#look look a finished one-shot!
pastself · 9 months
“Forever,” Peter had promised, seventeen and in love. And full of shit.
No Longer Boyish (on ao3)
Peter Parker/Tony Stark | Words: 1,187 (the oneshot that actually was)
In which:
Peter lives long enough to understand how long forever is.
Relationships are a lot of work.
Tony engages in Extremis-aided slow-aging and that's somehow not the plot!
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hulloitsdani · 6 months
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Well if ain't the consequences of their own actions! How we feeling about the new FEH book guys?
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bigshotautos · 2 years
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silverfoxstole · 6 months
I don't know if anyone else has been wondering why Big Finish have been using obviously photoshopped pictures of the younger Eighth Doctor on their covers of late but I've discovered the reason: though I don't know the ins and out apparently due to rights issues BF are no longer allowed to use images from the TVM (despite having done so for nearly twenty years previously) and have to photoshop other Paul pics instead, with varying results.
Naturally, me being me, once I knew this I had to go looking for matches, didn't I? Of course I did.
First we have very obvious photos from the Dark Eyes shoot, which often results in TVM Eight with stubble; not a great look.
From the cover of Lucie Miller:
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and Doom's Day (whatever that is; I have no idea):
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Incidentally, this one may have been used again, but this time mirrored and much more heavily photoshopped, on the just-announced Sontarans vs Rutans series:
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Then there's the face taken from a bts photo dating back to the recording of Storm Warning that was spotted a little while ago on the cover of next month's In The Bleak Midwinter by @know-it-all-freak :
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And the Night of the Doctor shot that has apparently just had the collar and cravat changed for Classic Doctors: New Monsters Volume Three:
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I can't find an exact match for this one from Charlotte Pollard: The Further Adventuress but it looks similar to one used on the cover of Dark Eyes 4 so may also originate from that shoot:
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The last couple, from Audacity and The End of the Beginning respectively, are stumping me at the moment, but I'm sure BF are probably sitting on quite a few photos they've accumulated over the years and never released. If anyone else recognises them (or the one above) feel free to jump in!
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a-s-levynn · 4 months
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And I'm still full of the love you want
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rotyolk · 10 months
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cornsarts · 11 months
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nomazee · 11 months
haii :3
could you write how shinsou would take care of a reader when they are sick :0
i’ve been a little sick this week so this would really cheer me up :D
pairing: shinsou hitoshi x reader
word count: ~800
content: sickfic AGUGHHH, friends-to-lovers slash unspecified relationship could be established could be not, cutesy, literally just fluff, vague mentions of puking etc typical sickness stuff
this was such a cute request omg thank you for sending it in! i hope u feel better much love! i decided to do this in bullet point format!
ALSO IM SO SORRY GUYSSS IM GETTING THROUGH REQUESTS SO SLOWLY <//3 i promise i will try to get as many of them done as i can but many of them are like long-fic format so they will take me a bit FEEL FREE TO SEND REQUESTS IF U STILL WANT TO!!! rules are linked here!
you're both in the gen ed department + living in the dorms
it's the middle of the week and you've been feeling ROUGH for the entire week but just haven't had the time to focus on yourself between studies and everything
shinsou and you are in your math class sitting together at a two-person desk while your teacher lectures
you're super dizzy even while sitting down, there's a sheen of sweat on your forehead and you feel way too hot overall, you're holding back a coughing fit because you know if you let it happen you're gonna end up puking everywhere
the bell finally rings signaling the end of class and the start of lunch and you can't bring yourself to stand up at all
shinsou is packing up next to you and doesn't really notice your unmoving form until he's slinging his backpack over his shoulder and looking down at you, expecting to see you packed and ready to go but you.... look like you're dying
"you good, man?"
he packs up your stuff for you because he's secretly a SWEETHEART and carries your bag and pulls you up by your elbow with a big sigh
"guess i gotta take you to recovery girl now"
"do NOT take me to recovery girl..."
