land specifically blessed by the goddesses perhaps no one else would be tempted into gaining & misusing dark powers against their people once they made a new home.
Someone clearly did not anticipate the advent of trains or that demon trains might be a thing. :D
I do think it would have been interesting if flooding old Hyrule had caused the sea level to drop significantly, wreaking havoc because now all the ports are hanging out well above sea level (what a pain for everyone, especially anyone with beached ships) and also uncovering a number of new, empty islands across the seas. Along with the existing islands from the game now much enlarged due to underwater areas surrounding those islands being uncovered.
Anyway, I really like the idea that there was a hero of the flood era who failed. It's my favorite theory about the flood era. It's sad and tragic that he not only fails but is forgotten too, but it makes so much sense. Because the hero's spirit always reincarnates. When there is a great evil and a Princess Zelda? There's a Link to be the Hero. But. He doesn't always win. We've seen it before with OoT Link, since the downfall timeline is created by his death. And BotW/TotK Link almost joined alt timeline OoT Link and Flood Era link as a failed/dead hero. There are probably others scattered throughout the timelines too. The victories are remembered by history. The failures... not so much.
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lux-scriptum · 1 year
14 and 18 for the pride asks!
14. Do you have ocs on the aro or ace spectrum?
Yes! Luci is aromantic (and hetero…ish?). Angela is aro/ace and sex neutral. Tuathal is ace and straight and sex repulsed (and also touch averse but thats trauma not sexuality). Bailey is ace and so is Alice. Not sure if they are on the positive/neutral/repulsed spectrum, but Alice is also a lesbian. Cliff is aro/ace and sex neutral. Pretty sure Ethan (Amara’s third kid) is ace but sex positive. Heth is ace, gay, and sex neutral, but he has been in sexual/romantic relationships with women. He was very confused for a while 😅 theres probably more but I’m pulling a blank
18. Do you prefer to give your ocs specific labels, or keep it unspecified? Why? If applicable, do you change their labels depending on circumstance?
So I used to assume straight unless otherwise specified, but now days I leave them unlabeled unless they make it clear to me, but more often than not I know. I have no idea how Sorin or Fax identify, for example, even though I know they’re currently in a same sex relationship with their respective boyfriends. I have had characters that I changed their labels as I went. Heth is a good example of that, though it is slightly a byproduct of me writing him originally in high/middle school and learning more as I got older. Originally he was straight, and then I realized he was ace, but just enjoyed his partner’s happiness during sex, and then later I realized he was gay and just had a loooot of internalized homophobia (and misogyny tbh). His cousin Sirena is a lesbian who has had sex with men before, and would again if it was useful to her. Usually I only know these specific details if it’s plot or backstory related tho. Or if I’m playing organization games in my head and compare characters with each other (thats how i found out Amara is pan, and Barry is bi. Its a vibe on how they approach their attraction to people, and I cant explain much further than that)
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tortillaperson · 1 year
CW: Blood!!!!!! A loooot of blood!!!
I made a character 😳😳😳
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Pepper!! He's my silly little guy for a CoC game I'm in. Gonna do a little bit of backstory ^^
Pepper's a former archaeologist, but went insane and now lives in caves underneath Georgia. He hears voices coming from rocks, which is what the bag is for; various rocks for speaking to or bashing something's head in. The CoC game is a zombie apocalypse based strongly off of The Walking Dead, thus Pepper being covered in blood. I did sort of dial down the blood/guts in the drawing, but I would like to mention he covered himself in zombie guts not knowing it was useful. He's literally just kinda insane. He still has some sanity left, just not too much!
The whole "bashing somebody's head in with a rock" thing was because that somebody was trying to kill one of the party members, so Pepper reacted accordingly. He's also like, super buff and shit because of rocks. He has an 80 in strength. He threw 3 total party members. Pepper is so silly goofy I can't stop thinking about the silly.
only downside is he's british
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therealchoreanese · 5 years
Ch. 1 - As Luck Would Have It
A/N: fanfic in progress inspired by @kceedraws‘s prompt & art about this lovely crossover ship, gonna put it up on ao3 soon hopefully
The penthouse was absolutely gorgeous. Wide windows that faced San Fransokyo’s bustling streets on the north wall, a balcony with a table and two chairs overlooking the bay on the opposite side. The tub in the restroom had twenty options of different flower-infused waters and whether or not you wanted bubbles, and the kitchen came with a fridge that could list recipes based on your taste, personal health, and whatever was inside it. Not to mention the flat-screen in the living room, or the marbled coffee table and fancy-looking leather couch, and the bedroom’s silk canopy bed and massive walk-in closet and -
“I can’t possibly accept, sir!” Marinette protested. “This is all too much. I’d be fine at the institute’s dorms, they’re cozy and with enough space for my designing-”
Gabriel Agreste tsked and waved a dismissive hand. “Don’t make a fuss. You’re here on my scholarship, and this is simply a benefit of it. Besides, a dorm is not inconspicuous enough for Ladybug activities. Here, you’ll have all the privacy you’ll need.”
“He’s got a point, Marinette,” Tikki agreed. “On-campus would be the worst place to transform, there are so many things that could go wrong and - oh, there’s even a little bed for me!”
Marinette sighed. If Tikki thought it well, then she definitely wasn’t getting out of it.
“One more thing,” Gabriel Agreste said. “Follow me, ma chère.”
Marinette fell in love the moment they stepped inside - it was a fashion designer’s dream come true. It was the least fanciest room in the entire penthouse, with only five blank mannequins and a worktable and empty racks where fabric rolls were supposed to be. But Marinette could make the space hers, fill it with life and love and all her ideas. And for a moment, she couldn’t speak.
So she threw her arms around Gabriel Agreste and squeezed him tight.
Mr. Agreste blinked rapidly, and he awkwardly patted her shoulder, but he seemed to understand. “Well, then. I’ll leave you to get settled. Keep me updated, yes? If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask.”
After Mr. Agreste left, Marinette fluttered around the suite, doing her best to make it feel like home. She taped pictures of her friends and family next to her bed, unpacked her things - even with three whole boxes of clothes and accessories, the closet still wasn’t full - and spent a weirdly unnecessary amount of time exploring the restroom amenities. She emerged from the tub hours later, the grime of the airplane washed away by a lavender bubble bath. 
“You smell lovely, Marinette,” Tikki complimented. “You know, it really is so kind of Mr. Agreste to do this for us.”
“I know!” Marinette’s voice was muffled by her rummaging through the closet. “Who would have thought that one year after defeating him we’d be here - in America, on a scholarship in his name, and him being a Ladybug supporter. My supporter. It feels almost like a dream.”
“A dream in which Ladybug leaves Paris.” Tikki sighed wistfully. “I wonder how Adrien will do without us?”
“That silly kitty will be fine. He and Master Fu have the other Miraculouses to help them out. Besides,” Marinette added, “’Ladybug’ is looking forward to meeting San Frasokyo’s superhero team on a night patrol. When do you think we’ll get to see them?”
Tikki fixed Marinette with a stern glare. “Not until you’re settled in. You need to adjust to the time zone, and get ready for school, and make some friends who have your back before anything else. I can’t stand the idea of you getting hurt because you feel out of place.”
“Okay, okay.” Marinette wriggled on a jacket. “Done! Let’s go exploring then, Tikki, we can see what’s around. I want to find a good bakery as fast as possible.”
“Homesick already, Marinette?” Tikki teased.
Marinette glanced at the photos on the wall and smiled. “Something like that.”
A bell jingled as Marinette pushed the door open to the Lucky Cat Cafe. The large cat above the doorway had reminded her of home - her mother had a statue similar to it next to the cash register. There weren’t that many customers in today, it seemed; but Marinette’s attention was caught by a curious white balloon-looking thing holding a tray of buns. To her surprise, it waddled up to her, and - were those two black dots supposed to be eyes? - it spoke. 
“Hello. I am Baymax. Would you care for a red bean bun?”
“Um, sure.” Marinette plucked a golden-brown pastry from the tray. “Thank you. Are you a waiter, or. . .?”
“I am Baymax,” the balloon repeated. “A personal healthcare companion. I am responsible for the wellbeing of patients assigned to me. Anyone who comes through that door is now my patient. You are my responsibility. Please, follow me.”
Baymax waddled towards an empty table and, with the pace of a snail, dragged out a chair. The scriiiiiiiitch made Marinette wince, but she sat when Baymax looked at her expectantly. It didn’t seem like it could smile, but Marinette thought she detected pride in its voice for successfully taking care of her. She had to admit, it was kind of cute.
“Please take your time to browse the menu. I must report that a new patient has arrived, but your order will be taken care of shortly.”
Baymax shuffled off, occasionally knocking around tables and chairs and a customer, and disappeared into the kitchen. 
“That was so weird,” Tikki whispered. “Do you think all cafes are like that here?”
“I don’t know, but I thought it was funny,” Marinette said as she flipped through the menu. “What d’you want, Tikki? I’ll get it to-go for you.”
Tikki peered out of the bag. “Ooooh, those strawberry cookies look good!”
“Okay, cookies for you, and . . .” Marinette flicked through the pages. “Oolong tea to go with the red bean bun. Oh, just in time! Here he comes again.”
After Marinette had placed her order, she pulled out her sketchbook. It was a new one she’d bought just to celebrate her move to San Fransokyo, its pages crisp and creamy-white. The Lucky Cat Cafe, cute and colorful and beautifully quirky, seemed like the perfect place to start brainstorming new ideas. But she’d just barely touched pencil to paper when a voice called out, “Order for Marinette coming through!” followed by, “Shit, no, Mochi, bad cat - nononono SHIT!” then -
A middle-aged brunette poked her head from the kitchen, looking mildly concerned. “Everything okay, Hi - oh. I suppose not. What on earth happened?”
“Sorry, Aunt Cass.” A guy with unruly black hair in an apron looked up at Marinette, soaked in tea and mouth agape, and then at the tray, shattered teacup, and scattered cookies from where he lay sprawled on the floor. “Mochi happened. You okay, miss?”
“What?” Marinette blinked herself out of her shock. “Oh, yes. I’m fine. But your fall looked worse than - oh no, my sketchbook!”
The guy scrambled up and leaned across the table, wincing at the sight. All the pages were soaked and stained brown. Even after it dried, there was no way Marinette could use it. 
“I am so, so sorry about that,” the guy apologized, abashed. “I’ll give you the money for it, no problem. And a fresh batch of those cookies to take with you, since I’m sure you’ll never come back here again. But, uh, would you like to have a change of clothes before you go? We’ve got t-shirts and stuff, totally free of charge, of course.”
Marinette held up a hand, trying to bite back a smile, her indignation and fury fading. She knew she should be angry that her sketchbook was ruined, but it was really sweet that the guy was trying so hard to make up for it. It was hard to stay mad at someone who looked so ashamed of himself.
“It’s fine,” she assured him. “You don’t have to pay me back. I’d appreciate the change of clothes, though. But I’ll pay for them - no, please, if you’re giving me the cookies for free, it’s the least I can do.”
The guy whistled. “Damn, I don’t think we’re ever going to get another customer as nice as you. Too bad you won’t be coming back after this.”
“Nothing could keep me away from those red bean buns.” This time, Marinette did smile. “They remind me so much of home.”
“I’ll let Aunt Cass know, then. She’ll definitely want to adopt you after hearing that.” The guy collected the tray and shards of ceramic, then motioned Marinette to follow him up a staircase behind the coffee bar. “Come on, I’ll get you the clothes. Baymax will take care of the cookies.”
“Are all cafes like that here?”
“Like what?”
“Do they all have balloon robots as waiters?”
The guy laughed. Okay, he was cute when he laughed. Pretty cute in general, actually, with warm brown eyes and bedhead hair and a crooked grin and dimples . . . 
Which Marinette was not staring at. No way. 
“Baymax really isn’t a waiter. He’s a healthcare companion. He just likes helping out from time to time.”
Marinette frowned. “But shouldn’t he be at a hospital or something like that?”
“It’s kind of a long story.” The guy shot her a smile that, to Marinette’s dismay, made her heart flutter. “But if you’re really set on coming back, we could swap next time you’re here. Mine for yours.”
“What makes you think I have a story?”
“That’s what I’m hoping to hear next time I see you.”
How was this bastard so smooth? Just minutes ago he’d been an apologetic, bumbling mess, but now Marinette was the one under the spotlight. Thank God for all that time spent with Chat Noir, or else her face would be as red as a strawberry right now.
“It’s a deal, then.” She stuck out her hand, and the guy shook it.
“Through here.” The guy ushered her into a bedroom, threw a set of clothes at her, and backed out quickly. “Just come down when you’re done. I’ve got to go soon, so I’ll probably be gone when you’re finished, but it was nice meeting you. Well, all circumstances considered. I’ll be waiting on that deal.”
And with one last crooked smile, he shut the door.
Tikki zipped out of her bag, giggling. “Well, he was certainly nice, hm? Not to mention good-looking.”
“Oh, hush,” Marinette scolded. “I barely know him. Besides, anyone that smooth with a stranger? He probably does it all the time. I am curious about Baymax, though. And like you said earlier, it’d be nice to have a friend around.”
“So you’re going to cash in on the deal?” Tikki wiggled her eyebrows. “The way he said it, it sounded awful lot like a date to me. Or, at least, he wanted a date.”
“All I want is a friend, Tikki,” Marinette said, exasperated. “I’ve dealt with enough love problems for the past few years. I don’t need them to follow me all the way to America.”