it's not like you have anything against recovery girl but it's not like she would be able to help you with a sickness and she'd end up giving you a bed to sleep on or just send you to your dorm to rest anyways
you just want to sleep in the comfort of YOUR bed already
you tell that to shinsou and urge him to just walk you to your dorm before you throw up on his shoes
he tells you that the teachers will think you're skipping class but you flutter your lashes at him (it probably looks more like you're seizing with how sick you are) and say something like "you'll cover for me, right?"
he rolls his eyes but. yes. he will cover for you. (he's whipped)
walks you to your dorm with an arm around your shoulders and you try not to collapse from both ur fever and the feeling of him walking so close
your delusions are running rampant in this HEAT
walks you alllll the way to your room and helps you lay back in your bed, pulls the covers over you and everything and your hands are TWITCHING because you wanna kiss him so bad but you'd end up puking all over him in this state
leaves your room for a bit and comes back with an ice pack wrapped in a towel to put on ur forehead and hot tea mixed w honey for when you're ready to drink something
puts the ice pack over ur forehead with a gentleness you've never seen from him before and you're like dying and clawing at the sheets trying not to scream with how in love u are with this guy
"you should go back to lunch man you're not gonna have enough time to eat"
"you're on the verge of death and that's what you're worried about"
stays with you until there's like 5 minutes left in the lunch period and he (unfortunately) HAS to leave
you're holding back a whine because yeah you feel guilty that he wasted his lunch time taking care of you but also... stay here forever?!?! duh?!?!
he notices the hesitant look in ur eyes while he stands up and takes his bag with him and sighs and rolls his eyes all fake-annoyed before leaning down and kissing your cheek and you hold back the urge to swing and punch him because he CAN'T JUST DO THAT AND THEN LEAVE???
"i know you can't stand a minute without me but i promise i'll be back the minute classes are over"
"i'm gonna set an alarm to make sure you're telling the truth about that"
"you can count on me"
you sleep for like the rest of the day and only wake up when you hear your door opening and smell soup and there's totally no way shinsou made that for you except he definitely did because when you ask about the soup his ears are flushed and you're literally gonna kiss him if he doesn't stop being so hot
overall shinsou would be so soft with you in his stupid sarcastic way and tease you about getting sick because he's a JERK but also a cutie so you let him get away with it
would definitely spend the rest of the day sleeping in your bed with you and then also get sick and force you to make him homemade soup (it's only fair, he argues)
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
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feelin super-dee-duper normal abt this sim i made for @buglaur's handsome cowpoke...
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ctl-yuejie · 8 months
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きのう何食べた?2 - the menu of episode 1 -
カレイの煮付け Braised flounder
オクラの油炒め Fried okra with bonito flakes
ポテトサラダ Potato salad
お味噌汁 Miso soup
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im not making an au out of this (I don't wanna figure out the logistics of it) but I think I kinda went off with this loop design so enjoy a doodle sheet
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i am very susceptible to crack aus
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margarethelstone-2 · 26 days
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so i spent way too long polishing this up and way way too long trying to edit this post into something decent.
hope the result is worth it.
(allowing myself to tag @anna-scribbles again since you seemed to like the previous one so much).
...this gal I swear
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thedreadvampy · 8 months
legitimately insane how to some people, "we should wipe out this ethnic group that we've violently constrained to a ghetto because they're just genetically more violent and dangerous" is a reasonable and justifiable statement but it's Nazi Rhetoric to say something like, "it's bad that Israeli civilians are being killed but acknowledging that as tragic includes acknowledging that the almost daily state-sanctioned murder of civilians by the Israeli government is also tragic and unacceptable"
btw guys speaking of Nazi shit - can we check in, alongside what's been done to Palestinians in the last 75 years, what's the Israeli government's take on the Azerbaijani government's newest round of ethnic cleansing of Armenians? oh are the Israeli government's actions maybe not determined by Jewish identity, but by a commitment to colonial supremacy which puts them on the same page as other violently genocidal states like Azerbaijan, the US, and the UK? god can you Even Imagine?
(framing speaking against Israeli war crimes as inherently antisemitic requires understanding the Israeli state as representing all Jewish people, when it doesn't even represent all Israelis.
framing Israeli war crimes as synonymous with Jewish identity is pretty fucked up if we're being honest. I don't think that controlling water and power and movement for a captive population and shooting children dead for throwing stones is an inherent value of Judaism, any more than I think the torture carried out at Guantanamo Bay is an inherent value of Christianity - in both cases they're atrocities carried out by a far right genocidal government using religious identity as a shield.
Calling statements like "Israel is committing genocide against the people it's displaced" inherently antisemitic is doing more to further the idea that all Jewish people are associated with Israel than saying "the Israeli government is doing war crimes," which is a statement of fact about a country that exists and does war crimes. Is criticism of Israel as a nation often used as cover for antisemitism? Absolutely. Does that mean the Israeli government isn't doing literal war crimes repeatedly, on record, while talking publicly about scrubbing an ethnic group off the map? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well in the last 48 hours they've definitely cut off water and power to almost 600,000 civilians and allegedly used white phosphorus against civilians so in an extremely factual and unambiguous way yeah man those are Literal War Crimes whoever does them.)
#red said#sorry man saying 'it's bad to do genocide and war crimes' doesn't actually mean 'I'm happy when Jewish people die'#it means 'there is a context to Palestinian militants attacking Israelis which involves Palestinians being killed wounded or imprisoned#very nearly every day by the Israeli state and settlers. so no you can't treat a Palestinian attack on Israel as an unprecedented tragedy#without also recognising that Israeli forces have repeatedly visited attacks of similar magnitude on Palestine which is ALSO tragic#as well as the regular state-sanctioned murder of over 200 Palestinians in the 9 months BEFORE the Palestinian attack on Saturday#It means 'Palestinian lives don't matter less than Israeli lives' not 'Israeli lives don't matter'#this week is literally the FIRST TIME SINCE RECORDS BEGAN that more Israeli lives have been lost than Palestinian#bc for every year since 2000 orders of magnitude more palestinians than Israelis have been killed in this war#you don't get to say 'it's only bad when X ethnic group is killed it's GOOD to kill Y ethnic group' then accuse OTHERS of genocide apologis#it is legitimately a tragedy for Israeli civilians to be killed and wounded en masse. the people are not the nation.#but it's not less of a tragedy for Palestinians to have been killed and wounded en masse week after week for decades.#and when peaceful protest gets you shot and bombed and acting against the military gets you shot and bombed#and just existing doing nothing at all gets you shot and bombed. living near someone accused of terrorism. looking for your fucking cat.#when you're getting shot and bombed daily whatever you do. it's not surprising that sometimes people move to violence against civilians.#because as people from Gaza have said. better to die fighting for survival than die on your knees waiting.#which like. I'm not making a moral judgement one way or the other bc i am intrinsically disgusted by mass killing. as we all should be.#and this might be the movement which liberates Palestine and it might be the excuse which allows Israel to finish Palestine#and either way hundreds of people are dead on both sides and however you slice it that's a fucking tragedy#but we cannot. treat it as if Hamas' strike began the violence. and ignore the 200+ Palestinians killed by the IDF this year beforehand#Palestinian lives matter as much as Israeli lives. 700 Israeli citizens dead is a tragedy. 600 Palestinians dead is a tragedy.#and if you lay out the numbers from this weekend alone you can pretend that Israelis are getting decimated by Palestine.#but to do that you have to ignore the facts that for every 1 Israeli killed in the past decade 3 Palestinians die.#and that Israeli deaths happen in occasional outbursts of violence while Palestinian deaths happen every week#whether or not Hamas or any other Palestinian faction initiates violence
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goldensunset · 9 months
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surprise art attack!!! here’s @deityofhearts ‘s cashmere, everyone’s favorite whimsical tiefling
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lilyharvord · 2 months
Should preface this: I will be writing about whatever is chosen. If it already has multiple parts I will post ALL the parts I have written so far. If it is a one shot I haven't finished, I'll finish it and publish it.
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