“Whatever you say, Marinette.” Tikki kept quiet until they exited the cafe, and Marinette was worried she’d somehow offended her Kwami when she piped up with:
“You have to admit, you really liked his dimples, didn’t you?”
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genshinconfessions · 3 years
I just love Scaramouche.
I started seriously playing after the reconciled stars event. (More like during but I was still too low level and confused to do much) and didn't care much for the event really, same for the character.
But then the pale flame set dropped and my attention went straight to the cup and *chef's kiss* that made artist little brain go all out I had headcanons and theories and even drew him a lot and he became my asshole muse (I love drawing him and will default to draw him but HIS HAIR IS SO ANNOYING)
I was also really into Baal and her story but I also dropped it so easily because,, why do the story quests and read the lore and books about the lore of Ei when I could stare at the Shakkei Pavilion description like a madman going, "THAT'S SO COOL." in my head every 3 seconds?
And the Rather aged notes? Gorgeous. I can already see him and the people there celebrate their successful weapon and how just GRACEFUL AND ELEGANT HE WOULD LOOK DOING SWORD DANCING.
pale flame
shakkei pavilion
rather aged notes
honestly i will admit scaramouche has very interesting backstory and keith likes him because he's such an ass LOL
(and with the recent turn of events described by labyrinth warriors.... it's a loooot of speculation heh)
- katheryne from liyue
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What was your loop like?
Welcome to Stella's ridiculous loop time! This is probably gonna end up being really long, but fuck it! Let's have fun here!
Ok, the first thing, my loop was like...hidden like goddamn area 51. My ymbryne pretty much said, "we have to stay as hidden as possible, we're an emergency loop." So, yeah backstory there for you. We had an ymbryne, who was probably the last one in the US, but for a very specific reason. Our ymbryne could never be found because, well, he's a man. Which, I know goes against the whole "men can't be ymbrynes", but guess what? That rule, doesn't take trans people into account! So yeah, my ymbryne was a trans man. That really helped with us staying hidden. He's a barn owl, so he goes by Mr. Barn. He actually broke a loooot of ymbryne rules, mostly because he didn't really care about any type of council or hierarchy. He just cared about keeping peculiar people safe and happy. Another rule he broke was actually getting married and having children. Which, surprise, I'm one of them. I look way more like my father than my dad (the ymbryne), but we'll get to him later. Anyway, I technically am from modern day, but that's because my dad had me in modern day and left me with my fathers parents that were still alive and well in modern day. My fathers parents were peculiar as well, and that's why it was all fine when I did get to leave to go and stay in the loop. I had seen my parents often, they both went out of their way to visit me as much as they could for as long as they could. Nobody told me about peculiardom growing up, mostly because they couldn't tell I was peculiar at first. They only found out because I followed my parents back to their loop and went in just fine. They panicked a bit seeing me in the loop, but I think they were secretly more happy I could stay with them.
I probably sound crazy rambling about all this. And I probably sound cringe as hell with how ridiculous my canon is. I hope you all like reading this at least. If you want to know more, feel free to send more asks. You can ask specifics if you'd like, or just general things. I can talk about the other peculiars in my loop. I can talk about my parents. Just...yeah I'm a very open book, practically transparent covers.
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calliecat93 · 5 years
My Top 10 (Current) Favorite Ships
Happy Valentines Day everyone! I am once again single and have still never so much as held hands with another person! GO ME AND HOW MUCH I SUCK AT LOVE! HAHA... wow I just made myself sad. But hey, just because my love life sucks doesn’t mean that I can’t celebrate it. So to celebrate the holidays, I am going to talk about my Top 10 Favorite Ships... at the current time anyways.
I have a... complicated relationship with ships. I don’t like getting into them much. I have several, don’t get me wrong, but they’re normally either canon ones or ones teased hard enough. But because of shipping wars and stuff, shipping has become a tainted subject for me. The A:TLA and Voltron fandoms alone have made me concerned about creators personal safety cause how dare these two specific characters not bang. But this isn’t about that, this is about the ships I have enjoyed. Ones I grew up on, ones I got into recently, and ones that have stuck with me throughout the highs and lows. Which can perfectly describe true love, sticking together through everything throughout the good and the bad.
So without further ado, let us begin!
#10. Tommy Oliver and Kimberly Hart (MMPR)
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Even before I knew what shipping was, I loved these two. Like a lot of 90′s kids, I grew up on Power Rangers, and I still keep up with it form time to time. Even with my faded childhood memories (MMPR came out when I was like... six months old), I remember adoring these two. No specific reasons why, I just remember seeing them to all the stuff that even as a kid, I knew that couples did. GO on dates, give gifts, kiss each other, all that cute stuff. They were happy together and while the characters are kinda bland, their chemistry worked really well. Even now as an adult, as cheesy as the original show was, I still squeel whenever I see Tommy and Kimberly just talking or kissing. It was just sweet, and I loved them... even if after Tommy became the leader, Kim fell into damsel in distress mode more and more, but hey she still had her awesome moments.
It was also the first ship I had that got royally screwed up by the writers! Kim left the show because her actress wanted to quit, which is fair enough and it was handled very well. What wasn't handled well was in the Zeo season, they had Kim send a Dear John letter and break up with Tommy off-screen cause she found another guy. Why? To That Tommy can hook up with the current Pink Rangers. Now I have nothing against Cat, she was a perfectly fine character... bUT THIS WAS STUPID. No build-up, it’s done out of nowhere off-screen, it caused a rushed/forced romance that no one wanted, and considering Tommy appeared in the future and was single, it went NOWHERE. If they wanted a romance, they had plenty of other options. This was a HUGE middle finger to everyone who cared about the characters imo, and I am still bitter about it. In my mind years later, Tommy and Kim hooked up again and IDC what that one Christmas episode said. That is my headcanon, and I am sticking to it until I die.
So yeah, Tommy and Kimberly. My very first ship and it still holds a special place in my heart. Couldn’t make this list and not mention it.
#9. Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable (Kim Possible)
Tommy/Kimberly was my first ship... but as a little kid, I wasn't that invested in it. I just saw them do cute couple stuff and found it cute. But Kim and Ron? I watched Kim Possible since the day it premiered. I got to watch their relationship form beginning to end. I imagine that most have seen KP, but for those who don’t, Kim is a spy why can do anything while Ron is her buffon best friend/sidekick. Kim is confident, strong, and popular while Ron is goofy, easily scared, and very clumsy. But Ron is also more grounded to reality and capable of normal things like working in fast food or cooking, while Kim constantly stresses over things like romance and at accomplishing everything. Two very different people, yet they complete each other. Kim can get Ron to stand up for himself, and Ron can bring Kim down back to earth. It’s really funny when we see how they met, where Kim was very insecure and Ron stood up for her, and it was that act that provoked Kim to fight back.
Throughout the series, they bicker a lot but are there for each other. Ron helps Kim on her missions despite his incompetence, and Kim appreciates him for that. Ron supports Kim through situations like talking to a boy, even if he doesn't necessarily get what she sees in them. There’s always been this underlying theme that they might have feelings for each other with things like A Sitch in TIme and the episode Emotion Sickness really emphasizing their relationship/potential feelings. It finally came to a head in So the Drama where Ron fully realized his feelings when Kim got a ‘perfect’ boyfriend. It has Kim stressing over prom and not wanting to go with he r’just a friend’ Ron, Ron feeling alone cause Kim barley pays him attention in a way that’s sympathetic and not asshole-ish, and it ends with Ron helping Kim back up at her lowest point, Kim realizing how Ron had always been there, and... well look at the screencap I used to see how it ended.
Kim and Ron complete each other. They bring out the best in each other and bring them back down when they go too far. They bicker, but they also support each other, even if they don’t always like what the other is doing. We get to see them together at their best and their worst, and it ends on a very satisfying note... and then S4 happened, but meh. It’s still a great ship with two really good characters, and ho boy do i still love it.
#8. Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste + all other subsequent combos (Miraculous Ladybug)
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Probably no surprise to my followers that this is on here... but some may raise a brow that it’s only at eight. To put it simply, with how the show has been going as of late, I have a LOOOOT of issues with it right now. But I want to use this to praise ships I like, not break them down so I’ll save that for another day.
This one is cute. Marinette is a good-hearted girl who has a huge crush on Adrien, while Adrien is in love with Mari’s superhero identity Ladybug. And with his hero identity of Cat Noir, we have one of the most insane love triangles in history. Adrinette, Maricat, Ladynoir, Ladrien, you get so many flavors of ships with just these two people! My favorite version is Ladrien since it’s the most natural imo and the one with equal pining, but they’re all the same two people so IDT it matters.
The show is about these two’s relationship. That is the heart of the show. Again, there are problems that I’m not going to go into, but overall I like them together. Marinette can get a little... too into her crush, but we do see that her feelings are genuine and it’s because Adrien showed her some kindness. While Adrien doesn't know that Mari is Ladybug, his feelings for Ladybug are because of her confidence and strength, which he starts to see in Mari too. This is the longest Slow Burn story ever and tbh, I want them to just go ahead and get on with it. But hey, I will find them cute and I like their interactions, so there’s that~
So of course a TMNT ship was going to end up on here. Now I almost put Apritello on here... but nowadays after all the recent stuff in the news, it’s... a little hard to look back on. So I tried to think of someone else, and while I considered Ramona... I decided to go with this:
#7. Hamato Yoshi/Master Splinter and Tang-Shen (TMNT 2012)
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One episode.
The show had one episode to show these two’s relationship. Shen had been mentioned in the past, but this was the one and only time we’d get to see her. And OMG, did they pull it off perfectly.
They sold me on this romance in a single episode. Yoshi is a loving husband, but also tied to his fmaily loyalties even if it contradicts what Shen wants. Shen wants a happy life with her husband and child, but has to put up with Yoshi’s indecisiveness and she’s understandably fed up. They do a very good job of showing Shen as a strong-willed woman whose first priority is her daughter but that she does love Yoshi and is understanding. Yoshi is a very flawed person, but he does try to make it work and his love for his wife and daughter are very clear. It’s not perfect, no marriage is. But that love is so clear, and you can feel it every second that Tale of the Yokai plays.
TMNT 2012 has received many critiques in how it handled romance. It went too quick, the girls were reverted to just love interests, the boys are creepers, plenty of things. And they are understandable. But they clearly recognized that if they wanted this episode to leave the impact that they wanted, they had to make YOshi and Shen’s relationship strong. And they did. From beginning to end, you feel for both of them. Shen isn’t just some woman that existed for backstory, she had a personality and independence, which makes you care for her and about her relationship with Yoshi. And therefore, even though you know how it’s going to end, when Shen inevitably gets killed and you hear Yoshi just sob in despair, you’re sobbing right along with him. 
So yeah, I love these two. It’s tragic, but beautifully done. I love it~
#6. Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell (FMA: Brotherhood)
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For the record, I am specifically talking about the Brotherhood version, not the 2003 version where their relationship went nowhere.
Okay, Ed and Winry. God I LOOOVE them. I know that Roy/Hawkeye is the favorite... but most of their relationship is left implied and open-ended with no actual ‘I love you’ or anything. So even if it was obvious what Arakawa was saying, I... felt like there wasn’t enough to make me care about them as a ship. Not the case with these two!
Their relationship is just so sweet. They’re childhood friends who both go through crap. Winry lost her parents at a young age, and Ed and Al’s mother died of illness and then the alchemy stuff happened and.. yeah. Throughout it all, Winry supported Ed and Al, helping Ed with his automail even when he keeps breaking t and supporting him through his quest to restore his and Al’s bodies. Throughout the series, Ed tries to support and protect Winry, especially when she tries to kill her parents killer and he talks her down. Overtime, they start recognizing their feelings and it was funny, cute, and after all the Hell everyne goes through, something that they deserved. 
The ending to Brotherhood, with Ed’s dorky proposal, is still one of the most heartwarming moments in anime period. Ed got the happy ending that he earned, Winry got to be with the boy that she supported through Hell and back, and it felt natural and super satisfying. It promised a happy future for everyone, and like everyone had truly earned their happy ending. We had gotten to see these two together, through both the good and bad, and how far they were willing to go for each other and their well-being. It’s just a super sweet romance, and I thank Brotherhood for existing so that we could have it.
I REALLY wish that I had more same-sex ships on here. But many of the more popular ones either are fetishisized, the actual work never had that intention, or the fandom got so rabid over it that it killed any potential enjoyment for me (looking at you Voltron). Doesn't help that in animation, there’s so few same-sex couples even if stuff like Steven Universe has been helping. But... I was able to think of one that I liked.
#5. Avatar Korra and Asami Sato (The Legend of Korra)
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YOu have NO IDEA how happy I was when this became canon. Okay yes, I know that it wans’t said in the show, but Bryke confirmed it and explained why they couldn’t do anything more explict (Nick didn’t want to anger international audiences). As such, I am forgiving of it and still happy that it’s a thing.
While I liked The Legend of Korra (more than A:TLA even if it is the better show), they... sucked at romances. Dear God everything they did with Mako in S1 and 2, I do NOT even want to think over it. Let sput it this way, I got tired of the live triangle so much that I started crackshipping Korra and Asami together because they deserved SOMETHING happy. When S3 had them getting closer, I liked it as I liked seeing two girls just be friends and not over a boy... but I didn’t see it as shippy since I thought that there was no way that Nickelodoen would allow it, plus after the previous mess I didn’t want them to touch romance EVERY again with this series.
Then the S3 finale and start of S4 happened... and I seriously started wondering. Asami was the one specifically reaching out to and helping Korra after what the Red Lotus did. Asami was the only one that Korra tried to reach out to after she went home. They both seemed very happy to see each other again, and much of S4 is focuse don them together as well as the previous one. And, of course, the series ended specifically with them, just as A:TLA specifically ended with Aang and Katata. Like... when Korra suggsted jus tthe two of them went away for awhile and them just looking into each others eyes... yeah, it was obvious what they were trying to do. And I was sold.
I love these two together. Even if it started sour int he beginning, the two grew into close friends as things went on. They were supportive, protective, and caring towards one another at their best and worst moments. They’re booth strong young women who play a huge part in the world and can take care of themselves. Korra may be more tomboyish and Asami feminine, but they learn to respect each other and that slowly shifted into friendship, and ended with two former ‘rivals’ (it was pretty one-sided on Korra’s part tbf) over Mako becoming lovers. For what they were able to do, I thinkt hat Bryke did a good job, and I still love these two to this day.
Alright, I have to put a Disney Princess ship in here. But of course which one to pick? There’s Ariel/Eric, Tiana/Naveen, Aladdin/Jasmine, plenty to choose from. Since Mulan is my favorite, you’d think I’d go with her and Shang... but that really doesn't play a huge part in the movie imo. I did some thinking... and I finally made a conclusion.
#4. Rapunzel and Eugene (Tangled franchise)
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Words cannot describe how much I love them. I’ll even go ahead and say it, they are THE best developed couple in any Disney film. Why?
In the original film, they play off each other well. Rapunzel is a naive girl who wants to see the lanterns, Flynn is a smug thief who bolsters himself up. Rapunzel is idealistic and positive, Flynn is sarcastic and more grounded to reality. They’re interactions in the beginning, such as Rapunzel freaking out and Flynn just looking stoic throughout is hilarious. But the movie shows has them grow to understand each other and learn form each other. Rapunzel becomes braver and more independent, while Flynn becomes more selfless and honest, even going back to being Eugene. They both are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for each other’s happiness, their love for each other shining brighter than the sun. THat love saves them both, and that alone is just beautifully done int he film.
Then the series happened, and it became better. Eugene is ready to take the next step, but Rapunzel is scared to and then her hair becomes magic again. Eugene? He accept sit. He’s willing to wait for however long it takes because he loves Rapunzel, and he’ll support her through everything. Even in the series, they both go out of their way for each other and try to support each other in any way that they can. There’s the occasional argument/disagreement, as with any couple, but it’s never devolves into sitcom-esque antics where you wonder why the hell they’re still together. At the end of the day, they are there for one another. Int he S2 premiere, Rapunzel goes to Hell and back to save Eugene form a forced marriage while Eugene makes it clear that he loves her and only her. It’s just SO GOOD to see a couple in a modern cartoon that I like together. Now since Happily Ever After exists, we know that they’ll get married eventually, but I can wait for the show to get there. I love seeing them, and God I aspire to have a romance like theirs one day.
#3. Jaune Arc and Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY)
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God this ship... THIS SHIP. This was probably THE biggest ship (that isn’t Bumblebee) during RWBY’s early days. Jaune is a loser who forged his way into Beacon and feels like a constant failure... and his lack of fighting skill doesn’t help. As such, he ends up attracting the attention of Pyrrha, a well known and tainted fighter who helps him start to grow out of the kindness of her heart. It became clear that Pyrrha was growing feelings for Jaune... but Jaune was oblivious and crushing on another girl. Despite this, Jaune respected and cared for Pyrrha as he started to learn to recognize others feelings and during a school dance, Pyrrha expressed how Jaune not knowing of her fame and talking to her like a normal person is what attracted her to him. He didn’t treat her like a celebrity who was above anyone’s expectations, but just as some other girl, and that was what she wanted more than anything. And it ended with Jaune asking her... and wearing a dress. It makes sense in context.
Their relation was mutually supportive and provided growth for both of them. Jaune grew into not just a better fighter, but a better person as Pyrrha taught him to be more considerate and to recognize others feelings outside his own. Pyrrha had someone who made her feel normal and accepted as she pursued her goals of being a Huntress to help people. Which resulted in V3 when the Maiden offer comes, and for Pyrrha makes her doubtful and scared of her fate. She can’t tell Jaune, but he realizes that something is wrong and he tries to provide comfort, even telling her that she was the first and only person to believe in him, even over his own family. While it sadly ended badly when Pyrrha’s fears make her hurt him on accident and Jaune feeling like he messed up, it still really showed how much their relationship had grown, and after the Battle for Beacon commenced, Jaune comforted Pyrrha and got her back onto her feet.
But of course, as we know, Pyrrha ended up being killed... but not before kissing Jaune before launching him to safety. It left Jaune not only losing his friend and mentor, but realizing what Pyrrha’s true feelings were as well as recognizing his own. As we see, he struggles with this. How his closest friend lost her life and how much pains he was really in, how he now has to pick up the pieces as he gets lead into something much larger than anyone thought, and having to accept that Pyrhha knew fully well that she wasn't coming back. Thankfully, by V6, he came to realize that Pyrrha did what she did because she was a Huntress and regained his will to continue on, thanking her for making him a better person.
Arkos, to this day, makes me cry if I just so much as think about the end of V3. The two’s relationship was super sweet, Jaune’s idiocy throughout aside, and it was just nice to see these two grow from each other. It’s sad that Pyrrha died, but she went out doing what was right, and Jaune came out as a better person who will keep living his life. If he finds love again, I’m okay with that and it’ll show how he’s moving on as Pyrrha would want him to. But no one is ever going to forget Arkos, and for what we had of it, I’ll always cherish it.
#2. Dexter Grif and Richard ‘D*ck’ Simmons (Red vs Blue)
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Okay, we all knew that this was going to be on here. It’s the ship I’m currently most focused on, and even the first I think that I gave a shipping tag to. I have talked about them multiple times. IDK if there’s anything new that I can add because I’ve said just about everything. But I guess in the spirit of things, I’ll go over it again.
This ship has broken every issue with shipping I’ve ever had. I normally don’t ship non-canon pairs, but Dear God I love them. I don’t normally seems fandoms use them just to have hot boy/boy stuff and I have NEVER seen any shipping wars concerning it that turned me off. In fact, fandom is what got me into this ship. When I binged it, I just saw them as two guys who love to hate each other... but the fandom did a really good job in convincing me that they were in love. S15 helped with that with how Simmons reacted to Grif quitting, and Grif clearly missing Simmons more than anyone and even leaving him out when he says he hates everyone later. But since until then the writers seemed uninterested in developing Red Team, I had to turn to fanficiton for it. And many gave them so much depth and their relationship as a result felt so much stronger and meaningful to me. This is the very rare time where fandom concerted me.
These guys are assholes. Grif is a lazy jerk, and Simmons is a kissassing rule-follower. Yet they compliment each other perfectly. They argue and bicker frequently, but it feels so natural and it just... works. And overtime, we see their relationship go from just kinda being stuck together to being actual friends. S16 really showed how much healthier and positive it was as the two matured, Simmons becoming more independent and Grif starting to actually try and work through stuff. Their characters got stronger, and as such theyre bond got stronger. Even if that doesn't necessarily have a spotlight put on it, form just their interactions, you can just see it.
I cannot imagine these two without each other, at least for an extended period. They work great as individual characters, but are even better when together. They balance each other. They, in their weird way, support each other. They have been through nearly EVERYTHING in the series together and they’d absolutely do anything to protect each other. They may suck at expressing all of that, but it’s okay. We all know. I love them, and I just hope that RT will allow it to be canon one of these days... I’ll wait~
Honorable Mentions
Sakura Kinomoto/Syaoran Li (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Greg Universe/Rose (Steven Universe)
Ichigo Kurosaki/Orihime Inoue (Bleach)
Arnold Shortman/Helga Pataki (Hey Arnold)
Candace Flynn/Jeremy Johnson (Phineas and Ferb)
Yugi Mutou/Anzu Masaki (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Ash Ketchum/Misty (Pokemon)
Max Goof/Roxanne (A Goofy Movie)
Mickey/Minnie (Disney)
Various other Disney ships
Inuyasha/Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha)
Jake Long/Rose (American Dragon: Jake Long)
Superman aka Clark Kent/Lois Lane (Superman franchise)
Robin/Starfire (Teen Titans)
April O’Neil/Casey Jones (TMNT 2003)
Chris Kratt/Aviva Corocvado (Wild Kratts)
Sunset Shimmer/Human Twilight Sparkle (Equestria Girls)
Shining Armor/Princess Cadence (MLP:FIM)
And I’m probably forgetting a lot but this post is already super long and I can’t remember everything, so... onto Number One!
Grimmons was VERY close to being Number One since it is my current obsession. But then I remembered one other... and I HAD to make it Number One. It is something that I have followed along since I learned what fandoms were, and whenever I think of true love... this is the couple that appears in my mind. I could not leave it off, or not give it the top spot. So my friends, I present to you my Favorite Ship:
#1. Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon and Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask (Sailor Moon)
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Ah, Sailor Moon, my first fandom. My childhood. My love. The series that taught me about love... even when I didn’t care about Usagi and Mamoru’s relaitonship. So it being Number 1 is probably a surprise... but I shall explain.
As a kid... and for the most part as an adult, I am more invested in the girls relationships than about Usagi and Mamoru. It doesn't help that in the 90′s anime, it was the standard ‘these two bicker a lot’ scenario and then it felt more like they only loved each other cause they did in the past. Then R had that stupid break-up plot that I still despise to this very day. Fortunately it was better in the following seasons, S was especially overall super sweet, but... well, it felt forced, stereotypical, and like their love existed because of past memories. Even as a little girl... it just didn’t feel right.
Then I read the manga. And it was SOOOO much better!
While I do still find the romance rushed int he manga, it felt much mroe natural. The two don’t argue like five year olds. They took at least a little time to get to know each other, and uncovered each other’s identities BEFORE the memories came back. As such, when they did regain them after Mamoru got hurt, it felt more like the past just strengthened the love. it showed that it would last throughout the ages. They already recognized their feelings prior, rushed as it was imo, and made it feel more genuine. In the subsequent arcs, they don’t have stupid breakup arcs or a forced love triangle in the final arc. There are issues, very stupid opens (Usagi getting jealous of her future daughter for example), but their love stands strong, they support and protect each other, and they just grow stronger as a result.
This is probably THE most famous anime romance in existence, and it’s not hard to see why. Even if I have issues in how it came to be, their relationship is shown as equal and supportive. It has been something that I’ve followed since I was five years old. Flr what I said about the 90′s anime, I did still like it and I’ve only grown to care about it more over the years... even if I still care more about the Senshi. Still, it’s a classic and to me, is still the one and only Miracle Romance
And that is the list! Trying to go through every fandom I was ever into to remember what I shipped was HAAARD. But I really enjoyed making this list and getting to revisit all of them again. I might do more Top 10′s in the future, so if you guys would like to see me do anything specific, feel free to reply/ask me! Thank you all for reading, and Happy Valentines Day everyone! 💕💕💕
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tumblunni · 6 years
Random thought: the title My Medium for a story with a nonbinary protagonist?
I dunno, just cos I saw this random rpgmaker game called “Mix O/re” and my heart jumped into my throat for a second cos it vaguely sounded like one of those creepy dudebro slang terms for trans people, like “tr/ap” or any million combinations of crude terms for genetalia smashed together that I really don’t want to write here but am eternally sad that I had to witness.
THANKFULLY it was absolutely not that, and it just meant “mixed boy” as in “you have one of three selectable backstories for your main character”. Phewwwwwww! Tho it also sadly ended up being something I’m not really interested in, instead of a dating sim its a misdirect horror game playing with dating sim tropes. I really dont have the stomach for stories about abusive relationships and stuff, so No Thanks, Sorry!
But anyway it just got me thinking about if its possible to make a title for a story that subtly lets you know it’s about trans or NB people without being any form of offensive? Cos like seriously almost every damn euphemism for us has already been appropriated as bigots and used more often than the actual word trans...
Oh, and another random story of this thing! There used to be a game called The R/oyal Tr/ap, and that title came off as a sort of negative statement of intent about the author’s feelings when it turns out the big twist is that one of the characetrs is a trans woman. But it actually turns out that the author just legit didn’t know this was a popular internet insult against trans women, and it was a big ol stupid coincidence! So I kinda admire hearing about how she struggled with Steam’s administration to get the title changed to Confines Of The Crown instead. Apparantly its quite difficult after something’s already been released, so it had the new name as a subtitle on the artwork and title screen for a while before the Steam database got updated.
Though honestly the game still isn’t a great trans reputation anyway, its kind of a weird mess where its left way too ambiguous whether this is indeed a trans girl or a cis boy who was abusively mutilated by the parents who ‘wanted a girl’. And like seriously ‘forced to be trans because they wanted a girl’ is a stupidly common trope in dating sims so yeah. Its just.. not usually complete with descriptions of genital surgery. I mean the game talks about assassination and political drama and stuff but even if it’s quite tamely described and never visually shown, i think CHILD GENITAL MUTILATION should have warranted a higher rating! Also her ‘happy ending’ is kinda weird cos its like ‘i read in picture books that vaginas arent meant to look like this, i guess i’m a freak’ and then she meets a boyfriend who has self image issues because he went prematurely bald in his 20s and its like ‘i love you because i’m ugly too’???? Also his design makes it kinda unclear whether he’s still in his 20s or older, and I think the trans princess is only meant to be 17? And with how it describes her as so damn sheltered that she DOESNT KNOW WHAT SEX IS AND HAS TO READ A PICTURE BOOK, it gives off bad vibes of a power imbalance even if it isnt an outright pedophiliac one. Also seriously that’s what casts aspersions on the game claiming that the trans princess totally transitioned willingly, cos seriously she DOESNT KNOW that she’s trans until she sees pictures of cis genetalia! Just a big mess of very strange writing decisions that ruined the game for me cos i couldnt tell if it was trying to be pro trans or anti trans. And even though now its confirmed the writer wanted it to be progressive and listened to her trans fans pointing out one mistake, there’s kinda still..a loooot more mistakes.. So yeah *shrug* just wanted to vent about a bad game i guess. I should replay it tho to see if its really as bad as i remember, or if they rewrote it along with the name change?
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buckysboobs · 3 years
why did you guys thought he was miserable while playing tommy? that show surely has a loooot of sex scenes and he gets to make out with a blonde lily james dressed as pamela anderson and we know he likes them blondies as much as he loves to do sex scenes 😂 son muy inocentes, chicas.
i'm sure you meant this in a joking lighthearted way but if you didn't i would appreciate it if you could do some research on p&t's backstory and went through my other asks :)
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rcvcnaant-blog · 6 years
so it’s me...sam...again with what is probably going to be my last character for a while but i love him so that’s okay and i love plots so there’s some info about this soft murderous boy under the cut and as always, feel free to message me if you wanna plot!
content warning for mentions of blood and murder under the cut!
➰ ( CHARLIE HEATON, CISMALE, HE/HIM ) *✧.:°░。 —- is that AUDEN ARKWRIGHT ?! you know them, right? they are the 23/542 year old VAMPIRE !! they’re known for being BENEVOLENT & PUNCTILIOUS - but i’d be careful if i were you because they’re also RECLUSIVE & VOLATILE. i heard they volunteered to be paired with ANY FC.
so first thing’s first! auden arkwright was born in england back in the good old ages...aka the late middle ages...aka 1476. this was not in fact the good old days if you know anything about history lmao. especially for auden’s family, who were very poor peasants. 
(fun fact: auden’s father was an arkwright, aka a chest maker which is where his surname comes from! he made things like x, x, and x! auden still has one of the wooden chests his father made and hands down, it’s his most prized possession!)
he lived in what, at the time, was a very small village, very secluded and very poor. it was uncommon for children to live past their adolescence at the time, so auden was kind of a miracle :’) however being that he was an only child and so his parents were super protective of him.
THE FAMILY NEEDED MONEY THOUGH BC LIKE I SAID THEY WERE VERY POOR. so, auden went to work as soon as he was able. at first he helped his father, but then as a teenager he went to work for the wealthiest family in the village as a servant, completely unaware that they were all actually vampires yikes!!
so long story short your boy got turned into a vampire...and then proceeded to massacre the entire village
HE DIDN’T DO IT ON PURPOSE THOUGH YOUR BOY IS JUST THE SHADOW WORLD EQUIVALENT OF A RIPPER OKAY. ripper is a tvd term for a vampire who is consumed by an uncontrollable bloodlust. once they start they can’t stop though i’m changing it a little from tvd canon fight me once auden gets a taste of blood straight from the vein, he can’t stop feeding. he literally cannot help himself and he won’t stop until everyone’s dead and there’s not a single drop of blood left to drink. this has happened several times in the last 500 years. he’s massacred whole villages, towns, cities...you name it. so, he’s killed a lot of people and i promise you he feels unbelievable remorse. he’s constantly consumed by his guilt and pretty much ALWAYS suffering 
because of this, he’s done very little with extra time on this earth as his solution to not killing people has been to stay away from them altogether. however, he wound up meeting adriana laveau back in the early 1900s. the older warlock befriended him and had him aide her in freeing katerina laveau from slavery which...did not end well. i mean, they did free kat obviously which was great but auden wound up killing EVERYONE ELSE. adriana, feeling sympathetic upon seeing the extreme agony and guilt and turmoil he felt over this occurrence, took him in and he’s pretty much clung to her ever since.
adriana nudged him into volunteering for the bond and now we’re all here in wilshire woo~
that’s all i got for backstory right now so let’s move onto personality and other stuff!
he’s sad and guilty and suffering and that’s pretty much all you need to know
JK BUT LIKE HE REALLY IS EXTREMELY MOPEY AND MELANCHOLY. he suffers from a great deal of guilt regarding the mass murders he’s committed and sees himself as an irredeemable monster. there’s a loooot of self - hatred here folks.
he’s basically a 2005 emo
as previously mentioned, his solution to keep himself from uncontrollably murdering people due to his all - consuming thirst for blood is literally to shut himself away from everyone. he has and will literally sit all alone by himself, in a room for days and even weeks if kat and / or adriana doesn’t drag him out, but they usually do. they force him to socialize every once in a while but he’s not great at it
that being said, he can be quite friendly! he’s very very soft spoken and can be shy at first, but once he’s befriended someone he’s usually the clingiest fucker on the planet?? like, it’s been over a century at this point and he still hasn’t left kat and adriana alone so don’t be friendly to him if you’re not prepared for that level of commitment
btw, he refers to kat as his sister and loves her dearly and adriana is pretty much their mom ok so if your char is part of the Laveau Family Mess™ lmk what sorta relationship you want them to have with auden!
he really just thinks he’s a monster who doesn’t deserve friendship or love or happiness or anything good in his life so he tends to push away anyone he cares for wow what a ray of sunshine though that’s also because he’s afraid he’d kill them if they so much as got a papercut around him
as for his skills as a vampire...i mean, one sip of blood straight from the vein ( has to be straight from the vein for him ) and he’ll go on a murderous rampage...he’s literally killed hundreds and thousands of people...so yeah, very violent, very murderous, very very deadly but only when he’s had blood straight from the vein bc otherwise he just hates himself and his abilities
i think that’s it for now! as always, i want all of the connections and am down for anything so pls lmk if you wanna plot! messaging me here or @mcrdices​ is probably best! k that’s it for now bye!
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illyrianwingspans · 7 years
My thoughts on ACOWAR
Soooo I just realized I haven’t done a review yet and I’m really not in the mood to do a full on 30 paged review like I originally planned (I had sooo many thoughts after reading the book) but I’ll just get all my main points across. 
I really liked ACOWAR. Of course, I don’t think I liked it as much as ACOMAF, because acomaf was more of a character-focused story which I really liked, and acowar was more plot and war focused, which i still really enjoyed, just not as much. I found the pacing was great though there were some lulls her and there, and I have a lot of good and bad points that I want to explain. Let’s start with the bad. 
So firstly, I really didn’t like the fact that the ending was so perfect. Through the whole series it was so built up to be this big epic war, the whole time Hybern was described as ‘indestructible’ and everyone said that they really had low chances of winning, and of course there were factors that helped them out (Byraxis, the Bone Carver, the Weaver, Vassa’s Army) but I really thought (and kind of hoped...?) that somebody was going to die. Books are supposed to make you feel things, and I felt nothing at all. Everything went perfect it was like oh, there’s a problem, okay,  everything’s fixed now. The only death that impacted me was the Suriel but even then I was expecting one of the main characters to die. Yes, I knew Rhys kind of died but let’s be honest as soon as it said he died we all knew they were going to bring him back I mean seriously you can’t kill off Rhys. But I was expecting more like Azriel or Cassian or Mor, but nope, everything went perfectly. It’s conflicting cause I’m glad all my ships are alive but I’m mad that there was no sacrifice to get to the end point. .
Another major disappointment for me was the final battle. As soon as the last few chapters came around, I was so excited to see how everything was going to go down, to see everyone fighting and blood and guts and magic, but everything was just... boring. I was EXTREMELY disappointed with the fact that Feyre was sidelined during the final battle because throughout the last two books, especially in the beginning of acowar, Feyre is described to have these great mighty powers and she’s so tough and strong but we never see her wield them to the full extent, which really pissed me off because I wanted to see her kick ass on the battle field. And I get it, she admitted that she didn’t like fighting during the first battle in Adriata, but she could’ve at least stood from afar and used her powers. Anything. She watched her sisters slaughter Hybern and be 129834973071% more effective then her. I also felt like everything, as I’ve said a million times lol was just too perfectly timed, like the fact that Queen Vassa and Feyre’s father arrived in perfect time for the war. 
Now to uplift things a little, I want to touch on a few things that I really enjoyed. Firstly, I really liked how we got to see Azriel’s character in this book while he gave Feyre flying lessons, because well, Azriel was always kind of in the background (blending in with the shadows lol sorry im lame) but in acowar we got to see how snarky and funny he was (like the time she hit the tree. i was pissing myself) and to put it out there I really ship elriel I’m sorry I thought I was on the Elucien ship but Azriel and Elain are so good for each other. 
Secondly, I LOVE Nessian. SO MUCH. Their moments in this book were amazing, the sexual tension and the protectiveness over each other was so goddamn good I couldn’t take it. I seriously can’t wait to see where it goes. 
The Feyre and Rhys reunion was amAZING. I loved it. Just that moment when Feyre just collapses to her knees AH I was in tears not gonna lie. Such a beautiful scene in the book. 
Mor being bisexual/preferential to women: I called it. I mean I never really shipped Moriel because it was so clearly obvious that Mor wasn’t interested in Azriel. I mean it sucked that we were lead to believe they were going to be a thing, but let’s be honest, it was there the whole time. They weren’t meant for each other. 
Amren and Varian: I really don’t know about them. I really wanted Amren to be Asexual. But they’re still cute lol. 
Tamlin/Eris ‘redemption’: It’s not a redemption, and I don’t know why people are arguing over it. Clearly they haven’t redeemed themselves, but they’re just seeing the evil they’ve done and they’re trying to fix it. They’re not begging on their knees saying sorry and Feyre and Mor aren’t forgiving them. Tamlin and Eris have a loooot of work to do on themselves but I feel like Eris might have more of a backstory that we need to hear. Tamlin will forever remain a douche canoe in my head. (Of course though I hate Eris too for what he did to Mor. But I’m curious to see his side of things)
High Lady/ High Lord dynamic: Is it just me or did other people realize that Feyre’s High Lady....But she was in legitimately no meetings, no decisions, no anything. Rhys was still the one calling all the shots even though Feyre was sworn in. That really pissed me off because she was High Lady she was supposed to be in on all the info, especially that scene in the court of nightmares with Keir and Eris. Feyre should’ve made the decision with Rhys to let the court of nightmares have access to velaris, it should not have been a one-sided decision when there’s two people running the court. 
Other than that... I really loved it. It was amazing, and I can’t wait to see how the story continues in 2018. My guess is probably two novels based on our two other ships, Nessian and *fingers crossed* Elriel. 
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sazandorable · 7 years
Fake Dating Trope and/or Iris
Fake Dating:
Familiarity!! Domesticity!!! Intimacy!! good shit
In the version of it where they don’t secretly have feelings for the other before it starts, that moment when the feelings start developing, the slow understanding, the slow falling while ALREADY having a form of intimacy…
Those moments where the situation leads to them discovering new things about each other (ie meeting family, friends, seeing their house, learning how they live, their pastimes and daily habits…)
It. I mean. The entire concept of it rests on non-consent. Technically. Like, even if it was their idea for both of them, there’s inevitably a moment when at least one of them is gonna enjoy something for romantic/sexual reasons while knowing/believing that it wasn’t intended that way by the other, which. Is, at the root, creepy. (this is a personal big squick tho, I understand that a lot of people like it because Unrequited Pining)
A loooot of the time, heteronomativity/amatonormativity/annoying tropes/clichés about relationships, tbh
rarely believable :p and often painfully second-hand-embarrassment -inducing;;
Iris (anime):
A solid character who happens to a girl and POC, with no stereotypes that I can think of, she just has interests (Dragons, nature, paranormal, Pokémon, battling, sports…) and dislikes (ice, snobby people), and some of those include things stereotypically “girly” or “Wild”, but there’s enough variety so she’s neither JUST a stereotype nor avoiding-at-all-cost-anything-Feminine-Ew.
She makes mistakes!!! And suffers from them, and is forced to confront them and make up for them!!! But is still not perfect afterwards!!! She learnssssssss, she’s still learning by the extra episode!!! Her backstory with Doryuuzu is sooooooo good, ghjfghdkjhg
-: (this is gonna be hard)
She is too harsh sometimes and her teasing/needling does hurt (mostly Dent, but whoah she’s also SAVAGE with Langley sometimes) (I mean, I love it, I’m howling with laughter every time. but Technically, Not Good :p) Same with the hating on Ice-types universally even the cute babies who want to be friends :
not a bad thing SHE does but a bad point related to her character: the dragon-telepathy thing is super cool and it was never developed or explained or really talked about??? it didn’t need a whole subplot but at least being acknowledged and recurring, it ended up being an occasional as-required-by-the-episode deus ex machina instead…
same: I’m so bitter that she went from “is a Gym Leader or in-training/already-picked-successor, and then the Champion” in the games to just “will be a Gym Leader someday probably” in the anime :[ i was really, really expecting to get the “LALALA YYYEAH SORRY I NEVER TOLD YOU I’M A GYM LEADER >>” Kasumi twist again when we eventually reached Souryuu City… :
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